Updated the SIS package, there was some BC issue with the earlier version. Also updated the platform UID to S^3 version.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: a data class containing browse-related data
#include <e32base.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include "upnpavbrowsingsession.h"
* UPnP AV Controller Client/Server communication helper class
* @lib -
* @since Series 60 3.1
class CUpnpAVBrowseRequest : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static inline CUpnpAVBrowseRequest* NewLC();
* Two-phased constructor.
static inline CUpnpAVBrowseRequest* NewL();
* Destructor.
inline virtual ~CUpnpAVBrowseRequest();
* Externalizes device information to stream.
* Leaves in case of errors.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param reference to RWriteStream
* @return none
inline void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aStream ) const;
* Internalizes device information from stream.
* Leaves in case of errors.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param reference to RReadStream
* @return none
inline void InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream );
* Externalizes information to stream and returns the object as a heap
* desctiptor.
inline HBufC8* ToDes8L() const;
private: //
* Constructor
inline CUpnpAVBrowseRequest();
* Perform the second phase construction
inline void ConstructL();
public: // New methods
* Set Id
* @param aId
inline void SetIdL( const TDesC8& aId );
* Get Id
* @return id
inline const TDesC8& Id();
* Set search criteria
* @param aSearchCriteria
inline void SetSearchCriteriaL( const TDesC8& aSearchCriteria );
* Get search criteria
* @return search criteria
inline const TDesC8& SearchCriteria();
* Set filter
* @param aFilter
inline void SetFilterL( const TDesC8& aFilter );
* Get filter
* @return filter
inline const TDesC8& Filter();
* Set browse flag
* @param aBrowseFlag
inline void SetBrowseFlag( MUPnPAVBrowsingSession::TBrowseFlag
aBrowseFlag );
* Get browse flag
* @return browse flag
inline MUPnPAVBrowsingSession::TBrowseFlag BrowseFlag();
* Set start index
* @param aStartIndex
inline void SetStartIndex( TInt aStartIndex );
* Get start index
* @return start index
inline TInt StartIndex();
* Set requested count
* @param aRequestedCount
inline void SetRequestedCount( TInt aRequestedCount );
* Get requested count
* @return requested count
inline TInt RequestedCount();
* Set sort criteria
* @param aSortCriteria
inline void SetSortCriteriaL( const TDesC8& aSortCriteria );
* Get sort criteria
* @return sort criteria
inline const TDesC8& SortCriteria();
TInt iCriteriaLength;
HBufC8* iId; // Owned
HBufC8* iSearchCriteria; // Owned
HBufC8* iFilter; // Owned
MUPnPAVBrowsingSession::TBrowseFlag iBrowseFlag;
TInt iStartIndex;
TInt iRequestedCount;
HBufC8* iSortCriteria; // Owned
#include "upnpavbrowserequest.inl"