author hgs
Fri, 30 Apr 2010 17:07:47 +0300
changeset 21 b39000d0fc2e
parent 0 7f85d04be362
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:      File sharing list class definition for Home Network


#include <aknsettingitemlist.h> // base class
#include <AknWaitNoteWrapper.h> // base class MAknBackgroundProcess

class CUPnPFileSharingEngine;
class CUPnPAppWizard;

const TInt KMaxTextSettingItemLenght = 128;

 *  Settings list class declaration
 *  @since S60 3.1
    : public CAknSettingItemList
    , public MAknBackgroundProcess
     * The internal phases of wait note when changing sharing state
    enum TSharingStarting
public:  // Constructors and destructor

     * Two-phased constructor.
    static CUPnPAppFileSharingList* NewL(
        CUPnPFileSharingEngine* aFileSharingEngine );

     * Destructor.
    virtual ~CUPnPAppFileSharingList();

public: // New functions
     * From CAknSettingItemList, this launches the setting page.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aIndex, index of selected list item
     * @param aCalledFromMenu, indicates if editing is called
     *        trough menu or from keyboard
    void  EditItemL (TInt aIndex, TBool aCalledFromMenu);

     * Reads data from storage to member variables
     * @since S60 3.1
    void LoadDataFromEngineL();

public: //From MUPnPFileSharingEngineObserver

     * Function informs when file sharing was enabled or disabled
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aEngine File sharing engine
     * @param aError, error code
     * @param aPhase ETrue if current phase is sharing activation,
     * otherwise EFalse
    void HandleSharingStatus( 
        CUPnPFileSharingEngine& aEngine, 
        TInt aError, 
        TBool aPhase );

     * Callback to inform if connection has been lost
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aEngine File sharing engine
    void HandleSharingConnectionLost( 
        CUPnPFileSharingEngine& aEngine );


     * Processes progress information and sets secondary texts according to
     * received progress
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aProgressInfo, Type containg the progress information
    void SetFilesharingTextsL(
        const RArray<TUpnpProgressInfo>& aProgressInfo );

     * Sets the default secondary texts if no sharing is ongoing
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aMediaType, Type of the media
     * @param aState, State of the selection
    void SetDefaultSecondaryTextsL(
        const TInt& aMediaType,
        const TInt& aState );

     * Sets the secondary texts id there is sharing ongoing
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aMediaType, Type of the media
     * @param aProgress, The value of progress in percents
    void SetProgressSecondaryTextsL(
        const TInt& aMediaType,
        const TInt& aProgress );

     * Update the visibity of item ,when the list is switched foregroud.
     void UpdateVisibitySettingItemL();

     * From CAknSettingItemList
    void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );

     * From CoeControl
    void FocusChanged(
        TDrawNow  aDrawNow );

     * From MAknBackgroundProcess
    void  StepL();

     * From MAknBackgroundProcess
    TBool  IsProcessDone() const;


     * C++ default constructor.

     * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
     * @param aFileSharingEngine, engine pointer
    void ConstructL( CUPnPFileSharingEngine* aFileSharingEngine );

     * From CAknSettingItemList, Framework method to create a setting item.
     * @since S60 3.1
     * @param aIdentifier,  list item id to be created
     * @return CAknSettingItem, pointer to list item
    CAknSettingItem* CreateSettingItemL( TInt aIdentifier );

     * Create and show the wait note when starting sharing
     * @since S60 3.1
    void ShowWaitNoteL();

private: // Data

     * list item text for visual albums
    TBuf<KMaxTextSettingItemLenght>  iVisualAlbums;
     * list item text for playlists
    TBuf<KMaxTextSettingItemLenght>  iPlayLists;
     * visibility setting item value
    TInt iVisibility;
     *access point id setting item value
    TInt iIapId;
     * engine pointer
    CUPnPFileSharingEngine* iFileSharingEngine;
     * Indicator if wizard is run to update UI
    TBool iWizardRun;
     * The state of sharing activation for progress note
    TInt iStartingSharing;
     * Pointer to wizard
    CUPnPAppWizard* iWizard;


// End of File