Updated the SIS package, there was some BC issue with the earlier version. Also updated the platform UID to S^3 version.
/** @file
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Media server device
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <upnpnetworkeventobserver.h>
#include "upnpmediaserver.pan"
#include "upnpmediaserversettings.h"
#include "upnpmediaservereventhandler.h"
#include "upnpnotifytimer.h"
#include "upnpsymbianserverbase.h"
#include "upnpmediaserverclient.h"
_LIT(KIconDirectory, "icon");
const TUint KMSDescriptionMaxSize = 204800;
//note that this value should be less than upnp server process shutdown timeout value
const TInt KStopAVMediaServerDelay = 1500000;
class CUpnpContentDirectoryService;
class CUpnpContainerList;
class CUpnpItem;
class CUpnpContainer;
class CUpnpCM;
class CUpnpSecurityManager;
class CUpnpDeviceImplementation;
class CUpnpIconManager;
class CUpnpDiskRemoveDetector;
class CUpnpDeviceDescriptionStore;
class CUpnpConnectionManagerNetworkEventProvider;
class CUpnpMediaServerDescriptionProvider;
* UPnP Media Server container.
* Provides interface for Media Server maintanace purposes.
* @since Series 60 3.1
class CUpnpMediaServer : public CUpnpSymbianServerBase, MUpnpSettingObserver,
MUpnpContentDirectoryEventObserver, MUpnpNetworkEventObserver
// Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CUpnpSymbianServerBase* NewLC();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CUpnpMediaServer();
// New functions
void GetSharedItemListL( TInt aContId,
CUpnpBrowseCriteria* aBrowseCriteria, TInt* TotalMatches,
CUpnpItemList* aItemList );
void GetSharedContainerListL( TInt aContId,
CUpnpBrowseCriteria* aBrowseCriteria, TInt* TotalMatches,
CUpnpContainerList* aContainerList );
void UnshareItemListL( RArray<TInt>& aItemList, TInt* aExecutionStatus );
CUpnpItem* GetSharedItemL( TInt aItem );
CUpnpContainer* GetSingleContainerL( TInt aContainerId );
void UnshareRootL();
void UnshareItemL( TInt aId );
void UnshareContainerL( TInt aId );
* Shares new item
void ShareObjectL( CUpnpObject* aItem );
* Shares new items
void ShareItemListL( CUpnpItemList* aItemList, TInt* aStatus );
* Creates a new reference
void ShareReferenceL( CUpnpItem* aItem );
* Shares new 'reference item' list
void ShareReferenceListL( CUpnpItemList* aItemList, TInt* aStatus );
* Starts AV Media Server - Device, Service, ContentDirecory, ConnectionManager
void StartAVMediaServerL();
* Starts AV Media Server in offline mode
void StartAVMediaServerOfflineL();
* Stops AV Media Server - Device, ContentDirecory, ConnectionManager
* Starts timeout timer
void StopAVMediaServer( TBool aSilent );
* Restarts AV Media Server - Device, ContentDirecory, ConnectionManager
void RestartAVMediaServerL();
* Check status of AV Media Server
RUpnpMediaServerClient::TServerStatus Status() const;
* Sets description properties for device, changes are available after restarting
* the server.
* Values are read from Central Repository
* @param aDevice device to change
void SetDescriptionSettingsL( CUpnpDeviceImplementation* aDevice );
* Adds icon to public\MediaServer1\icon and adds icon element
* to device description xml
* @param aProperty device to change
void AddIconL( const TDesC8& aProperty );
* Updates icon in public\MediaServer1\icon and updates icon element
* in device description xml
* @param aProperty
* @param aUrl icon url
void UpdateIconL( const TDesC8& aProperty, const TDesC8& aUrl );
* Removes icon from public\MediaServer1\icon and removes icon element
* from device description xml
* @param aUrl icon url
void RemoveIconL( const TDesC8& aUrl );
* Removes all icons from public\MediaServer1\icon and removes icon elements
* from device description xml
void RemoveIconsL();
* Sets description property for device, changes are available after restarting
* the server.
* Value is read from Central Repository
* @param aDevice device to change
* @param aKey Central Repository property key
* @param aName property name (XML)
void SetDescriptionPropertyL( CUpnpDeviceImplementation* aDevice,
TInt aKey, const TDesC8& aName );
* Sets description required property for device, changes are available after restarting
* the server.
* Value is read from Central Repository
* @param aDevice device to change
* @param aKey Central Repository required property key
* @param aName property name (XML)
void SetDescriptionRequiredPropertyL( CUpnpDeviceImplementation* aDevice,
TInt aKey, const TDesC8& aName );
* Removes white characters from input descriptor
* @param aString to change
void RemoveWhiteSpaces( TDes8& aString );
* Initialize Media Server files in private directory.
* @param aOverwrite indicate whether files should be overwrite if exist
void InitializeL( TBool aOverwrite );
* Reset Content Directory DB
* It means that it rename original file adding suffix KBackupSuffix,
* s during next running Content Directory will create new DB file.
void ResetDbL();
* Delete Content Directory DB
* It means that it deletes database file
void DeleteDbL();
* Subscribe events, adds observer to the list
* @param aObserver event observer
void SubscribeEvents( MUpnpContentDirectoryEventObserver* aObserver );
* Unsubscribe events, removes observer from list
* @param aObserver event observer
void UnsubscribeEvents( MUpnpContentDirectoryEventObserver* aObserver );
TInetAddr GetAddress();
* Set the download and thumbnail path in CD according to the value of the upload directory.
* @param aContentDirectory
* @return full name of description file
void SetUploadDirToCDL( const TDesC& aPath );
* Cancels scheduled shutdown of MS
void CancelAVMediaServerStop();
* Set the upload and thumbnail path in CD and in central repository.
* @param aPath new path
void SetUploadDirL( const TDesC& aPath );
// From MUpnpContentDirectoryEventObserver
* Called when transfer event happens
* @param aTransferEvent transfer event
virtual void FileTransferEvent( CUpnpFileTransferEvent *aTransferEvent );
* Checks if interface is up
* @result return ETrue if started in online mode
TBool IsInterfaceUp();
// From MUpnpSettingObserver
* Function notify when setting will change
virtual void SettingChangedL();
// New methods
* Constructor
* Perform the second phase construction of a CUpnpMessageHandler object
void ConstructL();
* Init Media Server directory structure in private directory.
* @param aFs handle to RFs
* @return a updateId of container
void InitPrivateDirL( RFs &aFs );
* Checks is description file exists. If not creates it from teplate stored on Z:
* If parameter aOverwrite
* @param aFs handle to RFs
* @param aTempleteDescFile xml description file name
* @param aOverwrite indicate whether file should be overwrite if exists
* @return full name of description file
HBufC* InitDescFileL( RFs &aFs, const TDesC& aTempleteDescFile,
TBool aOverwrite );
* Create full name using drive MS directory structure and file name.
* @param aFs handle to RFs
* @param aDrive drive
* @param aName file name
* @return full name of description file
HBufC* CreateFullNameL( RFs &aFs, const TDesC& aDrive,
const TDesC& aName );
* Stops MS immediatly
void StopAVMediaServerImmediately( TBool aSilent, TBool aWlanLost );
private://from CUpnpSymbianServerBase
* Create a time server session, and return a pointer to the created object
* @param aMessage client message
* @result pointer to new session
CSession2* NewSessionL( const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
* @return ETrue when media server is in state that it can be stopped
TBool CanBeStopped() const;
* Returns version that is supported by this server.
TVersion SupportedVersion() const;
* Returns server name
const TDesC& ServerName() const;
* Change media server status
void SetStatus( RUpnpMediaServerClient::TServerStatus aStatus );
* Method should be invoked to notify all subscribed clients about
* media server change. It is invoked if after RunL method status
* is changed, and in every case that server change its status
* without user request (eq. wlan lost)
void NotifyStatusChanged();
private: // from MUpnpNetworkEventObserver
* It is called from bottom layer when network event occurs [callback method]
* @result None
void NetworkEvent( CUpnpNetworkEventBase* aEvent );
private: // from CUpnpSymbianServerBase
virtual void RunL();
* Callback if timer expires
void TimerEventL( CUpnpNotifyTimer* aTimer );
/*! @var iDevice Media Server Device */
CUpnpDeviceImplementation* iDevice;
/*! @var iContentDirecory Content Directory */
CUpnpContentDirectoryService* iContentDirecory;
/*! @var iCm Connection Manager */
CUpnpCM* iCm;
/*! @var iIconManager Icon Manager */
CUpnpIconManager* iIconManager;
/*! @var iMsName Media Server Device description file full name */
HBufC* iMsName;
/*! @var iCdName Content Directory Service description file full name */
HBufC* iCdName;
/*! @var iCmName Connection Manager Service description file full name */
HBufC* iCmName;
/*! @var iMsStatus Media Server operational status - started/started offline/stopped */
RUpnpMediaServerClient::TServerStatus iMsStatus;
/*! @var interface for reading and setting Media Server settings */
CUpnpMediaServerSettings* iSettings;
/*! @var security manager pointer */
CUpnpSecurityManager* iManager;
/*! @var list of event observers (subscribed sessions) */
RPointerArray<MUpnpContentDirectoryEventObserver> iObserverList;
// memory card remove watcher
CUpnpDiskRemoveDetector* iDiskDetector;
// flag that stores shut down type
TBool iIsSilentShutdown;
//please note that it only stops media server as UPnP entity (sends bye bye etc.)
//not symbian server object
CUpnpNotifyTimer* iStopAVMediaServerTimer;
// Network events provider used for WLAN lost and address change
CUpnpConnectionManagerNetworkEventProvider* iConnectionManagerNetworkEventProvider;
// Provides files for description part
CUpnpMediaServerDescriptionProvider* iDescriptionProvider;
// Services device description
CUpnpDeviceDescriptionStore* iDescriptionStore;