changeset 0 95b198f216e5
child 18 8a03a285ab14
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:95b198f216e5
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  OMA DRM rights parser
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <e32base.h>
    22 #include <e32math.h>
    23 #include <apmstd.h>
    24 #include <utf.h>
    25 #include <stringpool.h>
    26 #include <xml/parserfeature.h>
    27 #include "DrmRights.h"
    28 #include "DcfCommon.h"
    29 #include "DrmRightsParser.h"
    30 #include "DrmRightsClient.h"
    31 #include "hash.h"
    32 #include "base64.h"
    33 #include "DRMPermission.h"
    34 #include "DRMConstraint.h"
    35 #include "DRMClockClient.h"
    38 enum TElementEnum
    39     {
    40     ERights = 0,
    41     EContext,
    42     EVersion,
    43     EUid,
    44     EAgreement,
    45     EAsset,
    46     EInherit,
    47     EDigest,
    48     EDigestMethod,
    49     EDigestValue,
    50     EKeyInfo,
    51     EEncryptedKey,
    52     EEncryptionMethod,
    53     ECipherData,
    54     ECipherValue,
    55     ERetreivalMethod,
    56     EPermission,
    57     EPlay,
    58     EDisplay,
    59     EPrint,
    60     EExecute,
    61     EConstraint,
    62     ECount,
    63     ETimedCount,
    64     EDateTime,
    65     EStart,
    66     EEnd,
    67     EInterval,
    68     EAccumulated,
    69     EIndividual,
    70     EExport,
    71     ESystem,
    72     EKeyValue,
    73     EId,
    74     EIdRef,
    75     EProperty,
    76     ESoftware,
    77     EContainer,
    78 #ifdef RD_DRM_METERING
    79     ERequirement,
    80     ETracked,
    81 #endif
    82     ELast,
    83     };
    85 struct TElements
    86     {
    87     const TText8* iString;
    88     TInt iNumber;
    89     };
    91 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset ): public CBase
    92     {
    93 public:
    94     static CParsedAsset* NewL();
    95     ~CParsedAsset();
    96     void ConstructL();
    98 private:
    99     CParsedAsset();
   101 public:
   102     HBufC8* iUid;
   103     TBuf8< KDCFKeySize > iKey;
   104     TBuf8< KProtectedDCFKeySize > iProtectedKey;
   105     TBuf8< KDCFKeySize > iAuthenticationSeed;
   106     TBuf8< KProtectedDCFKeySize > iProtectedAuthSeed;
   107     TBuf8< SHA1_HASH > iDigest;
   109     HBufC8* iId;
   110     HBufC8* iIdRef;
   112     HBufC8* iInherit;
   113     };
   115 // Note the class CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission maps to
   116 // OMA DRM2 permission container element <permission>
   117 // CDRMConstraint reperesents indivdual permissions as constraint container
   118 // (except Toplevel constraint really represents
   119 //  constraint container <constraint>)
   120 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission ): public CBase
   121     {
   122 public:
   123     static CParsedPermission* NewL();
   124     ~CParsedPermission();
   125     // Removes invalidated permissions, and marks the total permission invalid,
   126     // if all constraint containers are invalid, or toplevel container
   127     // is invalid
   128     void RemoveInvalidL();
   129     // Sets current constraint and updates available rights ( iAvailableRights )
   130     void SetCurrentConstraint ( TRightsType aCurrentConstraint );
   132     RPointerArray< CParsedAsset > iAssets;
   133     TUint8 iAvailableRights;
   135     CDRMConstraint *iTopLevel;
   136     CDRMConstraint *iPlay;
   137     CDRMConstraint *iDisplay;
   138     CDRMConstraint *iPrint;
   139     CDRMConstraint *iExecute;
   140     CDRMConstraint *iExport;
   142     //2.1 addition:
   143     // URL to send HTTP GET on expiration of permission
   144     HBufC8* iOnExpiredUrl;
   146     // if constraint has unknown tags, this is ored with iCurrentConstraint
   147     TUint8 iInvalidConstraints;
   149     // maintained during parsing. possible values: TRightsType enumerations
   150     TUint8 iCurrentConstraint;
   152     // if top level constraint is invalid or all other constraints ate invalid
   153     // permission will become invalid
   154     TBool iInvalid;
   155     // count of not_owned_assets, (updated in transform...)
   156     TInt iNotOwned;
   158 private:
   159     CParsedPermission();
   160     void ConstructL();
   161     void ResetConstraintL( CDRMConstraint*& aConstraint );
   162     };
   164 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDrmRightsParser::CParsedRightsObject ): public CBase
   165     {
   166 public:
   167     CParsedRightsObject();
   168     ~CParsedRightsObject();
   170     // Removes invalidated permission containers
   171     // (of type CParsedPermission ), and marks the whole rights object
   172     // invalid, if all permission containers are invalid
   173     void RemoveInvalid();
   175     HBufC8* iRightsObjectId;
   176     RPointerArray< CParsedAsset > iAssets;
   177     RPointerArray< CParsedPermission > iPermissions;
   179     CParsedAsset* iCurrentAsset;
   180     CParsedPermission* iCurrentPermission;
   181     CDRMConstraint* iCurrentConstraint;
   182     TBool iKeyIsCek;
   183     TBool iInvalid;
   184     };
   186 // CONSTANTS
   187 #define ELEMENT_COUNT( x ) static_cast< TInt >( ( sizeof( x ) / sizeof( x[ 0 ] ) ) )
   190 const TInt KParserChunkSize = 512;
   191 const TInt KMaxElementNesting = 24;
   193 // 15 minutes per time zone, 60 seconds per minute
   194 const TInt KSecondsPerTimeZone = 900;
   195 const TInt KMinuteInMicroseconds = 60000000;
   196 const TInt KTimeZoneIncrement = 15;
   198 _LIT8( KXmlParserMimeType, "text/xml" );
   199 _LIT8( KWbxmlParserMimeType, "text/wbxml" );
   200 _LIT8( KSchemaAttribute, "schema" );
   201 _LIT8( KSchemeAttribute, "scheme" );
   202 _LIT8( KSchemaSymbianSid, "symbiansid" );
   203 _LIT8( KSchemaSymbianVid, "symbianvid" );
   204 _LIT8( KTimerAttribute, "timer" );
   205 _LIT8( KIdAttribute, "id" );
   206 _LIT8( KIdAttrUpperCase, "Id" );
   207 _LIT8( KIdRefAttribute, "idref" );
   208 _LIT8( KAuthSeed, "authSeed" );
   209 // OMA DRM 2.1 additions
   210 _LIT8( KOnExpiredUrlAttribute, "onExpiredURL" ); //requested on premission expiry if present
   211 #ifdef RD_DRM_METERING
   212 _LIT8( KTimedAttribute, "timed" );
   213 _LIT8( KContentAccessGrantedAttribute, "contentAccessGranted" );
   214 _LIT8( KContentAccessGrantedValueTrue, "true" );
   215 #endif // RD_DRM_METERING
   217 static const TElements KElements[] =
   218     {
   219     { _S8( "rights" ),             ::ERights },
   220     { _S8( "context" ),            EContext },
   221     { _S8( "version" ),            EVersion },
   222     { _S8( "uid" ),                EUid },
   223     { _S8( "agreement" ),          EAgreement },
   224     { _S8( "asset" ),              EAsset },
   225     { _S8( "inherit" ),            EInherit },
   226     { _S8( "digest" ),             EDigest },
   227     { _S8( "DigestMethod" ),       EDigestMethod },
   228     { _S8( "DigestValue" ),        EDigestValue },
   229     { _S8( "KeyInfo" ),            EKeyInfo },
   230     { _S8( "EncryptedKey" ),       EEncryptedKey },
   231     { _S8( "EncryptionMethod" ),   EEncryptionMethod },
   232     { _S8( "CipherData" ),         ECipherData },
   233     { _S8( "CipherValue" ),        ECipherValue },
   234     { _S8( "RetrievalMethod" ),    ERetreivalMethod },
   235     { _S8( "permission" ),         EPermission },
   236     { _S8( "play" ),               ::EPlay },
   237     { _S8( "display" ),            ::EDisplay },
   238     { _S8( "execute" ),            ::EExecute },
   239     { _S8( "print" ),              ::EPrint },
   240     { _S8( "constraint" ),         EConstraint },
   241     { _S8( "count" ),              ECount },
   242     { _S8( "timed-count" ),        ETimedCount },
   243     { _S8( "datetime" ),           EDateTime },
   244     { _S8( "start" ),              EStart },
   245     { _S8( "end" ),                EEnd },
   246     { _S8( "interval" ),           EInterval },
   247     { _S8( "accumulated" ),        EAccumulated },
   248     { _S8( "individual" ),         EIndividual },
   249     { _S8( "export" ),             EExport },
   250     { _S8( "system" ),             ESystem },
   251     { _S8( "KeyValue" ),           EKeyValue },
   252     { _S8( "software" ),           ESoftware },
   253     { _S8( "property" ),           EProperty },
   254     { _S8( "container" ),          EContainer },
   255 #ifdef RD_DRM_METERING
   256     { _S8( "requirement" ),        ERequirement },
   257     { _S8( "tracked" ),            ETracked },
   258 #endif //RD_DRM_METERING
   259     };
   261 enum TParserStackState
   262     {
   263     EUnknownState = -1,
   264     ERoUidState = 0,
   265     ETopLevelConstraintState,
   266     EDisplayConstraintState,
   267     EPlayConstraintState,
   268     EPrintConstraintState,
   269     EExecuteConstraintState,
   270     EDateTimeStartState,
   271     EDateTimeEndState,
   272     EIntervalState,
   273     ECountState,
   274     ETimedCountState,
   275     EIndividualState,
   276     EAgreementAssetState,
   277     EPermissionAssetState,
   278     EAssetUidState,
   279     EAssetDigestState,
   280     EAssetKeyState,
   281     EEncryptedKeyState,
   282     EAssetInheritUidState,
   283     EPermissionState,
   284     ESoftwareState,
   285     EAccumulatedState,
   286     EKeyInfoState,
   287     ESystemState,
   288     EExportConstraintState,
   289 #ifdef RD_DRM_METERING
   290     ETrackRequirementState,
   291 #endif // RD_DRM_METERING
   292     };
   294 struct TStackState
   295     {
   296     TParserStackState iState;
   297     TElementEnum iStack[ KMaxElementNesting ];
   298     };
   300 // Keep these sorted by the number of elements in the stack
   301 static const TStackState KParserStackStates[] =
   302     {
   303     // 5 elements
   304     { EEncryptedKeyState, { ECipherValue, ECipherData, EEncryptedKey,
   305                           EKeyInfo, EAsset, ELast } },
   306     // 4 elements
   307     { EAssetInheritUidState, { EUid, EContext, EInherit, EAsset, ELast } },
   308     { EPermissionAssetState, { EAsset, EPermission, EAgreement, ::ERights,
   309                              ELast } },
   310     { ESoftwareState, { EProperty, EContext, ESoftware, EContainer, ELast } },
   311     // 3 elements
   312     { EAgreementAssetState, { EAsset, EAgreement, ::ERights, ELast } },
   313     { EIndividualState, { EUid, EContext, EIndividual, ELast } },
   314     { ESystemState, { EUid, EContext, ESystem, ELast } },
   315     { ERoUidState, { EUid, EContext, ::ERights, ELast } },
   316     { EAssetUidState, { EUid, EContext, EAsset, ELast } },
   317     { EAssetDigestState, { EDigestValue, EDigest, EAsset, ELast } },
   318     { EAssetKeyState, { EKeyValue, EKeyInfo, EAsset, ELast } },
   319     // 2 elements
   320     { EKeyInfoState, { EKeyInfo, EAsset, ELast } },
   321     { ETopLevelConstraintState, { EConstraint, EPermission, ELast } },
   322     { EDisplayConstraintState, { ::EDisplay, EPermission, ELast } },
   323     { EPlayConstraintState, { ::EPlay, EPermission, ELast } },
   324     { EPrintConstraintState, { ::EPrint, EPermission, ELast } },
   325     { EExecuteConstraintState, { ::EExecute, EPermission, ELast } },
   326     { EExportConstraintState, { EExport, EPermission, ELast } },
   327 #ifdef RD_DRM_METERING
   328     { ETrackRequirementState, { ETracked, ERequirement, ELast } },
   329 #endif // RD_DRM_METERING
   330     //1 element
   331     { EDateTimeStartState, { EStart, ELast } },
   332     { EDateTimeEndState, { EEnd, ELast } },
   333     { EIntervalState, { EInterval, ELast } },
   334     { ECountState, { ECount, ELast } },
   335     { ETimedCountState, { ETimedCount, ELast } },
   336     { EAccumulatedState, { EAccumulated, ELast } },
   337     { EPermissionState, { EPermission, ELast } },
   338     };
   342 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
   345 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 // CDrmRightsParser::ValidateDay
   347 // Returns ETrue if the day is valid
   348 //         EFalse if the day is not valid
   349 //
   350 // If the month is January, March, May, July, August, October, December
   351 // - Check that the day is between 1 and 31
   352 // If the month is April, June, September, November
   353 // - Check that the day is between 1 and 30
   354 // If the month is February
   355 // - Check that the day is between 1 and 29,
   356 // - if it is 29 check that the following conditions are met in that order:
   357 //   * The year is dividable by 400 it's valid
   358 //   * The year is dividable by 100 it is not valid
   359 //   * The year is dividable by 4 it is valid
   360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 //
   363 TBool CDrmRightsParser::ValidateDay( TInt aYear, TMonth aMonth, TInt aDay )
   364     {
   365     TBool retVal = ETrue;
   367     switch ( aMonth )
   368         {
   369         case EJanuary:
   370         case EMarch:
   371         case EMay:
   372         case EJuly:
   373         case EAugust:
   374         case EOctober:
   375         case EDecember:
   376             {
   377             if ( aDay < 0 || aDay > 30 )
   378                 {
   379                 retVal = EFalse;
   380                 }
   381             }
   382             break;
   383         case EApril:
   384         case EJune:
   385         case ESeptember:
   386         case ENovember:
   387             {
   388             if ( aDay < 0 || aDay > 29 )
   389                 {
   390                 retVal = EFalse;
   391                 }
   392             }
   393             break;
   394         case EFebruary:
   395             {
   396             if ( aDay < 0 || aDay > 28 )
   397                 {
   398                 retVal = EFalse;
   399                 }
   400             else
   401                 {
   402                 // If we are at day 29, it is possible that it is valid:
   403                 if ( aDay == 28 )
   404                     {
   405                     // if the year is dividable by 400 it is valid
   406                     if ( ( aYear % 400 ) )
   407                         {
   408                         // if the year is dividable by 100 it is not valid
   409                         if ( aYear % 100 )
   410                             {
   411                             // if the year is dividable by 4 it is valid
   412                             if ( aYear % 4 )
   413                                 {
   414                                 retVal = EFalse;
   415                                 }
   416                             }
   417                         else
   418                             {
   419                             retVal = EFalse;
   420                             }
   421                         }
   422                     }
   423                 }
   424             }
   425             break;
   426         default:
   427             retVal = EFalse;
   428             break;
   429         }
   430     return retVal;
   431     }
   435 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 // CDrmRightsParser::ValidTimeValues
   437 // Returns ETrue if the time values are valid
   438 //         EFalse if any of them are valid
   439 // Checks done as per symbian documentations
   440 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   441 //
   442 TBool CDrmRightsParser::ValidTimeValues( TInt aYear, TMonth aMonth,
   443         TInt aDay, TInt aHour,
   444         TInt aMinute, TInt aSecond,
   445         TInt aMicrosecond )
   446     {
   447     // No check for Year
   449     // check Month
   450     if ( aMonth < EJanuary || aMonth > EDecember )
   451         {
   452         return EFalse;
   453         }
   455     // check Day
   456     if ( !ValidateDay( aYear, aMonth, aDay ) )
   457         {
   458         return EFalse;
   459         }
   461     // check Hour
   462     if ( aHour < 0 || aHour > 23 )
   463         {
   464         return EFalse;
   465         }
   467     // check Minute
   468     if ( aMinute < 0 || aMinute > 59 )
   469         {
   470         return EFalse;
   471         }
   473     // check Second
   474     if ( aSecond < 0 || aSecond > 59 )
   475         {
   476         return EFalse;
   477         }
   479     // check Microsecond
   480     if ( aMicrosecond < 0 || aMicrosecond > 9999999 )
   481         {
   482         return EFalse;
   483         }
   485     return ETrue;
   486     };
   489 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   490 // CDrmRightsParser::ParseRelTime
   491 // Parses a ISO8601 relative time string
   492 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   493 //
   494 TTime CDrmRightsParser::ParseRelTimeL( TDesC8& aRelTimeString )
   495     {
   496     TLex8 lex;
   497     TInt year( 0 );
   498     TInt month( 0 );
   499     TInt day( 0 );
   500     TInt hour( 0 );
   501     TInt minute( 0 );
   502     TInt second( 0 );
   503     TTime r;
   504     TTimeIntervalSeconds offset( 0 );
   506     lex = aRelTimeString;
   507     lex.Val( year );
   508     lex.Inc();
   509     lex.Val( month );
   510     lex.Inc();
   511     lex.Val( day );
   512     lex.Inc();
   513     lex.Val( hour );
   514     lex.Inc();
   515     lex.Val( minute );
   516     lex.Inc();
   517     lex.Val( second );
   520     // The time needs to be validated before
   521     if ( !ValidTimeValues( year, static_cast< TMonth >( month - 1 ), day - 1,
   522                 hour, minute, second, 0 ) )
   523         {
   524         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   525         }
   527     r = TTime( TDateTime( year, static_cast< TMonth >( month - 1 ), day - 1,
   528                 hour, minute, second, 0 ) );
   529     if ( lex.Get() != 'Z' )
   530         {
   531         offset = iTimeZone * KSecondsPerTimeZone;
   532         r -= offset;
   533         }
   534     return r;
   535     }
   537 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   538 // CDrmRightsParser::ParseRelInterval
   539 // Parses a ISO8601 relative interval string
   540 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   541 //
   542 TTimeIntervalSeconds CDrmRightsParser::ParseRelInterval(
   543         TDesC8& aRelTimeString )
   544     {
   545     TLex8 lex;
   546     TInt year( 0 );
   547     TInt month( 0 );
   548     TInt day( 0 );
   549     TInt hour( 0 );
   550     TInt minute( 0 );
   551     TInt second( 0 );
   552     TInt n( 0 );
   553     TTimeIntervalSeconds r( 0 );
   554     TBool done( EFalse );
   555     TBool inDate( ETrue );
   557     lex = aRelTimeString;
   558     lex.Inc();
   559     while ( !done )
   560         {
   561         if ( lex.Peek() == 'T' )
   562             {
   563             lex.Inc();
   564             inDate = EFalse;
   565             }
   567         lex.Val( n );
   568         switch ( lex.Get() )
   569             {
   570             case 'Y':
   571                 year = n;
   572                 break;
   573             case 'D':
   574                 day = n;
   575                 break;
   576             case 'M':
   577                 if ( inDate )
   578                     {
   579                     month = n;
   580                     }
   581                 else
   582                     {
   583                     minute = n;
   584                     }
   585                 break;
   586             case 'H':
   587                 hour = n;
   588                 break;
   589             case 'S':
   590                 second = n;
   591                 break;
   592             default:
   593                 done = ETrue;
   594                 break;
   595             }
   596         }
   598     r = ( ( ( ( year * 365 + month * 30 + day ) * 24 + hour )
   599                 * 60 + minute ) * 60 + second );
   600     return r;
   601     }
   603 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   604 // DecodeAndDeleteUndecodedL()
   605 // Decodes base64 encoded HbufC8 buffer arcument, deletes undecoded buffer, and
   606 // substitutes argument with Decoded buffer
   607 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   608 //
   609 LOCAL_C void DecodeAndDeleteUndecodedL( HBufC8*& aDecodee )
   610     {
   611     HBufC8* b( aDecodee );
   612     aDecodee = NULL;
   613     CleanupStack::PushL( b );
   614     aDecodee = Base64DecodeL( *b );
   615     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( b );
   616     }
   618 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   619 // CopyOrLeaveL( TDes8& aDest, const TDesC8& aSrc )
   620 // Copies aSrc to aDest.
   621 // Leaves, if length of aSrc exceeds capacity of aDest
   622 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   623 //
   624 LOCAL_C void CopyOrLeaveL( TDes8& aDest, const TDesC8& aSrc )
   625     {
   626     if ( aSrc.Length() > aDest.MaxLength() )
   627         {
   628         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   629         }
   630     aDest.Copy( aSrc );
   631     }
   633 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
   635 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   636 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset::NewL
   637 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   638 //
   639 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset*
   640 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset::NewL()
   641     {
   642     CParsedAsset* self = new ( ELeave ) CParsedAsset;
   643     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   644     self->ConstructL();
   645     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   646     return self;
   647     }
   649 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   650 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset::~CParsedAsset
   651 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   652 //
   653 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset::~CParsedAsset()
   654     {
   655     delete iUid;
   656     delete iId;
   657     delete iIdRef;
   658     delete iInherit;
   659     }
   661 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   662 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset::ConstructL
   663 // Allocate the list of attribute values
   664 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   665 //
   666 void CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset::ConstructL()
   667     {
   668     }
   670 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   671 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset::CParsedAsset
   672 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   673 //
   674 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedAsset::CParsedAsset():
   675     iUid( NULL ),
   676     iId( NULL ),
   677     iIdRef( NULL ),
   678     iInherit( NULL )
   679     {
   680     }
   682 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   683 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::NewL
   684 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   685 //
   686 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission*
   687 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::NewL()
   688     {
   689     CParsedPermission* self = new ( ELeave ) CParsedPermission;
   690     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   691     self->ConstructL();
   692     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   693     return self;
   694     }
   696 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   697 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::~CParsedPermission
   698 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   699 //
   700 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::~CParsedPermission()
   701     {
   702     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iNotOwned; ++i )
   703         {
   704         iAssets.Remove( 0 );
   705         }
   706     iAssets.ResetAndDestroy();
   707     iAssets.Close();
   708     delete iTopLevel;
   709     delete iPlay;
   710     delete iDisplay;
   711     delete iPrint;
   712     delete iExecute;
   713     delete iExport;
   714     delete iOnExpiredUrl;
   715     }
   717 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   718 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::SetCurrentConstraint
   719 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   720 //
   721 void CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::SetCurrentConstraint(
   722         TRightsType aCurrentConstraint )
   723     {
   724     iAvailableRights |= aCurrentConstraint;
   725     iCurrentConstraint = aCurrentConstraint;
   726     }
   727 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   728 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::RemoveInvalid
   729 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   730 //
   731 void CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::RemoveInvalidL()
   732     {
   733     TUint8 valid = ( iInvalidConstraints ^ ERightsAll ) & ERightsAll;
   734     iAvailableRights &= valid;
   735     if ( !valid )
   736         {
   737         iInvalid = ETrue;
   738         }
   739     if ( iInvalid || ( iInvalidConstraints & ERightsTopLevel ) )
   740         {
   741         iInvalid = ETrue;
   742         ResetConstraintL( iTopLevel );
   743         }
   744     if ( iInvalid || ( iInvalidConstraints & ERightsPlay ) )
   745         {
   746         ResetConstraintL( iPlay );
   747         }
   748     if ( iInvalid || ( iInvalidConstraints & ERightsDisplay ) )
   749         {
   750         ResetConstraintL( iDisplay );
   751         }
   752     if ( iInvalid || ( iInvalidConstraints & ERightsExecute ) )
   753         {
   754         ResetConstraintL( iExecute );
   755         }
   756     if ( iInvalid || ( iInvalidConstraints & ERightsPrint ) )
   757         {
   758         ResetConstraintL( iPrint );
   759         }
   760     if ( iInvalid || ( iInvalidConstraints & ERightsExport ) )
   761         {
   762         ResetConstraintL( iExport );
   763         }
   764     }
   766 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   767 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::CParsedPermission
   768 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   769 //
   770 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::CParsedPermission()
   771     {
   772     }
   774 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   775 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::ConstructL
   776 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   777 //
   778 void CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::ConstructL()
   779     {
   780     iTopLevel = CDRMConstraint::NewL();
   781     iPlay = CDRMConstraint::NewL();
   782     iDisplay = CDRMConstraint::NewL();
   783     iPrint = CDRMConstraint::NewL();
   784     iExecute = CDRMConstraint::NewL();
   785     iExport = CDRMConstraint::NewL();
   786     }
   788 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   789 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::ResetConstraintL
   790 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   791 //
   792 void CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission::ResetConstraintL(
   793     CDRMConstraint*& aConstraint )
   794     {
   795     delete aConstraint;
   796     aConstraint = NULL;
   797     aConstraint = CDRMConstraint::NewL();
   798     }
   800 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   801 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedRightsObject::CParsedRightsObject
   802 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   803 //
   804 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedRightsObject::CParsedRightsObject():
   805     iRightsObjectId( NULL ),
   806     iCurrentAsset( NULL ),
   807     iCurrentPermission( NULL ),
   808     iCurrentConstraint( NULL )
   809     {
   810     }
   812 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   813 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedRightsObject::~CParsedRightsObject
   814 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   815 //
   816 CDrmRightsParser::CParsedRightsObject::~CParsedRightsObject()
   817     {
   818     delete iRightsObjectId;
   819     iAssets.ResetAndDestroy();
   820     iAssets.Close();
   821     iPermissions.ResetAndDestroy();
   822     iPermissions.Close();
   823     }
   826 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   827 // CDrmRightsParser::CParsedRightsObject::RemoveInvalid
   828 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   829 //
   830 void CDrmRightsParser::CParsedRightsObject::RemoveInvalid()
   831     {
   832     if ( iPermissions.Count() == 0 )
   833         {
   834         return;
   835         }
   836     for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < iPermissions.Count(); ++j )
   837         {
   838         CDrmRightsParser::CParsedPermission* permission( NULL );
   839         permission = iPermissions[ j ];
   840         if ( permission->iInvalid )
   841             {
   842             iPermissions.Remove( j );
   843             delete permission;
   844             }
   845         permission = NULL;
   846         }
   847     if ( iPermissions.Count() == 0 )
   848         {
   849         iInvalid = ETrue;
   850         }
   851     }
   853 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   854 // CDrmRightsParser::CDrmRightsParser
   855 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   856 //
   857 CDrmRightsParser::CDrmRightsParser():
   858     iParser( NULL ),
   859     iRights( NULL ),
   860     iContent( NULL ),
   861     iUnknownTag( NULL )
   862     {
   863     }
   865 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   866 // CDrmRightsParser::ConstructL
   867 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   868 //
   869 void CDrmRightsParser::ConstructL(
   870         TParserType aType )
   871     {
   872     TTime currentUniversal;
   873     TTime currentLocal;
   874     TInt64 result( 0 );
   876     currentUniversal.UniversalTime();
   877     currentLocal.HomeTime();
   879     result = currentLocal.Int64() - currentUniversal.Int64();
   880     result /= KMinuteInMicroseconds;
   881     result /= KTimeZoneIncrement;
   883     iTimeZone = I64INT( result );
   885     iParserType = aType;
   886     if ( aType == EXmlParser )
   887         {
   888         iParser = CParser::NewL( KXmlParserMimeType, *this );
   889         }
   890     else
   891         {
   892         iParser = CParser::NewL( KWbxmlParserMimeType, *this );
   893         }
   895     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < ELEMENT_COUNT( KElements ); i++ )
   896         {
   897         TPtrC8 ptr( KElements[ i ].iString,
   898                 User::StringLength( KElements[ i ].iString ) );
   899         iElements[ KElements[ i ].iNumber ] =
   900             iParser->StringPool().OpenStringL( ptr );
   901         }
   902     }
   904 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   905 // CDrmRightsParser::NewL
   906 // Two-phased constructor.
   907 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   908 //
   909 EXPORT_C CDrmRightsParser* CDrmRightsParser::NewL(
   910         TParserType aType )
   911     {
   912     CDrmRightsParser* self( new ( ELeave ) CDrmRightsParser );
   914     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   915     self->ConstructL( aType );
   916     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   918     return self;
   919     }
   922 // Destructor
   923 EXPORT_C CDrmRightsParser::~CDrmRightsParser()
   924     {
   925     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < ELEMENT_COUNT( KElements ); i++ )
   926         {
   927         iElements[ KElements[ i ].iNumber ].Close();
   928         }
   929     delete iParser;
   930     delete iRights;
   931     delete iContent;
   932     delete iUnknownTag;
   933     }
   936 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   937 // CDrmRightsParser::ParseL
   938 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   939 //
   940 EXPORT_C void CDrmRightsParser::ParseL(
   941         const TDesC8& aRightsObject,
   942         RPointerArray< CDRMRights >& aResultRights )
   943     {
   944     TInt i( 0 );
   946     iElementStackDepth = 0;
   947     delete iRights;
   948     iRights = NULL;
   949     delete iContent;
   950     iContent = NULL;
   951     iRights = new ( ELeave ) CParsedRightsObject;
   952     iParser->ParseBeginL();
   953     if ( iParserType == EWbxmlParser )
   954         {
   955         iParser->EnableFeature( ERawContent );
   956         }
   958     while ( i < aRightsObject.Length() )
   959         {
   960         TInt n( Min( aRightsObject.Length() - i, KParserChunkSize ) );
   961         iParser->ParseL( aRightsObject.Mid( i, n ) );
   962         i += n;
   963         }
   964     iParser->ParseEndL();
   965     TransformRightsObjectL( aResultRights );
   966     }
   968 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   969 // CDrmRightsParser::ParseAndStoreL
   970 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   971 //
   972 EXPORT_C void CDrmRightsParser::ParseAndStoreL(
   973         const TDesC8& aRightsObject,
   974         RPointerArray< CDRMRights >& aResultRights )
   975     {
   976     RDRMRightsClient client;
   978     User::LeaveIfError( client.Connect() );
   979     CleanupClosePushL( client );
   980     ParseL( aRightsObject, aResultRights );
   981     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < aResultRights.Count(); i++ )
   982         {
   983         TDRMUniqueID id;
   984         HBufC8 *cid( NULL );
   985         CDRMRights* rights( aResultRights[ i ] );
   986         rights->GetContentURI( cid );
   987         if ( rights->GetAsset().iKey.Length() == 0 )
   988             {
   989             for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < KDCFKeySize; j++ )
   990                 {
   991                 rights->GetAsset().iKey.Append( Math::Random() );
   992                 }
   993             }
   994         client.AddRecord( rights->GetAsset().iKey, rights->GetPermission(),
   995                 *cid, id );
   996         rights->SetLocalID( id );
   997         delete cid;
   998         }
  1000     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &client );
  1001     }
  1003 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1004 // CDrmRightsParser::OnStartDocumentL
  1005 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1006 //
  1007 void CDrmRightsParser::OnStartDocumentL(
  1008         const RDocumentParameters& /*aDocParam*/,
  1009         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1010     {
  1011     }
  1013 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1014 // CDrmRightsParser::OnEndDocumentL
  1015 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1016 //
  1017 void CDrmRightsParser::OnEndDocumentL(
  1018         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1019     {
  1020     if ( iRights )
  1021         {
  1022         // Remove invalid parsed permissions,
  1023         // and invalidate parsed rights object,
  1024         // if there are no valid ROs left
  1025         iRights->RemoveInvalid();
  1026         }
  1027     }
  1029 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1030 // CDrmRightsParser::OnStartElementL
  1031 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1032 //
  1033 void CDrmRightsParser::OnStartElementL(
  1034         const RTagInfo& aElement,
  1035         const RAttributeArray& aAttributes,
  1036         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1037     {
  1038     TBool tagRecognized( EFalse );
  1040     if ( iUnknownTag )
  1041         {
  1042         return;
  1043         }
  1044     if ( iContent )
  1045         {
  1046         delete iContent;
  1047         iContent = NULL;
  1048         iContent = HBufC8::NewL( 0 );
  1049         }
  1051     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < KMaxElementCount; i++ )
  1052         {
  1053         if ( aElement.LocalName() == iElements[ i ] )
  1054             {
  1055             tagRecognized = ETrue;
  1056             iElementStack[ iElementStackDepth ] =
  1057                 static_cast< TElementEnum >( i );
  1058             iElementStackDepth++;
  1059             if ( iElementStackDepth == KMaxElementNesting )
  1060                 {
  1061                 User::Leave( EXmlUnexpectedState );
  1062                 }
  1063             break;
  1064             }
  1065         }
  1066     if ( tagRecognized )
  1067         {
  1068         TLex8 lex;
  1069         HBufC8* b( NULL );
  1070         TInt n( 0 );
  1072         switch ( MatchStackState() )
  1073             {
  1074             case ETopLevelConstraintState:
  1075                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->SetCurrentConstraint(
  1076                     ERightsTopLevel );
  1077                 iRights->iCurrentConstraint =
  1078                     iRights->iCurrentPermission->iTopLevel;
  1079                 break;
  1080             case EDisplayConstraintState:
  1081                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->SetCurrentConstraint(
  1082                     ERightsDisplay );
  1083                 iRights->iCurrentConstraint =
  1084                     iRights->iCurrentPermission->iDisplay;
  1085                 break;
  1086             case EPlayConstraintState:
  1087                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->SetCurrentConstraint(
  1088                     ERightsPlay );
  1089                 iRights->iCurrentConstraint =
  1090                     iRights->iCurrentPermission->iPlay;
  1091                 break;
  1092             case EPrintConstraintState:
  1093                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->SetCurrentConstraint(
  1094                     ERightsPrint );
  1095                 iRights->iCurrentConstraint =
  1096                     iRights->iCurrentPermission->iPrint;
  1097                 break;
  1098             case EExecuteConstraintState:
  1099                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->SetCurrentConstraint(
  1100                     ERightsExecute );
  1101                 iRights->iCurrentConstraint =
  1102                     iRights->iCurrentPermission->iExecute;
  1103                 break;
  1104             case EExportConstraintState:
  1105                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->SetCurrentConstraint(
  1106                     ERightsExport );
  1107                 iRights->iCurrentConstraint =
  1108                     iRights->iCurrentPermission->iExport;
  1109                 break;
  1110             case EAgreementAssetState:
  1111                 iRights->iCurrentAsset = CParsedAsset::NewL();
  1112                 iRights->iCurrentAsset->iId =
  1113                     GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KIdAttribute );
  1114                 iRights->iCurrentAsset->iIdRef =
  1115                     GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KIdRefAttribute );
  1116                 iRights->iAssets.Append( iRights->iCurrentAsset );
  1117                 break;
  1118             case EPermissionAssetState:
  1119                 iRights->iCurrentAsset = CParsedAsset::NewL();
  1120                 iRights->iCurrentAsset->iId =
  1121                     GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KIdAttribute );
  1122                 iRights->iCurrentAsset->iIdRef =
  1123                     GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KIdRefAttribute );
  1124                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->iAssets.Append(
  1125                         iRights->iCurrentAsset );
  1126                 break;
  1127             case EPermissionState:
  1128                 iRights->iCurrentPermission = CParsedPermission::NewL();
  1129                 iRights->iPermissions.Append(
  1130                         iRights->iCurrentPermission );
  1131                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->iOnExpiredUrl =
  1132                     GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KOnExpiredUrlAttribute );
  1133                 break;
  1134             case ESoftwareState:
  1135                 b = GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KSchemaAttribute );
  1136                 if ( !b )
  1137                     {
  1138                     b = GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KSchemeAttribute );
  1139                     }
  1140                 if ( !b )
  1141                     {
  1142                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1143                     }
  1144                 CleanupStack::PushL( b );
  1145                 if ( b->CompareF( KSchemaSymbianSid ) == 0 &&
  1146                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iSecureId ==
  1147                         TUid::Null() )
  1148                     {
  1149                     iSoftwareSchemeType = ESymbianSid;
  1150                     }
  1151                 else if ( b->CompareF( KSchemaSymbianVid ) == 0 &&
  1152                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iVendorId ==
  1153                         TUid::Null() )
  1154                     {
  1155                     iSoftwareSchemeType = ESymbianVid;
  1156                     }
  1157                 else
  1158                     {
  1159                     User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
  1160                     }
  1161                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( b );
  1162                 break;
  1163             case ETimedCountState:
  1164                 b = GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KTimerAttribute );
  1165                 if ( !b )
  1166                     {
  1167                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1168                     }
  1169                 CleanupStack::PushL( b );
  1170                 lex = *b;
  1171                 lex.Val( n );
  1172                 if ( n < 0 )
  1173                     {
  1174                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1175                     }
  1176                 iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iTimedInterval = n;
  1177                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( b );
  1178                 break;
  1179             case EKeyInfoState:
  1180                 b = GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KIdAttrUpperCase );
  1181                 if ( b && b->Right( KAuthSeed().Length() ).Compare(
  1182                             KAuthSeed ) == 0 )
  1183                     {
  1184                     iRights->iKeyIsCek = EFalse;
  1185                     delete b;
  1186                     }
  1187                 else
  1188                     {
  1189                     iRights->iKeyIsCek = ETrue;
  1190                     }
  1191                 break;
  1192 #ifdef RD_DRM_METERING
  1193             case ETrackRequirementState:
  1194                 if ( !iRights->iCurrentConstraint ||
  1195                      !iRights->iCurrentPermission ||
  1196                      iRights->iCurrentConstraint ==
  1197                      iRights->iCurrentPermission->iTopLevel )
  1198                     {
  1199                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1200                     }
  1201                 if ( !iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iDrmMeteringInfo )
  1202                     {
  1203                     iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iDrmMeteringInfo =
  1204                         new ( ELeave ) CDRMConstraint::TDrmMeteringInfo;
  1205                     }
  1206                 b = GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KTimedAttribute );
  1207                 if ( b )
  1208                     {
  1209                     CleanupStack::PushL( b );
  1210                     lex = *b;
  1211                     if ( lex.Val( n ) != KErrNone )
  1212                         {
  1213                         // given input does not fit to TInt
  1214                         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1215                         }
  1216                     iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iDrmMeteringInfo->iGraceTime = n;
  1218                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( b );
  1219                     b = NULL; 
  1220                     }
  1221                 b = GetAttributeValueL( aAttributes, KContentAccessGrantedAttribute );
  1222                 // put value to content access granted without metering
  1223                 if ( b && !b->CompareF( KContentAccessGrantedValueTrue ) )
  1224                     {
  1225                     iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iDrmMeteringInfo->iAllowUseWithoutMetering = ETrue;
  1226                     }
  1227                 else
  1228                     {
  1229                     iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iDrmMeteringInfo->iAllowUseWithoutMetering = EFalse;
  1230                     }
  1231                 delete b;
  1232                 break;
  1233 #endif // RD_DRM_METERING
  1234             }
  1235         }
  1236     if ( !tagRecognized && iElementStackDepth > 0 &&
  1237             iElementStack[ 0 ] == ::ERights )
  1238         {
  1239         //Found unrecognised tag in <(o-ex:)rights>. Let's ignore its content.
  1240         iUnknownTag = aElement.LocalName().DesC().AllocL();
  1241         if ( iRights && iRights->iCurrentPermission )
  1242             {
  1243             iRights->iCurrentPermission->iInvalidConstraints |=
  1244                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->iCurrentConstraint;
  1245             if ( iRights->iCurrentPermission->iCurrentConstraint
  1246                     == ERightsTopLevel )
  1247                 {
  1248                 iRights->iCurrentPermission->iInvalid = ETrue;
  1249                 }
  1250             }
  1251         }
  1252     }
  1254 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1255 // CDrmRightsParser::OnEndElementL
  1256 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1257 //
  1258 void CDrmRightsParser::OnEndElementL(
  1259         const RTagInfo& aElement,
  1260         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1261     {
  1262     if ( iUnknownTag )
  1263         {
  1264         if ( !iUnknownTag->Compare( aElement.LocalName().DesC() ) )
  1265             {
  1266             delete iUnknownTag;
  1267             iUnknownTag = NULL;
  1268             }
  1269         return;
  1270         }
  1272     for ( TInt i ( 0 ); i < KMaxElementCount; i++ )
  1273         {
  1274         if ( aElement.LocalName() == iElements[ i ] )
  1275             {
  1276             switch ( MatchStackState() )
  1277                 {
  1278                 case ERoUidState:
  1279                     iContent->Des().Trim(); // remove ignorable white spaces
  1280                     iRights->iRightsObjectId = iContent->AllocL();
  1281                     break;
  1282                 case EDateTimeStartState:
  1283                     if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint )
  1284                         {
  1285                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iActiveConstraints |=
  1286                             EConstraintStartTime;
  1287                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iStartTime =
  1288                             ParseRelTimeL( *iContent );
  1289                         }
  1290                     break;
  1291                 case EDateTimeEndState:
  1292                     if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint )
  1293                         {
  1294                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iActiveConstraints |=
  1295                             EConstraintEndTime;
  1296                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iEndTime =
  1297                             ParseRelTimeL( *iContent );
  1298                         }
  1299                     break;
  1300                 case EIntervalState:
  1301                     if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint )
  1302                         {
  1303                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iActiveConstraints |=
  1304                             EConstraintInterval;
  1305                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iInterval =
  1306                             ParseRelInterval( *iContent );
  1307                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iIntervalStart =
  1308                             Time::NullTTime();
  1309                         if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iInterval.Int()
  1310                                 <= 0 )
  1311                             {
  1312                             User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1313                             }
  1314                         }
  1315                     break;
  1316                 case EAccumulatedState:
  1317 #ifndef __DRM_OMA2
  1318                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1319 #endif
  1320                     if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint )
  1321                         {
  1322                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iActiveConstraints |=
  1323                             EConstraintAccumulated;
  1324                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iAccumulatedTime =
  1325                             ParseRelInterval( *iContent ).Int();
  1326                         if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint->
  1327                                 iAccumulatedTime.Int() <= 0 )
  1328                             {
  1329                             User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1330                             }
  1331                         }
  1332                     break;
  1333                 case ECountState:
  1334                     if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint )
  1335                         {
  1336                         TLex8 lex( *iContent );
  1337                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iActiveConstraints |=
  1338                             EConstraintCounter;
  1339                         lex.Val( iRights->iCurrentConstraint->
  1340                                 iOriginalCounter );
  1341                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iCounter =
  1342                             iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iOriginalCounter;
  1343                         if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iCounter <= 0 ||
  1344                                 iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iCounter >
  1345                                 KDRMCounterMax )
  1346                             {
  1347                             User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1348                             }
  1349                         }
  1350                     break;
  1351                 case ETimedCountState:
  1352 #ifndef __DRM_OMA2
  1353                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1354 #endif
  1355                     if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint )
  1356                         {
  1357                         CDRMConstraint* c( iRights->iCurrentConstraint );
  1358                         TLex8 lex( *iContent );
  1359                         lex.Val( c->iOriginalTimedCounter );
  1360                         if ( c->iOriginalTimedCounter <= 0 ||
  1361                                 c->iOriginalTimedCounter > KDRMCounterMax )
  1362                             {
  1363                             User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1364                             }
  1365                         if ( c->iTimedInterval.Int() > 0 )
  1366                             {
  1367                             c->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintTimedCounter;
  1368                             c->iTimedCounter = c->iOriginalTimedCounter;
  1369                             }
  1370                         else
  1371                             {
  1372                             c->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintCounter;
  1373                             c->iOriginalCounter = c->iOriginalTimedCounter;
  1374                             c->iCounter = c->iOriginalCounter;
  1375                             c->iOriginalTimedCounter = 0;
  1376                             }
  1377                         }
  1378                     break;
  1379                 case ESystemState:
  1380 #ifndef __DRM_OMA2
  1381                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1382 #endif
  1383                     if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint )
  1384                         {
  1385                         HBufC8* b( iContent->AllocLC() );
  1386                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iSystem.AppendL( b );
  1387                         CleanupStack::Pop( b );
  1388                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iActiveConstraints |=
  1389                             EConstraintSystem;
  1390                         }
  1391                     break;
  1392                 case EAssetUidState:
  1393                     iContent->Des().Trim(); // remove ignorable white spaces
  1394                     if ( !iRights->iCurrentAsset )
  1395                         {
  1396                         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1397                         }
  1398                     iRights->iCurrentAsset->iUid = iContent->AllocL();
  1399                     break;
  1400                 case EAssetDigestState:
  1401                     if ( iParserType == EXmlParser )
  1402                         {
  1403                         DecodeAndDeleteUndecodedL( iContent );
  1404                         }
  1405                     CopyOrLeaveL( iRights->iCurrentAsset->iDigest, *iContent );
  1406                     break;
  1407                 case EAssetKeyState:
  1408                     if ( iParserType == EXmlParser )
  1409                         {
  1410                         DecodeAndDeleteUndecodedL( iContent );
  1411                         }
  1412                     CopyOrLeaveL( iRights->iCurrentAsset->iKey, *iContent );
  1413                     break;
  1414                 case EEncryptedKeyState:
  1415                     if ( iParserType == EXmlParser )
  1416                         {
  1417                         DecodeAndDeleteUndecodedL( iContent );
  1418                         }
  1419                     if ( iRights->iKeyIsCek )
  1420                         {
  1421                         CopyOrLeaveL(
  1422                             iRights->iCurrentAsset->iProtectedKey, *iContent );
  1423                         }
  1424                     else
  1425                         {
  1426                         CopyOrLeaveL(
  1427                             iRights->iCurrentAsset->iProtectedAuthSeed,
  1428                             *iContent );
  1429                         }
  1430                     break;
  1431                 case EAssetInheritUidState:
  1432                     iContent->Des().Trim(); // remove ignorable white spaces
  1433                     iRights->iCurrentAsset->iInherit = iContent->AllocL();
  1434                     break;
  1435                 case EIndividualState:
  1436 #ifndef __DRM_OMA2
  1437                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1438 #endif
  1439                     if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint )
  1440                         {
  1441                         HBufC8* b( NULL );
  1442                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iActiveConstraints |=
  1443                             EConstraintIndividual;
  1444                         iContent->Des().Trim(); // remove ignorable white spaces
  1445                         b = iContent->AllocLC();
  1446                         iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iIndividual.AppendL( b );
  1447                         CleanupStack::Pop( b );
  1448                         }
  1449                     break;
  1450                 case ESoftwareState:
  1451 #ifndef __DRM_OMA2
  1452                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1453 #endif
  1454                     if ( iRights->iCurrentConstraint )
  1455                         {
  1456                         TUint32 n( 0 );
  1457                         TLex8 lex( *iContent );
  1458                         User::LeaveIfError( lex.Val( n, EHex ) );
  1459                         if ( iSoftwareSchemeType == ESymbianSid )
  1460                             {
  1461                             iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iActiveConstraints |=
  1462                                 EConstraintSoftware;
  1463                             iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iSecureId =
  1464                                 TUid::Uid( n );
  1465                             }
  1466                         else
  1467                             {
  1468                             iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iActiveConstraints |=
  1469                                 EConstraintVendor;
  1470                             iRights->iCurrentConstraint->iVendorId =
  1471                                 TUid::Uid( n );
  1472                             }
  1473                         }
  1474                     break;
  1475                 case EExportConstraintState:
  1476                 case ETopLevelConstraintState:
  1477 #ifndef __DRM_OMA2
  1478                     User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1479 #endif
  1480                 case EDisplayConstraintState:
  1481                 case EPlayConstraintState:
  1482                 case EPrintConstraintState:
  1483                 case EExecuteConstraintState:
  1484                     iRights->iCurrentConstraint = NULL;
  1485                     iRights->iCurrentPermission->iCurrentConstraint = 0;
  1486                     break;
  1487                 case EPermissionState:
  1488                     iRights->iCurrentPermission->RemoveInvalidL();
  1489                     iRights->iCurrentPermission = NULL;
  1490                     break;
  1492                 }
  1493             iElementStackDepth--;
  1494             if ( iElementStackDepth < 0 )
  1495                 {
  1496                 User::Leave( EXmlUnexpectedState );
  1497                 }
  1498             break;  // no need to iterate after element name matched
  1499             }
  1500         }
  1501     }
  1503 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1504 // CDrmRightsParser::OnContentL
  1505 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1506 //
  1507 void CDrmRightsParser::OnContentL(
  1508         const TDesC8& aBytes,
  1509         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1510     {
  1511     if ( iUnknownTag )
  1512         {
  1513         return;
  1514         }
  1515     if ( !iContent )
  1516         {
  1517         iContent = HBufC8::NewL( aBytes.Size() );
  1518         *iContent = aBytes;
  1519         }
  1520     else
  1521         {
  1522         iContent = iContent->ReAllocL( iContent->Size() + aBytes.Size() );
  1523         TPtr8 c( iContent->Des() );
  1524         c.Append( aBytes );
  1525         }
  1526     }
  1528 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1529 // CDrmRightsParser::OnStartPrefixMappingL
  1530 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1531 //
  1532 void CDrmRightsParser::OnStartPrefixMappingL(
  1533         const RString& /*aPrefix*/,
  1534         const RString& /*aUri*/,
  1535         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1536     {
  1537     }
  1539 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1540 // CDrmRightsParser::OnEndPrefixMappingL
  1541 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1542 //
  1543 void CDrmRightsParser::OnEndPrefixMappingL(
  1544         const RString& /*aPrefix*/,
  1545         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1546     {
  1547     }
  1549 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1550 // CDrmRightsParser::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL
  1551 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1552 //
  1553 void CDrmRightsParser::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL(
  1554         const TDesC8& /*aBytes*/,
  1555         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1556     {
  1557     }
  1559 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1560 // CDrmRightsParser::OnSkippedEntityL
  1561 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1562 //
  1563 void CDrmRightsParser::OnSkippedEntityL(
  1564         const RString& /*aName*/,
  1565         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1566     {
  1567     }
  1569 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1570 // CDrmRightsParser::OnProcessingInstructionL
  1571 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1572 //
  1573 void CDrmRightsParser::OnProcessingInstructionL(
  1574         const TDesC8& /*aTarget*/,
  1575         const TDesC8& /*aData*/,
  1576         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1577     {
  1578     }
  1580 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1581 // CDrmRightsParser::OnOutOfData
  1582 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1583 //
  1584 void CDrmRightsParser::OnOutOfData()
  1585     {
  1586     }
  1588 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1589 // CDrmRightsParser::OnError
  1590 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1591 //
  1592 void CDrmRightsParser::OnError(
  1593         TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
  1594     {
  1595     }
  1597 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1598 // CDrmRightsParser::GetExtendedInterface
  1599 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1600 //
  1601 TAny* CDrmRightsParser::GetExtendedInterface(
  1602         const TInt32 /*aUid*/ )
  1603     {
  1604     return NULL;
  1605     }
  1607 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1608 // CDrmRightsParser::MatchStackState
  1609 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1610 //
  1611 TInt CDrmRightsParser::MatchStackState( void )
  1612     {
  1613     TParserStackState r( EUnknownState );
  1615     for ( TInt i( 0 );
  1616             r == EUnknownState &&
  1617             i < ELEMENT_COUNT( KParserStackStates ); i++ )
  1618         {
  1619         TInt j( 0 );
  1620         TInt k( 0 );
  1621         for ( j = iElementStackDepth - 1, k = 0;
  1622                 j > 0 && KParserStackStates[ i ].iStack[ k ] != ELast;
  1623                 j--, k++ )
  1624             {
  1625             if ( iElementStack[ j ] != KParserStackStates[ i ].iStack[ k ] )
  1626                 {
  1627                 break;
  1628                 }
  1629             }
  1630         if ( ( j == 0 &&
  1631                iElementStack[ j ] == KParserStackStates[ i ].iStack[ k ] &&
  1632                KParserStackStates[ i ].iStack[ k + 1 ] == ELast ) ||
  1633              KParserStackStates[ i ].iStack[ k ] == ELast )
  1634             {
  1635             r = KParserStackStates[ i ].iState;
  1636             }
  1637         }
  1638     return r;
  1639     }
  1641 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1642 // CDrmRightsParser::TransformRightsObjectL
  1643 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1644 //
  1645 void CDrmRightsParser::TransformRightsObjectL(
  1646         RPointerArray< CDRMRights >& aResult )
  1647     {
  1648     CParsedAsset* asset( NULL );
  1649     CDRMRights* rights( NULL );
  1650     CParsedPermission* permission( NULL );
  1651     CDRMPermission *ro( CDRMPermission::NewLC() );
  1652     CDRMAsset* a( NULL );
  1653     HBufC8* id( NULL );
  1654     HBufC8* idRef( NULL );
  1656     // If no permissions are given, create an empty RO.
  1657     // The procedure is quite different
  1658     // than processing the permissions
  1659     if ( iRights->iInvalid )
  1660         {
  1661         //The RO is invalid. Let's leave
  1662         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1663         }
  1664     if ( iRights->iPermissions.Count() == 0 )
  1665         {
  1666         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iRights->iAssets.Count(); i++ )
  1667             {
  1668             asset = iRights->iAssets[ i ];
  1669             // No uid for the asset, it's an invalid asset
  1670             if( !asset->iUid )
  1671                 {
  1672                 continue;
  1673                 }
  1675             rights = CDRMRights::NewL();
  1676             CleanupStack::PushL( rights );
  1678             a = CDRMAsset::NewLC();
  1679             a->iDigest.Copy( asset->iDigest );
  1680             a->iKey.Copy( asset->iKey );
  1681             a->iProtectedKey.Copy( asset->iProtectedKey );
  1682             a->iAuthenticationSeed.Copy( asset->iAuthenticationSeed );
  1683             a->iProtectedAuthSeed.Copy( asset->iProtectedAuthSeed );
  1685             // guaranteed not to be NULL UID in this phase
  1686             a->iUid = asset->iUid->AllocL();
  1688             if ( ro->iParentUID )
  1689                 {
  1690                 delete ro->iParentUID;
  1691                 ro->iParentUID = NULL;
  1692                 }
  1693             if ( asset->iInherit )
  1694                 {
  1695                 a->iParentRights = asset->iInherit->AllocL();
  1696                 ro->iParentUID = asset->iInherit->AllocL();
  1697                 }
  1698             rights->SetAssetL( *a );
  1699             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( a );
  1701             // by default, set the RO version as OMA 1.0
  1702             ro->iRightsObjectVersion.iVersionMain = EOma1Rights;
  1703             rights->SetPermissionL( *ro );
  1705             // Warning: assuming RPointerArray
  1706             // does not put its argument to clenaupstack
  1707             aResult.AppendL( rights );
  1708             CleanupStack::Pop( rights );
  1709             }
  1710         }
  1711     else for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iRights->iPermissions.Count(); i++ )
  1712         {
  1713         permission = iRights->iPermissions[ i ];
  1714         if ( permission->iInvalid )
  1715             {
  1716             // The permission under test is invalid, so let's move forward
  1717             continue;
  1718             }
  1719         if ( permission->iAssets.Count() > 0 )
  1720             {
  1721             // The permission refers to asset elements in the RO,
  1722             // add all referenced assets to the permission
  1723             for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < permission->iAssets.Count(); j++ )
  1724                 {
  1725                 TInt k( 0 );
  1726                 for ( ; k < iRights->iAssets.Count(); k++ )
  1727                     {
  1728                     id = iRights->iAssets[ k ]->iId;
  1729                     idRef = permission->iAssets[ j ]->iIdRef;
  1730                     if ( id && idRef && *id == *idRef )
  1731                         {
  1732                         break;
  1733                         }
  1734                     }
  1735                 if ( k < iRights->iAssets.Count() )
  1736                     {
  1737                     asset = permission->iAssets[ j ];
  1738                     permission->iAssets[ j ] = iRights->iAssets[ k ];
  1739                     delete asset;
  1740                     permission->iNotOwned++;
  1741                     }
  1742                 }
  1743             }
  1744         else
  1745             {
  1746             // The permission does not refer to an asset explictly,
  1747             // link all assets in the RO to this permission
  1748             for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < iRights->iAssets.Count(); j++ )
  1749                 {
  1750                 permission->iAssets.Append( iRights->iAssets[ j ] );
  1751                 permission->iNotOwned++;
  1752                 }
  1753             }
  1755         for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < permission->iAssets.Count(); j++ )
  1756             {
  1757             asset = permission->iAssets[ j ];
  1758             // No uid for the asset, it's an invalid asset
  1759             if( !asset->iUid )
  1760                 {
  1761                 continue;
  1762                 }
  1764             rights = CDRMRights::NewL();
  1765             CleanupStack::PushL( rights );
  1767             a = CDRMAsset::NewLC();
  1768             a->iDigest.Copy( asset->iDigest );
  1769             a->iKey.Copy( asset->iKey );
  1770             a->iProtectedKey.Copy( asset->iProtectedKey );
  1771             a->iAuthenticationSeed.Copy( asset->iAuthenticationSeed );
  1772             a->iProtectedAuthSeed.Copy( asset->iProtectedAuthSeed );
  1774             // guaranteed not to be NULL UID in this phase
  1775             a->iUid = asset->iUid->AllocL();
  1777             if ( ro->iParentUID )
  1778                 {
  1779                 delete ro->iParentUID;
  1780                 ro->iParentUID = NULL;
  1781                 }
  1782             if ( asset->iInherit )
  1783                 {
  1784                 a->iParentRights = asset->iInherit->AllocL();
  1785                 ro->iParentUID = asset->iInherit->AllocL();
  1786                 }
  1787             rights->SetAssetL( *a );
  1788             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( a );
  1791             // ( == iOnExpiredUrl must not be referred elsewhere)
  1792             ro->iOnExpiredUrl = permission->iOnExpiredUrl;
  1793             permission->iOnExpiredUrl = NULL;
  1795             ro->iAvailableRights = permission->iAvailableRights;
  1796             ro->iDisplay->DuplicateL( *permission->iDisplay );
  1797             ro->iPlay->DuplicateL( *permission->iPlay );
  1798             ro->iPrint->DuplicateL( *permission->iPrint );
  1799             ro->iExecute->DuplicateL( *permission->iExecute );
  1800             ro->iExport->DuplicateL( *permission->iExport );
  1801             ro->iTopLevel->DuplicateL( *permission->iTopLevel );
  1802             // by default, set the RO version as OMA 1.0
  1803             ro->iRightsObjectVersion.iVersionMain = EOma1Rights;
  1804             rights->SetPermissionL( *ro );
  1806             aResult.AppendL( rights );
  1807             CleanupStack::Pop( rights );
  1808             }
  1809         }
  1810     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ro );
  1811     }
  1813 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1814 // CDrmRightsParser::GetAttributeValueL
  1815 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1816 //
  1817 HBufC8* CDrmRightsParser::GetAttributeValueL(
  1818         const RAttributeArray& aAttrList,
  1819         const TDesC8& aAttrName )
  1820     {
  1821     HBufC8* r( NULL );
  1822     RAttribute a;
  1824     for ( TInt i( 0 ); !r && i < aAttrList.Count(); i++ )
  1825         {
  1826         a = aAttrList[ i ];
  1827         if ( a.Attribute().LocalName().DesC().Compare( aAttrName ) == 0 )
  1828             {
  1829             r = a.Value().DesC().AllocL();
  1830             }
  1831         }
  1832     return r;
  1833     }
  1835 //  End of File