author Shabe Razvi <shaber@symbian.org>
Tue, 18 May 2010 18:36:26 +0100
changeset 34 7f8fbd0317cc
parent 0 95b198f216e5
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 2707 - cryptoprep.flm changes the value of EPOCROOT

* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Interface for the DRM Rights database



#include <e32base.h>
#include <caf/caf.h>
#include "DRMTypes.h"

using namespace ContentAccess;



class RReadStream;
class RWriteStream;
class CDRMConstraint;



*  CDRMPermission implements the permission for OMA DRM usage
*  @lib DrmRights.dll
*  @since S60 3.0

class CDRMPermission : public CBase
    enum TExportMode
public: // CBase

    * NewLC
    * Creates a new CDRMPermission object and returns a pointer to it.
    * The function leaves the object to the cleanup stack.
    * @since    3.0
    * @return   a functional CDRMPermission object, The function leaves
    *           with SymbianOS error code if an error occurs.
    IMPORT_C static CDRMPermission* NewLC();

    * NewL
    * Creates a new CDRMPermission object and returns a pointer to it.
    * @since    3.0
    * @return   a functional CDRMPermission object, The function leaves
    *           with SymbianOS error code if an error occurs.
    IMPORT_C static CDRMPermission* NewL();
    * Destructor
    IMPORT_C virtual ~CDRMPermission();

public: // New functions    
    * ExternalizeL
    * Writes the data of the object into the stream
    * @since    3.0
    * @param    aStream : the output stream to write to
    * @return   The function leaves with Symbian OS error code if an
    *           error occurs
    IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aStream ) const;
    * InternalizeL
    * Reads the data of the object from the stream
    * @since    3.0
    * @param    aStream : the output stream to write to
    * @return   The function leaves with Symbian OS error code if an
    *           error occurs
    IMPORT_C void InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream );
    * Stateful() 
    * Tells if the rights object is stateful or not
    * @since    3.0
    * @return   returns ETrue if the rights object is stateful
    *                   EFalse if it is not    
	IMPORT_C TBool Stateful() const;
	* Child()
	* Tells if the rights object is a child or not
    * @since    3.0
    * @return   returns ETrue if the rights object is child
    *                   EFalse if it is not
    IMPORT_C TBool Child() const;

    * Size
    * returns the size of the externalized object
    * @since    3.0
    * @return   returns the size of the constraint
    IMPORT_C TInt Size() const;
    * NULL or actual constraints.
    IMPORT_C CDRMConstraint* ConstraintForIntent( const ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
    * NULL or actual constraint.
    IMPORT_C CDRMConstraint* TopLevelConstraint(  );

    * Note: Top level constraint is always consumed if it exists.
    IMPORT_C void ConsumeRights( const ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent, const TTime& aCurrentTime );

    * ImportL
    * Reads the data of the object from the descriptor and initialized the 
    * object accordingly
    * @since    3.0
    * @param    aBuffer : the buffer containing the data of the imported object
    * @return   None, The function leaves with Symbian OS error code if an
    *           error occurs
    IMPORT_C void ImportL( const TDesC8& aBuffer );
    * ExportL
    * Writes the data of the object into an HBufC8 and returns a pointer
    * to it. The caller is responsible for deleting the object.
    * @since    3.0
    * @return   Returns an HBufC8* containing the data of the object,
    *           The function leaves with Symbian OS error code if an
    *           error occurs
    IMPORT_C HBufC8* ExportL() const;

    * DuplicateL
    * Copies the data of the permission into the current one.
    * @since    3.0
    * @param    aPermission : the permission to duplicate into this one
    * @return   None. The function leaves with Symbian OS error code if an
    *           error occurs
    IMPORT_C void DuplicateL( const CDRMPermission& aPermission );
    * Expired   
    * Checks if the permission has expired
    * @since	3.0
    * @param	aTime : The current secure time
    *                   if the time is Time::NullTTime() time based rights
    *                   will be ignored
    * @return   ETrue if the permission has expired
    * 			EFalse if it is still valid or has future rights 
    IMPORT_C TBool Expired( const TTime& aTime );
    * Valid
    * returns if the permission is valid/usable at this time
    * If no second parameter is given all the constraints will
    * be checked for validity and if any of them is invalid
    * the permission is considered to be invalid.
    * For ERightsPlay, ERightsDisplay, ERightsExecute, ERightsPrint
    * also the toplevel constraint will be checked for validity
    * @since    3.0
    * @param	aTime : current secure time, if the time is
    *			        Time::NullTTime() time based constraints
    *					will be considered to be invalid
    * @param    aIndividual : the imsi of the phone
    * @param    aRejection : return value for why the content was rejected
    * @param	aConstraint : the constraint to check validity on
    * @return   returns ETrue if the constraint is valid
    *					EFalse if the constraint is not valid
    IMPORT_C TBool Valid( const TTime& aTime,
                          const RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aIndividual, 
                          TUint32& aRejection,
                          const TRightsType aType = ERightsAll ) const;
    * Merge permission with another permission
    * @since	3.0
    * @param	aPermission permission to merge with
    IMPORT_C void Merge( const CDRMPermission& aPermission );
    * Checks if the permission has software constaints
    * @since	3.0
    * @return   ETrue if the permission has software constaints, EFalse otherwise
    IMPORT_C TBool SoftwareConstrained() const;

    // synchronizing marker
    TInt32 iSyncMark;
    // Version number
    TInt32 iVersion;
    // Unique ID of the permission
    TDRMUniqueID iUniqueID;
    // The original insertion time
    TTime iOriginalInsertTime;
    // Top level constraint
    CDRMConstraint* iTopLevel;
    // Play constraint
    CDRMConstraint* iPlay;
    // Display constraint
    CDRMConstraint* iDisplay;
    // Execute constraint
    CDRMConstraint* iExecute;
    // Print constraint
    CDRMConstraint* iPrint;
    // Export constraint
    CDRMConstraint* iExport;
    // Export mode
    TExportMode iExportMode;
    // Content ID of the parent rights object
    HBufC8* iParentUID;
    // Rights Object ID of the rights delivery container
    HBufC8* iRoID;
    // Domain identifier
    HBufC8* iDomainID;
    // Available rights
    TUint16 iAvailableRights;	// Bitmask
    // Version number of the rights object
    TROVersion iRightsObjectVersion;
    // Additional information bitvector
    TInt32 iInfoBits;
    // Right issuer identifier
    TBuf8<KRiIdSize> iRiId;
    // URL to send HTTP GET on expiration of permission 
    HBufC8* iOnExpiredUrl;


    * Default constructor
    IMPORT_C CDRMPermission();


    * 2nd phase constructor
    void ConstructL();

    * WriteInt64L
    * Writes the 64 bit integer to the stream
    * @since    3.0
    * @param    aWrite : the 64 bit integer to write
    * @param    aStream : the output stream to write to
    * @return   The function leaves with Symbian OS error code if an
    *           error occurs
    void WriteInt64L( const TInt64& aWrite, RWriteStream& aStream ) const;

    * ReadInt64L
    * Reads the 64 bit integer from the stream
    * @since    3.0
    * @param    aRead : the 64 bit integer read
    * @param    aStream : the output stream to write to
    * @return   The function leaves with Symbian OS error code if an
    *           error occurs
    void ReadInt64L( TInt64& aRead, RReadStream& aStream );    


#endif      // DRMPERMISSION_H   
// End of File