* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: WMDRM Client implementation
#include "wmdrmclient.h"
#include "wmdrmclientserver.h"
#define _LOGGING_FILE L"wmdrmserver.txt"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DEBUGATTR( a ) a
#define DEBUGATTR( a )
#include "logfn.h"
// Constants
const TInt KServerDefaultMessageSlots = -1;
const TInt KServerRetryCount = 3;
// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
// SetupSlotSpecL
LOCAL_C void SetupSlotSpecL(
RBuf8& aSlotSpec,
const TDesC8& aStoreName,
const TDesC8& aNamespace,
const TDesC8& aHashKey,
const TDesC8& aUniqueKey )
aSlotSpec.CreateL( aStoreName.Length() + aNamespace.Length() + aHashKey.Length() + aUniqueKey.Length() + 4 );
aSlotSpec.Append( aStoreName.Length() );
aSlotSpec.Append( aStoreName );
aSlotSpec.Append( aNamespace.Length() ) ;
aSlotSpec.Append( aNamespace );
aSlotSpec.Append( aHashKey.Length() );
aSlotSpec.Append( aHashKey );
aSlotSpec.Append( aUniqueKey.Length() );
aSlotSpec.Append( aUniqueKey );
// SetupSlotEnumSpecL
LOCAL_C void SetupSlotEnumSpecL(
RBuf8& aSlotSpec,
const TDesC8& aStoreName,
const TDesC8& aNamespace,
const TDesC8& aHashKey )
aSlotSpec.CreateL( aStoreName.Length() + aNamespace.Length() + aHashKey.Length() + 3 );
aSlotSpec.Append( aStoreName.Length() );
aSlotSpec.Append( aStoreName );
aSlotSpec.Append( aNamespace.Length() ) ;
aSlotSpec.Append( aNamespace );
aSlotSpec.Append( aHashKey.Length() );
aSlotSpec.Append( aHashKey );
// StartServer
static TInt StartServer()
RProcess server;
TInt r = server.Create( KWmDrmServerImg, KNullDesC );
if ( r != KErrNone )
return r;
TRequestStatus stat;
server.Rendezvous( stat );
if ( stat != KRequestPending )
server.Kill( 0 );
User::WaitForRequest( stat );
r = ( server.ExitType() == EExitPanic ) ? KErrGeneral : stat.Int();
return r;
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// RWmDrmClient::Connect
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::Connect()
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::Connect", r );
TInt retry = KServerRetryCount;
for ( ;; )
r = CreateSession( KWmDrmServerName, TVersion( 0, 0, 0 ), KServerDefaultMessageSlots );
if ( r != KErrNotFound && r != KErrServerTerminated )
return r;
if ( --retry == 0 )
return r;
r = StartServer();
if ( r != KErrNone && r != KErrAlreadyExists )
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::InitStore
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::InitStore(
const TDesC8& DEBUGATTR( aStoreName ),
TBool /* aCreateIfMissing */ )
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::InitStore", r );
LOG( aStoreName );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::RemoveStore
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::RemoveStore(
const TDesC8& aStoreName )
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::RemoveStore", r );
LOG( aStoreName );
r = SendReceive( ERemoveStore, TIpcArgs( &aStoreName ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::InitNamespace
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::InitNamespace(
const TDesC8& DEBUGATTR( aStoreName ),
const TDesC8& DEBUGATTR( aNamespace ),
TBool /* aCreateIfMissing */)
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::InitNamespace", r );
LOG( aStoreName ); LOG( aNamespace );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::RemoveNamespace
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::RemoveNamespace(
const TDesC8& aStoreName,
const TDesC8& aNamespace )
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::RemoveNamespace", r );
r = SendReceive( ERemoveNamespace, TIpcArgs( &aStoreName, &aNamespace ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::SlotOpen
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::SlotOpen(
const TDesC8& aStoreName,
const TDesC8& aNamespace,
const TDesC8& aHashKey,
const TDesC8& aUniqueKey,
TInt& aSize )
TInt r = KErrNone;
RBuf8 slotSpec;
TPckg<TInt> sizePckg( aSize );
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::SlotOpen", r );
LOG( aStoreName ); LOG( aNamespace ); LOG( aHashKey ); LOG( aUniqueKey );
TRAP(r, SetupSlotSpecL( slotSpec, aStoreName, aNamespace, aHashKey, aUniqueKey ));
if( r )
return r;
r = SendReceive( ESlotOpen, TIpcArgs( &slotSpec, &sizePckg ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::SlotCreate
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::SlotCreate(
const TDesC8& aStoreName,
const TDesC8& aNamespace,
const TDesC8& aHashKey,
const TDesC8& aUniqueKey,
TInt& aSize )
TInt r = KErrNone;
RBuf8 slotSpec;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::SlotCreate", r );
LOG( aStoreName ); LOG( aNamespace ); LOG( aHashKey ); LOG( aUniqueKey );
TRAP( r, SetupSlotSpecL( slotSpec, aStoreName, aNamespace, aHashKey, aUniqueKey ));
if( r )
return r;
r = SendReceive( ESlotCreate, TIpcArgs( &slotSpec, aSize ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::SlotSeek
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::SlotSeek(
TInt& aPos,
TSeek aOrigin )
TInt r = KErrNone;
TInt newPos;
TPckg<TInt> posPckg( newPos );
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::SlotSeek", r );
r = SendReceive( ESlotSeek, TIpcArgs( aPos, aOrigin, &posPckg ) );
aPos = newPos;
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::SlotRead
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::SlotRead(
TDes8& aData )
TInt r = KErrNone;
TInt amountRead;
TPckg<TInt> amountPckg( amountRead );
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::SlotRead", r );
r = SendReceive( ESlotRead, TIpcArgs( &aData, &amountPckg ) );
if ( r == KErrNone )
aData.SetLength( amountRead );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::SlotWrite
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::SlotWrite(
const TDesC8& aData )
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::SlotWrite", r );
r = SendReceive( ESlotWrite, TIpcArgs( &aData ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::SlotDelete
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::SlotDelete(
const TDesC8& aStoreName,
const TDesC8& aNamespace,
const TDesC8& aHashKey,
const TDesC8& aUniqueKey )
TInt r = KErrNone;
RBuf8 slotSpec;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::SlotDelete", r );
TRAP(r, SetupSlotSpecL( slotSpec, aStoreName, aNamespace, aHashKey, aUniqueKey ));
if( r )
return r;
r = SendReceive( ESlotDelete, TIpcArgs( &slotSpec ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::SlotResize
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::SlotResize(
TInt aSize )
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::SlotResize", r );
r = SendReceive( ESlotResize, TIpcArgs( aSize ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::SlotClose
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::SlotClose()
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::SlotClose", r );
r = SendReceive( ESlotClose );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::EnumerateStart
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::EnumerateStart(
const TDesC8& aStoreName,
const TDesC8& aNamespace,
const TDesC8& aHashKey )
TInt r = KErrNone;
RBuf8 slotSpec;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::EnumerateStart", r );
TRAP(r, SetupSlotEnumSpecL( slotSpec, aStoreName, aNamespace, aHashKey ));
if( r )
return r;
r = SendReceive( EEnumerateStart, TIpcArgs( &slotSpec ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::EnumerateReload
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::EnumerateReload(
TDes8& aStoreName,
TDes8& aNamespace,
TDes8& aHashKey,
TDes8& aUniqueKey )
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::EnumerateReload", r );
r = SendReceive( EEnumerateReload, TIpcArgs( &aStoreName, &aNamespace, &aHashKey, &aUniqueKey ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::EnumerateNext
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::EnumerateNext(
TDes8& aStoreName,
TDes8& aNamespace,
TDes8& aHashKey,
TDes8& aUniqueKey )
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::EnumerateNext", r );
r = SendReceive( EEnumerateNext, TIpcArgs( &aStoreName, &aNamespace, &aHashKey, &aUniqueKey ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::EnumerateDeleteCurrent
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::EnumerateDeleteCurrent()
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::EnumerateDelete", r );
r = SendReceive( EEnumerateDelete );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::EnumerateEnd
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::EnumerateEnd()
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::EnumerateEnd", r );
r = SendReceive( EEnumerateEnd );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::LogStats
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::LogStats()
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::LogStats", r );
r = SendReceive( ELogStats );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::EmptyCache
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::EmptyCache()
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::EmptyCache", r );
r = SendReceive( EEmptyCache );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::TimeValid
EXPORT_C TBool RWmDrmClient::TimeValid()
TBool r = EFalse;
LOGFN( "RWmDrmClient::TimeValid" );
if ( SendReceive( ETimeValid ) == KErrNone )
LOG1( "Time valid" );
r = ETrue;
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::SetTimeAsValid
EXPORT_C void RWmDrmClient::SetTimeAsValid( TBool aValid )
TInt v = 0;
if ( aValid )
v = 1;
LOGFN( "RWmDrmClient::SetTimeAsValid" );
SendReceive( ESetTimeAsValid, TIpcArgs( v ) );
// RWmDrmClient::DeleteRights
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::DeleteRights()
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::DeleteRights", r );
r = SendReceive( EDeleteRights );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::StoreState
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::StoreState( TWmDrmStoreState& aState )
TInt r = KErrNone;
TPckg<TWmDrmStoreState> statePckg( aState );
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::StoreState", r );
r = SendReceive( EStoreState, TIpcArgs( &statePckg ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::GetTime
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::GetTime( TTime& aTime, TBool& aValid )
TInt r = KErrNone;
TPckg<TTime> timePckg( aTime );
TPckg<TBool> validPckg( aValid );
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::GetTime", r );
r = SendReceive( EGetTime, TIpcArgs( &timePckg, &validPckg ) );
return r;
// RWmDrmClient::CommitData
EXPORT_C TInt RWmDrmClient::CommitData()
TInt r = KErrNone;
LOGFNR( "RWmDrmClient::CommitData", r );
r = SendReceive( ECommitData );
return r;