Remerge fixes for Bug 2121 and Bug 1993
- Bug 1993 is partially implemented in "Revision: 201015" which has removed the CMLA RnD key exports, so I've
stopped creating omadrm/rndcerts/group/bld.inf
- The CryptoPrep.flm fix (Bug 2121) is unchanged, as I don't like the latest changes to add the exported file to the "sbs -what" output
--- a/commondrm/drmrightsmanagerui/inc/DRMRightsMgrAppUi.h Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/commondrm/drmrightsmanagerui/inc/DRMRightsMgrAppUi.h Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@
#include <AknProgressDialog.h>
#include <apparc.h>
#include <DRMRightsClient.h>
+#include <drmconstraint.h>
+#include "drmclockclient.h"
#include "DrmViewItems.h"
#include "DRMRightsManager.hrh"
@@ -173,9 +175,42 @@
void CheckIndividualConstraint( const TDesC8& aContentURI,
TBool& aIndividualConstraint,
TBool& aUsageAllowed );
+ /**
+ * Checks the composition of best rights to be shown in the details view.
+ * Leaves with KErrNotFound if no rights are found.
+ * @param aContentURI ContentURI for object to be opened when
+ * application is launched
+ * @param aRights Pointer to instance of CDRMRights for
+ * storing the rights
+ */
+ void FindBestCompositionRightsL( const TDesC8& aContentURI,
+ CDRMRights*& aRights );
+ /**
+ * Compares the permissions in the the permission list one by one and
+ * constraint by constraint and stores the best constraint to the given
+ * composition permission. The function should be called only for a list of
+ * valid permissions. Puts the composition permission to cleanup stack.
+ * @param aCompositionPermission Permission which includes a composition of best
+ * constraints (or full rights information) from
+ * the given permission list.
+ * @param aPermissionList List which includes permissions to be checked
+ * constraint by constraint in order to create the
+ * best composition permission.
+ */
+ void CheckBetterPermissionsAndStoreCompositionLC(
+ CDRMPermission*& aCompositionPermission,
+ RPointerArray<CDRMPermission>& aList );
+ /**
+ * Compares two permissions, and returns ETrue if aNewOne is more suitable
+ * for the usage. Assumes both are valid, i.e. not expired.
+ * @param aNewOne New constraint to be compared to the old one
+ * @param aOldOne Old constraint to be compared to the new one
+ */
+ TBool BetterPermission( const CDRMConstraint& aNewOne,
+ const CDRMConstraint& aOldOne );
public: // New functions
* @param aContentURI ContentURI for object to be opened when
@@ -390,7 +425,10 @@
// update the details view when returning to details view from another
// application
TBool iForegroundHasBeenActive;
+ // Drm clock client
+ RDRMClockClient iClockClient;
// Include inline functions
--- a/commondrm/drmrightsmanagerui/src/DRMRightsMgrAppUi.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/commondrm/drmrightsmanagerui/src/DRMRightsMgrAppUi.cpp Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -58,7 +58,70 @@
_LIT8( Kflk, "flk:" );
_LIT8( Kldf, "ldf:" );
-// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DoResetAndDestroy
+// Does RPointerArray< >->ResetAndDestroy() for the given array aPtr.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+LOCAL_C void DoResetAndDestroyPermission( TAny* aPtr )
+ {
+ ( reinterpret_cast< RPointerArray< CDRMPermission >* >( aPtr ) )->
+ ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// PrepareRightsObjectL
+// Creates rights object based on the given permission.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+LOCAL_C void PrepareRightsObjectL( CDRMRights*& aRights,
+ CDRMPermission* aPermission )
+ {
+ CDRMAsset* asset( NULL );
+ if ( !aPermission )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ }
+ aRights = CDRMRights::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( aRights );
+ aRights->SetPermissionL( *aPermission );
+ asset = CDRMAsset::NewLC();
+ aRights->SetAssetL( *asset );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( asset );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( aRights );
+ // Content URI and Local Id are not set
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// EndTime
+// Calculate the true end time: pick the smaller one of aTime1 & aTime2,
+// but ignore Time::NullTTime anyhow.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+LOCAL_C TTime EndTime( const TTime& aTime1, const TTime& aTime2 )
+ {
+ TTime nullTime = Time::NullTTime();
+ if ( aTime1 == nullTime )
+ {
+ return aTime2;
+ }
+ if ( aTime2 == nullTime )
+ {
+ return aTime1;
+ }
+ return Min( aTime1, aTime2 );
+ }
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==========================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDRMRightsMgrAppUi::CDRMRightsMgrAppUi
@@ -92,6 +155,7 @@
EAknEnableMSK | EAknSingleClickCompatible );
User::LeaveIfError( iRightsClient.Connect() );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iClockClient.Connect() );
iDRMCommon = DRMCommon::NewL();
if ( !iDRMCommon )
@@ -129,6 +193,8 @@
delete iDRMCommon;
+ iClockClient.Close();
if ( iStartEmbedded && iDoorObserver )
@@ -557,8 +623,8 @@
// from the background to the foreground.
if ( iForegroundHasBeenActive && iContentURI )
- StartOnlyForDetailsL( iContentURI->Des(), iLocalID,
- iStartEmbedded, iDrmScheme );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( StartOnlyForDetailsL( iContentURI->Des(), iLocalID,
+ iStartEmbedded, iDrmScheme ) );
@@ -739,7 +805,10 @@
TBool listable( EFalse ), sendable( EFalse );
TBool individualConstraint( EFalse ), usageAllowed( EFalse );
+ TInt err( KErrNone );
+ aStatus = KErrNone;
CDcfRep* dcfRep = CDcfRep::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( dcfRep );
@@ -798,23 +867,32 @@
aStatus = iDRMCommon->GetSingleRightsObject( aContentURI,
aLocalID, aRights );
- if ( aStatus )
- {
- aRights = NULL;
- }
+ CheckIndividualConstraint( aContentURI, individualConstraint, usageAllowed );
+ SetSelectedIndividualConstraint( individualConstraint );
+ SetSelectedUsageAllowed( usageAllowed );
- aStatus = iDRMCommon->GetActiveRights( aContentURI, 0, aRights );
+ SetSelectedIndividualConstraint( EFalse );
+ SetSelectedUsageAllowed( ETrue );
+ // Get active rights if available
+ err = iDRMCommon->GetActiveRights( aContentURI, 0, aRights );
+ if ( err < 0 )
+ {
+ // Find out the best composition of rights that should be shown in the
+ // details view. Checks also individual constraint.
+ TRAP( aStatus, FindBestCompositionRightsL( aContentURI, aRights ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( aStatus )
+ {
+ aRights = NULL;
- CheckIndividualConstraint( aContentURI, individualConstraint, usageAllowed );
- SetSelectedIndividualConstraint( individualConstraint );
- SetSelectedUsageAllowed( usageAllowed );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dcfRep );
- // Do not show the note, show license information in the details view.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
@@ -880,23 +958,18 @@
TBool& aIndividualConstraint,
TBool& aUsageAllowed )
+ TTime time;
+ RPointerArray<HBufC8> individuals;
RPointerArray<CDRMRights>* uriList = NULL;
TInt r = KErrNone;
TUint32 retval(0);
+ TInt timeZone(0);
DRMClock::ESecurityLevel secLevel = DRMClock::KInsecure;
CDRMRightsConstraints* constraint = NULL;
- RDRMClockClient client;
- RDRMRightsClient rclient;
- TTime time;
- RPointerArray<HBufC8> individuals;
- r = client.Connect();
- if ( r == KErrNone )
- {
- TTime time;
- TInt timeZone(0);
- client.GetSecureTime(time, timeZone, secLevel);
- }
+ iClockClient.GetSecureTime(time, timeZone, secLevel);
r = iDRMCommon->GetDetailedContentRights(aContentURI, uriList);
if ( r )
@@ -909,19 +982,13 @@
if ( !uriList || !uriList->Count() )
// no rights found
- client.Close();
delete uriList;
uriList = NULL;
// supported IMSI information is provided by rights client
- r = rclient.Connect();
- if( r == KErrNone)
- {
- TRAP( r, r = rclient.GetSupportedIndividualsL( individuals ) );
- rclient.Close();
- }
+ TRAP( r, r = iRightsClient.GetSupportedIndividualsL( individuals ) );
// Check only the first entry in the list. This is to be expanded to check
// all the entries in the list.
@@ -959,7 +1026,6 @@
constraint = NULL;
- client.Close();
delete uriList;
@@ -969,4 +1035,498 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CDRMRightsMgrAppUi::FindBestCompositionRightsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CDRMRightsMgrAppUi::FindBestCompositionRightsL( const TDesC8& aContentURI,
+ CDRMRights*& aRights )
+ {
+ TInt i, j, k;
+ RPointerArray<CDRMPermission> permissionList;
+ RPointerArray<CDRMPermission> permissionTempList;
+ RPointerArray<HBufC8> parentUidList;
+ RPointerArray<HBufC8> individuals;
+ TInt count( 0 );
+ TInt status( KErrNone );
+ TTime time( Time::NullTTime() );
+ TInt err( KErrNone );
+ TUint32 reason( EConstraintNone );
+ TBool individualConstraintFound( EFalse );
+ // Composition object of best rights to be shown in the
+ // details view
+ CDRMPermission* perm( NULL );
+ TCleanupItem cleanupPerm( DoResetAndDestroyPermission, &permissionList );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( cleanupPerm );
+ TCleanupItem cleanupPerm2( DoResetAndDestroyPermission,
+ &permissionTempList );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( cleanupPerm2 );
+ CleanupClosePushL( parentUidList );
+ // First get list of child ROs with the given Content URI
+ iRightsClient.GetDBEntriesL( aContentURI, permissionList );
+ if ( permissionList.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ // Check the UIDs of the possible parent rights objects
+ // and store the found ones to another pointer array for evaluation
+ for ( i = 0; i < permissionList.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ if ( permissionList[i]->iParentUID )
+ {
+ if ( i == 0 )
+ {
+ // No need to check if the parent UID is a duplicate
+ parentUidList.Append( permissionList[i]->iParentUID );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check parent UID list whether we have already stored the
+ // UID or not
+ for( j = 0; j < parentUidList.Count(); j++ )
+ {
+ if ( parentUidList[j]->Des().Compare(
+ permissionList[i]->iParentUID->Des() ) != 0 )
+ {
+ parentUidList.Append(
+ permissionList[i]->iParentUID );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the list of parent rights objects based on the parent UID
+ // and store the pointers from temporary array to the main list
+ for ( j = 0; j < parentUidList.Count(); j++ )
+ {
+ // We do not want to leave if nothing is found from the database
+ TRAP( status, iRightsClient.GetDBEntriesL( parentUidList[j]->Des(),
+ permissionTempList ) );
+ if ( status )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for ( k = 0; k < permissionTempList.Count(); k++ )
+ {
+ // Store the pointer to the main list of permissions
+ permissionList.Append( permissionTempList[k] );
+ }
+ // Close the temporary pointer array so that the referenced
+ // objects of it will not be deleted in the next round of the
+ // loop because the method for getting database entries deletes
+ // also the objects (by calling reset and destroy to the given
+ // pointer array) by default.
+ permissionTempList.Close();
+ }
+ parentUidList.Close();
+ time.HomeTime();
+ // supported IMSI information is provided by rights client
+ TRAP( err, err = iRightsClient.GetSupportedIndividualsL( individuals ) );
+ // Filter expired parent and child rights from the list
+ // Index defines the index of the list to be operated (next)
+ for ( count = permissionList.Count() ; count > 0; count-- )
+ {
+ if ( permissionList[count - 1]->Expired( time ) )
+ {
+ permissionList.Remove( count - 1 );
+ }
+ else if ( !( permissionList[count - 1]->Valid(
+ time, individuals, reason ) ) )
+ {
+ if ( reason & EConstraintIndividual )
+ {
+ individualConstraintFound = ETrue;
+ permissionList.Remove( count - 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ individuals.ResetAndDestroy();
+ individuals.Close();
+ if ( permissionList.Count() == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( individualConstraintFound )
+ {
+ SetSelectedIndividualConstraint( ETrue );
+ SetSelectedUsageAllowed( EFalse );
+ }
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ else if ( permissionList.Count() == 1 )
+ {
+ // Keep this permission because it is the only valid (left)
+ PrepareRightsObjectL( aRights, permissionList[0] );
+ }
+ else if ( permissionList.Count() > 1 )
+ {
+ // Compare constraints from successive items of the
+ // permission list and update the composition permission
+ // accordingly.
+ CheckBetterPermissionsAndStoreCompositionLC( perm, permissionList );
+ // Prepare the rights object with the composition permission
+ PrepareRightsObjectL( aRights, perm );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( perm );
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, &permissionList ); // cleanupPerm,
+ // cleanupPerm2,
+ // parentUidList
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDRMRightsMgrAppUi::CheckBetterPermissionsAndStoreCompositionLC
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDRMRightsMgrAppUi::CheckBetterPermissionsAndStoreCompositionLC(
+ CDRMPermission*& aCompositionPermission,
+ RPointerArray<CDRMPermission>& aList )
+ {
+ TBool firstBetter( EFalse );
+ TUint i, j;
+ if ( aList.Count() <= 0 )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ }
+ // create permission if needed and set the first item
+ // in the permission list as the reference permission.
+ if ( !aCompositionPermission )
+ {
+ aCompositionPermission = CDRMPermission::NewL();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL( aCompositionPermission );
+ aCompositionPermission->DuplicateL( *aList[0] );
+ // The double loop goes through the permissions and associated
+ // constraints beginning from the second entry in the permission list.
+ for ( i = 1; i < aList.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ // Enumeration for TIntent from Content Access Framework used
+ for ( j = EPlay; j < EPause; j++ )
+ {
+ switch ( j )
+ {
+ case EPlay:
+ {
+ // The constraint from the permission in the list
+ // is set to composition permission if it is better
+ // than the "old" best or reference permission.
+ firstBetter = BetterPermission( *aList[i]->iPlay,
+ *aCompositionPermission->iPlay );
+ if ( firstBetter )
+ {
+ aCompositionPermission->iPlay->DuplicateL(
+ *aList[i]->iPlay );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EView:
+ {
+ firstBetter = BetterPermission( *aList[i]->iDisplay,
+ *aCompositionPermission->iDisplay );
+ if ( firstBetter )
+ {
+ aCompositionPermission->iDisplay->DuplicateL(
+ *aList[i]->iDisplay );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EExecute:
+ {
+ firstBetter = BetterPermission( *aList[i]->iExecute,
+ *aCompositionPermission->iExecute );
+ if ( firstBetter )
+ {
+ aCompositionPermission->iExecute->DuplicateL(
+ *aList[i]->iExecute );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPrint:
+ {
+ firstBetter = BetterPermission( *aList[i]->iPrint,
+ *aCompositionPermission->iPrint );
+ if ( firstBetter )
+ {
+ aCompositionPermission->iPrint->DuplicateL(
+ *aList[i]->iPrint );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsMgrAppUi::BetterPermission
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDRMRightsMgrAppUi::BetterPermission( const CDRMConstraint& aNewOne,
+ const CDRMConstraint& aOldOne )
+ {
+ // Check Order:
+ // 1. Full
+ // 2. Start End, closest end time first
+ // 3. Interval, shortest first
+ // 4. Accumulated, shortest first
+ // 5. Timed Counter, least counters first, longest time first
+ // 6. Counter, least counters first or the first one found
+ const TTime nullTime = Time::NullTTime();
+ TTime oldTime = nullTime;
+ TTime newTime = nullTime;
+ TTime oldTimePos = nullTime;
+ TTime newTimePos = nullTime;
+ TTime trustedTime = nullTime;
+ // 1. Full
+ // If the old or new one is the ultimate one, don't bother to
+ // check anything else.
+ if ( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints == EConstraintNone )
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ if ( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints == EConstraintNone )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ // 2. Start & End Time
+ // Choose the one with the closest end time first
+ // All RO's to this check are already checked to be valid
+ // ActiveIntervals Also hit this spot
+ trustedTime.HomeTime();
+ // First get the start and end times from the intervals if they are active or inactive:
+ if ( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintInterval )
+ {
+ if( aOldOne.iIntervalStart == nullTime )
+ {
+ oldTimePos = trustedTime;
+ oldTimePos += TTimeIntervalSeconds( aOldOne.iInterval );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oldTime = aOldOne.iIntervalStart;
+ oldTime += TTimeIntervalSeconds( aOldOne.iInterval );
+ }
+ }
+ if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintInterval )
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iIntervalStart == nullTime )
+ {
+ newTimePos = trustedTime;
+ newTimePos += TTimeIntervalSeconds( aNewOne.iInterval );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newTime = aNewOne.iIntervalStart;
+ newTime += TTimeIntervalSeconds( aNewOne.iInterval );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintEndTime || oldTime != nullTime )
+ {
+ oldTime = EndTime( oldTime, aOldOne.iEndTime );
+ if ( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintEndTime || newTime != nullTime )
+ {
+ newTime = EndTime( newTime, aNewOne.iEndTime );
+ if( newTime != oldTime )
+ {
+ return ( newTime < oldTime );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintEndTime || newTime != nullTime )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ // 3. Inactive Intervals:
+ // Choose the one with the interval ending first:
+ // Continue here if the no SE's exist or SE's are the same
+ if( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintInterval )
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintInterval )
+ {
+ oldTimePos = EndTime( oldTime, oldTimePos );
+ newTimePos = EndTime( newTime, newTimePos );
+ if( oldTimePos != newTimePos )
+ {
+ return ( newTimePos < oldTimePos );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintAccumulated ||
+ aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintTimedCounter ||
+ aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintCounter )
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintInterval )
+ {
+ if( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintAccumulated ||
+ aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintTimedCounter ||
+ aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintCounter )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ // 4. Accumulated:
+ // Choose the shortest accumulated first
+ // Continue here if SE's or intervals do not exist or they are the same
+ if( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintAccumulated )
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintAccumulated )
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iAccumulatedTime != aOldOne.iAccumulatedTime )
+ {
+ return ( aNewOne.iAccumulatedTime < aOldOne.iAccumulatedTime );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintTimedCounter ||
+ aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintCounter )
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintAccumulated )
+ {
+ if( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintTimedCounter ||
+ aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintCounter )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ // 5. Timed Counter
+ // Choose the one with least counters first. If there is an equal number of counters
+ // left, use the one with the longest time
+ // Continue here if SE's or intervals or accumulateds do not exist or they are the same
+ if( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintTimedCounter )
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintTimedCounter )
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iTimedCounter == aOldOne.iTimedCounter )
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iTimedInterval != aOldOne.iTimedInterval )
+ {
+ return ( aNewOne.iTimedInterval < aOldOne.iTimedInterval );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintCounter )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ( aNewOne.iTimedCounter < aOldOne.iTimedCounter );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintCounter )
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintTimedCounter )
+ {
+ if( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintCounter )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Counter
+ // Choose the one with least counters:
+ // if they are the same choose the first one.
+ // Continue here if SE's or intervals or accumulateds or timed counters
+ // do not exist or they are the same
+ if( aOldOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintCounter )
+ {
+ if( aNewOne.iActiveConstraints & EConstraintCounter )
+ {
+ return ( aNewOne.iCounter < aOldOne.iCounter );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ // If all else fails use the old one:
+ return EFalse;
+ }
// End of File
--- a/commondrm/drmrightsmanagerui/src/DRMRightsMgrDetailsContainer.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/commondrm/drmrightsmanagerui/src/DRMRightsMgrDetailsContainer.cpp Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -841,9 +841,7 @@
TInt aIntYrs, TInt aIntMon, TInt aIntDay,
TInt aIntHrs, TInt aIntMin, TInt aIntSec )
- // Only the first meaningful data will be shown
- TInt numOfData = 0;
CDesCArrayFlat* strings = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( 1 );
CleanupStack::PushL( strings );
--- a/commondrm/drmutility/src/DrmUiHandlingImpl.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/commondrm/drmutility/src/DrmUiHandlingImpl.cpp Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -3828,21 +3828,8 @@
KDRMUtilityDebugPanicCode ) );
_LIT( KMarker, "\x00" );
- RPointerArray<CDRMPermission> uriList;
TPtr ptr( NULL, 0 );
TInt localId( 0 );
- TInt err( KErrNone );
- TRAP( err, iOmaClient.GetDBEntriesL( *aUrl, uriList ) );
- if ( uriList.Count() == 1 )
- {
- localId = ( uriList[0] )->iUniqueID;
- }
- uriList.ResetAndDestroy();
- uriList.Close();
// MaxInt will fit into 10 characters
HBufC* localIDBuf( HBufC::NewLC( KIntegerMaxLen ) );
--- a/drm_plat/group/bld.inf Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/drm_plat/group/bld.inf Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "../drm_agents_api/group/bld.inf"
#include "../wmdrm_core_api/group/bld.inf"
#include "../wmdrm_access_api/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../wmdrm_ota_access_api/group/bld.inf"
#if (defined __WINDOWS_MEDIA_DRM)
#include "../camese_utility_api/group/bld.inf"
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/drm_plat/wmdrm_ota_access_api/group/bld.inf Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* File that exports the files belonging to WMDRM Ota API
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+../inc/wmdrmotaaccess.h MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(wmdrmotaaccess.h)
+../inc/wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.h \
+ MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.h)
+../inc/wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.inl \
+ MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.inl)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/drm_plat/wmdrm_ota_access_api/inc/wmdrmotaaccess.h Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* wmdrmotaaccess.h
+// Forward declarations
+class CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface;
+// Class declaration
+* Provides access to WM DRM Over-the-Air
+* Functionality
+* @code
+* // Way to use CWmDrmOtaAccess
+* CWmDrmOtaAccess* access( CWmDrmOtaAccess::NewL() );
+* delete access;
+* @endcode
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CWmDrmOtaAccess ) : public CBase
+ {
+ /** Constructors */
+ IMPORT_C static CWmDrmOtaAccess* NewL();
+ IMPORT_C static CWmDrmOtaAccess* NewLC();
+ /** Destructor */
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CWmDrmOtaAccess();
+ /**
+ * GetLicenseChallengeL
+ * Syncronous method
+ *
+ * Get the license challenge that can be sent to the server to fetch
+ * a license
+ *
+ * @param aDrmHeader IN The drm header
+ * @param aChallenge OUT Resulting Challenge
+ * @return None
+ * @leave Symbian OS error codes
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void GetLicenseChallengeL( const TDesC8& aDrmHeader,
+ HBufC8*& aChallenge );
+ /**
+ * GetLicenseChallengeL
+ * Asyncronous method
+ *
+ * Get the license challenge that can be sent to the server to fetch
+ * a license
+ *
+ * @param aDrmHeader IN The drm header
+ * @param aChallenge OUT Resulting Challenge
+ * @param aStatus OUT Asyncronous request status
+ * @return None
+ * @leave Symbian OS error codes
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void GetLicenseChallengeL( const TDesC8& aDrmHeader,
+ HBufC8*& aChallenge,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * HandleLicenseResponseL
+ * Syncronous method
+ *
+ * Handle the response received from the server in correspondence
+ * to the license challenge
+ *
+ * @param aResponse IN The license response
+ * @return None
+ * @leave Symbian OS error codes
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void HandleLicenseResponseL( const TDesC8& aResponse );
+ /**
+ * GetLicenseChallengeL
+ * Asyncronous method
+ *
+ * Handle the response received from the server in correspondence
+ * to the license challenge
+ *
+ * @param aResponse IN The license response
+ * @param aStatus OUT Asyncronous request status
+ * @return None
+ * @leave Symbian OS error codes
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void HandleLicenseResponseL( const TDesC8& aResponse,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /** Default constructor */
+ CWmDrmOtaAccess();
+ /** Second phase constructor */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /** Internal interface to the WM DRM system */
+ CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface* iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface;
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/drm_plat/wmdrm_ota_access_api/inc/wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.h Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.h
+#include <e32base.h>
+// Class declaration
+// CWmDrmAccessEcomInterface
+// ecom plugin interface for WM DRM access implementation
+// @see CWmDrmAccess
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface ) : public CBase
+ {
+ // Constructors
+ static CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface* NewL();
+ static CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface* NewLC();
+ // Destructor
+ virtual ~CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface();
+ /**
+ * GetLicenseChallengeL
+ * Syncronous method
+ *
+ * Get the license challenge that can be sent to the server to fetch
+ * a license
+ *
+ * @param aDrmHeader IN The drm header
+ * @param aChallenge OUT Resulting Challenge
+ * @return None
+ * @leave Symbian OS error codes
+ */
+ virtual void GetLicenseChallengeL( const TDesC8& aDrmHeader,
+ HBufC8*& aChallenge ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * GetLicenseChallengeL
+ * Asyncronous method
+ *
+ * Get the license challenge that can be sent to the server to fetch
+ * a license
+ *
+ * @param aDrmHeader IN The drm header
+ * @param aChallenge OUT Resulting Challenge
+ * @param aStatus OUT Asyncronous request status
+ * @return None
+ * @leave Symbian OS error codes
+ */
+ virtual void GetLicenseChallengeL( const TDesC8& aDrmHeader,
+ HBufC8*& aChallenge,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * HandleLicenseResponseL
+ * Syncronous method
+ *
+ * Handle the response received from the server in correspondence
+ * to the license challenge
+ *
+ * @param aResponse IN The license response
+ * @return None
+ * @leave Symbian OS error codes
+ */
+ virtual void HandleLicenseResponseL( const TDesC8& aResponse ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * GetLicenseChallengeL
+ * Asyncronous method
+ *
+ * Handle the response received from the server in correspondence
+ * to the license challenge
+ *
+ * @param aResponse IN The license response
+ * @param aStatus OUT Asyncronous request status
+ * @return None
+ * @leave Symbian OS error codes
+ */
+ virtual void HandleLicenseResponseL( const TDesC8& aResponse,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
+ // internal variable used on freeing ecom related resources
+ TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
+ };
+#include "wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.inl"
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/drm_plat/wmdrm_ota_access_api/inc/wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.inl Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.inl
+#include <ecom/ecom.h> // for interface
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface* CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface::NewL()
+ {
+ const TUid KWmdrmOtaAccessEcomInterfaceUid =
+ {
+ 0x2002E67D
+ };
+ TAny* theImplementation( NULL );
+ TEComResolverParams resolveParams;
+ resolveParams.SetWildcardMatch( ETrue );
+ theImplementation = REComSession::CreateImplementationL(
+ KWmdrmOtaAccessEcomInterfaceUid,
+ _FOFF( CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface, iDtor_ID_Key ),
+ resolveParams );
+ return reinterpret_cast<CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface*>( theImplementation );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface::NewLC
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface* CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface::NewLC()
+ {
+ CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface* self( CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface::NewL() );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface::~CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ REComSession::DestroyedImplementation( iDtor_ID_Key );
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/drm_plat/wmdrm_ota_access_api/wmdrm_ota_access_api.metaxml Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<api id="49fc416669cd9affd6778815e848f92b" dataversion="2.0">
+ <name>WMDRM Ota Access API</name>
+ <description>Platform API to access WMDRM Ota Interface</description>
+ <type>c++</type>
+ <collection>wmdrm</collection>
+ <libs>
+ <lib name="wmdrmotaaccess.lib"/>
+ </libs>
+ <release category="platform" sinceversion="5.0"/>
+ <attributes>
+ <htmldocprovided>no</htmldocprovided>
+ <adaptation>no</adaptation>
+ </attributes>
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/drmclock/Src/DRMClockClient.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Client side class implementation
-#include "DRMClockClient.h"
-#include "DRMClientServer.h"
-#include "DRMLog.h"
-// To initialize C/S parameters.
-#define PARAMS TAny* params[ KMaxMessageArguments ]; \
-for ( TUint8 i = 0; i < KMaxMessageArguments; ++i ) { params[ i ] = NULL; }
-#define CLEARPARAM Mem::FillZ( params, \
-KMaxMessageArguments * sizeof( TAny* ) );
-// Maximum number of message slots that we use
-const TInt KMaxMessageSlots = 3;
-// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMClockClient::RDRMClockClient
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C RDRMClockClient::RDRMClockClient()
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMClockClient::~RDRMClockClient
-// Destructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C RDRMClockClient::~RDRMClockClient()
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMClockClient::Connect
-// Opens connection to the server.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMClockClient::Connect()
- {
- TInt ret = KErrNone;
- DRMLOG( _L( "RDRMClockClient::Connect" ) );
- const TVersion requiredVersion(
- DRMClock::KServerMajorVersion,
- DRMClock::KServerMinorVersion,
- DRMClock::KServerBuildVersion );
- DRMLOG( _L("RDRMClockClient: Create a new session" ) );
- ret = CreateSession( DRMClock::KDRMServerName,
- requiredVersion,
- KMaxMessageSlots );
- DRMLOG2( _L( "Result: %d") , ret );
- return ret;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMClockClient::Close
-// Closes the connection to the server.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void RDRMClockClient::Close()
- {
- DRMLOG( _L( "RDRMClockClient::Close" ) );
- RHandleBase::Close();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMClockClient::GetSecureTime
-// Gets the secure time from the DRMClockServer
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMClockClient::GetSecureTime( TTime& aTime, TInt& aTimeZone,
- DRMClock::ESecurityLevel& aSecurityLevel )
- {
- TPckg<TTime> package(aTime);
- TPckg<TInt> package2(aTimeZone);
- TPckg<DRMClock::ESecurityLevel> package3(aSecurityLevel);
- DRMLOG( _L( "RDRMClockClient::GetSecureTime" ) );
- TInt error = KErrNone;
- // For C/S communications.
- // Set the parameters.
- params[ 0 ] = reinterpret_cast< TAny* >( &package );
- params[ 1 ] = reinterpret_cast< TAny* >( &package2 );
- params[ 2 ] = reinterpret_cast< TAny* >( &package3 );
- // Send the message.
- error = SendReceive( DRMClock::EGetDRMTime, params );
- // Reset
- DRMLOG2( _L( "RDRMClockClient::GetSecureTime: %d" ), error );
- return error;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMClockClient::UpdateSecureTime
-// Updates the secure time on the DRMClockServer
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMClockClient::UpdateSecureTime( const TTime& aTime, const TInt& aTimeZone )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNone;
- TPckg<TTime> package(aTime);
- TPckg<TInt> package2(aTimeZone);
- DRMLOG( _L( "RDRMClockClient::UpdateSecureTime" ) );
- // For C/S communications.
- params[ 0 ] = reinterpret_cast< TAny* >( &package );
- params[ 1 ] = reinterpret_cast< TAny* >( &package2 );
- error = SendReceive( DRMClock::EUpdateDRMTime, params );
- DRMLOG2( _L( "RDRMClockClient::UpdateSecureTime: " ), error );
- // All done.
- return error;
- }
-// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
-// End of File
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/group/CryptoPrep.flm Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/omadrm/drmengine/group/CryptoPrep.flm Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@
crypto_files:=$(wildcard $(EXTENSION_ROOT)/../drmengine/drmcrypto/CMLA/*.cpp)
+GUARD:=done_$(call sanitise,$(CLEANTARGETS))
+ifeq ($($(GUARD)),)
ifeq ($(crypto_files),)
@@ -43,9 +48,12 @@
$(call makepath,$(CREATABLEPATH))
## Clean up
$(eval $(call GenerateStandardCleanTarget,$(CLEANTARGETS)))
+$(info <debug>$(PLATFORM) $(CFG), selecting $(CMLA_CRYPTO_SOURCE)</debug>)
+$(info <debug>$(PLATFORM) $(CFG), already handled $(CMLA_CRYPTO_SOURCE)</debug>)
# FLM already included - don't duplicate the targets
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/keystorage/src/DrmStdKeyStorage.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/omadrm/drmengine/keystorage/src/DrmStdKeyStorage.cpp Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
iFileMan = CFileMan::NewL(iFs);
#ifdef __DRM_OMA2
- SelectDefaultRootL();
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SelectDefaultRootL() ); // Allow startup anyway.
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/roapstorage/inc/RoapStorageSession.h Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/omadrm/drmengine/roapstorage/inc/RoapStorageSession.h Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -157,8 +157,7 @@
void UpdateDrmTimeL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
- void
- CRoapStorageSession::VerifyOcspResponsesL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
+ void VerifyOcspResponsesL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
void GetOcspResponderIdL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/server/inc/DRMActiveDeletion.h Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Active object handling "Delete Expired Permission"
-#include <e32base.h>
-class CDRMRightsDB;
-class CDRMDbSession;
-* CDRMActiveDeletion implements expired rights cleanup callback
-* for drm rights database
-* @lib RightsServer.exe
-* @since 3.0
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDRMActiveDeletion ) : public CActive
- {
- public: // Constructors and destructor
- /**
- * NewL
- *
- * Creates an instance of the CDRMRightCleaner class and returns a pointer
- * to it
- *
- * @since 3.0
- * @param aFs : Open file server session
- * @param aDatabase : CDRMRightsDB object
- * @param aStatus : The request status to complete when the operation is
- * fully done
- * @param aDatabasePath : full pathname of the database path
- * @param aTime : Time to check expiration against
- *
- * @return Functional CDRMActiveDeletion object, Function leaves if an error
- * occurs.
- */
- static CDRMActiveDeletion* NewLC( const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,
- CDRMDbSession& aSession );
- /**
- * Destructor
- */
- virtual ~CDRMActiveDeletion();
- public: // New functions
- /**
- * ActivateL
- *
- * Activates the object by adding it to scheduler etc.
- *
- * @since 3.0
- * @return None
- *
- */
- void ActivateL( const TTime& aSecureTime,
- CDRMRightsDB& aDb );
- protected:
- /**
- * Default Constructor - First phase.
- */
- CDRMActiveDeletion( const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,
- CDRMDbSession& aSession );
- /**
- * From CActive: RunL.
- */
- void RunL();
- /**
- * From CActive: DoCancel performs cancel
- */
- void DoCancel();
- /**
- * From CActive: RunError checks the errors from RunL.
- */
- // void RunError();
- private:
- /**
- * Default Constructor - First phase. Prevented.
- */
- CDRMActiveDeletion();
- /**
- * Assignment operator - Prevented
- */
- CDRMActiveDeletion& operator =( const CDRMActiveDeletion& );
- /**
- * Copy constructor - Prevented
- */
- CDRMActiveDeletion( const CDRMActiveDeletion& );
- private:
- // The message.
- const RMessagePtr2& iMessage;
- CDRMDbSession& iSession;
- // The instane doing the deletion.
- CActive* iActiveOperation;
- };
-// End of File
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/server/inc/DRMPointerArray.h Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/omadrm/drmengine/server/inc/DRMPointerArray.h Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
TBool iDoResetAndDestroy;
-template < class T > NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDRMPointerArray ) : public CBase, public RDRMPointerArray< class T >
+template < class T > NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDRMPointerArray ) : public CBase, public RDRMPointerArray< T >
static CDRMPointerArray* NewLC( TInt aGranularity );
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/server/src/DRMActiveDeletion.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation of the parent storage for Decision Making Machine
-#include "drmactivedeletion.h"
-#include "drmrightsdb.h"
-#include "drmrightscleaner.h"
-#include "drmdbsession.h"
-// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDRMActiveDeletion::NewLC
-// Two-phase constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CDRMActiveDeletion* CDRMActiveDeletion::NewLC( const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,
- CDRMDbSession& aSession )
- {
- CDRMActiveDeletion* self = new( ELeave ) CDRMActiveDeletion( aMessage,
- aSession );
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- return self;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDRMActiveDeletion::~CDRMActiveDeletion
-// Destructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- if ( iActiveOperation )
- {
- // Construction was successful, but
- // something has went wrong.
- iActiveOperation->Cancel();
- iMessage.Complete( KErrCancel );
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDRMActiveDeletion::ActivateL
-// Activate the thing by issuing a request to the DB and executing it also.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CDRMActiveDeletion::ActivateL( const TTime& aTime,
- CDRMRightsDB& aDb )
- {
- CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
- CDRMRightsCleaner* cleaner =
- aDb.DeleteExpiredPermissionsL( aTime, iStatus );
- CleanupStack::PushL( cleaner );
- cleaner->ExecuteCleanupLD();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- SetActive();
- iActiveOperation = cleaner;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDRMActiveDeletion::RunL
-// Handles the completition of the request.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CDRMActiveDeletion::RunL()
- {
- // All done.
- iMessage.Complete( iStatus.Int() );
- // iActiveOperation deletes itself.
- iActiveOperation = NULL;
- Deque();
- iSession.AsyncOperationDone();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDRMActiveDeletion::DoCancel
-// Cancels the operation.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CDRMActiveDeletion::DoCancel()
- {
- iActiveOperation->Cancel();
- iActiveOperation = NULL;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDRMActiveDeletion::CDRMActiveDeletion
-// Constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CDRMActiveDeletion::CDRMActiveDeletion( const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,
- CDRMDbSession& aSession ):
-CActive( EPriorityLow ),
-iMessage( aMessage ),
-iSession( aSession )
- {
- // Nothing
- }
-// End of file
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/server/src/DRMRightsClientStub.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Client side class implementation
-#include <s32file.h>
-#include "DRMRightsClient.h"
-#include "DRMClientServer.h"
-#ifdef _DRM_TESTING
-#include "logfile.h"
-extern TInt DRMServerStarter();
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::RDRMRightsClient
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C RDRMRightsClient::RDRMRightsClient() :
- iPtr( NULL )
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::~RDRMRightsClient
-// Destructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C RDRMRightsClient::~RDRMRightsClient()
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::Connect
-// Opens connection to the server.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::Connect()
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::Close
-// Closes the connection to the server.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void RDRMRightsClient::Close()
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::AddRecord
-// Add a new entry to the rights database.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::AddRecord( const TDesC8& aCEK, // Content encryption key
- // The rights object which is to be added
- const CDRMPermission& aRightsObject,
- const TDesC8& aCID, // Content-ID
- TDRMUniqueID& aID ) // Unique ID, out-parameter
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::GetDBEntriesL
-// Get a file name from the server. The file contains the rights objects,
-// which are then converted to RPointerArray.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void RDRMRightsClient::GetDBEntriesL( const TDesC8& aId,
- RPointerArray< CDRMPermission >& aRightsList )
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::GetDbEntryL
-// Get a single RO from the server.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CDRMPermission* RDRMRightsClient::GetDbEntryL( const TDesC8& aContentID,
- const TDRMUniqueID& aUniqueID )
- {
- CDRMPermission* object = new (ELeave) CDRMPermission;
- object->iUniqueID = aUniqueID;
- return object;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::DeleteDbEntry
-// Deletes all rights objects associated with the given UID.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::DeleteDbEntry( const TDesC8& aContentID )
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::DeleteDbEntry
-// Delete a single rights object identified by given parameters.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::DeleteDbEntry( const TDesC8& aContentID,
- const TDRMUniqueID& aUniqueID )
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::ExportContentIDList
-// Overloaded method: requests all content IDs to be put to a file.
-// Assumes that the given descriptor represents a buffer large enough to
-// contain the file name.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::ExportContentIDList( TDes& aFileName )
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::ExportContentIDList
-// Overloaded method: requests all content IDs to be put to a file,
-// and then converts the file into RPointerArray.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::ExportContentIDList( RPointerArray< HBufC8 >& aCIDList )
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::GetDecryptionKey
-// Fetches the decryption key from the server.
-// Uses TR mechanisms. Uses asynchronous C/S call.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::GetDecryptionKey( const TInt aIntent,
- const TDesC8& aContentID,
- const TBool aUpdate,
- TDes8& aKey )
- {
- aKey.Copy(_L("0000000000000000"));
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::CheckRights
-// Checks if appropriate rights exist for a certain content ID.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::CheckRights( const TInt aIntent,
- const TDesC8& aContentID )
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::Count
-// Returns the amount of unique content IDs in the database.
-// If an error occurs, a negative value is returned (Symbian OS / DRM 3 specific
-// error code).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::Count()
- {
- return 1;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::DeleteAll
-// Empties the database.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::DeleteAll()
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::Consume()
-// Consume the right with specific intent and contentID
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::Consume( const TInt aIntent, const TDesC8& aContentID, const TInt aActionIntent )
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::CalculatePadding
-// Calculate the padding from a data block and a certain content ID.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMRightsClient::CalculatePadding(
- const TDesC8& aContentID,
- const TDesC8& aLastTwoDataBlocks)
- {
- return 0;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::FileToListL
-// Converts the given file into an array.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void RDRMRightsClient::FileToListL( RFs& aFs,
- const TDesC& aFileName,
- RPointerArray< CDRMPermission >& aList )
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMRightsClient::URIFileToArrayL
-// Converts the given file into an array.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void RDRMRightsClient::URIFileToArrayL( RFs& aFs,
- const TDesC& aFile,
- RPointerArray< HBufC8 >& aList )
- {
- }
-// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
-// End of File
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/server/src/DRMServerStarter.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: This file is used only if RDRMRightsClient starts the
-* DRM Rights Database server.
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <e32uid.h>
-#include <f32file.h>
-#include <DriveInfo.h>
-#include "drmengineclientserver.h"
-#ifdef __WINS__
-LOCAL_C const TUint KServerMinHeapSize = 0x1000;
-LOCAL_C const TUint KServerMaxHeapSize = 0x300000;
-_LIT( KRightsServerFile, "RightsServer" );
-_LIT( KRightsServerFile, "%c:\\RightsServer.exe" );
-_LIT( KRightsServerFile, "e:\\RightsServer.exe" );
-LOCAL_C TInt CreateServer( void );
-// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CreateServer launches the DRM Rights server [process (THUMB/ARMI)|thread (WINS)].
-// Returns: KErrNone: No errors.
-// <KErrNone: Symbian wide error code.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LOCAL_C TInt CreateServer( void )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNone;
- RProcess server;
- error = server.Create( KRightsServerFile,
- KNullDesC );
- RFs fs;
- TInt driveNumber( -1 );
- TChar driveLetter;
- DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultMassStorage, driveNumber );
- error = fs.Connect();
- if( error != KErrNone )
- {
- fs.Close();
- return error;
- }
- fs.DriveToChar( driveNumber, driveLetter );
- fs.Close();
- TFileName rightsServerFile;
- rightsServerFile.Format( KRightsServerFile, (TUint)driveLetter );
- error = server.Create( rightsServerFile,
- KNullDesC );
- if ( !error )
- {
- // Give some time to the process to start.
- User::After( 1000 );
- // Kick the server up & running.
- server.Resume();
- // Local handle not needed anymore.
- server.Close();
- }
- return error;
- }
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// DRMServerStarter starts the actual server.
-// Returns: KErrNone: All went OK, no errors.
-// <KErrNone: Symbian wide error code.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt DRMServerStarter()
- {
- RSemaphore semaphore;
- TFindServer server( DRMEngine::KServerName );
- TFullName name;
- // Check if the server is already running.
- TInt error = server.Next( name );
- if ( !error )
- {
- // Yep, it's already running.
- return KErrNone;
- }
- error = semaphore.CreateGlobal( DRMEngine::KDRMSemaphore, // name
- 0 , // count
- EOwnerThread ); // owner
- if ( error == KErrAlreadyExists )
- {
- error = semaphore.OpenGlobal( DRMEngine::KDRMSemaphore );
- }
- if ( !error )
- {
- error = CreateServer();
- if ( !error )
- {
- // Wait until server has done all its things.
- semaphore.Wait();
- // Signal the (possible) next one waiting in line. Server
- // only signals the semaphore once but there might be several
- // clients waiting for this semaphore, in theory.
- semaphore.Signal();
- }
- // Semaphore can be destroyed.
- semaphore.Close();
- }
- return error;
- }
-// End of File
--- a/omadrm/drmengine/server/src/drmcrypto.c Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,687 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: DRM Crypto functionality
- DRMCrypto
- --------------------------
- SW module - ANSI C
-Location: -
-Filename: drmcrypto.c
-Document code: -
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- 1.1 Module type
- 1.2 Functional description
- 1.3 Notes
- 5.1 Mandatory include files
- 5.2 Library include files
- 5.3 Interface include files
- 6.1 Local include files
- 6.2 Local constants
- 6.3 Local macros
- 6.3.1 dummy_message_type
- 6.3.2 generate_connection_address
- 6.4 Local data types
- 6.5 Local data structures
- 6.6 Local function prototypes
- 7.1 DRMCrypto_Encrypt
- 7.2 DRMCrypto_Decrypt
- 7.3 DRMCrypto_EncryptRightsDb
- 7.4 DRMCrypto_DecryptRightsVDb
- 7.5 DRMCrypto_AddPadding
- 7.6 DRMCrypto_RemovePadding
- 7.7 DRMCrypto_GenerateKey
- 7.8 DRMCrypto_GenerateIV
- -
- Specification reference
- DRM Engine Crypto Interface Specification
- Design reference
- -
- Module test specification reference
- -
-/* 5.1 Mandatory include files */
-/* 5.2 Library include files */
-/* 5.3 Interface include files */
-#include "drmcrypto.h"
-#include "drmenv.h" /* for DRMEnv_GetRandom */
-/* 6.1 Local include files */
-#include "aes_if.h"
-/* 6.2 Local constants */
-#define KEYSEED_LENGTH 16
-/* 6.3 Local macros */
-/* 6.4 Local data types */
-/* 6.5 Local data structures */
-/* 6.6 Local function prototypes */
-/* 7 MODULE CODE */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* 7.1 */
-/* Functional description
- *
- * Encrypt data using specified algorithm
- *
- *
- * Parameters
- *
- * Cipher type
- *
- cType
- *
- * Pointer to encryption key
- *
- pszKey
- *
- * Encryption key length in bytes
- *
- iKeyLen
- *
- * Pointer to initializer vector of encryption
- *
- pszIV
- *
- * Pointer to data to be encrypted
- *
- pszIn
- *
- * Pointer to encrypted data.
- * It can be same pointer as pszOut.
- *
- pszOut
- *
- * Length in bytes of content to be encrypted.
- *
- iInLen
- *
- * Cipher type(AES encryption modes).
- *
- uiParameters
- *
- * Return values
- *
- * If encryption is OK, return DRM_ENG_OK,
- * otherwize DRM_ENG_ERROR.
- */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-uint8 DRMCrypto_Encrypt(
- CipherType cType,
- uint8* pszKey,
- uint16 iKeyLen,
- uint8* pszIV,
- uint8* pszIn,
- uint8* pszOut,
- uint32 iInLen,
- CipherParamType uiParameters )
- {
- /* Data structures */
- /* return code
- */
- uint8 ret = 0;
- /* AES encryption mode
- */
- uint8 iMode = 0;
- /* Code */
- /* check parameter */
- if( !pszKey || !pszIV || !pszIn || !pszOut )
- {
- }
- /* Convert uiParameters to inner interface type
- */
- if( uiParameters == AES_MODE_CBC)
- {
- iMode = AES_CBC;
- }
- else if( uiParameters == AES_MODE_ECB)
- {
- iMode = AES_ECB;
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG("Crypto Error: invalid uiParameters!")
- return DRM_ENG_ERROR;
- }
- if( cType == CIPHER_AES )
- {
- ret = AESEncrypt( (uint32*)pszKey, (uint16)(iKeyLen*8), (uint32*)pszIV,
- (uint32*)pszIn, (uint32*)pszOut, iInLen, iMode );
- if( ret==AES_CRYPTO_OK )
- {
- return DRM_ENG_OK;
- }
- else if( ret == AES_CRYPTO_ERR_MEMORY )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUGD("Crypto Error: AES Encryption Error ", ret)
- return DRM_ENG_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return DRM_ENG_ERROR;
- }
- }
-#endif /* #ifdef ENCRYPT_USED */
-/* 7.2 */
-/* Functional description
- *
- * Decrypt data using specified algorithm.
- *
- *
- * Parameters
- *
- * Cipher type
- *
- cType
- *
- * Pointer to encryption key
- *
- pszKey
- *
- * Encryption key length in bytes
- *
- iKeyLen
- *
- * Pointer to initializer vector of encryption
- *
- pszIV
- *
- * Pointer to encrypted data which is to be decrypted
- *
- pszIn
- *
- * Pointer to decrypted content.
- * It can be same pointer as pszOut.
- *
- pszOut
- *
- * Length in bytes of content to be decrypted.
- *
- iInLen
- *
- * Cipher type(AES encryption modes).
- *
- uiParameters
- *
- * Return values
- *
- * If decryption is OK, return DRM_ENG_OK,
- * otherwize DRM_ENG_ERROR.
- */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-uint8 DRMCrypto_Decrypt(
- CipherType cType,
- uint8* pszKey,
- uint16 iKeyLen,
- uint8* pszIV,
- uint8* pszIn,
- uint8* pszOut,
- uint32 iInLen,
- CipherParamType uiParameters )
- {
- /* Data structures */
- /* return code
- */
- uint8 ret = 0;
- /* AES encryption mode
- */
- uint8 iMode = 0;
- /* Aligned buffer for Key
- */
- /* uint32* pKeyAligned=NULL; */
- /* Aligned buffer for IV
- */
- /* uint32* pIVAligned=NULL; */
- /* Aligned buffer for Input data
- */
- /* uint32* pInAligned=NULL; */
- /* Byte stream pointer
- */
- /* uint8* pBytes = NULL; */
- /* Code */
- /* check parameter */
- if( !pszKey || !pszIV || !pszIn || !pszOut )
- {
- }
- /* Convert uiParameters to inner interface type
- */
- if( uiParameters == AES_MODE_CBC)
- {
- iMode = AES_CBC;
- }
- else if( uiParameters == AES_MODE_ECB)
- {
- iMode = AES_ECB;
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG("Crypto Error: invalid uiParameters !")
- return DRM_ENG_ERROR;
- }
- if( cType == CIPHER_AES )
- {
- ret = AESDecrypt( (uint32*)pszKey, (uint16)(iKeyLen*8), (uint32*)pszIV,
- (uint32*)pszIn, (uint32*)pszOut, iInLen, iMode );
- if( ret==AES_CRYPTO_OK )
- {
- ret = DRM_ENG_OK;
- }
- else if( ret == AES_CRYPTO_ERR_MEMORY )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUGD("Crypto Error: AES Decryption Error ", ret)
- ret = DRM_ENG_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ret = DRM_ENG_ERROR;
- }
- return ret;
- }
-/* 7.5 */
-/* Functional description
- *
- * Adds padding bytes at the end of data.
- *
- *
- * Parameters
- *
- * Pointer to pointer to data.
- * IN: points to data before adding padding bytes.
- * OUT: points to data with added padding bytes.
- * Memory used by input data will be freed inside this function.
- * New memory will be allocated for output data.
- *
- ppData
- *
- * Pointer to data length in bytes
- * IN: pointer to length of data with padding.
- * OUT: points to length of data without padding.
- *
- pDataLen
- *
- * Cipher block size.
- * Max 256
- *
- CipBlockSize
- *
- * Specifies used padding method.
- *
- uiPaddingMethod
- *
- * Return values
- *
- * If operation is OK, return DRM_ENG_OK,
- * otherwize DRM_ENG_ERROR.
- */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-uint8 DRMCrypto_AddPadding(
- uint8** ppData,
- uint32* pDataLen,
- uint8 CipBlockSize,
- PaddingMethodType uiPaddingMethod )
- {
- /* Data structures */
- /* Number of bytes to add to data
- */
- uint8 padSize=0;
- /* Address of input data
- */
- uint8 *pDataIn;
- /* Iterator
- */
- uint16 i;
- /* return code */
- uint8 ret = DRM_ENG_OK;
- /* Code */
- /* check parameter */
- if( !ppData || !pDataLen )
- {
- }
- if( uiPaddingMethod == PADDING_PKCS7)
- {
- /* calculate padding size
- */
- padSize = (uint8)( CipBlockSize-( *pDataLen % CipBlockSize ) );
- /* record input data address
- */
- pDataIn = *ppData;
- /* allocate memory
- */
- *ppData = (uint8*)DRM_BLOCK_ALLOC( *pDataLen+padSize ) ;
- if( !(*ppData) )
- {
- }
- /* copy data
- */
- DRM_BLOCK_COPY( *ppData, pDataIn, *pDataLen );
- /* free memory for input data
- */
- /* add padding
- */
- for( i=0; i<padSize; i++)
- *( (uint8*)(*ppData) + *pDataLen +i) = padSize;
- /* calculate new data length:
- */
- *pDataLen = *pDataLen+padSize;
- return DRM_ENG_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG( "Cypto Error: invalid uiPaddingMethod !" )
- ret = DRM_ENG_ERROR;
- }
- return ret;
- }
-/* 7.6 */
-/* Functional description
- *
- * Remove padding bytes from data.
- *
- *
- * Parameters
- *
- * Pointer to pointer to data(with padding bytes).
- * IN: points to data with padding bytes.
- * OUT: points to data without padding bytes.
- *
- ppData
- *
- * Pointer to data length in bytes
- * IN: points to length of data with padding.
- * OUT: points to length of data without padding.
- *
- pDataLen
- *
- * Specifies used padding method.
- *
- uiPaddingMethod
- *
- * Return values
- *
- * If operation is OK, return DRM_ENG_OK,
- * otherwize DRM_ENG_ERROR.
- */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-uint8 DRMCrypto_RemovePadding(
- uint8** ppData,
- uint32* pDataLen,
- PaddingMethodType uiPaddingMethod )
- {
- /* Data structures */
- /* Number of bytes of padding data
- */
- uint8 padSize=0;
- /* return code */
- uint8 ret = DRM_ENG_OK;
- /* Code */
- /* check parameter */
- if( !ppData || !pDataLen )
- {
- }
- if( uiPaddingMethod == PADDING_PKCS7)
- {
- /* calculate padding size
- * padding size is equal to last byte value of data
- */
- padSize = *( (*ppData) + (*pDataLen) -1);
- if( padSize<1 || padSize>CRYPTO_BLOCK_SIZE )
- {
- DEBUG("Padding Size wrong!")
- return DRM_ENG_ERROR;
- }
- /* calculate new data length:
- */
- *pDataLen = *pDataLen-padSize;
- return DRM_ENG_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG( "Cypto Error: invalid uiPaddingMethod !" )
- ret = DRM_ENG_ERROR;
- }
- return ret;
- }
-/* 7.8 */
-/* Functional description
- *
- * Generates an initialization vector for cipher CBC mode.
- *
- *
- * Parameters
- *
- * Lenght of the IV to be generated in bits. Must be a value between 1-16.
- *
- ivLen
- *
- *
- * Pointer to pointer to the generated IV.
- *
- ppIV
- *
- *
- * Return values
- *
- * If operation is OK, return DRM_ENG_OK,
- * otherwize DRM_ENG_ERROR.
- */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-uint8 DRMCrypto_GenerateIV(uint32 ivLen, uint8 **ppIV)
- {
- /* Data structures */
- /* return code */
- uint8 ret=DRM_ENG_OK;
- /* seed */
- uint8* pSeed=NULL;
- /* Code */
- /* check parameter */
- if( ppIV == NULL || ivLen == 0 || ivLen > 16)
- {
- }
- /* allocate memory for IV */
- *ppIV = DRM_BLOCK_ALLOC( ivLen );
- if( !(*ppIV) )
- {
- }
- /* generate random number as seed */
- if( !pSeed )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- ret = DRMEnv_GetRandom( (uint32*)pSeed, KEYSEED_NUMBER_OF_INT32 );
- }
- /* generate IV by seed */
- if( ret == DRM_ENG_OK )
- {
- /* Just copy the seed as IV. */
- }
- else /* free memory */
- {
- }
- /* free memory */
- return ret;
- }
-#endif /* #ifndef C_DRMCRYPTO_CFILE */
-/* End of File */
--- a/omadrm/drmhelper/src/DRMHelperClient.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation of the Helper Client session functionality
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <e32math.h>
-#include <drmcommon.h>
-#include "DRMHelperCommon.h"
-#include "DRMHelperClient.h"
-// Number of message slots to reserve for this client server session.
-// Since we only communicate synchronously here, we never have any
-// outstanding asynchronous requests.
-LOCAL_C const TUint KDefaultMessageSlots = 0;
-LOCAL_C const TUid KServerUid3 = {0x101F6DC5};
-#ifdef __WINS__
-LOCAL_C const TUint KServerMinHeapSize = 0x1000; // 4K
-LOCAL_C const TUint KServerMaxHeapSize = 0x10000; // 64K
-// ============================ LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
-#ifdef _DRM_TESTING
-LOCAL_C void WriteLogL( const TDesC8& text , RFs &aFs );
-LOCAL_C void WriteFileL( const TDesC8& text , RFs &aFs , const TDesC& aName );
-LOCAL_C void CreateLogL();
-LOCAL_C void WriteL( const TDesC& aText );
-LOCAL_C void WriteL( const TDesC8& aText );
-LOCAL_C void WriteCurrentTimeL();
-LOCAL_C TInt FromFileNameToUri(const TDesC16& aFileName , HBufC8*& aContentUri );
-LOCAL_C TInt CheckExpiration( const TDesC8& aUri , TTime& aEndTime , TInt& aCountLeft );
-LOCAL_C TInt StartServer();
-LOCAL_C TInt CreateServerProcess();
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::RDRMHelperClient
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C RDRMHelperClient::RDRMHelperClient()
-: RSessionBase()
- {
- // No implementation required
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::Connect
-// Connect to the server session
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::Connect()
- {
-#ifdef _DRM_TESTING
- TRAPD( err , CreateLogL() );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TRAP( err , WriteL(_L("Connect")) );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TRAP( err , WriteCurrentTimeL() );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TInt error = StartServer();
- if (KErrNone == error)
- {
- error = CreateSession(KDRMHelperServerName,
- Version(),
- KDefaultMessageSlots);
- }
- return error;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::Version
-// return server version
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TVersion RDRMHelperClient::Version() const
- {
- return(TVersion(KDRMHSMajorVersionNumber,
- KDRMHSMinorVersionNumber,
- KDRMHSBuildVersionNumber));
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::SetAutomated
-// Register one content uri to the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::SetAutomated( const TDesC8& aUri , const TInt& aType ) const
- {
- TInt temp = aType;
- TPtrC8 descriptor(aUri);
- // This call waits for the server to complete the request before
- // proceeding.
- return SendReceive(ERegister, TIpcArgs( &descriptor, temp ) );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::SetAutomated
-// Register one file to the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::SetAutomated( const TDesC16& aFileName , const TInt& aType ) const
- {
- TInt temp = aType;
- TPtrC8 descriptor( NULL , 0 );
- descriptor.Set( reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( aFileName.Ptr() ), aFileName.Length()*2);
- // This call waits for the server to complete the request before
- // proceeding.
- return SendReceive(ERegisterFile, TIpcArgs( &descriptor, temp ) );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::RemoveAutomated
-// Register one content uri to the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::RemoveAutomated( const TDesC8& aUri , const TInt& aType ) const
- {
- TInt temp = aType;
- TPtrC8 descriptor(aUri);
- // This call waits for the server to complete the request before
- // proceeding.
- return SendReceive(ERemove, TIpcArgs( &descriptor, temp ) );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::RemoveAutomated
-// Register one file to the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::RemoveAutomated( const TDesC16& aFileName , const TInt& aType ) const
- {
- TInt temp = aType;
- TPtrC8 descriptor( NULL , 0 );
- descriptor.Set( reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( aFileName.Ptr() ), aFileName.Length()*2);
- // This call waits for the server to complete the request before
- // proceeding.
- return SendReceive(ERemoveFile, TIpcArgs( &descriptor ) );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::IndicateIdle
-// Register one file to the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::IndicateIdle() const
- {
- return SendReceive(EIndicateIdle, TIpcArgs());
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::CanSetAutomated
-// Register one content uri to the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::CanSetAutomated( const TDesC8& aUri , TBool& aValue ) const
- {
- TTime endTime;
- TTime temp;
- TInt countsLeft = 0;
- TInt err = 0;
- temp.Set( KNullDate );
- endTime.Set( KNullDate );
- err = CheckExpiration( aUri , endTime , countsLeft );
- if ( endTime != temp )
- {
- aValue = ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- aValue = EFalse;
- }
- return err;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::CanSetAutomated
-// Register one file to the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::CanSetAutomated( const TDesC16& aFileName , TBool& aValue ) const
- {
- HBufC8* contentUri = NULL;
- TInt err = 0;
- err = FromFileNameToUri( aFileName , contentUri );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- err = CanSetAutomated( contentUri->Des() , aValue );
- delete contentUri;
- return err;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::IsAutomated
-// Register one content uri to the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::IsAutomated( const TDesC8& aUri , TInt& aType , TBool& aIs )
- {
- TPtr8 type( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( &aType ),
- 0,
- sizeof( TInt ) );
- TPtr8 flag( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( &aIs ),
- 0,
- sizeof( TInt ) );
- TPtrC8 descriptor(aUri);
- // This call waits for the server to complete the request before
- // proceeding.
- return SendReceive(EIsRegistered, TIpcArgs( &type, &descriptor, &flag ) );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RDRMHelperClient::IsAutomated
-// Register one file to the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RDRMHelperClient::IsAutomated( const TDesC16& aFileName , TInt& aType , TBool& aIs )
- {
- TPtr8 type( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( &aType ),
- 0,
- sizeof( TInt ) );
- TPtr8 flag( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( &aIs ),
- 0,
- sizeof( TInt ) );
- TPtrC8 descriptor( NULL , 0 );
- descriptor.Set( reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( aFileName.Ptr() ), aFileName.Length()*2);
- // This call waits for the server to complete the request before
- // proceeding.
- return SendReceive(EIsRegisteredFile, TIpcArgs( &type, &descriptor, &flag ) );
- }
-// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// StartServer
-// Start the helper server
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LOCAL_C TInt StartServer()
- {
-#ifdef _DRM_TESTING
- TRAPD( err , WriteL(_L("StartServer")) );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TRAP( err , WriteCurrentTimeL() );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TInt result = 0;
- TFindServer findHelperServer(KDRMHelperServerName);
- TFullName name;
- result = findHelperServer.Next(name);
- if (result == KErrNone)
- {
- // Server already running
- return KErrNone;
- }
- RSemaphore semaphore;
- result = semaphore.CreateGlobal(KDRMHelperServerSemaphoreName, 0);
- if (result != KErrNone)
- {
- return result;
- }
- result = CreateServerProcess();
- if (result != KErrNone)
- {
- semaphore.Close();
- return result;
- }
- semaphore.Wait();
- semaphore.Close();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-LOCAL_C TInt CreateServerProcess()
- {
-#ifdef _DRM_TESTING
- TRAPD( err , WriteL(_L("CreateServerProcess")) );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TRAP( err , WriteCurrentTimeL() );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TInt result;
- const TUidType serverUid(KNullUid, KNullUid, KServerUid3);
-#ifdef __WINS__
- RLibrary lib;
- result = lib.Load( KDRMHSServerFileName , serverUid );
- if (result != KErrNone)
- {
- return result;
- }
-#ifdef _DRM_TESTING
- TRAP( err , WriteL(_L("library is loaded")) );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TRAP( err , WriteCurrentTimeL() );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- // Get the WinsMain function
- TLibraryFunction functionWinsMain = lib.Lookup(1);
- // Call it and cast the result to a thread function
- TThreadFunction serverThreadFunction = reinterpret_cast<TThreadFunction>(functionWinsMain());
- TName threadName(KDRMHelperServerName);
- // Append a random number to make it unique
- threadName.AppendNum(Math::Random(), EHex);
- RThread server;
- result = server.Create(threadName, // create new server thread
- serverThreadFunction, // thread's main function
- KDefaultStackSize,
- &lib,
- KServerMinHeapSize,
- KServerMaxHeapSize,
- EOwnerProcess);
- lib.Close(); // if successful, server thread has handle to library now
- if (result != KErrNone)
- {
- return result;
- }
-#ifdef _DRM_TESTING
- TRAP( err , WriteL(_L("server thread is created")) );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TRAP( err , WriteCurrentTimeL() );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- server.SetPriority(EPriorityMore);
- RProcess server;
- result = server.Create( KDRMHSServerFileName, KNullDesC, serverUid);
- if (result != KErrNone)
- {
- return result;
- }
-#ifdef _DRM_TESTING
- TRAP( err , WriteL(_L("server thread is created")) );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- TRAP( err , WriteCurrentTimeL() );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- server.Resume();
- server.Close();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-LOCAL_C TInt FromFileNameToUri(const TDesC16& aFileName , HBufC8*& aContentUri )
- {
- DRMAuthenticated* c = NULL;
- DRMCommon::TContentProtection protection;
- HBufC8* mimeType = NULL;
- TUint dataLen = 0;
- TRAPD(err , c = DRMAuthenticated::NewL());
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- err = c->GetFileInfo(
- aFileName,
- protection,
- mimeType,
- aContentUri,
- dataLen);
- delete mimeType;
- if (err)
- {
- delete aContentUri;
- aContentUri = NULL;
- }
- return err;
- }
-LOCAL_C TInt CheckExpiration( const TDesC8& aUri , TTime& aEndTime , TInt& aCountLeft )
- {
- DRMAuthenticated* c = NULL;
- CDRMRights* right = NULL;
- TRAPD( err , c = DRMAuthenticated::NewL() );
- if (err)
- {
- return err;
- }
- err = c->GetActiveRights( aUri ,
- DRMCommon::EPlay | DRMCommon::EExecute | DRMCommon::EPrint | DRMCommon::EDisplay ,
- right );
- if (!err)
- {
- err = right->GetExpirationDetails(
- DRMCommon::EPlay | DRMCommon::EExecute | DRMCommon::EPrint | DRMCommon::EDisplay,
- aEndTime,
- aCountLeft);
- }
- delete right;
- delete c;
- return err;
- }
-#ifdef _DRM_TESTING
-LOCAL_C void WriteLogL( const TDesC8& text , RFs &aFs )
- {
- _LIT( KLogFile , "c:\\HSClientLog.txt" );
- WriteFileL( text , aFs , KLogFile );
- }
-LOCAL_C void WriteFileL( const TDesC8& text , RFs &aFs , const TDesC& aName )
- {
- RFile file;
- TInt size;
- User::LeaveIfError( file.Open( aFs, aName , EFileWrite ) );
- CleanupClosePushL( file );
- User::LeaveIfError( file.Size( size ) );
- User::LeaveIfError( file.Write( size, text ) );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //file
- }
-LOCAL_C void CreateLogL()
- {
- RFs fs;
- User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
- CleanupClosePushL(fs);
- RFile file;
- User::LeaveIfError( file.Replace( fs , _L("c:\\HSClientLog.txt") , EFileWrite ) );
- file.Close();
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //fs
- }
-LOCAL_C void WriteL( const TDesC& aText )
- {
- RFs fs;
- User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
- CleanupClosePushL(fs);
- HBufC8* text = HBufC8::NewLC(1000);
- TPtr8 textptr(text->Des() );
- textptr.Append( aText );
- textptr.Append( _L("\r\n") );
- WriteLogL(textptr , fs);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(text);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //fs
- }
-LOCAL_C void WriteL( const TDesC8& aText )
- {
- RFs fs;
- User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
- CleanupClosePushL(fs);
- HBufC8* text = HBufC8::NewLC(1000);
- TPtr8 textptr(text->Des() );
- textptr.Append( aText );
- textptr.Append( _L8("\r\n") );
- WriteLogL(textptr , fs);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(text);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //fs
- }
-LOCAL_C void WriteCurrentTimeL()
- {
- RFs fs;
- User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
- CleanupClosePushL(fs);
- HBufC8* text = HBufC8::NewLC(100);
- TPtr8 textptr(text->Des() );
-// Date and Time display
- TTime time;
- time.HomeTime();
- TBuf<256> dateString;
- _LIT(KDate,"%*E%*D%X%*N%*Y %1 %2 '%3");
- time.FormatL(dateString,KDate);
- textptr.Append(_L( "\r\n\t\tData:\t" ) );
- textptr.Append( dateString );
- _LIT(KTime,"%-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3%+B");
- time.FormatL(dateString,KTime);
- textptr.Append(_L( "\r\n\t\tTime:\t" ) );
- textptr.Append( dateString );
- textptr.Append(_L( "\r\n" ) );
- textptr.Append(_L( "\r\n" ) );
- WriteLogL(textptr , fs);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(text);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //fs
- }
-// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
-// Epoc DLL entry point, return that everything is ok
-GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(TDllReason)
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// End of File
--- a/omadrm/drmlicensemanager/src/LMSecurity.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Encryption/Decryption support functions
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <e32math.h>
-#include <s32buf.h>
-#include <s32crypt.h>
-#include "LMSecurity.h"
-#include "LMSecurityEncrypt.h"
-#include "LMSecurityDecrypt.h"
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurity::NewEncryptL
-// Return a new encryptor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CSecurityEncryptBase* CLMSecurity::NewEncryptL(
- const TDesC8& init) const
- {
- return new CLMSecurityEncrypt(init);
- };
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurity::NewDecryptL
-// Return a new decryptor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CSecurityDecryptBase* CLMSecurity::NewDecryptL(
- const TDesC8& init) const
- {
- return new CLMSecurityDecrypt(init);
- };
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurity::SetL
-// Password functions not supported (handled via the encrypt/decrypt classes)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CLMSecurity::SetL(
- const TDesC& /* aOldPassword */,
- const TDesC& /* aNewPassword */)
- {
- };
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurity::SecurityData
-// Password functions not supported (handled via the encrypt/decrypt classes)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TPtrC8 CLMSecurity::SecurityData() const
- {
- return TPtrC8(0, 0);
- };
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurity::PrepareL
-// Password functions not supported (handled via the encrypt/decrypt classes)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CLMSecurity::PrepareL(
- const TDesC& /* aPassword */)
- {
- };
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurity::IsEnabled
-// Password functions not supported (handled via the encrypt/decrypt classes)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CLMSecurity::IsEnabled() const
- {
- return ETrue;
- };
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurity::SetEnabledL
-// Password functions not supported (handled via the encrypt/decrypt classes)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CLMSecurity::SetEnabledL(
- const TDesC& /* aPassword */,
- TBool /* aIsEnabled */)
- {
- };
--- a/omadrm/drmlicensemanager/src/LMSecurityDecrypt.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Encryption/Decryption support functions
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <e32math.h>
-#include <s32buf.h>
-#include <s32crypt.h>
-#include "LMSecurity.h"
-#include "LMSecurityDecrypt.h"
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ?classname::?member_function
-// ?implementation_description
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const TDesC8& init)
- {
- TPckg<TUint> p(0);
- p.Copy(init);
- iKey = p();
- Math::Rand(iKey);
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ?classname::?member_function
-// ?implementation_description
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CLMSecurityDecrypt::DecryptL(
- TDes8& aOutput,
- const TDesC8& aInput)
- {
- TInt i;
- TUint8* ptr;
- ptr = const_cast<TUint8*>(aOutput.Ptr());
- for (i = 0; i < aInput.Size(); i++)
- {
- ptr[i] = static_cast<TUint8>(aInput[i] ^ Math::Rand(iKey));
- }
- aOutput.SetLength(aInput.Size());
- return aInput.Size();
- }
--- a/omadrm/drmlicensemanager/src/LMSecurityEncrypt.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Encryption/Decryption support functions
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <e32math.h>
-#include <s32buf.h>
-#include <s32crypt.h>
-#include "LMSecurity.h"
-#include "LMSecurityEncrypt.h"
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurityEncrypt::CLMSecurityEncrypt
-// Initialize the random key stream from a constant
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const TDesC8& init)
- {
- TPckg<TUint> p(0);
- p.Copy(init);
- iKey = p();
- Math::Rand(iKey);
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurityEncrypt::EncryptL
-// Encrypt using the key stream
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CLMSecurityEncrypt::EncryptL(
- TDes8& aOutput,
- const TDesC8& aInput)
- {
- TInt i;
- TUint8* ptr;
- ptr = const_cast<TUint8*>(aOutput.Ptr());
- for (i = 0; i < aInput.Size(); i++)
- {
- ptr[i] = static_cast<TUint8>(aInput[i] ^ Math::Rand(iKey));
- }
- aOutput.SetLength(aInput.Size());
- return aInput.Size();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CLMSecurityEncrypt::CompleteL
-// Final encryption
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CLMSecurityEncrypt::CompleteL(
- TDes8& aOutput,
- const TDesC8& aInput)
- {
- return EncryptL(aOutput, aInput);
- }
--- a/omadrm/drmplugins/drmudtmodule/bwinscw/DrmUdtModuleU.DEF Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- ??1CDrmUdtHandler@@UAE@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; CDrmUdtHandler::~CDrmUdtHandler(void)
- ?DoUserDataTransferL@CDrmUdtHandler@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@0PAVMDrmUdtObserver@@AAVTRequestStatus@@@Z @ 2 NONAME ; void CDrmUdtHandler::DoUserDataTransferL(class TDesC8 const &, class TDesC8 const &, class MDrmUdtObserver *, class TRequestStatus &)
- ?NewL@CDrmUdtHandler@@SAPAV1@XZ @ 3 NONAME ; class CDrmUdtHandler * CDrmUdtHandler::NewL(void)
- ?SetPreferredIap@CDrmUdtHandler@@QAEXK@Z @ 4 NONAME ; void CDrmUdtHandler::SetPreferredIap(unsigned long)
--- a/omadrm/drmplugins/drmudtmodule/eabi/DrmUdtModuleU.DEF Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- _ZN14CDrmUdtHandler15SetPreferredIapEm @ 1 NONAME
- _ZN14CDrmUdtHandler19DoUserDataTransferLERK6TDesC8S2_P15MDrmUdtObserverR14TRequestStatus @ 2 NONAME
- _ZN14CDrmUdtHandler4NewLEv @ 3 NONAME
- _ZTI11CDrmUdtConn @ 4 NONAME ; #<TI>#
- _ZTI14CDrmUdtHandler @ 5 NONAME ; #<TI>#
- _ZTV11CDrmUdtConn @ 6 NONAME ; #<VT>#
- _ZTV14CDrmUdtHandler @ 7 NONAME ; #<VT>#
--- a/omadrm/drmplugins/drmudtmodule/group/DrmUdtModule.mmp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: ?Description
-#include <platform_paths.hrh>
-TARGET DrmUdtModule.dll
-UID 0x1000008D 0x10205CAB
-SOURCE DrmUdtHandler.cpp
-SOURCE DrmUdtConn.cpp
-USERINCLUDE ../../../../omadrm/drmengine/RoapStorage/inc
-USERINCLUDE ../../../../omadrm/drmengine/Utils/inc
-USERINCLUDE ../../../../inc // ADo level inc dir
-// Default system include paths for middleware layer modules.
-SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/http
-SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/ecom
-LIBRARY euser.lib
-LIBRARY estor.lib
-LIBRARY efsrv.lib
-LIBRARY commdb.lib
-LIBRARY bafl.lib
-LIBRARY esock.lib
-LIBRARY http.lib
-LIBRARY inetprotutil.lib
-LIBRARY apmime.lib
-LIBRARY random.lib
-LIBRARY hash.lib
-LIBRARY etel.lib
-LIBRARY etelmm.lib
-LIBRARY flogger.lib
-LIBRARY DrmServerInterfaces.lib
-#if defined(ARMCC)
-deffile ../eabi/
-#elif defined( WINSCW )
-deffile ../bwinscw/
-#elif defined( WINS )
-deffile ../bwins/
-deffile ../bmarm/
--- a/omadrm/drmplugins/drmudtmodule/inc/DrmUdtConn.h Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: ?Description
-#ifndef DRM_UDT_CONN_H
-#define DRM_UDT_CONN_H
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <es_sock.h>
-#include <CommDbConnPref.h>
-class MDrmUdtObserver;
-class CDrmUdtConn : public CActive
- {
- public: // Constructors and destructor.
- static CDrmUdtConn* NewL();
- CDrmUdtConn();
- ~CDrmUdtConn();
- public: // new methods
- void ConnectL( TUint32 aIap,
- MDrmUdtObserver* aObserver,
- TRequestStatus* aStatus );
- void Close();
- TBool IsConnected( TUint32& aIap );
- RSocketServ& SocketServ();
- RConnection& Conn();
- private:
- enum TState
- {
- EInit,
- EConnecting,
- EConnected
- };
- private: // Constructors and destructor.
- void ConstructL();
- private: // from CActive
- virtual void DoCancel();
- virtual void RunL();
- virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
- private: // new methods
- void DoClose();
- void Done();
- private: // data
- RSocketServ iSocketServ;
- RConnection iConnection;
- TState iState;
- TRequestStatus* iParentStatus;
- TCommDbConnPref iConnPref;
- MDrmUdtObserver* iObserver;
- };
-#endif /* def CONNECTION_H */
--- a/omadrm/drmplugins/drmudtmodule/src/DrmUdtConn.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: ?Description
-#include "DrmUdtConn.h"
-#include "DrmUdtObserver.h"
-#include <CommDbConnPref.h>
-#include <commdb.h>
-#include <cdblen.h>
-#include <es_enum.h>
-// #include <ApSelect.h> // for checking APs
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#define LOGGING
-#define LOGGING
-#ifdef LOGGING
-_LIT(KLogDir, "DRM");
-_LIT(KLogName, "UDT.log");
-#include "flogger.h"
-#define LOG(string) \
- RFileLogger::Write(KLogDir, KLogName, \
- EFileLoggingModeAppend, string);
-#define LOGHEX(buffer) \
- RFileLogger::HexDump(KLogDir, KLogName, \
- EFileLoggingModeAppend, _S(""), _S(""), \
- buffer.Ptr(), buffer.Length());
-#define LOG
-#define LOGHEX
-// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::NewL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CDrmUdtConn* CDrmUdtConn::NewL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::NewL") );
- CDrmUdtConn* conn = new (ELeave) CDrmUdtConn();
- CleanupStack::PushL( conn );
- conn->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( conn );
- return conn;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::~CDrmUdtConn()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::~CDrmUdtConn") );
- Cancel();
- iConnection.Close();
- iSocketServ.Close();
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::ConnectL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtConn::ConnectL( TUint32 aIap,
- MDrmUdtObserver* aObserver,
- TRequestStatus* aStatus )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::ConnectL") );
- iObserver = aObserver;
- if ( iState == EInit )
- {
- // Not connected. Attach to existing connection, or create new one if
- // allowed.
- iStatus = KErrGeneral;
- // Make this part atomic by pushing closes on the stack.
- User::LeaveIfError( iSocketServ.Connect() );
- CleanupClosePushL<RSocketServ>( iSocketServ );
- User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.Open( iSocketServ ) );
- CleanupClosePushL<RConnection>( iConnection );
- TConnectionInfoBuf connInfo;
- TUint count;
- User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.EnumerateConnections( count ) );
- TUint i;
- if ( count )
- {
- // Select from existing connections. Try to make AP match.
- for ( i = count; i; i-- )
- {
- // Note: GetConnectionInfo expects 1-based index.
- User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.GetConnectionInfo( i, connInfo ) );
- if ( aIap == 0 || connInfo().iIapId == aIap )
- {
- // "Accept any" or AP match. Attach to this one.
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !i )
- {
- // No AP match, select AP with largest index.
- User::LeaveIfError
- ( iConnection.GetConnectionInfo( count, connInfo ) );
- }
- User::LeaveIfError
- ( iConnection.Attach( connInfo, RConnection::EAttachTypeNormal ) );
- iState = EConnected;
- iStatus = KErrNone;
- }
- else
- {
- // No existing connections, create new one.
-#ifdef __WINS__
- // WINS connection creation does not work if preferences are given.
- // Defaults are to be used always.
- iConnection.Start( iStatus );
- // Note: the TCommDbConnPref must NOT be stack variable.
- // It must persist until completion of RConnection::Start().
- iConnPref.SetDirection( ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing );
- iConnPref.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefPrompt );
- iConnPref.SetBearerSet( ECommDbBearerCSD | ECommDbBearerWcdma );
- // New connection is always created with user-selected AP;
- // so 0 is used instead of aIap.
- iConnPref.SetIapId( 0 );
- iConnection.Start( iConnPref, iStatus );
- if ( iObserver )
- {
- iObserver->ConnectionStartedL();
- }
- iState = EConnecting;
- SetActive(); // The only path with a real async request.
- }
- CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // closing iConn and iSockServ
- // End of atomic part.
- }
- else
- {
- // Not expecting this to be called in other states.
- }
- iParentStatus = aStatus;
- *iParentStatus = KRequestPending;
- if ( !IsActive() )
- {
- // Unless we have an outstanding connect request (iConn.Start),
- // we are done.
- User::RequestComplete( iParentStatus, iStatus.Int() );
- iParentStatus = NULL;
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::Close()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtConn::Close()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::Close") );
- Cancel();
- iConnection.Close();
- iSocketServ.Close();
- iState = EInit;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::IsConnected()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CDrmUdtConn::IsConnected( TUint32& aIap )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::IsConnected") );
- TBool connected( EFalse );
- if( iState == EConnected )
- {
- TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength * 2 + 1> iapId;
- _LIT( KFormatIapId, "%S\\%S" );
- TPtrC iap( IAP );
- TPtrC id( COMMDB_ID );
- iapId.Format( KFormatIapId, &iap, &id );
- TInt err = iConnection.GetIntSetting( iapId, aIap );
- connected = err ? EFalse : ETrue;
- }
- return connected;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::CConnection()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-: CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ),
- iState( EInit )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::CDrmUdtConn") );
- CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::ConstructL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtConn::ConstructL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::ConstructL") );
- /*
- TUint32 APs( 0 );
- CCommsDatabase* commsdb = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeIAP );
- CleanupStack::PushL( commsdb );
- CApSelect* apSel = CApSelect::NewLC (
- *commsdb,
- KEApIspTypeAll,
- EApBearerTypeAll,
- KEApSortUidAscending );
- APs = apSel->Count();
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
- if ( !APs )
- {
- // No AP defined
- User::Leave( KErrRoapGeneral );
- }
- */
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::DoCancel()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtConn::DoCancel()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::DoCancel") );
- iConnection.Close();
- iSocketServ.Close();
- User::RequestComplete( iParentStatus, KErrCancel );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::RunL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtConn::RunL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::RunL") );
- User::LeaveIfError( iStatus.Int() ); // Handle errors in RunError().
- iState = EConnected;
- User::RequestComplete( iParentStatus, iStatus.Int() );
- iParentStatus = NULL;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtConn::RunError()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CDrmUdtConn::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::RunError") );
- iConnection.Close();
- iSocketServ.Close();
- iState = EInit;
- User::RequestComplete( iParentStatus, iStatus.Int() );
- iParentStatus = NULL;
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CRoapConnection::Conn()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RSocketServ& CDrmUdtConn::SocketServ()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::SocketServ") );
- return iSocketServ;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CRoapConnection::Conn()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RConnection& CDrmUdtConn::Conn()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtConn::Conn") );
- return iConnection;
- }
--- a/omadrm/drmplugins/drmudtmodule/src/DrmUdtHandler.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1228 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation of the User Data Transfer module
-#include "DrmUdtHandler.h"
-#include "DrmUdtConn.h"
-#include "RoapStorageClient.h"
-#include "DrmRightsClient.h"
-#include "DrmUdtObserver.h"
-#include <hash.h>
-#include <stringpool.h>
-#include <http/thttphdrval.h>
-#include <etelmm.h>
-#include <mmtsy_names.h>
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#define LOGGING
-#define LOGGING
-#ifdef LOGGING
-_LIT(KLogDir, "DRM");
-_LIT(KLogName, "UDT.log");
-#include "flogger.h"
-#define LOG(string) \
- RFileLogger::Write(KLogDir, KLogName, \
- EFileLoggingModeAppend, string);
-#define LOGINT(string, val) \
- RFileLogger::WriteFormat(KLogDir, KLogName, \
- EFileLoggingModeAppend, string, val);
-#define LOGHEX(buffer) \
- RFileLogger::HexDump(KLogDir, KLogName, \
- EFileLoggingModeAppend, _S(""), _S(""), \
- buffer.Ptr(), buffer.Length());
-#define LOG
-#define LOGHEX
-using namespace Roap;
-// ================= CONSTANTS ======================
-// The time out value in HTTP, 30 sec
-LOCAL_D const TInt KUdtTimeoutValue = 30000000;
-LOCAL_D const TInt KMaxSerNumLength = 64;
-LOCAL_D const TInt KRdbKeyLength = 256;
-LOCAL_D const TInt KVersionSize = 1;
-LOCAL_D const TInt KMessageIdSize = 1;
-LOCAL_D const TInt KLengthSize = 4;
-LOCAL_D const TInt KSignatureLength = 128;
-LOCAL_D const TInt KVersion = 0;
-LOCAL_D const TInt KPadding255 = 1;
-_LIT8( KUdtContentType, "application/binary" );
-// UDT message identifiers
-LOCAL_D const TUint8 KUdtRequestId = 0;
-LOCAL_D const TUint8 KUdtResponseId = 1;
-LOCAL_D const TUint8 KStatusResponseId = 3;
-LOCAL_D const TUint8 KErrorResponseId = 4;
-LOCAL_D const TUint8 KServerErrorValue = 0;
-LOCAL_D const TUint8 KClientErrorValue = 1;
-LOCAL_D const TInt KUdtResponseSize = 129;
- {
- RTelServer* iServer;
- const TDesC* iName;
- };
-// ================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS =========================
-LOCAL_C void WriteIntToBlock( TInt aValue, TDes8& aBlock, TInt aOffset )
- {
- aBlock.SetLength(4);
- aBlock[aOffset] = (aValue & 0xff000000) >> 24;
- aBlock[aOffset + 1] = (aValue & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
- aBlock[aOffset + 2] = (aValue & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
- aBlock[aOffset + 3] = (aValue & 0x000000ff);
- }
-template<class S>
-void PointerArrayResetDestroyAndClose(TAny* aPtr)
- {
- (reinterpret_cast<RPointerArray<S>*>(aPtr))->ResetAndDestroy();
- (reinterpret_cast<RPointerArray<S>*>(aPtr))->Close();
- }
-LOCAL_C void DoUnloadPhoneModule( TAny* aAny )
- {
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( aAny, User::Invariant() );
- TUnloadModule* module = ( TUnloadModule* ) aAny;
- module->iServer->UnloadPhoneModule( *( module->iName ) );
- }
-// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::NewL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CDrmUdtHandler* CDrmUdtHandler::NewL( )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler:NewL:") );
- CDrmUdtHandler* handler = new( ELeave ) CDrmUdtHandler();
- CleanupStack::PushL( handler );
- handler->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( handler );
- return handler;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::~CDrmUdtModule()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::~CDrmUdtHandler") );
- Cancel();
- iSession.Close();
- delete iConnection;
- delete iUri;
- delete iTimeout;
- delete iOneTimePassword;
- delete iUdtRequest;
- delete iUdtResponse;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::ConstructL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::ConstructL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::ConstructL") );
- iConnection = CDrmUdtConn::NewL();
- iTimeout = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityUserInput );
- iRequestType = EUdtRequest;
- iUdtError = EUdtOk;
- iStateInfo.iState = TUdtStateInfo::EUdtNotStarted;
- iStateInfo.iProgress = 0;
- iStateInfo.iError = EUdtOk;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::DoUserDataTransferL()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CDrmUdtHandler::DoUserDataTransferL( const TDesC8& aOneTimePassword,
- const TDesC8& aServiceUrl,
- MDrmUdtObserver* aObserver,
- TRequestStatus& aStatus )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::DoUserDataTransferL") );
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iState == EInit, User::Invariant() );
- /*
- 1. fetch original RDB data from the rights client (serial number and key)
- 2. create UDT package with the original RDB data, the one time password,
- our serial number and our certificate
- 3. open a connection to the service URL
- 4. do a POST to the service URL, sending our UDT package
- 5. receive the anwser with the re-encrypted RDB key
- 6. tell the rights client to do a restore, using the re-encrypted RDB key
- 7. do a POST to the service URL, sendind a success or error notification
- */
- iOneTimePassword = aOneTimePassword.AllocLC();
- iUri = aServiceUrl.AllocL();
- iObserver = aObserver;
- LOG( _L8("Password: ") );
- LOG( aOneTimePassword );
- LOG( _L8("URL: ") );
- LOG( aServiceUrl );
- iParentStatus = &aStatus;
- *iParentStatus = KRequestPending;
- iState = EStart;
- TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
- *ownStatus = KRequestPending;
- iRequestType = EUdtRequest;
- SetActive();
- User::RequestComplete( ownStatus, KErrNone );
- CleanupStack::Pop(); // iOneTimePassword
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::SetPreferredIap()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CDrmUdtHandler::SetPreferredIap( TUint32 aPreferredIap )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::SetPreferredIap") );
- iPreferredIap = aPreferredIap;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::DoCancel()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::DoCancel()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::DoCancel") );
- switch ( iState )
- {
- case EStart:
- case EConnect:
- {
- iConnection->Cancel();
- break;
- }
- case EResponseReceived:
- {
- iTransaction.Close();
- SelfComplete( iError );
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- iError = KErrCancel;
- Complete();
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::RunL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::RunL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::RunL") );
- User::LeaveIfError( iStatus.Int() );
- switch ( iState )
- {
- case EStart:
- {
- ConnectL();
- break;
- }
- case EConnect:
- {
- CreateSessionL();
- break;
- }
- case ESendMessage:
- {
- SendUdtMessageL();
- break;
- }
- case EResponseReceived:
- {
- ResponseReceivedL();
- break;
- }
- case EComplete:
- {
- iState = EInit;
- Complete();
- break;
- }
- case EInit:
- default:
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::RunError()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CDrmUdtHandler::RunError( TInt aError )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::RunError") );
- iError = aError;
- iState = EInit;
- Complete();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::ConnectL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::ConnectL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::ConnectL") );
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iState == EStart, User::Invariant() );
- iConnection->ConnectL( iPreferredIap, iObserver, &iStatus );
- iState = EConnect;
- iError = EUdtOk;
- SetActive();
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::CreateSessionL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::CreateSessionL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::CreateSessionL") );
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iState == EConnect, User::Invariant() );
- TUint32 ap;
- if( !iConnection->IsConnected( ap ) )
- {
- User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
- }
- iSession.Close();
- iSession.OpenL();
- RStringPool strPool = iSession.StringPool();
- // Remove first session properties just in case.
- RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = iSession.ConnectionInfo();
- // Clear RConnection and Socket Server instances
- connInfo.RemoveProperty(strPool.StringF(HTTP::EHttpSocketServ,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
- connInfo.RemoveProperty(strPool.StringF(HTTP::EHttpSocketConnection,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
-#ifdef __WINS__
- // Clear the proxy settings
- RStringF proxy;
- proxy = strPool.OpenFStringL(_L8(""));
- connInfo.SetPropertyL
- (
- strPool.StringF( HTTP::EProxyAddress, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ),
- THTTPHdrVal( proxy )
- );
- proxy.Close();
- connInfo.SetPropertyL
- (
- strPool.StringF( HTTP::EProxyUsage, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ),
- THTTPHdrVal( strPool.StringF(HTTP::EUseProxy, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ) )
- );
- THTTPHdrVal proxyUsage(strPool.StringF(HTTP::EUseProxy,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
- connInfo.RemoveProperty(strPool.StringF(HTTP::EProxyUsage,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
- connInfo.RemoveProperty(strPool.StringF(HTTP::EProxyAddress,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
- connInfo.SetPropertyL
- (
- strPool.StringF( HTTP::EHttpSocketServ, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ),
- THTTPHdrVal( iConnection->SocketServ().Handle() )
- );
- connInfo.SetPropertyL
- (
- strPool.StringF( HTTP::EHttpSocketConnection, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ),
- THTTPHdrVal( REINTERPRET_CAST( TInt, &iConnection->Conn() ) )
- );
- InstallHttpFiltersL();
- // Complete requests
- TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
- *ownStatus = KRequestPending;
- iState = ESendMessage;
- SetActive();
- User::RequestComplete( ownStatus, KErrNone );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtModule::InstallHttpFilters()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::InstallHttpFiltersL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::InstallHttpFiltersL") );
- // CHttpUAProfFilterInterface::InstallFilterL( iSession );
- // CHttpCookieFilter::InstallFilterL( iSession );
- // InstallAuthenticationL( iSession );
- // CHttpFilterProxyInterface::InstallFilterL( iSession );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::SendUdtMessageL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::SendUdtMessageL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::SendUdtMessageL") );
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iState == ESendMessage, User::Invariant() );
- TUriParser8 uri;
- if ( iRequestType == EUdtRequest )
- {
- CreateUdtRequestL();
- }
- else if( iRequestType == EStatusNotification )
- {
- CreateStatusNotificationL();
- }
- User::LeaveIfError( uri.Parse( *iUri ) );
- RStringF POST;
- POST = iSession.StringPool().StringF( HTTP::EPOST, RHTTPSession::GetTable() );
- iTransaction = iSession.OpenTransactionL( uri, *this, POST );
- // Set required headers
- RHTTPHeaders hdrs = iTransaction.Request().GetHeaderCollection();
- SetHeaderL(hdrs, HTTP::EAccept, KUdtContentType() );
- SetHeaderL(hdrs, HTTP::EContentType, KUdtContentType() );
- // Add request body
- MHTTPDataSupplier* ds = this;
- iTransaction.Request().SetBody(*ds);
- iTransaction.SubmitL();
- iState = EResponseReceived;
- iStatus = KRequestPending;
- SetActive();
- iTimeout->Cancel();
- iTimeout->Start( KUdtTimeoutValue,
- KUdtTimeoutValue,
- TCallBack( StaticTimeOut,this ) );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::CreateUdtRequestL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::CreateUdtRequestL()
- {
- RRoapStorageClient client;
- RPointerArray< HBufC8 > certChain;
- TCleanupItem listCleanup( PointerArrayResetDestroyAndClose< HBufC8 >,
- &certChain );
- HBufC8* certBlock;
- TInt i;
- TInt n;
- TPtr8 ptr( NULL, 0 );
- TBuf8< sizeof ( TUint32 ) > intBuf;
- TBuf8< KMaxSerNumLength > targetSer;
- TBuf8< KRdbKeyLength > rdb_data;
- TBuf8< KSignatureLength > hash;
- HBufC8* signature = NULL;
- TInt udtVersion;
- CSHA1* hasher = NULL;
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::CreateUdtRequestL") );
- delete iUdtRequest;
- if ( iObserver )
- {
- iStateInfo.iState = TUdtStateInfo::EUdtReguest;
- iStateInfo.iProgress = 0;
- iObserver->UdtProgressInfoL( iStateInfo );
- }
- hasher = CSHA1::NewL();
- CleanupStack::PushL( hasher );
- User::LeaveIfError( client.Connect() );
- CleanupClosePushL( client );
- client.SelectTrustedRootL( KNullDesC8 );
- LOG( _L(" Getting cert chain") );
- User::LeaveIfError( client.GetDeviceCertificateChainL( certChain ) );
- CleanupStack::PushL( listCleanup );
- LOG( _L(" Getting UDT data") );
- ReadUdtDataL( targetSer, udtVersion, rdb_data );
- LOG(_L8("RDB data:"));
- LOGHEX(rdb_data)
- n = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < certChain.Count(); i++ )
- {
- n = n + KLengthSize + certChain[i]->Size();
- }
- certBlock = HBufC8::NewL( n );
- CleanupStack::PushL( certBlock );
- ptr.Set( certBlock->Des() );
- for ( i = 0; i < certChain.Count(); i++ )
- {
- WriteIntToBlock( certChain[i]->Size(), intBuf, 0 );
- ptr.Append( intBuf );
- ptr.Append( *certChain[i] );
- }
- n = KVersionSize +
- KMessageIdSize +
- KLengthSize +
- iOneTimePassword->Size() +
- KLengthSize +
- certBlock->Size() +
- KLengthSize +
- targetSer.Size() +
- rdb_data.Size() +
- KLengthSize +
- KSignatureLength;
- iUdtRequest = HBufC8::NewL( n );
- ptr.Set( iUdtRequest->Des() );
- WriteIntToBlock( n - (KVersionSize + KMessageIdSize +
- KLengthSize + KSignatureLength), intBuf, 0 );
- ptr.Append( KVersion ); // 1. version
- ptr.Append( KUdtRequestId ); // 2. request id
- ptr.Append( intBuf ); // 3. request length
- ptr.Append( *iOneTimePassword ); // 4. password
- WriteIntToBlock( certBlock->Size(), intBuf, 0 );
- ptr.Append( intBuf ); // 5. ceritificate block length
- ptr.Append( *certBlock ); // 6. ceritificate block
- WriteIntToBlock( targetSer.Size(), intBuf, 0 );
- ptr.Append( intBuf ); // 7. serial number length
- ptr.Append( targetSer ); // 8. original serial number
- ptr.Append( rdb_data ); // 9. RDB data
- WriteIntToBlock( udtVersion, intBuf, 0 );
- ptr.Append( intBuf ); // 10. UDT key version
- hasher->Update( ptr );
- hash.Append( 0 );
- hash.Append( KPadding255 );
- for ( i = 2; i < KSignatureLength - SHA1_HASH - 1; i++ )
- {
- hash.Append( 255 );
- }
- hash.Append( 0 );
- hash.Append( hasher->Final() );
- LOG(_L8("Hash:"));
- LOGHEX(hash);
- client.RsaSignL( hash, signature );
- CleanupStack::PushL(signature);
- ptr.Append( *signature ); // 11. signature
- LOG(_L8("Signature:"));
- LOGHEX((*signature));
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 5 ); // certBlock, listCleanup,
- // client, hasher, signature
- if ( iObserver )
- {
- iStateInfo.iState = TUdtStateInfo::EUdtReguest;
- iStateInfo.iProgress += 20;
- iObserver->UdtProgressInfoL( iStateInfo );
- }
- LOG(_L8("Request:"));
- LOGHEX((*iUdtRequest));
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::CreateStatusNotificationL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::CreateStatusNotificationL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::CreateStatusNotificationL") );
- if ( iObserver )
- {
- iStateInfo.iState = TUdtStateInfo::EUdtStatusNotification;
- iStateInfo.iProgress += 20;
- iObserver->UdtProgressInfoL( iStateInfo );
- }
- delete iUdtRequest;
- iUdtRequest = NULL;
- iUdtRequest = HBufC8::NewL(64);
- TPtr8 ptr = iUdtRequest->Des();
- ptr.Append(0);
- ptr.Append(2);
- ptr.Append(*iOneTimePassword);
- iUdtError == EUdtOk ? ptr.Append(1) : ptr.Append(0);
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::ResponseReceivedL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::ResponseReceivedL()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::ResponseReceivedL") );
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iState == EResponseReceived, User::Invariant() );
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iUdtResponse, User::Invariant() );
- TPtrC8 udtRespPtr( *iUdtResponse );
- HBufC8* origDBKey = NULL;
- TPtrC8 origDBKeyPtr( KNullDesC8 );
- RDRMRightsClient rightsClient;
- TInt error = EUdtOk;
- LOGHEX((*iUdtResponse));
- // check response type
- switch ( udtRespPtr[1] )
- {
- case KUdtResponseId:
- {
- if ( iObserver )
- {
- iStateInfo.iState = TUdtStateInfo::EUdtKeyRestore;
- iStateInfo.iProgress += 20;
- iObserver->UdtProgressInfoL( iStateInfo );
- }
- if ( udtRespPtr.Length() < KUdtResponseSize )
- {
- User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
- }
- origDBKeyPtr.Set( udtRespPtr.Mid( 2 ) );
- origDBKey = origDBKeyPtr.AllocLC();
- iUdtError = rightsClient.Connect();
- CleanupClosePushL( rightsClient );
- if ( !iUdtError )
- {
- iUdtError = rightsClient.InitiateUdt( origDBKeyPtr );
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // origDBKey, rightsClient
- iRequestType = EStatusNotification;
- iState = ESendMessage;
- iStatus = KRequestPending;
- SetActive();
- SelfComplete( KErrNone );
- break;
- }
- case KStatusResponseId:
- {
- if ( iObserver )
- {
- iStateInfo.iState = TUdtStateInfo::EUdtStatusNotification;
- iStateInfo.iProgress += 20;
- iObserver->UdtProgressInfoL( iStateInfo );
- }
- iState = EComplete;
- iStatus = KRequestPending;
- SetActive();
- if ( iUdtError )
- {
- error = EUdtKeyRestoreFailed;
- iUdtError = EUdtOk;
- }
- SelfComplete( error );
- break;
- }
- case KErrorResponseId:
- {
- if ( udtRespPtr.Length() >= 3 && udtRespPtr[2] == KClientErrorValue )
- {
- error = EUdtClientError;
- }
- else
- {
- error = EUdtServerError;
- }
- iState = EComplete;
- iStatus = KRequestPending;
- SetActive();
- SelfComplete( error );
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::SetHeaderL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::SetHeaderL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, TInt aHdrField, const TDesC8& aHdrValue)
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::SetHeaderL") );
- RStringF valStr = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(aHdrValue);
- THTTPHdrVal val(valStr);
- aHeaders.SetFieldL(iSession.StringPool().StringF(aHdrField,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), val);
- valStr.Close();
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::Complete()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::Complete()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::Complete") );
- delete iUri;
- iUri = NULL;
- delete iUdtResponse;
- iUdtResponse = NULL;
- delete iUdtRequest;
- iUdtRequest = NULL;
- delete iOneTimePassword;
- iOneTimePassword = NULL;
- if( iTimeout )
- {
- iTimeout->Cancel();
- }
- if ( iObserver )
- {
- iStateInfo.iState = TUdtStateInfo::EUdtComplete;
- iStateInfo.iProgress = 100;
- iStateInfo.iError = iError;
- TRAPD(ignore, iObserver->UdtProgressInfoL( iStateInfo ));
- }
- User::RequestComplete( iParentStatus, iError );
- iParentStatus = NULL;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::CDrmUdtModule()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CDrmUdtHandler::CDrmUdtHandler(): CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::CDrmUdtHandler") );
- CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::SelfComplete()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::SelfComplete( TInt aResult )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::SelfComplete") );
- if ( iStatus == KRequestPending )
- {
- TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
- User::RequestComplete( ownStatus, aResult );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( aResult != KErrNone )
- {
- iStatus = aResult;
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::MHFRunL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::MHFRunL( RHTTPTransaction /*aTransaction */,
- const THTTPEvent& aEvent )
- {
- LOGINT( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::MHFRunL: %d"), aEvent.iStatus );
- iTimeout->Cancel();
- iTimeout->Start( KUdtTimeoutValue,
- KUdtTimeoutValue,
- TCallBack( StaticTimeOut,this ) );
- switch ( aEvent.iStatus )
- {
- case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseHeaders:
- {
- HandleResponseHeadersL( iTransaction.Response() );
- break;
- }
- case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseBodyData:
- {
- TInt ret( KErrNone );
- MHTTPDataSupplier* body = iTransaction.Response().Body();
- TPtrC8 ptr;
- body->GetNextDataPart( ptr );
- ret = AppendResponseData( ptr );
- body->ReleaseData();
- User::LeaveIfError( ret );
- break;
- }
- case THTTPEvent::EFailed:
- {
- if ( iError == KErrNone )
- {
- iError = EUdtServerError;
- }
- iTransaction.Close();
- SelfComplete( iError );
- break;
- }
- case THTTPEvent::ESucceeded:
- {
- iTransaction.Close();
- SelfComplete( iError );
- break;
- }
- case THTTPEvent::ERedirectRequiresConfirmation:
- {
- iTransaction.SubmitL();
- }
- default:
- {
- if( aEvent.iStatus == KErrHttpRedirectUseProxy )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- User::LeaveIfError( aEvent.iStatus );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::MHFRunError()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CDrmUdtHandler::MHFRunError (
- TInt aError,
- RHTTPTransaction /* aTransaction */,
- const THTTPEvent& /* aEvent */
- )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::MHFRunError") );
- iTransaction.Close();
- iError = aError;
- SelfComplete( iError );
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::HandleResponseHeadersL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::HandleResponseHeadersL( RHTTPResponse aHttpResponse )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::HandleResponseHeadersL") );
- RHTTPHeaders headers = aHttpResponse.GetHeaderCollection();
- TInt httpCode = aHttpResponse.StatusCode();
- TBool status;
- status = CheckHttpCode( httpCode );
- if ( status )
- {
- RStringF contentTypeStr;
- THTTPHdrVal contentTypeVal;
- TPtrC8 ptrContentType(KNullDesC8);
- RStringPool srtPool;
- srtPool = iSession.StringPool();
- contentTypeStr = srtPool.StringF( HTTP::EContentType, RHTTPSession::GetTable() );
- User::LeaveIfError( headers.GetField( contentTypeStr, 0, contentTypeVal ) );
- if ( contentTypeVal.StrF().DesC().CompareF( KUdtContentType() ) != KErrNone )
- {
- User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
- }
- }
- if ( aHttpResponse.HasBody() )
- {
- TInt dataSize = aHttpResponse.Body()->OverallDataSize();
- if ( dataSize >= 0 )
- {
- HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewL( dataSize );
- delete iUdtResponse;
- iUdtResponse = buf;
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::CheckHttpCode()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CDrmUdtHandler::CheckHttpCode( TInt aHttpStatus )
- {
- LOGINT(_L("CDrmUdtHandler::CheckHttpCode: %d"), aHttpStatus);
- if ( HTTPStatus::IsInformational( aHttpStatus ) )
- {
- // 1xx
- // Informational messages.
- iError = EUdtServerError;
- return EFalse;
- }
- else if ( aHttpStatus == HTTPStatus::EOk ||
- aHttpStatus == HTTPStatus::ENonAuthoritativeInfo )
- {
- // 200 OK
- // 203 Non-Authoritative Information
- iError = EUdtOk;
- return ETrue;
- }
- else if ( HTTPStatus::IsSuccessful( aHttpStatus ) )
- {
- // 2xx
- // Success codes without an usable body.
- iError = EUdtServerError;
- return EFalse;
- }
- else if ( aHttpStatus == HTTPStatus::EUnauthorized ||
- aHttpStatus == HTTPStatus::EProxyAuthenticationRequired )
- {
- // 401 Unauthorized
- // 407 Proxy authentication required
- iError = EUdtInvalidServerAddress;
- return EFalse;
- }
- else if ( aHttpStatus == HTTPStatus::ENotFound ||
- aHttpStatus == HTTPStatus::EGone )
- {
- // 404 Not found
- // 410 Gone
- iError = EUdtInvalidServerAddress;
- return EFalse;
- }
- else if ( HTTPStatus::IsClientError( aHttpStatus ) )
- {
- // 4xx
- iError = EUdtInvalidServerAddress;
- return EFalse;
- }
- else if ( aHttpStatus == HTTPStatus::EHTTPVersionNotSupported )
- {
- // 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
- iError = EUdtServerError;
- return EFalse;
- }
- else if ( HTTPStatus::IsServerError( aHttpStatus ) )
- {
- // 5xx
- iError = EUdtServerError;
- return EFalse;
- }
- else
- {
- // Everything else.
- iError = EUdtServerError;
- }
- return EFalse;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtModule::AppendResponseData()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CDrmUdtHandler::AppendResponseData( const TDesC8& aDataChunk )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::AppendResponseData") );
- TInt needed = iUdtResponse->Des().Length() + aDataChunk.Length();
- if ( iUdtResponse->Des().MaxLength() < needed )
- {
- HBufC8* buf = iUdtResponse->ReAlloc( needed );
- if ( buf )
- {
- iUdtResponse = buf;
- }
- else
- {
- return KErrNoMemory;
- }
- }
- iUdtResponse->Des().Append( aDataChunk );
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::StaticTimeOut()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CDrmUdtHandler::StaticTimeOut( TAny* aPointer )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::StaticTimeOut") );
- CDrmUdtHandler* itself = STATIC_CAST(CDrmUdtHandler*, aPointer);
- if(itself)
- {
- itself->TimeOut();
- }
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::TimeOut()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::TimeOut()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::TimeOut") );
- iTransaction.Close();
- iError = KErrTimedOut;
- SelfComplete( iError );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::GetNextDataPart()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CDrmUdtHandler::GetNextDataPart( TPtrC8& aDataPart )
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::GetNextDataPart") );
- aDataPart.Set( iUdtRequest->Des() );
- return ETrue;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::ReleaseData()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::ReleaseData()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::ReleaseData") );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::OverallDataSize()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CDrmUdtHandler::OverallDataSize()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::OverallDataSize") );
- return iUdtRequest->Des().Size();
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::Reset()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CDrmUdtHandler::Reset()
- {
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::Reset") );
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::ReadUdtDataL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CDrmUdtHandler::ReadUdtDataL(
- TDes8& aTargetSerialNumber,
- TInt& aUdtKeyVersion,
- TDes8& aEncryptedRdbData )
- {
- RDRMRightsClient rightsClient;
- HBufC* serialNum = NULL;
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::ReadUdtDataL") );
- User::LeaveIfError( rightsClient.Connect() );
- CleanupClosePushL( rightsClient );
- serialNum = SerialNumberL();
- aTargetSerialNumber.Copy( *serialNum );
- aUdtKeyVersion = 0;
- User::LeaveIfError( rightsClient.GetUdtData( aEncryptedRdbData ) );
- if( !aEncryptedRdbData.Length() )
- {
- User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // rightsClient
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CDrmUdtHandler::ReadUdtDataL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CDrmUdtHandler::SerialNumberL()
- {
- TInt error( KErrNone );
- TInt count( 0 );
- TInt count2( 0 );
- TUint32 caps( 0 );
- HBufC* imei = NULL;
-#ifndef __WINS__
- LOG( _L("CDrmUdtHandler::SerialNumberL") );
- RTelServer etelServer;
- RMobilePhone phone;
- for ( TUint8 i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
- {
- error = etelServer.Connect();
- if ( error )
- {
- User::After( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( 100000 ) );
- }
- }
- User::LeaveIfError( error );
- CleanupClosePushL( etelServer );
- LOG( _L(" Connected to ETEL") );
- User::LeaveIfError( etelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName ) );
- LOG( _L(" Phone Module loaded") );
- TUnloadModule unload;
- unload.iServer = &etelServer;
- unload.iName = &KMmTsyModuleName;
- TCleanupItem item( DoUnloadPhoneModule, &unload );
- CleanupStack::PushL( item );
- User::LeaveIfError( etelServer.EnumeratePhones( count ) );
- LOG( _L(" Phones enumerated") );
- for ( count2 = 0; count2 < count; ++count2 )
- {
- RTelServer::TPhoneInfo phoneInfo;
- User::LeaveIfError( etelServer.GetTsyName( count2, phoneInfo.iName ) );
- LOG( _L(" Got TSY module") );
- LOG( phoneInfo.iName );
- if ( phoneInfo.iName.CompareF( KMmTsyModuleName ) == 0 )
- {
- User::LeaveIfError( etelServer.GetPhoneInfo( count2, phoneInfo ) );
- LOG( _L(" Got phone info") );
- User::LeaveIfError( phone.Open( etelServer, phoneInfo.iName ) );
- LOG( _L(" Opened phone") );
- CleanupClosePushL( phone );
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( count2 == count )
- {
- // Not found.
- LOG( _L(" No phone found") );
- User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
- }
- LOG( _L(" Got phone") );
- User::LeaveIfError( phone.GetIdentityCaps( caps ) );
- LOG( _L(" Got Caps") );
- if ( caps & RMobilePhone::KCapsGetSerialNumber )
- {
- RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 id;
- TRequestStatus status;
- phone.GetPhoneId( status, id );
- User::WaitForRequest( status );
- User::LeaveIfError( status.Int() );
- imei = id.iSerialNumber.AllocL();
- LOG( _L(" Got serial number") );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // phone, item, etelServer
- return imei;
- }
- User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
- // Never happens...
- return imei;
- _LIT( KDefaultSerialNumber, "123456789123456789" );
- imei = KDefaultSerialNumber().AllocL();
- return imei;
- }
--- a/omadrm/group/bld.inf Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/omadrm/group/bld.inf Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -94,10 +94,6 @@
// DRMService API
--- a/omadrm/rndcerts/group/bld.inf Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Install CMLA certificates
-// CMLA RnD keys
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/CMLA/DevicePrivateKey.der c:/private/101F51F2/PKI/96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469/DevicePrivateKey.der
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/CMLA/DeviceCert.der c:/private/101F51F2/PKI/96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469/DeviceCert.der
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/CMLA/SigningCert00.der c:/private/101F51F2/PKI/96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469/SigningCert00.der
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/CMLA/SigningCert01.der c:/private/101F51F2/PKI/96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469/SigningCert01.der
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/CMLA/DevicePrivateKey.der z:/private/101F51F2/PKI/96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469/DevicePrivateKey.der
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/CMLA/DeviceCert.der z:/private/101F51F2/PKI/96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469/DeviceCert.der
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/CMLA/SigningCert00.der z:/private/101F51F2/PKI/96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469/SigningCert00.der
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/CMLA/SigningCert01.der z:/private/101F51F2/PKI/96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469/SigningCert01.der
-// Default UDT Key
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/UdtCertificate.der c:/private/101F51F2/PKI/UdtCertificate.der
-../../drmengine/keystorage/data/UdtCertificate.der z:/private/101F51F2/PKI/UdtCertificate.der
--- a/omadrm/rom/DRM5.iby Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/omadrm/rom/DRM5.iby Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -57,17 +57,12 @@
file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\DrmServerInterfaces.DLL SHARED_LIB_DIR\DrmServerInterfaces.DLL
-// DRM Rights server
+// DRM Rights server
// DRM Service API
file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\DrmServiceAPI.dll SHARED_LIB_DIR\DrmServiceAPI.dll
-// DRM UDT Module
// DRM recognizer for protected contents
#ifdef __DRM
@@ -76,7 +71,7 @@
// RFS exclude list
-data=DATAZ_\private\102073ea\excludes\101F51F2.exc private\102073ea\excludes\101F51F2.exc
+data=DATAZ_\private\102073ea\excludes\101F51F2.exc private\102073ea\excludes\101F51F2.exc
@@ -142,23 +137,11 @@
// #include <DRMEncryptor.iby>
// #include <DRMEncryptorResources.iby>
-// Default CMLA RnD Test Keys
-data=ZPRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469\DevicePrivateKey.der PRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469\DevicePrivateKey.der
-data=ZPRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469\DeviceCert.der PRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469\DeviceCert.der
-data=ZPRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469\SigningCert00.der PRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469\SigningCert00.der
-data=ZPRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469\SigningCert01.der PRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\96b7db19a4d05a4bc8e3a51c885088e679354469\SigningCert01.der
+// Backup registration
+data=ZPRIVATE\101F51F2\backup_registration.xml PRIVATE\101F51F2\backup_registration.xml
-// Default UDT key
-data=ZPRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\UdtCertificate.der PRIVATE\101F51F2\PKI\UdtCertificate.der
-// Backup registration
-data=ZPRIVATE\101F51F2\backup_registration.xml PRIVATE\101F51F2\backup_registration.xml
-// SIS stub for agent upgrades
-data=ZSYSTEM\Install\OmaDrm_Stub.SIS \system\install\OmaDrm_Stub.SIS
+// SIS stub for agent upgrades
+data=ZSYSTEM\Install\OmaDrm_Stub.SIS \system\install\OmaDrm_Stub.SIS
#endif // DRM
#endif // __DRM5_IBY__
--- a/wmdrm/camese/wmdrmdlaapp/src/wmdrmdlabrowsercontainer.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/wmdrm/camese/wmdrmdlaapp/src/wmdrmdlabrowsercontainer.cpp Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@
SetRect( iView->ClientRect() );
- ActivateL();
iBrCtlInterface = CreateBrowserControlL(
this, // parent control
iView->ClientRect(), // client rect
@@ -59,6 +58,7 @@
ETrue );
iBrCtlInterface->SetBrowserSettingL( TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsEmbedded,
ETrue );
+ ActivateL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/wmdrm/camese/wmdrmdladefaulthttpplugin/src/wmdrmdladefaulthttpmanager.cpp Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/wmdrm/camese/wmdrmdladefaulthttpplugin/src/wmdrmdladefaulthttpmanager.cpp Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -660,9 +660,9 @@
if ( (iState == EOpen) && iKeepAlive )
TConnectionInfo connectionInfo;
- GetConnectionInfoL(connectionInfo);
- if ( connectionInfo.iIapId != iIapNumber &&
- iIapNumber != 0 && connectionInfo.iIapId != 0 )
+ TRAPD(err, GetConnectionInfoL(connectionInfo) );
+ if ( err || ( connectionInfo.iIapId != iIapNumber &&
+ iIapNumber != 0 && connectionInfo.iIapId != 0 ) )
iState = EStart;
--- a/wmdrm/group/bld.inf Fri Apr 02 17:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/wmdrm/group/bld.inf Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -69,3 +69,5 @@
#include "../wmdrmengine/wmdrmaccess/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../wmdrmengine/wmdrmotaaccess/group/bld.inf"
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wmdrm/wmdrmengine/wmdrmotaaccess/bwins/wmdrmotaaccessu.def Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ ??1CWmDrmOtaAccess@@UAE@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; CWmDrmOtaAccess::~CWmDrmOtaAccess(void)
+ ?NewL@CWmDrmOtaAccess@@SAPAV1@XZ @ 2 NONAME ; class CWmDrmOtaAccess * CWmDrmOtaAccess::NewL(void)
+ ?NewLC@CWmDrmOtaAccess@@SAPAV1@XZ @ 3 NONAME ; class CWmDrmOtaAccess * CWmDrmOtaAccess::NewLC(void)
+ ?HandleLicenseResponseL@CWmDrmOtaAccess@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 4 NONAME ; void CWmDrmOtaAccess::HandleLicenseResponseL(class TDesC8 const &)
+ ?GetLicenseChallengeL@CWmDrmOtaAccess@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@AAPAVHBufC8@@AAVTRequestStatus@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; void CWmDrmOtaAccess::GetLicenseChallengeL(class TDesC8 const &, class HBufC8 * &, class TRequestStatus &)
+ ?HandleLicenseResponseL@CWmDrmOtaAccess@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@AAVTRequestStatus@@@Z @ 6 NONAME ; void CWmDrmOtaAccess::HandleLicenseResponseL(class TDesC8 const &, class TRequestStatus &)
+ ?GetLicenseChallengeL@CWmDrmOtaAccess@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@AAPAVHBufC8@@@Z @ 7 NONAME ; void CWmDrmOtaAccess::GetLicenseChallengeL(class TDesC8 const &, class HBufC8 * &)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wmdrm/wmdrmengine/wmdrmotaaccess/eabi/wmdrmotaaccessu.def Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ _ZN15CWmDrmOtaAccess4NewLEv @ 1 NONAME
+ _ZN15CWmDrmOtaAccess5NewLCEv @ 2 NONAME
+ _ZN15CWmDrmOtaAccessD0Ev @ 3 NONAME
+ _ZN15CWmDrmOtaAccessD1Ev @ 4 NONAME
+ _ZN15CWmDrmOtaAccessD2Ev @ 5 NONAME
+ _ZN15CWmDrmOtaAccess20GetLicenseChallengeLERK6TDesC8RP6HBufC8 @ 6 NONAME
+ _ZN15CWmDrmOtaAccess20GetLicenseChallengeLERK6TDesC8RP6HBufC8R14TRequestStatus @ 7 NONAME
+ _ZN15CWmDrmOtaAccess22HandleLicenseResponseLERK6TDesC8 @ 8 NONAME
+ _ZN15CWmDrmOtaAccess22HandleLicenseResponseLERK6TDesC8R14TRequestStatus @ 9 NONAME
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wmdrm/wmdrmengine/wmdrmotaaccess/group/bld.inf Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* bld.inf
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+../rom/wmdrmotaaccess.iby CORE_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH( wmdrmotaaccess.iby )
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wmdrm/wmdrmengine/wmdrmotaaccess/group/wmdrmotaaccess.mmp Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* wmdrmotaaccess.mmp
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+TARGET wmdrmotaaccess.dll
+UID 0x1000008D 0x2002E680
+DEFFILE wmdrmotaaccess.def
+SOURCE wmdrmotaaccess.cpp
+LIBRARY euser.lib
+LIBRARY ecom.lib
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wmdrm/wmdrmengine/wmdrmotaaccess/rom/wmdrmotaaccess.iby Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* wmdrmotaaccess.iby
+#include <data_caging_paths_for_iby.hrh>
+#if (defined __WINDOWS_MEDIA_DRM)
+file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\wmdrmotaaccess.dll PROGRAMS_DIR\wmdrmotaaccess.dll
+#endif // __WINDOWS_MEDIA_DRM
+#endif // _WMDRMACCESS_IBY_
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wmdrm/wmdrmengine/wmdrmotaaccess/src/wmdrmotaaccess.cpp Wed Apr 28 22:11:01 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* wmdrmotaaccess.cpp
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <wmdrmotaaccess.h>
+#include <wmdrmotaaccessecominterface.h>
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccess::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CWmDrmOtaAccess* CWmDrmOtaAccess::NewL()
+ {
+ CWmDrmOtaAccess* self(CWmDrmOtaAccess::NewLC());
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccess::NewLC
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CWmDrmOtaAccess* CWmDrmOtaAccess::NewLC()
+ {
+ CWmDrmOtaAccess* self(new (ELeave) CWmDrmOtaAccess);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccess::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWmDrmOtaAccess::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface = CWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface::NewL();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccess::CWmDrmOtaAccess
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccess::~CWmDrmOtaAccess
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CWmDrmOtaAccess::~CWmDrmOtaAccess()
+ {
+ if (iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface)
+ {
+ delete iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface;
+ }
+ REComSession::FinalClose();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccess::GetLicenseChallengeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CWmDrmOtaAccess::GetLicenseChallengeL( const TDesC8& aDrmHeader,
+ HBufC8*& aChallenge )
+ {
+ // Ecom interface not available
+ if( !iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+ }
+ iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface->GetLicenseChallengeL( aDrmHeader,
+ aChallenge );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccess::GetLicenseChallengeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CWmDrmOtaAccess::GetLicenseChallengeL( const TDesC8& aDrmHeader,
+ HBufC8*& aChallenge,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+ {
+ // Ecom interface not available
+ if( !iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+ }
+ iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface->GetLicenseChallengeL( aDrmHeader,
+ aChallenge,
+ aStatus );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccess::HandleLicenseResponseL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CWmDrmOtaAccess::HandleLicenseResponseL( const TDesC8& aResponse )
+ {
+ // Ecom interface not available
+ if( !iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+ }
+ iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface->HandleLicenseResponseL( aResponse );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmDrmOtaAccess::HandleLicenseResponseL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CWmDrmOtaAccess::HandleLicenseResponseL( const TDesC8& aResponse,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+ {
+ // Ecom interface not available
+ if( !iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+ }
+ iWmDrmOtaAccessEcomInterface->HandleLicenseResponseL( aResponse,
+ aStatus );
+ }
+// End of file