changeset 26 5fd52a2e21b0
parent 23 7e4c5a2ff1a2
child 29 56ba5cd39aab
--- a/gsprofilesrv_plat/settings_plugin_api/inc/GSPluginInterface.h	Fri May 14 16:07:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:   Header file for CGSPluginInterface class.
-// System includes
-#include <GSFrameworkRsc.rsg> // For default icons
-#include <gsfwicon.mbg>
-#include <aknview.h>
-#include <aknViewAppUi.h>
-#include <gulicon.h>
-#include <AknsUtils.h>
-#include <aknViewAppUi.h>
-#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
-// Constant for plugin interface:
-const TUid KGSPluginInterfaceUid        = { 0x10207236 };
-// Constant for listbox icon type:
-const TUid KGSIconTypeLbxItem           = { 0x10207357 };
-// Constant for listbox settings item icon type:
-const TUid KGSIconTypeLbxSettingsItem   = { 0x102750C5 };
-// Constant for tab icon type:
-const TUid KGSIconTypeTab               = { 0x10207358 };
-// Constant for icon in D-Column:
-const TUid KGSIconTypeDColumn           = { 0x10207359 };
-// Constant for indexing (iOrder):
-const TInt KGSPluginNotIndexed      = -1;
-_LIT( KGSDefaultIconFileName, "Z:Gsfwicon.mbm" );
-* This enum is used for defining custom operations types.
-enum TGSCustomOperationType
-    {
-    // This operation type returns current status of the plugin's view.
-    // If the plugin's view is active, ETrue will be returned, otherwise
-    // EFalse. Currently supported by GSStandbyPlugin.
-    EGSCustomOperationViewActive = 1
-    };
-* Used by GetValue(). These are the keys for retrieving a specific
-* value. This enum can be extended to provide other values as well as
-* long as the original keys are not changed.
-enum TGSPluginValueKeys
-    {
-    // Value for this key is the localized string to be shown in the second row
-    // of a listbox item. Plugins providing second row of text should provide
-    // value for this key. Second row of list item text is used for following
-    // listbox types:
-    //  - EGSListBoxTypeSingleLarge
-    //  - EGSListBoxTypeDouble2Large.
-    // For plugins listed in these listbox types, second row value can either
-    // be defined or left empty.
-    EGSPluginKeySettingsItemValueString = 1,
-    // Localized string to be used in case of custom MSK and menu activation
-    // item. See TGSMenuActivationItems.
-    EGSCustomMenuActivationText
-    };
-* Used by PluginItemType(). These enumerations define the desired appearance
-* of the plugin in a parent plugin's listbox. Please notice that the parent
-* listbox type cannot be altered by a child plugin so plugins using these must
-* be aware of the parent plugin listbox type. Safest alternative is to leave
-* default implementation for ItemType() in which case EGSItemTypeSingleLarge is
-* used. This should fit most of the listbox types. Additionall types can be
-* implemented and defined as long as the old enumerations will not be changed.
-* Different type of items are handled differently:
-* - In case of CAknView type items, such as EGSItemTypeSingleLarge and
-*   EGSItemTypeSetting, the plugin's DoActivate() is called when user selects
-*   the item.
-* - In case of items supporting dialogs, such as EGSItemTypeSettingDialog and
-*   EGSItemTypeSettingIconDialog, HandleSelection() is called instead of
-*   DoActivate().
-* Item types can be described in a matrix:
-* X: Normal list tems with large icon,
-*    settings items,
-*    settings items with icon
-* Y: Items providing CAknView - activated by DoActivate(),
-*    items providing dialog - activated by HandleSelection()
-* All combinations of these are not allowed/supported.
-enum TGSListboxItemTypes
-    {
-    // CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox item:
-    // Caption of the item is a descriptor from GetCaptionL().
-    // Icon is from CreateIconL( KGSIconTypeLbxItem ).
-    EGSItemTypeSingleLarge = 1, // Default
-    // CAknSettingStyleListBox item providing a CAknView:
-    // 1st row content is a descriptor from GetCaptionL()
-    // 2nd row content is a descriptor (can be empty string id needed) from
-    //    GetValue( ..., EGSPluginKeySettingsItemValueString ).
-    EGSItemTypeSetting,
-    // CAknSettingStyleListBox item providing a CAknView:
-    // 1st row content is a descriptor from GetCaptionL()
-    // 2nd row content is a icon from CreateIconL( KGSIconTypeLbxSettingsItem )
-    // GetValue(, EGSPluginKeySettingsItemValueString ).
-    EGSItemTypeSettingIcon,
-    // CAknSettingStyleListBox item launching a dialog:
-    // 1st row content is a descriptor from GetCaptionL()
-    // 2nd row content is a descriptor (can be empty string id needed) from
-    //    GetValue( ..., EGSPluginKeySettingsItemValueString ).
-    EGSItemTypeSettingDialog,
-    // CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox item launching a dialog:
-    // Caption of the item is a descriptor from GetCaptionL().
-    // Icon is from CreateIconL( KGSIconTypeLbxItem ).
-    EGSItemTypeSingleLargeDialog
-    };
-* These are used to define the type of the menu item which opens the selected
-* plugin. By default, parent plugin's menu has 'Open' item for child plugins.
-* If parent plugin's menu must have 'Change' instead of 'Open' for activating
-* the plugin, use EGSMenuActivationItemChange. This functionality is just for
-* the visual aspects for views in GS - requested by UI design. Plugins are
-* handled logically similarly regardless this value.
-enum TGSMenuActivationItems
-    {
-    // Default - will use the item defined in menu resource.
-    EGSMenuActivationItemDefault = 0,
-    // Menu should contain 'Open' Item.
-    EGSMenuActivationItemOpen = 1,
-    // Menu should contain 'Change' item.
-    EGSMenuActivationItemChange,
-    // Menu should contain custom text which is defined by GetValue() function:
-    // GetValue( EGSCustomMenuActivationText, ... );
-    // NOTE: When this custom menu item is selected, used menu command ID is
-    // EGSCmdAppChange. This might be checked in for example plugin's
-    // HandleCommand(). If text is empy, MSK is empty and there's no
-    // corresponding item in options menu.
-    EGSMenuActivationItemCustom
-    };
-* Selection types. Used in HandleSelection().
-enum TGSSelectionTypes
-    {
-    // User selected the item by pressing selection key.
-    EGSSelectionBySelectionKey = 1,
-    // User selected the item by selecting a command from the menu.
-    EGSSelectionByMenu
-    };
-* Interface class for GS plugin. All GS plugins will implement this class.
-* The main functionality GS framework will use from CAknView is:
-* -DoActivate()
-* -DoDeactivate()
-* -Id()
-* functions.
-* Id() function must return the value of the plugin implementation UID. This
-* means that the main view of the plugin will have the same UID as the plugin
-* implementation. This will prevent multiple plugins from having same view
-* UIDs as their main view. If plugin has more views, it is plugin's
-* responsibility to ensure that the UIDs of the other views are unique. This
-* can be done for example reserving a unique UID from Symbian.
-* Most of the functions have implementation using default values. Override
-* functions if different values or implementations are desired.
-* CGSPluginInterface UID = 0x10207236
-* See GSFWViewUIDs.h for plugin UIDs.
-* Plugin implementation UID will be used when defining the parent view of a
-* plugin. If plugin belongs to application settings view, set the
-* ApplicationSettingsView plugin implementation Uid as a value in the plugin's
-* default_data field in plugin's implementation info resource file.
-* Needed libraries (at least):
-* GSEcomPlugin.lib
-* GSFramework.lib
-* egul.lib
-* aknskins.lib
-* efsrv.lib
-* @lib GSFramework.lib
-* @since Series60_3.1
-class CGSPluginInterface: public CAknView
-    {
-    // CGSPluginLoader accesses iOrder which should not be accessed outside.
-    friend class CGSPluginLoader;
-    public: // Constructors & destructors
-        /**
-        * Creates new GS plugin having the given UID.
-        * Uses Leave code KErrNotFound if implementation is not found.
-        *
-        * @param aImplementationUid Implementation UID of the plugin to be
-        *        created.
-        * @param aInitParams Plugin's initialization parameters. Make sure you know
-        *        what the plugin expects as initialization parameters. This
-        *        should be an agreement between the plugin client and the
-        *        plugin. Parameter can be used for example as sharing a common
-        *        data model between multiple plugins.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C static CGSPluginInterface* NewL(
-            const TUid aImplementationUid,
-            TAny* aInitParams );
-        /**
-        * Destructor
-        */
-        IMPORT_C ~CGSPluginInterface();
-    public: // New
-        /**
-        * Method for getting caption of this plugin. This should be the
-        * localized name of the settings view to be shown in parent view.
-        *
-        * @param aCaption pointer to Caption variable
-        */
-        virtual void GetCaptionL( TDes& aCaption ) const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Function for getting plugin's value for a certain key.
-        * Override to provide own functionality.
-        *
-        * @param aKey Key for the value to be retrieved.
-        * @parem aValue Value for the given gey in TDes format.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C virtual void GetValue( const TGSPluginValueKeys aKey,
-                                        TDes& aValue );
-        /**
-        * This function is called in case plugin is an item in a settings
-        * listbox and user selects the item. Override this if plugin needs to
-        * provide functionality for item selection.
-        *
-        * Default implementation activates the plugin.
-        * @param aSelectionType Defines how user selected the plugin. See
-        *        TGSSelectionTypes.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C virtual void HandleSelection(
-            const TGSSelectionTypes aSelectionType );
-        /**
-        * This defines the appearance of the plugin in a parent plugin listbox.
-        * Default value is EGSItemTypeSingleLarge. Please notice that the
-        * parent listbox type cannot be defined by a child plugin so plugins
-        * using these must be aware of the parent plugin listbox type.
-        *
-        * @return Desired listbox presentation and functional type for the
-        *         plugin.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C virtual TGSListboxItemTypes ItemType();
-        /**
-        * This function is only used for child plugins. Defines the dynamic
-        * menu item that activates this plugin from parent plugin. This menu
-        * item will override the item defined in resource file. Normally
-        * 'Open' is used to open the child plugin. Override this to change the
-        * activation to for example 'Change'. TGSMenuActivationItems defines the
-        * different possible menu items that can be used to open this plugin.
-        *
-        * Note: This also defines MSK. Menu activation item and MSK have
-        *       identical label and behaviour. An exception to this is
-        *       when custom text is empty: in this case MSK is empty but there
-        *       is no item in options menu (no empty item in menu).
-        *
-        * @ return Type of the menu item and MSK that should activate this
-        *          child plugin from parent plugin.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C virtual TGSMenuActivationItems MenuActivationItem();
-        /**
-        * Creates a new icon of desired type. Override this to provide custom
-        * icons. Othervise default icon is used for KGSIconTypeLbxItem. Other
-        * icons are empty. Ownership of the created icon is transferred to the
-        * caller.
-        * NOTE: Return NULL if icon is not to be displayed.
-        *
-        * Icon type UIDs (use these defined constants):
-        * KGSIconTypeLbxItem            - ListBox item icon.
-        * KGSIconTypeLbxSettingsItem    - Settings item icon.
-        * KGSIconTypeTab                - Tab icon.
-        * KGSIconTypeDColumn            - Small icon in D-column.
-        *
-        * @param aIconType UID Icon type UID of the icon to be created.
-        * @return Pointer of the icon or NULL.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C virtual CGulIcon* CreateIconL( const TUid aIconType );
-        /**
-        * Method for reading the ID of the plugin provider category. See
-        * TGSPluginProviderCategory. PluginProviderCategory can be used for
-        * sorting plugins.
-        *
-        * Default value is EGSPluginProvider3rdParty. Override this function
-        * to change the category.
-        *
-        * @return Plugin provider category ID defined by
-        *         TGSPluginProviderCategory
-        */
-        IMPORT_C virtual TInt PluginProviderCategory() const;
-        /**
-        * Reserved for future use/plugin's custom functionality. This can be
-        * overwritten if plugin needs to have custom functionality which cannot
-        * be fulfilled otherwise.
-        *
-        * Use TGSCustomOperationType enumeration as aParam1 to
-        * define operation type.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C virtual TAny* CustomOperationL( TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2 );
-        /**
-        * Method for checking, if plugin should be visible and used in GS FW.
-        * (for example shown in listbox of the parent view).
-        *
-        * On default plugin is visible. Overwrite this function to enable or
-        * disable your plugin dynamically.
-        *
-        * @return ETrue if plugin should be visible in GS.
-        * @return EFalse if plugin should not be visible in GS.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C virtual TBool Visible() const;
-        /**
-        * Resets plugin's selected item index if this is supported. Default
-        * implementation does nothing. This is needed when navigating from
-        * child plugin back to parent plugin. In this case child plugin should
-        * reset selected index in its listbox.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C virtual void ResetSelectedItemIndex();
-        /**
-        * Sets the Index of the plugin in listbox. Used for CGSPluginLoader. Default
-        * value is KGSPluginNotIndexed which means not ordered. This value is
-        * read, if defined, from the opaque_data field of the plugin's resource
-        * definition. Index starts from 0.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void SetOrder( TInt aOrder );
-        /**
-        * In case plug-in is loaded outside GS application and CGSPluginLoader,
-        * cleaning up plug-in's ECOM resources must be done manually.
-        *
-        * Example:
-        * CGSPluginInterface* myPlugin = CGSPluginInterface::NewL(...);
-        * REComSession::DestroyedImplementation( myPlugin->GetEcomDestructorKey() );
-        * delete myPlugin;
-        *
-        * @return UID of the plug-in instance which can be used to free dependent ECOM resources.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUid GetEcomDestructorKey();
-    protected: // New
-        /**
-        * C++ constructor.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C CGSPluginInterface();
-    public: // Enumerations
-        /**
-        * Category of the plugin provider. Provider's type affects the sorting
-        * of the plugins. Type EGSPluginProvider3rdParty plugins are allowed
-        * to be loaded only by Applications-plugin. Other categories may exist
-        * but they should be used only internally.
-        **/
-        enum TGSPluginProviderCategory
-            {
-            EGSPluginProviderOEM        = 1,
-            EGSPluginProviderOperator   = 2,
-            EGSPluginProvider3rdParty   = 3
-            };
-    private: // Data
-        // ECOM plugin instance UID.
-        TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
-        /**
-        * Index of the plugin in listbox. Used for CGSPluginLoader. Default
-        * value is KGSPluginNotIndexed which means not ordered. This value is
-        * read, if defined, from the opaque_data field of the plugin's resource
-        * definition. Index starts from 0.
-        */
-        TInt iOrder;
-    };
-//End of file