changeset 27 d43ce56a1534
parent 23 29ecd5cb86b3
child 31 aec498aab1d3
--- a/gst_plugins_good/ext/jpeg/gstjpegenc.c	Tue Jul 06 14:35:10 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
-/* GStreamer
- * Copyright (C) <1999> Erik Walthinsen <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include "gstjpegenc.h"
-#include <gst/video/video.h>
-/* elementfactory information */
-static const GstElementDetails gst_jpegenc_details =
-GST_ELEMENT_DETAILS ("JPEG image encoder",
-    "Codec/Encoder/Image",
-    "Encode images in JPEG format",
-    "Wim Taymans <>");
-GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY (jpegenc_debug);
-#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT jpegenc_debug
-/* These macros are adapted from videotestsrc.c 
- *  and/or gst-plugins/gst/games/gstvideoimage.c */
-/* I420 */
-#define I420_Y_ROWSTRIDE(width) (GST_ROUND_UP_4(width))
-#define I420_U_ROWSTRIDE(width) (GST_ROUND_UP_8(width)/2)
-#define I420_V_ROWSTRIDE(width) ((GST_ROUND_UP_8(I420_Y_ROWSTRIDE(width)))/2)
-#define I420_Y_OFFSET(w,h) (0)
-#define I420_U_OFFSET(w,h) (I420_Y_OFFSET(w,h)+(I420_Y_ROWSTRIDE(w)*GST_ROUND_UP_2(h)))
-#define I420_V_OFFSET(w,h) (I420_U_OFFSET(w,h)+(I420_U_ROWSTRIDE(w)*GST_ROUND_UP_2(h)/2))
-#define I420_SIZE(w,h)     (I420_V_OFFSET(w,h)+(I420_V_ROWSTRIDE(w)*GST_ROUND_UP_2(h)/2))
-/* JpegEnc signals and args */
-  /* FILL ME */
-  ARG_0,
-      /* FILL ME */
-static void gst_jpegenc_base_init (gpointer g_class);
-static void gst_jpegenc_class_init (GstJpegEnc * klass);
-static void gst_jpegenc_init (GstJpegEnc * jpegenc);
-static void gst_jpegenc_finalize (GObject * object);
-static GstFlowReturn gst_jpegenc_chain (GstPad * pad, GstBuffer * buf);
-static gboolean gst_jpegenc_setcaps (GstPad * pad, GstCaps * caps);
-static GstCaps *gst_jpegenc_getcaps (GstPad * pad);
-static void gst_jpegenc_resync (GstJpegEnc * jpegenc);
-static void gst_jpegenc_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
-    const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
-static void gst_jpegenc_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
-    GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
-static GstStateChangeReturn gst_jpegenc_change_state (GstElement * element,
-    GstStateChange transition);
-static GstElementClass *parent_class = NULL;
-static guint gst_jpegenc_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-gst_jpegenc_get_type (void)
-  static GType jpegenc_type = 0;
-  if (!jpegenc_type) {
-    static const GTypeInfo jpegenc_info = {
-      sizeof (GstJpegEnc),
-      (GBaseInitFunc) gst_jpegenc_base_init,
-      NULL,
-      (GClassInitFunc) gst_jpegenc_class_init,
-      NULL,
-      NULL,
-      sizeof (GstJpegEnc),
-      0,
-      (GInstanceInitFunc) gst_jpegenc_init,
-    };
-    jpegenc_type =
-        g_type_register_static (GST_TYPE_ELEMENT, "GstJpegEnc", &jpegenc_info,
-        0);
-  }
-  return jpegenc_type;
-static GstStaticPadTemplate gst_jpegenc_sink_pad_template =
-    );
-static GstStaticPadTemplate gst_jpegenc_src_pad_template =
-    GST_STATIC_CAPS ("image/jpeg, "
-        "width = (int) [ 16, 4096 ], "
-        "height = (int) [ 16, 4096 ], " "framerate = (fraction) [ 0/1, MAX ]")
-    );
-static void
-gst_jpegenc_base_init (gpointer g_class)
-  GstElementClass *element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (g_class);
-  gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class,
-      gst_static_pad_template_get (&gst_jpegenc_sink_pad_template));
-  gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class,
-      gst_static_pad_template_get (&gst_jpegenc_src_pad_template));
-  gst_element_class_set_details (element_class, &gst_jpegenc_details);
-static void
-gst_jpegenc_class_init (GstJpegEnc * klass)
-  GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-  GstElementClass *gstelement_class;
-  gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
-  gstelement_class = (GstElementClass *) klass;
-  parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-  gst_jpegenc_signals[FRAME_ENCODED] =
-      g_signal_new ("frame-encoded", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
-      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstJpegEncClass, frame_encoded), NULL,
-      NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-  gobject_class->set_property = gst_jpegenc_set_property;
-  gobject_class->get_property = gst_jpegenc_get_property;
-  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_QUALITY,
-      g_param_spec_int ("quality", "Quality", "Quality of encoding",
-#if 0
-  /* disabled, since it doesn't seem to work */
-  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_SMOOTHING,
-      g_param_spec_int ("smoothing", "Smoothing", "Smoothing factor",
-          0, 100, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE));
-  gstelement_class->change_state = gst_jpegenc_change_state;
-  gobject_class->finalize = gst_jpegenc_finalize;
-  GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (jpegenc_debug, "jpegenc", 0,
-      "JPEG encoding element");
-static void
-gst_jpegenc_init_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
-  GST_DEBUG ("gst_jpegenc_chain: init_destination");
-static gboolean
-gst_jpegenc_flush_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
-  GST_DEBUG ("gst_jpegenc_chain: flush_destination: buffer too small !!!");
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-gst_jpegenc_term_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
-  GST_DEBUG ("gst_jpegenc_chain: term_source");
-static void
-gst_jpegenc_init (GstJpegEnc * jpegenc)
-  /* create the sink and src pads */
-  jpegenc->sinkpad =
-      gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&gst_jpegenc_sink_pad_template, "sink");
-  gst_pad_set_chain_function (jpegenc->sinkpad,
-      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_jpegenc_chain));
-  gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (jpegenc->sinkpad,
-      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_jpegenc_getcaps));
-  gst_pad_set_setcaps_function (jpegenc->sinkpad,
-      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_jpegenc_setcaps));
-  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (jpegenc), jpegenc->sinkpad);
-  jpegenc->srcpad =
-      gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&gst_jpegenc_src_pad_template, "src");
-  gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (jpegenc->sinkpad,
-      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_jpegenc_getcaps));
-  /*gst_pad_set_setcaps_function (jpegenc->sinkpad, gst_jpegenc_setcaps); */
-  gst_pad_use_fixed_caps (jpegenc->sinkpad);
-  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (jpegenc), jpegenc->srcpad);
-  /* reset the initial video state */
-  jpegenc->width = -1;
-  jpegenc->height = -1;
-  /* setup jpeglib */
-  memset (&jpegenc->cinfo, 0, sizeof (jpegenc->cinfo));
-  memset (&jpegenc->jerr, 0, sizeof (jpegenc->jerr));
-  jpegenc->cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&jpegenc->jerr);
-  jpeg_create_compress (&jpegenc->cinfo);
-  jpegenc->jdest.init_destination = gst_jpegenc_init_destination;
-  jpegenc->jdest.empty_output_buffer = gst_jpegenc_flush_destination;
-  jpegenc->jdest.term_destination = gst_jpegenc_term_destination;
-  jpegenc->cinfo.dest = &jpegenc->jdest;
-  jpegenc->quality = JPEG_DEFAULT_QUALITY;
-  jpegenc->smoothing = 0;
-static void
-gst_jpegenc_finalize (GObject * object)
-  GstJpegEnc *filter = GST_JPEGENC (object);
-  jpeg_destroy_compress (&filter->cinfo);
-  G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);
-static GstCaps *
-gst_jpegenc_getcaps (GstPad * pad)
-  GstJpegEnc *jpegenc = GST_JPEGENC (gst_pad_get_parent (pad));
-  GstPad *otherpad;
-  GstCaps *caps;
-  const char *name;
-  int i;
-  GstStructure *structure = NULL;
-  /* we want to proxy properties like width, height and framerate from the
-     other end of the element */
-  otherpad = (pad == jpegenc->srcpad) ? jpegenc->sinkpad : jpegenc->srcpad;
-  caps = gst_pad_get_allowed_caps (otherpad);
-  if (pad == jpegenc->srcpad) {
-    name = "image/jpeg";
-  } else {
-    name = "video/x-raw-yuv";
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < gst_caps_get_size (caps); i++) {
-    structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, i);
-    gst_structure_set_name (structure, name);
-    gst_structure_remove_field (structure, "format");
-    /* ... but for the sink pad, we only do I420 anyway, so add that */
-    if (pad == jpegenc->sinkpad) {
-      gst_structure_set (structure, "format", GST_TYPE_FOURCC,
-          GST_STR_FOURCC ("I420"), NULL);
-    }
-  }
-  gst_object_unref (jpegenc);
-  return caps;
-static gboolean
-gst_jpegenc_setcaps (GstPad * pad, GstCaps * caps)
-  GstJpegEnc *jpegenc = GST_JPEGENC (gst_pad_get_parent (pad));
-  GstStructure *structure;
-  GstCaps *othercaps;
-  GstPad *otherpad;
-  gboolean ret;
-  const GValue *framerate;
-  otherpad = (pad == jpegenc->srcpad) ? jpegenc->sinkpad : jpegenc->srcpad;
-  structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
-  framerate = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "framerate");
-  gst_structure_get_int (structure, "width", &jpegenc->width);
-  gst_structure_get_int (structure, "height", &jpegenc->height);
-  othercaps = gst_caps_copy (gst_pad_get_pad_template_caps (otherpad));
-  if (framerate) {
-    gst_caps_set_simple (othercaps,
-        "width", G_TYPE_INT, jpegenc->width,
-        "height", G_TYPE_INT, jpegenc->height,
-        "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION,
-        gst_value_get_fraction_numerator (framerate),
-        gst_value_get_fraction_denominator (framerate), NULL);
-  } else {
-    gst_caps_set_simple (othercaps,
-        "width", G_TYPE_INT, jpegenc->width,
-        "height", G_TYPE_INT, jpegenc->height, NULL);
-  }
-  ret = gst_pad_set_caps (jpegenc->srcpad, othercaps);
-  gst_caps_unref (othercaps);
-    gst_jpegenc_resync (jpegenc);
-  }
-  gst_object_unref (jpegenc);
-  return ret;
-static void
-gst_jpegenc_resync (GstJpegEnc * jpegenc)
-  gint width, height;
-  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (jpegenc, "resync");
-  jpegenc->cinfo.image_width = width = jpegenc->width;
-  jpegenc->cinfo.image_height = height = jpegenc->height;
-  jpegenc->cinfo.input_components = 3;
-  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (jpegenc, "width %d, height %d", width, height);
-  jpeg_set_defaults (&jpegenc->cinfo);
-  jpegenc->cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_FASTEST;
-  /*jpegenc->cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_DEFAULT; */
-  /*jpegenc->cinfo.smoothing_factor = jpegenc->smoothing; */
-  jpeg_set_quality (&jpegenc->cinfo, jpegenc->quality, TRUE);
-#if 0
-  switch (jpegenc->format) {
-      jpegenc->bufsize = jpegenc->width * jpegenc->height * 3;
-      GST_DEBUG ("gst_jpegenc_resync: setting format to RGB24");
-      jpegenc->cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
-      jpegenc->cinfo.raw_data_in = FALSE;
-      break;
-      jpegenc->bufsize = I420_SIZE (jpegenc->width, jpegenc->height);
-      jpegenc->cinfo.raw_data_in = TRUE;
-      jpegenc->cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_YCbCr;
-      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (jpegenc, "setting format to YUV420P");
-      jpegenc->cinfo.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = 2;
-      jpegenc->cinfo.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = 2;
-      jpegenc->cinfo.comp_info[1].h_samp_factor = 1;
-      jpegenc->cinfo.comp_info[1].v_samp_factor = 1;
-      jpegenc->cinfo.comp_info[2].h_samp_factor = 1;
-      jpegenc->cinfo.comp_info[2].v_samp_factor = 1;
-      if (height != -1) {
-        jpegenc->line[0] =
-            g_realloc (jpegenc->line[0], height * sizeof (char *));
-        jpegenc->line[1] =
-            g_realloc (jpegenc->line[1], height * sizeof (char *) / 2);
-        jpegenc->line[2] =
-            g_realloc (jpegenc->line[2], height * sizeof (char *) / 2);
-      }
-      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (jpegenc, "setting format done");
-#if 0
-      break;
-    default:
-      printf ("gst_jpegenc_resync: unsupported colorspace, using RGB\n");
-      jpegenc->bufsize = jpegenc->width * jpegenc->height * 3;
-      jpegenc->cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
-      break;
-  }
-  jpeg_suppress_tables (&jpegenc->cinfo, TRUE);
-  //jpeg_suppress_tables(&jpegenc->cinfo, FALSE);
-  jpegenc->buffer = NULL;
-  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (jpegenc, "resync done");
-static GstFlowReturn
-gst_jpegenc_chain (GstPad * pad, GstBuffer * buf)
-  GstFlowReturn ret;
-  GstJpegEnc *jpegenc;
-  guchar *data;
-  gulong size;
-  GstBuffer *outbuf;
-  guint height, width;
-  guchar *base[3], *end[3];
-  gint i, j, k;
-  jpegenc = GST_JPEGENC (GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad));
-  data = GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf);
-  size = GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf);
-  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (jpegenc, "got buffer of %u bytes", size);
-  ret =
-      gst_pad_alloc_buffer_and_set_caps (jpegenc->srcpad,
-      GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE, jpegenc->bufsize, GST_PAD_CAPS (jpegenc->srcpad),
-      &outbuf);
-  if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
-    goto done;
-  gst_buffer_stamp (outbuf, buf);
-  width = jpegenc->width;
-  height = jpegenc->height;
-  base[0] = data + I420_Y_OFFSET (width, height);
-  base[1] = data + I420_U_OFFSET (width, height);
-  base[2] = data + I420_V_OFFSET (width, height);
-  end[0] = base[0] + height * I420_Y_ROWSTRIDE (width);
-  end[1] = base[1] + (height / 2) * I420_U_ROWSTRIDE (width);
-  end[2] = base[2] + (height / 2) * I420_V_ROWSTRIDE (width);
-  jpegenc->jdest.next_output_byte = GST_BUFFER_DATA (outbuf);
-  jpegenc->jdest.free_in_buffer = GST_BUFFER_SIZE (outbuf);
-  jpegenc->cinfo.smoothing_factor = jpegenc->smoothing;
-  jpeg_set_quality (&jpegenc->cinfo, jpegenc->quality, TRUE);
-  jpeg_start_compress (&jpegenc->cinfo, TRUE);
-  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (jpegenc, "compressing");
-  for (i = 0; i < height; i += 2 * DCTSIZE) {
-    /*g_print ("next scanline: %d\n", jpegenc->cinfo.next_scanline); */
-    for (j = 0, k = 0; j < (2 * DCTSIZE); j += 2, k++) {
-      jpegenc->line[0][j] = base[0];
-      if (base[0] + I420_Y_ROWSTRIDE (width) < end[0])
-        base[0] += I420_Y_ROWSTRIDE (width);
-      jpegenc->line[0][j + 1] = base[0];
-      if (base[0] + I420_Y_ROWSTRIDE (width) < end[0])
-        base[0] += I420_Y_ROWSTRIDE (width);
-      jpegenc->line[1][k] = base[1];
-      if (base[1] + I420_U_ROWSTRIDE (width) < end[1])
-        base[1] += I420_U_ROWSTRIDE (width);
-      jpegenc->line[2][k] = base[2];
-      if (base[2] + I420_V_ROWSTRIDE (width) < end[2])
-        base[2] += I420_V_ROWSTRIDE (width);
-    }
-    jpeg_write_raw_data (&jpegenc->cinfo, jpegenc->line, 2 * DCTSIZE);
-  }
-  jpeg_finish_compress (&jpegenc->cinfo);
-  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (jpegenc, "compressing done");
-  GST_BUFFER_SIZE (outbuf) =
-      GST_ROUND_UP_4 (jpegenc->bufsize - jpegenc->jdest.free_in_buffer);
-  g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (jpegenc), gst_jpegenc_signals[FRAME_ENCODED], 0);
-  ret = gst_pad_push (jpegenc->srcpad, outbuf);
-  gst_buffer_unref (buf);
-  return ret;
-static void
-gst_jpegenc_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
-    const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
-  GstJpegEnc *jpegenc = GST_JPEGENC (object);
-  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (jpegenc);
-  switch (prop_id) {
-    case ARG_QUALITY:
-      jpegenc->quality = g_value_get_int (value);
-      break;
-    case ARG_SMOOTHING:
-      jpegenc->smoothing = g_value_get_int (value);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-  }
-  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (jpegenc);
-static void
-gst_jpegenc_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value,
-    GParamSpec * pspec)
-  GstJpegEnc *jpegenc = GST_JPEGENC (object);
-  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (jpegenc);
-  switch (prop_id) {
-    case ARG_QUALITY:
-      g_value_set_int (value, jpegenc->quality);
-      break;
-    case ARG_SMOOTHING:
-      g_value_set_int (value, jpegenc->smoothing);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-  }
-  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (jpegenc);
-static GstStateChangeReturn
-gst_jpegenc_change_state (GstElement * element, GstStateChange transition)
-  GstStateChangeReturn ret = GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS;
-  GstJpegEnc *filter = GST_JPEGENC (element);
-  switch (transition) {
-      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (element, "setting line buffers");
-      filter->line[0] = NULL;
-      filter->line[1] = NULL;
-      filter->line[2] = NULL;
-      gst_jpegenc_resync (filter);
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-  ret = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state (element, transition);
-    return ret;
-  switch (transition) {
-      g_free (filter->line[0]);
-      g_free (filter->line[1]);
-      g_free (filter->line[2]);
-      filter->line[0] = NULL;
-      filter->line[1] = NULL;
-      filter->line[2] = NULL;
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-  return ret;