changeset 0 d54f32e146dd
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Communication from Client API to Tactile Area Registry.
    15 * Part of:      Tactile Feedback.
    16 *
    17 */
    24 #include <e32std.h>
    25 #include <w32std.h>
    26 #include <e32base.h>
    27 #include <coemain.h>
    28 #include <tactilefeedback.h>
    30 #include "touchlogicalfeedback.h"
    32 class CTouchFeedbackImpl;
    34 /**
    35  *  The class for sharing area registry with the window server.
    36  *
    37  *  @lib touchfeedback.lib
    38  *  @since S60 v5.0
    39  */
    40 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CTouchFeedbackClient ): 
    41         public CBase
    42     {
    43 public:
    44     /**
    45      * Instantiation method.
    46      *
    47      * @since S60 5.0
    48      * @return New CTouchFeedbackClient instance.
    49      */
    50     static CTouchFeedbackClient* NewL( CTouchFeedbackImpl& aFeedback );
    52     /**
    53      * Destructor.
    54      * @since S60 5.0
    55      */
    56     virtual ~CTouchFeedbackClient();
    58     /**
    59      * Should be called whenever registry has changed.
    60      *
    61      * Causes starting of a CIdle object, so that registry updates are
    62      * flushed to server side as soon as possible.
    63      * @since S60 5.0     
    64      */
    65     void RegistryChanged( );
    67     /**
    68      * Use to produce direct feedback immediately.
    69      *
    70      * @since S60 5.0     
    71      * @param aType    - The logical feedback type.
    72      * @param aVibraOn - If ETrue then vibra feedback shall be played
    73      *                   (if enabled in device).
    74      * @param aAudioOn - If ETrue then audio feedback shall be played
    75      *                   (if enabled in device).
    76      */
    77     void ImmediateFeedback( TTouchLogicalFeedback aType, 
    78                             TBool aVibraOn, 
    79                             TBool aAudioOn );
    81     /**
    82      * Use to flush registry updates immediately.
    83      * @since S60 5.0     
    84      */
    85     void FlushUpdates();
    87     /**
    88      * Starts continuous feedback or just restarts the timeout timer if 
    89      * feedback is already started. This function can also be used to
    90      * modify the intensity of ongoing continuous feedback if timeout 
    91      * and repeated start calls are used. 
    92      *
    93      * @since S60 5.2     
    94      * @param aClientHandle - Handle of a client. Handle is stored to 
    95      *                        prevent other clients to stop or modify 
    96      *                        playing feedback.
    97      * @param aType         - Type of continuous feedback.
    98      *                   
    99      * @param aIntensity    - Intensity of continuous feedback. Value
   100      *                        range is 0-100%.
   101      * @param aTimeout      - Timeout value, which is used to automatically 
   102      *                        stop continuous feedback if there's no new 
   103      *                        start call within the timeout time. 
   104      */    
   105     void StartFeedback( TUint32 aClientHandle,
   106                         TTouchContinuousFeedback aType,
   107                         TInt aIntensity,
   108                         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTimeout );
   110     /**
   111      * Modifies the intensity of continuous feedback.
   112      *
   113      * @since S60 5.2     
   114      * @param aClientHandle - Handle of a client to check if caller started
   115      *                        the playing continuous feedback. 
   116      * @param aIntensity    - New intensity of continuous feedback. Value
   117      *                        range is 0-100%.
   118      */                            
   119     void ModifyFeedback( TUint32 aClientHandle,
   120                          TInt aIntensity );
   122     /**
   123      * Stops the continuous feedback.
   124      *
   125      * @since S60 5.2     
   126      * @param aClientHandle - Handle of a client to check if caller started
   127      *                        the playing continuous feedback. 
   128      */                                
   129     void StopFeedback( TUint32 aClientHandle );  
   131     /**
   132      * Enables or disables audio or/and vibra feedback in whole device.
   133      * @param aFeedbackType  - Feedback types to be enabled/disabled 
   134      *                         defined as a bitmask combination of 
   135      *                         enumeration items from TTouchFeedbackType.
   136      *
   137      * @since S60 5.2     
   138      * @return KErrNone, or one of standard Symbian OS error codes if
   139      *         enabling/disabling fails.
   140      *         KErrPermissionDenied - ECapabilityWriteDeviceData required
   141      *                                for using this function.
   142      */    
   143     TInt SetFeedbackEnabledForDevice( TTouchFeedbackType aFeedbackType );  
   145     /**
   146      * Used to check enabled feedback types for the device.
   147      *
   148      * @since S60 5.2
   149      * @return TTouchFeedbackType containing enabled feedback types 
   150      *         as a bitmask.
   151      */    
   152     TTouchFeedbackType FeedbackEnabledForDevice();
   154 private:
   156     /**
   157      * Start timeout timer for continuous feedback.
   158      */
   159     void StartFeedbackTimer( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTimeout );
   161     /**
   162      * Stops continuous feedback and clears timeout timer and client handle.
   163      * Called by timeout callback function.
   164      */    
   165     void StopFeedbackByTimeout();
   167     /**
   168      * Timeout callback function.
   169      */
   170      static TInt StopFeedbackCallback( TAny* aThis );
   172 private:
   174     /**
   175      * Default constructor.
   176      */
   177     CTouchFeedbackClient( CTouchFeedbackImpl& aFeedback );
   179     /**
   180      * 2nd phase constructor.
   181      */    
   182     void ConstructL();
   184     /**
   185      * Callback for CIdle. When this function is called, it is time to update
   186      * local registry content to shared memory chunk.
   187      *
   188      * Depending of whether feedback is actually enabled or disabled for
   189      * this application, either UpdateRegistryToChunkL or ClearWholeChunkL
   190      * -function shall be called.
   191      *
   192      * @param aPtr - Pointer to this class instance.
   193      */
   194     static TInt IdleCallbackL( TAny* aPtr );
   196     /**
   197      * Updates whole area registry content to shared chunk. Called from
   198      * IdleCallbackL when feedback is enabled for this application.
   199      */
   200     void UpdateRegistryToChunkL();
   202     /**
   203      * Clears whole shared chunk so that there are no feedback areas at
   204      * all. Called from IdleCallbackL when feedback is disabled for this
   205      * application.
   206      */
   207     void ClearWholeChunkL();
   209     /**
   210      * This is a cleanup operation that releases a semaphore in case
   211      * a leave occurs while we have called Wait on the semaphore. 
   212      * Failing to release the semaphore (by calling "Signal" -function
   213      * on it) would lead to deadlock in the system.
   214      * @param aPtr - Pointer to RSemaphore.
   215      */
   216     static void CleanupSemaphore( TAny* aPtr );
   218 private: // data
   220     /**
   221      * Connection to window server click maker plugin.
   222      */
   223     RSoundPlugIn iClickPlugin;
   225     /**
   226      * Area registry in shared chunk between this process and
   227      * window server process.
   228      */
   229     RChunk iChunk;
   231     /**
   232      * Mutual exlusion with window server and other clients.
   233      */
   234     RSemaphore iSemaphore;
   236     /**
   237      * For knowing if we'll need to disconnect when this application
   238      * is closed.
   239      */    
   240     TBool iConnected;
   242     /**
   243      * For doing registry update as soon as possible, but not
   244      * immediately.
   245      * Own.  
   246      */
   247     CIdle* iIdle;
   249     /**
   250      * Access to local area registry
   251      * Not own.  
   252      */
   253     CTouchFeedbackImpl& iFeedback;
   255     /**
   256      * Client interface to tactile feedback server.
   257      * Own.
   258      */
   259     RTactileFeedback iFbClient;
   261     /**
   262      * Timer for continuous feedback timeout.
   263      * Own.
   264      */
   265     CPeriodic* iFeedbackTimer;
   267     /**
   268      * Client handle for checking continuous is not modified or stopped by
   269      * other clients that the one, which started it.
   270      */
   271     TUint32    iClientHandle;
   273     /**
   274      * Previous intensity value of an ongoing continuous feedback to prevent
   275      * unnecessary modify calls if there's no change in intensity. Also
   276      * new start call for ongoing feedback modifies the intensity if value
   277      * was changed.
   278      */
   279     TInt       iPreviousIntensity;
   280     };