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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Tactile feedback player plugin interface.
    15 * Part of:      Tactile Feedback.
    16 *
    17 */
    19 #ifndef C_TACTILEPLAYER_H
    20 #define C_TACTILEPLAYER_H
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <ecom/ecom.h>
    25 #include <touchlogicalfeedback.h>
    27 class CRepository;
    30 /**
    31  * Types of tactile players. This enumeration is used for listing the 
    32  * implementations of players of certain type.
    33  * @since S60 5.2
    34  */
    35 enum TTactilePlayerType
    36     {
    37     ETactilePlayerAny,
    38     ETactilePlayerHaptics,
    39     ETactilePlayerAudio
    40     };
    42 /**
    43  *  Tactile feedback player ECom plugin interface.
    44  *
    45  *  There are two basic types of tactile players, haptics and audio 
    46  *  players. Each player must follow the player type specific settings 
    47  *  from Central Repository to play feedback in the specified level. If
    48  *  playing level for haptics or audio is set to zero, players of that type 
    49  *  must not produce any feedback.
    50  *
    51  *  UID for tactile feedback settings is: 
    52  *  KCRUidTactileFeedback = 0x2000B494;
    53  *
    54  *  Players are instantiated based on plugins' implementation UIDs, which
    55  *  are read from Central Repository by feedback resolver. Player types 
    56  *  are differentiated by using word "Haptics" or "Audio" in default_data  
    57  *  field in plugin's implementation info resource file.
    58  *
    59  *  Preview functions for playing immediate and starting continuous feedback
    60  *  are ment to use for example in settings view to get feedback played with 
    61  *  different level without actually changing the level in settings. It is
    62  *  feedback resolver's responsibility not to play regular feedbacks when
    63  *  preview functions are used.
    64  *
    65  *  @lib tactilefeedbackresolver.lib
    66  *  @since S60 5.2
    67  */
    68 class CTactilePlayer : public CBase
    69     {
    70 public:
    71     /**
    72      * Instantiates an object of this type.
    73      *
    74      * @since S60 5.2
    75      * @param aImplementationUid - Implementation uid of the plugin
    76      *                             to be created.
    77      * @param aRepository        - Reference to Central Repository, which is
    78      *                             used for reading Tactile Feedback 
    79      *                             settings. CR Keys for Tactile Feedback are 
    80      *                             defined in tactilefeedbackdomaincrkeys.h
    81      *
    82      * @return Instance of feedback player plugin.
    83      */
    84     static CTactilePlayer* NewL( TUid aImplementationUid, 
    85                                  CRepository& aRepository );
    87     /**
    88      * Destructor.
    89      */
    90     IMPORT_C virtual ~CTactilePlayer();
    92     /**
    93      * Returns a list of available implementations for this 
    94      * interface.
    95      *
    96      * @since S60 5.2
    97      * @param aType          - Type of players to be listed.
    98      * @param aImplInfoArray - Implementation information array of all
    99      *                         available implementations.
   100      */ 
   101     static void ListImplementationsL( TTactilePlayerType aType,
   102                                       RImplInfoPtrArray& aImplInfoArray );
   104 public:
   105     /**
   106      * Produces immediate physical feedback according to given
   107      * logical feedback type. 
   108      * 
   109      * Haptics and audio players have onw level value, which is
   110      * specified in Tactile Feedback settings in Central Repository.
   111      * That value defines the strength of feedback produced by this function.
   112      * When settings are changed, plugin implementation must change the 
   113      * playing level according to that value. If feedback level for this 
   114      * type of player in settings is set to zero, this function must not 
   115      * produce any feedback.
   116      *
   117      * @since S60 5.2
   118      * @param aFeedback - The logical feedback type, which is used to 
   119      *                    select the physical response to feedback method.
   120      * @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
   121      *              system-wide error codes.     
   122      */
   123     virtual TInt PlayFeedback( TTouchLogicalFeedback aFeedback ) = 0;
   125     /**
   126      * Starts continuous feedback according to given logical 
   127      * continuous feedback type. Continuous feedback is started with given
   128      * intensity, which is a percentage value of maximum strength on current
   129      * level. Ongoing continuous feedback can be modified using 
   130      * ModifyFeedback() to change intensity of feedback.
   131      *
   132      * Continuous feedback is stopped using StopFeedback().
   133      *
   134      * @since S60 5.2
   135      * @param aFeedback  - The logical feedback type of continuous feedback, 
   136      *                     which is used to select the physical response to
   137      *                     continuous feedback method.     
   138      * @param aIntensity - The percentage value of continuous feedback's 
   139      *                     maximum strength.
   140      * @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
   141      *              system-wide error codes.   
   142      * @return TInt KErrNotSupported if player doesn't support continuous 
   143      *              feedback.            
   144      */
   145     IMPORT_C virtual TInt StartFeedback( TTouchContinuousFeedback aFeedback,
   146                                          TInt aIntensity );
   148     /**
   149      * Modifies the intensity of continuous feedback. 
   150      *
   151      * @since S60 5.2
   152      * @param aIntensity - The percentage value of continuous feedback's 
   153      *                     intensity.
   154      * @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
   155      *              system-wide error codes.          
   156      * @return TInt KErrNotSupported if player doesn't support continuous 
   157      *              feedback.
   158      */
   159     IMPORT_C virtual TInt ModifyFeedback( TInt aIntensity );
   161     /**
   162      * Stops continuous feedback.
   163      *
   164      * @since S60 5.2
   165      */    
   166     IMPORT_C virtual void StopFeedback();
   168     /**
   169      * Plugin's maximum feedback level, which defines the strength
   170      * of played feedback. The amount of feedback levels is dependent on
   171      * a plugin.
   172      *
   173      * Level values are used for playing preview of feedback. 
   174      * 
   175      * @since S60 5.2
   176      * @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
   177      *              system-wide error codes.          
   178      */    
   179     IMPORT_C virtual TInt MaxLevel();
   181     /**
   182      * Produces preview of feedback according to given locigal feedback 
   183      * type and given level value of feedback strength. 
   184      *
   185      * @since S60 5.2
   186      * @param aLevel    - A value, which defines the strength of preview
   187      *                    feedback. Preview level can be any positive 
   188      *                    value up to value of MaxLevel().
   189      * @param aFeedback - The logical feedback type, which is used to 
   190      *                    select the physical response to feedback method.
   191      * @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
   192      *              system-wide error codes.          
   193      * @return TInt KErrNotSupported if player doesn't support feedback
   194      *              preview.
   195      */
   196     IMPORT_C virtual TInt PlayPreviewFeedback( TInt aLevel,
   197                                       TTouchLogicalFeedback aFeedback );
   199     /**
   200      * Starts preview of continuous feedback according to given logical 
   201      * continuous feedback type and given level value of feedback strength.
   202      * Preview of continuous feedback is started with given intensity,
   203      * which is a percentage value of maximum strength in given level. 
   204      * Ongoing continuous feedback can be modified using ModifyFeedback() 
   205      * to change intensity of feedback.
   206      *
   207      * Preview of continuous feedback is stopped using StopFeedback().
   208      *
   209      * @since S60 5.2
   210      * @param aLevel     - A value, which defines the strength of preview
   211      *                     feedback. Preview level can be any positive 
   212      *                     value between zero and MaxLevel().
   213      * @param aFeedback  - The logical feedback type of continuous feedback, 
   214      *                     which is used to select the physical response to
   215      *                     continuous feedback method.
   216      * @param aIntensity - The percentage value of continuous feedback's 
   217      *                     maximum strength.
   218      * @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
   219      *              system-wide error codes.   
   220      * @return TInt KErrNotSupported if player doesn't support preview
   221      *              for continuous feedback.
   222      */
   223     IMPORT_C virtual TInt StartPreviewFeedback( TInt aLevel,
   224                                       TTouchContinuousFeedback aFeedback,
   225                                       TInt aIntensity );
   227     /**
   228      * Stops preview of continuous feedback. Player must set the original 
   229      * level value back in this function.
   230      *
   231      * @since S60 5.2
   232      */                                          
   233     IMPORT_C virtual void StopPreviewFeedback();
   235 private:
   237     // Unique instance identifier key.  
   238     TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
   240     };
   242 #endif // C_TACTILEPLAYER_H