author Shabe Razvi <shaber@symbian.org>
Mon, 19 Jul 2010 14:04:14 +0100
changeset 28 89310418a649
parent 0 d54f32e146dd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Workaround for Bug 3311 - hbfeedback fails to build due to missing enum ETouchFeedbackLongTap

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Tacticon server implementation.
* Part of    : Tacticon Server


#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>

#include <tacticon.hrh>

#include "tacticonplayer.h"
#include "tacticonprivatecrkeys.h"
#include "tacticondefs.h"

class CRepository;
class CTacticonShutdown;

/** Total number of ranges */
const TUint KTacticonRangeCount = 1;

/** Definition of the ranges of IPC numbers */
const TInt KTacticonRanges[KTacticonRangeCount] = 

/** Policy to implement for each of the above ranges */       
const TUint8 KTacticonElementsIndex[KTacticonRangeCount] = 

const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement KTacticonPolicyElements[] = 

/** Package all the above together into a policy */
const CPolicyServer::TPolicy KTacticonPolicy =
    CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,     // all attempts should pass
    KTacticonRangeCount,     // number of ranges
    KTacticonRanges,         // ranges array
    KTacticonElementsIndex,  // elements<->ranges index
    KTacticonPolicyElements, // array of elements
*  A server class to initialize server. 
*  @lib tacticonserver.lib
*  @since S60 5.2
class CTacticonServer : public CPolicyServer
    * 2-phased constructor.
    static CTacticonServer* NewLC();
    * C++ destructor.
    virtual ~CTacticonServer();
    * From CServer2, creates a new session.
    * @since S60 5.2
    * @param aVersion, Tacticon server version
    * @param aMessage, a message from client     
    CSession2* NewSessionL( const TVersion& aVersion,
                            const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
     * Increase session count.
     * @since S60 5.2
    void AddSession();
     * Decrease session count, close server if count is zero.
     * @since S60 5.2
    void RemoveSession();  
     * Plays tacticon according to aTacticonType
     * @since S60 5.2
     * @param aTacticonType, Tacticon type to be played
    void PlayTacticon( TTacticonType aTacticonType ); 
     * Stops playing tacticon
     * @since S60 5.2
    void StopTacticon();                             

     * Sets tacticons enabled/disabled.
     * @since S60 5.2
    void EnableTacticons( TBool aEnabled );
     * Returns boolean value whether tacticons are enabled or disabled.
     * @since S60 5.2
    TBool TacticonsEnabled();

    * C++ constructor.
    * 2nd phase constructor.
    void ConstructL();

     * Counter of opened client sessions.
    TInt iSessionCount;

     * Player plugin. 
     * Own.
    CTacticonPlayer* iPlayer;  
     * Access to settings.
     * Own.
    CRepository* iRepository;
     * Timer for server shutdown
     * Own.
    CTacticonShutdown* iShutdown; 
    TBool   iTacticonsEnabled;
