author hgs
Tue, 08 Jun 2010 18:37:57 +0800
changeset 24 90362ffca16a
parent 0 d54f32e146dd
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Class for monitoring changes in P&S keys.
* Part of:      Tactile Feedback.


#include <e32base.h> 
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32property.h>

#include "tactilepropertyobserver.h"

 *  Observer class for accessing to P&S property values, and listening
 *  to changes.
 *  @lib tactilefeedbackresolver.lib
 *  @since S60 v5.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CTactilePropertyWatcher ): public CActive

     * Intantiation method. 
     * This will create a property wather active
     * object with given active object priority. 
     * @param aObserver - Reference to observer interface.
     * @param aCategory - P&S category, where the observed key is.
     * @param aKey      - Observed P&S key.
     * @param aPriority - Active object priority, which is given to
     *                    this wather instance.
     * @return New property watcher instance.
    static CTactilePropertyWatcher* NewL( 
        MTactilePropertyObserver& aObserver, 
        const TUid aCategory, 
        const TInt aKey,
        CActive::TPriority aPriority );


     * Retrieves an integer value associated with this property.
     * Leaves with Standard Symbian OS error codes in case 
     * retreving of the value fails. 
     * @param aValue - The property value is returned here
    void GetL( TInt& aValue );

     * Fills aValue with the buffer associated with this property.
     * Leaves with Standard Symbian OS error codes in case 
     * retreving of the value fails. 
     * @param aValue - The property value is returned here
    void GetL( TDes8& aValue );

     * Retrieves an integer value associated with this property.
     * Does not leave in case reading of the property fails, but
     * instead returns Standard Symbian OS error code.
     * @param aValue the property value is returned here
     * @return standard Symbian OS error code
    TInt Get( TInt& aValue );

     * Fills aValue with the buffer associated with this property.
     * Does not leave in case reading of the property fails, but
     * instead returns Standard Symbian OS error code.
     * @param aValue the property value is returned here
     * @return standard Symbian OS error code
    TInt Get( TDes8& aValue );
     * Sets a P&S property to an integer value. The property must be
     * already defined.
     * @param aValue - The integer value to set to the property
    void SetL( const TInt aValue );

     * Sets a P&S property to a (large) bytearray value. The property
     * must be already defined.
     * @param aValue - The integer value to set to the property
    void SetL( const TDesC8& aValue );
        MTactilePropertyObserver& aObserver, 
        const TUid aCategory, 
        const TInt aKey,
        CActive::TPriority aPriority );

    void ConstructL();

    void Subscribe();

 // from base class CActive

     * Standard DoCancel of an active object.
    void DoCancel();

     * Standard RunL of an active object.
    void RunL();

private: // data

     * Access to observer interface
     * Not own.
    MTactilePropertyObserver& iObserver;

     * The UID of this property
    TUid iCategory;

     * The key of this property
    TUint iKey;

     * Handle to the attached property
     * Own.
    RProperty iProperty;


// End of File