changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 1 f7ac710697a9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:16d8024aca5e
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the HbCore module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
     8 **
     9 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    10 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    11 ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
    12 ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
    13 ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
    14 ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
    15 **
    16 **
    17 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    18 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    19 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    20 **
    21 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    22 ** Nokia at
    23 **
    24 ****************************************************************************/
    26 #include "hbeffectgroup_p.h"
    27 #include "hbeffectabstract_p.h"
    28 #include "hbeffect.h"
    29 #include "hbtimer_p.h"
    30 #include "hbeffectdef_p.h"
    31 #include "hbeffectinternal_p.h"
    32 #include "hbmainwindow.h"
    33 #include "hbinstance.h"
    35 #include <qglobal.h>
    36 #include <QMetaObject>
    37 #include <QTransform>
    38 #include <QGraphicsItem>
    39 #include <QGraphicsWidget>
    40 #include <QGraphicsView>
    41 #include <QTimer>
    43 #ifdef HB_FILTER_EFFECTS
    44 #include "hbvgeffect_p.h"
    45 #include "hbvgchainedeffect_p.h"
    46 #endif
    49 HbEffectGroup::HbEffectGroup(
    50     const QString &effectEventType, 
    51     QGraphicsItem *registrationItem, 
    52     QGraphicsItem *targetItem,
    53     const QString &itemType)
    54     : mRegistrationItem(registrationItem),
    55       mTargetItem(targetItem),
    56       mEffectEventType(effectEventType),
    57       mItemType(itemType),
    58       mDirty(false),
    59       mVgEffect(0),
    60       mVgEffectActivated(false),
    61       mFinishedCount(0),
    62       mObserver(0),
    63       mRunningState(NotRunning),
    64       mLooping(false),
    65       mView(0),
    66       mHideWhenFinished(false)
    67 {
    68 }
    70 HbEffectGroup::~HbEffectGroup()
    71 {
    72     qDeleteAll(mEffects);
    74 #ifdef HB_FILTER_EFFECTS
    75     // Delete the vg effect if its ownership has not been transferred to the graphics item
    76     if (!mVgEffectActivated && !mVgEffectGuard.isNull()) {
    77         delete mVgEffect;
    78     }
    79 #endif
    80 }
    82 QString HbEffectGroup::effectEventType() const
    83 {
    84     return mEffectEventType;
    85 }
    87 QString HbEffectGroup::itemType() const
    88 {
    89     return mItemType;
    90 }
    92 QGraphicsItem *HbEffectGroup::registrationItem() const
    93 {
    94     return mRegistrationItem;
    95 }
    97 QGraphicsItem *HbEffectGroup::targetItem() const
    98 {
    99     return mTargetItem;
   100 }
   102 void HbEffectGroup::addEffect(HbEffectAbstract *effect)
   103 {
   104     mEffects.append(effect);
   105 }
   107 void HbEffectGroup::removeEffect(HbEffectAbstract *effect)
   108 {
   109     mEffects.removeAll(effect);
   110 }
   112 /*
   113 * Fixes the order of the effects to be optimal for item transformations.
   114 * E.g. translate needs to be after scale because translating a scaled matrix would not lead to the wanted result.
   115 * Also there are some problems with rotation effect if it's done after scale effect
   116 */
   117 void HbEffectGroup::fixEffectOrder()
   118 {
   119     // If there is only one effect, no need to change order
   120     if (mEffects.count() > 1) {
   121         int last = mEffects.count() - 1;
   123         for (int i = last; i >= 0; --i) {
   124             HbEffectAbstract *effect = mEffects[i];
   125             if (effect->name() == HB_EFFECT_NAME_TRANSLATE) {
   126                 // Move translate effect last in the effect list
   127                 mEffects.takeAt(i);
   128                 mEffects.append(effect);
   129             }
   130         }
   132         for (int i = last; i >= 0; --i) {
   133             HbEffectAbstract *effect = mEffects[i];
   134             if (effect->name() == HB_EFFECT_NAME_SCALE) {
   135                 // Move scale effect second last in the effect list
   136                 mEffects.takeAt(i);
   137                 mEffects.insert(mEffects.size()-1, effect);
   138             }
   139         }
   141     }
   142 }
   144 void HbEffectGroup::setObserver(QObject *observer, const QString &effectFinishedSlotName)
   145 {
   146     mObserver = observer;
   147     mEffectFinishedSlotName = effectFinishedSlotName;
   148 }
   150 void HbEffectGroup::updateItemTransform()
   151 {
   152     QGraphicsView *gv(0); 
   153     // support for graphics view transforms
   154     if (mTargetItem->type() == HbGVWrapperItemType) {
   155         HbGVWrapperItem *gvw = static_cast<HbGVWrapperItem*>(mTargetItem);
   156         if (gvw)
   157             gv = gvw->mainWindow();
   158     }
   159     QTransform transform;
   161     Q_FOREACH(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   162         if (effect)
   163             effect->updateItemTransform(transform);
   164     }
   165     if (!gv)
   166         mTargetItem->setTransform(transform);	
   167     else 
   168         gv->setTransform(transform);
   169 }
   171 bool HbEffectGroup::dirty() const
   172 {
   173     return mDirty;
   174 }
   176 void HbEffectGroup::setDirty(bool dirty)
   177 {
   178     mDirty = dirty;
   179 }
   181 int HbEffectGroup::effectCount() const
   182 {
   183 	return mEffects.count();
   184 }
   186 bool HbEffectGroup::isRunning() const
   187 {
   188     return mRunningState != NotRunning;
   189 }
   191 void HbEffectGroup::setLooping(bool looping)
   192 {
   193     mLooping = looping;
   194 }
   196 bool HbEffectGroup::isLooping() const
   197 {
   198     return mLooping;
   199 }
   201 void HbEffectGroup::pause()
   202 {
   203     Q_FOREACH(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   204         effect->pause();
   205     }
   206 }
   208 void HbEffectGroup::resume()
   209 {
   210     Q_FOREACH(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   211         effect->resume();
   212     }
   213 }
   215 const QVariant &HbEffectGroup::userData() const
   216 {
   217     return mUserData;
   218 }
   220 void HbEffectGroup::setUserData(const QVariant &userData)
   221 {
   222     mUserData = userData;
   223 }
   225 QRectF HbEffectGroup::extRect() const
   226 {
   227     return mExtRect;
   228 }
   230 void HbEffectGroup::setExtRect(const QRectF &extRect)
   231 {
   232     mExtRect = extRect;
   234     // This is needed to make scaling work from an extrect that has an equal size with the item's rect
   235     if (mTargetItem) {
   236         QRectF itemRect = mTargetItem->boundingRect();
   237         qreal width = itemRect.width();
   238         if (qFuzzyCompare(width, mExtRect.width())) {
   239             mExtRect.setWidth(width + 0.00001);
   240         }
   241         qreal height = itemRect.height();
   242         if (qFuzzyCompare(height, mExtRect.height())) {
   243             mExtRect.setHeight(height + 0.00001);
   244         }
   245     }
   246 }
   248 HbView *HbEffectGroup::view() const
   249 {
   250     return mView;
   251 }
   253 void HbEffectGroup::setView(HbView *view)
   254 {
   255     mView = view;
   256 }
   258 #ifdef HB_FILTER_EFFECTS
   260 HbVgChainedEffect *HbEffectGroup::vgEffect()
   261 {
   262     if (!mVgEffect) {
   263         mVgEffect = new HbVgChainedEffect;
   264     }
   265     return mVgEffect;
   266 }
   268 void HbEffectGroup::activateVgEffect()
   269 {
   270     if (!mVgEffectActivated) {
   271         mVgEffectGuard = QPointer<QGraphicsEffect>();
   272         vgEffect()->install(mTargetItem);
   273         mVgEffectActivated = true;
   274     }
   275 }
   277 /**
   278 * Removes the VG effect from the graphics item without deleting it.
   279 * The ownership is moved back to the effect group.
   280 */
   281 void HbEffectGroup::deactivateVgEffect()
   282 {
   283     if (mVgEffectActivated) {
   284         // This does not delete the effect so ownership is transferred back to
   285         // the effect group.  However this is believed to be a bug in Qt 4.6.0
   286         // so use a QPointer to make sure that we do not do double deletion in
   287         // case Qt starts deleting the effect correctly in the future.
   288         mVgEffectGuard = QPointer<QGraphicsEffect>(mTargetItem->graphicsEffect());
   289         mTargetItem->setGraphicsEffect(0);
   290         mVgEffectActivated = false;
   291     }
   292 }
   294 #endif // HB_FILTER_EFFECTS
   296 void HbEffectGroup::startAll()
   297 {
   298     if (!mEffects.empty()) {
   299         mRunningState = Running;
   300         mFinishedCount = 0;
   301     }
   303     // First resolve parameters and set the start states for all the effects.
   304     // This is done before starting the effect animations to avoid screen flickering.
   306     QTransform transform;
   308     Q_FOREACH(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   309         // Resolve parameters etc.
   310         effect->init();
   311         if (effect->interval() == 0) {
   312             // Set start state if effect starts immediately
   313             effect->setStartState(transform);
   314         }
   315     }
   317     mTargetItem->setTransform(transform);
   319     if (mEffects.empty()) {
   320         // No effect exists but user wants notification when effect finishes. 
   321         // Let the user do whatever he wanted to do when effect finishes.
   322         invokeObserver(Hb::EffectNotStarted);
   323     }        
   324     else {
   325         // Start state has been set for all the effects,
   326         // next step is to start the effect animations.
   327         // Before that, resolve the view where the effect belongs if the effect is looping.
   328         // This is needed for being able to pause looping effects when their view is inactive.
   329         if (isLooping()) {
   330             resolveView();
   331         }
   333         Q_FOREACH(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   334             // If the starttime is zero, start effect immediately
   335             if (effect->interval() == 0) {
   336                 effect->start(); // This may call group's effectFinished if the effect was empty.
   337             } else {
   338                 //Else register the effect to timeline to wait its turn.
   339                 HbTimer::instance()->registerEntry(effect);
   340             }
   341         }
   342     }
   343 }
   345 void HbEffectGroup::resolveView() {
   346     if (!mView) {
   347         if (mTargetItem) {
   348             QGraphicsScene *scene = mTargetItem->scene();
   349             if (scene) {
   350                 // Resolve the main window having the same scene that the item belongs to
   351                 QList<HbMainWindow *> windowList = hbInstance->allMainWindows();
   352                 Q_FOREACH(const HbMainWindow *window, windowList) {
   353                     if (window->scene() == scene) {
   354                         mView = window->currentView();
   355                         break;
   356                     }
   357                 }
   358             }
   359         }
   360     }
   361 }
   363 bool HbEffectGroup::hasTranslateEffect() const
   364 {
   365     foreach(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   366         if (effect->name() == HB_EFFECT_NAME_TRANSLATE) {
   367             return true;
   368         }
   369     }
   371     return false;
   372 }
   374 bool HbEffectGroup::hasRotateEffect() const
   375 {
   376     foreach(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   377         if (effect->name() == HB_EFFECT_NAME_ROTATE) {
   378             return true;
   379         }
   380     }
   382     return false;
   383 }
   385 bool HbEffectGroup::hasScaleEffect() const
   386 {
   387     foreach(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   388         if (effect->name() == HB_EFFECT_NAME_SCALE) {
   389             return true;
   390         }
   391     }
   393     return false;
   394 }
   396 bool HbEffectGroup::hasOpacityEffect() const
   397 {
   398     foreach(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   399         if (effect->name() == HB_EFFECT_NAME_OPACITY) {
   400             return true;
   401         }
   402     }
   404     return false;
   405 }
   407 void HbEffectGroup::doHideEffect(const QTransform *transform, bool opacityEffectUsed)
   408 {
   409     mTargetItem->setTransform(transform ? *transform : QTransform());
   410     if (opacityEffectUsed) {
   411         // Hide opacity effect by setting item fully opaque regardless of what
   412         // its opacity value was before the effect.
   413         mTargetItem->setOpacity(1.0f);
   414     }
   415 #ifdef HB_FILTER_EFFECTS            
   416     deactivateVgEffect();
   417 #endif            
   418 }
   420 void HbEffectGroup::cancelAll(bool sendCallback, bool itemIsValid, bool hideEffect, const QTransform &initialItemTransform)
   421 {
   422     QTransform transform;
   423     bool opacityEffectUsed = false;
   425     Q_FOREACH(HbEffectAbstract *effect, mEffects) {
   426         if (effect) {
   427             HbTimer::instance()->unregisterEntry(effect);
   428             effect->cancel(transform, itemIsValid);
   429             if (effect->name() == HB_EFFECT_NAME_OPACITY) {
   430                 opacityEffectUsed = true;
   431             }
   432         }
   433     }
   435     if (itemIsValid) {
   436         // If effect needs to be removed, reset transform matrix and deactivate VG effect
   437         if (hideEffect || mHideWhenFinished) {
   438             doHideEffect(&initialItemTransform, opacityEffectUsed);
   439         } else { // Otherwise set transform corresponding to the end state of the effect
   440             mTargetItem->setTransform(initialItemTransform * transform);
   441         }
   442     }
   444     // Do not set this to NotRunning before effect->cancel has been called because filter
   445     // effects cancel does stuff that requires group->isRunning() return true.
   446     mRunningState = NotRunning;
   448     // Invoke observer with cancel signal
   449     if (sendCallback)
   450         invokeObserver(Hb::EffectCancelled);
   451 }
   453 void HbEffectGroup::effectFinished(Hb::EffectEvent reason)
   454 {
   455     // Inform the animated item when the whole effect group has finished.
   456     if (++mFinishedCount == mEffects.count()) {
   457         mFinishedCount = 0;
   459         // The animation framework funnily enough sends the finished signal before updating the animation with the final
   460         // value, so here we set running state to NotRunning asynchronously so the effect's final value gets still updated.
   461         mRunningState = FinishInProgress;
   462         QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(clearEffectRunning()));
   464         // Send callback if observer has been provided
   465         invokeObserver(reason);
   466     }
   468     // The effect group object is not deleted here,
   469     // because it would need to be removed from the list of the effect groups in
   470     // the effect engine as well.
   471     // It will be deleted and a new effect group created when the same effect is started again.
   472 }
   474 void HbEffectGroup::clearEffectRunning()
   475 {
   476     // Comes here when effect has finished and running state is set to NotRunning asynchronously.
   477     // Only set running state to 'NotRunning' if the finish is still in progress, i.e. the effect
   478     // has not been restarted meanwhile.
   479     if (mRunningState == FinishInProgress) {
   480         mRunningState = NotRunning;
   481         // We are finished either normally or with EffectNotStarted. It is now the time to
   482         // get rid of all the "effects" caused by the effects in this group if the
   483         // hide-when-finished flag is set.
   484         if (mHideWhenFinished) {
   485             doHideEffect(0, hasOpacityEffect());
   486         }
   487     }
   488 }
   490 void HbEffectGroup::invokeObserver(Hb::EffectEvent reason)
   491 {
   492     // Send callback if observer has been provided
   493     if (mRegistrationItem && mTargetItem && mObserver && !mEffectFinishedSlotName.isEmpty()) {
   494         HbEffect::EffectStatus status;
   495         status.item = mRegistrationItem;
   496         status.effectEvent = mEffectEventType;
   497         status.userData = mUserData;
   498         status.reason = reason;
   500         QObject *observer = mObserver;    
   502         // Clear the observer to make sure it is not sent more than once.
   503         // This is done before invokeMethod to avoid crash if the callback
   504         // deletes this object.
   505         mObserver = 0;
   507         // Send callback if observer has been provided. Use queued connection if
   508         // the effect finished normally, because otherwise deleting the effect during the callback
   509         // would cause crash because this function finally returns back to animation framework code
   510         // which assumes the effect objects are alive.
   511         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(
   512             observer,
   513             mEffectFinishedSlotName.toAscii().data(),
   514             reason == Hb::EffectFinished ? Qt::QueuedConnection : Qt::AutoConnection,
   515             QGenericReturnArgument(),
   516             Q_ARG(HbEffect::EffectStatus, status));
   518         // Do not access member variables after invoking the callback since it might
   519         // have deleted this object.
   520     }
   521 }
   523 void HbEffectGroup::setHideWhenFinished(bool hideWhenFinished)
   524 {
   525     mHideWhenFinished = hideWhenFinished;
   526 }
   528 // End of File