changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 1 f7ac710697a9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:16d8024aca5e
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
     8 **
     9 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    10 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    11 ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
    12 ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
    13 ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
    14 ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
    15 **
    16 **
    17 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    18 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    19 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    20 **
    21 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    22 ** Nokia at
    23 **
    24 ****************************************************************************/
    26 #include "hbslidercontrol_p.h"
    27 #include "hbslidercontrol_p_p.h"
    28 #include "hbabstractslidercontrol_p.h"
    29 #include "hbsliderhandle_p.h"
    30 #include "hbstyleoptionslider.h"
    31 #include "hbslidertickmarkslabel_p.h"
    32 #include "hbslidertickmarkslabel_p.h"
    33 #include <hbstyle.h>
    34 #include <hbinstance.h>
    35 #include <hbtheme.h>
    36 #include <hbtooltip.h>
    37 #include <hbwidgetfeedback.h>
    38 #include <hbgraphicsscene.h>
    39 #include <QGraphicsItem>
    40 #include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
    42 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
    43 #include "hbeffect.h"
    44 #include "hbeffectinternal_p.h"
    46 #endif
    49 /*!
    50     private class  
    51 */
    52 HbSliderControlPrivate::HbSliderControlPrivate( ) :
    53     handle( 0 ), // slider handle
    54     tickPosition( Hb::NoSliderTicks ), // slider tick position
    55     snappingMode( HbSliderControl::MinorTickSnapping ), // snapping mode
    56     majorTickInterval( 0 ),// major tick interval
    57     minorTickInterval( 0 ),// minor tick interval
    58     groove( 0 ), //slider groove
    59     progressGroove( 0 ),//progress mask top of groove
    60     tickmarksLeft( 0 ), // slider left/top tick mark item
    61     tickmarksRight( 0 ),// slider right/bottom tick mark item
    62     tickmarkslabelLeft( 0 ),// slider left/above tick mark label
    63     tickmarkslabelRight ( 0 ),// slider right/bottom tick mark label
    64     displayCurrValueToolTip( false ), // holds whether to show current value tooltip or not
    65     toolTipAlignment( Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignRight ), // tooltip alignment
    66     groovePressed( false ), // hold whether groove is pressed or not
    67     setDefault( false ), // holds whther default value for track press is set
    68     previousValue( 0 ),  // default value for track press
    69     trackHandlingEnable( false ),// this variable holds whether track will be interective or not
    70     handleMoving( false ),
    71     grooveTouchArea ( 0 ),
    72     enableProgressTrack ( true ),
    73     userDefinedTooltipAlign ( false )
    74 {
    76     majorLabel.clear();
    77     minorLabel.clear();
    79 }
    82 HbSliderControlPrivate::~HbSliderControlPrivate( )
    83 {
    86 }
    89 /*!
    90    \internal
    91    This api created required primitive( handle,groove, touch area )
    92 */
    93 void HbSliderControlPrivate::init( )
    94 {
    95     Q_Q( HbSliderControl );
    97     q->enableTrackEventHandling( true );
    99     // creating handle
   100     handle = createHandle();
   101     if(handle) {
   102         HbStyle::setItemName( handle, "handle" );
   103     }
   104     q->setFocusPolicy( Qt::FocusPolicy( ( qApp->style( ) )->styleHint( QStyle::SH_Button_FocusPolicy ) ) );
   105     //creating groove
   106     groove = createGroove();
   107     if(groove) {
   108         HbStyle::setItemName( groove, "groove" );
   109     }
   110     //filled item top of groove
   111     if ( enableProgressTrack ) {
   112         progressGroove = createProgressGroove();
   113         if(progressGroove) {
   114             HbStyle::setItemName( progressGroove, "progressgroove");
   115         }    
   116     }
   117     q->connect( hbInstance->theme( ), SIGNAL( changed( ) ), q, SLOT( updateTheme( ) ) );
   118     q->connect( q , SIGNAL( actionTriggered( int ) ), q , SLOT( showToolTip( ) ) );
   119     q->connect( q , SIGNAL( sliderReleased( ) ), q , SLOT( hideToolTip( ) ) );
   120     q->setFlags( QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable );
   121 }
   123 /*!
   124   \internal
   125   Updates tick and Label.
   126   */
   127 void HbSliderControlPrivate::updateTickAndLabel( )
   128 {
   129     if (tickmarksLeft) {
   130         tickmarksLeft->updateTicks();
   131     }
   132     if (tickmarksRight) {
   133         tickmarksRight->updateTicks();
   134     }
   135     if( tickmarkslabelLeft ) {
   136         tickmarkslabelLeft->updateTickLabels();
   137     }
   138     if( tickmarkslabelRight ) {
   139         tickmarkslabelRight->updateTickLabels( );
   140     }
   141 }
   144 /*!
   145   \internal
   146   Updates tick and Label.
   147   */
   148 void HbSliderControlPrivate::deleteTickAndLabel( )
   149 {
   150     if (tickmarksLeft) {
   151         delete tickmarksLeft;
   152         tickmarksLeft = 0;
   154     }  
   155     if (tickmarksRight) {
   156         delete tickmarksRight;
   157         tickmarksRight = 0;
   158     }
   161     if( tickmarkslabelLeft ) {
   162         delete tickmarkslabelLeft;
   163         tickmarkslabelLeft = 0;
   164     }
   165     if( tickmarkslabelRight ) {
   166         delete tickmarkslabelRight;
   167         tickmarkslabelRight = 0;
   168     }
   170 }
   172 /*!
   173   \internal
   174   This is used to create the handle, is virtual and can be overridden to create different handle.
   175   */
   176 HbSliderHandle *HbSliderControlPrivate::createHandle()
   177 {
   178     Q_Q( HbSliderControl );
   179     HbSliderHandle *handle = new HbSliderHandle( q );
   180     return handle;
   181 }
   183 /*!
   184   \internal
   185   This is used to create the groove. can be overrideen by derived class
   186   */
   187 QGraphicsItem *HbSliderControlPrivate::createGroove()
   188 {
   189     Q_Q( HbSliderControl );
   190     QGraphicsItem *groove = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsItem*>( q->style( )->createPrimitive(
   191         HbStyle::P_Slider_groove, q ) );
   192     return groove;
   193 }
   194 /*!
   195   \internal
   196   This is used to create the masked progress groove. can be overrideen by derived class
   197   */
   198 QGraphicsItem *HbSliderControlPrivate::createProgressGroove()
   199 {
   200     Q_Q( HbSliderControl );
   201     QGraphicsItem *proggroove = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsItem*>( q->style( )->createPrimitive(
   202         HbStyle::P_Slider_progressgroove, q ) );//comes on top of groove
   203     return proggroove;
   204 }
   206 /*!
   207    This api adjust the handle within slider area
   208    and position it depending upon slider value
   209 */
   210 void HbSliderControlPrivate::adjustHandle( )
   211 {
   212     Q_Q( HbSliderControl );
   213     handle->adjustSize( );
   214     QRectF bounds = q->boundingRect( );
   215     QRectF handleBounds = handle->boundingRect( );
   216     qreal span = 0;
   217     if ( q->orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) {
   218         bounds.adjust( 0, 0, -handleBounds.width( ), 0 );
   219         // calculating span
   220         span = bounds.width( );
   221     } else {
   222         bounds.adjust( 0, 0, 0, -handleBounds.height( ) );
   223         // calculating span
   224         span = bounds.height( );
   225     }
   227     HbStyleOptionSlider opt;
   228     q->initStyleOption( &opt );
   229     // calculating pixel position depending on slider position
   230     int pos = QStyle::sliderPositionFromValue( opt.minimum, opt.maximum,
   231         opt.sliderValue, static_cast<int>( span ), opt.upsideDown );
   232     // align the rect to the centre of groove
   233     QRect rect = QStyle::alignedRect( opt.direction, Qt::AlignCenter,
   234         handleBounds.size( ).toSize( ), bounds.toRect( ) );
   235     if ( q->orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) {
   236         rect.moveLeft( pos );
   237     } else {
   238         rect.moveTop( pos );
   239     }
   240     //set handle position
   241     handle->forceSetPos( rect.topLeft( ) );
   242     //progress groove should be adjusted whenever handle position is changed
   243     if ( progressGroove ) {
   244         q->style( )->updatePrimitive( progressGroove, HbStyle::P_Slider_progressgroove, &opt );
   245     }
   246 }
   248 /*!
   249    This api returns true if pos in on handle rect
   250 */
   251 bool HbSliderControlPrivate::onHandle( QPointF pos )
   252 {
   253     Q_Q( HbSliderControl );
   254     QRectF handleRect = handle->sceneBoundingRect( );
   255     bool result = false;
   256     switch ( q->orientation( ) ) {
   257         case Qt::Horizontal:
   258             if ( handleRect.contains( pos.x( ) , handleRect.y( ) ) ) {
   259                 result = true;
   260             }
   261             break;
   262         case Qt::Vertical:
   263             if ( handleRect.contains( handleRect.x( ),pos.y( ) ) ) {
   264                 result = true;
   265             }
   266             break;
   267     }
   268     return result;
   269 }
   272 /*!
   273    This api returns near by tick to the sliderPosition
   274 */
   275 int HbSliderControlPrivate::getNearbyTick( )
   276 {
   277     Q_Q( HbSliderControl );
   278     // calculating slider position with respect to minimum( )
   279     int correctedSliderPos = q->sliderPosition( ) - q->minimum( );
   280     // if snapping mode is NoSnapping then there is no need to calculate
   281     //near by tick
   282     if ( !( snappingMode & HbSliderControl::NoSnapping ) ) {
   283         if ( snappingMode & HbSliderControl::MinorTickSnapping  ) {
   284             if ( minorTickInterval > 0 ) {
   285                 // calculating tick number
   286                int tickNumber = correctedSliderPos / minorTickInterval;
   287                // check if reminder is grater then half of 
   288                //tick interval then increment tick number by 1
   289                if ( ( correctedSliderPos % minorTickInterval ) >= qRound( minorTickInterval/2.0 ) ) {
   290                     if ( ( ( tickNumber+1 ) * minorTickInterval ) <= ( q->maximum( ) - q->minimum( ) ) ) {
   291                         tickNumber++;
   292                     }
   293                }
   294                // return sliderPosition of near by tick
   295                return ( ( tickNumber * minorTickInterval ) + q->minimum( ) );
   296             }
   297         } else {
   298             if ( majorTickInterval > 0 ) {
   299                 // calculating tick number
   300                 int tickNumber = correctedSliderPos / majorTickInterval;                
   301                 // check if reminder is grater then half of 
   302                //tick interval then increment tick number by 1
   303                 if ( ( correctedSliderPos % majorTickInterval ) >= qRound( majorTickInterval/2.0 ) ) {
   304                     if ( ( ( tickNumber+1 ) * majorTickInterval ) <= ( q->maximum( ) - q->minimum( ) ) ) {
   305                         tickNumber++;
   306                     }
   307                 }
   308                 // return sliderPosition of near by tick
   309                 return ( ( tickNumber * majorTickInterval ) + q->minimum( ) );
   310             }
   311         }
   312     }
   313     // return sliderPosition( ) if snapping mode is NoSnapping
   314     return ( q->sliderPosition( ) );
   315 }
   317 void HbSliderControlPrivate::createSliderTicks( )
   318 {
   320     Q_Q ( HbSliderControl);
   321     if (! tickmarksLeft) {
   322         tickmarksLeft =  new HbSliderTickmarks(q);
   323         tickmarksLeft->setTickPosition (Hb::SliderTicksLeft);
   324         } 
   325     if (!tickmarksRight) {
   326        tickmarksRight =  new HbSliderTickmarks(q);
   327        tickmarksRight->setTickPosition ( Hb::SliderTicksRight);
   328     }
   329     if ( orientation == Qt::Vertical ) {
   330         HbStyle::setItemName( tickmarksLeft, "tick-marksleft" );
   331         HbStyle::setItemName( tickmarksRight, "tick-marksright" );
   332     } else {
   333         HbStyle::setItemName( tickmarksLeft, "tick-marksabove" );
   334         HbStyle::setItemName( tickmarksRight, "tick-marksbelow" );
   335     }
   336 }
   338 void HbSliderControlPrivate::positionTickMarks( )
   339 {
   340     Q_Q (HbSliderControl);
   341     if (!tickmarksLeft||!tickmarksRight) {
   342         return;
   343     }
   344       // SliderTickLeft and SliderTicksAbove value is same
   345     if ( tickPosition & Hb::SliderTicksLeft) {
   346         tickmarksLeft->createIcons(true);
   347     } else {
   348         tickmarksLeft->createIcons(false);
   349     }
   350     if ( tickPosition & Hb::SliderTicksRight ) {
   351         tickmarksRight->createIcons(true);
   352     } else {
   353         tickmarksRight->createIcons(false);
   354     }
   355     if ( orientation == Qt::Vertical ) {
   356         if ( tickPosition & Hb::SliderTicksAbsolute)  {
   357             q->setLayoutDirection (Qt::LeftToRight );
   358             }
   359     }
   360 }
   362 void HbSliderControlPrivate::createSliderTickLabels( )
   363 {   
   364     Q_Q(HbSliderControl);
   365     if (! tickmarkslabelLeft) {
   366         tickmarkslabelLeft =  new HbSliderTickmarksLabel(q);
   367         tickmarkslabelLeft->setTickPosition (Hb::SliderTicksLeft);
   368      } 
   369     if (!tickmarkslabelRight) {
   370         tickmarkslabelRight =  new HbSliderTickmarksLabel(q);
   371         tickmarkslabelRight->setTickPosition (Hb::SliderTicksRight );
   372      }
   373     if ( orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) {
   374         HbStyle::setItemName( tickmarkslabelLeft, "tick-textsabove" );
   375         HbStyle::setItemName( tickmarkslabelRight, "tick-textsbelow" );
   376     } else {
   377         HbStyle::setItemName( tickmarkslabelLeft, "tick-textsleft" );
   378         HbStyle::setItemName( tickmarkslabelRight, "tick-textsright" );
   379     }
   381 }
   384 void HbSliderControlPrivate::positionTickMarksLabel( )
   385 {
   386     if (!tickmarkslabelLeft||!tickmarkslabelRight) {
   387         return;
   388     }
   389       // SliderTickLeft and SliderTicksAbove value is same
   390     if ( tickPosition & Hb::SliderTicksLeft) {
   391         tickmarkslabelLeft->createText(true);
   392     } else {
   393         tickmarkslabelLeft->createText(false);
   394     }
   395     if ( tickPosition & Hb::SliderTicksRight ) {
   396         tickmarkslabelRight->createText(true);
   397     } else {
   398         tickmarkslabelRight->createText(false);
   399     }
   400 }
   403 /*!
   404     Constructs a slider control with \a parent.
   405 */
   406 HbSliderControl::HbSliderControl( QGraphicsItem *parent )
   407     : HbAbstractSliderControl( *new HbSliderControlPrivate, parent )
   408 {
   409     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   410     d->q_ptr = this;
   411     d->init( );
   412 }
   414 /*!
   415     Constructs a slider control with \a orientation and \a parent.
   416 */
   417 HbSliderControl::HbSliderControl( Qt::Orientation orientation, QGraphicsItem *parent )
   418     : HbAbstractSliderControl( *new HbSliderControlPrivate, parent )
   419 {
   420     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   421     d->q_ptr = this;
   422     d->init( );
   423     setOrientation( orientation );
   424 }
   426 /*!
   427   Protected constructor for initialization from derived ctor.
   428 */
   429 HbSliderControl::HbSliderControl(HbSliderControlPrivate &dd,QGraphicsItem *parent)
   430 	:HbAbstractSliderControl(dd,parent)
   431 {
   432 }
   434 /*!
   435     When theme is changed this is called.
   436 */
   437 void HbSliderControl::updateTheme( )
   438 {
   439     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   440     // HbSliderHandle::boundingRect( ) result depends on current theme
   441     d->adjustHandle( );
   442 }
   445 /*!
   446     Destroys the slider.
   447 */
   448 HbSliderControl::~HbSliderControl( )
   449 {
   451 }
   453 /*!
   454     Returns the tickmark position of the slider.
   456     The default value is \c Hb::NoTicks.
   458     \sa setTickPosition( )
   459 */
   460 Hb::SliderTickPositions HbSliderControl::tickPosition( ) const
   461 {
   462     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
   463     return d->tickPosition;
   464 }
   466 /*!
   467     Sets the tickmark position of the slider.
   469     \sa tickPosition( )
   470  */
   471 void HbSliderControl::setTickPosition( Hb::SliderTickPositions position )
   472 {
   473     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   474     if ( d->tickPosition != position ) {
   475         d->tickPosition = position;
   476         unsetLayoutDirection( );
   477         if ( position == Hb::NoSliderTicks) {
   478             d->deleteTickAndLabel( );
   479         } else {
   480             if ( (!d->tickmarksLeft || !d->tickmarksRight) && d->majorTickInterval > 0) {
   481                 d->createSliderTicks( );
   482                 d->positionTickMarks( );
   483                 repolish( );
   485             }
   486             if ( (!d->tickmarkslabelLeft || !d->tickmarkslabelRight) && d->majorTickInterval > 0 &&
   487                 (!d->majorLabel.isEmpty( ) || (!d->minorLabel.isEmpty( ) && d->minorTickInterval > 0) ) ) {
   488                 d->createSliderTickLabels( );
   489                 d->positionTickMarksLabel ( );
   490                 repolish( );
   491             }
   492             d->positionTickMarks( );
   493             d->positionTickMarksLabel( );
   494         }
   495     }
   496 }
   498 /*!
   499     Returns the interval between major tickmarks.
   501     The default value is \c 0.
   503     \sa setMajorTickInterval( )
   504 */
   505 int HbSliderControl::majorTickInterval( ) const
   506 {
   507     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
   508     return d->majorTickInterval;
   509 }
   511 /*!
   512     Sets the interval between major tickmarks.
   514     Special values:
   515     \li a negative value means no major ticks will be drawn
   516     \li value \c 0 means that the interval is automatically calculated
   518     \sa majorTickInterval( )
   519 */
   520 void HbSliderControl::setMajorTickInterval( int interval )
   521 {
   522     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   523     if ( d->majorTickInterval != interval ) {
   524         d->majorTickInterval = qAbs ( interval );
   525         if (interval <= 0 ) {
   526             d->deleteTickAndLabel();
   527             repolish();
   528         } else if( d->tickPosition!=Hb::NoSliderTicks) {
   529             if( !d->tickmarksLeft || !d->tickmarksRight) {
   530                 d->createSliderTicks( );
   531                 d->positionTickMarks( );
   532                 repolish( );
   533             } else {
   534                 d->tickmarksLeft->updateTicks( );
   535                 d->tickmarksRight->updateTicks( );
   536             }
   537             if ( (!d->tickmarkslabelRight || !d->tickmarkslabelLeft) && (!d->majorLabel.isEmpty( ) ||
   538                 (d->minorTickInterval >0  &&! d->minorLabel.isEmpty( )))) {
   539                     d->createSliderTickLabels( );
   540                     d->positionTickMarksLabel( );
   541                     repolish( );
   542             }
   544             if ( d->snappingMode == MajorTickSnapping ) {
   545             updateSliderPosToTick( );
   546             }
   547         }
   548     }
   549 }
   551 /*!
   552     Returns the minor ticklabels of the slider.
   554     \sa setMinorTickLabels( )
   555 */
   556 QStringList HbSliderControl::minorTickLabels( ) const
   557 {
   558     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
   559     return  d->minorLabel;
   560 }
   562 /*!
   563     Sets the interval between minor tickmarks.
   565     Special values:
   566     \li a negative value means no minor ticks will be drawn
   567     \li value \c 0 means that the interval is automatically calculated
   569     \sa minorTickInterval( )
   570 */
   571 void HbSliderControl::setMinorTickInterval( int interval )
   572 {
   573     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   574     if ( d->minorTickInterval != interval ) {
   575         d->minorTickInterval = qAbs ( interval );
   576         if ( d->tickmarksLeft && d->tickmarksRight ) {
   577             d->tickmarksLeft->updateTicks( );
   578             d->tickmarksRight->updateTicks( );
   579         }
   580         if ( d->majorTickInterval > 0 && ( !d->minorLabel.isEmpty() && d->minorTickInterval > 0) &&
   581             (!d->tickmarkslabelLeft || !d->tickmarkslabelRight) && d->tickPosition!=Hb::NoSliderTicks) {
   582                 d->createSliderTickLabels( );
   583                 repolish( );
   584         }
   585         if ( d->snappingMode == MinorTickSnapping && d->minorTickInterval > 0 && d->tickPosition!= Hb::NoSliderTicks ) {
   586             updateSliderPosToTick( );
   587         }
   588     }
   589 }
   591 /*!
   592     Returns the interval between minor tickmarks.
   594     The default value is \c 0.
   596     \sa setMinorTickInterval( )
   597 */
   598 int HbSliderControl::minorTickInterval( ) const
   599 {
   600     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
   601     return d->minorTickInterval;
   602 }
   604 /*!
   605     Sets the major ticklabels of the slider.
   607     Detailed description:
   609     Strings from the stringlist will be taken sequentially for drawing
   610     LabelItem,there exists a one-to-one mapping between tickmarkitem &
   611     tickmarklabelitem.
   613     case 1: if strings provided > tickmarks, labels are drawn for the
   614     strings which maps the tickmarkitems.If there are extra strings 
   615     available in the list beyond 1-1 mapping, those strings will be left out.
   617     case 2: if strings provided < tickmarks, labels are drawn only for strings
   618     provided.Rest of the tickmarkitems will be drawn without labelItem.
   620     case 3: If some tickmarkitems to be drawn without labelItem in the middle,
   621     specify empty string ( "" ) for that item  in the string list.
   623     case 4: if both major & minor tickinterval are same,then only majortickLabel
   624     strings are taken into account for drawing the labelItem
   626     \sa majorTickLabels( )
   627 */
   628 void HbSliderControl::setMajorTickLabels( const QStringList &majorTickLabels )
   629 {
   630     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   631     d->majorLabel = majorTickLabels;
   632     if (d->majorLabel.isEmpty( ) && (d->minorLabel.isEmpty( )|| d->minorTickInterval <=0) ) {
   633         if (d->tickmarkslabelLeft) {
   634             delete d->tickmarkslabelLeft;
   635             d->tickmarkslabelLeft =0;
   636         }
   637         if( d->tickmarkslabelRight) {
   638             delete d->tickmarkslabelRight;
   639             d->tickmarkslabelRight =0;
   640         }
   641         repolish( );
   643     } else {
   644         if ((!d->tickmarkslabelLeft || !d->tickmarkslabelRight) && !d->majorLabel.isEmpty( ) &&
   645             d->majorTickInterval > 0 && d->tickPosition!=Hb::NoSliderTicks) {
   646                 d->createSliderTickLabels( );
   647                 d->positionTickMarksLabel( );
   648                 repolish( );
   649             }  else if ( d->tickmarkslabelLeft && d->tickmarkslabelRight ) {
   650                 d->tickmarkslabelLeft->updateTickLabels( );
   651                 d->tickmarkslabelRight->updateTickLabels( );
   652             }
   653     }
   654 }
   656 /*!
   657     Returns the minor ticklabels of the slider.
   659     \sa setMinorTickLabels( )
   660 */
   661 QStringList HbSliderControl::majorTickLabels( ) const
   662 {
   663     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
   664     return d->majorLabel;
   665    // return static_cast<HbSliderTickmarksLabel*>( d->tickmarkslabel )->majorTickLabels( );
   666 }
   668 /*!
   669     Sets the minor ticklabels of the slider.
   670     see setMajorTickLabels for detailed description
   672     \sa minorTickLabels( ),setMajorTickLabels( )
   673 */
   674 void HbSliderControl::setMinorTickLabels( const QStringList &minorTickLabels )
   675 {
   676     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   677     d->minorLabel = minorTickLabels;
   678     if (d->majorLabel.isEmpty( ) && (d->minorLabel.isEmpty( )|| d->minorTickInterval <=0) ) {
   679         if (d->tickmarkslabelLeft) {
   680             delete d->tickmarkslabelLeft;
   681         }
   682         if( d->tickmarkslabelRight) {
   683             delete d->tickmarkslabelRight;
   684         }
   685         repolish( );
   687     } else {
   688         if ((!d->tickmarkslabelLeft || !d->tickmarkslabelRight) &&
   689             d->majorTickInterval > 0 && d->tickPosition!=Hb::NoSliderTicks) {
   690                 d->createSliderTickLabels( );
   691                 repolish( );
   692             }  else if ( d->tickmarkslabelLeft && d->tickmarkslabelRight)  {
   693                 d->tickmarkslabelLeft->updateTickLabels( );
   694                 d->tickmarkslabelRight->updateTickLabels( );
   695             }
   696     }
   697 }
   700 /*!
   701     Returns the SnappingMode of the slider.
   703     The default value is \c HbSliderControl::MinorTickSnapping.
   705     \sa setSnappingMode( )
   706 */
   707 HbSliderControl::SnappingMode HbSliderControl::snappingMode( ) const
   708 {
   709     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
   710     return d->snappingMode;
   711 }
   713 /*!
   714     Sets the snappingMode of the slider.
   716     \sa snappingMode( )
   717 */
   718 void HbSliderControl::setSnappingMode( SnappingMode mode )
   719 {
   720     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   721     if ( d->snappingMode != mode ) {
   722         d->snappingMode = mode;
   723         if ( d->snappingMode != NoSnapping ) {
   724             updateSliderPosToTick( );
   725         }
   726     }
   727 }
   729 /*!
   730     This will enable/disable current value diplay as tooltip
   731     on thumb drag
   732 */
   733  void HbSliderControl::setToolTipVisible( bool value )
   734  {
   735     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   736     if ( d->displayCurrValueToolTip != value ) {
   737         d->displayCurrValueToolTip = value;
   738     }
   739  }
   742  /*!
   743     returns whether tooltip is Enable or disable for current value
   744 */
   745 bool HbSliderControl::isToolTipVisible( )const
   746 {
   747     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
   748     return d->displayCurrValueToolTip;
   749 }
   752 /*!
   753     sets the toolTip Alignment with respect to the thumb
   754 */
   755 void HbSliderControl::setToolTipAlignment( Qt::Alignment alignment )
   756 {
   757     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   758     if ( d->toolTipAlignment != alignment ) {
   759         d->toolTipAlignment=alignment;
   760         d->userDefinedTooltipAlign = true;
   761     }
   762 }
   765 /*!
   766     returns the tooltip Alignment with respect to the thumb
   767 */
   768 Qt::Alignment HbSliderControl::toolTipAlignment( ) const
   769 {
   770     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
   771     return d->toolTipAlignment;
   772 }
   774 void HbSliderControl::changeEvent( QEvent *event )
   775 {
   776     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   777     switch ( event->type( ) ) {
   778         case QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange:
   779             d->adjustHandle( );
   780             d->updateTickAndLabel( );
   781             break;
   782         case QEvent::StyleChange:
   783             // HbSlider::boundingRect( ) result depends on current style
   784             d->handle->prepareGeometryChange( );
   785             d->adjustHandle( );
   786             break;
   787         default:
   788             break;
   789     }
   790     HbAbstractSliderControl::changeEvent( event );
   791 }
   793 /*!
   794     This api will hide the tooltip , this will
   796     be called on mouse release
   797 */
   798 void HbSliderControl::hideToolTip( )
   799 {
   800     HbToolTip::hideText( qobject_cast<HbGraphicsScene *>( scene( ) ) );
   801 }
   804 /*!
   805   This will display tooltip when ever there
   807   is thumb drag.
   809 */
   810 void HbSliderControl::showToolTip( )
   811 {
   812     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   813     if ( isSliderDown( ) && d->displayCurrValueToolTip ) {
   814         HbToolTip::showText( toolTip( ) , d->handle , d->toolTipAlignment );
   815     }
   816 }
   818 /*!
   819   reimp
   821 */
   822 void HbSliderControl::mousePressEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event )
   823 {   
   824     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   825     HbAbstractSliderControl::mousePressEvent( event );
   826     if ( !d->trackHandlingEnable ) {
   827         event->ignore( );
   828         return;
   829     }
   830     // bound check
   831     if ( maximum( ) == minimum( ) || ( event->buttons( ) ^ event->button( ) ) ) {
   832         event->ignore( );
   833         return;
   834     }
   835     #if defined( QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION ) && !defined( Q_OS_SYMBIAN )
   836     if ( QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled( ) ) {
   837         setEditFocus( true );
   838     }
   839     #endif
   841     QRectF bounds = boundingRect( );
   842     QRectF handleBounds = d->handle->boundingRect( );
   843     bounds.adjust( 0, 0, -handleBounds.width( ), -handleBounds.height( ) );
   845     // Define area events are accepted
   846     QRectF eventRect = d->grooveTouchArea->sceneBoundingRect( );
   847     // return if point is outside track touch area
   848     if ( !eventRect.contains( event->scenePos( ) ) ) {
   849         event->ignore( );
   850         return;
   851     }
   852     event->accept( );
   853     if( d->onHandle( event->scenePos( ) ) ) {
   854         HbWidgetFeedback::triggered( this, Hb::InstantPressed, Hb::ModifierSliderHandle );
   855         setSliderDown( true );
   856         d->handle->updatePrimitives( );
   857         d->handleMoving = true;
   858     }
   859     else {
   860     // effect
   861 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   862     if( d->grooveTouchArea->sceneBoundingRect( ).contains( event->scenePos( ) ) ) {
   863         if( orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) {   
   864         // effect for horizontal track press
   865             HbEffectInternal::add( HB_SLIDERCONTROL_TYPE,"slider_h_trackpress", "h_trackpress" );
   866             HbEffect::start( d->groove, HB_SLIDERCONTROL_TYPE, "h_trackrpress" );
   867         }
   868         else {
   869             HbEffectInternal::add( HB_SLIDERCONTROL_TYPE,"slider_v_trackpress", "v_trackpress" );
   870             HbEffect::start( d->groove, HB_SLIDERCONTROL_TYPE, "v_trackpress" );
   871         }  
   872         d->handle->updatePrimitives( );
   873     }
   874 #endif
   875         HbWidgetFeedback::triggered( this, Hb::InstantPressed );
   876         qreal handlePos = 0;
   877         qreal span = 0;
   878         // calculate handle position and span
   879         switch ( orientation( ) ) {
   880             case Qt::Horizontal:
   881                 handlePos = event->pos( ).x( ) - handleBounds.width( ) / 2;
   882                 span = bounds.width( );
   883                 break;
   884             case Qt::Vertical:
   885                 handlePos = event->pos( ).y( ) - handleBounds.height( ) / 2;
   886                 span = bounds.height( );
   887                 break;
   888         }
   890         HbStyleOptionSlider opt;
   891         d->groovePressed = true;
   892         initStyleOption( &opt );
   893         // calculate pixel value for event position
   894         int pressValue = QStyle::sliderValueFromPosition( opt.minimum, opt.maximum,
   895             static_cast<int>( handlePos ),static_cast<int>( span ),opt.upsideDown );
   896         //update the groove and touch item
   897         style( )->updatePrimitive( d->groove, HbStyle::P_Slider_groove, &opt );  
   898         // if default is set then dont increment or decrement slider value
   899         // just set default value to slider
   900         if ( d->setDefault ) {
   901             setValue( d->previousValue );
   902             if ( pressValue > value( ) ) {
   903                 setRepeatAction( SliderSingleStepAdd, pressValue );
   904              }
   905              else {
   906                 setRepeatAction( SliderSingleStepSub, pressValue );
   907              }
   908              d->setDefault = false;
   909         } 
   910         else {      
   911             if( singleStep( ) != 0 ) {
   912                 HbWidgetFeedback::continuousTriggered( this, Hb::ContinuousDragged );
   913             }
   914             setSliderPosition( pressValue );
   915             triggerAction( SliderMove );
   916             setRepeatAction( SliderNoAction, pressValue );
   917         }
   918     }
   920 }
   922 /*!
   923   reimp
   925 */
   926 void HbSliderControl::mouseReleaseEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event )
   927 {
   928     HbAbstractSliderControl::mouseReleaseEvent( event );
   929     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
   930     d->handleMoving = false;
   931     if ( !d->trackHandlingEnable ) {
   932         event->ignore( );
   933         return;
   934     }
   935     if ( d->groovePressed ) {
   937 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS    
   938         if( d->grooveTouchArea->sceneBoundingRect( ).contains( event->scenePos( ) ) ) {
   939             if( orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) {   
   940                 HbEffectInternal::add( HB_SLIDERCONTROL_TYPE,"slider_h_trackrelease", "h_trackrelease" );
   941                 HbEffect::start( d->groove, HB_SLIDERCONTROL_TYPE, "h_trackrelease" );
   942             }
   943             else {
   944                 HbEffectInternal::add( HB_SLIDERCONTROL_TYPE,"slider_v_trackrelease", "v_trackrelease" );
   945                 HbEffect::start( d->groove, HB_SLIDERCONTROL_TYPE, "v_trackrelease" );
   946             }    
   947             d->handle->updatePrimitives( );
   948         }
   949 #endif
   950         HbStyleOptionSlider opt;
   951         d->groovePressed = false;
   952         initStyleOption( &opt );    
   953         // update primitive from press to normal
   954         style( )->updatePrimitive( d->groove, HbStyle::P_Slider_groove, &opt );
   955     }
   956     if ( event->buttons( ) ) {
   957         event->ignore( );
   958         return;
   959     }
   960     event->accept( );
   961     // stop the timer 
   962     setRepeatAction( SliderNoAction );
   963     // snapping
   964     if( isSliderDown( ) ) {
   965         if ( d->snappingMode != NoSnapping ) {
   966             updateSliderPosToTick( );
   967         }
   968         if( singleStep( ) != 0 ) {
   969             HbWidgetFeedback::continuousStopped( this, Hb::ContinuousDragged );
   970         }
   971         HbWidgetFeedback::triggered( this, Hb::InstantReleased, Hb::ModifierSliderHandle );
   972     } else {
   973         HbWidgetFeedback::triggered( this, Hb::InstantReleased );
   974     }
   975     // update handle
   976     setSliderDown( false );
   977     d->handle->updatePrimitives( );
   978     HbToolTip::hideText( qobject_cast<HbGraphicsScene *>( scene( ) ) );
   979 }
   982 bool HbSliderControl::sceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem *obj,QEvent *event)
   983 {
   984     Q_D(HbSliderControl);
   985     if( obj == d->grooveTouchArea) {
   986         if (!isEnabled() ) {
   987             return false;
   988         }
   989 	    if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress){
   990 			mousePressEvent((QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *) event);
   991              return true;
   992 		}
   993 		else if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease){
   994 			mouseReleaseEvent((QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *) event);
   995             return true;
   996 		}
   997 	} 
   998 	return false;
   999 }
  1001 /*!
  1003 */
  1004 void HbSliderControl::releasedOutside( bool outside )
  1005 {
  1006     Q_UNUSED( outside )
  1007     emit releasedOutside( );
  1008 }
  1010 /*!
  1011   reimp
  1013 */
  1014 void HbSliderControl::resizeEvent( QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event )
  1015 {
  1016     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1017     QGraphicsWidget::resizeEvent( event );
  1018     // for Bug Fix::Ticks are not getting updated after 
  1019     // element is added to slider
  1020     updatePrimitives( );
  1021     repolish();
  1022     d->adjustHandle( );  
  1023     d->updateTickAndLabel( );
  1024 }
  1025 /*!
  1026   reimp
  1028 */
  1029 void HbSliderControl::polish( HbStyleParameters& params )
  1030 {
  1032     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1033     HbStyleOptionSlider option;
  1034     initStyleOption( &option );
  1035     updatePrimitives( );
  1036     HbAbstractSliderControl::polish( params );
  1037     d->adjustHandle( );
  1038     d->updateTickAndLabel();
  1039 }
  1041 /*!
  1043 */
  1044 void HbSliderControl::initStyleOption( HbStyleOptionSlider *option ) const
  1045 {
  1046     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
  1047     if ( !option ) {
  1048         return;
  1049     }
  1050     HbAbstractSliderControl::initStyleOption( option );
  1051     option->subControls = QStyle::SC_None;
  1052     option->activeSubControls = QStyle::SC_None;
  1053     option->orientation = orientation( );
  1054     option->maximum = maximum( );
  1055     option->minimum = minimum( );
  1056     option->tickPosition =  d->tickPosition;
  1057     option->tickInterval = d->majorTickInterval;
  1058     option->minorTickInterval = d->minorTickInterval;
  1059     option->thumbPath = d->handleIcon;
  1060     option->upsideDown = ( orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) 
  1061         ? ( invertedAppearance( ) != ( option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft ) )
  1062             : ( !invertedAppearance( ) );
  1063     // we use the upsideDown option instead
  1064     option->direction = Qt::LeftToRight;
  1065     option->sliderPosition = sliderPosition( );
  1066     option->sliderValue = value( );
  1067     option->singleStep = singleStep( );
  1068     option->pageStep = pageStep( );
  1069     option->groovePressed = d->groovePressed;
  1070     if ( orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) {
  1071         option->state |= QStyle::State_Horizontal;
  1072     }
  1073     option->handleRect = d->handle->boundingRect( );
  1074     QRectF bounds = boundingRect( );
  1075     QRectF handleBounds = d->handle->boundingRect( );
  1076     qreal span = 0;
  1077     if ( orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) {
  1078         bounds.adjust( 0, 0, -handleBounds.width( )/2, 0 );
  1079         // calculating span
  1080         span = bounds.width( );
  1081     } else {
  1082         bounds.adjust( 0, 0, 0, -handleBounds.height( )/2 );
  1083         // calculating span
  1084         span = bounds.height( );
  1085     }
  1086     option->span = span;
  1087 }
  1089 /*!
  1090   sets the icon path for handle 
  1092   /sa handleIcon( )
  1094 */
  1095  void HbSliderControl::setHandleIcon( const QString &handleIcon )
  1096 {
  1097     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1098     d->handleIcon=handleIcon;
  1099     if( d->handle ) {
  1100         d->handle->updatePrimitives( );
  1101     }
  1102 }
  1104 /*!
  1105     returns icon of handle
  1107     /sa setHandleIcon( )   
  1108 */
  1109 QString HbSliderControl::handleIcon( ) const
  1110 {
  1111     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
  1112     return d->handleIcon;
  1113 }
  1116 void HbSliderControl::setHandleItem(QGraphicsItem *item)
  1117 {
  1118     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1119     if( d->handle ) {
  1120         d->handle->setHandleItem(item);
  1121         d->handle->updatePrimitives();
  1122     }
  1123 }
  1125 QGraphicsItem* HbSliderControl::handleItem( ) const
  1126 {
  1127     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
  1128 	if(d->handle) {
  1129 		return d->handle->handleItem();
  1130 	}
  1131 	return NULL;
  1132 }
  1134 void HbSliderControl::setHandleVisible(bool isVisible)
  1135 {
  1136     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1137 	if(isVisible) {
  1138 		d->handle->setVisible(true);
  1139 	} else {
  1140 		d->handle->setVisible(false);
  1141 	}
  1142 }
  1144 bool HbSliderControl::handleVisible() const
  1145 {
  1146     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
  1147 	return d->handle->isVisible();
  1148 }
  1150 /*!
  1151   adjust the handle
  1152 */
  1153 void HbSliderControl::sliderChange( SliderChange  change)
  1154 {
  1155     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1156     HbAbstractSliderControl::sliderChange( change );
  1157     d->adjustHandle( );
  1158     if ( change == SliderOrientationChange ) {
  1159         //Layout is not mirrored in vertical orientation with absolute ticks
  1160         if ( d->orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) {
  1161         } else if ( d->tickPosition&Hb::SliderTicksAbsolute) {
  1162             setLayoutDirection (Qt::LeftToRight);
  1163         }
  1164         if(d->orientation ==Qt::Horizontal) { 
  1165             unsetLayoutDirection( );
  1166             if (!d->userDefinedTooltipAlign) {
  1167                 d->toolTipAlignment = ( Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignHCenter );
  1168             }
  1169             setProperty("orientation",(Qt::Orientation)1);
  1170             if ( d->tickmarksLeft && d->tickmarksRight) {
  1171                 HbStyle::setItemName( d->tickmarksLeft, "tick-marksabove" );
  1172                 HbStyle::setItemName( d->tickmarksRight, "tick-marksbelow" );
  1173             }
  1174             if ( d->tickmarkslabelLeft && d->tickmarkslabelRight ) {
  1175                 HbStyle::setItemName( d->tickmarkslabelLeft, "tick-textsabove" );
  1176                 HbStyle::setItemName( d->tickmarkslabelRight, "tick-textsbelow" );
  1177             }
  1179         } else {
  1180             setProperty("orientation",(Qt::Orientation)2);
  1181             if ( d->tickPosition & Hb::SliderTicksAbsolute) {
  1182                 setLayoutDirection (Qt::LeftToRight);
  1183             }
  1184             if (!d->userDefinedTooltipAlign) {
  1185                 d->toolTipAlignment = ( Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignRight );
  1186             }
  1187             if ( d->tickmarksLeft && d->tickmarksRight) {
  1188                 HbStyle::setItemName( d->tickmarksLeft, "tick-marksleft" );
  1189                 HbStyle::setItemName( d->tickmarksRight, "tick-marksright" );
  1190                 if ( d->tickPosition & Hb::SliderTicksAbsolute ) {
  1191                     setLayoutDirection (Qt::LeftToRight );
  1192                     }
  1193             }
  1194             if ( d->tickmarkslabelLeft && d->tickmarkslabelRight ) {
  1195                 HbStyle::setItemName( d->tickmarkslabelLeft, "tick-textsleft" );
  1196                 HbStyle::setItemName( d->tickmarkslabelRight, "tick-textsright" );
  1197             }
  1199         }
  1200         repolish( );
  1201         if ( d->tickmarkslabelLeft && d->tickmarkslabelRight ) {
  1202             d->tickmarkslabelLeft->updateTickLabels( );
  1203             d->tickmarkslabelRight->updateTickLabels( );
  1204         }
  1206     }
  1207 }
  1210 /*!
  1211     \reimp
  1212 */
  1213 QGraphicsItem * HbSliderControl::primitive( HbStyle::Primitive primitive ) const
  1214 {
  1215     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
  1216     switch( primitive ){
  1217         case HbStyle::P_Slider_groove:
  1218             return ( d->groove );
  1219         case HbStyle::P_Slider_thumb:
  1220             return ( d->handle );
  1221         case HbStyle::P_Slider_progressgroove:
  1222             return ( d->progressGroove );
  1223         default:return( NULL );
  1224     }
  1225 }
  1227 /*!
  1228  reimp
  1230 */
  1231 QVariant HbSliderControl::itemChange( GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value )
  1232 {
  1233     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1234     if ( change == QGraphicsItem::ItemEnabledHasChanged ) {
  1235         updatePrimitives( );
  1236     }
  1237     switch( change ) {
  1238         case ItemVisibleHasChanged:
  1239             if ( !value.toBool( ) ) {
  1240                 setSliderDown( false );
  1241                 setRepeatAction( SliderNoAction );
  1242                 updatePrimitives( );
  1243                 if ( d->handle ) {
  1244                     d->handle->updatePrimitives( );
  1245                 }
  1246                 d->groovePressed = false;
  1247             } else {
  1248                 repolish();
  1249             }
  1250         break;
  1251         case ItemSceneHasChanged: {
  1252             // scene event filter for gestures can be installed
  1253             // once the widget has been added to the scene
  1254             if(!value.isNull() && d->grooveTouchArea) {
  1255                 d->grooveTouchArea->installSceneEventFilter(this);
  1256             }
  1257             updatePrimitives();
  1258         }
  1259         break;
  1260         default:
  1261             break;
  1262     }
  1263     return HbAbstractSliderControl::itemChange( change, value );
  1264 }
  1266 /*!
  1267     reimp
  1268     consume tooltip event
  1270 */
  1271 bool HbSliderControl::sceneEvent ( QEvent * event )
  1272 {
  1273     //eating tooltip event
  1274     if ( event->type( ) == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHelp ) {
  1275         event->accept( );
  1276         return true;
  1277     }
  1278     return HbAbstractSliderControl::sceneEvent( event );
  1279 }
  1281 /*!
  1282     \reimp
  1283 */
  1284 void HbSliderControl::updatePrimitives( ) 
  1285 {
  1286     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1287     HbStyleOptionSlider opt;
  1288     initStyleOption( &opt );
  1289     if ( isEnabled( ) ) {
  1290         opt.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
  1291     } else {
  1292         opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_Enabled;
  1293     }
  1294     if ( d->groove ) {
  1295         style( )->updatePrimitive( d->groove, HbStyle::P_Slider_groove, &opt );
  1296     }
  1298     if ( d->enableProgressTrack ) {
  1299         if ( !d->progressGroove ) {
  1300             d->progressGroove = d->createProgressGroove();  
  1301             if(d->progressGroove) {
  1302                 HbStyle::setItemName( d->progressGroove, "progressgroove");
  1303                 repolish();
  1304             }  
  1305         }
  1306         style( )->updatePrimitive( d->progressGroove, HbStyle::P_Slider_progressgroove, &opt );
  1307     }else if ( d->progressGroove ) {
  1308         delete d->progressGroove;
  1309         d->progressGroove = 0 ;
  1310     }
  1311 }
  1313 /*!
  1314     Sets the current slider position.
  1316     \sa sliderPosition( )
  1317 */
  1318 void HbSliderControl::setSliderPosition( int value )
  1319 {
  1320     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1321     bool b = d->displayCurrValueToolTip;
  1322     d->displayCurrValueToolTip = false;
  1323     HbAbstractSliderControl::setSliderPosition( value );
  1324     d->displayCurrValueToolTip =  b;
  1325 }
  1327 /*!
  1328   snapp slider values
  1329 */
  1330 void HbSliderControl::updateSliderPosToTick( )  
  1331 {
  1332     Q_D( HbSliderControl );       
  1333     int nearbyTick = d->getNearbyTick( );
  1334     if ( nearbyTick > sliderPosition( ) ) {
  1335         while ( nearbyTick != sliderPosition( ) ) {
  1336             int curVal = sliderPosition( ) + 1;
  1337             setSliderPosition( curVal );
  1338         }
  1339     } else {
  1340         while ( nearbyTick != sliderPosition( ) ) {
  1341             int curVal = sliderPosition( ) - 1;
  1342             setSliderPosition( curVal );
  1343         }
  1344     }
  1345 }
  1347 /*!
  1348    if first parameter is true then on mouse press, set this value to slider , 
  1349    instead of increasing or decreasing it
  1350 */
  1351 void HbSliderControl::setPreviousValue( bool setDefault, int value )
  1352 {
  1353     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1354     d->setDefault  = setDefault;
  1355     d->previousValue = value;
  1356 }
  1358 /*!
  1359    if true is passed then will make track interactive
  1360 */
  1361 void HbSliderControl::enableTrackEventHandling( bool enable )
  1362 {
  1363     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1364     if ( d->trackHandlingEnable == enable ) {
  1365         return;
  1366     }
  1367     if ( enable ) {
  1368         //creating groove touch area
  1369         d->grooveTouchArea =  qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsItem*>( style( )->createPrimitive(
  1370             HbStyle::P_SliderElement_touchgroove, this ) );
  1371         if ( d->grooveTouchArea ) {
  1372             HbStyle::setItemName( d->grooveTouchArea, "groovetoucharea" );
  1373         }
  1374         if( scene()) {
  1375             d->grooveTouchArea->installSceneEventFilter(this);
  1376         }
  1378     }
  1379     else if ( d->grooveTouchArea ) {
  1380         d->grooveTouchArea->removeSceneEventFilter( this );
  1381         delete d->grooveTouchArea;
  1382         d->grooveTouchArea = NULL;
  1383     }
  1384     d->trackHandlingEnable = enable ;
  1385 }
  1387 /*!
  1388    returns true if track interactive otherwise return false
  1389 */
  1390 bool HbSliderControl::isTrackEventHandlingEnabled ( )
  1391 {
  1392     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1393     return d->trackHandlingEnable ;
  1394 }
  1396 void HbSliderControl::setTrackFilled(bool trackVisible )
  1397 {
  1399     Q_D( HbSliderControl );
  1400     if ( d->enableProgressTrack != trackVisible ) {
  1401         d->enableProgressTrack = trackVisible;
  1402         updatePrimitives();        
  1403     }
  1405 }
  1408 bool HbSliderControl::isTrackFilled() const
  1409 {
  1410     Q_D( const HbSliderControl );
  1411     return d->enableProgressTrack;
  1412 }