changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 2 06ff229162e9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:16d8024aca5e
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
     8 **
     9 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    10 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    11 ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
    12 ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
    13 ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
    14 ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
    15 **
    16 **
    17 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    18 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    19 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    20 **
    21 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    22 ** Nokia at
    23 **
    24 ****************************************************************************/
    26 #include "hbslidertickmarkslabel_p.h"
    27 #include "hbslidercontrol_p.h"
    28 #include "hbsliderhandle_p.h"
    29 #include "hbwidget_p.h"
    30 #include <hbinstance.h>
    31 #include <hbstyle.h>
    32 #include <hbstyleoptionslider.h>
    33 #include <hbapplication.h>
    34 #include <hbtextitem.h>
    35 #include <QList>
    36 #include <QStringList>
    39 class HbSliderTickmarksLabelPrivate : public HbWidgetPrivate
    40 {
    41     Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC( HbSliderTickmarksLabel )
    43 public:
    44     HbSliderTickmarksLabelPrivate();
    45     void createTickLabels( );
    46     HbStyleOptionSlider sliderOption;
    47     QList<QGraphicsWidget *> tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel;
    48     QList<QGraphicsWidget *> tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel;
    49     HbSliderControl *sliderControl;
    50     Hb::SliderTickPositions tickPosition;
    51     bool createText;
    53 };
    56  HbSliderTickmarksLabelPrivate::HbSliderTickmarksLabelPrivate() :HbWidgetPrivate(){
    57     tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel.clear();
    58     tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.clear();
    59     sliderControl = 0;
    60     tickPosition = Hb::NoSliderTicks;
    61     createText = true;
    64 }
    67 void  HbSliderTickmarksLabelPrivate::createTickLabels(  )
    68 {
    69     Q_Q ( HbSliderTickmarksLabel );
    70     if (!createText) {
    71         return;
    72     }
    74     int minimum = sliderControl->minimum();
    75     int maximum = sliderControl->maximum();
    76     QStringList majorLabelList = sliderControl->majorTickLabels( );
    77     QStringList minorLabelList = sliderControl->minorTickLabels( );
    78     int majorTickInterval = sliderControl->majorTickInterval ( );
    79     int minorTickInterval = sliderControl->minorTickInterval ( );
    80     if (majorTickInterval) {
    81         int totalMajorTicksLabel = ((maximum-minimum)/majorTickInterval)+1;
    82         if (majorLabelList.length( ) < totalMajorTicksLabel ) {
    83             totalMajorTicksLabel = majorLabelList.length( );
    84         }
    85         int majorLabelListLength =  tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel.length();
    86         for (int i=majorLabelListLength;i<totalMajorTicksLabel;i++) {
    87             QGraphicsItem *textItem = q->style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_SliderTickMark_majorlabel, q);
    88             Q_ASSERT(textItem->isWidget());
    89             tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel.append(static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(textItem));//add newly defind primitive
    90         }
    91         while ( totalMajorTicksLabel < tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel.length() ) {
    92             QGraphicsWidget *textItem =;
    93             tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel.removeAll(textItem);
    94             delete textItem;
    95         }
    96     }
    97     if ( minorTickInterval > 0) {
    98         int totalMinorTicksLabel = ((maximum-minimum)/minorTickInterval)+1;
    99         if ( majorTickInterval ) {
   100             int maximumMinorTicksLabel = totalMinorTicksLabel;
   101             for (int i=0;i< maximumMinorTicksLabel;i++ ) {
   102                 if ((i*minorTickInterval)%majorTickInterval==0) {
   103                     totalMinorTicksLabel--;
   104                 }
   105             }
   106         }
   107         if (minorLabelList.length( ) < totalMinorTicksLabel ) {
   108             totalMinorTicksLabel = minorLabelList.length( );
   109         }
   111         int minorIconLabelListLength =  tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.length();
   112         for (int i=minorIconLabelListLength;i<totalMinorTicksLabel;i++) {
   113             QGraphicsItem *textItem = q->style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_SliderTickMark_minorlabel, q);
   114             Q_ASSERT(textItem->isWidget());
   115             tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.append(static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(textItem));//add newly defind primitive
   116         }
   117         while (totalMinorTicksLabel < tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.length() ){
   118             QGraphicsWidget *textItem =;
   119             tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.removeAll(textItem);
   120             delete textItem;
   121         }
   122     }else {
   123         while (tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.length() > 0){
   124             QGraphicsWidget *textItem =;
   125             tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.removeAll(textItem);
   126             delete textItem;
   127         }
   128     }
   129     q->setProperty("state","normal");
   130 }
   132 void HbSliderTickmarksLabel::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event)
   133 {
   134     Q_UNUSED (event);
   135     repolish ( );
   136     updateTickLabels();
   137     HbWidget::resizeEvent(event);
   138 }
   140 void HbSliderTickmarksLabel::updateTickLabels( )
   141 {
   142     Q_D ( HbSliderTickmarksLabel );
   143     if (!d->createText) {
   144         return;
   145     }
   146     d->createTickLabels();
   147     setLabelSize( );
   148     int minimum = d->sliderControl->minimum();
   149     int maximum = d->sliderControl->maximum();
   150     int majorTickInterval = d->sliderControl->majorTickInterval ( );
   151     int minorTickInterval = d->sliderControl->minorTickInterval ( );
   152     qreal span = 0;
   153     bool rtlLayout = (((d->sliderControl->orientation( ) != Qt::Vertical)
   154         &&(HbApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight))?false:true);
   155     HbSliderHandle *handle = dynamic_cast <HbSliderHandle *> (d->sliderControl->primitive (HbStyle::P_Slider_thumb));
   156     if ( d->sliderControl->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
   157         span = d->sliderControl->size().width();
   158         span-=handle->size().width();
   159     }
   160     if ( d->sliderControl->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) {
   161         span = d->sliderControl->size().height();
   162         span-=handle->size().height();
   163     }
   164     if (majorTickInterval) {
   165         int totalMajorTicksLabel = d->tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel.length();
   166         for (int i=0;i<totalMajorTicksLabel;i++) {
   167              QGraphicsWidget *textItem = d-> ( i);
   168              int pos = QStyle::sliderPositionFromValue( minimum, maximum,
   169                 minimum+majorTickInterval*i,static_cast<int>( span ), rtlLayout );
   171              if ( d->sliderControl->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
   172                 textItem->setPreferredHeight(boundingRect().height());
   173                 textItem->update();
   174                 qreal correctedPosX = handle->size().width()/2+pos;
   175                 qreal tickWidth = textItem->boundingRect().size().width();
   176                 correctedPosX -= tickWidth/2;
   177                 qreal correctedPosY = 0;
   178                 textItem->setPos( correctedPosX,correctedPosY );
   179             } else {
   180                 qreal correctedPosY = handle->size().height()/2+pos;
   181                 qreal tickHeight = textItem->boundingRect().size().height();
   182                 correctedPosY-=tickHeight/2;
   183                 qreal correctedPosX =0;
   184                 textItem->setPos ( correctedPosX,correctedPosY );
   185                 textItem->setLayoutDirection (layoutDirection());
   186             }
   187         }
   188     }
   189     if (minorTickInterval) {
   190         int totalminorTicks = ((maximum-minimum)/minorTickInterval)+1;
   191         int minorIndex = 0;
   192         for (int i=0;i<totalminorTicks;i++) {
   193             if (majorTickInterval ) {
   194                 if (i*minorTickInterval%majorTickInterval== 0) {
   195                     continue;
   196                 }
   197             }
   198             if ( minorIndex >= d->tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.length() ) {
   199                 continue;
   200             } else {
   201                 QGraphicsWidget *textItem = d-> ( minorIndex);
   202                 HbStyleOptionSlider opt;
   203                 initStyleOption(&opt);
   204                 opt.orientation = d->sliderControl->orientation();
   205                 opt.text = (d->sliderControl->minorTickLabels( )).at(minorIndex);
   206                 style()->updatePrimitive(textItem,HbStyle::P_SliderTickMark_minorlabel,&opt);
   207                 minorIndex++;
   208                 int pos = QStyle::sliderPositionFromValue( minimum, maximum,
   209                     minimum+minorTickInterval*i,static_cast<int>( span ), rtlLayout );
   210                  if ( d->sliderControl->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
   211                     qreal correctedPosX = handle->size().width()/2+pos; 
   212                     qreal tickWidth = textItem->boundingRect().size().width();
   213                     correctedPosX -= tickWidth/2;
   214                     qreal correctedPosY = 0;
   215                     textItem->setPos ( correctedPosX,correctedPosY );
   216                 } else {
   217                     qreal correctedPosY = handle->size().height()/2+pos;
   218                     qreal tickHeight = textItem->boundingRect().size().height();
   219                     correctedPosY-=tickHeight/2;
   220                     textItem->setLayoutDirection (layoutDirection());
   221                     qreal correctedPosX =0;
   222                     textItem->setPos ( correctedPosX,correctedPosY );
   223                 }
   224             }
   225         }
   226     }
   227  }
   231  void HbSliderTickmarksLabel::setTickPosition(Hb::SliderTickPositions position)
   232 {
   233     Q_D(HbSliderTickmarksLabel);
   234     d->tickPosition = position;
   235     if( d->tickPosition & Hb::SliderTicksLeft ) {
   236          setProperty("TicksLeft",true);
   237          setProperty("TicksRight",false);
   238     }
   239     else if(d->tickPosition & Hb::SliderTicksRight) {
   240          setProperty("TicksRight",true);
   241          setProperty("TicksLeft",false);
   242     }
   243 }
   246 /*!
   247     This class is internal to slider ,
   248     this creates  ticks mark label widget in slider
   249 */
   251 /*!
   252     constructor
   253 */
   254 HbSliderTickmarksLabel::HbSliderTickmarksLabel( QGraphicsItem *parent )
   255     : HbWidget( *new HbSliderTickmarksLabelPrivate, parent )
   256 {
   257     Q_D( HbSliderTickmarksLabel );
   258     d->q_ptr = this;
   259     d->sliderControl=dynamic_cast<HbSliderControl*>( parentItem() );
   260     d->createTickLabels();
   261 }
   263 /*!
   264     destructor
   265 */
   266 HbSliderTickmarksLabel::~HbSliderTickmarksLabel()
   267 {
   268 }
   270 void HbSliderTickmarksLabel::setLabelSize()
   271 {
   272     Q_D (HbSliderTickmarksLabel);
   274     int minimum = d->sliderControl->minimum();
   275     int maximum = d->sliderControl->maximum();
   276     int majorTickInterval = d->sliderControl->majorTickInterval ( );
   277     int minorTickInterval = d->sliderControl->minorTickInterval ( );
   278     qreal span = 0;
   279     bool rtlLayout = (((d->sliderControl->orientation( ) != Qt::Vertical)
   280         &&(HbApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight))?false:true);
   281     HbSliderHandle *handle = dynamic_cast <HbSliderHandle *> (d->sliderControl->primitive (HbStyle::P_Slider_thumb));
   282     if ( d->sliderControl->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
   283         span = d->sliderControl->size().width();
   284         span-=handle->size().width();
   285     }
   286     if ( d->sliderControl->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) {
   287         span = d->sliderControl->size().height();
   288         span-=handle->size().height();
   289     }
   290     int minPos = QStyle::sliderPositionFromValue( minimum, maximum,
   291                 minimum,static_cast<int>( span ), rtlLayout );
   292     int firstMajorIntervalPos = QStyle::sliderPositionFromValue( minimum, maximum,
   293                 minimum+majorTickInterval,static_cast<int>( span ), rtlLayout );
   295     int firstMinorIntervalPos = QStyle::sliderPositionFromValue( minimum, maximum,
   296                 minimum+minorTickInterval,static_cast<int>( span ), rtlLayout );
   298     qreal totalMajorTextWidth = abs(firstMajorIntervalPos-minPos);
   299     qreal totalMinorTextWidth = abs(firstMinorIntervalPos-minPos);
   301     if (majorTickInterval) {
   302         int totalMajorTicksLabel = d->tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel.length();
   303         for (int i=0;i<totalMajorTicksLabel;i++) {
   304              QGraphicsWidget *textItem = d-> ( i);
   305              HbStyleOptionSlider opt;
   306              initStyleOption(&opt);
   307              opt.orientation = d->sliderControl->orientation();
   308              opt.text = (d->sliderControl->majorTickLabels( )).at(i);
   309              style()->updatePrimitive(textItem,HbStyle::P_SliderTickMark_majorlabel,&opt);
   310              if ( d->sliderControl->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
   311                 textItem->setMaximumHeight (boundingRect().height());
   312                 textItem->setMinimumHeight (boundingRect().height());
   313                 textItem->setMinimumWidth(totalMajorTextWidth);
   314                 textItem->setMaximumWidth(totalMajorTextWidth);
   315                 textItem->update();
   316              } else {
   317                 textItem->setMinimumWidth(boundingRect().width());
   318                 textItem->setMaximumWidth(boundingRect().width());
   319                 textItem->update( );
   320              }
   321         }
   322     }
   323     if (minorTickInterval) {
   324         int totalminorTicks = ((maximum-minimum)/minorTickInterval)+1;
   325         int minorIndex = 0;
   326         for (int i=0;i<totalminorTicks;i++) {
   327             if (majorTickInterval ) {
   328                 if (i*minorTickInterval%majorTickInterval== 0) {
   329                     continue;
   330                 }
   331             }
   332             if ( minorIndex < d->tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.length() ) {
   333                 QGraphicsWidget *textItem = d-> ( minorIndex);
   334                 minorIndex++;
   335                  if ( d->sliderControl->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
   336                     textItem->setMaximumHeight (boundingRect().height());
   337                     textItem->setMinimumHeight (boundingRect().height());
   338                     textItem->setMinimumWidth(totalMinorTextWidth);
   339                     textItem->setMaximumWidth(totalMinorTextWidth);
   340                     textItem->update();
   341                  } else {
   342                     textItem->setMinimumWidth(boundingRect().width());
   343                     textItem->setMaximumWidth(boundingRect().width());
   344                     textItem->update( );
   345                  }
   346             }
   347         }
   348     }
   349 }
   351 void HbSliderTickmarksLabel::createText(bool create)
   352 {
   353     Q_D(HbSliderTickmarksLabel);
   354     d->createText = create;
   355     if (!create) {
   356         while ( d->tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel.length() > 0) {
   357             QGraphicsWidget *textItem = d->;
   358             d->tickmarkmajorIconItemsLabel.removeAll(textItem);
   359             delete textItem;
   360         }
   361         while ( d->tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.length() > 0) {
   362             QGraphicsWidget *textItem = d->;
   363             d->tickmarkminorIconItemsLabel.removeAll(textItem);
   364             delete textItem;
   365         } 
   366     } else {
   367         d->createTickLabels();
   368     }
   371 }
   375 void HbSliderTickmarksLabel::polish( HbStyleParameters& params )
   376 {
   377     Q_D (HbSliderTickmarksLabel);
   378     d->createTickLabels();
   379     if( d->sliderControl->orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) {
   380         setProperty("orientation",(Qt::Orientation)1);
   381     } else {
   382         setProperty("orientation",(Qt::Orientation)2);
   383     }
   384     HbWidget::polish(params);
   385     updateTickLabels();
   386 }
   388 /*!
   389     \reimp
   391     This api update the primitive when ever item enable has changed
   392  */
   393 QVariant HbSliderTickmarksLabel::itemChange( GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value )
   394 {
   395     switch( change )
   396     {
   397         case ItemChildAddedChange:
   398         case ItemChildRemovedChange:
   399             repolish();
   400             break;
   401         case ItemPositionHasChanged:
   402             repolish( );
   403             updateTickLabels();
   404             break;
   406         default:
   407             break;
   408     }
   409     return HbWidget::itemChange( change, value );
   410 }
   413 void HbSliderTickmarksLabel::initStyleOption( HbStyleOptionSlider *option ) const
   414 {
   415     Q_D( const HbSliderTickmarksLabel );
   416     if ( !option ) {
   417         return;
   418     }
   419     HbWidget::initStyleOption( option );
   420     option->orientation = d->sliderControl->orientation( );
   421     option->tickPosition =  d->sliderControl->tickPosition( );
   422     option->upsideDown = ( d->sliderControl->orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) 
   423         ? ( d->sliderControl->invertedAppearance( ) != ( option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft ) )
   424             : ( !d->sliderControl->invertedAppearance( ) );
   425     // we use the upsideDown option instead
   426 }
   428  //end of file