changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 1 f7ac710697a9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:16d8024aca5e
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
     8 **
     9 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    10 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    11 ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
    12 ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
    13 ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
    14 ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
    15 **
    16 **
    17 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    18 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    19 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    20 **
    21 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    22 ** Nokia at
    23 **
    24 ****************************************************************************/
    26 #include "hbcombobox_p.h"
    28 #include <hblistview.h>
    29 #include <hbabstractviewitem.h>
    30 #include <hbdeviceprofile.h>
    31 #include <hbtoucharea.h>
    32 #include <hbmainwindow.h>
    33 #include <hbview.h>
    34 #include <hbtextitem.h>
    35 #include <hbstyleoptioncombobox.h>
    37 #include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
    38 #include <QGraphicsScene>
    39 #include <QCompleter>
    40 #include <QItemSelectionModel>
    42 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
    43 #include <hbeffect.h>
    44 #include "hbeffectinternal_p.h"
    46 #endif
    48 HbComboBoxPrivate::HbComboBoxPrivate( ):
    49     HbWidgetPrivate (  ),
    50     mLineEdit ( 0 ),
    51     mTextItem ( 0 ),
    52     mButton ( 0 ),
    53     mDropDown ( 0 ),
    54     mModel ( 0 ),
    55     mProxyModel ( 0 ),
    56     mCompleter ( 0 ),
    57     insertPolicy ( HbComboBox::InsertAtBottom ),
    58     mBackgroundItem ( 0 ),
    59     mButtonTouchAreaItem ( 0 ),
    60     mIsDown ( false ),
    61     mEditable ( false ),
    62     mIsDorpdownCreated(false),
    63     mIsDropwnToSceneAdded(false),
    64     mHasDownEffect ( false ),
    65     mHasUpEffect (false ),
    66     mListItemHeight(-1)
    67 {
    68 }
    70 HbComboBoxPrivate::~HbComboBoxPrivate( )
    71 {
    72     Q_Q(HbComboBox);
    73     if( mButtonTouchAreaItem ) {
    74         static_cast<HbTouchArea*>(mButtonTouchAreaItem)->removeEventFilter( q );
    75     }
    76     if (!q->scene() || !q->scene()->property("destructed").isValid()) {
    77         if( mDropDown ) {
    78             delete mDropDown;
    79             mDropDown = 0;
    80         }
    81     }
    82 }
    84 void HbComboBoxPrivate::init( )
    85 {
    86     createPrimitives( );
    87 }
    89 void HbComboBoxPrivate::createPrimitives( )
    90 {
    91     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
    93     mTextItem = q->style()->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_ComboBox_text, q );
    94     HbStyle::setItemName( mTextItem, "combobox_labelfield" );
    96     mBackgroundItem = q->style( )->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_ComboBox_background, q );
    97     HbStyle::setItemName( mBackgroundItem, "text_background" );
    99     mButton = q->style( )->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_ComboBox_button, q );
   100     HbStyle::setItemName( mButton, "combobox_button" );
   102     mButtonTouchAreaItem = q->style( )->createPrimitive( 
   103                                             HbStyle::P_ComboBoxButton_toucharea, q );
   104     static_cast<HbTouchArea*>(mButtonTouchAreaItem)->installEventFilter( q );
   105     q->setHandlesChildEvents(true);
   106 }
   108 void HbComboBoxPrivate::touchAreaPressEvent( )
   109 {
   110     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   111     if (q->count() > 0) {
   112         HbWidgetFeedback::triggered(q, Hb::InstantPressed);
   113     }
   114     mIsDown = true;
   115     q->updatePrimitives( );
   116     q->setProperty("state", "pressed"); 
   117 }
   119 void HbComboBoxPrivate::touchAreaReleaseEvent(  )
   120 {
   121     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   122     mIsDown = false;
   123     touchAreaClicked();
   124     q->updatePrimitives( );
   125     if (q->count() > 0) {
   126         HbWidgetFeedback::triggered(q, Hb::InstantReleased);
   127     }
   129     q->setProperty("state", "normal"); 
   130 }
   132 void HbComboBoxPrivate::touchAreaClicked( )
   133 {
   134     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   135     if ( mModel && mModel->rowCount( ) ) {
   136         addDropDownToScene();
   137         if( !mDropDown->mList ) {
   138             mDropDown->createList( );
   139             mDropDown->mList->setModel( mModel );            
   140             q->connect( mDropDown->mList, SIGNAL( activated( QModelIndex ) ), q,
   141                         SLOT( _q_textChanged( QModelIndex ) ) );
   142         }
   143         if ( mCurrentIndex.isValid( ) ) {
   144             if( mDropDown->mList->model( ) != mModel ) {
   145                 mDropDown->mList->setModel( mModel );
   146             }
   147             mDropDown->mList->scrollTo( mCurrentIndex, HbAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop );
   148             mDropDown->mList->setCurrentIndex( mCurrentIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select );
   149         } else {
   150             if( mDropDown->mList->model( ) != mModel ) {
   151                 mDropDown->mList->setModel( mModel );
   152             }
   153             mDropDown->mList->scrollTo( mModel->index( 0, 0 ) );
   154             mDropDown->mList->setCurrentIndex(mModel->index( 0, 0 ), QItemSelectionModel::Select);
   155         }
   156         #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   157                HbEffect::start(mDropDown, HB_DROPD0WN_ITEM_TYPE, "appear");
   158         #endif
   159         positionDropDown( );
   160         mDropDown->setVisible( true );
   161     }
   162 }
   164 void HbComboBoxPrivate::vkbOpened( )
   165 {
   167 }
   169 void HbComboBoxPrivate::vkbClosed()
   170 {
   171     if( mDropDown->isVisible()) {
   172         positionDropDown();
   173     }
   174 }
   176 void HbComboBoxPrivate::showPopup( QAbstractItemModel* aModel, QModelIndex aIndex )
   177 {    
   178     Q_UNUSED( aModel );
   179     Q_UNUSED( aIndex );
   180     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   181     if ( aModel && aModel->rowCount( ) ) {
   182         addDropDownToScene();
   183         if( !mDropDown->mList ) {
   184             mDropDown->createList();            
   185             q->connect( mDropDown->mList, SIGNAL( activated( QModelIndex ) ), q,
   186                         SLOT( _q_textChanged( QModelIndex ) ) );
   187         }
   188         mDropDown->mList->setModel( aModel );
   189         if ( aIndex.isValid( ) ) {
   190             mDropDown->mList->scrollTo( aIndex, HbAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop );
   191             mDropDown->mList->setCurrentIndex(mCurrentIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select);
   192         } else {
   193             mDropDown->mList->scrollTo( aModel->index( 0, 0 ) );
   194         }
   195         positionDropDown( );
   196         mDropDown->setVisible( true );
   197     }
   198 }
   200 void HbComboBoxPrivate::createDropDown()
   201 {    
   202     if( !mIsDorpdownCreated ) {
   203         mDropDown = new HbComboDropDown( this );
   204         mIsDorpdownCreated = true;
   205         mDropDown->setVisible(false);
   206     }
   207 }
   209 void HbComboBoxPrivate::calculateListItemHeight()
   210 {
   211     if( mListItemHeight == -1 ) {
   212         QAbstractItemModel *model = mDropDown->mList->model( );
   213         if( mCurrentIndex.isValid( ) && mDropDown->mList->itemByIndex( mCurrentIndex ) ) {
   214             mListItemHeight = mDropDown->mList->itemByIndex( mCurrentIndex )->geometry( ).height( );
   215         } else if( model->index( 0, 0 ).isValid() && mDropDown->mList->itemByIndex( model->index( 0, 0 ) ) ) {
   216             mListItemHeight = mDropDown->mList->itemByIndex( model->index( 0, 0 ) )->geometry( ).height( );
   217         } else {
   218             HbListViewItem *proto = mDropDown->mList->listItemPrototype();
   219             HbListViewItem *temp = static_cast<HbListViewItem*>(proto->createItem());
   220             mListItemHeight = temp->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize).height();
   221             delete temp;
   222             temp = 0;
   223         }
   224     }
   225 }
   227 void HbComboBoxPrivate::positionDropDown( )
   228 {
   229     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   230     QRectF popupRect;
   231     QRectF sceneRect( QPointF( ), HbDeviceProfile::profile( q ).logicalSize( ) );
   232     QPointF widgetPos = q->scenePos( );
   233     QAbstractItemModel *model = mDropDown->mList->model( );
   234     calculateListItemHeight();
   235     qreal totalHeightRequd = model->rowCount( ) * mListItemHeight;
   236     qreal maxPopupHeight = 0.0;
   237     if(q->mainWindow()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) {
   238         maxPopupHeight = 5 * mListItemHeight;
   239     } else if(q->mainWindow()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical ) {
   240         maxPopupHeight = 8 * mListItemHeight;
   241     }
   242     if ( totalHeightRequd < maxPopupHeight ) {
   243         maxPopupHeight = totalHeightRequd;
   244     }
   245     QSizeF popupSize = QSizeF( q->rect( ).width( ), maxPopupHeight );
   246     QPointF popupPos;
   247     if( !mDropDown->vkbOpened ) {
   248         //position of drop down in both editable and non-editable combobox depends upon
   249         //the available space above and below combobox
   250         if( (widgetPos.y( ) + q->rect( ).height( ) + maxPopupHeight) < sceneRect.height( ) ) {
   251             popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x(), widgetPos.y( )+ q->rect( ).height( ) );
   252             #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   253                 if ( !mHasDownEffect ) {
   254                      mHasDownEffect = true;
   255                      mHasUpEffect = false;
   256                      // this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
   257                      //this Effect will be shown when there is space in the view bottom.
   258                      HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_down", "appear" );
   259                      HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_downl", "disappear" );
   260                 }
   261             #endif
   262         } else if( widgetPos.y() - maxPopupHeight  > 0.0 ) {
   263             popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x(), widgetPos.y()-maxPopupHeight );
   264             #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   265                 if ( !mHasUpEffect ) {
   266                      // this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
   267                      //this Effect will be shown when there is no space in the view bottom
   268                      mHasUpEffect = true;
   269                      mHasDownEffect = false;
   270                      HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_up", "appear" );
   271                      HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown,  "combo_disappear_up", "disappear" );
   272                 }
   273             #endif
   274         } else {
   275             qreal topScreenHeight = sceneRect.height( ) - maxPopupHeight;
   276             if( topScreenHeight > sceneRect.height( ) - topScreenHeight ) {
   277                 popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x( ), 0.0 );
   278                 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   279                     if ( !mHasDownEffect ) {
   280                          mHasDownEffect = true;
   281                          mHasUpEffect = false;
   282                      // this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
   283                      //this Effect will be shown when there is more space in the view bottom.
   284                          HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_down", "appear" );
   285                          HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_down", "disappear" );
   286                     }
   287                 #endif
   288             } else {
   289                 popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x( ), sceneRect.height( ) - maxPopupHeight );
   290                 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   291                     if ( !mHasUpEffect ) {
   292                          mHasUpEffect = true;
   293                          mHasDownEffect = false;
   294                          // this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
   295                          //this Effect will be shown when there is more space in the view bottom.
   296                          HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_up", "appear" );
   297                          HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_up", "disappear" );
   298                     }
   299                 #endif
   300             }
   301         }
   302     } else {
   303         // positioning drop down when vkb is positioned
   304         // drop down will come on top/below of combo based upon which side has more space
   305         // available 
   307         HbEditorInterface editorInterface(q);
   308         HbVkbHost *host = editorInterface.vkbHost();
   309         if ( host ) {
   310             QSizeF keyBoardArea = host->keyboardArea();
   311             QSize screenSize = HbDeviceProfile::profile(q).logicalSize();
   313             qreal heightDifference = screenSize.height() - keyBoardArea.height();
   314             qreal topSpace = widgetPos.y();
   315             qreal bottomSpace = heightDifference - topSpace - q->boundingRect().height();
   317             if( topSpace > bottomSpace ) {
   318                 //display drop down at top
   319                 if( widgetPos.y() - maxPopupHeight  > 0.0 ) {
   320                     popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x(), widgetPos.y() - maxPopupHeight );
   321                 } else {
   322                     popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x(), 0.0 );
   323                     popupSize.setHeight( topSpace );
   324                 }
   325                 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   326                     if ( !mHasUpEffect ) {
   327                          mHasUpEffect = true;
   328                          mHasDownEffect = false;
   329                          // this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
   330                          //this Effect will be shown when there is more space in the view bottom.
   331                          HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_up", "appear" );
   332                          HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_up", "disappear" );
   333                     }
   334                 #endif
   336             } else {
   337                 //display drop down at bottom
   338                 popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x(), widgetPos.y( ) + q->rect( ).height( ) );
   339                 if( bottomSpace < maxPopupHeight ) {
   340                     popupSize.setHeight( bottomSpace );
   341                 }
   342                 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   343                     if ( !mHasDownEffect ) {
   344                          mHasDownEffect = true;
   345                          mHasUpEffect = false;
   346                      // this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
   347                      //this Effect will be shown when there is more space in the view bottom.
   348                          HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_down", "appear" );
   349                          HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_down", "disappear" );
   350                     }
   351                 #endif
   352             }
   353         }
   354     }
   355     mDropDown->setPreferredSize( popupSize );
   356     mDropDown->setMinimumSize( popupSize );
   357     mDropDown->setMaximumSize( popupSize );
   358     mDropDown->setPos(popupPos);
   359     QGraphicsWidget* p = q;
   360     while(p->parentWidget()) {
   361         p = p->parentWidget();
   362     }
   363     mDropDown->setZValue( p->zValue( ) + 1 );
   364 }
   366 void HbComboBoxPrivate::_q_textChanged( const QModelIndex & aIndex )
   367 {
   368     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   369     QVariant data = mDropDown->mList->model( )->data( aIndex );
   370     mText = data.toString( );
   371     if( !mEditable ) {        
   372         if( mLineEdit ) {
   373             mLineEdit->setText( mText );
   374         } else {
   375             HbStyleOptionComboBox comboBoxOption;
   376             q->initStyleOption(&comboBoxOption);
   377             q->style()->updatePrimitive( mTextItem, HbStyle::P_ComboBox_text, &comboBoxOption);
   378         }
   379         mCurrentIndex = aIndex;
   380     } else {
   381        q->disconnect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ), q,
   382             SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );       
   383        mLineEdit->setText( mText );
   384        mCurrentIndex = findData( mText );
   385        q->connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ), q, 
   386             SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
   387     }
   388     if ( mDropDown->isVisible( ) ) {
   389         mDropDown->setVisible( false );
   390     }
   391     currentIndexChanged( mCurrentIndex );
   392 }
   394 void HbComboBoxPrivate::_q_textCompleted( const QModelIndex & aIndex )
   395 {    
   396     if( aIndex.isValid( ) ) {
   397         showPopup( mCompleter->completionModel( ) );
   398     }
   399 }
   401 void HbComboBoxPrivate::_q_textChanged( const QString & aString )
   402 {
   403     Q_Q(HbComboBox);
   405     if( !aString.isEmpty( ) ) {
   406         if ( mCompleter ) {
   407             mCompleter->setCompletionPrefix( aString );
   408             mCompleter->complete( );
   409             if( mCompleter->currentRow() == -1 )
   410             {
   411                 if (( mDropDown ) && ( mDropDown->isVisible() )) {
   412                     mDropDown->setVisible(false);
   413                 }
   414             }
   415         }
   416     } else {
   417         showPopup( mModel, mCurrentIndex);
   418     }
   419     emit q->editTextChanged( aString );
   420 }
   422 void HbComboBoxPrivate::setModel( QAbstractItemModel * model )
   423 {
   424     Q_Q ( HbComboBox );
   425     createDropDown( );    
   426     if ( mDropDown->isVisible( ) ) {
   427         mDropDown->setVisible( false );
   428     }
   429     q->clear( );
   430     delete mModel;
   431     mModel = model;
   432     mModel->setParent( q );
   433     setCompletion( mEditable );
   434     if( mModel->rowCount( ) ) {
   435         q->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
   436     }
   437 }
   439 void HbComboBoxPrivate::setCompletion( bool completion )
   440 {
   441     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   442     if ( completion ) {
   443         if ( mCompleter ) {
   444             mProxyModel->setSourceModel( mModel );
   445             mProxyModel->sort( Qt::AscendingOrder );
   446             mCompleter->setModel( mProxyModel );
   447         } else {
   448             mProxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel( q );
   449             mProxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter( true );
   450             mProxyModel->setSortCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive );
   451             mProxyModel->setSourceModel( mModel );
   452             mProxyModel->sort( Qt::AscendingOrder );
   453             mCompleter = new QCompleter( mProxyModel, q );
   454             mCompleter->setCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive );
   455             mCompleter->setCompletionRole( Qt::DisplayRole );
   456             mCompleter->setCompletionMode( QCompleter::InlineCompletion );
   457             q->connect( mCompleter, SIGNAL( highlighted( QModelIndex ) ), q, 
   458                 SLOT( _q_textCompleted( QModelIndex ) ) );
   459         }
   460     } else {
   461         if ( mCompleter ) {
   462             delete mCompleter;
   463             mCompleter = 0;
   464         }
   465         if ( mProxyModel ) {
   466             delete mProxyModel;
   467             mProxyModel = 0;
   468         }
   469     }
   470 }
   472 void HbComboBoxPrivate::setEditable(  bool editable )
   473 {
   474     Q_Q(HbComboBox);
   475     if( mEditable == editable ) {
   476         return;
   477     }
   478     mEditable = editable;
   479     if( editable )
   480     {        
   481         if( mTextItem ) {
   482             HbStyle::setItemName( mTextItem, "" );
   483             delete mTextItem;
   484             mTextItem = 0;
   485             mLineEdit = new HbCustomLineEdit( q, this );
   486             HbStyle::setItemName( mLineEdit, "combobox_labelfield" );
   487             mLineEdit->backgroundItem()->setVisible(false);
   488         }
   489         q->setHandlesChildEvents( false );
   490         mLineEdit->setReadOnly( false );
   491         mLineEdit->setCursorVisibility( Hb::TextCursorVisible );
   492         mLineEdit->setLongPressEnabled( );
   493         q->repolish( );
   494         q->connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ),
   495             q, SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
   496         setCompletion( true );
   497     } else {
   498         q->disconnect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ),
   499             q, SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
   500         q->setHandlesChildEvents( true );
   501         mLineEdit->setReadOnly( true );
   502         mLineEdit->setLongPressEnabled( false );
   503         setCompletion( false );
   504         mLineEdit->setCursorVisibility( Hb::TextCursorHidden );
   505         if( mModel && mModel->rowCount( ) ) {
   506             QModelIndex mi = mModel->index( 0, 0 );
   507             if( mi.isValid( ) ) {
   508                 mCurrentIndex = QModelIndex( mi );
   509                 mText = q->itemText( mCurrentIndex.row( ) );
   510                 mLineEdit->setText( mText );
   511             }
   512         }
   513         q->repolish( );
   514     }
   515 }
   517 QString HbComboBoxPrivate::itemText( const QModelIndex &index ) const
   518 {
   519     return mModel->data( index, itemRole( ) ).toString( );
   520 }
   522 QIcon HbComboBoxPrivate::itemIcon( const QModelIndex &index ) const
   523 {
   524     QVariant decoration = mModel->data( index, Qt::DecorationRole );
   525     if ( decoration.type() == QVariant::Icon ) {
   526         return QIcon( qvariant_cast<QIcon>( decoration ) );
   527     }
   528     return qvariant_cast<QIcon>( decoration );
   529 }
   531 int HbComboBoxPrivate::itemRole( ) const
   532 {
   533     return q_func( )->isEditable( ) ? Qt::EditRole : Qt::DisplayRole;
   534 }
   536 void HbComboBoxPrivate::addDropDownToScene( )
   537 {    
   538     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   539     if( !mIsDropwnToSceneAdded ) {
   540         if ( q->scene( ) ) {
   541             q->scene( )->addItem( mDropDown );
   542         }
   543         QGraphicsScene *scene1 = mDropDown->scene( );
   544         if( scene1 )
   545         {
   546             scene1->installEventFilter( mDropDown );
   547         }
   548         mIsDropwnToSceneAdded = true;
   549     }
   550 }
   551 void HbComboBoxPrivate::setCurrentIndex( const QModelIndex &mi )
   552 {
   553     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   554     bool indexChanged = ( mi != mCurrentIndex );
   555     if ( indexChanged ) {
   556         mCurrentIndex = QModelIndex( mi );
   557         mText = q->itemText( mCurrentIndex.row( ) );         
   558         if( mEditable ) {
   559             q->disconnect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ), q,
   560                 SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
   561              mLineEdit->setText( mText );
   562              q->connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ), 
   563                           q, SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
   564         } else {            
   565             if( mLineEdit ) {
   566                 mLineEdit->setText( mText );
   567             } else {                
   568                 HbStyleOptionComboBox comboBoxOption;
   569                 q->initStyleOption(&comboBoxOption);
   570                 q->style()->updatePrimitive( mTextItem, HbStyle::P_ComboBox_text, &comboBoxOption);
   571             }
   572         }
   573         currentIndexChanged( mCurrentIndex );
   574     }
   575 }
   577 void HbComboBoxPrivate::currentIndexChanged( const QModelIndex &index )
   578 {
   579     Q_Q( HbComboBox );
   580     emit q->currentIndexChanged( index.row( ) );    
   581     emit q->currentIndexChanged( q->itemText ( mCurrentIndex.row( ) ) );
   582 }
   584 /*
   585  Returns the index of the item containing the given \a data for the
   586  given \a role; otherwise returns QModelIndex.
   588  The \a flags specify how the items in the combobox are searched.
   589  */
   590 QModelIndex HbComboBoxPrivate::findData( const QVariant &data ) const
   591 {
   592     QModelIndexList result;
   593     if ( mModel ) {
   594         QModelIndex start = mModel->index( 0, 0 );
   595         result = mModel->match(
   596             start, Qt::DisplayRole, data, 1, Qt::MatchExactly|Qt::MatchCaseSensitive );
   597     }
   598     if ( result.isEmpty( ) ) {
   599         return QModelIndex( );
   600     } else {
   601         return result.first( );
   602     }
   603 }
   605 #include "moc_hbcombobox.cpp"