changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 1 f7ac710697a9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:16d8024aca5e
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
     8 **
     9 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    10 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    11 ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
    12 ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
    13 ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
    14 ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
    15 **
    16 **
    17 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    18 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    19 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    20 **
    21 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    22 ** Nokia at
    23 **
    24 ****************************************************************************/
    26 #include "hbpushbutton.h"
    27 #include "hbpushbutton_p.h"
    28 #include "hbstyle.h"
    29 #include "hbstyleoptionpushbutton.h"
    30 #include "hbgesturefilter.h"
    31 #include "hbgesture.h"
    32 #include "hbframedrawerpool_p.h"
    33 #include "hbnamespace.h"
    34 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
    35 #include "hbeffect.h"
    36 #include "hbeffectinternal_p.h"
    37 #endif
    39 #include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
    40 #include <QTimer>
    41 #include <QGraphicsItem>
    42 #include <QDebug>
    45 /*!
    46     @beta
    47     @hbwidgets
    48     \class HbPushButton
    50     \brief The HbPushButton widget provides a button with command.
    52     \image html hbpushbutton.png A pushbutton with text ,icon and tooltip provided . 
    54     A push button enable users to perform important commands easily.
    55     A push button has a rectangular shape and typically displays a text label describing its command.
    56     Push Button can appear in any container except toolbars where ToolButton HbToolButton is used and palettes.
    57     A simple push button can be created as shown in the example below.
    58     \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/ultimatecodesnippet.cpp,16}
    60     A Push buttons display a textual label. Pushbutton also
    61     can have icon.These can be set using the constructors and changed later using setText(),setIcon( ).
    62     In addition to this a push button also displays additional text label.
    63     Additional text can be set using setAdditionalText().
    64     Aligning of icon , text and additional text can be changed using setStretched()true/false property.
    65     Default with setStretched()=false it will place icon and text vertically.
    67     \image html buttonIconTextV.png A pushbutton with icon ,text.
    69     and along with additional text will place icon horizontally to both texts ,where both text comes vertically aligned.    
    71     \image html buttonIconTextAdditionalTextV.png A pushbutton with icon ,text and additional text.
    73     For setStretched()=true, it will stretch layout to have icon and text horizontally,side by side.
    75     \image html buttonIconTextH.png A pushbutton with icon ,text.
    77     and along with additional text will place all of them to Horizontally in one line .
    79     \image html buttonIconTextAdditionalTextH.png A pushbutton with custom icon ,text and additional text.
    81     Pushbutton can have both text and additoinal text placed vertically,this can be used in case Dialer button or 
    82     Virtual key pad buttons with stretched = false.Pushbutton doesn't supports both text in one line 
    83     stretched = true is not valid.
    84     Pushbutton will not have stretch layout by default.
    86     \image html buttonTextAdditional.png A pushbutton with additional text and text.
    88     Pushbutton can have different states like normal, pressed, disabled, latched and focused.
    89     A push button emits the signal clicked() when it is activated by tapping it.
    90     Push buttons also provide less commonly used signals, for example, pressed() and
    91     released() and emits longPress() on long press.
    93     Alignment of the text within the text and additionaltext items can be set using 
    94     setTextAlignment() and setAdditionalText(), default text alignment is Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter
    96     The push button is derived from HbWidget so it can be added to any QGraphicsLayout
    97     instance for layouting.
    98     \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/ultimatecodesnippet.cpp,17}
   100     Push button can also be used as toggle button , following is code snippet
   101      \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/ultimatecodesnippet.cpp,30}
   103     and onOffButton as 
   104      \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/ultimatecodesnippet.cpp,29}
   106     Push button will come up with additional text following is code snippet.
   107     1. Push button with icon , text and additionalText
   108      \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/ultimatecodesnippet.cpp,35}
   110     2. Pushbutton with additionalText and text.
   111      \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/ultimatecodesnippet.cpp,36}
   113     \sa HbAbstractButton , HbToolButton
   114 */
   117 /*!
   118     \reimp
   119     \fn int HbPushButton::type() const
   120  */
   122 /*!
   123     \fn void HbPushButton::longPress( QPointF )
   124     This signal is emitted in case of longpress.
   125  */
   127 HbPushButtonPrivate::HbPushButtonPrivate() :
   128     textItem(0),
   129     additionalTextItem(0),
   130     touchArea(0),
   131     iconItem(0),
   132     frameItem(0),
   133     focusItem(0),
   134     orientation(Qt::Vertical),
   135     backgroundFrameDrawer(0),
   136     gestureFilter(0),
   137     gestureLongpressed(0),
   138     longPressTimer(0),
   139     textAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter ),
   140     additionalTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter ),
   141     stretched(false),
   142     navigationKeyPress(false),
   143     hasTextAlignment(false),
   144     hasAdditionalTextAlignment(false)
   145 {
   146 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   147      //HbEffectInternal::add(HB_PUSHBUTTON_TYPE,"pushbutton_pressed.fxml", "pressed");
   148      HbEffectInternal::add(HB_PUSHBUTTON_TYPE,"pushbutton_released", "released");
   149 #endif
   151 }
   153 /*
   154   Destructor.
   155  */
   156 HbPushButtonPrivate::~HbPushButtonPrivate()
   157 {
   158     if(gestureFilter){
   159         delete gestureFilter;
   160         gestureFilter = NULL;
   161     }
   162 }
   164 /*
   165   createPrimitives.
   166  */
   167 void HbPushButtonPrivate::createPrimitives()
   168 {
   169     Q_Q(HbPushButton);
   171     if ( !frameItem ) {
   172         frameItem = q->style()->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_PushButton_background, q );
   173     }
   174     if ( !text.isNull() ) {
   175         if ( !textItem ) {
   176             textItem = q->style()->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_PushButton_text, q );
   177         }
   178     } else {
   179         if( textItem ){
   180             delete textItem;
   181         }
   182         textItem = 0;
   183     }
   184     if ( !additionalText.isNull() ) {
   185         if ( !additionalTextItem ) {
   186             additionalTextItem = q->style()->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_PushButton_additionaltext, q );
   187         }
   188     } else {
   189         if( additionalTextItem ){
   190             delete additionalTextItem;
   191         }
   192         additionalTextItem = 0;
   193     }
   195     if ( !icon.isNull() ) {
   196         if ( !iconItem ) {
   197             iconItem = q->style()->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_PushButton_icon, q);
   198         }
   199     } else {
   200         if( iconItem ){
   201             delete iconItem;
   202         }
   203         iconItem = 0;
   204     }
   206     if( !touchArea ) {
   207         touchArea = q->style()->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_PushButton_toucharea, q );
   208     }
   210     if( !focusItem ) {
   211     focusItem = q->style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_PushButton_focus, q);
   212     //focus primitive is will not be visible by default, 
   213     //only in case of keyboard focus events it will be Visible.
   214     focusItem->setVisible( false );
   215     }
   216 }
   218 /*
   219   initGesture.
   220  */
   221 void HbPushButtonPrivate::initGesture()
   222 {
   223     Q_Q(HbPushButton);
   224     // Create gesture filter
   225     gestureFilter = new HbGestureSceneFilter( Qt::LeftButton, q );
   226     // Add gestures for longpress
   227     gestureLongpressed = new HbGesture( HbGesture::longpress,5 );
   228     gestureFilter->addGesture( gestureLongpressed );
   230     // scene event filter for gesture can be installed
   231     // if widget is already added to scene
   232     if (q->scene()) {
   233         q->installSceneEventFilter(gestureFilter);
   234         if (touchArea) {
   235             touchArea->installSceneEventFilter(gestureFilter);
   236         }
   237     }
   239 }
   241 void HbPushButtonPrivate::_q_handleLongPress(QPointF point)
   242 {
   243     Q_Q(HbPushButton);
   244     if(!longPress){
   245         longPress = true;
   246         emit q->longPress( point );
   247     }
   248 }
   250 void HbPushButtonPrivate::_q_handleLongKeyPress( )
   251 {
   252     Q_Q(HbPushButton);
   253     if(!longPress){
   254         longPress = true;
   255         emit q->longPress( q->pos() );
   256     }
   257 }
   259 void HbPushButtonPrivate::initialize()
   260 {
   261     Q_Q(HbPushButton);
   262     q_ptr = q;
   263     createPrimitives();
   264     initGesture();
   266 }
   268 /*!
   269     @beta
   270     Constructs a new HbPushButton with \a parent.
   271  */
   272 HbPushButton::HbPushButton( QGraphicsItem *parent )
   273     : HbAbstractButton( *new HbPushButtonPrivate, parent )
   274 {
   275     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   276     d->initialize();
   277     connect( d->gestureLongpressed, SIGNAL(longPress(QPointF)),
   278         this, SLOT(_q_handleLongPress(QPointF)));
   279     setProperty("state", "normal");
   281 }
   283 /*!
   284     @beta
   285     Constructs a new HbPushButton with \a text and \a parent.
   286  */
   287 HbPushButton::HbPushButton(const QString &text, QGraphicsItem *parent)
   288     : HbAbstractButton(*new HbPushButtonPrivate, parent)
   289 {
   290     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   291     d->text = text;
   292     d->initialize();
   293     connect( d->gestureLongpressed, SIGNAL(longPress(QPointF)),
   294         this, SLOT(_q_handleLongPress(QPointF)) );
   295     setProperty("state", "normal");
   298 }
   300 /*!
   301     @beta
   302     Constructs a new HbPushButton with \a icon, \a text and \a parent.
   303  */
   304 HbPushButton::HbPushButton( const HbIcon &icon, const QString &text, QGraphicsItem *parent )
   305     : HbAbstractButton( *new HbPushButtonPrivate, parent )
   306 {
   307     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   308     d->icon = icon;
   309     d->text = text;
   310     d->initialize();
   311     connect( d->gestureLongpressed, SIGNAL(longPress(QPointF)),
   312         this, SLOT(_q_handleLongPress(QPointF)) );
   313     setProperty("state", "normal");
   315 }
   317 /*!
   318     \deprecated HbPushButton::HbPushButton(const HbIcon&, const QString&, Qt::Orientation, QGraphicsItem*)
   319         is deprecated.
   320     Constructs a new HbPushButton with \a icon, \a text \a orientation and \a parent.
   321  */
   322 HbPushButton::HbPushButton( const HbIcon &icon, const QString &text,
   323     Qt::Orientation orientation, QGraphicsItem *parent )
   324     : HbAbstractButton( *new HbPushButtonPrivate, parent )
   325 {
   326     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   327     d->icon = icon;
   328     d->text = text;
   329     d->initialize();
   330     d->orientation = orientation;
   331     connect( d->gestureLongpressed, SIGNAL(longPress(QPointF)),
   332         this, SLOT(_q_handleLongPress(QPointF)) );
   333     setProperty("state", "normal");
   335 }
   337 /*!
   338     Destructs the push button.
   339  */
   340 HbPushButton::~HbPushButton()
   341 {
   342     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   343     if( d->gestureFilter ) {
   344         removeSceneEventFilter( d->gestureFilter );
   345     }
   346 }
   348 /*!
   349     @beta
   350     Sets the \a background of the button.
   352     \note The background can contain different images for pressed and released states.
   354     \sa background()
   355  */
   356 void  HbPushButton::setBackground( const HbIcon &background )
   357 {
   358     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   359     if( !d->frameItem ) {
   360        d->createPrimitives();
   361     }
   362     if ( d->background != background ) {
   363         d->background = background;
   364         d->backgroundFrameDrawer = 0;
   365         HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   366         initStyleOption( &buttonOption );
   367         style()->updatePrimitive( d->frameItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_background, &buttonOption );
   368     }
   369 }
   371 /*!
   372     @beta
   373     Returns the background of the button.
   375     \sa setBackground()
   376  */
   377 HbIcon HbPushButton::background() const
   378 {
   379     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   380     return d->background;
   381 }
   383 /*!
   384     @beta
   385     Sets the \a framebackground of the button.
   387     \note The background can contain different types of frame drawers(Nine piece,
   388     three piece or single).Ownership is transferred to the Pushbutton
   390     \sa frameBackground()
   391  */
   392 void  HbPushButton::setFrameBackground( HbFrameDrawer *backgroundFrameDrawer )
   393 {
   394     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   395     if (d->backgroundFrameDrawer != backgroundFrameDrawer) {
   396         if( !d->frameItem ) {
   397             d->createPrimitives();
   398         }
   399         d->backgroundFrameDrawer=backgroundFrameDrawer;
   400         d->background=HbIcon();
   401         HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   402         initStyleOption( &buttonOption );
   403         style()->updatePrimitive( d->frameItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_background, &buttonOption );
   404     }
   405 }
   407 /*!
   408     @beta
   409     Returns the background of the button.
   411     \sa setBackground()
   412  */
   413 HbFrameDrawer* HbPushButton::frameBackground() const
   414 {
   415     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   416     return ( d->backgroundFrameDrawer );
   417 }
   420 /*!
   421     @beta
   422     Sets the \a text shown on the button.
   424     \sa text()
   425  */
   426 void HbPushButton::setText( const QString &text )
   427 {
   428     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   429     if ( d->text != text ) {
   430         bool doPolish = text.isEmpty() || d->text.isEmpty();
   431         d->text = text;
   432         d->createPrimitives();
   433         //updatePrimitives();
   434         if( d->textItem ){
   435             HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   436             initStyleOption(&buttonOption);
   437             style()->updatePrimitive( d->textItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_text, &buttonOption);
   438         }
   439         if(doPolish) {
   440             repolish();
   441         }
   442     }
   443 }
   446 /*!
   447     @beta
   448     Returns the text shown on the button.
   450     \sa setText()
   451  */
   452 QString HbPushButton::text() const
   453 {
   454     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   455     return d->text;
   456 }
   459 /*!
   460     @beta
   461     Sets the \a additional text shown on the button.
   462     Additional text is only shown in case 
   463     1. with icon and text in Qt::Horizontal alignment.
   464     2. with additionalText and text in Qt::Vertical alignment.
   466     \sa additionalText()
   467  */
   468 void HbPushButton::setAdditionalText( const QString &additionalText )
   469 {
   470     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   471     if ( d->additionalText != additionalText ) {
   472         bool doPolish = additionalText.isEmpty() || d->additionalText.isEmpty();
   473         d->additionalText = additionalText;
   474         d->createPrimitives();
   475         // updatePrimitives();
   476         if(d->additionalTextItem){
   477             HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   478             initStyleOption(&buttonOption);
   479             style()->updatePrimitive( d->additionalTextItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_additionaltext, &buttonOption);
   480         }
   481         if( doPolish ) {
   482             repolish();
   483         }
   484     }
   485 }
   487 /*!
   488     @beta
   489     Returns the additional text shown on the button.
   491     \sa setAdditionalText()
   492  */
   493 QString HbPushButton::additionalText() const
   494 {
   495     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   496     return d->additionalText;
   497 }
   499 /*!
   500     @beta
   501     Sets the \a icon shown on the button.
   503     \note The icon can contain images for different modes.
   505     \sa icon()
   506  */
   507 void HbPushButton::setIcon(const HbIcon &icon)
   508 {
   509     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   511     if ( d->icon != icon ) {
   512         bool doPolish = icon.isNull() || d->icon.isNull();
   513         d->icon = icon;
   514         d->createPrimitives();
   515         //updatePrimitives();
   516         if(d->iconItem ){
   517             HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   518             initStyleOption( &buttonOption );
   519             style()->updatePrimitive( d->iconItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_icon, &buttonOption );
   521         }
   522         if( doPolish ){
   523             repolish();
   524         }
   525     }
   526 }
   528 /*!
   529     @beta
   530     Returns the icon shown on the button.
   531     \sa setIcon()
   532  */
   534 HbIcon HbPushButton::icon() const
   535 {
   536     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   537     return d->icon;
   538 }
   541 /*!
   542     \deprecated HbPushButton::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation )
   543         is deprecated. Please use HbPushButton::setStretched(bool) instead 
   545     Set the orientation.Default orientation is Qt::Vertical.
   546     In case of icon ,text and additional text it has to be set to Qt::Horizontal.
   547     In case of additionalText and text it has to be set to Qt:Vertical.
   548     \sa orientation()
   549 */
   550 void HbPushButton::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation orientation )
   551 {
   552     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   553     if( d->orientation != orientation ) {
   554         d->orientation = orientation;
   555         // calling setStretchedMode internaly this api is going to be depricated.
   556         bool stretched = 
   557             (d->orientation == Qt::Vertical)?(false):(true);
   558         setStretched( stretched );        
   559     }
   560     qDebug()<<"This api is deprecated use HbPushButton::setStretched( bool stretched )";
   561 }
   563 /*!
   564     \deprecated HbPushButton::orientation() const
   565         is deprecated.Please use bool HbPushButton::isStretched() const instead 
   567     Returns orientation of button
   568     \sa setOrientation ()
   569 */
   570 Qt::Orientation HbPushButton::orientation() const
   571 {
   572     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   573     qDebug()<<"This api is deprecated use bool HbPushButton::isStretched() const";
   574     return d->orientation;    
   575 }
   577 /*!
   578     Set the text alignment for primarytext  and additional text.
   579     The default alignment is Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter.
   580     \sa textAlignment()
   581 */
   582 void HbPushButton::setTextAlignment( Qt::Alignment alignment )
   583 {
   584     Q_D(HbPushButton); 
   586     //HbWidgetBase* textItem = static_cast<HbWidgetBase*>(d->textItem);		
   587     if(!d->textItem){
   588         //need to create text item if user call alignment api before setText.
   589         d->textItem = style()->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_PushButton_text, this);
   590     }
   591     //HbWidgetBasePrivate *textItem_p = HbWidgetBasePrivate::d_ptr(textItem);	
   592     // check for textitem and api protection flag
   593     if(alignment != d->textAlignment ){
   594         //take the alignment 
   595         d->textAlignment = alignment;
   596         //set the api protection flag 
   597         //HbWidgetBasePrivate::d_ptr(textItem)->setApiProtectionFlag(HbWidgetBasePrivate::AC_TextAlign,true);
   598         d->hasTextAlignment = true;
   599         HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;            
   600         initStyleOption( &buttonOption );
   601         style()->updatePrimitive( 
   602         d->textItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_text, &buttonOption );
   603     }
   604     d->hasTextAlignment = true;
   605 }
   607 /*!
   608     Returns the text alignment for primary text and additional text
   609     \sa setTextAlignment()
   610 */
   611 Qt::Alignment HbPushButton::textAlignment( ) const
   612 {
   613     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   614     return d->textAlignment;
   615 }
   618 /*!
   619     Set the text alignment for additional text.
   620     The default alignment is Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter.
   621     \sa additionalTextAlignment()
   622 */
   623 void HbPushButton::setAdditionalTextAlignment( Qt::Alignment alignment )
   624 {
   625     Q_D(HbPushButton); 
   627     //HbWidgetBase* additionalTextItem = static_cast<HbWidgetBase*>(d->additionalTextItem);	
   628     if(!d->additionalTextItem){
   629         //need to create text item if user call alignment api before setAdditionalText.
   630         d->additionalTextItem = style()->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_PushButton_additionaltext, this);
   631     }
   632     // check for textitem and api protection flag
   633     if(alignment != d->additionalTextAlignment ){
   634         //take the alignment 
   635         d->additionalTextAlignment = alignment;
   636         //set the api protection flag 
   637         //HbWidgetBasePrivate::d_ptr(additionalTextItem)->setApiProtectionFlag(HbWidgetBasePrivate::AC_TextAlign,true);
   638         d->hasAdditionalTextAlignment = true;
   639         HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;            
   640         initStyleOption( &buttonOption );
   641         style()->updatePrimitive( 
   642         d->additionalTextItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_additionaltext, &buttonOption );
   643     }
   644 }
   646 /*!
   647     Returns the text alignment for additional text
   648     \sa setAdditionalTextAlignment()
   649 */
   650 Qt::Alignment HbPushButton::additionalTextAlignment( ) const
   651 {
   652     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   653     return d->additionalTextAlignment;
   654 }
   656 /*!
   657     Sets the stretched layout for button by default it set to true. setStretched true/false.
   658     For the case icon and text with value false will appear icon and text vertically aligned.
   659     and with value true will appear icon and text horizontally aligned.
   660     For the case icon , text and additional text with value false will appear like 
   661     both text will be vertically aligned and icon will be horizontally.
   662     and with value true icon , text and additionaltext will come horizontally aligned in one line
   663     For the case text and additonaltext(dialer button case ) only value false is applicable and both texts will 
   664     appeare vertically 
   666     \sa isStretched()
   667 */
   668 void HbPushButton::setStretched( bool stretched )
   669 {
   670     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   671     if( d->stretched != stretched ) {
   672         d->stretched = stretched;
   673         repolish();
   674     }
   675 }
   677 /*!
   678     Returns the whether button has streteched layout or not.
   679     \sa setStretched ()
   680 */
   681 bool HbPushButton::isStretched() const
   682 {
   683     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   684     return d->stretched;
   685 }
   687 /*!
   688     \reimp
   689  */
   690 QGraphicsItem* HbPushButton::primitive( HbStyle::Primitive primitive ) const
   691 {
   692     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   694     switch (primitive) {
   695         case HbStyle::P_PushButton_background:
   696             return d->frameItem;
   697         case HbStyle::P_PushButton_icon:
   698             return d->iconItem;
   699         case HbStyle::P_PushButton_text:
   700             return d->textItem;
   701         case HbStyle::P_PushButton_toucharea:
   702             return d->touchArea;
   703         case HbStyle::P_PushButton_additionaltext:
   704             return d->additionalTextItem;
   705         case HbStyle::P_PushButton_focus:
   706             return d->focusItem;
   707         default:
   708             return 0;
   709     }
   710 }
   712 /*!
   713     \reimp
   714  */
   715 void HbPushButton::recreatePrimitives()
   716 {
   717    Q_D(HbPushButton);
   718    HbWidget::recreatePrimitives();
   720    delete d->frameItem;
   721    d->frameItem = 0;
   722    delete d->iconItem;
   723    d->iconItem = 0;
   724    delete d->textItem;
   725    d->textItem = 0;
   726    delete d->touchArea;
   727    d->touchArea = 0;
   728    delete d->additionalTextItem;
   729    d->additionalTextItem = 0;
   730    delete d->focusItem;
   731    d->focusItem = 0;
   733    d->createPrimitives();
   734    setFrameBackground(0);
   735 }
   736 /*!
   737     \reimp
   738  */
   739 void HbPushButton::updatePrimitives()
   740 {
   741     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   742     HbWidget::updatePrimitives();
   744     HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   745     initStyleOption(&buttonOption);
   746     if ( d->textItem ) {
   747         style()->updatePrimitive( d->textItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_text, &buttonOption );
   748     }
   749     if ( d->touchArea ) {
   750         style()->updatePrimitive( d->touchArea, HbStyle::P_PushButton_toucharea, &buttonOption );
   751     }	
   752     if( d->additionalTextItem ){
   753         style()->updatePrimitive(
   754             d->additionalTextItem,HbStyle::P_PushButton_additionaltext,&buttonOption );
   755     }
   756     if ( d->iconItem) {
   757         style()->updatePrimitive( d->iconItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_icon, &buttonOption );
   758     }
   759     if ( d->frameItem ){
   760         style()->updatePrimitive( d->frameItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_background, &buttonOption );
   761     }
   762     // update will happen only for keyevents when focusItem will be visible.
   763     if( d->focusItem && hasFocus() && d->focusItem->isVisible() ) {
   764         style()->updatePrimitive( d->focusItem,HbStyle::P_PushButton_focus, &buttonOption );
   765     }
   766 }
   768 /*!
   769     \internal
   770  */
   771 HbPushButton::HbPushButton(HbPushButtonPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem * parent) :
   772     HbAbstractButton(dd, parent)
   773 {
   774     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   775     d->initGesture();
   776     connect( d->gestureLongpressed, SIGNAL(longPress(QPointF)),
   777         this, SLOT(_q_handleLongPress(QPointF)) );
   778 }
   780 /*!
   781     Initializes \a option with the values from this HbPushButton. 
   782     This method is useful for subclasses when they need a HbStyleOptionPushButton,
   783     but don't want to fill in all the information themselves.
   784  */
   785 void HbPushButton::initStyleOption(HbStyleOptionPushButton *option) const
   786 {
   787     Q_D(const HbPushButton);
   789     HbAbstractButton::initStyleOption(option);
   791     Q_ASSERT(option);
   792     option->background = d->background;
   793     option->text = d->text;
   794     option->additionalText = d->additionalText;
   795     option->icon = d->icon;
   796     option->isCheckable = d->checkable;
   797     option->textAlignment = d->textAlignment;
   798     option->additionalTextAlignment = d->additionalTextAlignment;
   799     option->hasTextAlignment = d->hasTextAlignment;
   800     option->hasAdditionalTextAlignment = d->hasAdditionalTextAlignment;
   801     if(option->backgroundFrameDrawer) {
   802         HbFrameDrawerPool::release(option->backgroundFrameDrawer);
   803         option->backgroundFrameDrawer = 0;
   804     }
   805     option->backgroundFrameDrawer=( d->backgroundFrameDrawer );
   806 }
   808 /*!
   809     \reimp
   810  */
   811 void HbPushButton::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
   812 {
   813     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   815     switch (event->key()) {
   816         case Qt::Key_Select:
   817         case Qt::Key_Enter:
   818         case Qt::Key_Return:{
   819                 if (!event->isAutoRepeat() && !d->autoRepeat && !d->longPressTimer) {
   820                     d->longPressTimer = new QTimer();
   821                     d->longPressTimer->setInterval(300);
   822                     connect( d->longPressTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(_q_handleLongKeyPress()) );
   823                     d->longPressTimer->start();
   824                 }else{
   825                     #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   826                         HbEffect::start( this, HB_PUSHBUTTON_TYPE, "pressed" );
   827                     #endif
   828                 }
   829             }
   830             break;
   831         case Qt::Key_Up:
   832         case Qt::Key_Left:
   833         case Qt::Key_Right:
   834         case Qt::Key_Down:{
   835                 d->navigationKeyPress = true;
   836             }
   837             break;       
   838     }
   839     HbAbstractButton::keyPressEvent(event);
   840 }
   843 /*!
   844     \reimp
   845  */
   846 void HbPushButton::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
   847 {
   848     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   849     switch(event->key()){
   850         case Qt::Key_Select:
   851         case Qt::Key_Enter:
   852         case Qt::Key_Return:{
   853                 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   854                     HbEffect::start( this, HB_PUSHBUTTON_TYPE, "released" );
   855                 #endif                
   856                 if( d->longPressTimer && d->longPressTimer->isActive() ) {                    
   857                     d->longPressTimer->stop();
   858                     delete d->longPressTimer;
   859                     d->longPressTimer = 0;                    
   860                 } 
   861             }
   862             break;
   863             case Qt::Key_Up:
   864             case Qt::Key_Left:
   865             case Qt::Key_Right:
   866             case Qt::Key_Down:{
   867                     d->navigationKeyPress = false;
   868                 }
   869             break;       
   870     }
   871     HbAbstractButton::keyReleaseEvent( event );
   872 }
   874 /*!
   875     \reimp
   876  */
   877 void HbPushButton::mousePressEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event )
   878 {
   879     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   880     HbAbstractButton::mousePressEvent(event);
   881     HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   882     initStyleOption( &buttonOption );
   883     if( d->frameItem ){
   884         style()->updatePrimitive( d->frameItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_background, &buttonOption );
   885     }
   886 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   887     if ( hitButton(event->pos()) ){
   888         HbEffect::start( this, HB_PUSHBUTTON_TYPE, "pressed" );
   889     }
   890 #endif
   891     setProperty("state", "pressed");    
   892 }
   894 /*!
   895     \reimp
   896  */
   897 void HbPushButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
   898 {
   899     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   900     HbAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
   901     HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   902     initStyleOption( &buttonOption );     
   903     if( d->frameItem ){
   904         style()->updatePrimitive( d->frameItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_background, &buttonOption );
   905     }
   906 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
   907     if ( hitButton(event->pos()) ){
   908         HbEffect::start( this, HB_PUSHBUTTON_TYPE, "released" );
   909     }
   910 #endif
   911     setProperty("state", "normal"); 
   912 }
   914 /*!
   915     \reimp
   916  */
   917 void HbPushButton::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
   918 {
   919     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   920     HbAbstractButton::mouseMoveEvent(event);
   921     HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   922     initStyleOption( &buttonOption );
   923     if( d->frameItem ){
   924         style()->updatePrimitive( d->frameItem, HbStyle::P_PushButton_background, &buttonOption );
   925     }
   926     if (d->down) {
   927         setProperty("state", "pressed"); 
   928     } else {
   929         setProperty("state", "normal"); 
   930     }
   931 }
   934 /*!
   935     \reimp
   936  */
   937 void HbPushButton::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event)
   938 {
   939     HbAbstractButton::resizeEvent(event);
   940 }
   941 /*!
   942   reimp
   944 */
   945 void HbPushButton::polish( HbStyleParameters& params )
   946 {
   947     Q_D( HbPushButton );
   948     if(d->stretched && (d->textItem && d->additionalTextItem && !d->iconItem)){
   949         d->stretched = false;
   950         qWarning()<<"Warning::Invalid Layout: Text and additonalText horizontal appearance not supported";
   951     }
   952     HbAbstractButton::polish( params );
   953 }
   956 /*!
   957     \reimp
   958  */
   959 void HbPushButton::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event)
   960 {
   961     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   962     if((event->reason() == Qt::TabFocusReason || event->reason() == Qt::BacktabFocusReason) 
   963         && ( d->navigationKeyPress ) ) {
   964         if(d->focusItem) {
   965             d->focusItem->setVisible(true);
   966             if( hasFocus()){
   967                 HbStyleOptionPushButton buttonOption;
   968                 initStyleOption( &buttonOption );
   969                 style()->updatePrimitive( d->focusItem,HbStyle::P_PushButton_focus, &buttonOption );
   970             }
   971         } else {
   972             d->focusItem = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_PushButton_focus, this);
   973         }
   974     }
   975     HbAbstractButton::focusInEvent(event);
   976 }
   978 /*!
   979     \reimp
   980  */
   981 void HbPushButton::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event)
   982 {
   983     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   984     if(d->focusItem) {
   985         d->focusItem->setVisible(false);
   986     }
   987     HbAbstractButton::focusOutEvent(event);
   988 }
   990 /*!
   991     \reimp
   992  */
   993 QVariant HbPushButton::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
   994 {
   995     Q_D(HbPushButton);
   997     switch ( change ) {
   998         case ItemEnabledHasChanged:
   999         case ItemVisibleChange: {
  1000                 updatePrimitives( );
  1001             }
  1002             break;
  1003         case ItemSceneHasChanged: {
  1004                 // scene event filter for gestures can be installed
  1005                 // once the widget has been added to the scene
  1006                 if(!value.isNull() && d->gestureFilter) {
  1007                     installSceneEventFilter(d->gestureFilter);
  1008                     if (d->touchArea) {
  1009                         d->touchArea->installSceneEventFilter(d->gestureFilter);
  1010                     }
  1011                 }
  1012                 updatePrimitives();
  1013             }
  1014             break;
  1015         default:
  1016             break;
  1017     }
  1018     return HbAbstractButton::itemChange( change, value );
  1019 }
  1021 /*!
  1022   Overloaded hit detection to include touch area
  1023  */
  1024 bool HbPushButton::hitButton(const QPointF &pos) const
  1025 {
  1026     Q_D( const HbPushButton );
  1027     QRectF compRect = d->touchArea->boundingRect( );
  1028     compRect.translate( d->touchArea->pos() );
  1029     return compRect.contains( pos );
  1030 }
  1032 #include "moc_hbpushbutton.cpp"