changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 3 11d3954df52a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/hbcore/devicedialogbase/devicedialogserver/hbdevicedialogsession.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:02:13 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the HbCore module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
+** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include <QByteArray>
+#include <qlist.h>
+#include <qdatastream.h>
+#include <hbdevicedialogtrace_p.h>
+#include <hbdevicedialogerrors_p.h>
+#include "hbdevicedialogsession_p.h"
+#include "hbdevicedialogserver_p.h"
+#include "hbdevicedialogserversym_p_p.h"
+#include "hbdevicedialogserverdefs_p.h"
+#include "hbindicatorsessionhandler_p.h"
+#include <e32base.h>
+    HbDeviceDialogSession
+    \internal
+    \internal
+HbDeviceDialogSession* HbDeviceDialogSession::NewL()
+    HbDeviceDialogSession* session = new (ELeave) HbDeviceDialogSession;
+    return session;
+    \internal
+    Server().deviceDialogClientClosing(reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(this));
+    // Session has closed
+    Server().RemoveSessionFromList( this );
+    mEventList.clear();
+    if (!iKeepAfterClose) {
+        for (int i(0); i < mIdList.count(); i++ ) {
+            Server().closeDeviceDialog( mIdList[i] );
+        }
+        mIdList.clear();
+        if (!iUpdateChannel.IsNull()) {
+            iUpdateChannel.Complete(KErrBadHandle);
+        }
+    }
+    delete iIndicatorSessionHandler;
+    Server().RemoveSession();
+    \internal
+    Update server session counter.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::CreateL()
+    Server().AddSession();
+    \internal
+    Handles the servicing of a client request that has been passed
+    to the server.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    // If ServiceL leaves, default implementation in server framework
+    // completes the RMessage2 with the leave code.
+    DispatchMessageL( aMessage );
+    \internal
+    Handles the servicing of a client request that has been passed
+    to the server.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::DispatchMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
+    TInt function = aMessage.Function();
+    if (function > EHbSrvIndicatorCommandsStart
+        && function < EHbSrvIndicatorCommandsEnd) {
+        if (!iIndicatorSessionHandler) {
+            iIndicatorSessionHandler = HbIndicatorSessionHandler::NewL(this);
+        }
+        iIndicatorSessionHandler->HandleMessageL(aMessage);
+        return;
+    }
+    switch( function ) {
+    case EHbSrvShowDeviceDialog: {
+        ShowDeviceDialogL( aMessage );
+        break;
+    }
+    case EHbSrvUpdateDeviceDialog: {
+        UpdateDeviceDialogL( aMessage );
+        break;
+    }
+    case EHbSrvClientClosing: {
+        ClientClosing( aMessage );
+        break;
+    }
+    case EHbSrvCancelUpdateChannel: {
+        CancelUpdateChannel(aMessage);
+        break;
+    }
+    case EHbSrvCancelDeviceDialog: {
+        CancelDeviceDialog( aMessage );
+        break;
+    }
+    case EHbSrvOpenUpdateChannel: {
+        UpdateChannelRequestL( aMessage );
+        break;
+    }
+    case EHbSrvUpdateData: {
+        UpdateDataRequestL( aMessage );
+        break;
+    }
+    default: {
+        break;
+    }
+    }; // end switch
+    \internal
+    Returns device dialog identifier stored to this session. Used to identify correct
+    client.
+int HbDeviceDialogSession::DeviceDialogIdentifier() const
+    int identifier(0);
+    if ( !mIdList.isEmpty() ) {
+        identifier = mIdList.first();
+    }
+    TRACE_EXIT_ARGS("identifier" << identifier)
+    return identifier;
+    \internal
+    Handle device dialog update event.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::DeviceDialogUpdate( const QVariantMap& parameters )
+    int id = DeviceDialogIdentifier();
+    if (id) {
+        WriteUpdateData(parameters, id);
+    }
+    \internal
+    Handle device dialog close event.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::DeviceDialogClosed( TInt identifier, TInt closeReason )
+    Q_ASSERT(identifier != 0);
+    if (mIdList.startsWith(identifier)) {
+        if (iUpdateChannelOpen && mEventList.count() == 0) {
+            WriteCloseData(identifier, closeReason);
+        } else {
+            iWriteCloseId = identifier;
+            iWriteCloseReason = closeReason;
+        }
+    }
+    mIdList.removeOne( identifier );
+    \internal
+HbDeviceDialogServerPrivate& HbDeviceDialogSession::Server()
+    return *static_cast<HbDeviceDialogServerPrivate*>(const_cast<CServer2*>(CSession2::Server()));
+    \internal
+    Client has closed session.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::Disconnect( const RMessage2& aMessage )
+    CSession2::Disconnect( aMessage );
+    \internal
+    Forward call to HbDeviceDialogManager. Store dialog id if call is successful.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::ShowDeviceDialogL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
+    mEventList.clear();
+    iKeepAfterClose = EFalse;
+    iWriteCloseId = 0;
+    TInt dataSize = aMessage.GetDesLength( KSlot0 );
+    if (dataSize < 0) {
+        User::Leave(KErrBadDescriptor);
+    }
+    HBufC8* data = HBufC8::NewLC( dataSize );
+    TPtr8 ptr( data->Des() );
+    aMessage.ReadL( KSlot0, ptr );
+    QByteArray resArray( (const char*) ptr.Ptr(), ptr.Size() );
+    QDataStream outStream( &resArray, QIODevice::ReadOnly );
+    QString title;
+    QVariant var;
+    outStream >> title;
+    outStream >> var;
+    QVariantMap mapdata = var.toMap();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
+    int identifier = 0;
+    int error = Server().AddSessionToList(this);
+    if (error == HbDeviceDialogNoError) {
+        HbDeviceDialogServer::DialogParameters showParameters(title, aMessage, mapdata,
+            reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(this));
+        identifier = Server().showDeviceDialog(showParameters);
+        error = showParameters.mError;
+        if (error != HbDeviceDialogNoError) {
+            Server().RemoveSessionFromList(this);
+        }
+    }
+    if (error == HbDeviceDialogNoError) {
+        TPckgBuf<int> deviceDialogId(identifier);
+        error = aMessage.Write(KSlot1, deviceDialogId);
+        aMessage.Complete(error);
+        mIdList.insert(0, identifier);
+    } else {
+        aMessage.Complete(error);
+    }
+    TRACE_EXIT_ARGS("identifier " << identifier)
+    \internal
+    Forward call to HbDeviceDialogManager. Return result.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::UpdateDeviceDialogL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
+    TInt dataSize = aMessage.GetDesLength( KSlot0 );
+    if (dataSize < 0) {
+        User::Leave(KErrBadDescriptor);
+    }
+    HBufC8* data = HBufC8::NewLC( dataSize );
+    TPtr8 ptr( data->Des() );
+    aMessage.ReadL( KSlot0, ptr );
+    QByteArray resArray( (const char*) ptr.Ptr(), ptr.Size() );
+    QDataStream outStream( &resArray, QIODevice::ReadOnly );
+    QVariant var;
+    outStream >> var;
+    QVariantMap mapdata = var.toMap();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
+    TInt result = Server().updateDeviceDialog( DeviceDialogIdentifier(), mapdata );
+    aMessage.Complete( result );
+    TRACE_EXIT_ARGS("result " << result)
+    \internal
+    Forward call to HbDeviceDialogManager. Return result.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::CancelDeviceDialog( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
+    TInt result = KErrNone;
+    // Check that cancel is for most recent device dialog from this session
+    int id = DeviceDialogIdentifier();
+    if (id == aMessage.Int0()) {
+        result = Server().closeDeviceDialog(id);
+    }
+    aMessage.Complete(result);
+    TRACE_EXIT_ARGS("result " << result)
+    \internal
+    Client is about to be deleted and requests to keep device dialogs alive
+    after session closes.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::ClientClosing( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
+    {
+    iKeepAfterClose = true;
+    aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+    }
+    \internal
+    Store asynchronous request from client.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::UpdateChannelRequestL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
+    // We have a pending request
+    iUpdateChannelOpen = ETrue;
+    // Store message for later completion
+    iUpdateChannel = aMessage;
+    // Check if we have buffered data and complete right away.
+    // Data is buffered if client is to be notified, but has
+    // not made a new request for device dialog (processing the
+    // previous message).
+    if ( mEventList.count() > 0 ) {
+        QVariantMap data = mEventList[0];
+        WriteUpdateData(data, mIdList.isEmpty() ? 0 : mIdList.first());
+        mEventList.removeFirst();
+    } else if (iWriteCloseId) {
+        WriteCloseData(iWriteCloseId, iWriteCloseReason);
+    } else {
+        iUpdateChannelOpen = ETrue;
+    }
+    \internal
+    Complete client synchronous request in device dialog initiated events. Called
+    if client buffer has been too small to receive data.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::UpdateDataRequestL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
+    TInt error = KErrNotFound;
+    if (mEventList.count()) {
+        QVariantMap data = mEventList[0];
+        QByteArray array;
+        QDataStream stream( &array, QIODevice::WriteOnly );
+        QVariant var(data);
+        stream << var;
+        TPtr8 ptr( reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(, array.size(), array.size());
+        error = aMessage.Write( KSlot0, ptr );
+        if ( error == KErrNone) {
+            mEventList.removeFirst();
+        }
+    }
+    aMessage.Complete( error );
+    TRACE_EXIT_ARGS("error " << error)
+    \internal
+    Cancel update channel request.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::CancelUpdateChannel(const RMessage2 aMessage)
+    if (iUpdateChannelOpen) {
+        // Complete update request
+        iUpdateChannelOpen = EFalse;
+        THbDeviceDialogSrvUpdateInfo updateInfo;
+        TPckgBuf<THbDeviceDialogSrvUpdateInfo> updateInfoBuf(updateInfo);
+        int error = iUpdateChannel.Write(KSlot1, updateInfoBuf);
+        iUpdateChannel.Complete(error);
+    }
+    aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+    \internal
+    Complete client synchronous request in device dialog initiated events.
+void HbDeviceDialogSession::WriteUpdateData(const QVariantMap &parameters, int deviceDialogId)
+    if ( iUpdateChannelOpen ) {
+        // Client is listening and ready to receive data
+        iUpdateChannelOpen = EFalse;
+        // Get client data buffer size.
+        TInt size = iUpdateChannel.GetDesMaxLength( KSlot0 );
+        QByteArray array;
+        QDataStream stream( &array, QIODevice::WriteOnly );
+        QVariant var(parameters);
+        stream << var;
+        THbDeviceDialogSrvUpdateInfo updateInfo(EHbDeviceDialogUpdateData, deviceDialogId);
+        updateInfo.iInfo.iDataInfo.iDataSize = 0;
+        TPckgBuf<THbDeviceDialogSrvUpdateInfo> updateInfoBuf(updateInfo);
+        if ( size >= array.size() ) {
+            // Buffer size ok. Write data.
+            TPtr8 ptr( reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(, array.size(), array.size());
+            TInt error = iUpdateChannel.Write( KSlot0, ptr );
+            if (error == KErrNone) {
+                error = iUpdateChannel.Write(KSlot1, updateInfoBuf);
+            }
+            iUpdateChannel.Complete( error );
+        } else {
+            // Client buffer size too small. Buffer data and complete request later
+            // with correct data size after client has resized it's data buffer.
+            // Complete message with correct data size. Client asks data synchronously.
+            mEventList.append( parameters );
+            updateInfoBuf().iInfo.iDataInfo.iDataSize = array.size();
+            TInt error = iUpdateChannel.Write( KSlot1, updateInfoBuf );
+            iUpdateChannel.Complete(error);
+        }
+    } else {
+        // Client busy. Buffer message for next request.
+        mEventList.append( parameters );
+    }
+    \internal
+    Complete client synchronous request in device dialog initiated events.
+int HbDeviceDialogSession::WriteCloseData(int deviceDialogId, int closeReason)
+    iUpdateChannelOpen = EFalse;
+    THbDeviceDialogSrvUpdateInfo updateInfo(EHbDeviceDialogUpdateClosed, deviceDialogId);
+    TPckgBuf<THbDeviceDialogSrvUpdateInfo> updateInfoBuf(updateInfo);
+    TInt error = iUpdateChannel.Write(KSlot1, updateInfoBuf);
+    iUpdateChannel.Complete(error != HbDeviceDialogNoError ? error : closeReason);
+    TRACE_EXIT_ARGS("error" << error)
+    return error;
+    \internal
+    iKeepAfterClose = false;
+    iWriteCloseId = 0;
+    iWriteCloseReason = HbDeviceDialogNoError;
+    iUpdateChannelOpen = false;
+    iIndicatorSessionHandler = 0;