changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 1 f7ac710697a9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/hbcore/gui/hbpopup.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:02:13 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the HbCore module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
+** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "hbpopup.h"
+#include "hbpopup_p.h"
+#include "hbinstance.h"
+#include "hbpopupmanager_p.h"
+#include "hbdeviceprofile.h"
+#include "hbevent.h"
+#include "hbgraphicsscene.h"
+#include "hbgraphicsscene_p.h"
+#include "hbtooltip.h"
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <QShowEvent>
+#include <QHideEvent>
+#include <QEventLoop>
+#include <QPointer>
+#include <QApplication> // krazy:exclude=qclasses
+#include <hbwidgetfeedback.h>
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+#include "hbeffectinternal_p.h"
+bool HbPopupPrivate::popupEffectsLoaded = false;
+    @stable
+    @hbcore
+    \class HbPopup
+    \brief HbPopup is a base class for different popup notes in Hb library.
+    \image html hbpopup.png A popup with a header widget, a list as a content widget, and two
+    action buttons.
+    HbPopup is a concrete class. The content for a custom popup is implemented in
+    a separate widget, which is set to the popup with method setContentWidget().
+    Lastly shown popup is always positioned in Z order on the the top of already visible popups.
+    A popup can be permanent or automatically dismissed after a time-out.
+    Modal popups interrupt any other user interaction outside of the popup while they are visible,
+    whereas non-modal popups do not.
+    An example of how to create a simple modal popup and show it.
+    \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/ultimatecodesnippet.cpp,13}
+    An example of how to create a non-modal popup and show it.
+    \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/ultimatecodesnippet.cpp,26}
+    \reimp
+    \fn int HbPopup::type() const
+ */
+    \enum HbPopup::DefaultTimeout
+    This enum defines available default timeout values to be used in method
+    setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout).
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::NoTimeout
+    No timeout is defined for automatically closing the popup. i.e. the popup is permanent.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::ConfirmationNoteTimeout
+    Timeout value intended to be used by confirmation notes.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::StandardTimeout
+    The default timeout value intended to be used by most non-permanent popups e.g. by notes.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::ContextMenuTimeout
+    The default timeout value intended to be used by context menus.
+ */
+    \enum HbPopup::DismissPolicy
+    This enum defines available dismiss policy values.
+    The dismiss policy defines what user actions will cause the popup to be dismissed i.e. closed.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::NoDismiss
+    The popup cannot be dismissed automatically by user interaction.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::TapInside
+    The popup is dismissed when user taps within the bounding rectangle of the popup.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::TapOutside
+    The popup is dismissed when user taps outside of the bounding rectangle of the popup.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::TapAnywhere
+    The popup is dismissed when user taps either within or outside
+    of the bounding rectangle of the popup.
+ */
+    \enum HbPopup::FrameType
+    This enum defines available frame type values.
+    The frame types defines what frame item backgrounds will be used by the popup.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::Strong
+    The popup is using strong frame.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::Weak
+    The popup is using weak frame.
+ */
+    \fn void HbPopup::aboutToShow();
+    This signal is emitted when the popup is about to be shown i.e. when method show() is called.
+ */
+    \fn void HbPopup::aboutToHide();
+    This signal is emitted when the popup is about to be hidden i.e. when method hide() is called.
+ */
+    \fn void HbPopup::aboutToClose();
+    This signal is emitted when the popup is about to be closed i.e. when method close() is called
+    or the popup is
+    dismissed by the user or timeout.
+ */
+static const struct { HbPopup::DefaultTimeout timeout; int value; } timeoutValues[] =
+    {HbPopup::NoTimeout,0},
+    {HbPopup::ConfirmationNoteTimeout,1500},
+    {HbPopup::StandardTimeout,3000},
+    {HbPopup::ContextMenuTimeout,6000},
+HbPopupBackGround::HbPopupBackGround(HbPopup * popup, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+        QGraphicsItem(parent),
+        popup(popup)
+    // This is needed to be able to block moving the focus to items behind background item by
+    // clicking on them.
+    setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable);
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
+    setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents, true);
+    // Set backgroundItem to 0 to avoid double deletion
+    // e.g. when backgroundItem is deleted by scene before its popup
+    if (popup) {
+        HbPopupPrivate::d_ptr(popup)->backgroundItem = 0;
+    }
+void HbPopupBackGround::setRect(QRectF rect)
+    mRect = rect;
+QRectF HbPopupBackGround::boundingRect() const
+    if(!mRect.isValid()){
+        // set backgroundItem's size so that it is big enough
+        // to cover the screen both landscape and portrait mode
+        const QSizeF screenSize = HbDeviceProfile::profile(this).logicalSize();
+        qreal dim = qMax(screenSize.width(), screenSize.height());
+        mRect.adjust(0,0,dim,dim);
+    }
+    return mRect;
+void HbPopupBackGround::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget )
+    Q_UNUSED(option)
+    Q_UNUSED(widget);
+    Q_UNUSED(painter);
+bool HbPopupBackGround::sceneEvent(QEvent *event)
+    if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress) {
+        HbPopupPrivate::d_ptr(popup)->handleBackgroundMousePressEvent();
+    }
+    if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease) {
+        HbPopupPrivate::d_ptr(popup)->handleBackgroundMouseReleaseEvent(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *>(event));
+    }
+    if (event->type() == QEvent::FocusIn && scene()) {
+        // Prevents last focus item losing its focus
+        // This event is received only when popup is modal
+        QFocusEvent restoreLastFocus(QEvent::FocusIn,Qt::OtherFocusReason);
+        QApplication::sendEvent(scene(),&restoreLastFocus); // krazy:exclude=qclasses
+    }
+    // accept events only for modal popups
+    if(popup->isModal()){
+        event->accept();
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        event->ignore();
+    }
+    return QGraphicsItem::sceneEvent(event);
+HbPopupPrivate::HbPopupPrivate( ) :
+    eventLoop(0),
+    hasEffects(false),
+    closed(false),
+    hidingInProgress(true),
+    delayedHide(false),
+    deleteOnClose(false),
+    modal(true), // must be in sync QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable of backgroundItem
+    fadeBackground(true),
+    inDestruction(false),
+    aboutToShowSignalGuard(false),
+    duplicateShowEvent(false),
+    timedOut(false),
+    timeout(HbPopupPrivate::timeoutValue(HbPopup::StandardTimeout)),
+    //    priorityValue(HbPopup::Default),
+    priorityValue(0),
+    dismissPolicy(HbPopup::TapOutside),
+    backgroundItem(0),
+    mousePressLocation(None),
+    frameType(HbPopup::Strong),
+    preferredPosSet(false),
+    mStartEffect(false),
+    timeoutTimerInstance(0)
+void HbPopupPrivate::init()
+    Q_Q(HbPopup);
+    q->setAttribute(Hb::InsidePopup);
+    // By default popups are focusable
+    q->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);    
+    q->setBackgroundItem(HbStyle::P_Popup_background);
+    // Only for popup without parent
+    if (!q->parentItem()) {
+        backgroundItem = new HbPopupBackGround(q);
+        backgroundItem->setVisible(false);
+        // Popup is invisible by default (explicit show or exec call is required)
+        q->setVisible(false);
+    }
+    hidingInProgress = false;   
+*  *********** Begin of private features ***********
+* Sets the priority for a popup.
+* A popup with higher priority is always shown on top of a popup with lower priority.
+* In case of popups with same priority the lastly shown will be on top.
+* Default priority is HbPopup::Default
+* \sa priority()
+void HbPopupPrivate::setPriority(quint8 priority)
+    //TODO: consider implementing dynamic change of prorities
+    // i.e. if the priority changes while the popup is registered to popupManager
+    // then re-register it to get its Z value updated
+    priorityValue=priority;
+*  *********** End of private features ***********
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+void HbPopupPrivate::_q_delayedHide(HbEffect::EffectStatus status)
+    Q_UNUSED(status);
+    Q_Q(HbPopup);
+    // Apply forceHide only if the effect started successfully
+    if (status.reason != Hb::EffectNotStarted) {
+        forceHide();
+    } else {
+        delayedHide = false;
+    }
+    if (deleteOnClose) {
+        q->deleteLater();
+    }
+    hidingInProgress = false;
+void HbPopupPrivate::_q_orientationChange(Qt::Orientation orient, bool animate)
+    Q_UNUSED(orient);
+    if (animate) {
+    Q_Q(HbPopup);
+    HbEffect::start(q, "HB_POPUP", "orientationswitch");
+    }
+#endif // HB_EFFECTS
+void HbPopupPrivate::_q_timeoutFinished()
+    Q_Q(HbPopup);
+    timedOut = true;
+    q->close();
+void HbPopupPrivate::stopTimeout()
+    if (timeoutTimerInstance)
+        timeoutTimerInstance->stop();
+void HbPopupPrivate::startTimeout()
+    if (timeout > 0) {
+        timeoutTimer()->start();
+        timedOut = false;
+    }
+QTimer *HbPopupPrivate::timeoutTimer()
+    Q_Q(HbPopup);
+    if (!timeoutTimerInstance) {
+        timeoutTimerInstance = new QTimer(q);
+        timeoutTimerInstance->setSingleShot(true);
+        q->connect(timeoutTimerInstance, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(_q_timeoutFinished()));
+    }
+    return timeoutTimerInstance;
+void HbPopupPrivate::handleKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
+    Q_Q(HbPopup);
+    event->accept();
+    // Any key event dismisses the popup if dismissPolicy includes TapInside flag
+    if (dismissPolicy & HbPopup::TapInside && !q->parentItem()) {
+        q->close();
+    }
+//returns true if popup has been added to scene here.
+bool HbPopupPrivate::addPopupToScene()
+    Q_Q(HbPopup);
+    bool popupAdded(false);
+    if (!q->parentItem()) {
+        if (!q->scene() && !HbInstance::instance()->allMainWindows().isEmpty()) {
+            HbInstance::instance()->allMainWindows().at(0)->scene()->addItem(q);
+            popupAdded = true;
+            if (backgroundItem) {
+                q->scene()->addItem(backgroundItem);
+            }
+        } else if (q->scene() && backgroundItem && backgroundItem->scene() != q->scene()) {
+            q->scene()->addItem(backgroundItem);
+        }
+    }
+    return popupAdded;
+void HbPopupPrivate::handleBackgroundMousePressEvent()
+    mousePressLocation = Background;
+void HbPopupPrivate::handleBackgroundMouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+    Q_Q(HbPopup);
+    // Handle cases only for Background or Popup originated mouse presses and when
+    // any dismiss policy defined
+    if (mousePressLocation != None && dismissPolicy != HbPopup::NoDismiss) {
+        MouseEventLocationType mouseReleaseLocation = Background;
+        if (q->contains (q->mapFromScene(event->scenePos()))) {
+            mouseReleaseLocation = Popup;
+        }
+        // Mouse is released within popup
+        if (mouseReleaseLocation == Popup) {
+            // Handle cases only when TapInside is set
+            if (dismissPolicy & HbPopup::TapInside) {
+                // Close popup if mouse press is initiated within popup or TapOutside is set
+                if (mousePressLocation == Popup || dismissPolicy & HbPopup::TapOutside) {
+                    q->close();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Mouse is released within popup background
+        else {
+            // Handle cases only when TapOutside is set
+            if (dismissPolicy & HbPopup::TapOutside) {
+                // Close popup if mouse press is initiated within popup background
+                // or TapInside is set
+                if (mousePressLocation == Background || dismissPolicy & HbPopup::TapInside) {
+                    q->close();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // reset mousePressLocation
+    mousePressLocation = None;
+int HbPopupPrivate::timeoutValue(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout timeout)
+    int count = sizeof(timeoutValues) / sizeof(timeoutValues[0]);
+    if (timeout < 0 || timeout >= count) {
+        return timeoutValues[HbPopup::NoTimeout].value;
+    }
+    return timeoutValues[timeout].value;
+void HbPopupPrivate::forceHide()
+    Q_Q(HbPopup);
+    delayedHide = false;
+    q->hide();
+    delayedHide = hasEffects;
+void HbPopupPrivate::addPopupEffects()
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+    effectType = "HB_POPUP";
+    hasEffects = popupEffectsLoaded;
+    if (popupEffectsLoaded)
+        return;
+    popupEffectsLoaded = true;
+    hasEffects = HbEffectInternal::add("HB_POPUP",
+                                       "popup_appear",
+                                       "appear");
+    if (hasEffects) {
+        hasEffects = HbEffectInternal::add("HB_POPUP",
+                                           "popup_disappear",
+                                           "disappear");
+    }
+    if (hasEffects ) {
+        hasEffects = HbEffectInternal::add("HB_POPUP",
+                                           "dialog_rotate",
+                                           "orientationswitch");
+    }
+void HbPopupPrivate::doSetModal( bool modal ) {
+    if(backgroundItem) {
+        // When the popup is modal background item must receive focus
+        // events to be able to prevent last focus item losing its
+        // focus
+        backgroundItem->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable, modal);
+    }
+* Constructs a popup with given  \a parent graphics item.\n
+* Note: popups with \a parent set as 0 are behaving as real popups.
+* This is actually the intended use.
+* However in some situation could be useful to embedd a popup into a QGraphicsItem.
+* In this case a non zero \a parent value must be passed.
+* Popups with parent items behaving just like any other QGraphicsWidget.
+* The following features are not supported (i.e. ignored) for popup with parents:
+*       - modality
+*       - timeout
+*       - unfadedItems
+*       - dismissPolicy
+*       - signal aboutToClose
+HbPopup::HbPopup(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+    HbWidget(*new HbPopupPrivate,parent)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    d->q_ptr = this;
+    d->init();
+    \internal
+ */
+HbPopup::HbPopup(HbPopupPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+    HbWidget(dd, parent)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    d->q_ptr = this;
+    d->init();
+* Destroys the popup.
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    d->inDestruction = true;
+    // Deregister popup from HbPopupManager in case hideEvent() was not called
+    // before destruction
+    HbGraphicsScene *hbScene = qobject_cast<HbGraphicsScene *>(scene());
+    if (hbScene) {
+        hbScene->d_ptr->hidePopup(this);
+    }
+    if (d->eventLoop) {
+        d->eventLoop->exit();
+    }
+    if (d->backgroundItem) {
+        // Set backgroundItem->popup to 0 to avoid double deletion
+        // e.g. when popup is deleted by scene before its backgroundItem
+        d->backgroundItem->popup = 0;
+        // Delete the background item only and only if it's not going
+        // to be cleaned up by the destructing graphics scene
+        QGraphicsScene *scene = d->backgroundItem->scene();   // krazy:exclude=qclasses
+        if (!scene || !scene->property("destructed").isValid()) {
+            delete d->backgroundItem;
+        }
+    }
+* Returns the popup timeout property in milliseconds.
+* If this property is not set the deafult is HbPopup::StandardTimeout.
+* \sa setTimeout()
+int HbPopup::timeout() const
+    Q_D(const HbPopup);
+    return d->timeout;
+* Sets the popup timeout property in milliseconds.
+* If timeout <= 0 then the popup is permanent and not closed automatically.
+* \sa timeout() setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout) QGraphicsWidget::close()
+void HbPopup::setTimeout(int timeout)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    d->timeout = timeout;
+* It is a convenience overload of \a timeout() for setting HbPopup::DefaultTimeout values
+* to achieve common look & feel.
+* \sa enum DefaultTimeout
+* \sa timeout() setTimeout(int) QGraphicsWidget::close()
+void HbPopup::setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout timeout)
+    setTimeout(HbPopupPrivate::timeoutValue(timeout));
+* Returns the popup modality property.
+* A modal popup blocks any user initiated events outside of the popup
+* until it is closed.
+* \sa setModal()
+bool HbPopup::isModal() const
+    Q_D(const HbPopup);
+    return d->modal;
+* Sets the popup modality property.
+* \sa isModal()
+void HbPopup::setModal(bool enabled)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    d->modal = enabled;
+    d->doSetModal( d->modal );
+* Sets the background of popup faded if \a fadeBackground is true otherwise
+* the background will not be faded.
+* \sa isBackgroundFaded()
+void HbPopup::setBackgroundFaded(bool fadeBackground)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    d->fadeBackground = fadeBackground;
+* Returns if the background of the popup is faded or not.
+* Default: true
+* \sa isBackgroundFaded()
+bool HbPopup::isBackgroundFaded() const
+    Q_D(const HbPopup);
+    return d->backgroundItem && d->fadeBackground;
+* Returns the dismiss policy of the popup.
+* Default is HbPopup::TapOutside.
+* \sa setDismissPolicy()
+HbPopup::DismissPolicy HbPopup::dismissPolicy() const
+    Q_D(const HbPopup);
+    return d->dismissPolicy;
+* Sets the dismiss policy property for the the popup.
+* \sa dismissPolicy()
+void HbPopup::setDismissPolicy(HbPopup::DismissPolicy dismissPolicy)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    d->dismissPolicy = dismissPolicy;
+* Returns the frame type of the popup.
+* Default is HbPopup::Strong
+* \sa setFrameType()
+HbPopup::FrameType HbPopup::frameType() const
+    Q_D(const HbPopup);
+    return d->frameType;
+* Sets the frame typeproperty for the the popup.
+* \sa frameType()
+void HbPopup::setFrameType(HbPopup::FrameType frameType)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    if ( d->frameType != frameType ) {
+        switch( frameType ) {
+        case HbPopup::Weak:
+            setBackgroundItem(HbStyle::P_Popup_background_weak);
+            break;
+        case HbPopup::Strong:
+        default:
+            setBackgroundItem(HbStyle::P_Popup_background);
+            break;
+        }
+        d->frameType = frameType;
+        updatePrimitives();
+    }
+/*!  @alpha 
+* Shows the popup as modal popup returning immediately.  
+* Connects aboutToClose() signal to the slot specified by \a receiver and
+* \a member. The signal will be disconnected from the slot when the
+* popup is closed.
+* For non modal popups, use show().  
+void HbPopup::open( QObject *receiver, const char *member )
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), receiver, member);
+    d->receiverToDisconnectOnClose = receiver;
+    d->memberToDisconnectOnClose = member;
+#if needed
+    // Ungrab the mouse if it is currently grabbed
+        // todo; currently needed menus to work ok, otherwise:
+        // - quick multiple presses on menuitem causes multiple actions (menu relaunch?)
+        // - closing menu with titlepane needs multiple presses (menu relaunch?)
+        // Ungrab was removed when trying to fix problem when button pressed()-signal
+        // was connected to menu launch. Button did not get anymore mouse release event.
+        if (scene()) {
+            QGraphicsItem *item = scene()->mouseGrabberItem();
+            if (item) {
+                item->ungrabMouse();
+            }
+        }
+    show();
+    \deprecated HbPopup::exec()
+        is deprecated. Please use HbPopup::show() or
+        void HbPopup::open( QObject *receiver, const char *member ) instead.
+* Executes the popup synchronously.
+* Note: when popup is executed syncronously it is always modal.
+* This function is deprecated. use \sa open() or \sa show() instead.
+void HbPopup::exec()
+    //    Q_ASSERT(false);
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    HbMainWindow* w(mainWindow());
+    if (w) {
+        disconnect(w, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeOrientation(Qt::Orientation, bool)), this, SLOT(_q_orientationChange(Qt::Orientation, bool)));
+        connect( w, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeOrientation(Qt::Orientation, bool)), this, SLOT(_q_orientationChange(Qt::Orientation, bool)) );
+       }
+    if (!d->eventLoop) {
+        // Prevent deleting popup in eventloop
+        bool deleteOnClose = testAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+        setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, false);
+        // Set popup to modal before eventloop
+        bool wasShowModal = isModal();
+        setModal(true);      
+         show();
+        // Ungrab the mouse if it is currently grabbed
+        // todo; currently needed menus to work ok, otherwise:
+        // - quick multiple presses on menuitem causes multiple actions (menu relaunch?)
+        // - closing menu with titlepane needs multiple presses (menu relaunch?)
+        // Ungrab was removed when trying to fix problem when button pressed()-signal
+        // was connected to menu launch. Button did not get anymore mouse release event.
+        if (scene()) {
+            QGraphicsItem *item = scene()->mouseGrabberItem();
+            if (item) {
+                item->ungrabMouse();
+            }
+        }
+        QEventLoop eventLoop;
+        d->eventLoop = &eventLoop;
+        QPointer<QObject> guard = this;
+        d->eventLoop->exec();
+        if (guard.isNull()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        d->eventLoop = 0;
+        // Reset modality
+        setModal(wasShowModal);
+        if (deleteOnClose) {
+            delete this;
+        }
+    } else {
+        qWarning("HbPopup::exec: Recursive call detected");
+    }
+    \reimp
+ */
+QVariant HbPopup::itemChange ( GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant & value )
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    if (change == QGraphicsItem::ItemVisibleChange) {
+        if (value.toBool()) {
+            if(!d->hasEffects){
+                d->addPopupEffects();
+            }
+            if (!d->aboutToShowSignalGuard)
+            {
+                d->aboutToShowSignalGuard = true;
+                emit aboutToShow();
+            }
+            // Note: when visibility changes to "visible" base class implementation needs
+            //       to be called otherwise showEvent() is not called.
+        } else {
+            d->aboutToShowSignalGuard = false;
+            if (!d->hidingInProgress) {
+                emit aboutToHide();
+            }
+            if (d->delayedHide &&  // about to hide and we wanna delay hiding
+                d->hasEffects && !parentItem()) { // only for popup without parent
+                if (!d->hidingInProgress) { // Prevent reentrance
+                    d->hidingInProgress = true;
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+                    QRectF extRect(0.0,
+                                   -boundingRect().height(),
+                                   boundingRect().width(),
+                                   0);
+                    if (!HbEffect::start(this, d->effectType, "disappear",
+                                         this, "_q_delayedHide",
+                                         QVariant(), extRect)) {
+                        d->delayedHide = false;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (d->delayedHide) {
+                    return true;
+                } else {
+                    d->delayedHide = d->hasEffects;
+                    d->hidingInProgress = false;
+                    // fallback to base class imp
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } else if (change == QGraphicsItem::ItemSceneHasChanged) {
+        HbMainWindow* w(mainWindow());
+        if ( w ){
+            disconnect(this, SLOT(handlePopupPos()));
+            connect( w, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
+                     this, SLOT(handlePopupPos()) );
+        }
+    }
+    return HbWidget::itemChange(change, value);
+* Handles the popup position when Orientation changes
+void HbPopup::handlePopupPos()
+    QEvent userEvent(QEvent::ContextMenu);
+    QCoreApplication::sendEvent(this, &userEvent);
+    \reimp
+ */
+void HbPopup::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event )
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    Q_UNUSED(event);
+    d->mousePressLocation = HbPopupPrivate::Popup;
+    // We need to reimplement this function otherwise this events will be
+    // ignored by default and we wont get further mouse events
+    // not even mouseReleaseEvent. See doc of QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent()
+    // for more info.
+    QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(event);
+    // Event has to be accepted cause QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent can mark it
+    // to ignored
+    event->accept();
+    \reimp
+ */
+void HbPopup::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event )
+    QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event);        
+    event->accept();
+    // Note: Mouse release event is always handled in handleBackgroundMouseReleaseEvent
+    \reimp
+ */
+void HbPopup::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    d->handleKeyEvent(event);
+    \reimp
+ */
+// Shows the popup with an animation and starts the timer to dismiss the popup,
+// unless it is a permanent popup.
+void HbPopup::showEvent(QShowEvent *event)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    HbWidget::showEvent(event);
+    // Only for popup without parent
+    // Note:
+    //  popups without parent are treated as popups i.e.:
+    //  - can have background item
+    //  - timeout
+    //  - and registered to HbPopupManager
+    //  otherwise popup is treated as normal widget
+    if(d->duplicateShowEvent){
+        d->duplicateShowEvent = false;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!parentItem()) {
+        //check if popup needs to be added to scene.This can result in duplciate show event,
+        // if popup is added to scene here.
+           if(d->addPopupToScene())
+              d->duplicateShowEvent = true;
+        // Popup clears closed state
+        d->closed = false;
+        if (d->backgroundItem) {
+            d->backgroundItem->setVisible(true);
+            d->backgroundItem->setAcceptHoverEvents(isModal());
+            // Let the background be a panel if the popup is one
+            // However if the popup is not modal we don't want the background
+            // to be a panel. A panel provides contained focus handling
+            if ((flags() & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsPanel) && isModal()) {
+                d->backgroundItem->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsPanel);
+            }
+        }
+        if (qobject_cast<HbGraphicsScene *>(scene())) {
+            qobject_cast<HbGraphicsScene *>(scene())->d_ptr->showPopup(this);
+            HbWidgetFeedback::triggered(this, Hb::InstantPopupOpened);
+        }
+        /*if(d->hasEffects && boundingRect().isValid()) {
+        #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+            QRectF extRect(0.0,
+                           -boundingRect().height(),
+                           boundingRect().width(),
+                           0);
+            HbEffect::start(this, d->effectType, "appear", 0, 0, QVariant(), extRect);
+        #endif//HB_EFFECTS
+            d->mStartEffect = false;
+        } else {
+            d->mStartEffect = true;
+        }*/
+        //workaround
+        resetTransform();
+        setOpacity(1);
+        //workaround ends
+        // delay hiding if effects are enabled
+        d->delayedHide = d->hasEffects;
+        // If it is not permanent launch a timer for closing the popup
+        if (0 < d->timeout) {
+            d->timeoutTimer()->setInterval(d->timeout);
+            d->timeoutTimer()->start();
+        }
+    }
+    \reimp
+ */
+void HbPopup::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event)
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    HbWidget::hideEvent(event);
+    // Only for popup without parent
+    if (!parentItem()) {
+        if (d->backgroundItem) {
+            d->backgroundItem->setVisible(false);
+        }
+        qobject_cast<HbGraphicsScene *>(scene())->d_ptr->hidePopup(this);
+    }
+    HbWidgetFeedback::triggered(this, Hb::InstantPopupClosed);
+    if (d->eventLoop) {
+        d->eventLoop->exit();
+    }
+    d->doSetModal( d->modal );
+    \reimp
+ */
+void HbPopup::resizeEvent( QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent * event )
+    HbWidget::resizeEvent(event);
+    updatePrimitives();
+    \reimp
+ */
+void HbPopup::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * event )
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    d->stopTimeout();
+    // Only for popup without parent
+    if (!d->closed && !parentItem()) {
+        // Popup goes to closed state
+        d->closed = true;
+        emit aboutToClose();
+        // prevent delete on close before effects are finished
+        if (d->hasEffects && isVisible()) {
+            d->deleteOnClose = testAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+            setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose,false);
+        }
+        HbToolTip::hideText(qobject_cast<HbGraphicsScene *>(scene()));
+    }
+    if (d->receiverToDisconnectOnClose) {
+        disconnect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),
+                   d->receiverToDisconnectOnClose, d->memberToDisconnectOnClose);
+        d->receiverToDisconnectOnClose = 0;
+    }
+    d->memberToDisconnectOnClose.clear();
+    HbWidget::closeEvent(event);
+    \reimp
+ */
+bool HbPopup::event(QEvent *event)
+    /*Q_D(HbPopup);
+    if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize) {
+        //Workaround when showing first time                   
+        #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+        if(d->mStartEffect && boundingRect().isValid()) {
+            QRectF extRect(0.0,
+                           -boundingRect().height(),
+                           boundingRect().width(),
+                           0);
+            HbEffect::start(this, d->effectType, "appear", 0, 0, QVariant(), extRect);
+            d->mStartEffect = false;
+        }
+            #endif//HB_EFFECTS        
+        //workaround ends
+    }*/
+    return HbWidget::event(event);
+  Sets preferred position\a position for popup with \a placement
+  as origin.
+  \param position is the position at which the popup is shown.
+  \param placement is the corner or edge which \a position refers to
+  Example usage:
+  \code
+  HbDialog popup;
+  ...
+  popup.setPreferredPosition( QPointF(x,y), HbPopupBase::BottomEdgeCenter );
+  popup.exec();
+  \endcode
+ */
+void HbPopup::setPreferredPos( const QPointF& preferredPos,
+                               HbPopup::Placement placement )
+    Q_D(HbPopup);
+    bool layoutFlag = false;
+    if (d->preferredPos != preferredPos ) {
+        d->preferredPos = preferredPos;
+        layoutFlag = true;
+    }
+    if (d->placement != placement) {
+        d->placement = placement;
+        layoutFlag = true;
+    }
+    d->preferredPosSet = true;
+    //If position updated, informing layoutproxy with layoutrequest
+    if (layoutFlag) {
+        QApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::LayoutRequest));
+    }
+#include "moc_hbpopup.cpp"