changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 1 f7ac710697a9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/hbcore/gui/hbscrollarea.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:02:13 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1064 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the HbCore module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
+** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "hbscrollarea.h"
+#include "hbscrollarea_p.h"
+#include "hbscrollbar.h"
+#include "hbdeviceprofile.h"
+#include <hbwidgetfeedback.h>
+#include <hbevent.h>
+#include <QDebug>
+ *  @stable
+ *  @hbcore
+ *  \class HbScrollArea
+ *  \brief HbScrollArea provides a finger-touch enabled scrollable container class.  
+ *
+ *  HbScrollArea handles the events need to scroll the contents placed inside it.  It also
+ *  handles the display of scrollbar while scrolling is occurring.
+ *
+ *  HbScrollArea is used by constructing a QGraphicsWidget that contains the content to be
+ *  displayed, then calling the setContentWidget() method.  The content widget must have its size
+ *  set appropriately either by associating a layout with the widget or by explicitly setting
+ *  the size (e.g. by calling QGraphicsWidget::setGeometry()).
+ * 
+ *  The class can be used by itself to provide default scrolling behavior or can be
+ *  subclassed to add touch feedback, selection feedback, etc.
+ *
+ *  By default, the class provides dragging, flicking with animated follow-on, a
+ *  simple inertia algorithm for slowing the animated follow-on scrolling and
+ *  a bounce-back algorithm for animating the content back to its bounding
+ *  limits at the end of a drag or flick action.
+ */
+ Here are the main properties of the class:
+ \li HbScrollArea::scrollDirections     : 
+ \li HbScrollArea::clampingStyle        : 
+ \li HbScrollArea::scrollingStyle       : 
+ \li HbScrollArea::showScrollBars       : 
+ \li HbScrollArea::scrollBarWidth       :  
+ \li HbScrollArea::scrollBarMargin      : 
+ \li HbScrollArea::frictionEnabled      :
+ \li HbScrollArea::handleLongPress      :  
+ */
+    \property HbScrollArea::showScrollBars
+    \brief
+    \property HbScrollArea::scrollBarWidth
+    \brief
+    \property HbScrollArea::scrollBarMargin
+    \brief
+    \property HbScrollArea::scrollDirections
+    \brief 
+    \property HbScrollArea::clampingStyle
+    \brief 
+    \property HbScrollArea::scrollingStyle
+    \brief 
+    \property HbScrollArea::frictionEnabled
+    \brief
+    \property HbScrollArea::handleLongPress
+    \brief 
+    \property HbScrollArea::verticalScrollBarPolicy
+    \brief
+    \property HbScrollArea::horizontalScrollBarPolicy
+    \brief
+    \fn void HbScrollArea::scrollDirectionsChanged(Qt::Orientations newValue)
+    This signal is emitted when scrolling direction is changed.
+    \fn void HbScrollArea::gestureSceneFilterChanged(HbGestureSceneFilter* newFilter)
+    This signal is emitted when gesture filters are changed.
+    \fn void HbScrollArea::scrollingStarted()
+    This signal is emitted whenever a scrolling action begins.
+    \fn void HbScrollArea::scrollingEnded()
+    This signal is emitted whenever a scrolling action ends.
+    \fn void HbScrollArea::scrollPositionChanged(QPointF newposition)
+    This signal is emitted when scroll position is changed.
+    \enum HbScrollArea::ClampingStyle
+    Clamping styles supported by HbScrollArea.
+    This enum describes how scrolling is behaving when reaching boundaries of the content item.
+    \var HbScrollArea::StrictClamping
+    Scrolling is limited to the bounding rectangle of the content item.
+    \var HbScrollArea::BounceBackClamping
+    Scrolling can go beyond the bounding rectangle of the content item, but bounces back to the
+    limits of the bounding rectangle when released or when inertia scrolling stops.
+    \var HbScrollArea::NoClamping
+    Scrolling is completely unclamped (this is usually used when the subclass implements its own).
+    \enum HbScrollArea::ScrollingStyle
+    Different scrolling styles supported by HbScrollArea.
+    This enum describes how scroll area can be scrolled.
+    \var HbScrollArea::Pan
+    Dragging motion pans the view with no follow-on scrolling animation.
+    \var HbScrollArea::PanOrFlick
+    Dragging motion pans the view with no follow-on scrolling animation,
+    quick flicking motion triggers scrolling animation.
+    \var HbScrollArea::PanWithFollowOn
+    Dragging motion pans the view, velocity at end of drag motion triggers follow-on animated scrolling.
+    \enum HbScrollArea::ScrollBarPolicy
+    This enum type describes the various visibility modes of HbScrollArea's scroll bars.
+    \var HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAsNeeded
+    HbScrollArea shows a scroll bar when the content is too large to fit and not otherwise.
+    \var HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAlwaysOff
+    HbScrollArea never shows a scroll bar.
+    \var HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAlwaysOn
+    HbScrollArea always shows a scroll bar.
+    \var HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAutoHide
+    HbScrollArea shows scroll bar for short period of time when the content is displayed or scrolled. Scroll bar is not shown if not needed.
+    This is the default behavior.
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::HbScrollArea
+ */
+HbScrollArea::HbScrollArea(QGraphicsItem* parent) : 
+        HbWidget( *new HbScrollAreaPrivate, parent )
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    d->q_ptr = this;
+    d->init();
+HbScrollArea::HbScrollArea(HbScrollAreaPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem *parent):
+        HbWidget( dd, parent  )
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    d->q_ptr = this;
+    d->init();
+ * Destructor
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::~HbScrollArea
+ */
+ * Returns a pointer to the QGraphicsWidget,which is the content of scrollable area.
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::setContentWidget()
+ */
+QGraphicsWidget* HbScrollArea::contentWidget() const
+    Q_D( const HbScrollArea );
+    return d->mContents;
+ * Assigns the QGraphicsWidget that is to be scrolled.  The HbScrollArea widget takes ownership of
+ * the QGraphicsWidget.
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::contentWidget()
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::setContentWidget(QGraphicsWidget* contents)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    if ( contents == d->mContents ) {
+        return;
+    }
+    d->stopAnimating();
+    if (0 != d->mContents) {
+        delete d->mContents;
+    }
+    d->mContents = contents;
+    updateGeometry();
+    if (0 != contents) {
+        contents->setParentItem(this);
+        contents->installEventFilter(this);
+        d->adjustContent();
+        setContinuationIndicators(d->mContinuationIndicators);
+    } else {
+        d->hideChildComponents();
+    }
+Removes the content widget, which is set to the scrollarea and returns it.
+The ownership of the \a QGraphicsWidget is transferred to the caller.
+\note This function is particularly useful if one wants to switch between
+different contents without deleting previous content.
+    \sa setContentWidget()
+QGraphicsWidget *HbScrollArea::takeContentWidget()
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    QGraphicsWidget* content = d->mContents;
+    d->mContents = 0;
+    // Reset the ownership
+    if (content) {
+        content->setParentItem(0);
+        content->removeEventFilter(this);
+    }
+    d->hideChildComponents();
+    return content;
+ * Returns the value of the clampingStyle property
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::setClampingStyle()
+ */
+HbScrollArea::ClampingStyle HbScrollArea::clampingStyle() const
+    Q_D( const HbScrollArea );
+    return d->mClampingStyle;
+ * Sets the clampingStyle property that controls how the scrolling is constrained
+ * relative to the contents of the scrolling area.
+ *
+ * Possible values for the clamping style include:
+ *
+ *		StrictClamping - scrolling is limited to the bounding rectangle of the content item
+ *		BounceBackClamping - scrolling can go beyond the bounding rectangle of the content item, but bounces back to the
+ *						limits of the bounding rectangle when released or when inertia scrolling stops
+ *		NoClamping - scrolling is completely unclamped (this is usually used when the subclass implements its own
+ *						custom clamping behavior)
+ *
+ * The default value is BounceBackClamping.
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::clampingStyle()
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::setClampingStyle(ClampingStyle value)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    d->mClampingStyle = value;
+ * Returns the value of the scrollingStyle property
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::setScrollingStyle()
+ */
+HbScrollArea::ScrollingStyle HbScrollArea::scrollingStyle() const
+    Q_D( const HbScrollArea );
+    return d->mScrollingStyle;
+ * Sets the scrollingStyle property that controls how the style of scrolling interaction
+ * provided by the widget
+ *
+ * Possible values for the clamping style include:
+ *
+ *		Pan - dragging motion pans the view with no follow-on scrolling animation
+ *		PanOrFlick - dragging motion pans the view with no follow-on scrolling animation, quick flicking motion triggers scrolling animation
+ *		PanWithFollowOn - dragging motion pans the view, velocity at end of drag motion triggers follow-on animated scrolling
+ *
+ * The default value is PanWithFollowOn.
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::scrollingStyle()
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::setScrollingStyle(ScrollingStyle value)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    bool isChanged = (d->mScrollingStyle != value);
+    d->mScrollingStyle = value;
+    if (isChanged) {
+        d->updateGestures();
+        emit gestureSceneFilterChanged( d->mGestureFilter );
+    }
+ * Returns the value of the scrollDirections property.
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::setScrollDirections()
+ */
+Qt::Orientations HbScrollArea::scrollDirections() const
+    Q_D( const HbScrollArea );
+    return d->mScrollDirections;
+ * Sets the value of the scrollDirections property.  This value is of
+ * type Qt::Orientations and can set to either Qt::Horizontal to enable horizontal scrolling,
+ * Qt::Vertical to enable vertical scrolling or (Qt::Horizontal | Qt::Vertical) to enable
+ * scrolling in both directions.
+ *
+ * The default value is Qt::Vertical.
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::scrollDirections()
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::setScrollDirections(Qt::Orientations value)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    bool isChanged = (d->mScrollDirections != value);
+    d->mScrollDirections = value;
+    if (isChanged) {
+        d->updateGestures();
+        emit scrollDirectionsChanged( value );
+        emit gestureSceneFilterChanged( d->mGestureFilter );
+    }
+ * Returns true if the inertia scrolling effect is enabled, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::setFrictionEnabled()
+ */
+bool HbScrollArea::frictionEnabled() const
+    Q_D( const HbScrollArea );
+    return d->mFrictionEnabled;
+ * Enables/disables the inertia scrolling effect.
+ * By default, the inertia effect is enabled.
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::frictionEnabled()
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::setFrictionEnabled(bool value)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    d->mFrictionEnabled = value;
+ * Returns true if the scroll area handles
+ * long press gestures, false otherwise
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::setHandleLongPress()
+ */
+bool HbScrollArea::longPressEnabled() const
+    Q_D( const HbScrollArea );
+    return d->mHandleLongPress;
+ * Sets the value of the handleLongPress property.  This value is set
+ * to true if the widget is to respond to long press gestures, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * The default value is false.
+ *
+ * \sa HbScrollArea::handleLongPress()
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::setLongPressEnabled (bool value)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    bool isChanged = (d->mHandleLongPress != value);
+    d->mHandleLongPress = value;
+    if (isChanged) {
+        d->updateGestures();
+        emit gestureSceneFilterChanged( d->mGestureFilter );
+    }
+ * \reimp
+ */
+QVariant HbScrollArea::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    // ??? need to support other changes ???
+    if ( change == QGraphicsItem::ItemSceneHasChanged ) {
+        d->updateGestures();
+        emit gestureSceneFilterChanged( d->mGestureFilter );
+    } else if (change == QGraphicsItem::ItemVisibleHasChanged && d->mContents) {
+        if (value.toBool() == true)
+            d->adjustContent();
+        else
+            d->_q_hideScrollBars();
+    }
+    return HbWidget::itemChange(change, value);
+/*! @beta
+ * upGesture() is a virtual slot function that is called whenever an
+ * up flick gesture is detected, if the scrollDirection is set to
+ * enable vertical scrolling.
+ *
+ * Derived classes can override this method to add custom handling of
+ * the gesture.  In most cases, derived classes should call up to the
+ * HbScrollArea parent method.
+ *
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::upGesture(int speedPixelsPerSecond)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    // convert the speedPixelsPerSecond to pixels per msec
+    QPointF speed;
+    speed.setX(0.0f);
+    speed.setY(-speedPixelsPerSecond * d->mSpeedFactor);
+    d->animateScroll(speed);
+/*! @beta
+ * downGesture() is a virtual slot function that is called whenever an
+ * down flick gesture is detected, if the scrollDirection is set to
+ * enable vertical scrolling. 
+ *
+ * Derived classes can override this method to add custom handling of
+ * the gesture.  In most cases, derived classes should call up to the
+ * HbScrollArea parent method.
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::downGesture(int speedPixelsPerSecond)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    // convert the speedPixelsPerSecond to pixels per msec
+    QPointF speed;
+    speed.setX(0.0f);
+    speed.setY(speedPixelsPerSecond * d->mSpeedFactor);
+    d->animateScroll(speed);
+/*! @beta
+ * leftGesture() is a virtual slot function that is called whenever an
+ * left flick gesture is detected, if the scrollDirection is set to
+ * enable horizontal scrolling.
+ *
+ * Derived classes can override this method to add custom handling of
+ * the gesture.  In most cases, derived classes should call up to the
+ * HbScrollArea parent method.
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::leftGesture(int speedPixelsPerSecond)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    // convert the speedPixelsPerSecond to pixels per msec
+    QPointF speed;
+    speed.setX(-speedPixelsPerSecond * d->mSpeedFactor);
+    speed.setY(0.0f);
+    d->animateScroll(speed);
+/*! @beta
+ * rightGesture() is a virtual slot function that is called whenever an
+ * right flick gesture is detected, if the scrollDirection is set to
+ * enable horizontal scrolling.
+ *
+ * Derived classes can override this method to add custom handling of
+ * the gesture.  In most cases, derived classes should call up to the
+ * HbScrollArea parent method.
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::rightGesture(int speedPixelsPerSecond)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    // convert the speedPixelsPerSecond to pixels per msec
+    QPointF speed;
+    speed.setX(speedPixelsPerSecond * d->mSpeedFactor);
+    speed.setY(0.0f);
+    d->animateScroll(speed);
+/*!  @beta
+ * panGesture() is a virtual slot function that is called whenever an
+ * pan gesture is detected.
+ *
+ * Derived classes can override this method to add custom handling of
+ * the gesture.  In most cases, derived classes should call up to the
+ * HbScrollArea parent method.
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::panGesture(const QPointF &delta)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    if ( d->mIsAnimating ) {
+        d->stopAnimating();
+    }
+    if (scrollingStyle() == HbScrollArea::PanWithFollowOn) {
+        d->addPositionToQueue(-delta, d->mDragElapsedTime.elapsed(), true);
+    }
+    if (d->mAbleToScrollY || d->mAbleToScrollX) {
+        // initiate scroll feedback
+        HbWidgetFeedback::continuousTriggered(this, Hb::ContinuousScrolled, delta);
+        d->mScrollFeedbackOngoing = true;
+    }
+    scrollByAmount(-delta);
+/*!  @beta
+ * longPressGesture() is a virtual slot function that is called whenever an
+ * long press gesture is detected, if the handleLongPress property is set to true.
+ *
+ * Derived classes can override this method to add custom handling of
+ * the gesture.  By default, HbScrollArea does not respond to a long press.
+ *
+ * \sa setHandleLongPress(), handleLongPress()
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::longPressGesture(const QPointF &/* point */)
+    //	qDebug() << "GOT LONG PRESS GESTURE" << point;
+    \reimp
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    if (d->mContents) {
+        d->mousePressEvent( event );
+    }
+    \reimp
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    if (d->mContents) {
+        d->mouseReleaseEvent ( event );
+    }
+ * Returns true if a scrolling action is in progress, false otherwise.
+ */
+bool HbScrollArea::isScrolling() const
+    Q_D( const HbScrollArea );
+    return d->mIsScrolling;
+ * Returns true if the scrolling is due to dragging as opposed to follow-on scrolling
+ */
+bool HbScrollArea::isDragging() const
+    Q_D( const HbScrollArea );
+    return (d->mIsScrolling && !d->mIsAnimating);
+ * Scrolls the view by the amount indicated by "delta".
+ *
+ * The function returns TRUE if the view was able to scroll, FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * The function is virtual so subclasses can override it to customize the behavior by, for example, 
+ * clamping the position so that at least one item in the view remains visible.
+ */
+bool HbScrollArea::scrollByAmount(const QPointF& delta)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    return d->scrollByAmount(delta);
+#if 0
+bool HbScrollArea::sceneEvent(QEvent *event)
+    Q_D( HbScrollArea );
+    bool eventAccepted(false);
+    eventAccepted = d->sceneEvent(event);
+    if(!eventAccepted);
+        eventAccepted = HbWidget::sceneEvent(event);
+    return eventAccepted;
+#endif // HB_NEW_GESTURE_FW
+   \reimp
+ */
+bool HbScrollArea::event(QEvent *event)
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    bool value(false);
+    if(event) {
+        value = HbWidget::event(event);
+        if(event->type() == QEvent::ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange
+                   || event->type() == QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange) {
+             d->changeLayoutDirection(layoutDirection());
+        } else if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize) {
+            if (isVisible() && d->mContents) {
+                d->orientationChanged();
+            }
+        }  else if (event->type() == HbEvent::ChildFocusOut) {
+            //qDebug() << "focusout";
+            if ( !d->positionOutOfBounds() ) {
+                d->stopAnimating();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  return value;
+   \reimp
+ */
+bool HbScrollArea::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+    Q_UNUSED(obj);
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    if (event && event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize) {
+        if (isVisible()) {            
+            d->adjustContent();
+        }
+    }  // no else
+    return false;
+    \reimp
+QSizeF HbScrollArea::sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint) const
+    Q_D ( const HbScrollArea );
+    QSizeF sh(0, 0);
+    switch (which) {
+        case Qt::MinimumSize:
+            break;
+        case Qt::PreferredSize:
+            if (d->mContents) {
+                sh = d->mContents->effectiveSizeHint( which, constraint );
+            } else {
+                sh = HbWidget::sizeHint( which, constraint );
+            }
+            break;
+        case Qt::MaximumSize:
+            break;
+        default:
+            qWarning("QGraphicsWidget::sizeHint(): Don't know how to handle the value of 'which'");
+            break;
+    }
+    return sh;
+ \reimp
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent *event )
+    Q_D ( HbScrollArea );
+    Q_UNUSED ( event );
+    if ( !d->positionOutOfBounds() ) {
+        d->stopAnimating();
+    }
+    Returns the scrollbar policy for vertical scrollbar
+    \sa horizontalScrollBarPolicy(), setVerticalScrollBarPolicy()
+HbScrollArea::ScrollBarPolicy HbScrollArea::verticalScrollBarPolicy() const
+    Q_D(const HbScrollArea);
+    return d->mVerticalScrollBarPolicy;
+    Sets the policy for vertical scrollbar
+    The default policy is HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAutoHide.
+    \sa setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(), verticalScrollBarPolicy()
+void HbScrollArea::setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollBarPolicy policy)
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    d->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, policy);
+  Returns the vertical scroll bar.
+  \sa verticalScrollBarPolicy(), horizontalScrollBar()
+ */
+HbScrollBar *HbScrollArea::verticalScrollBar() const
+    Q_D(const HbScrollArea);
+    return d->mVerticalScrollBar;
+   Replaces the existing vertical scroll bar with \a scrollBar. The former
+   scroll bar is deleted.
+   HbScrollArea already provides vertical and horizontal scroll bars by
+   default. You can call this function to replace the default vertical
+   scroll bar with your own custom scroll bar.
+   \sa verticalScrollBar(), setHorizontalScrollBar()
+void HbScrollArea::setVerticalScrollBar(HbScrollBar *scrollBar)
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    if (!scrollBar) {
+        qWarning("HbScrollArea::setVerticalScrollBar: Cannot set a null scroll bar");
+        return;
+    }
+    d->replaceScrollBar(Qt::Vertical, scrollBar);
+    \brief Returns the policy for horizontal scrollbar
+    \sa verticalScrollBarPolicy(), setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy()
+HbScrollArea::ScrollBarPolicy HbScrollArea::horizontalScrollBarPolicy() const
+    Q_D(const HbScrollArea);
+    return d->mHorizontalScrollBarPolicy;
+    \brief Sets the policy for horizontal scrollbar
+    The default policy is HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAutoHide.
+    \sa setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(), horizontalScrollBarPolicy()
+void HbScrollArea::setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollBarPolicy policy)
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);    
+    d->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, policy);
+  Returns the horizontal scroll bar.
+  \sa horizontalScrollBarPolicy(), verticalScrollBar()
+ */
+HbScrollBar *HbScrollArea::horizontalScrollBar() const
+    Q_D(const HbScrollArea);
+    return d->mHorizontalScrollBar;
+   Replaces the existing horizontal scroll bar with \a scrollBar. The former
+   scroll bar is deleted.
+   HbScrollArea already provides vertical and horizontal scroll bars by
+   default. You can call this function to replace the default horizontal
+   scroll bar with your own custom scroll bar.
+   \sa horizontalScrollBar(), setVerticalScrollBar()
+void HbScrollArea::setHorizontalScrollBar(HbScrollBar *scrollBar)
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    if (!scrollBar) {
+        qWarning("HbScrollArea::setHorizontalScrollBar: Cannot set a null scroll bar");
+        return;
+    }
+    d->replaceScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal, scrollBar);
+    \brief the alignment of the scroll area's widget    
+    By default, the widget stays rooted to the top-left corner of the
+    scroll area.
+    \sa alignment
+void HbScrollArea::setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment)
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    d->mAlignment = alignment;
+    if (d->mContents)
+        d->adjustContent();
+    \brief the alignment of the scroll area's widget
+    By default, the widget stays rooted to the top-left corner of the
+    scroll area.
+    \sa setAlignment
+Qt::Alignment HbScrollArea::alignment() const
+    Q_D(const HbScrollArea);
+    return d->mAlignment;
+    \brief Contination indicators for scroll area
+    By default continuation graphics are disabled. When continuation
+    graphics are enabled, scroll area shows indications where it is
+    possible to scroll.
+    \sa continuationIndicators
+void HbScrollArea::setContinuationIndicators(bool indication)
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    if (d->mContinuationIndicators == indication)
+        return;
+    d->mContinuationIndicators = indication;
+    d->createPrimitives();
+    d->updatePrimitives();
+    if (d->mContents && indication) {
+        d->updateIndicators(-d->mContents->pos());
+    }
+    repolish();
+    \brief Contination indicators for scroll area
+    By default continuation graphics are disabled. When continuation
+    graphics are enabled, scroll area shows indications where it is
+    possible to scroll.
+    \sa setContinuationIndicators
+bool HbScrollArea::continuationIndicators() const
+    Q_D(const HbScrollArea);
+    return d->mContinuationIndicators;
+    Scrolls the contents of the scroll area so that the point \a position is visible
+    inside the region of the scrollArea with margins specified in pixels by \a xMargin and
+    \a yMargin. If the specified point cannot be reached, the contents are scrolled to
+    the nearest valid position. The default and minimum valid value for both margins is 0 pixels.
+    Valid range for \a xMargin is between 0 and width of scrollArea, valid range for \a yMargin is
+    between 0 and height of scrollArea.\a xMargin, \a yMargin, x and y values of \a position will be
+    ignored depending on scrollingDirection.
+    \sa setScrollDirections()
+void HbScrollArea::ensureVisible(const QPointF& position, qreal xMargin, qreal yMargin)
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    d->ensureVisible(position, xMargin, yMargin);
+    Scrolls the contents of the scroll area to the \a newPosition in a given \a time.
+    If the time is 0, contents is scrolled to the position instantly.
+void HbScrollArea::scrollContentsTo (const QPointF& newPosition, int time) {
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    if (time > 0){
+        d->startTargetAnimation (newPosition, qMax (0, time));
+    } else {
+        scrollByAmount(newPosition - (-d->mContents->pos()));
+        if (d->positionOutOfBounds() && d->mClampingStyle == BounceBackClamping) {
+            d->startAnimating();
+        } else {
+            d->stopScrolling();
+        }
+    }
+ * \reimp
+ */
+void HbScrollArea::polish(HbStyleParameters& params)
+    Q_D(HbScrollArea);
+    d->doLazyInit();
+    // fetch scrolling parameters from css
+    const QString SpeedFactor = "speed-factor";
+    const QString IntertiaSpeedFactor = "inertia-speed-factor";
+    const QString MaxScrollSpeed = "max-scroll-speed";
+    const QString SpringStrength = "spring-strength";
+    const QString SpringDampingFactor = "spring-damping-factor";
+    const QString FrictionPerMilliSecond = "friction";
+    params.addParameter(SpeedFactor);
+    params.addParameter(IntertiaSpeedFactor);
+    params.addParameter(MaxScrollSpeed);
+    params.addParameter(SpringStrength);
+    params.addParameter(SpringDampingFactor);
+    params.addParameter(FrictionPerMilliSecond);
+    HbWidget::polish(params);
+    if (!params.value(SpeedFactor).isNull()) {
+        d->mSpeedFactor = params.value(SpeedFactor).toDouble();
+    }
+    if (!params.value(IntertiaSpeedFactor).isNull()) {
+        d->mInertiaSpeedFactor = params.value(IntertiaSpeedFactor).toDouble();
+    }
+    if (!params.value(MaxScrollSpeed).isNull()) {
+        d->mMaxScrollSpeed = params.value(MaxScrollSpeed).toDouble();
+    }
+    if (!params.value(SpringStrength).isNull()) {
+        d->mSpringStrength = params.value(SpringStrength).toDouble();
+    }
+    if (!params.value(SpringDampingFactor).isNull()) {
+        d->mSpringDampingFactor = params.value(SpringDampingFactor).toDouble();
+    }
+    if (!params.value(FrictionPerMilliSecond).isNull()) {
+        d->mFrictionPerMilliSecond = params.value(FrictionPerMilliSecond).toDouble();
+    }
+    if (d->mContinuationIndicators) {
+        d->updateIndicators(-d->mContents->pos());
+    }
+#include "moc_hbscrollarea.cpp"