changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 1 f7ac710697a9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/hbcore/indicatorplugins/hbindicatorpluginmanager.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:02:13 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the HbCore module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
+** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <hbindicatorpluginmanager_p.h>
+#include <hbindicatorplugininterface.h>
+#include <hbindicatorinterface.h>
+#include <hbdevicedialogtrace_p.h>
+#include <hbdevicedialogerrors_p.h>
+    \class HbIndicatorPluginManager
+    \brief HbIndicatorPluginManager manages loading and unloading of indicator plugins
+    HbIndicatorPluginManager maintains a list of indicators which are created from
+    indicator plugins
+// Constructor
+HbIndicatorPluginManager::HbIndicatorPluginManager(QObject *parent) :
+    QObject(parent), mNameCache(pluginKeys)
+    // Get list of plugin directories to watch/scan
+    const QStringList pathList = pluginPathList();
+    for (int i = 0; i < pathList.length(); i++) {
+        updateCachePath(;
+    }
+// Destructor
+    Searches for plugin, that implements the indicator of type \a indicatorType.
+    Creates and stores the indicator.
+    Does nothing, if indicator is already added.
+    Returns true on success and false on failure.
+HbIndicatorInterface *HbIndicatorPluginManager::addIndicator(const QString &indicatorType,
+    const QVariantMap &securityCredentials, int *errorCode)
+    int error = HbDeviceDialogNoError;
+    if (!errorCode) {
+        errorCode = &error;
+    }
+    HbIndicatorInterface *indicator = 0;
+    bool loaded = false;
+    bool added = false;
+    *errorCode = HbDeviceDialogNoError;
+    //search indicator 1. among already loaded plugins.
+    int index = findPlugin(indicatorType);
+    if (index < 0) {
+        //2. search and load the correct plugin.
+        index = loadPlugin(indicatorType);
+        loaded = true;
+    }
+    // Allow plugin to do access control
+    if (index >= 0) {
+        if (!checkAccess(index, indicatorType, securityCredentials)) {
+            if (loaded) {
+                mPlugins.removeAt(index);
+            }
+            *errorCode = HbDeviceDialogAccessDeniedError;
+            index = -1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (index >= 0) {
+        PluginInfo &pluginInfo = mPlugins[index];
+        if (!loaded) {
+            //check is the indicator is already created.
+            foreach(const IndicatorInfo &indicatorInfo,
+                     pluginInfo.mAddedIndicators) {
+                if (indicatorInfo.indicator->indicatorType() ==
+                        indicatorType) {
+                    indicator = indicatorInfo.indicator;
+                    added = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (!added) {
+            //create and store the indicator.
+            HbIndicatorPluginInterface *plugin = pluginInfo.plugin();
+            if (plugin) {
+                indicator = plugin->createIndicator(indicatorType);
+            }
+            if (indicator) {
+                pluginInfo.mAddedIndicators.append(indicator);
+                added = true;
+            } else {
+                if (pluginInfo.mAddedIndicators.count() == 0) {
+                    mPlugins.removeAt(index);
+                }
+                *errorCode = plugin->error();
+                TRACE("creating indicator: "
+                      << indicatorType << " from plugin failed");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (!added && error == HbDeviceDialogNoError) {
+        *errorCode = HbDeviceDialogUnknownIndicatorError;
+    }
+    return indicator;
+   Activates the indicator.
+   Assumes indicator-instance is already created (addIndicator called).
+bool HbIndicatorPluginManager::activateIndicator(const QString &indicatorType,
+    const QVariant &parameter, const QVariantMap &securityCredentials)
+    bool success = false;
+    IndicatorInfo *indicatorInfo = 0;
+    int index = findPlugin(indicatorType, &indicatorInfo);
+    if (index >= 0 && checkAccess(index, indicatorType, securityCredentials)) {
+        HbIndicatorInterface *indicator = indicatorInfo->indicator;
+        indicator->disconnect(this, SLOT(deactivateIndicator()));
+        connect(indicator, SIGNAL(deactivate()), SLOT(deactivateIndicator()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        indicator->processClientRequest(
+                HbIndicatorInterface::RequestActivate, parameter);
+        //in case indicator deactivated itself, find the indicator again.
+        index = findPlugin(indicatorType, &indicatorInfo);
+        if (index >= 0 && !indicatorInfo->activated) {
+            indicatorInfo->activated = true;
+            emit indicatorActivated(indicator);
+            indicatorInfo->statusAreaIconPath = statusAreaIconPath(indicator);
+            emit indicatorActivated(IndicatorClientInfo(
+                indicator->indicatorType(),
+                indicatorInfo->statusAreaIconPath,
+                indicator->category()));
+            connect(indicator, SIGNAL(dataChanged()), SLOT(indicatorDataChanged()));
+        }
+        success = true;
+    }
+    return success;
+   removes indicator from memory.
+   Returns true, if indicator was removed, false otherwise.
+bool HbIndicatorPluginManager::removeIndicator(const QString &indicatorType)
+    bool removed = false;
+    int infoIndex = 0;
+    IndicatorInfo *indicatorInfo = 0;
+    int index = findPlugin(indicatorType, &indicatorInfo, &infoIndex);
+    if (index >= 0) {
+        PluginInfo &pluginInfo = mPlugins[index];
+        HbIndicatorInterface *indicator = indicatorInfo->indicator;
+        QString statusAreaPath(indicatorInfo->statusAreaIconPath);
+        pluginInfo.mAddedIndicators.remove(infoIndex);
+        indicatorInfo = 0; //destroyed
+        emit indicatorRemoved(indicator);
+        emit indicatorRemoved(IndicatorClientInfo(
+            indicator->indicatorType(),
+            statusAreaPath,
+            indicator->category()));
+        //plugin-interface may also be HbIndicatorInterface.
+        //in that case, don't delete.
+        HbIndicatorInterface *testPlugin =
+                dynamic_cast<HbIndicatorInterface*>(pluginInfo.plugin());
+        if ( testPlugin != indicator) {
+            //indicator deletion must occur before idle-timer-cleanup.
+            delete indicator;
+            indicator = 0;
+        }
+        // delete plugin interface
+        int count = mPlugins.count();
+        for(int i = count-1; i >= 0; --i) {
+            PluginInfo &pluginInfo = mPlugins[i];
+            if (pluginInfo.mAddedIndicators.count() == 0) {
+               mPlugins.removeAt(i);               
+            }
+        }
+        removed = true;
+    }
+    return removed;
+//returns the indicator information needed in client side.
+        HbIndicatorPluginManager::indicatorClientInfoList() const
+    QList<IndicatorClientInfo> clientInfoList;
+    //add icons from all the activated indicators of group priority 1 and 2.
+    foreach (const PluginInfo &pluginInfo, mPlugins) {
+        foreach(const IndicatorInfo &indicatorInfo,
+                pluginInfo.mAddedIndicators) {
+            HbIndicatorInterface *indicator = indicatorInfo.indicator;
+            HbIndicatorInterface::Category category = indicator->category();
+            QString path(indicatorInfo.statusAreaIconPath);
+            if (!path.isEmpty()) {
+                IndicatorClientInfo clientInfo(
+                        indicator->indicatorType(), path, category);
+                clientInfoList.append(clientInfo);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return clientInfoList;
+    HbIndicatorPluginManager::indicators() const
+    QList<HbIndicatorInterface*> indicatorList;
+    foreach (const PluginInfo &pluginInfo, mPlugins) {
+        foreach(const IndicatorInfo &indicatorInfo,
+                pluginInfo.mAddedIndicators) {
+            if (indicatorInfo.activated) {
+                indicatorList.append(indicatorInfo.indicator);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return indicatorList;
+void HbIndicatorPluginManager::connectTo(QObject *widget)
+    widget->disconnect(this);
+   //connect pluginmanager signals to indicatormenu slots, so that
+   //popup will get indicator updates.
+    widget->connect(this,
+                   SIGNAL(indicatorActivated(HbIndicatorInterface*)),
+                   SLOT(indicatorActivated(HbIndicatorInterface*)));
+    widget->connect(this,
+                   SIGNAL(indicatorRemoved(HbIndicatorInterface*)),
+                   SLOT(indicatorRemoved(HbIndicatorInterface*)));
+    QList<HbIndicatorInterface*> addedIndicators = indicators();
+    if (addedIndicators.count() > 0) {
+        //initialize popup with added indicators.
+        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(widget, "indicatorsActivated",
+            Qt::DirectConnection,
+            Q_ARG(QList<HbIndicatorInterface*>, addedIndicators));
+    }
+bool HbIndicatorPluginManager::deactivateIndicator(const QString &indicatorType,
+    const QVariant &parameter, const QVariantMap &securityCredentials)
+    bool success = false;
+    IndicatorInfo *info = 0;
+    int index = findPlugin(indicatorType, &info);
+    if (index >= 0 && checkAccess(index, indicatorType, securityCredentials)) {
+        HbIndicatorInterface *indicator = info->indicator;
+        if (indicator->indicatorType() == indicatorType && info->activated) {
+            indicator->processClientRequest(
+                    HbIndicatorInterface::RequestDeactivate, parameter);
+        }
+        success = true;
+    }
+    return success;
+void HbIndicatorPluginManager::deactivateIndicator()
+    HbIndicatorInterface* indicator =
+            qobject_cast<HbIndicatorInterface*>(sender());
+    if (indicator) {
+        indicator->disconnect(this);
+        removeIndicator(indicator->indicatorType());
+    }
+void HbIndicatorPluginManager::indicatorDataChanged()
+     const HbIndicatorInterface* indicator =
+            qobject_cast<const HbIndicatorInterface*>(sender());
+    if (!indicator) {
+        return;
+    }
+    IndicatorInfo *indicatorInfo = 0;
+    int index = findPlugin(indicator->indicatorType(), &indicatorInfo);
+    if (index >= 0) {
+        indicator = indicatorInfo->indicator;
+        QString statusAreaPath(statusAreaIconPath(indicator));
+        if (indicatorInfo->statusAreaIconPath != statusAreaPath) {
+            indicatorInfo->statusAreaIconPath = statusAreaPath;
+            emit indicatorUpdated(IndicatorClientInfo(
+                indicator->indicatorType(),
+                indicatorInfo->statusAreaIconPath,
+                indicator->category()));
+        }
+    }
+bool HbIndicatorPluginManager::checkAccess(int index, const QString &indicatorType,
+    const QVariantMap &securityCredentials)
+    return>accessAllowed(indicatorType, securityCredentials);
+// Scan plugins in file system
+int HbIndicatorPluginManager::loadPlugin(const QString &indicatorType)
+    // Check if plugin file name is in cache
+    int index = -1;
+    const QString filePath = mNameCache.find(indicatorType);
+    if (!filePath.isEmpty()) {
+        TRACE("cache hit")
+        index = loadPlugin(indicatorType, filePath);
+        // If plugin wasn't loaded, the cache has stale information. Rescan the directory.
+        if (index < 0) {
+            TRACE("cache stale")
+            updateCachePath(filePath);
+        }
+    }
+    if (index < 0) {
+        TRACE("cache miss")
+        // Plugin name wasn't in cache, try to find it
+        index = scanPlugins(indicatorType);
+        if (index >= 0) {
+            // Plugin was found, update plugin name cache by scanning the directory
+            updateCachePath(mPlugins[index].mLoader->fileName());
+        }
+    }
+    return index;
+// Scan for and load plugin in file system
+int HbIndicatorPluginManager::scanPlugins(const QString &indicatorType)
+    const QStringList pathList = pluginPathList();
+    const QString fileNameFilter = pluginFileNameFilter();
+    int index = -1;
+    foreach (const QString &path, pathList) {
+        QDir pluginDir(path, fileNameFilter, QDir::NoSort, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable);
+        foreach (const QString &fileName, pluginDir.entryList()) {
+            index = loadPlugin(indicatorType, pluginDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName));
+            if (index >= 0) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return index;
+// Load plugin from file path name
+int HbIndicatorPluginManager::loadPlugin(const QString &indicatorType, const QString &filePath)
+    int index = -1;
+    HbLockedPluginLoader *loader = new HbLockedPluginLoader(mNameCache, filePath);
+    QObject *pluginInstance = loader->instance();
+    if (pluginInstance) {
+        HbIndicatorPluginInterface *plugin =
+            qobject_cast<HbIndicatorPluginInterface*>(pluginInstance);
+        if (plugin) {
+            QStringList types = plugin->indicatorTypes();
+            if (types.contains(indicatorType)) {
+                // Save plugin into a list
+                PluginInfo pluginInfo;
+                pluginInfo.mTypes = types;
+                pluginInfo.mLoader = loader;
+                loader = 0;
+                mPlugins.append(pluginInfo);
+                pluginInfo.mLoader = 0; // ownership was transferred to the list
+                index = mPlugins.count() - 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (loader) {
+        loader->unload();
+        delete loader;
+        loader = 0;
+    }
+    TRACE_EXIT_ARGS(index)
+    return index;
+// Find index of a plugin
+int HbIndicatorPluginManager::findPlugin(
+        const QString &indicatorType) const
+    int count = mPlugins.count();
+    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+        if ( {
+            TRACE_EXIT
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+int HbIndicatorPluginManager::findPlugin(const QString &indicatorType,
+    IndicatorInfo **indicatorInfo, int *infoIndex)
+    int count = mPlugins.count();
+    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+        PluginInfo &pluginInfo = mPlugins[i];
+        const int indicatorCount = pluginInfo.mAddedIndicators.count();
+        for(int j = 0; j < indicatorCount; ++j) {
+            IndicatorInfo *info = &pluginInfo.mAddedIndicators[j];
+            if (info->indicator->indicatorType() == indicatorType) {
+                *indicatorInfo = info;
+                if (infoIndex) {
+                    *infoIndex = j;
+                }
+                return i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+QString HbIndicatorPluginManager::statusAreaIconPath(
+        const HbIndicatorInterface *indicator) const
+    //Use MonoDecorationNameRole-role first, if empty,
+    //try with DecorationRole.
+    QString path(indicator->indicatorData(
+        HbIndicatorInterface::MonoDecorationNameRole).toString());
+    if (path.isEmpty()) {
+        path = indicator->indicatorData(
+            HbIndicatorInterface::DecorationNameRole).toString();
+    }
+    return path;
+// Update plugin name cache watch/scan list
+void HbIndicatorPluginManager::updateCachePath(const QString &path)
+    QString dirPath = HbPluginNameCache::directoryPath(path);
+    QFileInfo fileInfo(dirPath);
+    if (fileInfo.exists()) {
+        // If directory is writable, watch it. Otherwise scan it only once.
+        if (fileInfo.isWritable()) {
+            mNameCache.addWatchPath(dirPath);
+        } else {
+            mNameCache.scanDirectory(dirPath);
+        }
+    } else {
+        mNameCache.removeWatchPath(dirPath);
+    }
+// Generate directory path list to search plugins
+QStringList HbIndicatorPluginManager::pluginPathList()
+    QStringList pluginPathList;
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    const QString pluginRelativePath("resource/plugins/indicators/");
+    QFileInfoList driveInfoList = QDir::drives();
+    foreach (const QFileInfo &driveInfo, driveInfoList) {
+        const QString drive = driveInfo.absolutePath();
+        if (drive.startsWith("z:", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||
+            drive.startsWith("c:", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+            QString path(drive + pluginRelativePath);
+            pluginPathList << path;
+        }
+    }
+#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32) || defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
+    pluginPathList << qApp->applicationDirPath() + '/' << HB_PLUGINS_DIR"/indicators/";
+    // Plugin name caching differentiates directory and file names by trailing slash in a name
+    for (int i = 0; i < pluginPathList.length(); i++) {
+        Q_ASSERT('/'));
+    }
+    return pluginPathList;
+// Generate plugin file name filter
+QString HbIndicatorPluginManager::pluginFileNameFilter()
+#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
+    return QString("*.so");
+#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
+    return QString("*.dylib");
+#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
+    return QString("*.dll");
+    return QString("*.qtplugin");
+// Return keys (indicator types) the plugin implements
+QStringList HbIndicatorPluginManager::pluginKeys(QObject *pluginInstance)
+    HbIndicatorPluginInterface *plugin =
+        qobject_cast<HbIndicatorPluginInterface*>(pluginInstance);
+    return plugin ? plugin->indicatorTypes() : QStringList();