--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/hbinput/inputwidgets/hbinputvkbwidget.cpp Mon Apr 19 14:02:13 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1174 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the HbInput module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
+** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include <QBitmap>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QGraphicsItemAnimation>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <QGraphicsProxyWidget>
+#include <QTimeLine>
+#include <QGraphicsGridLayout>
+#include <QGraphicsScene>
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+#include <hbapplication.h>
+#include <hbmainwindow.h>
+#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <hbview.h>
+#include <hbwidget.h>
+#include <hbpushbutton.h>
+#include <hbinputsettingproxy.h>
+#include <hbdialog.h>
+#include <hbeffect.h>
+#include <hbstackedwidget.h>
+#include <hbframedrawer.h>
+#include <hbevent.h>
+#include <hbinputmethod.h>
+#include <hbinputsettingproxy.h>
+#include <hbinpututils.h>
+#include <hbinputdef.h>
+#include <hbinputvkbhost.h>
+#include <hbinputsettingdialog.h>
+#include <hbinputcommondialogs.h>
+#include <hbinputkeymap.h>
+#include <hbinputkeymapfactory.h>
+#include <hbwidgetfeedback.h>
+#include <hbsmileyengine.h>
+#include <hbinputpredictionfactory.h>
+#include "hbinputvirtualrocker.h"
+#include "hbinputvkbwidget.h"
+#include "hbinputvkbwidget_p.h"
+#include "hbinputtouchkeypadbutton.h"
+#include "hbinputsettinglist.h"
+#include "hbinputmodeindicator.h"
+#include <hbfeedbackmanager.h>
+#include "hbinputsmileypicker.h"
+#include "hbinputscreenshotwidget.h"
+const qreal HbMouseDragDelta = 0.4;
+const qreal HbRockerWidth = 50.0;
+const int MaxSweepTime = 500;
+const int SweepLength = 150;
+\class HbInputVkbWidget
+\brief A base class for touch keypads.
+This class implements default mechanisms for opening and closing touch keypads.
+It know how to operate in landscape and in portait modes and it know how
+implement split view -mechasnism for S60 QT UI's Hb library. It also implements
+closing mechansim, where used is able to close the touch keypad by sliding it downwards
+with a finger. This class also implements background drawing for touch keypads.
+/// @cond
+inline HbWidget* hbwidget_cast(QGraphicsItem *item)
+ if( item->isWidget() && static_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(item)->inherits("HbWidget") ) {
+ return static_cast<HbWidget*>(item);
+ }
+ return 0;
+: mOwner(0),
+ delete mSettingList;
+ delete mBackgroundDrawer;
+ delete mIconDrawer;
+ delete mSmileyPicker;
+ delete mScreenshotWidget;
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::init()
+ Q_Q(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ mRocker = new HbInputVirtualRocker(q);
+ mRocker->setObjectName("VirtualRocker");
+ QSizeF rockerSize(HbRockerWidth, HbRockerWidth);
+ mRocker->resize(rockerSize);
+ mRocker->setMinimumSize(HbRockerWidth, HbRockerWidth);
+ mRocker->setMaximumSize(HbRockerWidth*20, HbRockerWidth*20);
+ QObject::connect(mRocker, SIGNAL(rockerDirection(int, HbInputVirtualRocker::RockerSelectionMode)),
+ q, SIGNAL(rockerDirection(int, HbInputVirtualRocker::RockerSelectionMode)));
+ mRocker->setVisible(false);
+ mBackgroundDrawer = new HbFrameDrawer();
+ mBackgroundDrawer->setFrameGraphicsName(backgroundGraphics);
+ mBackgroundDrawer->setFrameType(HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesVertical);
+ mBackgroundDrawer->setFillWholeRect(true);
+ mBackgroundDrawer->setBorderWidths(0.0, HbCloseHandleHeight, 0.0, HbCloseHandleHeight);
+ mIconDrawer = new HbFrameDrawer();
+ mIconDrawer->setFrameType(HbFrameDrawer::OnePiece);
+ mIconDrawer->setFrameGraphicsName(HbInputVkbHandleIcon);
+ mReleaseMapper = new QSignalMapper(q);
+ mPressMapper = new QSignalMapper(q);
+ mActionMapper = new QSignalMapper(q);
+// re-implemented by inherited keyboards
+int HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::keyCode(int buttonId)
+ Q_UNUSED(buttonId);
+ return -1;
+// re-implemented by inherited keyboards
+int HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::keyCode(HbTouchKeypadButton *button)
+ Q_UNUSED(button);
+ return -1;
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::handleStandardButtonPress(int buttonid)
+ int keycode = buttonid;
+ if (buttonid >= 0) {
+ keycode = keyCode(buttonid);
+ }
+ QKeyEvent event(QEvent::KeyPress, keycode, Qt::NoModifier);
+ if (mOwner) {
+ mOwner->filterEvent(&event);
+ }
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::handleStandardButtonRelease(int buttonid)
+ int keycode = buttonid;
+ if (buttonid >= 0) {
+ keycode = keyCode(buttonid);
+ }
+ QKeyEvent event(QEvent::KeyRelease, keycode, Qt::NoModifier);
+ if (mOwner) {
+ mOwner->filterEvent(&event);
+ }
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::addCustomButtonToLayout( HbTouchKeypadButton* button,
+ int index)
+ Q_UNUSED(button);
+ Q_UNUSED(index);
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::redirectMousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *aEvent)
+ q_ptr->mousePressEvent(aEvent);
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::redirectMouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *aEvent)
+ q_ptr->mouseReleaseEvent(aEvent);
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::applyEditorConstraints() {
+ // no default implementaiton as of now.
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::setRockerPosition()
+ Q_Q(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ // Set rocker position.
+ QSizeF padArea = q->keypadButtonAreaSize();
+ QPointF point((padArea.width() * 0.5) - (mRocker->size().width() * 0.5),
+ (padArea.height() * 0.5) - (mRocker->size().height() * 0.5));
+ point.setY(point.y() + mCloseHandleHeight);
+ if (q->keypadLayout() && q->keypadLayout()->geometry().height()) {
+ point.setX(((padArea.width() * 0.5) - (mRocker->size().width() * 0.5)));
+ point.setY(((q->keypadLayout()->geometry().height() * 0.5) - (mRocker->size().height() * 0.5) + mCloseHandleHeight));
+ }
+ mRocker->setPos(point);
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::captureScreenshot()
+ Q_Q(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ if (!mScreenshotWidget) {
+ mScreenshotWidget = new HbInputScreenshotWidget();
+ mScreenshotWidget->setGeometry(q->geometry());
+ q->mainWindow()->scene()->addItem(mScreenshotWidget);
+ }
+ QPointF position = q->pos();
+ QRectF rect = QRectF(position.x(), position.y()+ mCloseHandleHeight, q->boundingRect().width(), q->boundingRect().height()- mCloseHandleHeight);
+ QTransform rotateTrans;
+ rotateTrans = q->mainWindow()->viewportTransform();
+ QRectF transRect = rotateTrans.mapRect(rect);
+ QPixmap pixmap;
+ pixmap = QPixmap::grabWidget(q->mainWindow(), (int)transRect.x(), (int)transRect.y(), (int)transRect.width(), (int)transRect.height());
+ pixmap = pixmap.transformed(rotateTrans.inverted());
+ mScreenshotWidget->setScreenshot(pixmap);
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::updateMouseHitItem(HbTouchKeypadButton *button, QPointF position)
+ mMostRecentlyAccessedButton = button;
+ mMostRecentlyClickedLocation = position;
+void HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::normalizeProbabilities(QList<HbKeyPressProbability> &allProbableKeys)
+ qreal sum = 0.0;
+ foreach (HbKeyPressProbability key, allProbableKeys) {
+ sum += key.probability;
+ }
+ for (int count=0;count<allProbableKeys.size();count++) {
+ allProbableKeys[count].probability = allProbableKeys[count].probability / sum;
+ }
+bool HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::isKeyboardDimmed()
+ return mKeyboardDimmed;
+bool HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate::isSmileysEnabled()
+ bool ret = false;
+ if (!mOwner || !mOwner->focusObject()) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (mOwner->focusObject()->editorInterface().editor()->inherits("HbAbstractEdit")) {
+ if (!mOwner->focusObject()->editorInterface().smileyTheme().isNull()) {
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ HbSmileyEngine smileyEngine;
+ if (!smileyEngine.defaultTheme().isNull()) {
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+/// @endcond
+Costructs the object.
+HbInputVkbWidget::HbInputVkbWidget(QGraphicsItem* parent)
+ : HbWidget(*new HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate, parent)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->q_ptr = this;
+ d->init();
+ setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus);
+ setPos(QPointF(0,0));
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+ HbEffect::disable(this);
+#endif // HB_EFFECTS
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
+ // Make sure the keypad never steals focus.
+ setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsPanel, true);
+ setActive(false);
+Constructs the object.
+HbInputVkbWidget::HbInputVkbWidget(HbInputVkbWidgetPrivate& dd, QGraphicsItem* parent)
+ : HbWidget(dd, parent)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->q_ptr = this;
+ d->init();
+ setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus);
+ setPos(QPointF(0,0));
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+ HbEffect::disable(this);
+#endif // HB_EFFECTS
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
+ // Make sure the keypad never steals focus.
+ setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsPanel, true);
+ setActive(false);
+Destructs the object.
+Vkb host calls this handler when the keypad open animation finishes.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::keyboardOpened(HbVkbHost *host)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mCurrentHost = host;
+ d->mRocker->setVisible(d->mShowRocker);
+ d->setRockerPosition();
+Vkb host calls this handler when the keyboard close animation has finished.
+\sa HbVkbHost
+void HbInputVkbWidget::keyboardClosed(HbVkbHost *host)
+ Q_UNUSED(host);
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mRocker->setVisible(false);
+Vkb host calls this handler when the keyboard minimize animation has finished.
+\sa HbVkbHost
+void HbInputVkbWidget::keyboardMinimized(HbVkbHost *host)
+ Q_UNUSED(host);
+handles mouse press event.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ Q_UNUSED(event);
+ if (!d->mMouseButtonPressedDown) {
+ d->mMouseButtonPressedDown = true;
+ d->mMousePressTime.start();
+ }
+Handles mouse release event.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mFlickDirection = HbFlickDirectionNone;
+ d->mMouseButtonPressedDown = false;
+ QPointF mouseDownpoint = event->buttonDownScenePos(Qt::LeftButton);
+ if (d->mCurrentHost && d->mCurrentHost->keypadStatus() != HbVkbHost::HbVkbStatusOpened &&
+ d->mCurrentHost->activeKeypad() && d->mOwner) {
+ HbWidgetFeedback::triggered(this, Hb::InstantFlicked);
+ d->mCurrentHost->openKeypad(d->mCurrentHost->activeKeypad(), d->mOwner);
+ } else if (d->mMousePressTime.elapsed() < MaxSweepTime || mouseDownpoint.y() <= scenePos().y() + d->mCloseHandleHeight) {
+ QPointF delta = event->scenePos() - mouseDownpoint;
+ qreal height;
+ if (HbInputSettingProxy::instance()->screenOrientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
+ height = geometry().height() * 0.5;
+ } else {
+ // For ITU-T, 40% of the scene height is considered.
+ height = 0.4 * geometry().height();
+ }
+ // If the user drags the mouse on keypad and the
+ // delta is greater than 10% of the height, keypad is closed
+ height = HbMouseDragDelta * height;
+ if (delta.y() > height) {
+ HbWidgetFeedback::triggered(this, Hb::InstantFlicked);
+ d->mFlickDirection = HbFlickDirectionDown;
+ emit keypadCloseEventDetected(HbVkbCloseMethodButtonDrag);
+ }
+ if (qAbs(delta.x()) > SweepLength) {
+ d->mFlickDirection = delta.x()>0 ? HbFlickDirectionRight : HbFlickDirectionLeft;
+ if (d->mFlickAnimation){
+ HbWidgetFeedback::triggered(this, Hb::InstantFlicked);
+ animKeyboardChange();
+ }
+ emit flickEvent(d->mFlickDirection);
+ }
+ }
+Handles virtual key press
+void HbInputVkbWidget::mappedKeyPress(int buttonid)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->handleStandardButtonPress(buttonid);
+Handles virtual key release
+void HbInputVkbWidget::mappedKeyRelease(int buttonid)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->handleStandardButtonRelease(buttonid);
+The paint method. Draws the widget.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
+ Q_UNUSED(option);
+ Q_UNUSED(widget);
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ QRectF rect = boundingRect();
+ if (d->mDrawbackground) {
+ d->mBackgroundDrawer->paint(painter, rect);
+ }
+ rect.setLeft(rect.width()/2 - d->mCloseHandleHeight*3);
+ rect.setWidth(d->mCloseHandleHeight*6);
+ rect.setHeight(d->mCloseHandleHeight);
+ d->mIconDrawer->paint(painter, rect);
+Sets virtual rocker visibility.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::setRockerVisible(bool visible)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mShowRocker = visible;
+Returns true if virtual rocker is allowed to be visible.
+bool HbInputVkbWidget::isRockerVisible() const
+ Q_D(const HbInputVkbWidget);
+ if (d->mShowRocker) {
+ return d->mRocker->isVisible();
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+Returns active keypad mode. Possible values are EModeAbc, EModeNumeric and EModeSct.
+HbKeypadMode HbInputVkbWidget::mode() const
+ Q_D(const HbInputVkbWidget);
+ return d->mMode;
+Returns active keypad modifiers.
+HbModifiers HbInputVkbWidget::modifiers() const
+ Q_D(const HbInputVkbWidget);
+ return d->mModifiers;
+Sets the keypad to given mode. Possible values are EModeAbc, EModeNumeric and EModeSct.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::setMode(HbKeypadMode mode, HbModifiers modifiers)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mModifiers = modifiers;
+ d->mMode = mode;
+Sets key map data object. Given key map data will be used as a source for button titles.
+Usually the key map data for active input language is used.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::setKeymap(const HbKeymap* keymap)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ if (keymap) {
+ d->mKeymap = keymap;
+ }
+This is called right before the keypad is about to open. This gives inheriting classes opportunity
+to do whatever initialization they need to do at this point.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::aboutToOpen(HbVkbHost *host)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mCurrentHost = host;
+ if (!d->mLayout) {
+ // get preferred size from vkbhost and set it to vkb.
+ // Keypad buttons will flicker while vkb opening (when we open keypad for first time )
+ // if we dont set size to vkb before seting layout to vkb.
+ resize(preferredKeyboardSize());
+ d->mLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical);
+ d->mLayout->setContentsMargins(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ d->mLayout->setSpacing(0.0);
+ setLayout(d->mLayout);
+ d->mCloseHandle = new QGraphicsWidget();
+ d->mCloseHandle->setObjectName("vkbHandle");
+ d->mCloseHandleHeight = HbCloseHandleHeight;
+ d->mCloseHandle->setMinimumHeight(d->mCloseHandleHeight);
+ d->mCloseHandle->setMaximumHeight(d->mCloseHandleHeight);
+ d->mLayout->addItem(d->mCloseHandle);
+ d->mLayout->addItem(keypadLayout());
+ }
+ if (d->mOwner && d->mOwner->focusObject()) {
+ qreal vkbZValue = d->mOwner->focusObject()->findVkbZValue();
+ setZValue(vkbZValue);
+ d->mRocker->setZValue(vkbZValue+0.5);
+ }
+ show();
+This is called right before the keypad is about to close.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::aboutToClose(HbVkbHost *host)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mCurrentHost = host;
+ d->mRocker->setVisible(false);
+ if (d->mSettingList) {
+ d->mSettingList->close();
+ }
+Enables or disabled all buttons in the keyboard that have not been disabled directly.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::setKeyboardDimmed(bool dimmed)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mKeyboardDimmed = dimmed;
+ if (keypadLayout()) {
+ int itemCount = keypadLayout()->count();
+ for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
+ HbTouchKeypadButton* button = static_cast<HbTouchKeypadButton*>(keypadLayout()->itemAt(i));
+ button->setFade(dimmed);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dimmed) {
+ // when we undimmed the keyboard, all the buttons will be enabled by default.
+ // we need to call applyEditorConstraints on the keyboard to apply constraints
+ d->applyEditorConstraints();
+ }
+Shows settings list
+void HbInputVkbWidget::showSettingList()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ HbPredictionFactory *predFactory = HbPredictionFactory::instance();
+ d->mSettingsListOpen = true;
+ d->captureScreenshot();
+ if (!d->mSettingList) {
+ d->mSettingList = new HbInputSettingList();
+ connect(d->mSettingList, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), this, SLOT(settingsClosed()));
+ connect(d->mSettingList, SIGNAL(inputSettingsButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(executeSettingsDialog()));
+ connect(d->mSettingList, SIGNAL(inputMethodsButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(executeMethodDialog()));
+ }
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
+ HbInputFocusObject *focusObject = d->mOwner->focusObject();
+ if (focusObject &&
+ focusObject->editorInterface().isPredictionAllowed() &&
+ !focusObject->editorInterface().isNumericEditor() &&
+ predFactory->predictionEngineForLanguage(HbInputSettingProxy::instance()->globalInputLanguage())) {
+ d->mSettingList->setPredictionSelectionEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ d->mSettingList->setPredictionSelectionEnabled(false);
+ }
+ d->mSettingsButton->setBackgroundAttributes(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonLatched);
+ qreal x = d->mSettingsButton->scenePos().x() + d->mSettingsButton->rect().width();
+ qreal y = d->mSettingsButton->scenePos().y();
+ d->mSettingList->setPreferredPos(QPointF(x, y), HbPopup::BottomRightCorner);
+ d->mSettingList->showSettingList();
+ d->mSettingsListOpen = false;
+ if ( d->mAnimateWhenDialogCloses ) {
+ animKeyboardChange();
+ d->mAnimateWhenDialogCloses = false;
+ } else if(d->mScreenshotTimeLine.state() != QTimeLine::Running) {
+ keypadLanguageChangeFinished();
+ }
+Slot to connect aboutToClose of settings list to update keyboard graphics.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::settingsClosed()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mSettingsButton->setBackgroundAttributes(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonReleased);
+Closes settings list
+void HbInputVkbWidget::closeSettingList()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mSettingList->close();
+ d->mSettingsButton->setBackgroundAttributes(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonReleased);
+Toggles prediction status.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::togglePredictionStatus()
+ closeSettingList();
+ bool predictionStatus = HbInputSettingProxy::instance()->predictiveInputStatus();
+ HbInputSettingProxy::instance()->setPredictiveInputStatus(!predictionStatus);
+ update();
+Executes settingsDialog
+void HbInputVkbWidget::executeSettingsDialog()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ closeSettingList();
+ HbInputSettingDialog::HbSettingItems items = HbInputSettingDialog::HbSettingItemAll;
+ if (d->mOwner->focusObject()->editorInterface().isNumericEditor()) {
+ items &= (~HbInputSettingDialog::HbSettingItemPrediction);
+ }
+ HbInputSettingDialog* settings = new HbInputSettingDialog(items);
+ d->mSettingsListOpen = true;
+ settings->exec();
+ delete settings;
+ d->mSettingsListOpen = false;
+ if ( d->mAnimateWhenDialogCloses ) {
+ animKeyboardChange();
+ d->mAnimateWhenDialogCloses = false;
+ } else {
+ keypadLanguageChangeFinished();
+ }
+Executes input method selection dialog
+void HbInputVkbWidget::executeMethodDialog()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ closeSettingList();
+ HbInputMethodDescriptor method
+ = HbInputCommonDialogs::showCustomInputMethodSelectionDialog(HbInputSettingProxy::instance()->globalInputLanguage());
+ if (!method.isEmpty() && d->mOwner) {
+ d->mOwner->activateInputMethod(method);
+ }
+Virtual function, each derived keypads should calculate and provide the
+layout information through this functions. This layout information is used
+by HbInputVkbWidget for layouting different components of vkb.
+QGraphicsLayout *HbInputVkbWidget::keypadLayout()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ return d->mButtonLayout;
+Returns the keypad in QWidget form.
+QWidget* HbInputVkbWidget::asWidget()
+ return HbInputUtils::createWrapperWidget(this);
+Returns the keypad in QGraphicsWidget form.
+QGraphicsWidget* HbInputVkbWidget::asGraphicsWidget()
+ return this;
+Returns preferred keyboard size. HbVkbHost uses this information when it opens the keyboard.
+QSizeF HbInputVkbWidget::preferredKeyboardSize()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ if (d->mCurrentHost) {
+ // Just rely on the host and return what it suggests.
+ QSizeF rect = d->mCurrentHost->keyboardArea();
+ return rect;
+ }
+ return QSizeF(0.0, 0.0);
+This method is called every time vkb host draws an opening animation frame.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::keyboardAnimationFrame(HbVkbAnimationType type, qreal x)
+ Q_UNUSED(type);
+ Q_UNUSED(x);
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->setRockerPosition();
+Returns the size of the keypad button area.
+QSizeF HbInputVkbWidget::keypadButtonAreaSize()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ QSizeF ret = preferredKeyboardSize();
+ if (ret.height() > d->mCloseHandleHeight) {
+ ret.setHeight(ret.height() - d->mCloseHandleHeight);
+ }
+ return ret;
+Sets the status of the background drawing. This method can be used to
+optimize vkb widget drawing. If it is known that the widget will cover whole
+vkb area and there are no places where the background shows through, then the background
+drawing can be turned off to speed up paint method.
+void HbInputVkbWidget::setBackgroundDrawing(bool backgroundEnabled)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mDrawbackground = backgroundEnabled;
+Returns all possible keys those the user could have intended to press
+for the last registered touch along with their corresponding probability.
+One issue of thecurrent API implementation is that it does not always
+sum up the probabilities to 1.0, but sometimes it returns.999999899 etc.
+Need to be careful about it!
+QList<HbKeyPressProbability> HbInputVkbWidget::probableKeypresses()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ QList<HbKeyPressProbability> probableKeys;
+ int totalItems = d->mButtonLayout->count();
+ QRectF buttonRect = d->mMostRecentlyAccessedButton->geometry();
+ //The overlaying rectangle is the test rectangle that is used for finding
+ //intersactions with other buttons.
+ QRectF overlayingRect(d->mMostRecentlyClickedLocation.x()-buttonRect.width()/2,d->mMostRecentlyClickedLocation.y()-buttonRect.height()/2, buttonRect.width(), buttonRect.height());
+ QPainterPath path(overlayingRect.topLeft());
+ path.addRect(overlayingRect);
+ for(int count=0; count < totalItems; count++) {
+ QGraphicsItem *item = d->mButtonLayout->itemAt(count)->graphicsItem();
+ QPainterPath testPath = item->mapFromScene(path);
+ HbTouchKeypadButton *buttonItem = 0;
+ if(item->isWidget()){
+ buttonItem = qobject_cast<HbTouchKeypadButton *>(static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(item));
+ }
+ if(!buttonItem) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Checkif the button collides with the path, if yes,it means that the colliding
+ //key also could have been clicked by the user. The probability of the button being
+ //clickedin that case willdependon the area of the intersaction rectangle.
+ if(buttonItem->collidesWithPath(testPath)) {
+ //Initiallylet the intersaction be same as the overlaying rectangle,later we will
+ //shrink the rectangle and find the actual intersected rectangle.
+ QRectF intersactionRect = overlayingRect;
+ //The overlaying rectangle is in scene coordinates, map it to the item coordinates.
+ intersactionRect.moveTopLeft(buttonItem->mapFromScene(overlayingRect.topLeft()));
+ int width = (int)intersactionRect.width();
+ int height = (int)intersactionRect.height();
+ qreal probability = 0.0;
+ //Shrink based on the size of the intersaction
+ if (intersactionRect.topLeft().x() > 0) {
+ width -= (int)intersactionRect.topLeft().x();
+ } else {
+ width += (int)intersactionRect.topLeft().x();
+ }
+ if (intersactionRect.topLeft().y() > 0) {
+ height -= (int)intersactionRect.topLeft().y();
+ } else {
+ height += (int)intersactionRect.topLeft().y();
+ }
+ //The probabilty of the key is based on the intersaction area.
+ probability = (height * width) / (intersactionRect.width()* intersactionRect.height());
+ HbKeyPressProbability probablekey;
+ probablekey.keycode = d->keyCode(buttonItem);
+ probablekey.probability = probability;
+ if(probablekey.keycode && (probablekey.probability>0)) {
+ probableKeys.append(probablekey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Normalize makes sure that all probability summation is 1.0.
+ d->normalizeProbabilities(probableKeys);
+ return probableKeys;
+Sets up the common buttons in the tool cluster (settings and application buttons).
+void HbInputVkbWidget::setupToolCluster()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ if(!d->mOwner || !d->mOwner->focusObject()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create settings button if it does not exist
+ if (!d->mSettingsButton) {
+ d->mSettingsButton = new HbTouchKeypadButton(this, QString(""));
+ d->mInputModeIndicator = new HbInputModeIndicator(*d->mSettingsButton, this);
+ d->mSettingsButton->setButtonType(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonFunction);
+ d->mSettingsButton->setBackgroundAttributes(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonReleased);
+ connect(d->mSettingsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showSettingList()));
+ connect(d->mSettingsButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), d->mPressMapper, SLOT(map()));
+ connect(d->mSettingsButton, SIGNAL(released()), d->mReleaseMapper, SLOT(map()));
+ d->mPressMapper->setMapping(d->mSettingsButton, -1);
+ d->mReleaseMapper->setMapping(d->mSettingsButton, -1);
+ } else {
+ d->mInputModeIndicator->updateIndicator();
+ }
+ // If there's a application specific button defined, create new button with the properties
+ // or update the existing one. Otherwise create an empty button or clean the properties of an existing one.
+ if (!d->mOwner->focusObject()->editorInterface().actions().isEmpty()) {
+ QList<HbAction*> actions = d->mOwner->focusObject()->editorInterface().actions();
+ if (d->mApplicationButtonAction != actions.first()) {
+ if (d->mApplicationButton) {
+ d->mApplicationButton->setText(actions.first()->text());
+ d->mApplicationButton->setIcon(actions.first()->icon());
+ d->mApplicationButton->disconnect(SIGNAL(clicked()));
+ d->mApplicationButton->disconnect(SIGNAL(pressed()));
+ d->mApplicationButton->disconnect(SIGNAL(released()));
+ // disconnects old signal
+ disconnect(d->mApplicationButtonAction, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(refreshApplicationButton()));
+ disconnect(d->mApplicationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->mApplicationButtonAction, SLOT(trigger()));
+ } else {
+ d->mApplicationButton = new HbTouchKeypadButton(this, actions.first()->icon(), actions.first()->text());
+ }
+ d->mApplicationButtonAction = actions.first();
+ // Connect to enabling signal and check its value
+ connect(actions.first(), SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(refreshApplicationButton()));
+ if (actions.first()->isEnabled()) {
+ // action is enabled
+ connect(d->mApplicationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->mApplicationButtonAction, SLOT(trigger()));
+ connect(d->mApplicationButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), d->mPressMapper, SLOT(map()));
+ connect(d->mApplicationButton, SIGNAL(released()), d->mReleaseMapper, SLOT(map()));
+ d->mPressMapper->setMapping(d->mApplicationButton, -1);
+ d->mReleaseMapper->setMapping(d->mApplicationButton, -1);
+ d->mApplicationButton->setToolTip(actions.first()->toolTip());
+ d->mApplicationButton->setButtonType(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonFunction);
+ d->mApplicationButton->setBackgroundAttributes(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonReleased);
+ } else {
+ // action is disabled
+ d->mApplicationButton->setButtonType(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonFnInActive);
+ d->mApplicationButton->setBackgroundAttributes(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonPressed);
+ }
+ d->mApplicationButton->setToolTip(actions.first()->toolTip());
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (d->mApplicationButton) {
+ if (d->mApplicationButtonAction) {
+ disconnect(d->mApplicationButtonAction, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(refreshApplicationButton()));
+ }
+ d->mApplicationButton->disconnect(SIGNAL(clicked()));
+ d->mApplicationButton->disconnect(SIGNAL(pressed()));
+ d->mApplicationButton->disconnect(SIGNAL(released()));
+ d->mApplicationButton->setText(QString());
+ d->mApplicationButton->setIcon(HbIcon());
+ d->mApplicationButton->setToolTip(QString());
+ d->mApplicationButtonAction = 0;
+ } else {
+ d->mApplicationButton = new HbTouchKeypadButton(this, QString());
+ d->mApplicationButton->setButtonType(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonFunction);
+ d->mApplicationButton->setBackgroundAttributes(HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonReleased);
+ }
+ d->mApplicationButtonAction = NULL;
+ }
+shape function actually refines the bounding rect. This function is used for collision detection
+and hit test.
+QPainterPath HbInputVkbWidget::shape() const
+ QRectF rect = boundingRect();
+ QPainterPath path;
+ path.addRect(rect);
+ return path;
+QSizeF HbInputVkbWidget::minimizedKeyboardSize()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ return QSizeF(0.0, d->mCloseHandleHeight);
+void HbInputVkbWidget::showSmileyPicker(int rows, int columns)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ if (!d->mOwner || !d->mOwner->focusObject()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // check whether the smiley recognition is enabled in the currently focused editor.
+ if (!d->isSmileysEnabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ HbInputFocusObject *focusObject = d->mOwner->focusObject();
+ if (!d->mSmileyPicker || d->mFocusedObject != focusObject) {
+ d->mFocusedObject = focusObject;
+ if (d->mSmileyPicker) {
+ delete d->mSmileyPicker;
+ }
+ // get the smiley list from editor interface smiley theme.
+ QStringList smileys = focusObject->editorInterface().smileyTheme().smileys();
+ // if the smiley list is empty and the editor is not a Hb editor,
+ // then get the default smiley list from smiley engine.
+ if (smileys.isEmpty() && !focusObject->editorInterface().editor()->inherits("HbAbstractEdit")) {
+ HbSmileyEngine smileyEngine;
+ smileys = smileyEngine.defaultTheme().smileys();
+ }
+ if (!smileys.isEmpty()) {
+ d->mSmileyPicker = new HbInputSmileyPicker(rows, columns, 0, smileys);
+ d->mSmileyPicker->setObjectName("vkbwidget_smiley_picker");
+ connect(d->mSmileyPicker, SIGNAL(selected(QString)), this, SIGNAL(smileySelected(QString)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (d->mSmileyPicker) {
+ d->mSmileyPicker->setGeometry(QRectF(0, pos().y(), geometry().width(),
+ geometry().height()));
+ d->mSmileyPicker->show();
+ }
+HbInputVkbWidget::HbFlickDirection HbInputVkbWidget::flickDirection()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ return d->mFlickDirection;
+ Intended for internal use only
+void HbInputVkbWidget::refreshApplicationButton()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ d->mApplicationButton->setText(d->mApplicationButtonAction->text());
+ d->mApplicationButton->setIcon(d->mApplicationButtonAction->icon());
+ if (d->mApplicationButton->getButtonType() == HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonFnInActive
+ && d->mApplicationButtonAction->isEnabled()) {
+ // action has been enabled
+ connect(d->mApplicationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->mApplicationButtonAction, SLOT(trigger()));
+ d->mApplicationButton->setToolTip(d->mApplicationButtonAction->toolTip());
+ d->mApplicationButton->setFade(false);
+ } else if (d->mApplicationButton->getButtonType() == HbTouchKeypadButton::HbTouchButtonFunction
+ && !d->mApplicationButtonAction->isEnabled()) {
+ // action has been disabled
+ d->mApplicationButton->disconnect(SIGNAL(clicked()));
+ d->mApplicationButton->setFade(true);
+ }
+void HbInputVkbWidget::keypadLanguageChangeAnimationUpdate(qreal aValue)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ int direction = 1;
+ if (flickDirection() == HbFlickDirectionLeft) {
+ direction = -1;
+ }
+ QRectF rect = boundingRect();
+ QPointF position = pos();
+ position.setX(direction * (-rect.width() + rect.width() * aValue));
+ if (d->mScreenshotWidget) {
+ d->mScreenshotWidget->setPos(position.x() + direction * rect.width(), position.y());
+ setPos(position);
+ }
+void HbInputVkbWidget::keypadLanguageChangeFinished()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ delete d->mScreenshotWidget;
+ d->mScreenshotWidget = NULL;
+void HbInputVkbWidget::animKeyboardChange()
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ if (mainWindow()) {
+ if (d->mSettingsListOpen){
+ d->mAnimateWhenDialogCloses = true;
+ } else {
+ if (!d->mAnimateWhenDialogCloses) {
+ d->captureScreenshot();
+ }
+ connect(&d->mScreenshotTimeLine, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), this, SLOT(keypadLanguageChangeAnimationUpdate(qreal)));
+ connect(&d->mScreenshotTimeLine, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(keypadLanguageChangeFinished()));
+ d->mScreenshotTimeLine.start();
+ }
+ }
+QSizeF HbInputVkbWidget::sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint) const
+ Q_UNUSED(constraint);
+ Q_D(const HbInputVkbWidget);
+ QSizeF sh;
+ switch (which) {
+ case Qt::MinimumSize:
+ sh = QSizeF(0, 0);
+ break;
+ case Qt::PreferredSize:
+ if (d->mCurrentHost) {
+ sh = d->mCurrentHost->keyboardArea();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::MaximumSize:
+ break;
+ default:
+ qWarning("HbInputVkbWidget::sizeHint(): Don't know how to handle the value of 'which'");
+ break;
+ }
+ return sh;
+ \reimp
+ */
+void HbInputVkbWidget::changeEvent(QEvent *event)
+ Q_D(HbInputVkbWidget);
+ if (event->type() == HbEvent::ThemeChanged) {
+ d->mBackgroundDrawer->themeChanged();
+ d->mIconDrawer->themeChanged();
+ }
+ HbWidget::changeEvent(event);
+// End of file