changeset 0 16d8024aca5e
child 1 f7ac710697a9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/hbwidgets/itemviews/hbabstractviewitem.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:02:13 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
+** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "hbabstractviewitem_p.h"
+#include <hbabstractviewitem.h>
+#include <hbabstractitemview.h>
+#include <hbnamespace.h>
+#include <hbstyleoptionabstractviewitem.h>
+#include <hbstyle.h>
+#include <hbiconitem.h>
+#include <hbframebackground.h>
+#include <hbtextitem.h>
+#include <QPersistentModelIndex>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QEvent>
+#include <QDebug>
+const QString KDefaultLayoutOption = "default";
+const int HbAbstractViewItemShared::ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent = QEvent::registerEventType();
+    @alpha
+    @hbwidgets
+    \class HbAbstractViewItem
+    \brief The HbAbstractViewItem class represents a single item in a AbstractItemView.  
+    The HbAbstractViewItem class provides an item that is used by HbAbstractItemView class to
+    visualize content within single model index. By default HbAbstractViewItem supports QString
+    that is stored into Qt::DisplayRole role and QIcon or HbIcon that is stored into
+    Qt::DecoratorRole role within the index. 
+    This class is provided mainly for customization purposes but it also acts as a default
+    item prototype inside HbAbstractItemView. See HbAbstractItemView how to set customized class as a item prototype.
+    \b Subclassing
+    When subclassing HbAbstractViewItem, childclass must provide implementations of createItem() and updateChildItems() functions.
+    To support multiple Abstractview items within single AbstractItemview, you must also provide an implementation of canSetModelIndex().
+    If derived abstract view item has transient state information that is not meaningful to store within model index (child item cursor 
+    position selection areas etc.) view item can use abstract views internal state model to store this information. This feature can
+    be taken into use by implementing state() and setState() functions in derived class.
+    \enum HbAbstractViewItem::StateKey
+    HbAbstractViewItem's predefined set of state keys.
+    This enum describes state keys for HbAbstractViewItem state values. State value can be accessed using this key.
+    \var HbAbstractViewItem::FocusKey
+         Predefined key for focus state value.
+    \var HbAbstractViewItem::UserKey
+         First key that can be used by the derived class for it's own purposes.
+    \fn HbAbstractViewItem::createItem 
+    Creates a new item. 
+    In most subclasses, createItem should be implemented like this:
+    \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/customlistviewitem.cpp,1}
+void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::init()
+    Q_Q(HbAbstractViewItem);
+    q->setProperty("state", "normal");
+    if (isPrototype()) {
+        q->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus);
+    } else {
+        QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlags itemFlags = q->flags();
+        itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable;
+        q->setFlags(itemFlags);
+        q->setFocusPolicy(mSharedData->mPrototype->focusPolicy());
+        mSharedData->mCloneItems.append(q);
+    }
+int HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::modelItemType() const
+    return;
+void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::_q_animationFinished(const HbEffect::EffectStatus &status)
+    Q_UNUSED(status);
+    Q_Q(HbAbstractViewItem);
+    if (mFocusItem) {
+        QCoreApplication::postEvent(q, new QEvent((QEvent::Type)HbAbstractViewItemShared::ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent));
+    }
+void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::repolishCloneItems()
+    int count(mSharedData->mCloneItems.count());
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+        mSharedData->>repolish();
+    }
+void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::updateCloneItems()
+    int count(mSharedData->mCloneItems.count());
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+        mSharedData->>updatePrimitives();
+    }
+void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::setInsidePopup(bool insidePopup)
+    Q_Q(HbAbstractViewItem);
+    HbWidgetPrivate::setInsidePopup(insidePopup);
+    if (q) {
+        themingPending = true;
+        q->updatePrimitives();
+        q->repolish();
+    }
+    Constructs an abstract view item with the given parent.
+HbAbstractViewItem::HbAbstractViewItem(QGraphicsItem *parent) : 
+    HbWidget( *new HbAbstractViewItemPrivate( this ), parent )
+    Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
+    d->q_ptr = this;
+    d->init();
+    Creates a separate graphics widget with same Abstract view item state as \a source.
+HbAbstractViewItem::HbAbstractViewItem( HbAbstractViewItemPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem *parent):
+                    HbWidget( dd, parent )
+    Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
+    d->q_ptr = this;
+    d->init();
+    Creates a separate graphics widget with same abstract view item state as \a source.
+HbAbstractViewItem::HbAbstractViewItem(const HbAbstractViewItem &source) :
+    HbWidget(*new HbAbstractViewItemPrivate(*source.d_func()), 0)
+    Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
+    d->q_ptr = this;
+    d->init();
+    Assigns the \a source abstract view item to this abstract view item and returns a reference to this item.
+HbAbstractViewItem &HbAbstractViewItem::operator=(const HbAbstractViewItem &source)
+    Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
+    *d = *source.d_func();
+    return *this;
+    Destructor.
+    HB_SDD(HbAbstractViewItem);
+    if (d && !d->isPrototype()) {
+        sd->mCloneItems.removeOne(this);
+    }
+    Returns true if \a model index is supported by Abstract view item, otherwise returns false.
+    This function is called for every item on the prototype list (, if several prototypes exist)
+    until item is found, which can create item for \a index. The prototype list is gone 
+    through from end to the beginning. 
+    Thus specialized prototypes should be in the end of the list and 
+    'default' prototype first one. The specialized prototypes usually can create only
+    certain types of list view items. The default prototype usually return always true,
+    meaning that it can create any type of list view item. 
+    \sa HbAbstractItemView::setItemPrototype(HbAbstractViewItem *prototype), HbAbstractItemView::setItemPrototype(const QList<HbAbstractViewItem *> &prototypes)
+bool HbAbstractViewItem::canSetModelIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const
+    Q_UNUSED(index);
+    return true;
+    Returns model index tied into this Abstract view item.
+QModelIndex HbAbstractViewItem::modelIndex() const
+    Q_D( const HbAbstractViewItem );
+    return d->mIndex;
+    \deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::type() const
+        is deprecated.
+    \reimp
+int HbAbstractViewItem::type() const
+    qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::type() const is deprecated");
+    return Hb::ItemType_AbstractViewItem;
+    Sets model \a index where this Abstract view item should retrieve it's content.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::setModelIndex(const QModelIndex &index)
+    Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
+    if (d->mIndex != index) {
+        d->mIndex = index;
+        updateChildItems();
+    }
+    \deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::receivedFocus()
+        is deprecated.
+    Called when item has received focus.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::receivedFocus()
+    qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::receivedFocus() is deprecated!");
+    Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
+    d->mFocused = true;
+    \deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::lostFocus()
+        is deprecated.
+    Called when item has lost focus.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::lostFocus()
+    qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::lostFocus() is deprecated!");
+    Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
+    d->mFocused = false;
+    \deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::isFocused() const
+        is deprecated.
+    Retuns true if item is currently focused, otherwise return false.
+bool HbAbstractViewItem::isFocused() const
+    qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::isFocused() is deprecated!");
+    Q_D( const HbAbstractViewItem );
+    return d->mFocused;
+    Returns the saved item's transient state. Transient state can be seen as a state data that is 
+    wanted to be preserved but it not meaningful to be stored inside model index because of it's
+    momentary nature. States will be saved inside AbstractItemview and restored when current model index is
+    assigned to certain Abstract view item.
+QMap<int,QVariant> HbAbstractViewItem::state() const
+    Q_D( const HbAbstractViewItem );
+    QMap<int,QVariant> state;
+    state.insert(FocusKey, d->mFocused);
+    state.insert(CheckStateKey, d->mCheckState);
+    return state;
+    Restores the item's transient state using given \a state data.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::setState(const QMap<int,QVariant> &state)
+    Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
+    if (state.contains(FocusKey)) {
+        d->mFocused = state.value(FocusKey).toBool();
+    } else {
+        d->mFocused = false; 
+    }
+    if (state.contains(CheckStateKey)) {
+        d->mCheckState = (Qt::CheckState)state.value(CheckStateKey).toInt();
+    } else {
+        d->mCheckState = Qt::Unchecked;
+    }
+    Returns a pointer to HbAbstractViewItem prototype that was used to create this
+    view item.
+HbAbstractViewItem *HbAbstractViewItem::prototype() const
+    HB_SDD( const HbAbstractViewItem );
+    return sd->mPrototype;
+    Sets \a AbstractItemView that contains the Abstract view item.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::setItemView( HbAbstractItemView *itemView )
+    HB_SDD( HbAbstractViewItem );
+    sd->mItemView = itemView;
+    Returns item view that contains the item view item.
+HbAbstractItemView *HbAbstractViewItem::itemView() const
+    HB_SDD( const HbAbstractViewItem );
+    return sd->mItemView;
+    Populates a style option object for this widget based on its current state, and stores the output in \a option.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::initStyleOption(HbStyleOptionAbstractViewItem *option) const
+    HB_SDD( const HbAbstractViewItem );
+    HbWidget::initStyleOption(option);
+    option->modelItemType = d->mModelItemType;
+    option->index = d->mIndex;
+    option->viewItemType = type();
+    option->checkState = d->mCheckState;
+    option->background = d->mBackground;
+    if (!option->background.isValid()) {
+        if (option->modelItemType == Hb::StandardItem 
+            && !sd->mDefaultFrame.isNull()) {
+            option->background = sd->mDefaultFrame;
+        }
+    }
+    if (d->mPressed) {
+        option->state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
+    }
+    if (    sd->mItemView
+        &&  sd->mItemView->selectionMode() == HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection){
+        option->singleSelectionMode = true;
+    }
+    option->insidePopup = testAttribute(Hb::InsidePopup);
+    Check whether \a scenePosition of pressed down is inside selection area of view item in current selection mode.
+    Default selection areas are for
+    \li HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection mode: whole item
+    \li HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection mode: touch area of selection icon. 
+        Touch are is represented by primitive HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection.
+    \li HbAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection mode: touch area of selection icon. 
+        Touch are is represented by primitive HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection.
+    \li HbAbstractItemView::NoSelection mode: none
+bool HbAbstractViewItem::selectionAreaContains(const QPointF &scenePosition) const
+    HB_SDD(const HbAbstractViewItem);
+    bool contains = false;
+    if (sd->mItemView) {
+        switch (sd->mItemView->selectionMode()) {
+            case HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection: 
+                contains = true;
+                break;
+            case HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection: 
+                // fall through
+            case HbAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection: {
+                // TODO: put assert back in action, when official layouts in use
+                /*Q_ASSERT_X(     d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea 
+                            &&  d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().size().width() > 0 
+                            &&  d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().size().height() > 0, "", "HbAbstractViewItem::selectionAreaContains(): d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea should exist");
+                */
+                if(     d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea 
+                    &&  d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().size().width() > 0 
+                    &&  d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().size().height() > 0) {
+                    contains = d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().contains(
+                                    d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->mapFromScene(scenePosition));
+                } else {
+                    contains = d->mSelectionItem->boundingRect().contains(
+                                    d->mSelectionItem->mapFromScene(scenePosition));
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    return contains;
+    \reimp
+bool HbAbstractViewItem::event(QEvent *e)
+    if (e) {
+        switch (e->type()) {
+            case QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize: {
+                Q_D(HbAbstractViewItem );
+                if (d->mBackgroundItem || d->mFrame || d->mFocusItem) {
+                    HbStyleOptionAbstractViewItem styleOption;
+                    initStyleOption(&styleOption);
+                    if (d->mFocusItem) {
+                        style()->updatePrimitive(d->mFocusItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus, &styleOption);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange: {
+                repolish();
+                break;
+            }
+            default: {
+                if (e->type() == HbAbstractViewItemShared::ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent) {
+                    // cannot handle ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent in the case statement!
+                    Q_D(HbAbstractViewItem);
+                    delete d->mFocusItem;
+                    d->mFocusItem = 0;
+               }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        return HbWidget::event(e);
+    }
+    return false;
+  Provides access to primitives of HbAbstractViewItem.
+  \param primitive is the type of the requested primitive. The available primitives are 
+  \c P_ItemViewItem_background
+  \c P_ItemViewItem_frame
+  \c P_ItemViewItem_selection
+  \c P_ItemViewItem_focus
+  \c P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection.
+ */
+QGraphicsItem *HbAbstractViewItem::primitive(HbStyle::Primitive primitive) const
+    Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
+    if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_background) {
+        return d->mBackgroundItem;
+    } else if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_frame) {
+        return d->mFrame;
+    } else if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_selection) {
+        return d->mSelectionItem;
+    } else if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus) {
+        return d->mFocusItem;
+    } else if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection) {
+        return d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea;
+    }
+    return HbWidget::primitive(primitive);
+    \reimp
+    To optimise loading css/xml definitions to take place only once, this function should be
+    called only after other primitives (child items) has been created.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::updatePrimitives()
+    Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem);
+    HbWidget::updatePrimitives();
+    // For debugging primitives
+#if 0
+    {
+        QStringList listClasses;
+        listClasses << "HbTreeViewItem";
+        const QMetaObject *meta = metaObject();
+        int count = listClasses.count();
+        for (int i=0; i< count; i++) {
+            if ( meta->className() == {
+                qDebug() << "HbAbstractViewItem::updatePrimitives(): widget, row, item count, check state" 
+                    << << modelIndex().row() << childItems().count() << d->mCheckState;;
+                int count = childItems().count();
+                for (int i=0; i< count; i++) {
+                    if (childItems().at(i)) {
+                        HbTextItem *textItem = 0;
+                        if (childItems().at(i)->isWidget()) {
+                            textItem = qobject_cast<HbTextItem*>(static_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(childItems().at(i)));
+                        }
+                        if (textItem) {
+                            qDebug() << "  item #, item name, id: " << i << childItems().at(i)->data(0xfffe).toString() << textItem->text();
+                        } else {
+                            qDebug() << "  item #, item name: " << i << childItems().at(i)->data(0xfffe).toString();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    HbStyleOptionAbstractViewItem styleOption;
+    initStyleOption(&styleOption);
+    if (d->mBackgroundItem) {
+        style()->updatePrimitive(d->mBackgroundItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_background, &styleOption);
+    }
+    if (d->mFrame) {
+        style()->updatePrimitive(d->mFrame, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_frame, &styleOption);
+    }
+    if (d->mSelectionItem) {
+        style()->updatePrimitive(d->mSelectionItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_selection, &styleOption);
+    }
+    if (d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea) {
+        style()->updatePrimitive(d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection, &styleOption);
+    }
+    if (d->mFocusItem) {
+        style()->updatePrimitive(d->mFocusItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus, &styleOption);
+    }
+    Updates child graphics items to represent current state and content. 
+    \note It is a good habit to reuse child items as much as possible as this improves
+    performance, especially when item recycling is used. 
+    Most of the HbAbstractViewItem derived classes inside Hb library are optimised for performance.
+    Layout files are loaded only if child items are created or deleted. Loading layout
+    files is triggered by calling HbWidget::repolish(). 
+    Classes deriving from HbAbstractViewItem outside Hb, should either always call explicitly
+    repolish() or if they are also optimised for performance only when child items are created or deleted
+    in the custom view item.
+    Here is an example of custom view item that reuses its child items. The custom view item does not
+    create or delete child items.
+    \snippet{ultimatecodesnippet/customlistviewitem.cpp,2}
+    \sa HbWidget::polish()
+void HbAbstractViewItem::updateChildItems()
+    HB_SDD(HbAbstractViewItem);
+    int itemType = d->modelItemType();
+    if (itemType != d->mModelItemType) {
+        d->mModelItemType = itemType;
+        d->mItemsChanged = true;
+        d->themingPending = true;
+    }
+    // background
+    QVariant currentBackground = d->;
+    if (currentBackground != d->mBackground) {
+        d->mBackground = currentBackground;
+        if (currentBackground.canConvert<HbIcon>() 
+            || currentBackground.canConvert<QBrush>()) {
+            if (!d->mBackgroundItem) {  
+                d->mItemsChanged = true;
+                d->mBackgroundItem = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_background, this);
+            }
+        } 
+        else if (currentBackground.canConvert<HbFrameBackground>()) {
+            if (!d->mFrame) {
+                d->mItemsChanged = true;
+                d->mFrame = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_frame, this);
+            }
+            if (d->mBackgroundItem) {
+                d->mItemsChanged = true;
+                delete d->mBackgroundItem;
+                d->mBackgroundItem = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if (d->mBackgroundItem) {
+                d->mItemsChanged = true;
+                delete d->mBackgroundItem;
+                d->mBackgroundItem = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (!d->mFrame) { // frame should always exists
+        d->mItemsChanged = true;
+        d->mFrame = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_frame, this);
+    }
+    GraphicsItemFlags itemFlags = flags();
+    Qt::ItemFlags indexFlags = d->mIndex.flags();
+    if (indexFlags & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) {
+        if (!(itemFlags & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable)) {
+            itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable;
+            setFocusPolicy(sd->mPrototype->focusPolicy());
+            setProperty("state", "normal");
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (itemFlags & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable) {
+            itemFlags &= ~QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable;
+            setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
+            setProperty("state", "disabled");
+        }
+    }
+    // selection
+    HbAbstractItemView::SelectionMode selectionMode = HbAbstractItemView::NoSelection;
+    if (sd->mItemView) {
+        selectionMode = sd->mItemView->selectionMode();
+    }
+    bool previousSelectable = itemFlags & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable;
+    bool itemSelectable = false;
+    if (indexFlags & Qt::ItemIsSelectable 
+        && selectionMode != HbAbstractItemView::NoSelection
+        && indexFlags & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) {
+        itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable;
+        itemSelectable = true;
+    } else {
+        itemFlags &= ~QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable;
+    }
+    if (previousSelectable != itemSelectable) {
+        if (itemSelectable) {
+            if (!d->mSelectionItem) {
+                d->mItemsChanged = true;
+                d->mSelectionItem = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_selection, this);
+            }
+        } else {
+            d->mItemsChanged = true;
+            delete d->mSelectionItem;
+            d->mSelectionItem = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    setFlags(itemFlags);
+    // multiselection area
+    if (    itemSelectable 
+        &&  (   selectionMode == HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection
+            ||  selectionMode == HbAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection)) {
+        if (!d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea) {
+            d->mItemsChanged = true;
+            d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection, this);
+        }
+    } else if (d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea) {
+        d->mItemsChanged = true;
+        delete d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea;
+        d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea = 0;
+    }
+    // items visibility or items content has really changed
+    d->mSizeHintPolish = false;
+    updatePrimitives();
+    if (!d->mContentChangedSupported
+        || d->mItemsChanged) {
+        updateGeometry();   // ensures that sizehint is calculated again in case items have been created or deleted
+        d->mRepolishRequested = true;
+        repolish();
+    }
+    d->mItemsChanged = false;
+    Sets the check state of the view item to state.
+    \sa checkState().
+void HbAbstractViewItem::setCheckState(Qt::CheckState state)
+    Q_D(HbAbstractViewItem);
+    if (state != d->mCheckState) {
+        d->mCheckState = state;
+        updatePrimitives();
+    }
+    Returns the checked state of the view item (see Qt::CheckState).
+    \sa setCheckState().
+Qt::CheckState HbAbstractViewItem::checkState() const
+    Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
+    return d->mCheckState;
+    \deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::setPressed(bool, bool)
+        is deprecated.
+    Sets the item press state to \a pressed. Animation is allowed
+    if \a animate is set as true; otherwise animation should not
+    be triggered.
+    \sa isPressed, pressStateChanged
+void HbAbstractViewItem::setPressed(bool pressed, bool animate)
+    qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::setPressed(bool pressed, bool animate) is deprecated!");
+    Q_D(HbAbstractViewItem);
+    if (pressed != d->mPressed) {
+        d->mPressed = pressed;
+        pressStateChanged(d->mPressed, animate);
+        if (d->mPressed) {
+            setProperty("state", "pressed");
+        } else {
+            setProperty("state", "normal");
+        }
+    }
+    This function is called whenever item press state changes. \a pressed is new state.
+    Animation is allowed if \a animate is set as true; otherwise animation should not
+    be triggered.
+    Default implementation creates focus frame if item is currently pressed 
+    and deletes the focus frame if item is not anymore pressed. It also triggers
+    default animations.
+    \sa setPressed
+void HbAbstractViewItem::pressStateChanged(bool pressed, bool animate)
+    HB_SDD(HbAbstractViewItem);
+    bool doAnimate = animate;
+    if (sd->mItemView && !(sd->mItemView->enabledAnimations() & HbAbstractItemView::TouchDown)) {
+        doAnimate = false;
+    }
+    if (pressed) {
+        if (!d->mFocusItem) {
+            d->mFocusItem = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus, this);
+        }
+        HbStyleOptionAbstractViewItem styleOption;
+        initStyleOption(&styleOption);
+        style()->updatePrimitive(d->mFocusItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus, &styleOption);
+        if (doAnimate) {
+            HbEffect::cancel(this, "released");
+            HbEffect::cancel(d->mFocusItem, "released");
+            HbEffect::start(this, sd->mItemType, "pressed");
+            HbEffect::start(d->mFocusItem, sd->mItemType + QString("-focus"), "pressed");
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (doAnimate) {
+            HbEffect::cancel(this, "pressed");
+            HbEffect::cancel(d->mFocusItem, "pressed");
+            HbEffect::start(this, sd->mItemType, "released");
+            HbEffect::start(d->mFocusItem, sd->mItemType + QString("-focus"), "released", this, "_q_animationFinished");
+        } else {
+            QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent((QEvent::Type)HbAbstractViewItemShared::ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent));
+        }
+    }
+    \deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::isPressed() const
+        is deprecated.
+    Returns true if the item is pressed; otherwise returns false
+    \sa setPressed
+bool HbAbstractViewItem::isPressed() const
+    qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::isPressed() const is deprecated!");
+    Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
+    return d->mPressed;
+    Returns the model item type that is retrieved from model index.
+Hb::ModelItemType HbAbstractViewItem::modelItemType() const
+    Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
+    return (Hb::ModelItemType)d->mModelItemType;
+    \reimp
+void HbAbstractViewItem::polish(HbStyleParameters& params)
+    HB_SDD(HbAbstractViewItem);
+	if (!d->polished && layout()) {
+		return;
+	}
+    if (d->mSizeHintPolish) {
+        d->mSizeHintPolish = false;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (sd->mItemView) {
+        setProperty("layoutName", sd->mItemView->layoutName());
+    }
+    d->mRepolishRequested = false;
+    HbWidget::polish(params);
+    // TODO Brush background is overridden by css system even if bursh would not be set
+    // explicitly by css/xml. This is feature, which will change
+    // later in css system. Workaround for it. This overrides the background brush set by css. 
+    {
+        if (d->mBackground.isValid() 
+            && d->mBackground.canConvert<QBrush>() 
+            && d->mBackgroundItem
+            && d->mBackgroundItem->isWidget()) {
+            qgraphicsitem_cast<HbIconItem *>(static_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(d->mBackgroundItem))->setBrush(d->mBackground.value<QBrush>());
+        } 
+    }
+    \reimp
+    The default implementation ignores all mouse press events.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+    event->ignore();
+    \reimp
+    The default implementation ignores all mouse move events.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+    event->ignore();
+    \reimp
+    The default implementation ignores all mouse release events.
+void HbAbstractViewItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+    event->ignore();
+    \reimp
+QSizeF HbAbstractViewItem::sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint) const
+    Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
+    if (d->mRepolishRequested) {
+        // force the polish event in order to get the real size
+        const_cast<HbAbstractViewItemPrivate *>(d)->mRepolishRequested = false;
+        QEvent polishEvent(QEvent::Polish);
+        QCoreApplication::sendEvent(const_cast<HbAbstractViewItem *>(this), &polishEvent);
+        // HbAbstractItemView::scrollByAmount() [recycleItems()]
+        // causes updateChildItems() to be called, which posts Polish to be posted via repolish().
+        // Next statement in the scrollByAmount() [refreshContainerGeometry()]
+        // causes synchronous call of this method. This is a quick way to disable another
+        // ::polish() to be called.
+        d->mSizeHintPolish = true;
+    }
+    return HbWidget::sizeHint(which, constraint);
+    Sets the default frame for standard view items as \a frame.  
+    This method will change the used frame for
+    all view items that represent model index with Hb::StandardItem type.
+    Input parameter with empty graphicsName string will remove the frame.
+    Input parameter with null graphicsName string will restore the default frame.
+    \sa defaultFrame
+void HbAbstractViewItem::setDefaultFrame(const HbFrameBackground &frame)
+    HB_SDD(HbAbstractViewItem);
+    if (sd->mDefaultFrame != frame) {
+        sd->mDefaultFrame = frame;
+        int count(sd->mCloneItems.count());
+        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+            sd->>updatePrimitives();
+        }
+    }
+    Returns the current default frame.
+    \sa setDefaultFrame
+HbFrameBackground HbAbstractViewItem::defaultFrame() const
+    HB_SDD(const HbAbstractViewItem);
+    return sd->mDefaultFrame;
+#include "moc_hbabstractviewitem.cpp"