--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/hbwidgets/sliders/hbprogressbar.cpp Mon Apr 19 14:02:13 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
+** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.
+#include <hbprogressbar.h>
+#include <hbstyleoptionprogressbar.h>
+#include "hbprogressbar_p.h"
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+#include <hbeffect.h>
+#include "hbeffectinternal_p.h"
+ @beta
+ @hbwidgets
+ \class HbProgressBar
+ \brief HbProgressBar widget provides a vertical and horizontal progress bar.
+ An infinite progressbar is also available.
+ A progress bar is used to give the user an indication of the progress of an operation and to
+ reassure them that the application is still running.
+ The progress bar uses the concept of steps. User can set it up by specifying the minimum and
+ maximum possible step values, and it will display the percentage of steps that have been completed
+ when you later give it the current step value.
+ The percentage is calculated by dividing the progress (progressValue() - minimum()) divided by maximum() - minimum().
+ User can specify the minimum and maximum number of steps with setMinimum() and setMaximum() APIs.
+ The current number of steps is set with setProgressValue().
+ If minimum and maximum both are set to 0, the bar shows a busy indicator instead of a percentage of steps.
+ This is useful, for example, when using ftp or http to download items when they are unable to
+ determine the size of the item being downloaded.
+ ProgressBar also supports adding text . min max text pair is also supported which is commonly
+ used for progress indication for music.
+ \image html hbprogressbartext.png Left Aligned Text, Min Max Text.
+ Progress bar provides below signal.
+ \li valueChanged(int value) Emitted when the value of the progressbar is changed.
+ @beta
+ \fn void HbProgressBar::valueChanged(int value)
+ Emitted when the value of the progressbar is changed.
+ @beta
+ \reimp
+ \fn int HbProgressBar::type() const
+ */
+ @beta
+ \enum HbProgressBar::ProgressBarType
+ This enum defines available progress bar types.
+ HbProgressBarPrivate
+ private class constructor
+HbProgressBarPrivate::HbProgressBarPrivate() :
+ mFrame(0),
+ mTrack(0),
+ mWaitTrack(0),
+ mMinTextItem(0),
+ mMaxTextItem(0),
+ mMinMaxTextVisible(false),
+ mMaximum(100),
+ mMinimum(0),
+ mProgressValue(0),
+ mInvertedAppearance(false),
+ mMinMaxTextAlignment(Qt::AlignBottom),
+ mMinText(QString()),
+ mMaxText(QString()),
+ mOrientation(Qt::Horizontal),
+ mDelayHideInProgress(true)
+ HbProgressBarPrivate
+ destructor
+ \internal
+ initialises progressbar
+void HbProgressBarPrivate::init()
+ Q_Q(HbProgressBar);
+ HbStyle *style = qobject_cast<HbStyle*>(q->style());
+ Q_ASSERT(style);
+ mFrame = style->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_frame,q);
+ mTrack = style->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_track,mFrame);
+ mWaitTrack = style->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_waittrack,mFrame);
+ mWaitTrack->setVisible(false);
+ if(q->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) {
+ q->setInvertedAppearance(true);
+ }
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+ HbEffectInternal::add(HB_PRGRESSBAR_ITEM_TYPE,"progressbar_appear", "progressbar_appear");
+ HbEffectInternal::add(HB_PRGRESSBAR_ITEM_TYPE,"progressbar_disappear", "progressbar_disappear");
+ HbEffectInternal::add(HB_PRGRESSBAR_ITEM_TYPE,"progressbar_progress_complete", "progressbar_progress_complete");
+ createTextPrimitives
+void HbProgressBarPrivate::createTextPrimitives()
+ Q_Q(HbProgressBar);
+ mMinTextItem = q->style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_mintext,q);
+ mMaxTextItem = q->style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_maxtext,q);
+ \internal
+ Sets the progressbar range
+void HbProgressBarPrivate::setRange(int minimum, int maximum)
+ Q_Q(HbProgressBar);
+ if( minimum > maximum ){
+ maximum = minimum ;
+ }
+ mMinimum = minimum;
+ mMaximum = maximum;
+ if ( mProgressValue < mMinimum){
+ mProgressValue = mMinimum;
+ }
+ if(mProgressValue > mMaximum){
+ mProgressValue = mMaximum;
+ }
+ if( (mMinimum == 0) && (mMaximum == 0) && (mType != HbProgressBar::RatingProgressBar) ) {
+ mWaitTrack->setVisible(true);
+ mTrack->setVisible(false);
+ } else {
+ mWaitTrack->setVisible(false);
+ mTrack->setVisible(true);
+ }
+ q->updatePrimitives();
+ \internal
+ Sets the progressbar orientation.
+ Can be either vertical or Horizontal.
+void HbProgressBarPrivate::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+ Q_Q(HbProgressBar);
+ if (mOrientation != orientation) {
+ mOrientation = orientation;
+ q->repolish();
+ q->updatePrimitives();
+ }
+ \internal
+ Private slot which delays the hiding effect.
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+void HbProgressBarPrivate::_q_delayedHide(HbEffect::EffectStatus status)
+ Q_Q(HbProgressBar);
+ if (status.reason != Hb::EffectNotStarted) {
+ q->setVisible(false);
+ }
+ Constructs a progressbar of a given \a type and \a parent. The default type is SimpleProgressBar.
+ \deprecated HbProgressBar::HbProgressBar(HbProgressBar::ProgressBarType, QGraphicsItem*)
+ is deprecated. Please use HbProgressBar::HbProgressBar(QGraphicsItem *parent) instead.
+HbProgressBar::HbProgressBar(ProgressBarType type, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+ HbWidget(*new HbProgressBarPrivate, parent)
+ Q_D( HbProgressBar );
+ d->q_ptr = this;
+ d->init();
+ d->mType = type;
+ @beta
+ Constructs a progressbar of a given \a parent.
+HbProgressBar::HbProgressBar(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+ HbWidget(*new HbProgressBarPrivate, parent)
+ Q_D( HbProgressBar );
+ d->q_ptr = this;
+ d->init();
+ \deprecated HbProgressBar::HbProgressBar(HbProgressBarPrivate&, HbProgressBar::ProgressBarType, QGraphicsItem*)
+ is deprecated. Please use HbProgressBar::HbProgressBar(HbProgressBarPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem *parent) instead.
+HbProgressBar::HbProgressBar(HbProgressBarPrivate &dd, ProgressBarType type, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+ HbWidget( dd, parent)
+ Q_D( HbProgressBar );
+ d->init();
+ d->mType = type;
+HbProgressBar::HbProgressBar(HbProgressBarPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+ HbWidget( dd, parent)
+ Q_D( HbProgressBar );
+ d->init();
+ @beta
+ Destructor for the progressbar.
+ @beta
+ This property holds whether or not a progress bar shows its progress inverted. The function
+ returns the value of this property.
+ Not implemented yet.
+ \sa setInvertedAppearance()
+ */
+bool HbProgressBar::invertedAppearance() const
+ Q_D( const HbProgressBar );
+ return d->mInvertedAppearance;
+ @beta
+ This property holds whether or not a progress bar shows its progress inverted. The function
+ sets the property to the \a inverted value.
+ Not implemented yet.
+ \sa invertedAppearance()
+ */
+void HbProgressBar::setInvertedAppearance(bool inverted)
+ Q_D( HbProgressBar );
+ d->mInvertedAppearance=inverted;
+ updatePrimitives();
+ @beta
+ Returns the maximum value of the progress bar.
+ The default value is \c 100.
+ \sa setMaximum()
+int HbProgressBar::maximum() const
+ Q_D( const HbProgressBar );
+ return d->mMaximum;
+ @beta
+ Sets the maximum value of the progress bar.
+ when setting this property, the minimum is adjusted to ensure
+ that the range remains valid.
+ \sa maximum(),minimum(),setMinimum()
+void HbProgressBar::setMaximum(int maximum)
+ Q_D( HbProgressBar );
+ d->setRange(qMin(d->mMinimum,maximum),maximum);
+ @beta
+ Returns the minimum value of the progress bar.
+ The default value is \c 0.
+ \sa setMinimum()
+int HbProgressBar::minimum() const
+ Q_D( const HbProgressBar );
+ return d->mMinimum;
+ @beta
+ Sets the minimum value of the progress bar.
+ when setting this property, the maximum is adjusted to ensure
+ that the range remains valid.
+ \sa maximum(),minimum(),setMaximum()
+void HbProgressBar::setMinimum(int minimum)
+ Q_D( HbProgressBar );
+ d->setRange(minimum,qMax(d->mMaximum,minimum));
+ @beta
+ Returns the current value of the progress bar.
+ The default progressValue is \c 0.
+int HbProgressBar::progressValue() const
+ Q_D( const HbProgressBar );
+ return d->mProgressValue;
+ @beta
+ Sets the current value of the progress bar.
+ The progress bar forces the value to be within the legal range: \b
+ minimum <= \c value <= \b maximum.
+ \sa progressValue()
+void HbProgressBar::setProgressValue(int value)
+ Q_D( HbProgressBar );
+ if (d->mProgressValue == value) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (value >= d->mMaximum) {
+ value = d->mMaximum;
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+ HbEffect::start(d->mTrack, HB_PRGRESSBAR_ITEM_TYPE, "progressbar_progress_complete");
+ }
+ else if (value<d->mMinimum) {
+ value = d->mMinimum;
+ }
+ d->mProgressValue=value;
+ //redraw track
+ HbStyleOptionProgressBar progressBarOption;
+ initStyleOption(&progressBarOption);
+ if(d->mTrack) {
+ style()->updatePrimitive(d->mTrack, HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_track, &progressBarOption);
+ }
+ emit valueChanged(value);
+ @beta
+ This function is provided for convenience.
+ Sets the progress bar's minimum to \a minimum and its maximum to \a max.
+ If \a maximum is smaller than minimum, minimum becomes the only valid legal
+ value.
+ \sa setMinimum(), setMaximum()
+void HbProgressBar::setRange(int minimum, int maximum)
+ Q_D( HbProgressBar );
+ d->setRange(minimum , maximum);
+ @beta
+ Set the \a Min text shown on the progressbar.
+ \sa text()
+void HbProgressBar::setMinText(const QString &text)
+ Q_D(HbProgressBar);
+ if (d->mMinText != text) {
+ d->mMinText = text;
+ HbStyleOptionProgressBar progressBarOption;
+ initStyleOption(&progressBarOption);
+ style()->updatePrimitive(d->mMinTextItem,HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_mintext,&progressBarOption);
+ }
+ @beta
+ Returns the Min Text of the progress bar.
+ The default progressValue is \c 0.
+QString HbProgressBar::minText() const
+ Q_D( const HbProgressBar );
+ return d->mMinText;
+ @beta
+ Set the \a Max text shown on the progressbar.
+ \sa text()
+void HbProgressBar::setMaxText(const QString &text)
+ Q_D(HbProgressBar);
+ if (d->mMaxText != text) {
+ d->mMaxText = text;
+ HbStyleOptionProgressBar progressBarOption;
+ initStyleOption(&progressBarOption);
+ style()->updatePrimitive(d->mMaxTextItem,HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_maxtext,&progressBarOption);
+ }
+ @beta
+ Returns the Max Text of the progress bar.
+ The default progressValue is \c 0.
+QString HbProgressBar::maxText() const
+ Q_D( const HbProgressBar );
+ return d->mMaxText;
+ @beta
+ Set the MinMaxtext visibility \a true for showing text,false for hiding the text.
+ The default is \c false. Min Max text doesnt have a background and would have a transparent background.
+ \sa isMinMaxTextVisible().
+void HbProgressBar::setMinMaxTextVisible(bool visible)
+ Q_D(HbProgressBar);
+ if (d->mMinMaxTextVisible != visible) {
+ d->mMinMaxTextVisible = visible;
+ if(d->mMinMaxTextVisible) {
+ if(!d->mMinTextItem && !d->mMaxTextItem){
+ d->createTextPrimitives();
+ }
+ d->mMinTextItem->show();
+ d->mMaxTextItem->show();
+ } else {
+ if(d->mMinTextItem && d->mMaxTextItem){
+ d->mMinTextItem->hide();
+ d->mMaxTextItem->hide();
+ }
+ }
+ repolish();
+ updatePrimitives();
+ }
+ @beta
+ This property holds whether the MinMax text should be displayed.
+ Return the value of this property.
+ \sa setMinMaxTextVisibile()
+bool HbProgressBar::isMinMaxTextVisible() const
+ Q_D(const HbProgressBar);
+ return d->mMinMaxTextVisible;
+ @beta
+ Sets the Min-Max text alignment
+ Supportted alignments are (in both horizontal and vertical orientations)
+ Qt::AlignTop
+ Qt::AlignBottom
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ In Vertical orienatation,
+ AlignTop is equivalent to Left
+ AlignBottom is equivalent to Right
+void HbProgressBar::setMinMaxTextAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment)
+ Q_D(HbProgressBar);
+ if( (alignment != Qt::AlignBottom) && (alignment != Qt::AlignTop) && (alignment != Qt::AlignCenter) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (d->mMinMaxTextAlignment != alignment) {
+ d->mMinMaxTextAlignment = alignment;
+ if (d->mMinMaxTextVisible) {
+ repolish();
+ }
+ updatePrimitives();
+ }
+ @beta
+ Returns the minmax Text alignment.
+Qt::Alignment HbProgressBar::minMaxTextAlignment() const
+ Q_D(const HbProgressBar);
+ return d->mMinMaxTextAlignment;
+ @beta
+ sets the orientation of the progressbar.It can be vertical or horizontal.
+void HbProgressBar::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+ //TODO: Add vertical slider related info.
+ Q_D(HbProgressBar);
+ d->setOrientation(orientation);
+ @beta
+ Returns the orientation of the progressbar.It can be vertical or horizontal.
+Qt::Orientation HbProgressBar::orientation() const
+ //TODO: Add vertical slider related info.
+ Q_D(const HbProgressBar);
+ return d->mOrientation;
+ Returns the pointer for \a primitive passed.
+ Will return NULL if \a primitive passed is invalid
+QGraphicsItem* HbProgressBar::primitive(HbStyle::Primitive primitive) const
+ Q_D(const HbProgressBar);
+ switch (primitive) {
+ case HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_frame:
+ return d->mFrame;
+ case HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_track:
+ return d->mTrack;
+ case HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_waittrack:
+ return d->mWaitTrack;
+ case HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_mintext:
+ return d->mMinTextItem;
+ case HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_maxtext:
+ return d->mMaxTextItem;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ \reimp
+ */
+void HbProgressBar::updatePrimitives()
+ Q_D(HbProgressBar);
+ if(isVisible()){
+ HbStyleOptionProgressBar progressBarOption;
+ initStyleOption(&progressBarOption);
+ if (d->mFrame) {
+ style()->updatePrimitive(d->mFrame, HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_frame, &progressBarOption);
+ }
+ if (d->mTrack) {
+ style()->updatePrimitive(d->mTrack, HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_track, &progressBarOption);
+ }
+ if (d->mWaitTrack) {
+ style()->updatePrimitive(d->mWaitTrack, HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_waittrack, &progressBarOption);
+ }
+ if(d->mMinTextItem && d->mMinMaxTextVisible) {
+ style()->updatePrimitive(d->mMinTextItem,HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_mintext,&progressBarOption);
+ }
+ if(d->mMaxTextItem && d->mMinMaxTextVisible) {
+ style()->updatePrimitive(d->mMaxTextItem,HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_maxtext,&progressBarOption);
+ }
+ }
+ HbWidget::updatePrimitives();
+ Initializes \a option with the values from this HbProgressBar. This method
+ is useful for subclasses when they need a HbStyleOptionProgressBar, but don't
+ want to fill in all the information themselves.
+ */
+void HbProgressBar::initStyleOption(HbStyleOption *hboption) const
+ Q_D( const HbProgressBar );
+ Q_ASSERT(hboption);
+ HbWidget::initStyleOption(hboption);
+ HbStyleOptionProgressBar *option = 0;
+ if ((option = qstyleoption_cast< HbStyleOptionProgressBar *>(hboption)) != 0) {
+ option->progressValue = d->mProgressValue;
+ option->maximum = d->mMaximum;
+ option->minimum = d->mMinimum;
+ option->minText = d->mMinText;
+ option->maxText = d->mMaxText;
+ option->orientation = d->mOrientation;
+ option->isSlider=d->mType == HbProgressBar::RatingProgressBar;
+ option->inverted = d->mInvertedAppearance;
+ option->stopWaitAnimation = false;
+ option->minMaxTextAlignment = d->mMinMaxTextAlignment;
+ QRect rect(d->mFrame->boundingRect().x(),d->mFrame->boundingRect().y(),d->mFrame->boundingRect().width(),
+ d->mFrame->boundingRect().height());
+ option->rect = rect;
+ }
+ \reimp
+ */
+void HbProgressBar::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * event )
+ Q_D(HbProgressBar);
+ HbStyleOptionProgressBar progressBarOption;
+ initStyleOption(&progressBarOption);
+ progressBarOption.stopWaitAnimation = true;
+ if (d->mWaitTrack) {
+ style()->updatePrimitive(d->mWaitTrack, HbStyle::P_ProgressBar_waittrack, &progressBarOption);
+ }
+ event->accept();
+ \reimp
+ */
+QVariant HbProgressBar::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
+ if(change == ItemVisibleHasChanged && value.toBool()){
+ updatePrimitives();
+ }
+#ifdef HB_EFFECTS
+ Q_D(HbProgressBar);
+ if(change == QGraphicsItem::ItemVisibleChange){
+ if(value.toBool()) {
+ HbEffect::start(this, HB_PRGRESSBAR_ITEM_TYPE, "progressbar_appear");
+ d->mDelayHideInProgress = false;
+ }
+ else if(!d->mDelayHideInProgress) {
+ //parentItemVisibility check is a hack . Other wise if visibility
+ // change happends due to view switch we should not call explicit hide on
+ // progress bar.
+ if(parentItem() && parentItem()->isVisible())
+ if(HbEffect::start(this, HB_PRGRESSBAR_ITEM_TYPE, "progressbar_disappear",this,"_q_delayedHide")){
+ d->mDelayHideInProgress = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return HbWidget::itemChange(change,value);
+ \reimp
+ */
+void HbProgressBar::changeEvent(QEvent *event)
+ HbWidget::changeEvent(event);
+ switch (event->type()) {
+ case QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange:
+ if(layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) {
+ setInvertedAppearance(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ setInvertedAppearance(false);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+#include "moc_hbprogressbar.cpp"