changeset 21 4633027730f5
parent 7 923ff622b8b9
child 23 e6ad4ef83b23
--- a/src/hbcore/gui/hbpopup.cpp	Tue Jul 06 14:36:53 2010 +0300
+++ b/src/hbcore/gui/hbpopup.cpp	Wed Aug 18 10:05:37 2010 +0300
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 #include <QDebug>
 #include <QBitmap>
 #include <hbinstance_p.h>
+#include <QGraphicsScene>
 #include <QApplication> // krazy:exclude=qclasses
 #include <hbwidgetfeedback.h>
@@ -56,143 +57,223 @@
     \class HbPopup
-    \brief HbPopup is a base class for different popups in Hb library.
-    Popup is a widget that is displayed above other widgets in the view.
-    Lastly shown popup is always positioned in Z order on the the top
-    of already visible popups.  
+    \brief The HbPopup class defines a set of properties that control the behavior of 
+    the many dialog and popup classes that derive from it. 
+    Objects of classes derived from %HbPopup are called \b popups. Typically they
+    are displayed above other objects within the view, at the highest z-order. The %HbPopup
+    class simply defines a frame with a number of properties. If you want to create an
+    application dialog with a heading, content and a toolbar, use the HbDialog class (which
+    is derived from %HbPopup) or one of its convenience subclasses.
+    %HbPopup provides properties that you can use to customize the following aspects of a popup:
+    - \b Modality. You can define whether the popup is modal or non-modal. A modal popup stops
+      the user interacting with anything outside of the popup until it closes. A non-modal 
+      popup does not block the user's interaction with things outside of the popup. You 
+      set and get the modality by calling setModal() and isModal(), respectively.  
+    - <b>Dismiss policy</b>. You can define which user actions, if any, cause the popup to 
+      close. Possible values are defined by HbPopup::DismissPolicy. You set and get the dismiss 
+      policy by calling setDismissPolicy() and dismissPolicy(), respectively.
+    - <b>Background fade policy</b>. You can set a policy to fade everything behind the 
+      popup. This is useful for modal dialogs, because the user cannot interact with 
+      anything behind the popup. You control this policy by calling setBackgroundFaded() and 
+      get the current policy by calling isBackgroundFaded().
+    - \b Timeout. You can define a timeout that causes the popup to be dismissed automatically
+      after a set a period. You set and get this property by calling setTimeout() and 
+      timeout(), respectively. Call the setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout) overload to use the 
+      default value for the popup type, which provides a common look and feel.
+    - <b>Frame background type</b>. You can define the popup's background style. However, 
+      the actual appearance of the popup depends on the theme. You set and get this property by
+      calling setFrameType() and frameType(), respectively.
+    By default, popups are displayed in the center of the screen. Typically you should not override
+    the default position of modal dialogs. However, some popups, such as context menus, need to be 
+    in a specific position. For these, you can use the setPreferredPos() method to set the 
+    preferred position.
+    Popups that contain an editor may be repositioned by the virtual keyboard when it opens. 
+    When the virtual keyboard closes, it attempts to reposition the popup back to its 
+    previous position. However, this is not always possible, particularly when there has also
+    been an orientation switch.
-    A popup can be permanent or automatically dismissed after a
-    time-out.  Modal popups interrupt any other user interaction
-    outside of the popup while they are visible, whereas non-modal
-    popups do not.
+    \section _usecases_hbpopup Using the HbPopup class
+    Although it is possible to create an instance of the HbPopup class, it is designed as a
+    base class to provide common features to the many popup and dialog classes that are 
+    derived from it (such as HbMenu, HbDialog, HbToolBarExtension, HbZoomSliderPopup). 
+    How you open a popup depends on whether it is modal. It is important to use the 
+    appropriate method, because this ensures the correct touch event handling.
+    <table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: solid;">
+    <tr><th>To open</TH><TH>Call</th></tr>
+    <tr><td>Modal popups</td><td>open()</td></tr>
+    <tr><td>Non-modal popups</td><td>\link QGraphicsItem::show() show()\endlink</td></tr>
+    </table>
-    \sa HbDialog
+    \sa HbDialog, HbMenu
-    \reimp
     \fn int HbPopup::type() const
     \enum HbPopup::DefaultTimeout
-    This enum defines available default timeout values to be used in method
-    setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout).
+    Identifies default timeout values for various popup types. The timeout defines a time
+    period after which the popup is automatically closed. Using these default values 
+    provides a consistent look and feel.
+    \sa setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout)
     \var HbPopup::NoTimeout
-    No timeout is defined for automatically closing the popup. i.e. the popup is permanent.
+    Defines a permanent popup, for which no timeout is defined.
     \var HbPopup::ConfirmationNoteTimeout
-    Timeout value intended to be used by confirmation notes.
+    The default timeout value for confirmation notes.
     \var HbPopup::StandardTimeout
-    The default timeout value intended to be used by most non-permanent popups e.g. by notes.
+    The default timeout value for standard non-permanent popups, such as notes.
     \var HbPopup::ContextMenuTimeout
-    The default timeout value intended to be used by context menus.
+    The default timeout value for context menus.
     \enum HbPopup::DismissPolicy
-    This enum defines available dismiss policy values.
-    The dismiss policy defines what user actions will cause the popup to be dismissed i.e. closed.
+    Defines the available dismiss policy values. The dismiss policy defines which
+    user actions cause the popup to close.
+    \sa setDismissPolicy(), dismissPolicy()
     \var HbPopup::NoDismiss
-    The popup cannot be dismissed automatically by user interaction.
+    The popup cannot be closed by the user.
     \var HbPopup::TapInside
-    The popup is dismissed when user taps within the bounding rectangle of the popup.
+    Closes the popup when the user taps within the popup's bounding rectangle.
     \var HbPopup::TapOutside
-    The popup is dismissed when user taps outside of the bounding rectangle of the popup.
+    Closes the popup when the user taps outside of the popup's bounding rectangle.
     \var HbPopup::TapAnywhere
-    The popup is dismissed when user taps either within or outside
-    of the bounding rectangle of the popup.
+    Closes the popup when the user taps either inside or outside the popup's bounding 
+    rectangle.
     \enum HbPopup::FrameType
-    This enum defines available frame type values.
+    Identifies the background graphical styles of the popup's frame.
-    The frame types defines what frame item backgrounds will be used
-    by the popup. Actual appearance is dependent on theme.
+    \sa setFrameType(), frameType()
     \var HbPopup::Strong
-    The popup is using strong frame.
+    Use the "strong" frame background style.
     \var HbPopup::Weak
-    The popup is using weak frame.
+    Use the "weak" frame background style.
     \fn void HbPopup::aboutToShow();
-    This signal is emitted when the popup is about to be shown i.e. when method show() is called.
+    This signal is emitted when the popup is about to be shown; that is, when 
+    \link QGraphicsItem::show() show()\endlink is called.
     \fn void HbPopup::aboutToHide();
-    This signal is emitted when the popup is about to be hidden i.e. when method hide() is called.
+    This signal is emitted when the popup is about to be hidden; that is, when 
+    \link QGraphicsItem::hide() hide()\endlink is called.
     \fn void HbPopup::aboutToClose();
-    This signal is emitted when the popup is about to be closed i.e. when method close() is called
-    or the popup is
-    dismissed by the user or timeout.
+    This signal is emitted when the popup is about to close; that is, when 
+    \link QGraphicsWidget::close() close()\endlink is called or the popup is dismissed 
+    by the user or timeout.
     \enum HbPopup::Placement
-    Placement is the corner or edge to which position of the popup refers to.
+    Identifies the corners and edges of the popup for use when setting its position
+    using setPreferredPos(). 
+    \var HbPopup::TopLeftCorner
+    The popup's top left corner.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::TopRightCorner
+    The popup's top right corner.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::BottomLeftCorner
+    The popup's bottom left corner.
+ */
-    \primitives
-    \primitive{background} HbFrameItem representing the popup background. The background can be weak or strong (different graphical styles) depending on popup type.
-    \primitive{P_Popup_heading_frame} HbFrameItem representing the popup heading text background
-  */
+    \var HbPopup::BottomRightCorner
+    The popup's bottom right corner.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::TopEdgeCenter
+    The center of the popup's top edge.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::RightEdgeCenter
+    The center of the popup's rightmost edge.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::BottomEdgeCenter
+    The center of the popup's bottom edge.
+ */
+    \var HbPopup::LeftEdgeCenter
+    The center of the popup's leftmost edge.
+ */
+ /*!
+    \var HbPopup::Center
+    The center of the popup.
+ */
 static const struct { HbPopup::DefaultTimeout timeout; int value; } timeoutValues[] =
@@ -202,6 +283,12 @@
+    \primitives
+    \primitive{background} HbFrameItem representing the popup background. The background can be 
+    weak or strong (different graphical styles) depending on popup type.
+    \primitive{P_Popup_heading_frame} HbFrameItem representing the popup heading text background
+  */
 HbPopupBackGround::HbPopupBackGround(HbPopup * popup, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
@@ -293,12 +380,15 @@
-    mStartEffect(false),
+    placement(HbPopup::TopLeftCorner),
+    mStartEffect(true),
+    mActivePopup(true),
+    mGestureOverride(false),
@@ -317,7 +407,7 @@
     // By default popups are focusable
-    setBackgroundItem(HbStyle::P_Popup_background);
+    setBackgroundItem(HbStylePrivate::P_Popup_background);
@@ -334,12 +424,13 @@
     itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsToShape;
     itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape;
     itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges;
-    //itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsPanel;
-    q->setFlags(itemFlags);  
+    itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsPanel;
+    q->setFlags(itemFlags);    
 void HbPopupPrivate::_q_appearEffectEnded(HbEffect::EffectStatus status)
-	Q_UNUSED(status);
+    Q_UNUSED(status);
 CSystemToneService* HbPopupPrivate::systemToneService()
@@ -365,7 +456,6 @@
 void HbPopupPrivate::_q_delayedHide(HbEffect::EffectStatus status)
     // Apply forceHide only if the effect started successfully
@@ -379,6 +469,7 @@
     hidingInProgress = false;
+    mGestureOverride = false;
 void HbPopupPrivate::_q_orientationAboutToChange(Qt::Orientation orient, bool animate)
@@ -396,7 +487,7 @@
 void HbPopupPrivate::_q_orientationChanged()
-    if (q->isVisible()) {
+    if (q->isVisible() || q) {
         QEvent userEvent(QEvent::ContextMenu);
         QCoreApplication::sendEvent(q, &userEvent);
@@ -481,7 +572,7 @@
     mousePressLocation = Background;
-    if (dismissPolicy & HbPopup::TapOutside) {
+    if (dismissPolicy & HbPopup::TapOutside && !modal) {
@@ -509,6 +600,9 @@
+        } else if ( mousePressLocation == Background &&
+                    dismissPolicy & HbPopup::TapOutside && modal) {
+            q->close();
@@ -584,8 +678,15 @@
 void HbPopupPrivate::calculateShape()
-#if 0
+    // Only used for HbMenu currently, this is not fully correct as some dialogs may need masking too.
+    if (q->type() != Hb::ItemType_Menu) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Cannot set up masking if the background item is not available.
+    if (!q->backgroundItem() || !q->backgroundItem()->boundingRect().isValid()) {
+        return;
+    }
     // Contrary to the name, HbVgMaskEffect has a software
     // implementation too, and we will actually force the usage of
     // that here, ignoring the pure OpenVG version.
@@ -597,45 +698,54 @@
         // would mess up the masking so exclude those.
         if (!q->graphicsEffect()) {
-            // Attach the effect. Ownership is transferred to q.
-            mVgMaskEffect->install(q);
+            // Attach the effect. Ownership is transferred to the chain. The
+            // ownership of the chain is transferred to q.  The chain is needed
+            // because we must co-exist with FXML-based filter effects.
+            HbVgChainedEffect *c = new HbVgChainedEffect;
+            c->add(mVgMaskEffect);
+            c->install(q);
         } else {
-            // Avoid replacing already set effects. Do not mask if
-            // this is not possible, otherwise we would unexpectedly
-            // delete the previously set graphics effect.
+            // Avoid replacing already set effects. Do not mask if this is not
+            // possible, otherwise we would unexpectedly delete the previously
+            // set graphics effect. However by being able to add the effect to a
+            // chain makes it possible to co-exist with FXML-based filter
+            // effects. Similar solution is also present in HbEffectGroup.
             HbVgChainedEffect *c = qobject_cast<HbVgChainedEffect *>(q->graphicsEffect());
             if (c) {
             } else {
                 delete mVgMaskEffect;
+                mVgMaskEffect = 0;
-    QPixmap image(QSize(static_cast<int>(q->backgroundItem()->boundingRect().width()),
-                        static_cast<int>(q->backgroundItem()->boundingRect().height())));
+    QPixmap image(q->backgroundItem()->boundingRect().size().toSize());
     QPainter imagePainter(&image);
     q->backgroundItem()->paint(&imagePainter, 0, 0);
+void HbPopupPrivate::resizePopup()
- Constructs a popup with given  \a parent graphics item.\n
- Note: popups with \a parent set as 0 are behaving as real popups.
- This is actually the intended use.
+    Constructs a popup with the given \a parent graphics item. For true popup 
+    behavior (which means that it opens above other objects, at the highest z-order) 
+    set \a parent to 0. This is the primary intended use of this class.
- However in some situation could be useful to embedd a popup into a QGraphicsItem.
- In this case a non zero \a parent value must be passed.
- Popups with parent items behaving just like any other QGraphicsWidget.
- The following features are not supported (i.e. ignored) for popup with parents:
-       - modality
-       - timeout
-       - unfadedItems
-       - dismissPolicy
-       - signal aboutToClose
+    However, it may sometimes be useful to embed a popup into a QGraphicsItem. To do 
+    this, pass a non-zero \a parent value. HbPopup objects that have a parent are 
+    not real popups: they behave like any other QGraphicsWidget object and following
+    properties are ignored. In addition the aboutToClose() signal is not emitted.
+    - \link isModal() modal\endlink property
+    - \link timeout() timeout\endlink  property
+    - \link isBackgroundFaded() Backgroundfaded\endlink property
+    - \link  dismissPolicy() dismissPolicy\endlink property
 HbPopup::HbPopup(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
     HbWidget(*new HbPopupPrivate,parent)
@@ -657,7 +767,7 @@
- Destroys the popup.
+    Destructor.
@@ -688,11 +798,15 @@
- Returns the popup timeout property in milliseconds.
- If this property is not set the deafult is HbPopup::StandardTimeout.
- \sa setTimeout()
+    Returns the popup's timeout property in milliseconds. The timeout causes the popup to
+    be dismissed automatically after the specified time period has elapsed. A value of
+    zero or less than zero, means that the popup is permanent and the user must take 
+    some explicit action in order to close the popup. 
+    The default value for this property is HbPopup::StandardTimeout.
+    \sa setTimeout(), setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout)
 int HbPopup::timeout() const
@@ -701,9 +815,11 @@
- Sets the popup timeout property in milliseconds.
- If timeout <= 0 then the popup is permanent and not closed automatically.
- \sa timeout() setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout) QGraphicsWidget::close()
+    Sets the popup's timeout property in milliseconds. A value of zero or less than zero
+    means that the popup is permanent and is not closed automatically.
+    \overload
+    \sa timeout() setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout), QGraphicsWidget::close()
 void HbPopup::setTimeout(int timeout)
@@ -713,10 +829,11 @@
- It is a convenience overload of \a timeout() for setting HbPopup::DefaultTimeout values
- to achieve common look & feel.
- \sa enum DefaultTimeout
- \sa timeout() setTimeout(int) QGraphicsWidget::close()
+    Sets the popup's timeout property to the default value for a standard popup type.
+    This has the advantage of creating a common look and feel.
+    \overload
+    \sa timeout(), setTimeout(int), QGraphicsWidget::close()
 void HbPopup::setTimeout(HbPopup::DefaultTimeout timeout)
@@ -724,10 +841,9 @@
- Returns the popup modality property.
- A modal popup blocks any user initiated events outside of the popup
- until it is closed.
- \sa setModal()
+    Returns the popup's modality property. A modal popup blocks any user-initiated
+    events outside of the popup until it is closed.
+    \sa setModal()
 bool HbPopup::isModal() const
@@ -736,8 +852,11 @@
- Sets the popup modality property.
- \sa isModal()
+    Sets the popup's modality property.
+    To open a modal popup, call open(). To open a non-modal popup, call 
+    \link QGraphicsItem::show() show()\endlink.
+    \sa isModal()
 void HbPopup::setModal(bool enabled)
@@ -747,9 +866,9 @@
- Sets the background of popup faded if \a fadeBackground is true otherwise
- the background will not be faded.
- \sa isBackgroundFaded()
+    Sets the popup's background fade policy property. When this is set to true, it causes
+    everything behind the popup to be faded. 
+    \sa isBackgroundFaded()
 void HbPopup::setBackgroundFaded(bool fadeBackground)
@@ -758,9 +877,10 @@
- Returns if the background of the popup is faded or not.
- Default: true
- \sa isBackgroundFaded()
+    Returns the popup's background fade policy property. This controls whether 
+    everything behind the popup is faded while the popup is on the screen. Typically
+    this property is set to true for modal dialogs only. The default is true.
+    \sa setBackgroundFaded()
 bool HbPopup::isBackgroundFaded() const
@@ -769,9 +889,9 @@
- Returns the dismiss policy of the popup.
- Default is HbPopup::TapOutside.
- \sa setDismissPolicy()
+    Returns the popup's dismiss policy. This defines which user actions (if any) cause 
+    the popup to close. The default is HbPopup::TapOutside.
+    \sa setDismissPolicy()
 HbPopup::DismissPolicy HbPopup::dismissPolicy() const
@@ -780,9 +900,9 @@
- Sets the dismiss policy property for the the popup.
+    Sets the popup's dismiss policy property.
- \sa dismissPolicy()
+    \sa dismissPolicy()
 void HbPopup::setDismissPolicy(HbPopup::DismissPolicy dismissPolicy)
@@ -791,9 +911,10 @@
- Returns the frame type of the popup.
- Default is HbPopup::Strong
- \sa setFrameType()
+    Returns the popup's frame type. This controls the popup's background style. However, 
+    the actual appearance depends on the theme. The default value is HbPopup::Strong.
+    \sa setFrameType()
 HbPopup::FrameType HbPopup::frameType() const
@@ -802,9 +923,9 @@
- Sets the frame typeproperty for the the popup.
+    Sets the popup's frame type, which controls the popup's background style.
- \sa frameType()
+    \sa frameType()
 void HbPopup::setFrameType(HbPopup::FrameType frameType)
@@ -812,11 +933,11 @@
     if ( d->frameType != frameType ) {
         switch( frameType ) {
         case HbPopup::Weak:
-            d->setBackgroundItem(HbStyle::P_Popup_background_weak);
+            d->setBackgroundItem(HbStylePrivate::P_Popup_background_weak);
         case HbPopup::Strong:
-            d->setBackgroundItem(HbStyle::P_Popup_background);
+            d->setBackgroundItem(HbStylePrivate::P_Popup_background);
         d->frameType = frameType;
@@ -826,13 +947,17 @@
- Shows the popup as modal popup returning immediately.  
+    Displays the popup on the screen and returns immediately. This function also 
+    connects the popup's aboutToClose() signal to a specified slot. The signal 
+    is disconnected from the slot when the popup closes.
+    Use this function to open modal popups. To open non-modal popups, call 
+    \link QGraphicsItem::show() show()\endlink.  
- Connects aboutToClose() signal to the slot specified by \a receiver and
- \a member. The signal will be disconnected from the slot when the
- popup is closed.
- For non modal popups, use show().  
+    \param receiver  The object that is to receive the signal.  
+    \param member  The slot on the receiver to which the signal is to connect. 
+    \sa isModal() 
 void HbPopup::open( QObject *receiver, const char *member )
@@ -847,7 +972,7 @@
-    \reimp
 QVariant HbPopup::itemChange ( GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant & value )
@@ -858,20 +983,19 @@
     if (change == QGraphicsItem::ItemVisibleHasChanged) {
         if (value.toBool()) {
-            if(d->hasEffects && boundingRect().isValid()) {
+            if (d->hasEffects && boundingRect().isValid() && d->polished) {
 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
                 QRectF extRect(0.0,
-                d->mStartEffect = true;
                 d->mStartEffect = false;
-                HbEffect::start(this, d->effectType, "appear", this, "_q_appearEffectEnded", QVariant(), extRect);
-            } else {
-                d->mStartEffect = true;
+                HbEffectInternal::start(this, this, HbEffectInternal::UpdateAtEachStep,
+                                        d->effectType, "appear", this, "_q_appearEffectEnded",
+                                        QVariant(), extRect);
+#endif //HB_EFFECTS
@@ -893,7 +1017,6 @@
             if (!d->hidingInProgress) {
                 emit aboutToHide();
             if (d->delayedHide &&  // about to hide and we wanna delay hiding
                 d->hasEffects && !parentItem()) { // only for popup without parent
                 bool hideDelayed = d->delayedHide;
@@ -905,12 +1028,14 @@
-                    if (!HbEffect::start(this, d->effectType, "disappear",
-                                         this, "_q_delayedHide",
-                                         QVariant(), extRect)) {
+                    if (!HbEffectInternal::start(this, this, HbEffectInternal::UpdateAtEachStep,
+                                                 d->effectType, "disappear",
+                                                 this, "_q_delayedHide",
+                                                 QVariant(), extRect)) {
                         d->delayedHide = false;
                         return HbWidget::itemChange(change, value);
+                    d->mGestureOverride = true;
                 if (hideDelayed) {
@@ -938,19 +1063,7 @@
- \deprecated HbPopup::handlePopupPos()
-         is deprecated. This function should not be used from the application side.
- Handles the popup position when Orientation changes
-void HbPopup::handlePopupPos()
-    HB_DEPRECATED("HbPopup::handlePopupPos() is deprecated.");
-    QEvent userEvent(QEvent::ContextMenu);
-    QCoreApplication::sendEvent(this, &userEvent);    
-    \reimp
+    Reimplemented from QGraphicsItem.
 void HbPopup::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event )
@@ -972,7 +1085,7 @@
-    \reimp
+    Reimplemented from QGraphicsItem.
 void HbPopup::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event )
@@ -982,7 +1095,7 @@
-    \reimp
+    Reimplemented from QGraphicsWidget. 
 // Shows the popup with an animation and starts the timer to dismiss the popup,
@@ -1011,12 +1124,13 @@
         if(d->addPopupToScene()) {
               d->duplicateShowEvent = true;
-        //setActive(true);
+        if (d->mActivePopup) {
+            setActive(true);
+        }
         // Popup clears closed state
         d->closed = false;
         if (d->backgroundItem) {
-            d->backgroundItem->setAcceptHoverEvents(isModal());
             if (isModal()) {
@@ -1043,7 +1157,7 @@
-    \reimp
+    Reimplemented from QGraphicsWidget. 
 void HbPopup::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event)
@@ -1065,11 +1179,13 @@
     d->doSetModal( d->modal );
+    if (d->mActivePopup) {
+        setActive(false);
+    }
-    \reimp
+    Reimplemented from QGraphicsWidget. 
 void HbPopup::resizeEvent( QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent * event )
@@ -1082,7 +1198,7 @@
-    \reimp
+    Reimplemented from QGraphicsWidget. 
 void HbPopup::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * event )
@@ -1112,9 +1228,10 @@
-/* Currently, virtual keyboard must be able to position a popup
-   containing a editor to an arbitrary place. VKB does it's best to
-   reposition popup back to original position when needed. At least in
+   Currently, virtual keyboard must be able to position a popup
+   containing an editor to an arbitrary place. VKB does its best to
+   reposition the popup back to original position when needed. At least in
    orientation switch the old position naturally is wrong, hence popup
    must be relayouted.
@@ -1130,7 +1247,7 @@
 const char* KPositionManagedByVKB("PositionManagedByVKB");
-    \reimp
+    Reimplemented from QGraphicsWidget. 
 bool HbPopup::event(QEvent *event)
@@ -1154,41 +1271,54 @@
     } else if (event->type() == QEvent::LayoutRequest) {
         //Workaround when showing first time                           
 #ifdef HB_EFFECTS
-        if(d->mStartEffect && boundingRect().isValid()) {
+        if (d->mStartEffect && boundingRect().isValid()) {
             d->mStartEffect = false;
             QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::LayoutRequest);
             QRectF extRect(0.0,
-            d->mStartEffect = true;
-            d->mStartEffect = false;
-            HbEffect::start(this, d->effectType, "appear", this, "_q_appearEffectEnded", QVariant(), extRect);            
+            HbEffectInternal::start(this, this, HbEffectInternal::UpdateAtEachStep,
+                                    d->effectType, "appear", this, "_q_appearEffectEnded",
+                                    QVariant(), extRect);
+        } else if (d->mStartEffect) {
+            // Workaround for submenus that do not have any effect when shown
+            // first. The appear/disappear effect would call update() a number
+            // of times but in this case we have to do it manually.
+            new HbPopupUpdater(this, this);
+#endif //HB_EFFECTS
         //workaround ends
+    } else if (d->mGestureOverride && event->type() == QEvent::GestureOverride) {
+        event->accept();
+        return true;
     return HbWidget::event(event);
-  Sets preferred position\a position for popup with \a placement
-  as origin.
-  By default popup is placed in the middle of the screen. If other positions are needed please
-  ensure that the preferred position is working properly with different screen sizes.
+    Sets the preferred position of the popup. By default, the popup is placed in the middle
+    of the screen. If you use this function to set the preferred position, it is your 
+    responsibility to ensure that this position works correctly on devices with different 
+    screen sizes.
+    Typically you should set the preferred position only for context aware popups, such as 
+    context menus and slider popups. The position is not relevant for most dialogs and
+    popups and you should use the default position for these.
-  \param position is the position at which the popup is shown.
-  \param placement is the corner or edge which \a position refers to
+    \param preferredPos Defines the coordinates of preferred position on the screen where 
+           the popup is to open.
+    \param placement The corner or edge of the dialog that is to be placed at \a preferredPos.
-  Example usage:
-  \code
-  HbPopup *popup = new HbPopup();
-  ...
-  popup->setPreferredPosition( QPointF(x,y), HbPopupBase::BottomEdgeCenter );
-  popup->show();
-  \endcode
+    \b Example:
+    \code
+    HbPopup *popup = new HbPopup();
+    popup->setPreferredPos( QPointF(x,y), HbPopup::BottomEdgeCenter );
+    popup->show();
+    \endcode
 void HbPopup::setPreferredPos( const QPointF& preferredPos,
                                HbPopup::Placement placement )
@@ -1212,9 +1342,8 @@
-  \reimp
-  Returns the shape of this item as a QPainterPath.
-  */
+     Returns the shape of this item as a QPainterPath.
+ */
 QPainterPath HbPopup::shape() const
 #if 0
@@ -1229,4 +1358,12 @@
+    Reimplemented from HbWidget.
+ */
+void HbPopup::polish(HbStyleParameters &params)
+    HbWidget::polish(params);
 #include "moc_hbpopup.cpp"