changeset 5 627c4a0fd0e7
parent 3 11d3954df52a
child 6 c3690ec91ef8
--- a/src/hbplugins/inputmethods/touchinput/hbinputthaispecialpopup.cpp	Thu May 27 13:10:59 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the HbPlugins module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
-** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
-** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
-** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include <QGraphicsGridLayout>
-#include <QGraphicsWidget>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QSignalMapper>
-#include <HbMainWindow>
-#include <hbgridview.h>
-#include <hbwidget.h>
-#include <hbdialog_p.h>
-#include <HbPopup>
-#include "hbinputtouchkeypadbutton.h"
-#include "hbinputthaispecialpopup.h"
-const QString HbAbcButtonObjName = "Popup abc";
-const int HbPopupAsteriskColumns = 5;
-const int HbPopupAsteriskRows = 4;
-const int HbPopupShiftColumns = 4;
-const int HbPopupShiftRows = 3;
-const int HBPopupEmptyButtonSeven = 7;
-const int HBPopupEmptyButtonEight = 8;
-const int HBPopupEmptyButtonNine = 9;
-const QString HbPopupPortraitButtonTextLayout = "_hb_sctp_button_text_layout";
-const QString HbPopupPortraitButtonIconLayout = "_hb_sctp_button_icon_layout";
-\class HbInputThaiSpecialPopup
-\brief Implementation of Thai Special Popup.
-Implementation of Thai Special Popup.
-/// @cond
-class HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate: public HbDialogPrivate
-    Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(HbInputThaiSpecialPopup)
-	//Character classes
-	enum ThaiGlyphTypes {
-                HbThaiCharNon = 0,	//Not a Thai letter
-		HbThaiCharCons,		//Thai consonant
-		HbThaiCharLV,		//Leading vowel
-		HbThaiCharFV1,		//Following vowel, type 1
-		HbThaiCharFV2,		//Following vowel, type 2
-		HbThaiCharFV3,		//Following vowel, type 3
-		HbThaiCharBV1,		//Below vowel, type 1
-		HbThaiCharBV2,		//Below vowel, type 2
-		HbThaiCharBD,		//Below diacritic
-		HbThaiCharTone,		//Tone mark
-		HbThaiCharAD1,		//Above diacritic, type 1
-		HbThaiCharAD2,		//Above diacritic, type 2
-		HbThaiCharAD3,		//Above diacritic, type 3
-		HbThaiCharAV1,		//Above vowel, type 1
-		HbThaiCharAV2,		//Above vowel, type 2
-		HbThaiCharAV3,		//Above vowel, type 3
-		HbThaiCharNonThai	//Not a Thai letter
-	};
-	QGraphicsGridLayout* mButtonLayout; 
-	QGraphicsWidget* mButtonWidget;
-	QList<HbTouchKeypadButton *> mPopupButtons;
-        QSignalMapper *mActionMapper;
-	QSignalMapper *mClickMapper;
-	QString mSpecialCharacterSet;
-	const HbKeymap *mKeymap;
-	QSizeF mSize;
-	int mButtonId;
-	int mPopupGridColumns;
-	int mPopupGridRows;
-	int mNumPopupButtons;
-	int mAbcButtonId;
-	uint mPrevChar;
-	HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate();
-	~HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate();
-	void setNumberOfKeys();
-	void createPopupButtons(int screenWidth, int screenHeight);
-	void setLayoutDimensions(QSizeF dimensions);
-	void getSpecialCharacters();
-	void setPopupButtons(const QString &aCharSet);
-	void applyEditorConstraints();
-	int thaiGlyphType(uint prevChar);	
-	void initializeAbcButton();	
-	void handleStandardButtonClick(int buttonId);
-	void _q_mappedKeyClick(int buttonid);	
-    // we should make sure that it comes above vkb
-    setPriority(HbPopupPrivate::VirtualKeyboard + 1);
-	mClickMapper = 0;
-	mSize = QSizeF();
-Sets number of keys to layout
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::setNumberOfKeys()
-	//Manipulate number of keys on the layout depending on the Key_Asterisk and Qt::Key_Shift
-	if(Qt::Key_Asterisk == mButtonId) {
-		mPopupGridColumns = HbPopupAsteriskColumns;
-		mPopupGridRows = HbPopupAsteriskRows;
-	}else if (Qt::Key_Shift == mButtonId) {
-		mPopupGridColumns = HbPopupShiftColumns;
-		mPopupGridRows = HbPopupShiftRows;
-	}
-	mNumPopupButtons = mPopupGridColumns * mPopupGridRows;
-	mAbcButtonId = mPopupGridColumns*mPopupGridRows-1;
-Create Popup Buttons
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::createPopupButtons(int screenWidth, int screenHeight)
-	Q_Q(HbInputThaiSpecialPopup);
-	if (mPopupButtons.size() == 0) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < mNumPopupButtons; ++i) {
-			HbTouchKeypadButton *button = new HbTouchKeypadButton(0,QString(""),0);
-            q->connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), mClickMapper, SLOT(map()));
-            mClickMapper->setMapping(button, i);
-            mPopupButtons.append(button);
-            button->setProperty(HbStyleRulesCacheId::hbStyleRulesForNodeCache, HbPopupPortraitButtonTextLayout);
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < mNumPopupButtons; ++i) {
-			if(Qt::Key_Asterisk == mButtonId) {
-				//This check is for logical separation between Above below vowels , Diacritics and Tone marks 
-				//In Thai Language we have 7 Above and Below Vowels, 5 Diacritics and 4 Tone marks
-				if(!(i == HBPopupEmptyButtonSeven || i== HBPopupEmptyButtonEight || i == HBPopupEmptyButtonNine)) {		
-					mButtonLayout->addItem(, i/mPopupGridColumns, i%mPopupGridColumns);
-				}
-			} else if (Qt::Key_Shift == mButtonId) {
-				mButtonLayout->addItem(, i/mPopupGridColumns, i%mPopupGridColumns);
-			}
-        }
-    }
-	//Set the Layout Dimensions
-	setLayoutDimensions(QSizeF(screenWidth/mPopupGridColumns, screenHeight/mPopupGridRows));
-	//Assign button layout to widget
-	mButtonWidget->setLayout(mButtonLayout);	
-This function defines the layout porperties for popup.
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::setLayoutDimensions(QSizeF dimensions)
-    // only update the dimensions if they are not previously set
-    if (mSize == dimensions) {
-        return;
-    }
-    mSize = dimensions;
-    mButtonLayout->setContentsMargins(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-    for (int i = 0; i < mPopupGridColumns; i++) {
-        mButtonLayout->setColumnFixedWidth(i, dimensions.width());
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < mPopupGridRows; i++) {
-        mButtonLayout->setRowFixedHeight(i, dimensions.height());
-    }
-    mButtonLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(0.0);
-    mButtonLayout->setVerticalSpacing(0.0);
-	foreach (HbTouchKeypadButton* button, mPopupButtons) {
-        if (button) {
-            button->setInitialSize(dimensions);
-        }
-    }
-Gets the special character sets from set keymapping.
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::getSpecialCharacters()
-    mSpecialCharacterSet.clear();
-    if (mKeymap) {
-		const HbKeyboardMap* keyboardMap = 0;
-		//Set keyboard map depending on Key_Asterisk and Key_Shift
-		if(Qt::Key_Asterisk == mButtonId) {
-			keyboardMap = mKeymap->keyboard(HbKeyboardThaiStarSctPortrait);
-		} else if(Qt::Key_Shift == mButtonId) {
-			keyboardMap = mKeymap->keyboard(HbKeyboardThaiHashSctPortrait);
-		}
-        if (keyboardMap) {
-            foreach (const HbMappedKey* mappedKey, keyboardMap->keys) {
-				//Creats character set through keyboard map
-                mSpecialCharacterSet.append(mappedKey->characters(HbModifierNone));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-Let's set Thai Special Character to Buttons
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::setPopupButtons(const QString &aCharSet)
-    int i = 0;
-    int j = 0;
-	for (; i < mPopupButtons.size()-1 && j < aCharSet.size(); ++i) {
-		if(Qt::Key_Asterisk == mButtonId) {
-			//This check is for logical separation between Above below Vowels , Diacritics and Tone marks 
-			//In Thai Language we have 7 Above and Below Vowels, 5 Diacritics and 4 Tone marks
-			if(!(i == HBPopupEmptyButtonSeven || i== HBPopupEmptyButtonEight || i == HBPopupEmptyButtonNine)) {
-				const QChar &character = aCharSet[j];
->setObjectName("Thai Sct portrait " + QString(character));
-				j++;
-			}
-		} else if (Qt::Key_Shift == mButtonId) {
-			const QChar &character = aCharSet[j];
->setObjectName("Thai Sct portrait " + QString(character));
-			j++;
-		}
-	}
-    for (; i < mPopupButtons.size()-1; ++i) {       
-  >setText("");       
-    }
-    applyEditorConstraints();
-	initializeAbcButton();
-Apply editor constraints on buttons
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::applyEditorConstraints()
-	if (Qt::Key_Asterisk == mButtonId) {
-		//Get Character class
-		int glyphType = thaiGlyphType(mPrevChar);
-		//Set the rules to the editor to allow or disallow characters 
-		switch(glyphType) {
-		case HbThaiCharNonThai:
-		case HbThaiCharNon:
-		case HbThaiCharLV:
-		case HbThaiCharFV1:
-		case HbThaiCharFV2:
-		case HbThaiCharFV3:
-		case HbThaiCharBD:
-		case HbThaiCharTone:
-		case HbThaiCharAD1:
-		case HbThaiCharAD2:
-		case HbThaiCharAD3:
-			for (int i=0; i < mPopupButtons.size()-1; ++i) {					
-			}
-			break;
-		case HbThaiCharCons:
-			for (int i=0; i < mPopupButtons.size()-1; ++i) {					
-			}
-			break;
-		case HbThaiCharAV1:
-		case HbThaiCharBV1: {
-				static const QChar data[6] = { 0x0e48, 0x0e49, 0x0e4a, 0x0e4b, 0x0e4c, 0x0e4d };
-				QString allowChar(data, 6);
-				for (int i=0; i < mPopupButtons.size()-1; ++i) { 				
-					QString buttonText =>text();
-					if(buttonText.isEmpty()) {
-					} else {
-						if (allowChar.contains(buttonText)) {
-						} else {
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case HbThaiCharAV2:
-		case HbThaiCharBV2: {				
-				static const QChar data[4] = { 0x0e48, 0x0e49, 0x0e4a, 0x0e4b };
-				QString allowChar(data, 4);
-				for (int i=0; i < mPopupButtons.size()-1; ++i) { 				
-					QString buttonText =>text();
-					if(buttonText.isEmpty()) {
-					} else {
-						if (allowChar.contains(buttonText)) {
-						} else {
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case HbThaiCharAV3: {				
-				static const QChar data[5] = { 0x0e48, 0x0e49, 0x0e4a, 0x0e4b, 0x0e47 };
-				QString allowChar(data, 5);
-				for (int i=0; i < mPopupButtons.size()-1; ++i) { 				
-					QString buttonText =>text();
-					if(buttonText.isEmpty()) {
-					} else {
-						if (allowChar.contains(buttonText)) {
-						} else {
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-Returns Character classes depending on the previous entered character
-int HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::thaiGlyphType(uint prevChar)
-	if (prevChar >= 0x0E01 && prevChar <= 0x0E2E && prevChar != 0x0E24 && prevChar != 0x0E26 ) {
-		return(HbThaiCharCons);
-	} else if (prevChar >= 0x0E40 && prevChar <= 0x0E44) {
-		return(HbThaiCharLV);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E30 || prevChar == 0x0E32 || prevChar == 0x0E33) {
-		return(HbThaiCharFV1);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E45) {
-		return(HbThaiCharFV2);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E24 || prevChar == 0x0E26) {
-		return(HbThaiCharFV3);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E38) {
-		return(HbThaiCharBV1);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E39) {
-		return(HbThaiCharBV2);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E3A) {
-		return(HbThaiCharBD);
-	} else if (prevChar >= 0x0E48 && prevChar <= 0x0E4B) {
-		return(HbThaiCharTone);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E4C || prevChar == 0x0E4D) {
-		return(HbThaiCharAD1);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E47) {
-		return(HbThaiCharAD2);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E4E) {
-		return(HbThaiCharAD3);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E34) {
-		return(HbThaiCharAV1);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E31 || prevChar == 0x0E36) {
-		return(HbThaiCharAV2);
-	} else if (prevChar == 0x0E35 || prevChar == 0x0E37) {
-		return(HbThaiCharAV3);
-	} else {
-		return(HbThaiCharNonThai);
-	}
-Initialize ABC button
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::initializeAbcButton()
->setProperty(HbStyleRulesCacheId::hbStyleRulesForNodeCache, HbPopupPortraitButtonIconLayout);
-Handles button clicks.
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::handleStandardButtonClick(int buttonId)
-   Q_Q(HbInputThaiSpecialPopup);
-   if (buttonId >= 0 && buttonId < mNumPopupButtons-1 ) {
-	   QString buttonText =>text();
-		//Emit the signal when button is not faded and it has some text
-	   if (!>isFaded() && buttonText.length() > 0) {
-		   emit q->chrSelected(;
-	   }
-   }
-   //It will hide popup for any click event
-   q->hide();
-Handles virtual key clicks
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate::_q_mappedKeyClick(int buttonid)
-    handleStandardButtonClick(buttonid);
-/// @endcond
-Constructs the object. 
-HbInputThaiSpecialPopup::HbInputThaiSpecialPopup(int buttonId, uint prevChar, QGraphicsItem* parent)
-    : HbDialog(*new HbInputThaiSpecialPopupPrivate(), parent)
-    Q_D(HbInputThaiSpecialPopup);
-	//Initialize member variable
-	d->mPrevChar = prevChar;
-	d->mButtonId = buttonId;
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
-    // Make sure the Thai special popup never steals focus.
-    setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsPanel, true);
-    setActive(false);
-	// set dialog properties
-    setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus);
-    setBackgroundFaded(false);
-	setDismissPolicy(TapAnywhere);
-    setTimeout(NoTimeout);
-	d->mButtonLayout = new QGraphicsGridLayout();
-    d->mButtonLayout->setSpacing(0.0);
-    d->mButtonLayout->setContentsMargins(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-	d->mButtonWidget =  new QGraphicsWidget();
-	//Create Signal mapper
-	d->mClickMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
-	// let's connect buttons to handle click events  
-    connect(d->mClickMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(_q_mappedKeyClick(int)));
-Destructs the object.
-This function should be called when ever there is a Key_Asterisk and Key_Shift click happens.
-This create buttons, Set the layout dimensions and gets the special characters from the given keymappings and set it accordingly.
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopup::setPopupLayout(const HbKeymap* keymap, uint prevChar, int buttonId, int screenWidth, int screenHeight)
-    Q_D(HbInputThaiSpecialPopup);
-	if(d->mButtonId != buttonId) {
-		d->mButtonId = buttonId;
-		while (!d->mPopupButtons.isEmpty())
-			delete d->mPopupButtons.takeFirst();
-	}
-	d->mKeymap = keymap;
-	d->mPrevChar = prevChar;	
-	//Initialize Number of keys dependent on Key_Asterisk and Key_Shift
-	d->setNumberOfKeys();
-	//Create buttons.
-	d->createPopupButtons(screenWidth,screenHeight);
-	//Gets the special character sets from set keymapping.
-    d->getSpecialCharacters();
-	//Let's set Special Character Table Buttons
-	d->setPopupButtons(d->mSpecialCharacterSet);
-	setContentWidget(d->mButtonWidget);
-This a virtual functions in QGraphicsWidget. It is called whenever the Thai popup is shown. 
-void HbInputThaiSpecialPopup::showEvent( QShowEvent * event )
-	HbDialog::showEvent(event);  
-#include "moc_hbinputthaispecialpopup.cpp"
-//End of file