changeset 34 ed14f46c0e55
parent 2 06ff229162e9
--- a/src/hbcore/feedback/hbfeedbacknamespace.cpp	Mon Oct 04 17:49:30 2010 +0300
+++ b/src/hbcore/feedback/hbfeedbacknamespace.cpp	Mon Oct 18 18:23:13 2010 +0300
@@ -28,7 +28,19 @@
     \namespace HbFeedback
-    \brief The HbFeedback namespace contains the feedback effects supported by the current haptic frawework.
+    \brief The HbFeedback namespace defines the feedback effects supported
+    by the current feedback framework.
+    As a widget developer, you may want to give feedback to the user
+    corresponding to how the user interacts with the device. Feedback can
+    be given using different modalities supported on the device, such as
+    tactile, audio, or visual. Tactile feedback is feedback that is 'felt'
+    by the user, for example vibration of the device. Extra visual feedback,
+    in addition to the user interface changes on the screen, can be flashing
+    the screen or switching extra lights on the device on or off. The feedback
+    mechanism of the device can be further extended by implementing other
+    modality plug-ins (see HbFeedbackEffectPlugin).
@@ -49,24 +61,276 @@
     \enum HbFeedback::InstantEffect
-    Instant feedback is fire&forget type of feedback which initiates a short haptic and/or sound 
-    feedback effect. Each enumeration value corresponds to a certain instant feedback effect.
+    Instant feedback is a fire-and-forget type of feedback which initiates a short
+    tactile and/or sound feedback effect. Each enumeration value corresponds
+    to a certain instant feedback effect.
+    For many standard instant effects, there is both a 'basic' and 'sensitive'
+    version. The sensitive feedback effect is for situations where the triggering
+    action is not important, or where there can be a large number of feedback
+    instances within a short time. An example of a less important touch event is
+    when the focus is changed in a list, while an example of a situation where
+    lots of events could be triggered is when the device user selects text and
+    feedback is given for every character selected.
     \sa HbInstantFeedback
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::None
+    No valid instant effect defined.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::Basic
+    Basic generic instant feedback for custom widget interaction.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::Sensitive
+    Sensitive generic instant feedback for custom widget interaction.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::BasicButton
+    Basic instant feedback for button interaction.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::SensitiveButton
+    Sensitive instant feedback for button interaction.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::BasicKeypad
+    Basic instant feedback for keypad interaction.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::SensitiveKeypad
+    Sensitive instant feedback for keypad interaction.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::BasicSlider
+    Basic instant feedback for moving the slider.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::SensitiveSlider
+    Sensitive instant feedback for moving the slider.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::BasicItem
+    Basic instant feedback for interacting with an item view item
+    (for example, a list or grid view item).
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::SensitiveItem
+    Sensitive instant feedback for interacting with an item view item
+    (for example, a list or grid view item).
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::ItemScroll
+    Instant feedback for scrolling an item view.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::ItemPick
+    Instant feedback for picking an item in an arrange mode.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::ItemDrop
+    Instant feedback for dropping an item in an arrange mode.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::ItemMoveOver
+    Instant feedback for moving an item in an arrange mode.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::BounceEffect
+    Instant feedback for a bounce effect.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::Checkbox
+    Instant feedback for selecting a checkbox item.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::MultipleCheckbox
+    Instant feedback for selecting multiple checkbox items.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::Editor
+    Instant feedback for generic editor interaction, for example
+    when the editor gets focus.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::TextSelection
+    Instant feedback for selecting text.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::BlankSelection
+    Instant feedback for a blank selection.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::LineSelection
+    Instant feedback for selecting a line.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::EmptyLineSelection
+    Instant feedback for selecting an empty line.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::PopUp
+    Instant feedback for a generic popup interaction.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::PopupOpen
+    Instant feedback for opening a popup.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::PopupClose
+    Instant feedback for closing a popup.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::Flick
+    Instant feedback at the start of a flick (swipe) gesture.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::StopFlick
+    Instant feedback when the user stops a flick (swipe) gesture
+    by tapping the scroll item view.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::AdvancedGestureActivate
+    Instant feedback when a touch gesture with more than one finger is activated:
+    a second touch point is detected and a pinch gesture (for example zooming)
+    is likely to follow.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::RotateStep
+    Instant feedback for a rotation step.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::LongPress
+    Instant feedback for a long press (tap-and-hold) gesture.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::PositiveTacticon
+    Instant feedback for a notification of a successful action.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::NeutralTacticon
+    Instant feedback for a notification.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::NegativeTacticon
+    Instant feedback for a notification of a failed action.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::NumberOfInstantFeedbacks
+    Used by the internal framework to keep track of the number of
+    standard instant effects.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::InstantUser
+    Start value for the range of custom instant effects.
+    \var HbFeedback::InstantEffect HbFeedback::InstantMaxUser
+    End value for the range of custom instant effects.
     \enum HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect
-    Continuous feedback is a feedback type, which has to be explicitly started, updated and
-    stopped by the framework and is used to provide ongoing feedback in situations in which
-    the user is performing some longer duration touch interaction, e.g. dragging slider handle
-    to change the slider value. Continuous feedback intensity can be updated during the playback 
-    between values 0 and 100.
+    Continuous feedback is a feedback type that you can use to provide
+    ongoing feedback in situations where the user is performing some
+    longer duration touch interaction, such as dragging a slider handle
+    to change the slider value. You need to explicitly start and stop
+    a continuous feedback effect. You can update continuous feedback intensity
+    during the playback between values 0 and 100 with HbContinuousFeedback::setIntensity().
+    The feedback framework uses HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect for its
+    internal purposes as well, and it will also stop any continuous feedback
+    playback when a timeout occurs.
     \sa HbContinuousFeedback
+    \var HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect HbFeedback::ContinuousNone
+    No valid continuous effect defined.
+    \var HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect HbFeedback::ContinuousSmooth
+    Generic continuous feedback for custom widget interaction.
+    \var HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect HbFeedback::ContinuousSlider
+    Continuous feedback for dragging the slider.
+    \var HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect HbFeedback::ContinuousPopup
+    Continuous feedback for popup interaction.
+    \var HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect HbFeedback::ContinuousInput
+    Continuous feedback for giving input.
+    \var HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect HbFeedback::ContinuousPinch
+    Continuous feedback for a pinch gesture.
+    \var HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect HbFeedback::NumberOfContinuousFeedbacks
+    Used by the internal framework to keep track of the number of
+    standard continuous effects.
+    \var HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect HbFeedback::ContinuousUser
+    Start value for the range of custom continuous effects.
+    \var HbFeedback::ContinuousEffect HbFeedback::ContinuousMaxUser
+    End value for the range of custom continuous effects.
     \enum HbFeedback::IntensityLevel
@@ -75,20 +339,52 @@
     \sa HbContinuousFeedback
+    \var HbFeedback::IntensityLevel HbFeedback::IntensityZero
+    Minimum intensity, 0.
+    \var HbFeedback::IntensityLevel HbFeedback::IntensitySmooth
+    Medium intensity, 50.
+    \var HbFeedback::IntensityLevel HbFeedback::IntensityFull
+    Maximum intensity, 100.
     \enum HbFeedback::Modality
-    The available modalities for feedback effects. Effects can be played using one or several 
-    of the available modalities, e.g. haptic, audio.
+    The available modalities for feedback effects. The currently supported
+    modalities are audio and tactile. Effects can be played using both
+    modalities or only one of them.
+    \sa HbAbstractFeedback
-    \sa HbInstantFeedback, HbContinuousFeedback
+    \var HbFeedback::Modality HbFeedback::All
+    All available modalities.
+    \var HbFeedback::Modality HbFeedback::Audio
+    Audio modality.
+    \var HbFeedback::Modality HbFeedback::Tactile
+    Tactile modality.
-    A timeout value has to be defined for each continuous feedback to avoid situations where 
-    the continuous feedback is never stopped and unintentionally continues to play indefinetly.
+    A timeout value has to be defined for each continuous feedback to avoid
+    situations where the continuous feedback is never stopped and unintentionally
+    continues to play indefinitely.
     The recommended standard value is 300 milliseconds.