** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the HbCore module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.
#include "hbvgeffect_p.h"
#include "hbvgeffect_p_p.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPaintEngine>
#include <QPixmapCache>
#include <QGraphicsScene>
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QSet>
#include <hbmainwindow.h>
#include <hbmainwindow_p.h>
* \class HbVgEffect
* \brief Abstract base class for OpenVG effects.
* \internal
* Brief guide for creating new effects:
* <ul>
* <li>Derive from HbVgEffect.
* <li>Add getter/setter/property/signal for new effect parameters.
* <li>In the setter make sure to call either updateEffectBoundingRect() or
* updateEffect(), depending on the parameter (some parameters affect the
* bounding rectangle, some not).
* <li>Reimplement boundingRectFor().
* <li>Implement performEffect(). This function will typically generate
* VGImages containing the filtered source image (or just the extra visuals
* that appear due to the effect) and draw them via the given painter's
* drawPixmap() (or vgDrawImage). Do not forget to draw the source image too,
* if needed. The VGImage argument is passed in a variant to keep things
* building even without OpenVG headers/libraries. Always use an appropriate
* ifdef for code that uses OpenVG types or functions.
* </ul>
* Note that these effects must not be installed using QGraphicsItem::setGraphicsEffect(),
* use install() instead.
* \sa install()
* \fn void HbVgEffect::performEffect(QPainter *painter, const QPointF &offset,
* const QVariant &vgImage, const QSize &vgImageSize)
* This function must be implemented in derived classes, providing the actual
* implementation for the effect generation.
* \a painter is the painter to be used (it is guaranteed to be an OpenVG-based
* one), \a offset is the target position, the variant \a vgImage contains a
* VGImage handle for the source image, and \a vgImageSize is the size of that
* image. The handle in \a vgImage is actually the underlying VGImage of the
* pixmap stored in d->srcPixmap.
* Note that the size of this pixmap (and thus vgImageSize) already includes the
* extra margins added by the effect's boundingRectFor, so drawing the entire
* pixmap at any other position than \a offset will lead to painting outside the
* item's effective bounding rectangle which may cause artifacts on the screen.
* \sa QGraphicsEffect::boundingRectFor()
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QSet<QString>, cacheKeys)
: q_ptr(0),
* \internal
* Makes sure that the given pixmap has the given \a size. Returns
* the underlying VGImage handle. Typically used with dstPixmap and
* tmpPixmap.
* \internal
VGImage HbVgEffectPrivate::ensurePixmap(QPixmap *pixmap, const QSize& size)
if (pixmap->size() != size)
*pixmap = QPixmap(size);
return qPixmapToVGImage(*pixmap);
* Invalidates the cache but only if it has not been done already.
* \internal
void HbVgEffectPrivate::ensureCacheInvalidated()
if (!cacheInvalidated) {
qDebug("HbVgEffect [%x]: invalidating cache", (int) q);
cacheInvalidated = true;
* Returns the rotation of the graphics view in degrees.
* For some effects it is important to know if the graphics view has been
* transformed or not (e.g. a reflection effect may need to draw at a different
* position when the graphics view is rotated).
* \internal
qreal HbVgEffectPrivate::mainWindowRotation() const
if (!mainWindow) {
Q_Q(const HbVgEffect);
const QGraphicsItem *srcItem = q->sourceItemForRoot();
if (srcItem) {
QGraphicsScene *scene = srcItem->scene();
if (scene) {
QList<QGraphicsView *> views = scene->views();
foreach (QGraphicsView *view, views) {
mainWindow = qobject_cast<HbMainWindow *>(view);
if (mainWindow)
return mainWindow ? HbMainWindowPrivate::d_ptr(mainWindow)->rotation() : 0;
* Returns a transformation that defines the graphics view's current rotation.
* \internal
QTransform HbVgEffectPrivate::rotationTransform() const
int rotation = (int) mainWindowRotation();
if (rotation != lastRotationTransformAngle) {
lastRotationTransformAngle = rotation;
lastRotationTransform = QTransform().rotate(rotation);
return lastRotationTransform;
* Maps the given translation offset to an offset that is based on the current
* rotation of the graphics view. Effects are drawing directly, in device
* coordinates, however they must take into account the rotation of the graphics
* view too. Therefore any translation they use must be mapped using this
* function. (NB. this does not apply to the offset argument of
* performEffect()).
* For example if a dropshadow effect gets (x, y) as the offset of the shadow,
* it must call this function instead of using the offset as it is, because the
* correct device coordinates for the offset may be something different,
* e.g. (y, -x) if the graphics view is rotated -90 degrees.
* \internal
QPointF HbVgEffectPrivate::mapOffset(const QPointF &offset) const
return rotationTransform().map(offset);
* Returns a size that has the width and height swapped if the current rotation
* of the graphics view implies that. Typically used with size-like values,
* e.g. the radius for a blur effect.
* \internal
QSizeF HbVgEffectPrivate::mapSize(const QSizeF &size) const
QPointF p = mapOffset(QPointF(size.width(), size.height()));
return QSizeF(qAbs(p.x()), qAbs(p.y()));
* \internal
* Returns a cache key that is unique to this effect instance (but only for the
* lifetime of the instance).
inline QString cacheKey(const HbVgEffect *e)
return QString::number((qptrdiff) e);
HbVgEffect::HbVgEffect(QObject *parent)
: QGraphicsEffect(parent), d_ptr(new HbVgEffectPrivate)
d->q_ptr = this;
HbVgEffect::HbVgEffect(HbVgEffectPrivate &dd, QObject *parent)
: QGraphicsEffect(parent), d_ptr(&dd)
d->q_ptr = this;
// Get rid of the cached pixmap if it is still present.
QString key = cacheKey(this);
delete d_ptr;
* Updates the source item (and thus the effect). Also sets the paramsChanged
* and cacheInvalidated flags. This function should be called from the effect
* parameter setters only.
* Note that this is not sufficient if the results of boundingRectFor() are also
* changing due to an updated parameter value. In that case call
* updateEffectBoundingRect() instead.
* \sa updateEffectBoundingRect()
void HbVgEffect::updateEffect()
d->paramsChanged = true;
if (d->rootEffect) {
} else {
* Notifies that the bounding rectangle for the effect (i.e. the return value of
* boundingRectFor()) is possibly different than before. Also updates the source
* item (and thus the effect) and sets the paramsChanged and cacheInvalidated
* flags. This function should be called from the effect parameter setters only.
* When changing effect parameters that have no effect on the bounding
* rectangle, use updateEffect() instead because that might be more efficient.
* \sa updateEffect()
void HbVgEffect::updateEffectBoundingRect()
d->paramsChanged = true;
if (d->rootEffect) {
} else {
* Enables delegation of update requests to the given \a effect.
* This is needed when there are several effects in a chain and thus all update
* requests should be routed from the individual elements to the container
* effect.
void HbVgEffect::setChainRoot(HbVgEffect *effect)
d->rootEffect = effect;
* Returns the current root of the chain or null if this effect is not part of
* any delegation chain. Do not assume that the returned effect is a
* HbVgChainedEffect, it may also be something else (in theory), so use
* qobject_cast if the return value needs to be casted to a more specific type.
HbVgEffect *HbVgEffect::chainRoot() const
Q_D(const HbVgEffect);
return d->rootEffect;
* Returns the current opacity parameter of the effect.
* \sa setOpacity()
qreal HbVgEffect::opacity() const
Q_D(const HbVgEffect);
return d->opacity;
* Sets the \a opacity parameter of the effect.
* The value must fall between 0.0 and 1.0.
* \sa opacity()
void HbVgEffect::setOpacity(qreal opacity)
if (d->opacity == opacity)
d->opacity = opacity;
emit opacityChanged(opacity);
* \reimp
* Implementation of QGraphicsEffect's draw(). After setting up the environment
* for direct OpenVG painting, the work is delegated to the performEffect()
* implementation of the derived classes.
void HbVgEffect::draw(QPainter *painter)
// Just draw the source without effects if the painter's paint engine
// is not using OpenVG.
if (painter->paintEngine()->type() != QPaintEngine::OpenVG) {
// Render the source into a pixmap. Note that the effect's modified bounding
// rectangle is already taken into account in the size of the pixmap created
// here, so there is no need to waste time with boundingRectFor() calls
// later in performEffect() when creating temporary buffers.
QPoint offset;
// Don't bother with optimizations based on sourceIsPixmap() because we will
// rarely be used on QGraphicsPixmapItems anyway.
d->srcPixmap = sourcePixmap(Qt::DeviceCoordinates, &offset);
// Pull out the underlying VGImage from the pixmap.
VGImage vgImage = qPixmapToVGImage(d->srcPixmap);
// If something went wrong then just draw the source without effects.
if (vgImage == VG_INVALID_HANDLE) {
// Save the world transformation and then reset it.
d->worldTransform = painter->worldTransform();
// Invalidate the cache if the rotation of the graphics view has changed.
qreal rotation = d->mainWindowRotation();
if (rotation != d->lastUsedRotation) {
d->lastUsedRotation = rotation;
// Enter raw VG mode.
// Draw something.
performEffect(painter, offset, QVariant::fromValue<VGImage>(vgImage), d->srcPixmap.size());
// Clear the param/cache flags as all data should be up-to-date now.
d->paramsChanged = d->cacheInvalidated = false;
// Leave raw VG mode.
// Restore the painter's previously set transformations.
// OpenVG code disabled => effect is not shown (but have the source drawn still).
* \reimp
void HbVgEffect::sourceChanged(ChangeFlags flags)
// If the bounding rectangle or appearance of the source has changed then
// set our flag to indicate that any cached visual data will have to be
// dropped.
if (flags & SourceBoundingRectChanged || flags & SourceInvalidated) {
* Returns the current status of caching.
* \sa setCaching()
bool HbVgEffect::caching() const
Q_D(const HbVgEffect);
return d->caching;
* Enables or disables caching of the output of the effects.
* By default caching is disabled.
* Note that caching may not cause any increase in performance if the size or
* apperance of the source item is changing rapidly, it is only useful for items
* that are static enough.
* Enabling this setting may have no effect because some subclasses may not be
* able to support it, it is treated as a hint only.
* \sa caching()
void HbVgEffect::setCaching(bool caching)
if (d->caching == caching)
d->caching = caching;
emit cachingChanged(caching);
* Returns the cached pixmap that is associated with this effect instance. Will
* return a null pixmap if caching is disabled or there was no tryCache() call
* for this instance before or the cache has been invalidated (e.g. because the
* source item's appearance has changed).
* \sa tryCache()
QPixmap HbVgEffect::cached(const QSize &size) const
Q_D(const HbVgEffect);
if (d->caching) {
QString key = cacheKey(this);
if (d->cacheInvalidated) {
} else {
QPixmap cachedPm;
// Check if we have a pixmap in the cache, then check the size
// too. The size check is important because the effects will
// typically render their source using device coordinates which
// causes a clipping to the device viewport, therefore the cached
// pixmap for an item that was/is clipped should not be used.
if (QPixmapCache::find(key, &cachedPm)
&& (size.isNull() || cachedPm.size() == size))
qDebug("HbVgEffect [%x]: cache hit", (int) this);
return cachedPm;
return QPixmap();
* Inserts/replaces the given pixmap into/in the cache if caching is enabled.
* The pixmap will be associated with this effect instance and can be retrieved
* later by calling cached().
* Note that the OpenVG effects rely on "out-of-sync" pixmaps, i.e. pixmaps
* where the underlying QImage and VGImage are not synchronized. Therefore the
* QPixmapCache must be cleared whenever there is a risk that some other entity
* (Qt) would destroy the underlying VGImages. This is currently handled in
* HbForegroundWatcher and HbOogmWatcher by calling releaseCachedResources().
* \sa cached()
void HbVgEffect::tryCache(const QPixmap &pm)
if (d->caching) {
QString key = cacheKey(this);
QPixmapCache::insert(key, pm);
* Drops all cached data used by any effect in the application. Other pixmaps
* (not related to effects) are left intact in the global pixmap cache.
void HbVgEffect::releaseCachedResources()
QSet<QString> *keys = cacheKeys();
foreach (const QString &key, *keys) {
* Returns the source graphics item for this effect or null if it is not
* available for some reason. Also works for chained effects (i.e. it uses the
* root effect if needed).
* NOTE: If the effect has not been attached to a graphics item using install()
* then this function returns null (even if setGraphicsEffect() was used). So
* use install().
const QGraphicsItem *HbVgEffect::sourceItemForRoot() const
Q_D(const HbVgEffect);
const HbVgEffectPrivate *p = d->rootEffect ? HbVgEffectPrivate::d_ptr(d->rootEffect) : d;
return p->sourceGraphicsItem;
* Returns the bounding rectangle of the source graphics item. Also works for
* chained effects (it will use the root effect if needed).
QRectF HbVgEffect::sourceBoundingRectForRoot() const
Q_D(const HbVgEffect);
return d->rootEffect ? d->rootEffect->sourceBoundingRect() : sourceBoundingRect();
* Installs the effect on a given graphics item. This is merely a wrapper to
* QGraphicsItem::setGraphicsEffect(). To uninstall the effect use
* setGraphicsEffect in the usual way (i.e. pass null). This function will do
* nothing if \a item is null.
* Note that installing effects derived from HbVgEffect using
* QGraphicsItem::setGraphicsEffect() will not work and will lead to undefined
* behaviour. Use this function instead. You have been warned.
void HbVgEffect::install(QGraphicsItem *item)
if (item) {
d->sourceGraphicsItem = item;