author hgs
Fri, 06 Aug 2010 14:05:40 +0300
changeset 17 071a219c708b
parent 7 923ff622b8b9
child 21 4633027730f5
child 34 ed14f46c0e55
permissions -rw-r--r--

** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
** This file is part of the HbServers module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at


#include <QFile>
#include <QColor>
#include <QHash>
#include <QList>
#include <QSizeF>
#include <QString>
#include <QChar>

#include "hbthemecommon_p.h"
#include "hbthemecommon_symbian_p.h"
#include "hbicondatacache_p.h"
#include "hbcache_p.h"
#include "hbthemewatcher_symbian_p.h"
#include <e32property.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>

class HbThemeServerSession;
struct HbIconKey;
class HbIconSource;
class CHbThemeChangeNotificationListener;
class CHbThemeWatcher;

// reasons for server panic
enum TPixmapServPanic {
    EBadRequest = 1,

Our server class - an active object - and therefore derived ultimately from CActive.
It accepts requests from client threads and forwards
them to the client session to be dealt with. It also handles the creation
of the server-side client session.
class HbThemeServerPrivate : public CServer2
    // Creates a new session with the server; the function
    // implements the pure virtutal function
    // defined in class CServer2
    HbThemeServerPrivate(CActive::TPriority aActiveObjectPriority);
    HbIconFormatType IconTypeInCache( const HbIconKey &key ) const;
    static HbThemeServerPrivate * NewL(CActive::TPriority aActiveObjectPriority);
    CSession2 * NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;

public :
    // Function to panic the server
    static void PanicServer(TPixmapServPanic aPanic);
    bool insertIconCacheItem(const HbIconKey &key,  HbIconCacheItem *item);
    HbIconCacheItem * iconCacheItem(const HbIconKey &key, bool isMultiPiece = false);
    void setMaxGpuCacheSize(int size);
    void setMaxCpuCacheSize(int size);
    void CleanupSessionIconItem(HbIconKey key);
    void clearIconCache();

    bool insertCssCacheItem(const QString &key,  HbCacheItem *item);
    HbCacheItem * cssCacheItem(const QString &key);
    void CleanupSessionCssItem(QString key);
    void clearCssCache();
    void MemoryGood();
    void FreeGpuRam(int bytes, bool useSwRendering);
    void freeUnusedGpuResources();
    void doCleanup();
    static bool gpuMemoryState();

    bool openCurrentIndexFile();
    HbRenderingMode currentRenderingMode() const;
    void setCurrentRenderingMode(HbRenderingMode currentMode);
    void HandleThemeSelection( const QString& themeName);

    int freeSharedMemory();
    int allocatedSharedMemory();
    int allocatedHeapMemory();
    int gpuLRUSize() const;
//Debug Code for Test Purpose
    int cacheIconCount() const;
    int memorySize(const QString &mem);
    int freeVectorMemory();
    int freeRasterMemory();
    int lastAddedRefCount();
    int lastAddedItemMem();
    int lastRemovedItemMem();
    int lastRemovedItemRfCount();
    bool enableCache(bool cacheIt);
    int cacheHitCount();
    int cacheMissCount();
    int serverHeapSize();
    void cleanRasterLRUList();
    void cleanVectorLRUList();
    int rasterLruCount();
    int vectorLruCount();
    unsigned long freeGPUMemory();
    unsigned long totalGPUMemory();
#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
    int iconRefCount(const RMessage2& aMessage);


    RProperty iThemeProperty;
    QString iCurrentThemeName;
    QString iCurrentThemePath;

    void ConstructL();
    void UpdateThemeIndexes(bool updateBase = true);
    HbIconDataCache * cache;
    HbCache* cssCache;

    static bool gpuGoodMemoryState;
    HbRenderingMode renderMode;
    CHbThemeChangeNotificationListener * iListener;
    CHbThemeWatcher *iWatcher;

This class represents a session with the  server.
Functions are provided to respond appropriately to client messages.
class HbThemeServerSession : public CSession2
    HbThemeServerSession(HbThemeServerPrivate * aServer);
    void ServiceL(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
    void DispatchMessageL(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
    void GetSharedIconInfoL(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
    void HandleStyleSheetLookupL(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
    void HandleWidgetMLLookupL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void HandleDeviceProfilesReqL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void HandleEffectAddAndFileLookupL(const RMessage2 &aMessage);
    QColor GetColorFromRgba(TUint32 aRgba, bool aColorFlag);
    void GetSharedMultiIconInfoL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void GetMultiIconInfoL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    TMultiIconSymbParams ReadMessageAndRetrieveMultiIconParams(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void GetDataFromCacheItem(HbIconCacheItem* cacheItem, HbSharedIconInfo &data) const;
    void FreeDataFromCacheItem(HbIconCacheItem* cacheItem);
    bool IconInfoFromSingleIcon(HbIconKey key, HbSharedIconInfo &stitchedData);
    bool CreateCacheItemData(HbIconKey key, int options, HbSharedIconInfo &data,
                             bool isMultiPiece = false);
    bool CreateStichedIconInfoOfParts(QVector<HbSharedIconInfo> dataForParts,
                                      HbMultiIconParams params,
                                      HbIconKey &finalIconKey,
                                      HbSharedIconInfo &stitchedData,
                                      bool allNvg);
    void IconInfoFromMultiParts(const HbMultiIconParams &paramsCommon,
                                const int noOfPieces,
                                HbIconKey &stichedKey,
                                HbSharedIconInfo &stitchedData);
    void IconInfoL(const TIconListParams &frameItemParams,
                   const int noOfPieces,
                   HbSharedIconInfoList &iconInfoList);
    void HandleTypefaceReqL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void unLoadIcon(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void unloadMultiIcon(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void freeClientGpuResources();
    void ClearSessionData();
    void freeGpuResources();
    void SwitchRenderingMode(HbRenderingMode aRenderMode);
    TIconParams ReadMessageAndRetrieveParams(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
    void PanicClient(const RMessage2 & aMessage, TInt aPanic) const;

    HbThemeServerPrivate *iServer;
    QList<HbIconKey> sessionData;
    QList<QString> sessionCssData;