/******************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).** All rights reserved.** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)**** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.**** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.**** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.**** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.******************************************************************************/#ifndef HBDEVICENOTIFICATIONDIALOGSYMBIAN_H#define HBDEVICENOTIFICATIONDIALOGSYMBIAN_H#if defined(__SYMBIAN32__) || defined(SYMBIAN) || defined(HB_DOXYGEN)#include <e32base.h>const TInt KHbShortNotificationDialogTimeout = 1500; // HbPopup::ConfirmationNoteTimeoutconst TInt KHbLongNotificationDialogTimeout = 3000; // HbPopup::StandardTimeoutclass CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbian;class CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbianPrivate;class MHbDeviceNotificationDialogObserver {public: virtual void NotificationDialogActivated(const CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbian* aDialog) = 0; virtual void NotificationDialogClosed(const CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbian* aDialog, TInt aCompletionCode) = 0;};class CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbian : public CBase{public: /*! A type definition for text wrapping */ enum TextWrapping { TextNoWrap = 0, TextWordWrap = 1, TextWrapAnywhere = 3 }; IMPORT_C static CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbian* NewL( MHbDeviceNotificationDialogObserver* aObserver = 0); IMPORT_C virtual ~CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbian(); IMPORT_C static void NotificationL(const TDesC& aIconName, const TDesC& aTitle); IMPORT_C static void NotificationL(const TDesC& aIconName, const TDesC& aText, const TDesC& aTitle); IMPORT_C void SetIconNameL(const TDesC& aIconName); IMPORT_C const TPtrC IconName() const; IMPORT_C void SetAnimationDefinitionL(const TDesC& aAnimationDefinition); IMPORT_C TPtrC AnimationDefinition() const; IMPORT_C void SetTextL(const TDesC& aText); IMPORT_C const TPtrC Text() const; IMPORT_C void SetTitleL(const TDesC& aTitle); IMPORT_C const TPtrC Title() const; IMPORT_C void EnableTouchActivationL(TBool aEnable); // deprecated IMPORT_C void EnableTouchActivation(TBool aEnable); IMPORT_C TBool IsTouchActivating() const; IMPORT_C void SetTimeoutL(TInt aTimeout); // deprecated IMPORT_C void SetTimeout(TInt aTimeout); IMPORT_C TInt Timeout() const; IMPORT_C void SetTitleTextWrappingL(TextWrapping aWrapping); // deprecated IMPORT_C void SetTitleTextWrapping(TextWrapping aWrapping); IMPORT_C TextWrapping TitleTextWrapping() const; IMPORT_C void ShowL(); IMPORT_C void UpdateL(); IMPORT_C void Close();private: CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbian(); void ConstructL(MHbDeviceNotificationDialogObserver* aObserver); CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbianPrivate* d; friend class CHbDeviceNotificationDialogSymbianPrivate;};#endif // (__SYMBIAN32__) || defined(SYMBIAN) || defined(HB_DOXYGEN)#endif // HBDEVICENOTIFICATIONDIALOGSYMBIAN_H