** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.
#include "hbabstractviewitem_p.h"
#include <hbabstractviewitem.h>
#include <hbabstractitemview.h>
#include <hbnamespace.h>
#include <hbstyleoptionabstractviewitem.h>
#include <hbstyle.h>
#include <hbiconitem.h>
#include <hbframebackground.h>
#include <hbtextitem.h>
#include <QPersistentModelIndex>
#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QDebug>
const QString KDefaultLayoutOption = "default";
const int HbAbstractViewItemShared::ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent = QEvent::registerEventType();
\class HbAbstractViewItem
\brief The HbAbstractViewItem class represents a single item in a AbstractItemView.
The HbAbstractViewItem class provides an item that is used by HbAbstractItemView class to
visualize content within single model index. By default HbAbstractViewItem supports QString
that is stored into Qt::DisplayRole role and QIcon or HbIcon that is stored into
Qt::DecoratorRole role within the index.
This class is provided mainly for customization purposes but it also acts as a default
item prototype inside HbAbstractItemView. See HbAbstractItemView how to set customized class as a item prototype.
\b Subclassing
When subclassing HbAbstractViewItem, childclass must provide implementations of createItem() and updateChildItems() functions.
To support multiple Abstractview items within single AbstractItemview, you must also provide an implementation of canSetModelIndex().
If derived abstract view item has transient state information that is not meaningful to store within model index (child item cursor
position selection areas etc.) view item can use abstract views internal state model to store this information. This feature can
be taken into use by implementing state() and setState() functions in derived class.
\enum HbAbstractViewItem::StateKey
HbAbstractViewItem's predefined set of state keys.
This enum describes state keys for HbAbstractViewItem state values. State value can be accessed using this key.
\var HbAbstractViewItem::FocusKey
Predefined key for focus state value.
\var HbAbstractViewItem::UserKey
First key that can be used by the derived class for it's own purposes.
\fn HbAbstractViewItem::createItem
Creates a new item.
In most subclasses, createItem should be implemented like this:
void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::init()
q->setProperty("state", "normal");
if (isPrototype()) {
} else {
QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlags itemFlags = q->flags();
itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable;
int HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::modelItemType() const
return mIndex.data(Hb::ItemTypeRole).toInt();
void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::_q_animationFinished(const HbEffect::EffectStatus &status)
if (mFocusItem) {
QCoreApplication::postEvent(q, new QEvent((QEvent::Type)HbAbstractViewItemShared::ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent));
void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::repolishCloneItems()
int count(mSharedData->mCloneItems.count());
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::updateCloneItems()
int count(mSharedData->mCloneItems.count());
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
void HbAbstractViewItemPrivate::setInsidePopup(bool insidePopup)
if (q) {
themingPending = true;
Constructs an abstract view item with the given parent.
HbAbstractViewItem::HbAbstractViewItem(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
HbWidget( *new HbAbstractViewItemPrivate( this ), parent )
Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
d->q_ptr = this;
Creates a separate graphics widget with same Abstract view item state as \a source.
HbAbstractViewItem::HbAbstractViewItem( HbAbstractViewItemPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem *parent):
HbWidget( dd, parent )
Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
d->q_ptr = this;
Creates a separate graphics widget with same abstract view item state as \a source.
HbAbstractViewItem::HbAbstractViewItem(const HbAbstractViewItem &source) :
HbWidget(*new HbAbstractViewItemPrivate(*source.d_func()), 0)
Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
d->q_ptr = this;
Assigns the \a source abstract view item to this abstract view item and returns a reference to this item.
HbAbstractViewItem &HbAbstractViewItem::operator=(const HbAbstractViewItem &source)
Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
*d = *source.d_func();
return *this;
if (d && !d->isPrototype()) {
Returns true if \a model index is supported by Abstract view item, otherwise returns false.
This function is called for every item on the prototype list (, if several prototypes exist)
until item is found, which can create item for \a index. The prototype list is gone
through from end to the beginning.
Thus specialized prototypes should be in the end of the list and
'default' prototype first one. The specialized prototypes usually can create only
certain types of list view items. The default prototype usually return always true,
meaning that it can create any type of list view item.
\sa HbAbstractItemView::setItemPrototype(HbAbstractViewItem *prototype), HbAbstractItemView::setItemPrototype(const QList<HbAbstractViewItem *> &prototypes)
bool HbAbstractViewItem::canSetModelIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const
return true;
Returns model index tied into this Abstract view item.
QModelIndex HbAbstractViewItem::modelIndex() const
Q_D( const HbAbstractViewItem );
return d->mIndex;
\deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::type() const
is deprecated.
int HbAbstractViewItem::type() const
qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::type() const is deprecated");
return Hb::ItemType_AbstractViewItem;
Sets model \a index where this Abstract view item should retrieve it's content.
void HbAbstractViewItem::setModelIndex(const QModelIndex &index)
Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
if (d->mIndex != index) {
d->mIndex = index;
\deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::receivedFocus()
is deprecated.
Called when item has received focus.
void HbAbstractViewItem::receivedFocus()
qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::receivedFocus() is deprecated!");
Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
d->mFocused = true;
\deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::lostFocus()
is deprecated.
Called when item has lost focus.
void HbAbstractViewItem::lostFocus()
qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::lostFocus() is deprecated!");
Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
d->mFocused = false;
\deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::isFocused() const
is deprecated.
Retuns true if item is currently focused, otherwise return false.
bool HbAbstractViewItem::isFocused() const
qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::isFocused() is deprecated!");
Q_D( const HbAbstractViewItem );
return d->mFocused;
Returns the saved item's transient state. Transient state can be seen as a state data that is
wanted to be preserved but it not meaningful to be stored inside model index because of it's
momentary nature. States will be saved inside AbstractItemview and restored when current model index is
assigned to certain Abstract view item.
QMap<int,QVariant> HbAbstractViewItem::state() const
Q_D( const HbAbstractViewItem );
QMap<int,QVariant> state;
state.insert(FocusKey, d->mFocused);
state.insert(CheckStateKey, d->mCheckState);
return state;
Restores the item's transient state using given \a state data.
void HbAbstractViewItem::setState(const QMap<int,QVariant> &state)
Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem );
if (state.contains(FocusKey)) {
d->mFocused = state.value(FocusKey).toBool();
} else {
d->mFocused = false;
if (state.contains(CheckStateKey)) {
d->mCheckState = (Qt::CheckState)state.value(CheckStateKey).toInt();
} else {
d->mCheckState = Qt::Unchecked;
Returns a pointer to HbAbstractViewItem prototype that was used to create this
view item.
HbAbstractViewItem *HbAbstractViewItem::prototype() const
HB_SDD( const HbAbstractViewItem );
return sd->mPrototype;
Sets \a AbstractItemView that contains the Abstract view item.
void HbAbstractViewItem::setItemView( HbAbstractItemView *itemView )
HB_SDD( HbAbstractViewItem );
sd->mItemView = itemView;
Returns item view that contains the item view item.
HbAbstractItemView *HbAbstractViewItem::itemView() const
HB_SDD( const HbAbstractViewItem );
return sd->mItemView;
Populates a style option object for this widget based on its current state, and stores the output in \a option.
void HbAbstractViewItem::initStyleOption(HbStyleOptionAbstractViewItem *option) const
HB_SDD( const HbAbstractViewItem );
option->modelItemType = d->mModelItemType;
option->index = d->mIndex;
option->viewItemType = type();
option->checkState = d->mCheckState;
option->background = d->mBackground;
if (!option->background.isValid()) {
if (option->modelItemType == Hb::StandardItem
&& !sd->mDefaultFrame.isNull()) {
option->background = sd->mDefaultFrame;
if (d->mPressed) {
option->state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
if ( sd->mItemView
&& sd->mItemView->selectionMode() == HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection){
option->singleSelectionMode = true;
option->insidePopup = testAttribute(Hb::InsidePopup);
Check whether \a scenePosition of pressed down is inside selection area of view item in current selection mode.
Default selection areas are for
\li HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection mode: whole item
\li HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection mode: touch area of selection icon.
Touch are is represented by primitive HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection.
\li HbAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection mode: touch area of selection icon.
Touch are is represented by primitive HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection.
\li HbAbstractItemView::NoSelection mode: none
bool HbAbstractViewItem::selectionAreaContains(const QPointF &scenePosition) const
HB_SDD(const HbAbstractViewItem);
bool contains = false;
if (sd->mItemView) {
switch (sd->mItemView->selectionMode()) {
case HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection:
contains = true;
case HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection:
// fall through
case HbAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection: {
// TODO: put assert back in action, when official layouts in use
/*Q_ASSERT_X( d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea
&& d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().size().width() > 0
&& d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().size().height() > 0, "", "HbAbstractViewItem::selectionAreaContains(): d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea should exist");
if( d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea
&& d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().size().width() > 0
&& d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().size().height() > 0) {
contains = d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().contains(
} else {
contains = d->mSelectionItem->boundingRect().contains(
return contains;
bool HbAbstractViewItem::event(QEvent *e)
if (e) {
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize: {
Q_D(HbAbstractViewItem );
if (d->mBackgroundItem || d->mFrame || d->mFocusItem) {
HbStyleOptionAbstractViewItem styleOption;
if (d->mFocusItem) {
style()->updatePrimitive(d->mFocusItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus, &styleOption);
case QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange: {
default: {
if (e->type() == HbAbstractViewItemShared::ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent) {
// cannot handle ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent in the case statement!
delete d->mFocusItem;
d->mFocusItem = 0;
return HbWidget::event(e);
return false;
Provides access to primitives of HbAbstractViewItem.
\param primitive is the type of the requested primitive. The available primitives are
\c P_ItemViewItem_background
\c P_ItemViewItem_frame
\c P_ItemViewItem_selection
\c P_ItemViewItem_focus
\c P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection.
QGraphicsItem *HbAbstractViewItem::primitive(HbStyle::Primitive primitive) const
Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_background) {
return d->mBackgroundItem;
} else if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_frame) {
return d->mFrame;
} else if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_selection) {
return d->mSelectionItem;
} else if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus) {
return d->mFocusItem;
} else if (primitive == HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection) {
return d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea;
return HbWidget::primitive(primitive);
To optimise loading css/xml definitions to take place only once, this function should be
called only after other primitives (child items) has been created.
void HbAbstractViewItem::updatePrimitives()
Q_D( HbAbstractViewItem);
// For debugging primitives
#if 0
QStringList listClasses;
listClasses << "HbTreeViewItem";
const QMetaObject *meta = metaObject();
int count = listClasses.count();
for (int i=0; i< count; i++) {
if ( meta->className() == listClasses.at(i)) {
qDebug() << "HbAbstractViewItem::updatePrimitives(): widget, row, item count, check state"
<< listClasses.at(i) << modelIndex().row() << childItems().count() << d->mCheckState;;
int count = childItems().count();
for (int i=0; i< count; i++) {
if (childItems().at(i)) {
HbTextItem *textItem = 0;
if (childItems().at(i)->isWidget()) {
textItem = qobject_cast<HbTextItem*>(static_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(childItems().at(i)));
if (textItem) {
qDebug() << " item #, item name, id: " << i << childItems().at(i)->data(0xfffe).toString() << textItem->text();
} else {
qDebug() << " item #, item name: " << i << childItems().at(i)->data(0xfffe).toString();
HbStyleOptionAbstractViewItem styleOption;
if (d->mBackgroundItem) {
style()->updatePrimitive(d->mBackgroundItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_background, &styleOption);
if (d->mFrame) {
style()->updatePrimitive(d->mFrame, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_frame, &styleOption);
if (d->mSelectionItem) {
style()->updatePrimitive(d->mSelectionItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_selection, &styleOption);
if (d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea) {
style()->updatePrimitive(d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection, &styleOption);
if (d->mFocusItem) {
style()->updatePrimitive(d->mFocusItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus, &styleOption);
Updates child graphics items to represent current state and content.
\note It is a good habit to reuse child items as much as possible as this improves
performance, especially when item recycling is used.
Most of the HbAbstractViewItem derived classes inside Hb library are optimised for performance.
Layout files are loaded only if child items are created or deleted. Loading layout
files is triggered by calling HbWidget::repolish().
Classes deriving from HbAbstractViewItem outside Hb, should either always call explicitly
repolish() or if they are also optimised for performance only when child items are created or deleted
in the custom view item.
Here is an example of custom view item that reuses its child items. The custom view item does not
create or delete child items.
\sa HbWidget::polish()
void HbAbstractViewItem::updateChildItems()
int itemType = d->modelItemType();
if (itemType != d->mModelItemType) {
d->mModelItemType = itemType;
d->mItemsChanged = true;
d->themingPending = true;
// background
QVariant currentBackground = d->mIndex.data(Qt::BackgroundRole);
if (currentBackground != d->mBackground) {
d->mBackground = currentBackground;
if (currentBackground.canConvert<HbIcon>()
|| currentBackground.canConvert<QBrush>()) {
if (!d->mBackgroundItem) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
d->mBackgroundItem = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_background, this);
else if (currentBackground.canConvert<HbFrameBackground>()) {
if (!d->mFrame) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
d->mFrame = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_frame, this);
if (d->mBackgroundItem) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
delete d->mBackgroundItem;
d->mBackgroundItem = 0;
else {
if (d->mBackgroundItem) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
delete d->mBackgroundItem;
d->mBackgroundItem = 0;
if (!d->mFrame) { // frame should always exists
d->mItemsChanged = true;
d->mFrame = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_frame, this);
GraphicsItemFlags itemFlags = flags();
Qt::ItemFlags indexFlags = d->mIndex.flags();
if (indexFlags & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) {
if (!(itemFlags & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable)) {
itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable;
setProperty("state", "normal");
} else {
if (itemFlags & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable) {
itemFlags &= ~QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable;
setProperty("state", "disabled");
// selection
HbAbstractItemView::SelectionMode selectionMode = HbAbstractItemView::NoSelection;
if (sd->mItemView) {
selectionMode = sd->mItemView->selectionMode();
bool previousSelectable = itemFlags & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable;
bool itemSelectable = false;
if (indexFlags & Qt::ItemIsSelectable
&& selectionMode != HbAbstractItemView::NoSelection
&& indexFlags & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) {
itemFlags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable;
itemSelectable = true;
} else {
itemFlags &= ~QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable;
if (previousSelectable != itemSelectable) {
if (itemSelectable) {
if (!d->mSelectionItem) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
d->mSelectionItem = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_selection, this);
} else {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
delete d->mSelectionItem;
d->mSelectionItem = 0;
// multiselection area
if ( itemSelectable
&& ( selectionMode == HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection
|| selectionMode == HbAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection)) {
if (!d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_touchmultiselection, this);
} else if (d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
delete d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea;
d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea = 0;
// items visibility or items content has really changed
d->mSizeHintPolish = false;
if (!d->mContentChangedSupported
|| d->mItemsChanged) {
updateGeometry(); // ensures that sizehint is calculated again in case items have been created or deleted
d->mRepolishRequested = true;
d->mItemsChanged = false;
Sets the check state of the view item to state.
\sa checkState().
void HbAbstractViewItem::setCheckState(Qt::CheckState state)
if (state != d->mCheckState) {
d->mCheckState = state;
Returns the checked state of the view item (see Qt::CheckState).
\sa setCheckState().
Qt::CheckState HbAbstractViewItem::checkState() const
Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
return d->mCheckState;
\deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::setPressed(bool, bool)
is deprecated.
Sets the item press state to \a pressed. Animation is allowed
if \a animate is set as true; otherwise animation should not
be triggered.
\sa isPressed, pressStateChanged
void HbAbstractViewItem::setPressed(bool pressed, bool animate)
qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::setPressed(bool pressed, bool animate) is deprecated!");
if (pressed != d->mPressed) {
d->mPressed = pressed;
pressStateChanged(d->mPressed, animate);
if (d->mPressed) {
setProperty("state", "pressed");
} else {
setProperty("state", "normal");
This function is called whenever item press state changes. \a pressed is new state.
Animation is allowed if \a animate is set as true; otherwise animation should not
be triggered.
Default implementation creates focus frame if item is currently pressed
and deletes the focus frame if item is not anymore pressed. It also triggers
default animations.
\sa setPressed
void HbAbstractViewItem::pressStateChanged(bool pressed, bool animate)
bool doAnimate = animate;
if (sd->mItemView && !(sd->mItemView->enabledAnimations() & HbAbstractItemView::TouchDown)) {
doAnimate = false;
if (pressed) {
if (!d->mFocusItem) {
d->mFocusItem = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus, this);
HbStyleOptionAbstractViewItem styleOption;
style()->updatePrimitive(d->mFocusItem, HbStyle::P_ItemViewItem_focus, &styleOption);
if (doAnimate) {
HbEffect::cancel(this, "released");
HbEffect::cancel(d->mFocusItem, "released");
HbEffect::start(this, sd->mItemType, "pressed");
HbEffect::start(d->mFocusItem, sd->mItemType + QString("-focus"), "pressed");
} else {
if (doAnimate) {
HbEffect::cancel(this, "pressed");
HbEffect::cancel(d->mFocusItem, "pressed");
HbEffect::start(this, sd->mItemType, "released");
HbEffect::start(d->mFocusItem, sd->mItemType + QString("-focus"), "released", this, "_q_animationFinished");
} else {
QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent((QEvent::Type)HbAbstractViewItemShared::ViewItemDeferredDeleteEvent));
\deprecated HbAbstractViewItem::isPressed() const
is deprecated.
Returns true if the item is pressed; otherwise returns false
\sa setPressed
bool HbAbstractViewItem::isPressed() const
qWarning("HbAbstractViewItem::isPressed() const is deprecated!");
Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
return d->mPressed;
Returns the model item type that is retrieved from model index.
Hb::ModelItemType HbAbstractViewItem::modelItemType() const
Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
return (Hb::ModelItemType)d->mModelItemType;
void HbAbstractViewItem::polish(HbStyleParameters& params)
if (!d->polished && layout()) {
if (d->mSizeHintPolish) {
d->mSizeHintPolish = false;
if (sd->mItemView) {
setProperty("layoutName", sd->mItemView->layoutName());
d->mRepolishRequested = false;
// TODO Brush background is overridden by css system even if bursh would not be set
// explicitly by css/xml. This is feature, which will change
// later in css system. Workaround for it. This overrides the background brush set by css.
if (d->mBackground.isValid()
&& d->mBackground.canConvert<QBrush>()
&& d->mBackgroundItem
&& d->mBackgroundItem->isWidget()) {
qgraphicsitem_cast<HbIconItem *>(static_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(d->mBackgroundItem))->setBrush(d->mBackground.value<QBrush>());
The default implementation ignores all mouse press events.
void HbAbstractViewItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
The default implementation ignores all mouse move events.
void HbAbstractViewItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
The default implementation ignores all mouse release events.
void HbAbstractViewItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
QSizeF HbAbstractViewItem::sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint) const
Q_D(const HbAbstractViewItem);
if (d->mRepolishRequested) {
// force the polish event in order to get the real size
const_cast<HbAbstractViewItemPrivate *>(d)->mRepolishRequested = false;
QEvent polishEvent(QEvent::Polish);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(const_cast<HbAbstractViewItem *>(this), &polishEvent);
// HbAbstractItemView::scrollByAmount() [recycleItems()]
// causes updateChildItems() to be called, which posts Polish to be posted via repolish().
// Next statement in the scrollByAmount() [refreshContainerGeometry()]
// causes synchronous call of this method. This is a quick way to disable another
// ::polish() to be called.
d->mSizeHintPolish = true;
return HbWidget::sizeHint(which, constraint);
Sets the default frame for standard view items as \a frame.
This method will change the used frame for
all view items that represent model index with Hb::StandardItem type.
Input parameter with empty graphicsName string will remove the frame.
Input parameter with null graphicsName string will restore the default frame.
\sa defaultFrame
void HbAbstractViewItem::setDefaultFrame(const HbFrameBackground &frame)
if (sd->mDefaultFrame != frame) {
sd->mDefaultFrame = frame;
int count(sd->mCloneItems.count());
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
Returns the current default frame.
\sa setDefaultFrame
HbFrameBackground HbAbstractViewItem::defaultFrame() const
HB_SDD(const HbAbstractViewItem);
return sd->mDefaultFrame;
#include "moc_hbabstractviewitem.cpp"