In class QMake, change self._version to self._qtversion so that doesn't crash (Bug 3264)
** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
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#include <hbslider.h>
#include "hbsliderpopup_p.h"
#include <hbstyle.h>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimeLine>
#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
internal- HbSliderPopupContentWidget class
creates content widget for slider popup
class HbSliderPopupContentWidget : public HbWidget
HbSliderPopupPrivate *d;
HbSlider *slider;
HbSliderPopupContentWidget(HbSliderPopupPrivate *priv,
QGraphicsItem* parent =0) : HbWidget(parent),d(priv),slider(0)
slider = d->slider;
HbStyle::setItemName( slider,"slider" );
enum { Type = HbPrivate::ItemType_SliderPopupContentWidget };
int type() const { return Type; }
internal- HbSliderPopupPrivate class ctor
internal- HbSliderPopupPrivate class dtor
This is virtual function for creating slider
derived class can over ride it and return required type of slider
ex HbVolumeSlider or HbZoomSlider
void HbSliderPopupPrivate::createSlider()
slider= new HbSlider();
This slot will be called when ever value change happens
This will reset time out interval of popup
void HbSliderPopupPrivate ::_q_valueChanged(int val)
emit q->valueChanged(val);
create slider and delegate all signals of slider
void HbSliderPopupPrivate::init()
Q_Q( HbSliderPopup);
mSliderPopupContentWidget = new HbSliderPopupContentWidget( this );
q->setContentWidget( mSliderPopupContentWidget );
q->connect(mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider,SIGNAL(rangeChanged(int , int )),
q,SIGNAL(rangeChanged(int , int )));
\class HbSliderPopup
\brief HbSliderPopup widget provides a generic vertical or horizontal
slider embeeded in a popup.
HbSliderPopup is a classic widget for controlling a bounded value.
It lets the user move a slider handle along a horizontal or vertical
track and translates the handle's position into an integer value
within the legal range.
The most important functions are setValue() to set the slider directly
to some value; and setMinimum() and setMaximum() to define the range
of the slider.
HbSliderPopup consists of elements. The available slider elements are
defined by the Hb::SliderElement enumeration. A set of elements
can be set by setSliderElements() and currently existing elements can be
queried by sliderElements().
HbSliderPopup provides methods for controlling tickmarks. You can use
setTickPosition() to indicate where you want the tickmarks to be,
setMajorTickInterval() and setMinorTickInterval() to indicate how
many of them you want. The current set tick position and intervals
can be queried using the tickPosition(), majorTickInterval() and
minorTickInterval() functions, respectively.
HbSliderPopup provides a comprehensive set of signals:
\li valueChanged() Emitted when the slider's value has changed. The tracking()
determines whether this signal is emitted during user
\li sliderPressed() Emitted when the user starts to drag the slider.
\li sliderMoved() Emitted when the user drags the slider.
\li sliderReleased() Emitted when the user releases the slider.
\li rangeChanged() Emitted when the range of the slider changes.
\li iconPressed() Emitted when the user presses the associated slider icon.
\li iconReleased() Emitted when the user releases the associated slider icon.
\li iconClicked() Emitted when the user clicks the associated slider icon.
HbSliderPopup provides only integer ranges. Note that although
HbSliderPopup handles very large numbers, it becomes difficult for users
to use a slider accurately for very large ranges.
The slider handles keys in the following way:
\li Left/Right moves a horizontal slider by one single step.
\li Up/Down moves a vertical slider by one single step.
Example usage:
HbSliderPopup *slider = new HbSliderPopup();
connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), receiver, SLOT(volumeSliderChanged(int)));
connect(slider, SIGNAL(iconToggled(bool)), receiver, SLOT(volumeMuted(bool)));
\sa HbZoomSliderPopup, HbVolumeSliderPopup
\fn void HbSliderPopup::valueChanged(int value)
This signal is emitted when the slider value has changed.
\sa hasTracking()
\fn void HbSliderPopup::sliderPressed()
This signal is emitted when the slider thumb has been pressed.
\fn void HbSliderPopup::sliderReleased()
This signal is emitted when the slider thumb has been released.
\fn void HbSliderPopup::sliderMoved(int value)
This signal is emitted when the slider position has changed.
\sa hasTracking()
\fn void HbSliderPopup::rangeChanged(int min, int max)
This signal is emitted when the slider range has changed.
\fn void HbSliderPopup::iconPressed()
This signal is emitted when the slider icon has been pressed.
\fn void HbSliderPopup::iconReleased()
This signal is emitted when the slider icon has been released.
\fn void HbSliderPopup::iconClicked()
This signal is emitted when the slider icon has been clicked.
\fn int HbSliderPopup::type() const
\enum HbSliderPopup::SliderElement
This enum defines available slider elements.
\var HbSliderPopup::IncreaseElement
A button to increase the slider value. Usually a plus sign.
\var HbSliderPopup::TrackElement
The slider track that consists of a groove, ticks and handle.
\var HbSliderPopup::DecreaseElement
A button to decrease the slider value. Usually a minus sign.
\var HbSliderPopup::IconElement
An icon element associated to the slider.
\var HbSliderPopup::TextElement
A text element associated to the slider.
Constructs a slider embeeded in a popup with \a parent.
The orientation is \b Qt::Vertical and the slider contains only track element by default.
\sa setOrientation(), setElements()
HbSliderPopup::HbSliderPopup(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
HbDialog(*new HbSliderPopupPrivate, parent)
Q_UNUSED( parent);
d->q_ptr = this;
Constructs a sliderPopup with a \a orientation and \a parent.
The slider contains only track element by default.
\sa setElements()
HbSliderPopup::HbSliderPopup(Qt::Orientation orientation, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
HbDialog(*new HbSliderPopupPrivate, parent)
d->q_ptr = this;
HbSliderPopup::HbSliderPopup(HbSliderPopupPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
HbDialog(dd, parent)
Q_UNUSED( parent);
d->q_ptr = this;
Destructs the slider.
Returns the slider text.
returns empty text if text element does not exist
\sa setText()
QString HbSliderPopup::text() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->text();
Sets the slider \a text for text element
Slider will not take care of localization.
\warning Setting text to a non-existing text element has no effect.
\sa text()
void HbSliderPopup::setText(const QString &text)
Sets whether the tooltip is visible .
\sa isToolTipVisible()
void HbSliderPopup::setToolTipVisible(bool value)
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
Returns \c true if tooltip is visible.
The default value is \c false.
\sa setToolTipVisible()
bool HbSliderPopup::isToolTipVisible()
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->isToolTipVisible();
sets the toolTip Alignment with respect to the thumb.
\sa toolTipAlignment()
void HbSliderPopup::setToolTipAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment)
Q_D( HbSliderPopup);
returns the tooltip Alignment with respect to the thumb
\sa setToolTipAlignment()
Qt::Alignment HbSliderPopup::toolTipAlignment() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->toolTipAlignment();
Returns the major ticklabels of the slider popup.
\sa setMajorTickLabels()
QStringList HbSliderPopup::majorTickLabels() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->majorTickLabels();
Sets the major ticklabels of the slider popup.
Detailed description:
Strings from the stringlist will be taken sequentially for drawing
LabelItem,there exists a one-to-one mapping between tickmarkitem &
case 1: if strings provided > tickmarks, labels are drawn for the
strings which maps the tickmarkitems.If there are extra strings
available in the list beyond 1-1 mapping, those strings will be left out.
case 2: if strings provided < tickmarks, labels are drawn only for strings
provided.Rest of the tickmarkitems will be drawn without labelItem.
case 3: If some tickmarkitems to be drawn without labelItem in the middle,
specify empty string ("") for that item in the string list.
case 4: if both major & minor tickinterval are same,then only majortickLabel
strings are taken into account for drawing the labelItem
\sa majorTickLabels()
void HbSliderPopup::setMajorTickLabels(const QStringList &majorTickLabels)
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->setMajorTickLabels(majorTickLabels);
Returns the minor ticklabels of the slider popup.
\sa setMajorTickLabels()
QStringList HbSliderPopup::minorTickLabels() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->minorTickLabels();
Sets the minor ticklabels of the slider popup.
see setMajorTickLabels for detailed description
\sa minorTickLabels(),setMajorTickLabels()
void HbSliderPopup::setMinorTickLabels(const QStringList &minorTickLabels)
Returns the icon of the \a element.
returns NULL if element does not exist or icon was not set for this element
\sa setElementIcon()
HbIcon HbSliderPopup::elementIcon(HbSlider::SliderElement element) const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
Sets the \a icon if the \a element.
Supported elements:
\li HbSlider::IncreaseElement
\li HbSlider::DecreaseElement
\li HbSlider::IconElement
\warning Setting icon to a non-existing element has no effect.
\sa elementIcon() setElements()
void HbSliderPopup::setElementIcon(HbSlider::SliderElement element, const HbIcon &icon)
Q_D( HbSliderPopup);
Returns the map , which consist of element name as key and icon name as value
returns NULL map if none of the element has icon
\sa setElementIcons()
QMap<QString,QVariant> HbSliderPopup::elementIcons( )const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
Sets the icons for elements
key of \a elements is element name QString) and value is icon
name to set on given element
Use following string for specifying elements
"IncreaseElement" for increase element
"DecreaseElement" for decrease element
"IconElement" for icon element
Eg Usage:
HbSlider slider;
QMap<QString , QVariant> map;
map.insert( QString( "IncreaseElement", QVariant(":\icon\small.jpg"));
map.insert( QString( "IconElement", QVariant(":\icon\small.jpg"));
slider.setElementIcons( map );
\warning Setting icon to a non-existing element has no effect.
\sa elementIcons() setSliderElements() setElementIcon()
void HbSliderPopup::setElementIcons(const QMap<QString,QVariant> &elements)
Q_D( HbSliderPopup);
Returns \c true whether the slider track is inverted.
The default value is \c false.
If this property is \c false, the minimum and maximum will
be shown in its classic position. If the value is \c true,
the minimum and maximum appear at their opposite location.
\sa setInvertedAppearance()
bool HbSliderPopup::invertedAppearance() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->invertedAppearance();
Sets whether the slider track is \a inverted.
\sa invertedAppearance()
void HbSliderPopup::setInvertedAppearance(bool inverted)
Returns the list of slider elements as QVariant ( can be type-casted to HbSlider::SliderElement ).
The slider contains only track element by default.
\sa setSliderElements()
QList<QVariant> HbSliderPopup::sliderElements() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return (d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->sliderElements());
Sets the elements of the slider.
\note Duplicate elements will be ignored.
\note element order cant be changed
Eg Usages:
HbSliderPopup slider;
QList<QVariant> list;
list.append( QVariant( HbSlider::IncreaseElement));
list.append( QVariant( HbSlider::DecreaseElement));
list.append( QVariant( HbSlider::IconElement));
slider.setElements( list);
The available slider elements are
defined by the HbSlider::SliderElement enumeration
\sa sliderElements()
void HbSliderPopup::setSliderElements(const QList<QVariant>&elements)
Returns the maximum value of the slider.
The default value is \c 100.
\sa setMaximum()
int HbSliderPopup::maximum() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->maximum();
Sets the maximum value of the slider.
\note When setting this property, the minimum is adjusted if
necessary to ensure that the range remains valid. Also the
slider's current value is adjusted to be within the new range.
\sa maximum()
void HbSliderPopup::setMaximum(int max)
Returns the minimum value of the slider.
The default value is \c 0.
\sa setMinimum()
int HbSliderPopup::minimum() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->minimum();
Sets the minimum value of the slider.
\note When setting this property, the maximum is adjusted if
necessary to ensure that the range remains valid. Also the
slider's current value is adjusted to be within the new range.
\sa minimum()
void HbSliderPopup::setMinimum(int min)
This function is provided for convenience.
Sets the slider's minimum to \a min and its maximum to \a max.
If maximum is smaller than minimum, minimum becomes the only legal value.
\sa setMinimum(), setMaximum()
void HbSliderPopup::setRange(int min, int max)
d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->setRange(min, max);
Returns the page step of the slider.
The default value is \c 10.
The larger of two natural steps that a slider provides
and typically corresponds to the user pressing PageUp or PageDown.
\sa setPageStep()
int HbSliderPopup::pageStep() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->pageStep();
Sets the page \a step of the slider.
\sa pageStep()
void HbSliderPopup::setPageStep(int step)
Returns the single step of the slider.
The default value is \c 1.
The smaller of two natural steps that an
abstract sliders provides and typically corresponds to the user
pressing an arrow key.
\sa setSingleStep()
int HbSliderPopup::singleStep() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->singleStep();
Sets the single \a step of the slider.
\sa singleStep()
void HbSliderPopup::setSingleStep(int step)
Returns the current slider position.
If tracking is enabled (the default), this is identical to the value.
\sa setSliderPosition()
int HbSliderPopup::sliderPosition() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->sliderPosition();
Sets the current slider position.
\sa sliderPosition()
void HbSliderPopup::setSliderPosition(int pos)
Returns \c true whether slider tracking is enabled.
The default value is \c true.
If tracking is enabled, the slider emits the
valueChanged() signal while the slider is being dragged. If
tracking is disabled, the slider emits the valueChanged() signal
only when the user releases the slider.
\sa setTracking()
bool HbSliderPopup::hasTracking() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->hasTracking();
Sets whether the slider tracking is enabled.
\sa hasTracking()
void HbSliderPopup::setTracking(bool enable)
Returns the current value of the slider.
The default value is \c 0.
int HbSliderPopup::value() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->value();
Sets the current value of the slider.
The slider forces the value to be within the legal range: \b
minimum <= \c value <= \b maximum.
Changing the value also changes the \b sliderPosition.
\sa value()
void HbSliderPopup::setValue(int value)
Returns the tickmark position of the slider.
The default value is \c HbSlider::NoTicks.
\sa setTickPosition()
Hb::SliderTickPositions HbSliderPopup::tickPosition() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->tickPosition();
Sets the tickmark position of the slider.
\sa tickPosition()
void HbSliderPopup::setTickPosition(Hb::SliderTickPositions position)
Returns the SnappingMode of the slider.
The default value is \c HbSlider::MinorTickSnapping.
\sa setSnappingMode()
HbSlider::SnappingMode HbSliderPopup::snappingMode() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
HbSlider::SnappingMode mode = d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->snappingMode();
return mode;
Sets the snappingMode of the slider.
\sa snappingMode()
void HbSliderPopup::setSnappingMode(HbSlider::SnappingMode mode)
Sets the \a orientation of the sliderpopup.
\sa orientation()
void HbSliderPopup::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation)
Returns the orientation of the sliderpopup.
The default value is \c Qt::Vertical.
\sa setOrientation()
Qt::Orientation HbSliderPopup::orientation() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->orientation();
Returns the interval between major tickmarks.
The default value is \c 0.
\sa setMajorTickInterval()
int HbSliderPopup::majorTickInterval() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->majorTickInterval();
Sets the interval between major tickmarks.
Special values:
\li a negative value means no major ticks will be drawn
\li value \c 0 means that the interval is automatically calculated
\sa majorTickInterval()
void HbSliderPopup::setMajorTickInterval(int interval)
Returns the interval between minor tickmarks.
The default value is \c 0.
\sa setMinorTickInterval()
int HbSliderPopup::minorTickInterval() const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->minorTickInterval();
Sets the interval between minor tickmarks.
Special values:
\li a negative value means no minor ticks will be drawn
\li value \c 0 means that the interval is automatically calculated
\sa minorTickInterval()
void HbSliderPopup::setMinorTickInterval(int interval)
void HbSliderPopup::updatePrimitives()
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
Sets whether to display progress track or not
\default value is true
\sa isTrackFilled( )
void HbSliderPopup::setTrackFilled(bool trackVisible )
Q_D( const HbSliderPopup );
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->setTrackFilled( trackVisible );
returns whether progress track is visible or not
\sa setTrackFilled( )
bool HbSliderPopup::isTrackFilled() const
Q_D( const HbSliderPopup );
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->isTrackFilled();
\deprecated HbSliderPopup::primitive(HbStyle::Primitive)
is deprecated.
QGraphicsItem * HbSliderPopup::primitive(HbStyle::Primitive primitive) const
Q_D(const HbSliderPopup);
return d->mSliderPopupContentWidget->slider->primitive( primitive );
#include "moc_hbsliderpopup.cpp"
#include "hbsliderpopup.moc"