In class QMake, change self._version to self._qtversion so that doesn't crash (Bug 3264)
** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at
#include "hbcombobox_p.h"
#include <hblistview.h>
#include <hbabstractviewitem.h>
#include <hbdeviceprofile.h>
#include <hbtoucharea.h>
#include <hbmainwindow.h>
#include <hbview.h>
#include <hbtextitem.h>
#include <hbstyleoptioncombobox_p.h>
#include <hbgraphicsscene.h>
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
#include <QCompleter>
#include <QItemSelectionModel>
#include <QApplication>
#include <hbeffect.h>
#include "hbeffectinternal_p.h"
#include <hbtapgesture.h>
HbComboBoxPrivate::HbComboBoxPrivate( ):
HbWidgetPrivate ( ),
mLineEdit ( 0 ),
mTextItem ( 0 ),
mButton ( 0 ),
mDropDown ( 0 ),
mModel ( 0 ),
mProxyModel ( 0 ),
mCompleter ( 0 ),
insertPolicy ( HbComboBox::InsertAtBottom ),
mBackgroundItem ( 0 ),
mButtonTouchAreaItem ( 0 ),
mIsDown ( false ),
mEditable ( false ),
mIsDorpdownCreated( false ),
mIsDropwnToSceneAdded( false ),
mHasDownEffect ( false ),
mHasUpEffect ( false ),
mListItemHeight( -1 ),
mDropDownRowsInPortrait( -1 ),
mDropDownRowsInLandscape( -1 )
HbComboBoxPrivate::~HbComboBoxPrivate( )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
if( mButtonTouchAreaItem ) {
static_cast<HbTouchArea*>( mButtonTouchAreaItem )->removeEventFilter( q );
if ( !mDropDown ) {
if ( !mDropDown->scene() || !mDropDown->scene( )->property( "destructed" ).isValid( ) ) {
delete mDropDown;
mDropDown = 0;
void HbComboBoxPrivate::init( )
createPrimitives( );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::createPrimitives( )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
mTextItem = q->style( )->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_ComboBox_text, q );
HbStyle::setItemName( mTextItem, "combobox_labelfield" );
mBackgroundItem = q->style( )->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_ComboBox_background, q );
HbStyle::setItemName( mBackgroundItem, "text_background" );
mButton = q->style( )->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_ComboBox_button, q );
HbStyle::setItemName( mButton, "combobox_button" );
mButtonTouchAreaItem = q->style( )->createPrimitive( HbStyle::P_ComboBoxButton_toucharea, q );
static_cast<HbTouchArea*>( mButtonTouchAreaItem )->grabGesture( Qt::TapGesture );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::touchAreaPressEvent( )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
if ( q->count( ) > 0 ) {
HbWidgetFeedback::triggered( q, Hb::InstantPressed );
mIsDown = true;
q->updatePrimitives( );
q->setProperty( "state", "pressed" );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::touchAreaReleaseEvent( )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
mIsDown = false;
touchAreaClicked( );
q->updatePrimitives( );
if ( q->count( ) > 0 ) {
HbWidgetFeedback::triggered( q, Hb::InstantReleased );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::touchAreaClicked( )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
if ( mModel && mModel->rowCount( ) ) {
addDropDownToScene( );
mDropDown->setVisible( true );
q->setProperty( "state", "latched" );
if( !mDropDown->mList ) {
mDropDown->createList( );
mDropDown->mList->setModel( mModel );
q->connect( mDropDown->mList, SIGNAL( activated( QModelIndex ) ), q,
SLOT( _q_textChanged( QModelIndex ) ) );
//send layout request so that geometries of list view item are updated
//and proper height is fetched in calculateListItemHeight
QEvent layoutEvent(QEvent::LayoutRequest);
QApplication::sendEvent(mDropDown->mList->contentWidget(), &layoutEvent);
if ( mCurrentIndex.isValid( ) ) {
if( mDropDown->mList->model( ) != mModel ) {
mDropDown->mList->setModel( mModel );
mDropDown->mList->scrollTo( mCurrentIndex, HbAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop );
mDropDown->mList->setCurrentIndex( mCurrentIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select );
} else {
if( mDropDown->mList->model( ) != mModel ) {
mDropDown->mList->setModel( mModel );
mDropDown->mList->scrollTo( mModel->index( 0, 0 ) );
mModel->index( 0, 0 ), QItemSelectionModel::Select );
HbEffect::start( mDropDown, HB_DROPD0WN_ITEM_TYPE, "appear" );
positionDropDown( );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::vkbOpened( )
void HbComboBoxPrivate::vkbClosed( )
if( mDropDown->isVisible( ) ) {
positionDropDown( );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::showPopup( QAbstractItemModel *aModel, QModelIndex aIndex )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
if ( aModel && aModel->rowCount( ) ) {
addDropDownToScene( );
if( !mDropDown->mList ) {
mDropDown->createList( );
q->connect( mDropDown->mList, SIGNAL( activated( QModelIndex ) ), q,
SLOT( _q_textChanged( QModelIndex ) ) );
mDropDown->mList->setModel( aModel );
if ( aIndex.isValid( ) ) {
mDropDown->mList->scrollTo( aIndex, HbAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop );
mDropDown->mList->setCurrentIndex( mCurrentIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select );
} else {
mDropDown->mList->scrollTo( aModel->index( 0, 0 ) );
positionDropDown( );
mDropDown->setVisible( true );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::createDropDown( )
Q_Q ( HbComboBox );
if( !mIsDorpdownCreated ) {
mDropDown = new HbComboDropDown( this );
mIsDorpdownCreated = true;
mDropDown->setVisible( false );
q->setProperty( "state", "normal" );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::calculateListItemHeight( )
QAbstractItemModel *model = mDropDown->mList->model( );
if( mCurrentIndex.isValid( ) && mDropDown->mList->itemByIndex( mCurrentIndex ) ) {
mListItemHeight = mDropDown->mList->itemByIndex( mCurrentIndex )->geometry( ).height( );
} else if( model->index( 0, 0 ).isValid( ) &&
mDropDown->mList->itemByIndex( model->index( 0, 0 ) ) ) {
mListItemHeight =
mDropDown->mList->itemByIndex( model->index( 0, 0 ) )->geometry( ).height( );
} else {
HbListViewItem *proto = mDropDown->mList->listItemPrototype( );
HbListViewItem *temp = static_cast<HbListViewItem*>( proto->createItem( ) );
mListItemHeight = temp->effectiveSizeHint( Qt::PreferredSize ).height( );
delete temp;
temp = 0;
void HbComboBoxPrivate::positionDropDown( )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
QRectF popupRect;
QRectF sceneRect( QPointF( ), HbDeviceProfile::profile( q ).logicalSize( ) );
QPointF widgetPos = q->scenePos( );
QAbstractItemModel *model = mDropDown->mList->model( );
calculateListItemHeight( );
qreal totalHeightRequd = model->rowCount( ) * mListItemHeight;
qreal maxPopupHeight = 0.0;
//read the maximum rows in drop down for different orientation from css
if( q->mainWindow( )->orientation( ) == Qt::Horizontal ) {
if( mDropDownRowsInLandscape == -1 ) {
HbStyleParameters params;
q->style( )->parameters( params );
params.addParameter( "max-rows-in-dropdown" );
q->polish( params );
mDropDownRowsInLandscape = params.value( "max-rows-in-dropdown" ).toInt( );
maxPopupHeight = mDropDownRowsInLandscape * mListItemHeight;
} else if( q->mainWindow( )->orientation( ) == Qt::Vertical ) {
if( mDropDownRowsInPortrait == -1 ) {
HbStyleParameters params;
q->style( )->parameters( params );
params.addParameter( "max-rows-in-dropdown" );
q->polish( params );
mDropDownRowsInPortrait = params.value( "max-rows-in-dropdown" ).toInt( );
maxPopupHeight = mDropDownRowsInPortrait * mListItemHeight;
if ( totalHeightRequd < maxPopupHeight ) {
maxPopupHeight = totalHeightRequd;
QSizeF popupSize = QSizeF( q->rect( ).width( ), maxPopupHeight );
QPointF popupPos;
if( !mDropDown->vkbOpened ) {
//position of drop down in both editable and non-editable combobox depends upon
//the available space above and below combobox
if( ( widgetPos.y( ) + q->rect( ).height( ) + maxPopupHeight) < sceneRect.height( ) ) {
popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x( ), widgetPos.y( ) + q->rect( ).height( ) );
if ( !mHasDownEffect ) {
mHasDownEffect = true;
mHasUpEffect = false;
// this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
//this Effect will be shown when there is space in the view bottom.
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_down", "appear" );
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_downl", "disappear" );
} else if( widgetPos.y( ) - maxPopupHeight > 0.0 ) {
popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x( ), widgetPos.y( ) - maxPopupHeight );
if ( !mHasUpEffect ) {
// this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
//this Effect will be shown when there is no space in the view bottom
mHasUpEffect = true;
mHasDownEffect = false;
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_up", "appear" );
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_up", "disappear" );
} else {
qreal topScreenHeight = sceneRect.height( ) - maxPopupHeight;
if( topScreenHeight > sceneRect.height( ) - topScreenHeight ) {
popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x( ), 0.0 );
if ( !mHasDownEffect ) {
mHasDownEffect = true;
mHasUpEffect = false;
// this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
//this Effect will be shown when there is more space in the view bottom.
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_down", "appear" );
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_down", "disappear" );
} else {
popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x( ), sceneRect.height( ) - maxPopupHeight );
if ( !mHasUpEffect ) {
mHasUpEffect = true;
mHasDownEffect = false;
// this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
//this Effect will be shown when there is more space in the view bottom.
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_up", "appear" );
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_up", "disappear" );
} else {
// positioning drop down when vkb is positioned
// drop down will come on top/below of combo based upon which side has more space
// available
HbEditorInterface editorInterface( q );
HbVkbHost *host = editorInterface.vkbHost( );
if ( host ) {
QSizeF keyBoardArea = host->keyboardArea( );
QSize screenSize = HbDeviceProfile::profile( q ).logicalSize( );
qreal heightDifference = screenSize.height( ) - keyBoardArea.height( );
qreal topSpace = widgetPos.y( );
qreal bottomSpace = heightDifference - topSpace - q->boundingRect( ).height( );
if( topSpace > bottomSpace ) {
//display drop down at top
if( widgetPos.y( ) - maxPopupHeight > 0.0 ) {
popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x( ), widgetPos.y( ) - maxPopupHeight );
} else {
popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x( ), 0.0 );
popupSize.setHeight( topSpace );
if ( !mHasUpEffect ) {
mHasUpEffect = true;
mHasDownEffect = false;
// this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
//this Effect will be shown when there is more space in the view bottom.
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_up", "appear" );
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_up", "disappear" );
} else {
//display drop down at bottom
popupPos = QPointF( widgetPos.x( ), widgetPos.y( ) + q->rect( ).height( ) );
if( bottomSpace < maxPopupHeight ) {
popupSize.setHeight( bottomSpace );
if ( !mHasDownEffect ) {
mHasDownEffect = true;
mHasUpEffect = false;
// this is temporary until proper effect theming comes.
//this Effect will be shown when there is more space in the view bottom.
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_appear_down", "appear" );
HbEffectInternal::add( mDropDown, "combo_disappear_down", "disappear" );
mDropDown->setPreferredSize( popupSize );
mDropDown->setMinimumSize( popupSize );
mDropDown->setMaximumSize( popupSize );
mDropDown->setPos( popupPos );
QGraphicsWidget *p = q;
while ( p->parentWidget( ) ) {
p = p->parentWidget( );
mDropDown->setZValue( p->zValue( ) + 1 );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::_q_textChanged( const QModelIndex & aIndex )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
QVariant data = mDropDown->mList->model( )->data( aIndex );
mText = data.toString( );
if( !mEditable ) {
if( mLineEdit ) {
mLineEdit->setText( mText );
} else {
HbStyleOptionComboBox comboBoxOption;
q->initStyleOption( &comboBoxOption );
q->style( )->updatePrimitive( mTextItem, HbStyle::P_ComboBox_text, &comboBoxOption );
mCurrentIndex = aIndex;
} else {
q->disconnect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ), q,
SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
mLineEdit->setText( mText );
mCurrentIndex = findData( mText );
q->connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ), q,
SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
if ( mDropDown->isVisible( ) ) {
mDropDown->setVisible( false );
q->setProperty( "state", "normal" );
currentIndexChanged( mCurrentIndex );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::_q_textCompleted( const QModelIndex & aIndex )
if( aIndex.isValid( ) ) {
showPopup( mCompleter->completionModel( ) );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::_q_textChanged( const QString & aString )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
if( !aString.isEmpty( ) ) {
if ( mCompleter ) {
mCompleter->setCompletionPrefix( aString );
mCompleter->complete( );
if( mCompleter->currentRow( ) == -1 ) {
if ( ( mDropDown ) && ( mDropDown->isVisible( ) ) ) {
mDropDown->setVisible( false );
} else {
if( mDropDown ) {
mDropDown->setVisible( false );
//showPopup( mModel, mCurrentIndex);
emit q->editTextChanged( aString );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::setModel( QAbstractItemModel * model )
Q_Q ( HbComboBox );
createDropDown( );
if ( mDropDown->isVisible( ) ) {
mDropDown->setVisible( false );
q->setProperty( "state", "normal" );
q->clear( );
delete mModel;
mModel = model;
mModel->setParent( q );
setCompletion( mEditable );
if( mModel->rowCount( ) ) {
q->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::setCompletion( bool completion )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
if ( completion ) {
if ( mCompleter ) {
mProxyModel->setSourceModel( mModel );
mProxyModel->sort( Qt::AscendingOrder );
mCompleter->setModel( mProxyModel );
} else {
mProxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel( q );
mProxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter( true );
mProxyModel->setSortCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive );
mProxyModel->setSourceModel( mModel );
mProxyModel->sort( Qt::AscendingOrder );
mCompleter = new QCompleter( mProxyModel, q );
mCompleter->setCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive );
mCompleter->setCompletionRole( Qt::DisplayRole );
mCompleter->setCompletionMode( QCompleter::InlineCompletion );
q->connect( mCompleter, SIGNAL( highlighted( QModelIndex ) ), q,
SLOT( _q_textCompleted( QModelIndex ) ) );
} else {
if ( mCompleter ) {
delete mCompleter;
mCompleter = 0;
if ( mProxyModel ) {
delete mProxyModel;
mProxyModel = 0;
void HbComboBoxPrivate::setEditable( bool editable )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
if( mEditable == editable ) {
mEditable = editable;
if( editable ) {
if( mTextItem ) {
HbStyle::setItemName( mTextItem, "" );
delete mTextItem;
mTextItem = 0;
mLineEdit = new HbCustomLineEdit( q, this );
q->connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( editingFinished( ) ), q, SIGNAL( editingFinished( ) ) );
HbStyle::setItemName( mLineEdit, "combobox_labelfield" );
mLineEdit->backgroundItem( )->setVisible( false );
q->setHandlesChildEvents( false );
mLineEdit->setReadOnly( false );
mLineEdit->setCursorVisibility( Hb::TextCursorVisible );
mLineEdit->setLongPressEnabled( );
q->repolish( );
q->connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ),
q, SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
setCompletion( true );
} else {
q->disconnect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ),
q, SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
q->setHandlesChildEvents( true );
mLineEdit->setReadOnly( true );
mLineEdit->setLongPressEnabled( false );
setCompletion( false );
mLineEdit->setCursorVisibility( Hb::TextCursorHidden );
if( mModel && mModel->rowCount( ) ) {
QModelIndex mi = mModel->index( 0, 0 );
if( mi.isValid( ) ) {
mCurrentIndex = QModelIndex( mi );
mText = q->itemText( mCurrentIndex.row( ) );
mLineEdit->setText( mText );
q->repolish( );
QString HbComboBoxPrivate::itemText( const QModelIndex &index ) const
return mModel->data( index, itemRole( ) ).toString( );
QIcon HbComboBoxPrivate::itemIcon( const QModelIndex &index ) const
QVariant decoration = mModel->data( index, Qt::DecorationRole );
if ( decoration.type( ) == QVariant::Icon ) {
return QIcon( qvariant_cast<QIcon>( decoration ) );
return qvariant_cast<QIcon>( decoration );
int HbComboBoxPrivate::itemRole( ) const
return q_func( )->isEditable( ) ? Qt::EditRole : Qt::DisplayRole;
void HbComboBoxPrivate::addDropDownToScene( )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
if( !mIsDropwnToSceneAdded ) {
if ( q->scene( ) ) {
q->scene( )->addItem( mDropDown );
HbGraphicsScene *scene1 = static_cast<HbGraphicsScene*>( mDropDown->scene( ) );
if( scene1 ) {
scene1->installEventFilter( mDropDown );
//scene1->grabGesture( Qt::TapGesture );
mIsDropwnToSceneAdded = true;
void HbComboBoxPrivate::setCurrentIndex( const QModelIndex &mi )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
bool indexChanged = ( mi != mCurrentIndex );
if ( indexChanged ) {
mCurrentIndex = QModelIndex( mi );
mText = q->itemText( mCurrentIndex.row( ) );
if( mEditable ) {
q->disconnect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ), q,
SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
mLineEdit->setText( mText );
q->connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged ( QString ) ),
q, SLOT( _q_textChanged( QString ) ) );
} else {
if( mLineEdit ) {
mLineEdit->setText( mText );
} else {
HbStyleOptionComboBox comboBoxOption;
q->style( )->updatePrimitive(
mTextItem, HbStyle::P_ComboBox_text, &comboBoxOption );
currentIndexChanged( mCurrentIndex );
void HbComboBoxPrivate::currentIndexChanged( const QModelIndex &index )
Q_Q( HbComboBox );
emit q->currentIndexChanged( index.row( ) );
emit q->currentIndexChanged( q->itemText ( mCurrentIndex.row( ) ) );
Returns the index of the item containing the given \a data for the
given \a role; otherwise returns QModelIndex.
The \a flags specify how the items in the combobox are searched.
QModelIndex HbComboBoxPrivate::findData( const QVariant &data ) const
QModelIndexList result;
if ( mModel ) {
QModelIndex start = mModel->index( 0, 0 );
result = mModel->match(
start, Qt::DisplayRole, data, 1, Qt::MatchExactly|Qt::MatchCaseSensitive );
if ( result.isEmpty( ) ) {
return QModelIndex( );
} else {
return result.first( );
#include "moc_hbcombobox.cpp"