** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.
#include "hblistviewitem.h"
#include "hblistviewitem_p.h"
#include "hblistview.h"
#include <hbnamespace.h>
#include <hbicon.h>
#include <hbiconitem.h>
#include <hbtextitem.h>
#include <hbrichtextitem.h>
#include <hbstyle.h>
#include <hbstyleoptionlistviewitem_p.h>
#include <QPersistentModelIndex>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QItemSelectionModel>
#include <QStyleOption>
#include <QSizePolicy>
\class HbListViewItem
\brief The HbListViewItem class represents a single row in a list.
The HbListViewItem class provides an item that is used by the HbListView class to
visualize content within single model index. By default HbListViewItem supports
QStringList that is stored into Qt::DisplayRole role and a list of QIcons or
HbIcons that is stored into Qt::DecoratorRole role within the index.
This class is provided mainly for customization purposes but it also acts as a default
item prototype inside HbListView. See HbListView how to set customized class as a item prototype.
\b Subclassing
When subclassing HbListViewItem, you must provide implementations of createItem() and updateChildItems() functions.
To support multiple list view items within single list view, you must also provide an implementation of canSetModelIndex().
If derived list view item has transient state information that is not meaningful to store within model index (child item cursor
position selection areas etc.) view item can use list views internal state model to store this information. This feature can
be taken into use by implementing state() and setState() functions in derived class.
\b Layout
Layout selection in list view item is based on HbListViewItem::GraphicsSize and HbListViewItem::StretchingStyle properties together with list view item content.
Below is described how different subitems are layouted with default layouts, how content is assigned to different subitems and
what content is optional and what is mandatory in which layout.
\note Item sizes and alignment related to each other may differ from real layouts in these pictures.
\image html listlayout-1.png Icon layout.
\image html listlayout-2.png Image layout.
\image html listlayout-3.png Landscape stretched layout.
Optional items are indicated with dotted line. In all layouts both text-1 and text-2 item will stretch if required in horizontal direction.
Image layout is selected when HbListViewItem::GraphicsSize is set as HbListViewItem::Image; otherwise icon layout is selected in portrait.
Landscape stretched layout will be used in landscape if HbListViewItem::StretchingStyle is set as HbListViewItem::StretchLandscape;
otherwise same layout is used both in portrait and landscape. In stretched layout it is mandatory to have either text-1 or icon-1.
<table align=center>
<tr><td> Item name </td> <td> Description </td>
</tr><tr><td> selection-icon </td><td> Shown when view selection mode is other than HbAbstractItemView::NoSelection. </td>
</tr><tr><td> icon-1 </td> <td> HbIcon from Qt::DecorationRole or if Qt::DecorationRole contains an icon list then first HbIcon from it. </td>
</tr><tr><td> icon-2 </td> <td> Second HbIcon from icon list inside Qt::DecorationRole. </td>
</tr><tr><td> text-1 </td> <td> QString from Qt::DisplayRole or if Qt::DisplayRole contains a string list then first QString from it. </td>
</tr><tr><td> text-2 </td> <td> Second QString from string list inside Qt::DisplayRole. </td>
</tr><tr><td> text-3 </td> <td> Third QString from string list inside Qt::DisplayRole. </td></tr>
Below is an example how the layout properties can be configured.
\primitive{icon-1} HbIconItem representing the icon-1 as described in the table above.
\primitive{icon-2} HbIconItem representing the icon-2 as described in the table above.
\primitive{text-1} HbTextItem or HbRichTextItem representing the text-1 as described in the table above. The type of the return value depends on the textFormat() of the item.
\primitive{text-2} HbTextItem or HbRichTextItem representing the text-2 as described in the table above.
\primitive{text-3} HbTextItem or HbRichTextItem representing the text-3 as described in the table above.
\enum HbListViewItem::StretchingStyle
Stretching styles supported by HbListViewItem.
This enum describes different stretching styles available for list view items in landscape.
\var HbListViewItem::NoStretching
Stretched layout is not used in portrait or landscape resolutions. This is the default value.
\var HbListViewItem::StretchLandscape
Strecthed layout is used in landscape resolution.
\enum HbListViewItem::GraphicsSize
Graphics sizes supported by HbListViewItem.
This enum describes different graphics sizes available for list view items.
\var HbListViewItem::SmallIcon
Icon layout is used with small icon-1 size.
\var HbListViewItem::MediumIcon
Icon layout is used with medium icon-1 size. This is the default value.
\var HbListViewItem::LargeIcon
Icon layout is used with large icon-1 size.
\var HbListViewItem::Thumbnail
Thumbnail layout is used.
\var HbListViewItem::WideThumbnail
16:9 Thumbnail layout is used.
HbListViewItemPrivate::HbListViewItemPrivate(HbListViewItem *prototype) :
HbAbstractViewItemPrivate(prototype, new HbListViewItemShared)
HbListViewItemPrivate::HbListViewItemPrivate(HbListViewItem *prototype, HbListViewItemShared *shared) :
HbAbstractViewItemPrivate(prototype, shared)
HbListViewItemPrivate::HbListViewItemPrivate(const HbListViewItemPrivate &source) :
HbListViewItemPrivate &HbListViewItemPrivate::operator=(const HbListViewItemPrivate &source)
mItemsChanged = false;
return *this;
void HbListViewItemPrivate::init()
if (isPrototype()) {
HbEffect::add("listviewitem-focus", "listviewitem_press", "pressed");
HbEffect::add("listviewitem-focus", "listviewitem_release", "released");
mSharedData->mItemType = "listviewitem";
HbEffect::add("viewitem", "viewitem_appear", "appear");
HbEffect::add("viewitem", "viewitem_disappear", "disappear");
mContentChangedSupported = true;
mItemsChanged = false;
void HbListViewItemPrivate::setDecorationRole(const QVariant& value,
const int index)
Q_Q( HbListViewItem );
// create icon item and set it to layout
HbStyle::Primitive primitive = decorationPrimitive(value);
if (primitive != HbStyle::P_None) {
QGraphicsItem *item = mDecorationRoleItems.value(index);
if (!item) {
mItemsChanged = true;
themingPending = true;
item = q->style()->createPrimitive(primitive, q);
if (index < mDecorationRoleItems.count()) {
mDecorationRoleItems.replace(index, item);
} else {
} else {
mItemsChanged = true;
if (index < mDecorationRoleItems.count()) {
delete mDecorationRoleItems.at(index);
mDecorationRoleItems.replace(index, 0);
} else {
mDecorationRoleItems.insert(index, 0);
void HbListViewItemPrivate::setDisplayRole(const QString& value,
const int index)
Q_Q( HbListViewItem );
// create text item and set it to layout
if (!value.isNull()) {
QGraphicsItem *textItem = mDisplayRoleTextItems.value(index);
HbStyle::Primitive primitive = displayPrimitive();
if (!textItem) {
mItemsChanged = true;
themingPending = true;
textItem = q->style()->createPrimitive(primitive, q);
if (index < mDisplayRoleTextItems.count()) {
mDisplayRoleTextItems.replace(index, textItem);
} else {
} else {
if (index < mDisplayRoleTextItems.count()) {
QGraphicsItem *item = mDisplayRoleTextItems.at(index);
if (item) {
mItemsChanged = true;
delete item;
mDisplayRoleTextItems.replace(index, 0);
} else {
mDisplayRoleTextItems.insert(index, 0);
Constructs a list view item with \a parent.
HbListViewItem::HbListViewItem(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
HbAbstractViewItem(*new HbListViewItemPrivate(this), parent)
Q_D( HbListViewItem );
d->q_ptr = this;
Creates a separate graphics widget with same list view item state as \a source.
HbListViewItem::HbListViewItem(const HbListViewItem &source) :
HbAbstractViewItem(*new HbListViewItemPrivate(*source.d_func()), 0)
Q_D( HbListViewItem );
d->q_ptr = this;
Constructs a list view item with private view item \a dd object and \a parent.
HbListViewItem::HbListViewItem(HbListViewItemPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem * parent) :
HbAbstractViewItem(dd, parent)
Q_D( HbListViewItem );
d->q_ptr = this;
Assigns the \a source list view item to this list view item and returns a reference to this item.
HbListViewItem &HbListViewItem::operator=(const HbListViewItem &source)
Q_D( HbListViewItem );
*d = *source.d_func();
return *this;
Creates a new item.
HbAbstractViewItem *HbListViewItem::createItem()
return new HbListViewItem(*this);
int HbListViewItem::type() const
return HbListViewItem::Type;
Updates child graphics items to represent current state and content.
void HbListViewItem::updateChildItems()
Q_D( HbListViewItem );
// DisplayRoles
QVariant displayRole = d->mIndex.data(Qt::DisplayRole);
QStringList stringList;
if (displayRole.isValid()) {
if (displayRole.canConvert<QString>()) {
} else if (displayRole.canConvert<QStringList>()) {
stringList = displayRole.toStringList();
// if internal list is bigger than the new one, remove extra items
while (d->mDisplayRoleTextItems.count() > stringList.count()) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
delete d->mDisplayRoleTextItems.at(d->mDisplayRoleTextItems.count() - 1);
// create/delete primitives
for (int i = 0; i < stringList.count(); ++i) {
d->setDisplayRole(stringList.at(i), i);
d->mStringList = stringList;
// decorationroles
QVariant decorationRole = d->mIndex.data(Qt::DecorationRole);
QVariantList variantList;
if (decorationRole.isValid()) {
if (decorationRole.canConvert<QIcon>()
|| decorationRole.canConvert<HbIcon>()) {
} else if (decorationRole.canConvert< QList<QVariant> >()) {
variantList = decorationRole.toList();
// if list is too big, remove extra items
while (d->mDecorationRoleItems.count() > variantList.count()) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
delete d->mDecorationRoleItems.at(d->mDecorationRoleItems.count() - 1);
// create/delete primitives
for (int i = 0; i < variantList.count(); ++i) {
d->setDecorationRole(variantList.at(i), i);
d->mDecorationList = variantList;
void HbListViewItem::updatePrimitives()
HbStyleOptionListViewItem styleOption;
int count = d->mStringList.count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
QGraphicsItem *item = d->mDisplayRoleTextItems.value(i);
if (item) {
styleOption.index = i;
styleOption.content = d->mStringList.at(i);
styleOption.multilineSecondaryTextSupported = d->isMultilineSupported();
if (i == 1) {
// criteria of secondary text in middle column is fulfilled
styleOption.minimumLines = sd->mMinimumSecondaryTextRowCount;
styleOption.maximumLines = sd->mMaximumSecondaryTextRowCount;
style()->updatePrimitive(item, d->displayPrimitive(), &styleOption);
styleOption.role = Qt::DecorationRole;
count = d->mDecorationList.count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
QGraphicsItem *item = d->mDecorationRoleItems.value(i);
if (item) {
styleOption.index = i;
styleOption.content = d->mDecorationList.at(i);
Returns the current text format.
The default text format is Qt::PlainText.
\sa setTextFormat
Qt::TextFormat HbListViewItem::textFormat() const
HB_SDD(const HbListViewItem);
return sd->mTextFormat;
Sets the text format as a \a textFormat.
This method will change the used text format for all view items.
\sa textFormat
void HbListViewItem::setTextFormat(Qt::TextFormat textFormat)
if (textFormat != sd->mTextFormat) {
sd->mTextFormat = textFormat;
int count(sd->mCloneItems.count());
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
HbListViewItem *item = static_cast<HbListViewItem *>(sd->mCloneItems.at(i));
HbListViewItemPrivate *itemPrivate = item->d_func();
item->d_func()->mItemsChanged = true;
Returns the current stretching style.
The default stretching style is HbListViewItem::NoStretching.
\sa setStretchingStyle
HbListViewItem::StretchingStyle HbListViewItem::stretchingStyle() const
HB_SDD(const HbListViewItem);
return sd->mStretchingStyle;
Sets the stretching style as a \a style.
This method will change the used stretching style for all view items in landscape mode.
If view is in portrait mode, behaviour defined by \a style becomes effective only when view is changed to landscape mode.
\sa stretchingStyle
void HbListViewItem::setStretchingStyle(StretchingStyle style)
if (style != sd->mStretchingStyle) {
sd->mStretchingStyle = style;
if (d->isLandscape()) {
// secondary text multiline change!
Returns the current graphics size.
The default graphics size is HbListViewItem::MediumIcon.
\sa setGraphicsSize
HbListViewItem::GraphicsSize HbListViewItem::graphicsSize() const
HB_SDD(const HbListViewItem);
return sd->mGraphicsSize;
Sets the graphics size as a \a size.
This method will change the used graphics size for all view items.
\note When graphics size HbListViewItem::Thumbnail or HbListViewItem::WideThumbnail is set,
multiline secondary texts are not supported.
\sa graphicsSize
\sa setSecondaryTextRowCount
void HbListViewItem::setGraphicsSize(GraphicsSize size)
if (size != sd->mGraphicsSize) {
bool thumbnailChange = (size == Thumbnail) | (sd->mGraphicsSize == Thumbnail)
| (size == WideThumbnail) | (sd->mGraphicsSize == WideThumbnail);
sd->mGraphicsSize = size;
if ( thumbnailChange
&& !d->isStretching()) {
// secondary text multiline change!
Returns secondary text item maximum and minimum row counts.
The default maximum row count is 1 and minimum row count is 1.
\note This function does not return values from .css although they were effective.
\sa setSecondaryTextRowCount
void HbListViewItem::getSecondaryTextRowCount(int &minimum, int &maximum) const
HB_SDD(const HbListViewItem);
minimum = 1;
maximum = 1;
if (sd->mMinimumSecondaryTextRowCount != -1) {
minimum = sd->mMinimumSecondaryTextRowCount;
maximum = sd->mMaximumSecondaryTextRowCount;
Sets the secondary text item \a maximum row count and \a minimum row count.
This method will change these values for all view items.
Default value is 1 for both minimum and maximum line counts.
If default values are used wrapping mode, minimum and maximum line counts are read from .css file.
When non default value are set by this function, wrapping mode of text item is
automatically set to Hb::TextWordWrap.
\note \a minimum and \a maximum are applied only when graphics size is not HbListViewItem::Thumbnail or
HbListViewItem::WideThumbnail and
stretching style is not HbListViewItem::StretchLandscape in landscape mode. Otherwise only one row secondary text is used.
\note If Qt::TextFormat is Qt::RichText, multiline secondary texts are not supported.
\sa setTextFormat
\sa secondaryTextRowCount
\sa setStretchingStyle
}sa setGraphicsSize
void HbListViewItem::setSecondaryTextRowCount(int minimum, int maximum)
bool update = false;
maximum = qMax(1, maximum);
minimum = qBound(1, minimum, maximum);
if (minimum != sd->mMinimumSecondaryTextRowCount) {
sd->mMinimumSecondaryTextRowCount = minimum;
update = true;
if (maximum != sd->mMaximumSecondaryTextRowCount) {
sd->mMaximumSecondaryTextRowCount = maximum;
update = true;
if ( update
&& d->isMultilineSupported()) {
void HbListViewItem::polish(HbStyleParameters& params)
Q_D( HbListViewItem );
setProperty("icon-1", (bool)d->mDecorationRoleItems.value(0));
setProperty("icon-2", (bool)d->mDecorationRoleItems.value(1));
setProperty("text-1", (bool)d->mDisplayRoleTextItems.value(0));
setProperty("text-2", (bool)d->mDisplayRoleTextItems.value(1));
setProperty("text-3", (bool)d->mDisplayRoleTextItems.value(2));
if (itemView() && itemView()->selectionMode() != HbListView::NoSelection) {
setProperty("selectionMode", true);
} else {
setProperty("selectionMode", false);
#include "moc_hblistviewitem.cpp"