author William Roberts <>
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:25:04 +0100
changeset 4 ae1717029441
parent 2 06ff229162e9
child 3 11d3954df52a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Branch for GCC_SURGE fixes

** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at

#include <hbinputdialog.h>
#include "hbinputdialog_p.h"
#include "hbglobal_p.h"
#include <hblineedit.h>
#include <hbaction.h>
#include "hbinputdialogcontent_p.h"
#include <hbstyleoptioninputdialog_p.h>
#include <hbvalidator.h>

#include <QGraphicsScene>

#include <QtDebug>


    \class HbInputDialog
    \brief HbInputDialog creates a modal dialog for the user to get some information in the form of text or numbers.

    Based on the \InputMode user can enter text, int, double or an IP address. InputDialog can have one or two line edit input fields.

    HbInputDialog by default will have a label to display a descriptive text for the line edit input field and,
        OK and Cancel buttons.

    example code example:
    HbInputDialog *object = new HbInputDialog(parent);
    Four static convenience API's are provided: getText(), getInteger(), getDouble(), and getIp()
    static API's can be used to quickly get an input from user.

     \enum HbInputDialog::InputMode

    \value \b TextInput When this value is set as Input mode, input dialog accepts text input in its 
        correspoinding line edit field.

    \value \b IntInput When this value is set as Input mode, input dialog accepts Integer input in its 
        correspoinding line edit field.

    \value \b RealInput When this value is set as Input mode, input dialog accepts double or float input in its 
        correspoinding line edit field.

    \value \b IpInput When this value is set as Input mode, input dialog accepts Ip address as input in its 
        correspoinding line edit field.


    Constructor of HbInputDialog with a \a parent.
    \param parent. Parent widget
HbInputDialog::HbInputDialog(QGraphicsItem* parent) :
                                HbDialog(*new HbInputDialogPrivate, parent)

HbInputDialog::HbInputDialog(HbDialogPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
    HbDialog(dd, parent)
    d->q_ptr = this;

    Destructs the HbInputDialog.

    Sets the input mode of the primary(Top/default)line edit in the query widget.

    The default InputMode is TextInput
    \param mode. InputMode can be TextMode, IntMode, RealMode and Ip address mode.
        each mode will affect how the line edit filters its input.
    \param row. value 0 or 1
    \sa inputMode() 
void HbInputDialog::setInputMode(InputMode mode ,int row)

    Returns input mode for top/default line edit.

    The default InputMode is TextInput

    \param row. value 0 or 1

    \sa setInputMode()
HbInputDialog::InputMode HbInputDialog::inputMode(int row) const
    Q_D(const HbInputDialog);
    if(row == 0) {
        return d->mPrimaryMode;
    } else {
        if (row ==1) {
            return d->mSecondaryMode;
        } else {
            return (HbInputDialog::InputMode)0;

    Sets the prompt \a text for top/default line edit.

    \param text. Text for the label which describes the purpose of the corresponding input line edit field.
    \param row. value 0 or 1

    \sa promtText()
void HbInputDialog::setPromptText(const QString &text, int row)
    d->setPromptText(text, row);

    Returns prompt text for top/default line edit.
    the default is null string.
    \param row. value 0 or 1

    \sa setPromptText()
QString HbInputDialog::promptText(int row) const
    Q_D(const HbInputDialog);
    return d->promptText(row);

    Sets the top/default line edit value in \a text format.

    \param value. user defined value for the default line edit.
    \param row. value 0 or 1

    \sa value()
void HbInputDialog::setValue(const QVariant &value,int row)

    Returns top/default line edit value as QVariant object.

    \param row. value 0 or 1

    \sa setValue()
QVariant HbInputDialog::value(int row) const
    Q_D(const HbInputDialog);
    return QVariant(d->text(row));

    Sets the visibility of bottom line edit and prompt text.

    \param visible true or false.

    \sa isAdditionalRowVisible()
void HbInputDialog::setAdditionalRowVisible(bool visible)

    Returns the visibility of secondary row(bottom line edit and prompt text).
    the default is false
    \sa setAdditionalRowVisible()
bool HbInputDialog::isAdditionalRowVisible()
    return d->isAdditionalRowVisible();

    Validator is used to validate the content and cursor movements.

    \param validator. Validator uses undo stack to back out invalid changes. Therefore undo
    is enabled when validator is set.

    \sa HbAbstractEdit::setValidator
void HbInputDialog::setValidator(HbValidator *validator,int row)
    if( (row == 0) && (d->mContentWidget->mEdit1) ) {
    } else if( (row == 1) && (d->mContentWidget->mEdit2) ) {

    Returns the validator of the inputDialog's line edit.

    \param row. A value 0 or 1

    \sa setValidator()
HbValidator * HbInputDialog::validator(int row) const
    Q_D(const HbInputDialog);
    if( (row == 0) && (d->mContentWidget->mEdit1) ) {
        return d->mContentWidget->mEdit1->validator();
    } else if( (row == 1) && (d->mContentWidget->mEdit2) ) {
        return d->mContentWidget->mEdit2->validator();
    return NULL;

    returns the lineEdit pointer. will return NULL if row is greater than 2.

    \param row. A value 0 or 1
HbLineEdit* HbInputDialog::lineEdit(int row) const
    Q_D(const HbInputDialog);
    if( (row == 0) && (d->mContentWidget->mEdit1) ) {
        return d->mContentWidget->mEdit1;
    } else if( (row == 1) && (d->mContentWidget->mEdit2) ) {
        return d->mContentWidget->mEdit2;
    return NULL;

    sets the echo mode for the given row.

    \param echoMode
    \param row. A value 0 or 1

    \sa HbLineEdit::setEchoMode
void HbInputDialog::setEchoMode(HbLineEdit::EchoMode echoMode,int row)
    if( (row == 0) && (d->mContentWidget->mEdit1) ) {
    } else if( (row == 1) ) {
        if(d->mContentWidget->mEdit2) {
        d->mEchoMode = echoMode;

    \deprecated HbInputDialog::primitive(HbStyle::Primitive)
        is deprecated.
    Provides access to primitives of HbInputDialog. 
    \param primitive is the type of the requested primitive. The available 
    primitives are P_InputDialog_text, and P_InputDialog_additionaltext.

QGraphicsItem* HbInputDialog::primitive(HbStyle::Primitive primitive) const
    Q_D(const HbInputDialog);
    switch (primitive) {
    case HbStyle::P_InputDialog_text:
        return d->mContentWidget->mLabel1;
    case HbStyle::P_InputDialog_additionaltext:
        return d->mContentWidget->mLabel2;
        return 0;

    Initializes \a option with the values from this HbInputDialog.
void HbInputDialog::initStyleOption(HbStyleOptionInputDialog *option) const
    Q_D(const HbInputDialog);
    option->text = d->mPromptText;
    option->additionalText = d->mPromptAdditionalText;

void HbInputDialog::updatePrimitives()
    HbStyleOptionInputDialog option;
    if (d->mContentWidget->mLabel1) {
        style()->updatePrimitive(d->mContentWidget->mLabel1, HbStyle::P_InputDialog_text, &option);

    if (d->mContentWidget->mLabel2 && d->mContentWidget->mAdditionalRowVisible) {
        style()->updatePrimitive(d->mContentWidget->mLabel2, HbStyle::P_InputDialog_additionaltext, &option);

    Returns the echoMode of line edit. returns -1 if row is more than 2.

    \param row. A value 0 or 1

    \sa setEchoMode()
HbLineEdit::EchoMode HbInputDialog::echoMode(int row) const
    Q_D(const HbInputDialog);
    if( (row == 0) && (d->mContentWidget->mEdit1) ) {
        return d->mContentWidget->mEdit1->echoMode();
    } else if( (row == 1)  ) {
        return d->mEchoMode;
    return HbLineEdit::EchoMode(-1);//

    Static convenience function for creating an input dialog to get a string from the user. 
    \a label is the text which is shown to the user (it should
    say what should be entered). \a text is the default text which is
    placed in the line edit. If \a ok is non-null \e *\a ok will be 
    set to true if the user pressed \gui OK and to false if the user pressed
    \gui Cancel. The dialog's parent is \a parent. The dialog will be

    This function return data has to be queried in the finished(HbAction*) slot.

    \sa getInteger(), getDouble(), getIp()
void HbInputDialog::getText(const QString &label,
                                QObject *receiver,
                                const char* member,
                                const QString &text,
                                QGraphicsScene *scene, 
                                QGraphicsItem *parent)
    HbInputDialog *dlg = new HbInputDialog(parent);
    if (scene && !parent) {

    Static convenience function to get an integer input from the
    user.\a label is the text which is shown to the user
    (it should say what should be entered). \a value is the default
    integer which the spinbox will be set to.  
    If \a ok is non-null *\a ok will be set to true if the user
    pressed \gui OK and to false if the user pressed \gui Cancel. The
    dialog's parent is \a parent. The dialog will be modal.

    This function return data has to be queried in the finished(HbAction*) slot.

    \sa getText(), getDouble(), getIp()
void HbInputDialog::getInteger(const QString &label, 
                                QObject *receiver,
                                const char *member,
                                int value,
                                QGraphicsScene *scene,
                                QGraphicsItem *parent)
    HbInputDialog *dlg = new HbInputDialog(parent);
    if(scene && !parent) {
    Static convenience function to get a floating point number from
    the user.\a label is the text which is shown to the user
    (it should say what should be entered). \a value is the default
    floating point number that the line edit will be set to.

    If \a ok is non-null, *\a ok will be set to true if the user
    pressed \gui OK and to false if the user pressed \gui Cancel. The
    dialog's parent is \a parent. The dialog will be modal.

    This function return data has to be queried in the finished(HbAction*) slot.

    \sa getText(), getInteger(), getIp()
void HbInputDialog::getDouble(const QString &label, 
                                QObject *receiver,
                                const char *member,
                                double value, 
                                QGraphicsScene *scene, 
                                QGraphicsItem *parent)
    HbInputDialog *dlg = new HbInputDialog(parent);
    if(scene && !parent) {

    Static convenience function to get an ip address from
    the user.\a label is the text which is shown to the user
    (it should say what should be entered). \a address is the default
    QHostAddress that the line edit will be set to.

    If \a ok is non-null, *\a ok will be set to true if the user
    pressed \gui OK and to false if the user pressed \gui Cancel. The
    dialog's parent is \a parent. The dialog will be modal.

    This function return data has to be queried in the finished(HbAction*) slot.

    \sa getText(), getInteger(), getDouble()
void HbInputDialog::getIp(const QString &label, 
                            QObject *receiver,
                            const char *member,
                            const QString &ipaddress, 
                            QGraphicsScene *scene, 
                            QGraphicsItem *parent)
    HbInputDialog *dlg = new HbInputDialog(parent);
    if(scene && !parent) {

#include "moc_hbinputdialog.cpp"