** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the HbServers module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.
#include "hbsplashgen_server_symbian_p.h"
#include "hbsplashgenerator_p.h"
#include "hbsplashdirs_p.h"
#include "hbsplashdefs_p.h"
#include "hbsplashblacklist_p.h"
#include "hbsplash_direct_symbian_p.h"
#include "hbsplashcompositor_p.h"
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <QDir>
#include <QList>
#include <QPair>
const int bitmap_cache_limit = 4; // Must be at least 1. Each bitmap consumes ~1 MB.
#define PRE "[hbsplashgenerator] [server]"
TBool HbSplashGenAppUi::FrameworkCallsRendezvous() const
return EFalse;
HbSplashGenDocument::HbSplashGenDocument(CEikApplication &app)
: QS60MainDocument(app)
CEikAppUi *HbSplashGenDocument::CreateAppUiL()
splDeb() << PRE << "using custom appui";
return new(ELeave) HbSplashGenAppUi;
CApaDocument *HbSplashGenApplication::CreateDocumentL()
return new(ELeave) HbSplashGenDocument(*this);
class HbSplashGenServerSymbian : public CServer2
CSession2 *NewSessionL(const TVersion &version, const RMessage2 &message) const;
void setSplashScreenDir(const QString &dir) {
mSplashScreenDir = dir;
void setSplashScreenDirContents(const QStringList &entries) {
mSplashScreenDirEntries = entries;
bool startupSuccess() const {
return mStartupSuccess;
void clearBitmapCache();
void addCompositor(HbSplashCompositorInterface *compositor) {
bool processGetSplash(const RMessage2 &message);
struct BitmapCacheData {
CFbsBitmap *mBitmap;
int mExtraSplashFlags;
Qt::Orientation mOrientation;
bool completeGetSplash(const RMessage2 &message, const QString &fileName, const QString &ori);
void completeWithBitmap(const RMessage2 &message, const BitmapCacheData &data);
const BitmapCacheData *getCachedBitmap(const QString &fileName) const;
void cacheBitmap(const QString &key, const BitmapCacheData &data);
bool mStartupSuccess;
RFs mFs;
QString mSplashScreenDir;
QStringList mSplashScreenDirEntries;
QList< QPair<QString, BitmapCacheData> > mBitmaps;
QList<HbSplashCompositorInterface *> mCompositors;
class HbSplashGenServerSession : public CSession2
HbSplashGenServerSession(HbSplashGenServerSymbian *server);
void ServiceL(const RMessage2 &message);
HbSplashGenServerSymbian *mServer;
HbSplashGenServer::HbSplashGenServer(HbSplashGenerator *generator)
: mServer(new HbSplashGenServerSymbian)
connect(generator, SIGNAL(outputDirContentsUpdated(QString, QStringList)),
SLOT(onOutputDirContentsUpdated(QString, QStringList)));
// React immediately on a theme change, showing out-dated graphics
// is never acceptable.
connect(generator, SIGNAL(regenerateStarted()), SLOT(dropCachedData()));
// Clear the cache again when all the screens are regenerated to
// make sure that only the latest ones are used.
connect(generator, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(dropCachedData()));
delete mServer;
void HbSplashGenServer::onOutputDirContentsUpdated(const QString &dir,
const QStringList &entries)
splDeb() << PRE << "splash screen dir contents received" << dir;
splDeb() << PRE << entries;
void HbSplashGenServer::dropCachedData()
bool HbSplashGenServer::startupSuccess() const
return mServer->startupSuccess();
void HbSplashGenServer::addCompositor(HbSplashCompositorInterface *compositor)
: CServer2(CActive::EPriorityHigh)
TInt err = mFs.Connect();
if (err == KErrNone) {
TRAP(err, StartL(hbsplash_server_name));
if (err == KErrNone) {
splDeb() << PRE << "server started";
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "server start failed" << err;
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "cannot connect to file server";
mStartupSuccess = (err == KErrNone);
// Now it is the right time to do the rendezvous. By default it would be
// done too early so the custom appui disables FrameworkCallsRendezvous and
// it is done here instead.
CSession2 *HbSplashGenServerSymbian::NewSessionL(const TVersion &version,
const RMessage2 &message) const
TVersion v(hbsplash_version_major, hbsplash_version_minor, hbsplash_version_build);
if (!User::QueryVersionSupported(v, version)) {
return new(ELeave) HbSplashGenServerSession(const_cast<HbSplashGenServerSymbian *>(this));
void HbSplashGenServerSymbian::clearBitmapCache()
for (int i = 0, ie = mBitmaps.count(); i != ie; ++i) {
delete mBitmaps.at(i).second.mBitmap;
const HbSplashGenServerSymbian::BitmapCacheData *HbSplashGenServerSymbian::getCachedBitmap(
const QString &fileName) const
for (int i = 0, ie = mBitmaps.count(); i != ie; ++i) {
if (!mBitmaps.at(i).first.compare(fileName, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
return &mBitmaps.at(i).second;
return 0;
void HbSplashGenServerSymbian::cacheBitmap(const QString &key, const BitmapCacheData &data)
while (mBitmaps.count() >= bitmap_cache_limit) {
delete mBitmaps.at(0).second.mBitmap;
mBitmaps.append(QPair<QString, BitmapCacheData>(key, data));
void HbSplashGenServerSymbian::completeWithBitmap(const RMessage2 &message,
const BitmapCacheData &data)
foreach(HbSplashCompositorInterface * compositor, mCompositors) {
compositor->composeToBitmap(data.mBitmap, data.mOrientation, data.mExtraSplashFlags);
TPckg<TInt> bmpHandle(data.mBitmap->Handle());
message.Write(3, bmpHandle);
bool HbSplashGenServerSymbian::completeGetSplash(const RMessage2 &message,
const QString &fileName,
const QString &ori)
bool wantsBitmap = message.Function() == HbSplashSrvGetSplashData;
if (wantsBitmap) {
const BitmapCacheData *cachedBitmapData = getCachedBitmap(fileName);
if (cachedBitmapData) {
splDeb() << PRE << "returning cached bitmap for" << fileName;
completeWithBitmap(message, *cachedBitmapData);
return true;
QDir splashScreenDir(mSplashScreenDir);
QString nativeName = QDir::toNativeSeparators(splashScreenDir.filePath(fileName));
splDeb() << PRE << "trying to read" << nativeName;
TPtrC nativeNameDes(static_cast<const TUint16 *>(nativeName.utf16()), nativeName.length());
RFile f;
if (f.Open(mFs, nativeNameDes, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOrWriters) == KErrNone) {
if (wantsBitmap) {
BitmapCacheData data;
data.mBitmap = static_cast<CFbsBitmap *>(
HbSplashDirectSymbian::load(&f, &data.mExtraSplashFlags));
if (data.mBitmap) {
data.mOrientation = Qt::Vertical;
if (!ori.compare(QLatin1String("lsc"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
data.mOrientation = Qt::Horizontal;
cacheBitmap(fileName, data);
completeWithBitmap(message, data);
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "splash load failed";
return false;
} else {
TInt err = f.TransferToClient(message, 3); // completes the message with the fs handle
if (err != KErrNone) {
// the message is not yet completed if TransferToClient() failed
return false;
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "could not open" << nativeName;
return false;
return true;
inline bool readParam(int param, TDes &dst, const RMessage2 &message)
if (message.Read(param, dst) != KErrNone) {
message.Panic(hbsplash_server_name, HbSplashSrvBadParam);
return false;
return true;
bool HbSplashGenServerSymbian::processGetSplash(const RMessage2 &message)
bool cachedEntryListValid = true;
if (mSplashScreenDir.isEmpty() || mSplashScreenDirEntries.isEmpty()) {
qWarning() << PRE << "getSplash: no contents received yet, using fallback";
mSplashScreenDir = hbsplash_output_dir();
cachedEntryListValid = false;
TBuf<16> orientationDes;
if (!readParam(0, orientationDes, message)) {
return false;
TBuf<32> appIdDes;
if (!readParam(1, appIdDes, message)) {
return false;
TBuf<64> screenIdDes;
if (!readParam(2, screenIdDes, message)) {
return false;
QString orientation = QString::fromUtf16(orientationDes.Ptr(), orientationDes.Length());
QString appId = QString::fromUtf16(appIdDes.Ptr(), appIdDes.Length());
QString screenId = QString::fromUtf16(screenIdDes.Ptr(), screenIdDes.Length());
splDeb() << PRE << "getSplash request" << orientation << appId << screenId;
// Do not allow accessing app-specific splash screens of other applications.
if (!appId.isEmpty() || !screenId.isEmpty()) {
TUint32 clientId = message.SecureId().iId;
bool ok;
TUint32 requestedId = appId.toUInt(&ok, 16);
if (!ok || clientId != requestedId) {
qWarning() << PRE << "secure IDs do not match";
return false;
// No splash screen for blacklisted clients.
if (hbsplash_blacklist().contains(message.SecureId().iId)) {
qWarning() << PRE << "app is blacklisted";
return false;
// First check for file existence without filesystem access by using the directory
// listing received from the generator. This prevents wasting time with unnecessary
// Open() calls.
QString appSpecificName;
if (!screenId.isEmpty()) {
appSpecificName = QString("splash_%1_%2_%3.spl").arg(orientation).arg(appId).arg(screenId);
} else {
appSpecificName = QString("splash_%1_%2.spl").arg(orientation).arg(appId);
bool usingAppSpecific = false;
QString genericName = QString("splash_%1.spl").arg(orientation);
QString name = genericName;
if (cachedEntryListValid) {
if (!appId.isEmpty() && mSplashScreenDirEntries.contains(appSpecificName, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
name = appSpecificName;
usingAppSpecific = true;
} else if (!mSplashScreenDirEntries.contains(genericName)) {
qWarning() << PRE << "no suitable splash screens found" << orientation << appId;
return false;
} else {
// The generator has not yet sent any notification about the splash dir and its
// contents. Therefore just try the app-specific screen first and then fall back
// to the generic one if needed.
name = appSpecificName;
usingAppSpecific = true;
bool completed = completeGetSplash(message, name, orientation);
if (!completed) {
// If the screens are just being regenerated then there is a chance that
// the app-specific file is not yet ready but the generic one is already
// there (and the directory listing checked before is out-of-date). So
// try the generic file too.
if (usingAppSpecific) {
completed = completeGetSplash(message, genericName, orientation);
if (!completed) {
qWarning() << PRE << "could not complete getSplash request";
return false;
splDeb() << PRE << "getSplash request completed";
if (!cachedEntryListValid) {
// Set the splash dir back to empty so future invocations can also
// recognize that the generator has not notified us yet.
return true;
HbSplashGenServerSession::HbSplashGenServerSession(HbSplashGenServerSymbian *server)
: mServer(server)
splDeb() << PRE << "new session";
splDeb() << PRE << "session destroyed";
void HbSplashGenServerSession::ServiceL(const RMessage2 &message)
Supported functions:
param 0 [in] requested orientation ("prt" or "lsc")
param 1 [in] empty or uid (currently ignored if does not match the client's secure id)
param 2 [in] empty or screen id
param 3 [out] RFile handle (file is open for read)
Request is completed with RFs handle or KErrNotFound.
param 0 [in] requested orientation ("prt" or "lsc")
param 1 [in] empty or uid (currently ignored if does not match the client's secure id)
param 2 [in] empty or screen id
param 3 [out] CFbsBitmap handle
splDeb() << PRE << "ServiceL" << message.Function() << QString::number(message.SecureId().iId, 16);
switch (message.Function()) {
case HbSplashSrvGetSplashFile: // fallthrough
case HbSplashSrvGetSplashData:
if (!mServer->processGetSplash(message)) {
message.Panic(hbsplash_server_name, HbSplashSrvBadRequest);