** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the HbServers module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.
#include "hbsplashgenerator_p.h"
#include "hbsplashdirs_p.h"
#include "hbsplashdefs_p.h"
#include "hbmainwindow.h"
#include "hbmainwindow_p.h"
#include "hbinstance.h"
#include "hbtheme.h"
#include "hbeffectinternal_p.h"
#include "hbview.h"
#include "hbdocumentloader.h"
#include "hbicon.h"
#include "hbaction.h"
#include "hbcolorscheme.h"
#include "hbstatusbar_p.h"
#include "hbstyle.h"
#include "hbbackgrounditem_p.h"
#include "hbframeitem.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QSet>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QTranslator>
#include <QLocale>
#include <QTimer>
#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
#include <f32file.h>
#include <coemain.h>
const char *last_theme_key = "lasttheme";
const char *last_lang_key = "lastlang";
const char *last_file_count_key = "lastfilecount";
const char *last_output_dir_key = "lastoutdir";
: mMainWindowLocked(false),
#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
QString iniFileName = QString("c:/private/%1/hbsplashgen.ini")
.arg(QString::number(hbsplash_server_uid3.iUid, 16));
mSettings = new QSettings(iniFileName, QSettings::IniFormat, this);
mSettings = new QSettings("Nokia", "Hb", this);
// Effects on decorators (started when they are shown) would ruin
// the screenshot. So disable everything (except the orientation
// switch effect which is needed for a proper rotated image).
delete mMainWindow;
static QString orientationName(Qt::Orientation orientation)
switch (orientation) {
case Qt::Horizontal:
return QLatin1String("lsc");
case Qt::Vertical:
return QLatin1String("prt");
return QString();
#define PRE "[hbsplashgenerator]"
static void log(const QString &msg, const QString &theme = QString(), int orientation = -1)
const char *fmt = PRE " %s ('%s' '%s')";
QString oriName = orientationName(static_cast<Qt::Orientation>(orientation));
splDebug(fmt, qPrintable(msg), qPrintable(theme), qPrintable(oriName));
// To be called on startup and after each fully completed regeneration.
// Returns the number of files in the output directory.
int HbSplashGenerator::updateOutputDirContents(const QString &outDir)
QDir dir(outDir);
QStringList entries = dir.entryList(QDir::Files);
emit outputDirContentsUpdated(outDir, entries);
return entries.count();
void HbSplashGenerator::start(bool forceRegen)
mForceRegen = forceRegen;
QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(doStart()));
void HbSplashGenerator::doStart()
splDeb() << PRE << "accessing theme";
// Start listening to the theme-change-finished signal.
HbTheme *theme = hbInstance->theme();
connect(theme, SIGNAL(changeFinished()), SLOT(regenerate()));
// Watch also the directories containing splashml files. Files may
// be added/updated at any time.
connect(&mFsWatcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), SLOT(onDirectoryChanged(QString)));
foreach(const QString & dir, hbsplash_splashml_dirs()) {
// Check for directory existence before calling addPath() to
// avoid printing warnings.
if (QDir(dir).exists()) {
// Regenerate screens, if needed.
void HbSplashGenerator::scheduleRegen()
// Regenerate screens on startup only when the theme, the language, the
// number of files in the splash screen directory, or the splash screen
// directory path is different than the recorded values. (or when
// regeneration is forced via command line arg)
QString lastTheme = mSettings->value(QLatin1String(last_theme_key)).toString();
QString lastLang = mSettings->value(QLatin1String(last_lang_key)).toString();
int lastFileCount = mSettings->value(QLatin1String(last_file_count_key)).toInt();
QString lastOutputDir = mSettings->value(QLatin1String(last_output_dir_key)).toString();
QString currentTheme = hbInstance->theme()->name();
QString currentLang = QLocale::system().name();
QString currentOutputDir = hbsplash_output_dir();
int currentFileCount = updateOutputDirContents(currentOutputDir);
qDebug() << PRE << "last regen:" << lastTheme << lastLang << lastFileCount << lastOutputDir
<< "current:" << currentTheme << currentLang << currentFileCount << currentOutputDir;
if (mForceRegen
|| currentFileCount == 0 // not having any files is wrong for sure
|| currentTheme != lastTheme
|| currentLang != lastLang
|| currentFileCount != lastFileCount
|| currentOutputDir != lastOutputDir) {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "regenerate", Qt::QueuedConnection);
mForceRegen = false;
void HbSplashGenerator::uncachedRegenerate()
// Same as regenerate() but no caching is used so every file is
// parsed again.
void HbSplashGenerator::regenerate()
QString themeName = hbInstance->theme()->name();
qDebug() << PRE << "regenerate() theme:" << themeName;
if (!themeName.isEmpty()) {
try {
emit regenerateStarted();
QTime queuePrepTime;
// Delete existing splash screens. This is important because apps
// should never pick up a screen with the previous theme or
// language. If the generation of the new screens (at least the
// empty view) has not finished when a new app is started then it is
// better to show no splash screen at all.
QDir outDir(hbsplash_output_dir());
if (outDir.exists()) {
QStringList names = outDir.entryList(QStringList() << "*", QDir::Files);
foreach(const QString & name, names) {
// Clear the queue, generating screens with a non-current theme is
// not possible anyway.
// If this is the first invocation then put some requests for
// screens we won't use. On certain platforms the very first
// rendering (with a newly created mainwindow) may lead to
// mysteriously scaled down output.
if (mFirstRegenerate) {
mFirstRegenerate = false;
mQueue.enqueue(QueueItem(themeName, Qt::Vertical));
mQueue.enqueue(QueueItem(themeName, Qt::Horizontal));
// Queue the screenshot request for both orientations.
mQueue.enqueue(QueueItem(themeName, Qt::Vertical));
mQueue.enqueue(QueueItem(themeName, Qt::Horizontal));
queueAppSpecificItems(themeName, Qt::Vertical);
queueAppSpecificItems(themeName, Qt::Horizontal);
mSaveSplFailed = false;
splDeb() << PRE << "queue preparation time (ms):" << queuePrepTime.elapsed();
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "processQueue", Qt::QueuedConnection);
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
// This function is for the splashviewer tool only, do not use from elsewhere.
void HbSplashGenerator::regenerateOne(const QString &splashmlFileName, const QString &customTrDir)
QueueItem item(hbInstance->theme()->name(), Qt::Vertical);
QString path = QFileInfo(splashmlFileName).path();
if (!customTrDir.isEmpty()) {
parseSplashml(splashmlFileName, item);
item.mDocmlFileName = QDir(path).filePath(item.mDocmlFileName);
mQueue.enqueue(item); // generate it regardless of the fixed orientation setting
item.mOrientation = Qt::Horizontal;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "processQueue", Qt::QueuedConnection);
QImage HbSplashGenerator::renderView()
log("renderView()", mItem.mThemeName, mItem.mOrientation);
// Note: Do not use QPixmap::grabWidget() because our widget has never been
// shown (it is not visible). QGraphicsView::render() seems to work better
// in this respect. Also, let's use QImage because the stuff is going to a
// file and is never drawn anywhere. This makes using graphics system
// dependent things (e.g. some special filter effects) impossible but using
// those for a splash screen would not be the best idea anyway.
QTime t;
// The image format must be the one that fits the OpenVG paint engine best.
// (in order to avoid unnecessary conversions later when apps load and show
// these images)
QImage image(mMainWindow->size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter painter(&image);
splDeb() << PRE << "rendering time (ms):" << t.elapsed();
return image;
void HbSplashGenerator::processQueue()
splDeb() << PRE << "processQueue()";
// If the queue is empty then the splash regeneraton is complete so store
// the current theme and language names as the last fully processed ones in
// the settings and stop.
if (mQueue.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << PRE << "queue is empty regen finished";
mSettings->setValue(last_theme_key, hbInstance->theme()->name());
mSettings->setValue(last_lang_key, QLocale::system().name());
QString outDir = hbsplash_output_dir();
// Notify the server and get the number of generated files...
int fileCount = updateOutputDirContents(outDir);
// ...but store zero if some file writing failed at some point
// so there will be a regeneration on next boot at least.
if (mSaveSplFailed) {
qWarning() << PRE << "some files not ok, ignoring file count";
fileCount = 0;
// Waiting until next boot is not always the best solution so try
// again a bit later. This has to be limited, though, to prevent
// continously flooding the system with regenerate requests in case
// of an unusable drive. So retry only for a limited number of
// times, if all else fails we will try again on next boot.
static int retriesLeft = 3;
if (retriesLeft-- > 0) {
QTimer::singleShot(60000, this, SLOT(scheduleRegen())); // 1 min
} else {
splDeb() << PRE << "all files ok";
mSettings->setValue(last_file_count_key, fileCount);
mSettings->setValue(last_output_dir_key, outDir);
emit finished();
splDeb() << PRE << "processQueue() over";
// If a previous splash generation is still in progress or a compositor is
// working then do nothing.
if (!lockMainWindow()) {
mProcessQueuePending = true;
splDeb() << PRE << "still busy processQueue() over";
try {
mProcessQueuePending = false;
mItem = mQueue.dequeue();
log("generating splash screen", mItem.mThemeName, mItem.mOrientation);
mMainWindow->setOrientation(mItem.mOrientation, false);
splDeb() << PRE << "mainwindow init time (ms):" << mItemTime.elapsed();
QTime setupTime;
splDeb() << PRE << "content setup time (ms):" << setupTime.elapsed();
// The async call chain goes like this:
// processQueue -> finishWindow -> processWindow -> processQueue -> ...
// finishWindow() cannot be called directly from here because that would
// result in asserts in QGraphicsScene with certain Qt versions.
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "finishWindow", Qt::QueuedConnection);
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
splDeb() << PRE << "processQueue() over";
HbMainWindow *HbSplashGenerator::ensureMainWindow()
if (!mMainWindow) {
// The FixedVertical flag is used just to disable the sensor-based
// orientation switching.
mMainWindow = new HbMainWindow(0, Hb::WindowFlagFixedVertical);
// Make sure that at least the 1st phase of the delayed
// construction is done right now.
return mMainWindow;
void HbSplashGenerator::processWindow()
// Take the screenshot, remove content, and move on to the next request in the queue.
log("processWindow() rendering splash screen", mItem.mThemeName, mItem.mOrientation);
splDeb() << PRE << "total time for screen (ms):" << mItemTime.elapsed();
QList<HbView *> views = mMainWindow->views();
foreach(HbView * view, views) {
delete view;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "processQueue", Qt::QueuedConnection);
log("processWindow() over", mItem.mThemeName, mItem.mOrientation);
void HbSplashGenerator::takeScreenshot()
log("takeScreenshot()", mItem.mThemeName, mItem.mOrientation);
try {
// Render the content. Note that this may use the wrong theme
// graphics if there are quick theme changes on-going. We only
// guarantee that there will always be a correct splash screen for
// the currently set theme, and that can be fulfilled because even
// though the screenshot we make here may be wrong in such a case
// there will already be a new request queued due to the theme
// change.
QImage image = renderView();
QTime t;
QString splashFile = splashFileName();
splDeb() << PRE << "saving to" << splashFile;
if (saveSpl(splashFile, image, mItem.mFlagsToStore)) {
#if !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) && defined(QT_DEBUG)
image.save(splashFile + QLatin1String(".png"));
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "file write failed for" << splashFile;
mSaveSplFailed = true;
// After setting the fail flag, clear the queue to stop processing
// further screens because file writes would probably fail anyway.
// Instead, processQueue() will schedule a retry at a later time.
splDeb() << PRE << "save time (ms):" << t.elapsed();
log("takeScreenshot() over", mItem.mThemeName, mItem.mOrientation);
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
QString HbSplashGenerator::splashFileName()
QString outDirName = hbsplash_output_dir();
QDir dir(outDirName);
// Do not use QDir::mkpath() on Symbian. It is not able to create the
// 'private' directory itself in case it does not exist (which is possible
// during first boot because splashgen is started relatively early and the
// eMMC may be totally empty at that point). RFs::MkDirAll() works better in
// this respect.
QString nativeOutPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(outDirName);
if (!nativeOutPath.endsWith('\\')) {
TPtrC nativeOutPathDes(static_cast<const TUint16 *>(nativeOutPath.utf16()),
TInt err = CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession().MkDirAll(nativeOutPathDes);
if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists) {
qWarning() << PRE << "MkDirAll failed with" << err << "for" << nativeOutPath;
if (!dir.exists()) {
if (!QDir(".").mkpath(outDirName)) {
qWarning() << PRE << "mkpath failed for" << outDirName;
// "splash_<orientation>_<appid>_<screenid>"
QString splashFile = dir.filePath("splash_");
if (!mItem.mAppId.isEmpty()) {
if (!mItem.mScreenId.isEmpty()) {
return splashFile;
bool HbSplashGenerator::saveSpl(const QString &nameWithoutExt, const QImage &image, quint32 extra)
QString fn(nameWithoutExt);
QFile f(fn);
if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
quint32 w = (quint32) image.width();
quint32 h = (quint32) image.height();
quint32 bpl = (quint32) image.bytesPerLine();
qint32 fmt = (qint32) image.format();
f.write((char *) &w, sizeof(quint32));
f.write((char *) &h, sizeof(quint32));
f.write((char *) &bpl, sizeof(quint32));
f.write((char *) &fmt, sizeof(qint32));
f.write((char *) &extra, sizeof(quint32));
qint64 wcount = f.write((const char *) image.bits(), bpl * h);
return wcount == bpl * h;
return false;
void HbSplashGenerator::cleanup()
delete mMainWindow;
mMainWindow = 0;
mProcessQueuePending = false;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const HbSplashGenerator::QueueItem &item)
dbg << "["
<< item.mDocmlFileName
<< item.mAppId
<< item.mScreenId
<< item.mDocmlWidgetName
<< item.mThemeName
<< orientationName(item.mOrientation)
<< item.mTsAppName
<< "]";
return dbg;
: mOrientation(Qt::Vertical),
HbSplashGenerator::QueueItem::QueueItem(const QString &themeName, Qt::Orientation orientation)
: mThemeName(themeName),
void HbSplashGenerator::addSplashmlItemToQueue(const QueueItem &item)
bool fixedPortrait = item.mFixedOrientation == QLatin1String("portrait");
bool fixedLandscape = item.mFixedOrientation == QLatin1String("landscape");
if (fixedPortrait && item.mOrientation != Qt::Vertical) {
if (fixedLandscape && item.mOrientation != Qt::Horizontal) {
void HbSplashGenerator::queueAppSpecificItems(const QString &themeName, Qt::Orientation orientation)
QSet<QString> processedFileNames;
QStringList dirNames(hbsplash_splashml_dirs());
foreach(const QString & dirName, dirNames) {
QDir dir(dirName);
if (!dir.exists()) {
QStringList entries = dir.entryList(QStringList() << "*.splashml", QDir::Files);
foreach(const QString & entry, entries) {
// Skip if a file with the same name has already been processed from
// a different location.
if (processedFileNames.contains(entry)) {
splDeb() << PRE << "skipping splashml (already found at other location)" << dir.filePath(entry);
QString fullName = dir.filePath(entry);
splDeb() << PRE << "parsing splashml" << fullName;
if (mParsedSplashmls.contains(fullName)) {
QueueItem item(mParsedSplashmls.value(fullName));
item.mThemeName = themeName;
item.mOrientation = orientation;
splDeb() << PRE << "splashml already parsed queuing request" << item;
QueueItem item(themeName, orientation);
bool ok = parseSplashml(fullName, item);
if (ok
&& !item.mAppId.isEmpty()
&& !item.mDocmlWidgetName.isEmpty()
&& !item.mDocmlFileName.isEmpty()) {
// Add the full path to the filename. The docml is supposed to
// be in the same directory as the splashml.
item.mDocmlFileName = dir.filePath(item.mDocmlFileName);
splDeb() << PRE << "queuing request" << item;
mParsedSplashmls.insert(fullName, item);
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "unable to parse" << fullName;
inline void reportSplashmlError(const QString &fullFileName, int lineNumber, const QString &msg)
qWarning("%s", qPrintable(QString(QLatin1String("%1 \"%2\":%3: %4"))
bool HbSplashGenerator::parseSplashml(const QString &fullFileName, QueueItem &item)
QFile f(fullFileName);
bool ok = f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
if (ok) {
QXmlStreamReader xml(&f);
bool docOk = false;
while (!xml.atEnd()) {
QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = xml.readNext();
if (token == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) {
reportSplashmlError(fullFileName, xml.lineNumber(), xml.errorString());
ok = false;
} else if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement
&& xml.name() == QLatin1String("hbsplash")) {
docOk = true;
} else if (docOk) {
parseSplashmlElements(xml, item, fullFileName);
return ok;
inline bool readBool(QXmlStreamReader &xml)
QString text = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
return text == QLatin1String("true") || text == QLatin1String("1");
void HbSplashGenerator::parseSplashmlElements(QXmlStreamReader &xml,
QueueItem &item,
const QString &fullFileName)
if (xml.isStartElement()) {
QStringRef name = xml.name();
if (name == QLatin1String("docml")) {
item.mDocmlFileName = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
} else if (name == QLatin1String("widget")) {
item.mDocmlWidgetName = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
} else if (name == QLatin1String("appid") || name == QLatin1String("appuid")) {
item.mAppId = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
if (item.mAppId.startsWith(QLatin1String("0x"))) {
item.mAppId.remove(0, 2);
} else if (name == QLatin1String("screenid")) {
item.mScreenId = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
} else if (name == QLatin1String("tsappname")) {
item.mTsAppName = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
} else if (name == QLatin1String("view-flags")) {
item.mViewFlags = xml.readElementText().split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
for (int i = 0, ie = item.mViewFlags.count(); i != ie; ++i) {
item.mViewFlags[i] = item.mViewFlags[i].trimmed().toLower();
} else if (name == QLatin1String("background-item-visible")) {
item.mHideBackground = !readBool(xml);
} else if (name == QLatin1String("navi-action-icon")) {
item.mNaviActionIcon = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
} else if (name == QLatin1String("background-brush-color")) {
item.mBackgroundBrushColor = QColor(xml.readElementText().trimmed());
} else if (name == QLatin1String("themed-background-brush-color")) {
item.mThemedBackgroundBrushColor = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
} else if (name == QLatin1String("background-image-name")) {
QString whenToUse = xml.attributes().value("when").toString().trimmed();
QString imageName = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
if (whenToUse.isEmpty()) {
whenToUse = QLatin1String("always");
item.mBackgroundImageName.insert(whenToUse, imageName);
} else if (name == QLatin1String("use-section")) {
QString whenToUse = xml.attributes().value("when").toString().trimmed();
QString whichSection = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
if (!whenToUse.isEmpty()) {
item.mCondSections.insert(whenToUse, whichSection);
} else {
} else if (name == QLatin1String("custom-widget-substitute")) {
QString originalType = xml.attributes().value("for").toString().trimmed();
QString substitutedType = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
item.mCustomWidgetSubsts.insert(originalType, substitutedType);
} else if (name == QLatin1String("fixed-orientation")) {
item.mFixedOrientation = xml.readElementText().trimmed().toLower();
} else if (name == QLatin1String("item-bg-graphics")) {
QueueItem::ItemBgGraphicsRequest req;
req.mTargetWidgetName = xml.attributes().value("for").toString().trimmed();
QString type = xml.attributes().value("type").toString().trimmed();
req.mFrameGraphicsType = HbFrameDrawer::Undefined;
if (type == QLatin1String("1")) {
req.mFrameGraphicsType = HbFrameDrawer::OnePiece;
} else if (type == QLatin1String("3h")) {
req.mFrameGraphicsType = HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesHorizontal;
} else if (type == QLatin1String("3v")) {
req.mFrameGraphicsType = HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesVertical;
} else if (type == QLatin1String("9")) {
req.mFrameGraphicsType = HbFrameDrawer::NinePieces;
QString z = xml.attributes().value("z").toString().trimmed();
if (z.isEmpty()) {
req.mZValue = -1;
} else {
req.mZValue = z.toFloat();
req.mOrientation = xml.attributes().value("when").toString().trimmed();
req.mFrameGraphicsName = xml.readElementText().trimmed();
if (!req.mTargetWidgetName.isEmpty() && !req.mFrameGraphicsName.isEmpty()) {
} else {
reportSplashmlError(fullFileName, xml.lineNumber(),
QLatin1String("unknown element: ") + name.toString());
class CustomDocumentLoader : public HbDocumentLoader
CustomDocumentLoader(const HbMainWindow *window, const HbSplashGenerator::QueueItem &item)
: HbDocumentLoader(window), mItem(item) { }
QObject *createObject(const QString &type, const QString &name);
const HbSplashGenerator::QueueItem &mItem;
QObject *CustomDocumentLoader::createObject(const QString &type, const QString &name)
QObject *obj = HbDocumentLoader::createObject(type, name);
if (!obj) {
splDeb() << PRE << "unsupported object" << type << name;
// Cannot let parsing fail because of unknown custom widgets
// so provide an empty HbWidget (or HbView if the splashml
// prefers that).
if (mItem.mCustomWidgetSubsts.contains(type)) {
QString preferredType = mItem.mCustomWidgetSubsts.value(type);
if (preferredType == QLatin1String("HbView")) {
obj = new HbView;
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "unsupported custom widget substitute type"
<< type << "falling back to HbWidget";
if (!obj) {
obj = new HbWidget;
if (obj) {
return obj;
void HbSplashGenerator::setupAppSpecificWindow()
// Check if the splash screen request is really application-specific.
if (mItem.mDocmlFileName.isEmpty() || mItem.mAppId.isEmpty() || mItem.mDocmlWidgetName.isEmpty()) {
// Install translators if needed.
if (!mItem.mTsAppName.isEmpty()) {
// Parse the docml file and add the specified widget as a view.
CustomDocumentLoader loader(mMainWindow, mItem);
QStringList sections;
if (!mItem.mCondSections.isEmpty()) {
QLatin1String prtKey("portrait");
QLatin1String lscKey("landscape");
if (mItem.mCondSections.contains(prtKey) && mItem.mOrientation == Qt::Vertical) {
sections << mItem.mCondSections.value(prtKey);
} else if (mItem.mCondSections.contains(lscKey) && mItem.mOrientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
sections << mItem.mCondSections.value(lscKey);
sections << mItem.mForcedSections;
splDeb() << PRE << "loading" << mItem.mDocmlFileName << "common section";
bool ok;
loader.load(mItem.mDocmlFileName, &ok);
if (ok && !sections.isEmpty()) {
foreach(const QString & section, sections) {
splDeb() << PRE << "loading" << mItem.mDocmlFileName << "section" << section;
loader.load(mItem.mDocmlFileName, section, &ok);
if (ok) {
// Apply child widget settings.
// Find the root view and add it to the mainwindow.
QGraphicsWidget *widget = loader.findWidget(mItem.mDocmlWidgetName);
if (widget) {
splDeb() << PRE << "widget created from" << mItem;
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "widget creation failed from" << mItem;
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "unable to parse" << mItem.mDocmlFileName;
void HbSplashGenerator::setupNameBasedWidgetProps(HbDocumentLoader &loader)
// item-bg-graphics
for (int i = 0, ie = mItem.mItemBgGraphics.count(); i != ie; ++i) {
QueueItem::ItemBgGraphicsRequest req = mItem.mItemBgGraphics.at(i);
if ((req.mOrientation == QLatin1String("portrait") && mItem.mOrientation != Qt::Vertical)
|| (req.mOrientation == QLatin1String("landscape") && mItem.mOrientation != Qt::Horizontal)) {
HbWidget *widget = qobject_cast<HbWidget *>(loader.findWidget(req.mTargetWidgetName));
if (widget) {
splDeb() << PRE << "setting background item" << req.mFrameGraphicsName
<< "for" << req.mTargetWidgetName;
new HbFrameItem(req.mFrameGraphicsName, req.mFrameGraphicsType),
(int) req.mZValue);
void HbSplashGenerator::finishWindow()
QTime prepTime;
// There must be a view always in order to support view-specific settings.
if (mMainWindow->views().isEmpty()) {
mMainWindow->addView(new HbWidget);
QList<HbView *> views = mMainWindow->views();
if (!views.isEmpty()) {
HbView *view = views.at(0);
// view-flags
HbView::HbViewFlags viewFlags = view->viewFlags();
if (mItem.mViewFlags.contains(QLatin1String("tb-minimizable"))) {
viewFlags |= HbView::ViewTitleBarMinimizable;
if (mItem.mViewFlags.contains(QLatin1String("tb-minimized"))) {
viewFlags |= HbView::ViewTitleBarMinimized;
if (mItem.mViewFlags.contains(QLatin1String("tb-hidden"))) {
viewFlags |= HbView::ViewTitleBarHidden;
if (mItem.mViewFlags.contains(QLatin1String("tb-transparent"))) {
viewFlags |= HbView::ViewTitleBarTransparent;
if (mItem.mViewFlags.contains(QLatin1String("tb-floating"))) {
viewFlags |= HbView::ViewTitleBarFloating;
if (mItem.mViewFlags.contains(QLatin1String("sb-hidden"))) {
viewFlags |= HbView::ViewStatusBarHidden;
if (mItem.mViewFlags.contains(QLatin1String("sb-transparent"))) {
viewFlags |= HbView::ViewStatusBarTransparent;
if (mItem.mViewFlags.contains(QLatin1String("sb-floating"))) {
viewFlags |= HbView::ViewStatusBarFloating;
if (viewFlags.testFlag(HbView::ViewStatusBarHidden)
|| viewFlags.testFlag(HbView::ViewStatusBarTransparent)) {
mItem.mFlagsToStore |= HbSplashNonStandardStatusBar;
// navi-action-icon
if (!mItem.mNaviActionIcon.isEmpty()) {
view->setNavigationAction(new HbAction(HbIcon(mItem.mNaviActionIcon), QString(), view));
} // else will use the default navigation action (e.g. quit)
HbMainWindowPrivate *mwd = HbMainWindowPrivate::d_ptr(mMainWindow);
// background-item-visible, background-brush-color, themed-background-brush-color
if (mItem.mHideBackground) {
QColor fillColor = mItem.mBackgroundBrushColor;
if (!mItem.mThemedBackgroundBrushColor.isEmpty()) {
QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(mItem.mThemedBackgroundBrushColor);
if (color.isValid()) {
fillColor = color;
mMainWindow->scene()->setBackgroundBrush(fillColor.isValid() ? fillColor : Qt::black);
} else {
// background-image-name
HbBackgroundItem *bgItem = mwd->mBgItem;
if (bgItem) {
QString backgroundImageName = mItem.mBackgroundImageName.value(
mItem.mOrientation == Qt::Vertical ? "portrait" : "landscape");
if (backgroundImageName.isEmpty()) {
backgroundImageName = mItem.mBackgroundImageName.value("always");
if (backgroundImageName.isEmpty()) {
backgroundImageName = bgItem->defaultImageName(mItem.mOrientation);
mMainWindow->setBackgroundImageName(mItem.mOrientation, backgroundImageName);
// Hide dynamic content from status bar (clock, indicators).
setStatusBarElementsVisible(mMainWindow, false);
splDeb() << PRE << "time spent in finishWindow() (ms):" << prepTime.elapsed();
// Continue with rendering the graphics view in processWindow().
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "processWindow", Qt::QueuedConnection);
void HbSplashGenerator::setStatusBarElementsVisible(HbMainWindow *mw, bool visible)
HbMainWindowPrivate *mwd = HbMainWindowPrivate::d_ptr(mw);
HbStatusBar *statusBar = mwd->mStatusBar;
if (statusBar) {
foreach(QGraphicsItem * item, statusBar->childItems()) {
QString name = HbStyle::itemName(item);
bool knownItem =
name == QLatin1String("signal")
|| name == QLatin1String("battery")
|| name == QLatin1String("notificationindicators")
|| name == QLatin1String("settingsindicators")
|| name == QLatin1String("timetext");
if (knownItem) {
void HbSplashGenerator::addTranslator(const QString &name)
QString lang = QLocale::system().name();
QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator;
bool ok = false;
QStringList dirNames(hbsplash_translation_dirs());
foreach(const QString & dirName, dirNames) {
QDir dir(dirName);
QString fullName = dir.filePath(name + '_' + lang);
// fullName is not necessarily an existing file, however the translator
// may still pick up another suitable file based on this name.
if (translator->load(fullName)) {
splDeb() << PRE << "translator installed:" << fullName;
ok = true;
if (ok) {
} else {
qWarning() << PRE << "unable to find translations based on name" << name;
delete translator;
void HbSplashGenerator::clearTranslators()
foreach(QTranslator * translator, mTranslators) {
void HbSplashGenerator::onDirectoryChanged(const QString &path)
Q_UNUSED(path); // we are only watching directories containing splashml+docml
// Have some delay to avoid heavy system load in case of multiple
// directory-changed notifications.
QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(regenerate()));
bool HbSplashGenerator::lockMainWindow()
if (!mMainWindowLocked) {
mMainWindowLocked = true;
return true;
return false;
void HbSplashGenerator::unlockMainWindowInternal()
mMainWindowLocked = false;
void HbSplashGenerator::unlockMainWindow()
// This version is used by the compositors. Besides resetting the flag it
// also queues a call to processQueue() if needed.
if (mProcessQueuePending) {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "processQueue", Qt::QueuedConnection);