** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.
#include "hbwidget_p.h"
#include "hbtumbleview.h"
#include "hbdatetimepicker.h"
#include "hbdatepickerview_p.h"
#include "hbextendedlocale.h"
#include <QStringListModel>
#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QGraphicsWidget>
#include <QList>
#include <QHash>
#define VIEWER HbDatePickerView
#define HBDATETIMEPICKER_TIME_MIN QTime(0, 0, 0, 0)
#define HBDATETIMEPICKER_TIME_MAX QTime(23, 59, 59, 999)
#define HBDATETIMEPICKER_DATE_MIN QDate(1900, 1, 1) //15th Oct 4713 B.C.
//#define HBDATETIMEPICKER_DATE_MIN QDate(-4713, 10, 15) //15th Oct 4713 B.C.
#define HBDATETIMEPICKER_DATE_MAX QDate(2099, 1, 1)
//#define HBDATETIMEPICKER_DATE_MAX QDate(9999, 12, 31)
class HbDateTimeParser
enum Section {
NoSection = 0x00000,
AmPmSection = 0x00001,
MSecSection = 0x00002,
SecondSection = 0x00004,
MinuteSection = 0x00008,
Hour12Section = 0x00010,
Hour24Section = 0x00020,
TimeSectionMask = (AmPmSection|MSecSection|SecondSection|MinuteSection|Hour12Section|Hour24Section),
// Internal = 0x10000,
DaySection = 0x00100,
MonthSection = 0x00200,
YearSection = 0x00400,
YearSection2Digits = 0x00800,
DayOfWeekSection = 0x01000,
DateSectionMask = (DaySection|MonthSection|YearSection|YearSection2Digits|DayOfWeekSection),
//FirstSection = 0x02000|Internal,
//LastSection = 0x04000|Internal,
//CalendarPopupSection = 0x08000|Internal,
//NoSectionIndex = -1,
//FirstSectionIndex = -2,
//LastSectionIndex = -3,
//CalendarPopupIndex = -4
}; // duplicated from qdatetimeedit.h
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Sections, Section)
struct SectionNode {
Section type;
mutable int pos;
int count;
bool parseFormat(const QString& format);
int sectionSize(int index) const;
int sectionPos(int index) const;
int sectionPos(const SectionNode &sn) const;
const SectionNode §ionNode(int index) const;
QString mDisplayFormat;
Sections mDisplaySections;
QVector<SectionNode> mSectionNodes;
QStringList mSeparators;
class HbDateTimePickerPrivate : public HbWidgetPrivate
void init(QVariant::Type type = QVariant::Date);
QString localeDateTimeFormat(const QVariant::Type &mode);
bool isFormatValid(const QString &newFormat);
void processDisplaySections();
void rearrangeTumbleViews();
void makeConnections();
void removeConnections();
void setRanges();
void emitDateChange();
void emitTimeChange();
void emitDateTimeChange();
void syncVisualDate();
void setDateTimeRange(const QDateTime &start
, const QDateTime &end);
void setDateTime(const QDateTime &newDateTime);
void setMinimumDateTime(const QDateTime &newMinDateTime);
void setMaximumDateTime(const QDateTime &newMaxDateTime);
void setYearRange(int start,int end);
void setMonthRange(int start,int end);
void setDayRange(int start,int end);
void setHourRange(int start,int end);
void setMinuteRange(int start,int end);
void setSecondRange(int start,int end);
void setAmPm();
//mix max testers
inline bool isMinimumYear() { return mMinimumDate.date().year() == mDateTime.date().year(); }
inline bool isMaximumYear() { return mMaximumDate.date().year() == mDateTime.date().year(); }
inline bool isMinimumMonth() { return mMinimumDate.date().month() == mDateTime.date().month(); }
inline bool isMaximumMonth() { return mMaximumDate.date().month() == mDateTime.date().month(); }
inline bool isMinimumHour() { return mMinimumDate.time().hour() == mDateTime.time().hour(); }
inline bool isMaximumHour() { return mMaximumDate.time().hour() == mDateTime.time().hour(); }
inline bool isMinimumMinute() { return mMinimumDate.time().minute() == mDateTime.time().minute(); }
inline bool isMaximumMinute() { return mMaximumDate.time().minute() == mDateTime.time().minute(); }
QString localeYear(int year);//depending on current format returns the year
QString localeMonth(int month);
QString localeDay(int day);
QString localeHour(int hour);
QString localeMinute(int minute);
QString localeSecond(int second);
QString localeAmPm(bool getAm);
//helper routine
void resizeModel(QStringListModel *model,
int oldStart, int oldEnd,
int newStart, int newEnd,
QString (HbDateTimePickerPrivate::*localeFuncPtr)(int), int interval = 1);
void createPrimitives();
void deleteAndNull(VIEWER*& t) {
delete t;t=0;
void deleteAndNull(QStringListModel*& t) {
delete t;t=0;
void _q_dayChanged(int index);
void _q_monthChanged(int index);
void _q_yearChanged(int index);
void _q_hoursChanged(int index);
void _q_minutesChanged(int index);
void _q_secondsChanged(int index);
void _q_ampmChanged(int index);
VIEWER *mDayPicker;
VIEWER *mMonthPicker;
VIEWER *mYearPicker;
VIEWER *mHourPicker;
VIEWER *mMinutePicker;
VIEWER *mSecondPicker;
VIEWER *mAmPmPicker;
QStringListModel *mDayModel;
QStringListModel *mMonthModel;
QStringListModel *mYearModel;
QStringListModel *mHourModel;
QStringListModel *mMinuteModel;
QStringListModel *mSecondModel;
QStringListModel *mAmPmModel;
int mYearOffset;
int mMonthOffset;
int mDayOffset;
int mHourOffset;
int mMinuteOffset;
int mSecondOffset;
QDateTime mDateTime;
QDateTime mMinimumDate;
QDateTime mMaximumDate;
QVariant::Type mDateTimeMode;
QGraphicsLinearLayout *mLayout;
QString mFormat;
HbDateTimeParser mParser;
QList<HbDateTimeParser::Section> mDisplaySections;
QString mYearFormat;
QString mMonthFormat;
QString mDayFormat;
QString mHourFormat;
QString mMinuteFormat;
QString mSecondFormat;
bool mIs24HourFormat;
bool mIsTwoDigitYearFormat;
HbExtendedLocale mLocale;
//graphics items/style items
QGraphicsItem *mBackground;
QGraphicsItem *mFrame;
HbWidget *mContent;
QHash<QDateTimeEdit::Section, int> mIntervals;
QGraphicsItem *mHighlight;