** Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (developer.feedback@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the HbWidgets module of the UI Extensions for Mobile.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at developer.feedback@nokia.com.
#include "hbtreeviewitem.h"
#include "hbtreeviewitem_p.h"
#include "hbtreeview.h"
#include "hbabstractitemview.h"
#include "hbabstractitemcontainer_p.h"
#include <hbnamespace.h>
#include <hbnamespace_p.h>
#include <hbstyle.h>
#include <hbwidgetfeedback.h>
#include <hbtapgesture.h>
#include <hbeffect.h>
#include <hbstyleiconprimitivedata.h>
#include <QPersistentModelIndex>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QDebug>
\class HbTreeViewItem
\brief The HbTreeViewItem class represents a single item in a hierarchical list.
The HbTreeViewItem class provides an item that is used by the HbTreeView class to
visualize content within single model index. The item can only be used with HbTreeView
or with objects derived from HbTreeView.
HbTreeViewItem supports following model item types in Hb::ItemTypeRole role of data model
\li Hb::StandardItem
\li Hb::ParentItem. Parent item visualizes collapsed/expanded state of parent item with "subitem-indicator" item.
\li Hb::SeparatorItem
HbAbstractViewItem documentation provides details how these item types distinguish from each other.
HbTreeViewItem supports all the same data content in child items as HbListViewItem does.
Parent item visualizes by default expanded/collapsed icon and content of "text-1" primitive item. This is defined in HbTreeViewItem WidgetML file.
Handling Qt::BackgroundRole item data role takes place in base class HbAbstractViewItem.
\b Subclassing
See HbListViewItem for commmon view item subclassing reference.
\primitive{subitem-indicator} HbIconItem with item name "subitem-indicator" representing the expand/collapse icon in an HbTreeViewItem that has child items.
\sa HbListViewItem
\sa HbAbstractViewItem
HbTreeViewItemPrivate::HbTreeViewItemPrivate(HbTreeViewItem *prototype) :
HbListViewItemPrivate(prototype, new HbTreeViewItemShared),
HbTreeViewItemPrivate::HbTreeViewItemPrivate(const HbTreeViewItemPrivate &source) :
HbTreeViewItemPrivate &HbTreeViewItemPrivate::operator=(const HbTreeViewItemPrivate &source)
mExpandItem = 0;
mExpanded = source.mExpanded;
return *this;
void HbTreeViewItemPrivate::init()
if (isPrototype()) {
HbEffect::add("treeviewitem", "treeviewitem_expand", "expand");
HbEffect::add("treeviewitem", "treeviewitem_collapse", "collapse");
int HbTreeViewItemPrivate::modelItemType() const
const QAbstractItemModel *model = mIndex.model();
if (model && model->hasChildren(mIndex)) {
return Hb::ParentItem;
} else {
return HbListViewItemPrivate::modelItemType();
void HbTreeViewItemPrivate::updateExpandItem()
HbStyleIconPrimitiveData iconPrimitiveData;
q->initPrimitiveData(&iconPrimitiveData, mExpandItem);
q->style()->updatePrimitive(mExpandItem, &iconPrimitiveData, q);
void HbTreeViewItemPrivate::tapTriggered(QGestureEvent *event)
HbTapGesture *gesture = static_cast<HbTapGesture *>(event->gesture(Qt::TapGesture));
if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished
&& gesture->tapStyleHint() == HbTapGesture::Tap) {
QPointF position = event->mapToGraphicsScene(gesture->hotSpot());
position = q->mapFromScene(position);
bool inSelectionArea = false;
if (mSharedData->mItemView->selectionMode() == HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection) {
inSelectionArea = q->selectionAreaContains(position, HbAbstractViewItem::SingleSelection);
} else if (mSharedData->mItemView->selectionMode() == HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection) {
inSelectionArea = q->selectionAreaContains(position, HbAbstractViewItem::MultiSelection);
Hb::InteractionModifiers modifiers = 0;
if (mExpandItem
&& mSharedData->mItemView
&& (mSharedData->mItemView->selectionMode() == HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection
|| !inSelectionArea)) {
if (q->isExpanded()) {
modifiers |= Hb::ModifierExpandedItem;
} else {
modifiers |= Hb::ModifierCollapsedItem;
HbWidgetFeedback::triggered(q, Hb::InstantClicked, modifiers);
setPressed(false, true);
emit q->activated(position);
emit q->released(position);
} else {
Constructs an tree view item with the given parent.
HbTreeViewItem::HbTreeViewItem(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
HbListViewItem(*new HbTreeViewItemPrivate(this), parent)
Q_D( HbTreeViewItem );
d->q_ptr = this;
Creates a separate graphics widget with same tree view item state as \a source.
HbTreeViewItem::HbTreeViewItem(const HbTreeViewItem &source) :
HbListViewItem(*new HbTreeViewItemPrivate(*source.d_func()), 0)
Q_D( HbTreeViewItem );
d->q_ptr = this;
HbTreeViewItem::HbTreeViewItem(HbTreeViewItemPrivate &dd, QGraphicsItem * parent) :
HbListViewItem(dd, parent)
Q_D( HbTreeViewItem );
d->q_ptr = this;
Destroys the tree view item.
Assigns the \a source tree view item to this tree view item and returns a reference to this item.
HbTreeViewItem &HbTreeViewItem::operator=(const HbTreeViewItem &source)
Q_D( HbTreeViewItem );
*d = *source.d_func();
return *this;
Creates a new tree view item.
HbAbstractViewItem *HbTreeViewItem::createItem()
return new HbTreeViewItem(*this);
void HbTreeViewItem::updateChildItems()
const QAbstractItemModel *model = d->mIndex.model();
if (model && model->hasChildren(d->mIndex) && sd->mUserExpandable) {
if (!d->mExpandItem) {
d->mExpandItem = style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::PT_IconItem, QLatin1String("subitem-indicator"), 0);
d->mExpandItem->setParentItem(this); // To enable asynchronous icon loading.
d->mItemsChanged = true;
} else {
if (d->mExpandItem) {
d->mItemsChanged = true;
delete d->mExpandItem;
d->mExpandItem = 0;
void HbTreeViewItem::updatePrimitives()
if (d->mExpandItem) {
int HbTreeViewItem::type() const
return HbTreeViewItem::Type;
Sets the item to either collapse or expanded, depending on the value of \a expanded.
\sa isExpanded
void HbTreeViewItem::setExpanded(bool expanded)
if (d->mExpanded != expanded) {
d->mExpanded = expanded;
if (sd->mItemView != 0) {
HbTreeView *treeView = qobject_cast<HbTreeView *>(sd->mItemView);
if (treeView) {
treeView->setExpanded(this->modelIndex(), expanded);
if (d->mExpandItem) {
Returns true if the item is expanded; otherwise returns false.
\sa setExpanded()
bool HbTreeViewItem::isExpanded() const
Q_D(const HbTreeViewItem);
return d->mExpanded;
QHash<QString, QVariant> HbTreeViewItem::transientState() const
Q_D(const HbTreeViewItem);
QHash<QString, QVariant> state = HbListViewItem::transientState();
if (d->mExpanded) {
state.insert("expanded", d->mExpanded);
return state;
void HbTreeViewItem::setTransientState(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &state)
d->mExpanded = state.value("expanded").toBool();
Initializes the HbTreeViewItem primitive data.
This function calls HbWidgetBase::initPrimitiveData().
\a primitiveData is data object, which is populated with data. \a primitive is the primitive.
void HbTreeViewItem::initPrimitiveData(HbStylePrimitiveData *primitiveData,
const QGraphicsObject *primitive)
Q_ASSERT_X(primitive && primitiveData, "HbTreeViewItem::initPrimitiveData" , "NULL data not permitted");
HbWidgetBase::initPrimitiveData(primitiveData, primitive);
if ( primitiveData->type == HbStylePrimitiveData::SPD_Icon
&& primitive == d->mExpandItem) {
QString iconName;
if (d->mExpanded) {
if (testAttribute(Hb::InsidePopup)) {
iconName = QLatin1String("qtg_mono_collapse");
} else {
iconName = QLatin1String("qtg_small_collapse");
} else {
if (testAttribute(Hb::InsidePopup)) {
iconName = QLatin1String("qtg_mono_expand");
} else {
iconName = QLatin1String("qtg_small_expand");
hbstyleprimitivedata_cast<HbStyleIconPrimitiveData*>(primitiveData)->iconName = iconName;
Sets items either expandable or non-expandable by the user, depending on the value of \a expandable.
This method will change the user expandable value for all view items.
\sa isUserExpandable()
void HbTreeViewItem::setUserExpandable(bool expandable)
if (sd->mUserExpandable != expandable) {
sd->mUserExpandable = expandable;
Returns true if the items are expandable by the user; otherwise returns false.
\sa setUserExpandable()
bool HbTreeViewItem::isUserExpandable() const
HB_SDD(const HbTreeViewItem);
return sd->mUserExpandable;
In the base class the multiselection mode selection area is the whole item. In HbTreeView this is not
possible because of the expansion icon. For the HbTreeView the selection is area of
primitive with item name "multiselection-toucharea".
bool HbTreeViewItem::selectionAreaContains(const QPointF &position, SelectionAreaType selectionAreaType) const
Q_D(const HbTreeViewItem);
if ( selectionAreaType == HbAbstractViewItem::MultiSelection
|| selectionAreaType == HbAbstractViewItem::ContiguousSelection) {
if( d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea
&& !d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().isEmpty()) {
return d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea->boundingRect().contains(mapToItem(d->mMultiSelectionTouchArea,position));
} else if (d->mSelectionItem) {
return d->mSelectionItem->boundingRect().contains(mapToItem(d->mSelectionItem, position));
} else {
return false;
return HbAbstractViewItem::selectionAreaContains(position, selectionAreaType);
#include "moc_hbtreeviewitem.cpp"