changeset 35 b0f0be18af85
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tsrc/consoleplayer/player/inc/consoleplayer.h	Fri Sep 17 08:31:33 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * The header for the main class of the ConsolePlayer test app.
+ * 
+ */
+#ifndef __CONSOLE_PLAYER_H__
+#define __CONSOLE_PLAYER_H__
+#include <e32msgqueue.h>
+#include "testappbase.h"
+#include "timercallback.h"
+#include "playerwindow.h"
+#include "externalplayer.h"
+class CPlayerWindow;
+enum TOperations
+    {
+    EOperation_ChangeDisplayMode = KOperation_FirstCustomIndex,
+    EOperation_AbnormalTermination,
+    EOperation_ToggleSecondVideo,
+    EOperation_ToggleThirdVideo,
+    EOperation_ToggleExternalPlayer,
+    EOperation_ToggleExternalPlayer2,
+    EOperation_ObscureWindow,
+    EOperation_DragWindow,
+    EOperation_ToggleOrdinalPositions,
+    EOperation_LaunchAllWindows    
+    };
+const TInt KMaxHistoryEntries = 10;
+_LIT( KHistoryFilename, "c:\\console_player_history.txt" );
+_LIT( KUrlListFilename, "c:\\data\\urls.txt" );
+class CConsolePlayer : public CTestAppBase,
+                       private MPlayerWindowObserver,
+                       private ITimerCallbackClient,
+                       private MPlayerCommands
+public: // Methods
+    static void ExecuteL();
+private: // Methods
+    enum TActionToPerform
+        {
+        EAction_None = 0x0000,
+        EAction_PlayLocalFile = 0x0001,
+        EAction_PlayUrl = 0x0002,
+        EAction_SameAsMainPlayer = 0x0008
+        };
+    enum TApiToUse
+        {
+        EApi_VideoPlayer = 0x1,
+        EApi_OpenMaxAl = 0x2
+        };
+    CConsolePlayer(); 
+    ~CConsolePlayer();
+    void InitL();
+    void Main();
+    void MainL();
+    bool SelectUrlL( TDes& aUrl );
+    void UpdateVideoWindow();
+    void UpdateWindowOrdinalPositions();
+    void EnableDragging();
+    void DisableDragging();
+    void SelectAction( TUint aActionMask, 
+                       TUint aApiMask, 
+                       bool aPresentPerformanceModeOption, 
+                       TActionToPerform& aAction, 
+                       TApiToUse& aApi, 
+                       bool& aPerformanceMode,
+                       TFileName& aLocation );
+    void DoSelectAction( TUint aActionMask, 
+                         bool aPresentPerformanceModeOption, 
+                         TActionToPerform& aAction,
+                         bool& aPerformanceMode );
+    bool DoSelectApi( TUint aApiMask, 
+                      TApiToUse& aApi ); 
+    CPlayerWindow* PlayerWindowNewL( TApiToUse aApi,
+                                     TPoint aTopLeft,
+                                     TSize aSize,
+                                     bool aTransparent,
+                                     TRgb aBackgroundColor,
+                                     bool aSuppressGraphicsContext );
+    TInt CreateAnotherPlayer( CPlayerWindow** aPlayerWindow, 
+                              CExternalPlayer** aExternalPlayer,
+                              const TDesC& aExternalPlayerExeName,
+                              TSize aSize, 
+                              TPoint aTopLeft );
+    MPlayerCommands* CurrentPlayer();
+    void SendOperationToAllPlayers( TInt aOperation );
+    void DrawBorderAroundActiveWindows();
+    // inherited from CTestAppBase
+    virtual void SoftkeyFunctionUpdated();
+    virtual bool ConsumeKeyEvent( TInt aKeyCode );
+    virtual void ExecuteOperation( TInt aOperation, const TDesC& aOperationText );
+    virtual void HandlePointerEvent( const TAdvancedPointerEvent& aEvent );    
+    // inherited from MPlayerWindowObserver
+    virtual void PlayInitiated();
+    virtual void PlayStateChanged();
+    virtual void Error(TInt aError);
+    // inherited from MPlayerCommands
+    virtual TInt ExecuteOperation( TInt aOperation );    
+    virtual void MoveWindow( TPoint aNewCenter );    
+    virtual void SetOrdinalPosition( TInt aPosition );
+    // inherited from ITimerCallbackClient    
+    void TimerCallback();
+private: // Attributes
+    CTimerCallback*       iTimerCallback;    
+    TBuf<120>             iBuffer;
+    TInt                  iLastError;
+    TInt                  iVideoWindowTextMode;
+    TBuf<120>             iSelectedOptionText;
+    TInt                  iSelectedOptionTextCounter;
+    TInt                  iOrdinalIndex;
+    bool                  iVideoWindow2Transparent;
+    CPlayerWindow*        iVideoPlayer;
+    CPlayerWindow*        iVideoPlayer2;
+    CPlayerWindow*        iVideoPlayer3;
+    CExternalPlayer*      iExternalPlayer;
+    CExternalPlayer*      iExternalPlayer2;
+    MPlayerCommands*      iActivePlayer;
+    MPlayerCommands*      iPlayerBeingDragged;
+    RWindow*              iFullScreenWindow;
+    bool                  iObscured;
+    TInt                  iFinalResult;
+    TActionToPerform      iMainPlayerAction;
+    TApiToUse             iMainPlayerApi;
+    };