changeset 33 e1b6d78dfe6a
child 36 20d2741ccdad
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tsrc/consoleplayer/player/src/openmax_al/openmaxplayerutility.cpp	Fri Sep 03 19:37:02 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> 
+#include "openmaxplayerutility.h"
+#define FILE_EXTN "file:///"
+#define FILE_EXTN_LEN strlen("file:///")
+XAboolean  bIsPlayDone = XA_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+void PlayCallbackFun (XAPlayItf /*caller*/, void* pContext, XAuint32 event)
+    char callback_string[50];
+    COpenMaxPlayerUtility* pSelf = (COpenMaxPlayerUtility*)pContext;
+    {
+        strcpy(callback_string, "XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADMOVING");    
+    }
+    else if(event & XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND)
+    {
+        strcpy(callback_string, "XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND");
+        bIsPlayDone = XA_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        pSelf->Stop();
+    }
+    else if(event & XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADATMARKER)
+    {
+        strcpy(callback_string, "XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADATMARKER");    
+    }
+    else if(event & XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADATNEWPOS)
+    {
+        strcpy(callback_string, "XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADATNEWPOS");    
+    }
+    else if(event & XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADSTALLED)
+    {
+        strcpy(callback_string, "XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADSTALLED");    
+    }
+    //LOGFILE (callback_string);
+    Init();
+    /* Destroy the player */
+    DestroyPlayer ();
+    /* Destroy Output Mix object */
+    (*m_outputMix)->Destroy(m_outputMix);
+    /* Shutdown OpenMAX AL */
+    (*m_engine)->Destroy(m_engine);
+// Initializes the OpenMAX AL engine and start the playback of some
+// music from a file and draw the graphical equalizer
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Init (void)
+    XAresult res;
+    int i;
+    XAEngineOption EngineOption[] = {
+        (XAuint32) XA_BOOLEAN_TRUE
+    };
+    /* Create OpenMAX AL */
+   res = xaCreateEngine(&m_engine, 1, EngineOption, 0, NULL, NULL); 
+   CheckErr(res, "xaCreateEngine");
+    /* Realizing the XA Engine in synchronous mode. */
+   res = (*m_engine)->Realize(m_engine, XA_BOOLEAN_FALSE); 
+   CheckErr(res, "Realize(engine)");
+    /* Get the XA Engine Interface which is implicit */
+   res = (*m_engine)->GetInterface(m_engine, XA_IID_ENGINE, (void**) &m_EngineItf); 
+   CheckErr(res, "GetInterface(engine)");
+    /* Initialize arrays required[] and iidArray[] */
+    for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_INTERFACES; i++)
+    {
+        m_required[i] = XA_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+        m_iidArray[i] = XA_IID_NULL;
+    }
+    /* Set arrays required[] and iidArray[] for VOLUME and EQUALIZER interfaces */
+    m_required[0] = XA_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    m_iidArray[0] = XA_IID_VOLUME;
+    m_required[1] = XA_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    m_iidArray[1] = XA_IID_EQUALIZER;
+    /* Create Output Mix object to be used by player */
+    res = (*m_EngineItf)->CreateOutputMix(m_EngineItf, &m_outputMix, 2, m_iidArray, m_required); 
+    CheckErr(res, "CreateOutputMix");
+    /* Realizing the Output Mix object in synchronous mode. */
+    res = (*m_outputMix)->Realize(m_outputMix, XA_BOOLEAN_FALSE); 
+    CheckErr(res, "Realize(outputMix)");
+    /* Get volume and equalizer interfaces */
+    res = (*m_outputMix)->GetInterface(m_outputMix, XA_IID_VOLUME, (void**) &m_volumeItf); 
+    CheckErr(res, "GetInterface(volume)");
+    res = (*m_outputMix)->GetInterface(m_outputMix, XA_IID_EQUALIZER, (void**) &m_equalizerItf); 
+    CheckErr(res, "GetInterface(equalizer)");
+    // Setup the audio sink structure 
+    m_locator_outputmix.locatorType = XA_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX;
+    m_locator_outputmix.outputMix = m_outputMix;
+    m_audioSink.pLocator = (void*) &m_locator_outputmix;
+    m_audioSink.pFormat = NULL;
+    /* Set arrays required[] and iidArray[] for no interfaces (PlayItf is implicit) */
+    m_required[0] = XA_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    m_iidArray[0] = XA_IID_DYNAMICSOURCE;
+    m_required[1] = XA_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    m_iidArray[1] = XA_IID_NULL;
+    // Setup the video sink structure 
+    // Set nativeWindowHandle and nativeDisplayHandle to platform specific values 
+    XANativeHandle nativeWindowHandle = NULL;
+    XANativeHandle nativeDisplayHandle = NULL;
+    m_locator_displayregion.locatorType = XA_DATALOCATOR_NATIVEDISPLAY;
+    m_locator_displayregion.hDisplay = nativeDisplayHandle;
+    m_locator_displayregion.hWindow = nativeWindowHandle; 
+    m_videoSink.pLocator = (void*) &m_locator_displayregion;
+    m_videoSink.pFormat = NULL;
+    /* Before we start set volume to -3dB (-300mB) and enable equalizer */
+    XAmillibel minVol = m_nVolume = XA_MILLIBEL_MIN;
+    XAmillibel maxVol = 0;
+    res = (*m_volumeItf)->GetMaxVolumeLevel (m_volumeItf, &maxVol);
+    CheckErr(res, "GetMaxVolumeLevel");
+    // before Play, set volume 
+    res = (*m_volumeItf)->SetVolumeLevel(m_volumeItf, minVol); 
+    CheckErr(res, "SetVolumeLevel");
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::DestroyPlayer ()
+    {
+    XAresult res;
+    XAuint32 playState;
+    /* Stop the music */
+    res = (*m_playItf)->GetPlayState(m_playItf, &playState);
+    CheckErr(res, "GetPlayState");
+    if ( playState != XA_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED )
+        {
+        res = (*m_playItf)->SetPlayState(m_playItf, XA_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED); 
+        CheckErr(res, "SetPlayState(stopped)");
+        }
+    // Destroy the player caused app to crash 
+//    (*player)->Destroy(player);
+    }
+* Called when the display is repainted.
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::DrawEQDisplay (void)
+    XAuint16 numBands;
+    XAmillibel bandLevel;
+    XAmillibel minLevel;
+    XAmillibel maxLevel;
+    XAmilliHertz minFreq;
+    XAmilliHertz maxFreq;
+    int band;
+    XAresult res;
+    res = (*m_equalizerItf)->GetNumberOfBands(m_equalizerItf, &numBands); 
+    CheckErr(res, "GetNumberOfBands(equalizerItf)");
+    res = (*m_equalizerItf)->GetBandLevelRange(m_equalizerItf, &minLevel, &maxLevel); 
+    CheckErr(res, "GetBandLevelRange(equalizerItf)");
+    for (band = 0; band<numBands; band++)
+    {
+        res = (*m_equalizerItf)->GetBandFreqRange(m_equalizerItf, (XAint16) band, &minFreq, &maxFreq); 
+        CheckErr(res, "GetBandFreqRange(equalizerItf)");
+        res = (*m_equalizerItf)->GetBandLevel(m_equalizerItf, (XAint16)band, &bandLevel); 
+        CheckErr(res, "GetBandLevel(equalizerItf)");
+ //       drawEQBand(minFreq, maxFreq, bandLevel);
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::VideoFrameSize(TSize& /*aSize*/) const
+TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Position() const
+    return 0;
+TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Duration() const
+    return 0;
+TInt COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Volume() const
+    {
+    return m_nVolume;
+    }
+TInt COpenMaxPlayerUtility::MaxVolume() const
+    {
+    return m_nVolume;
+    }
+TInt COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Balance()const
+    return 0;
+TVideoRotation COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Rotation() const
+    return EVideoRotationNone;
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetVolume(TInt aVolume)
+    {
+    m_nVolume = aVolume;
+    XAresult res = (*m_volumeItf)->SetVolumeLevel(m_volumeItf, (XAmillibel)m_nVolume); 
+    CheckErr(res, "SetVolumeL");
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetBalance(TInt /*aBalance*/)
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetPosition(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& /*aPosition*/)
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetRotation(const RWindow& /*aWindow*/, TVideoRotation /*aRotation*/)
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetScaleFactor(const RWindow& /*aWindow*/, TReal32 /*aWidthPercentage*/, 
+        TReal32 /*aHeightPercentage*/)
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetAutoScale(const RWindow& /*aWindow*/, TAutoScaleType /*aScaleType*/)
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::StepFrame(TInt /*aStep*/)
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::OpenFile(const TDesC& aFileName, TUid /*aControllerUid*/)
+    {
+    const TUint16 *pFile = aFileName.Ptr();
+    TInt len = aFileName.Length();
+    if (pFile) 
+        {
+        strcpy((char*)m_sourceName, FILE_EXTN);
+        len = wcstombs((char*)&m_sourceName[FILE_EXTN_LEN], (const wchar_t *)pFile, len);
+        m_sourceName[FILE_EXTN_LEN + len] = '\0';
+        uri.locatorType = XA_DATALOCATOR_URI;
+        uri.URI = (XAchar*) m_sourceName;
+        m_mime.formatType = XA_DATAFORMAT_MIME;
+        m_mime.mimeType = (XAchar *) "audio/ra";
+		//Do we need this here?
+        PlaySource (uri);
+        }
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::OpenUrl(const TDesC& /*aUrl*/)
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Prepare()
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Close()
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Pause()
+    {
+    XAresult res;
+    res = (*m_playItf)->SetPlayState(m_playItf, XA_PLAYSTATE_PAUSED); 
+    CheckErr(res, "SetPlayState(paused)");
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Play()
+    {
+    XAresult res;
+    res = (*m_playItf)->SetPlayState(m_playItf, XA_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING); 
+    CheckErr(res, "SetPlayState(playing)");
+    }
+TInt COpenMaxPlayerUtility::Stop()
+    {
+    DestroyPlayer();
+	  return 0;
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::AddDisplayWindow(RWsSession& aWs, CWsScreenDevice& /*aScreenDevice*/, RWindow& aWindow)
+    {
+    m_locator_displayregion.hDisplay = &aWs; //pointer to RWsSession
+    m_locator_displayregion.hWindow = &aWindow; //pointer to RWindow
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetWindowClipRect(const RWindow& /*aWindow*/, const TRect& /*aWindowClipRect*/)
+    {
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetVideoExtent(const RWindow& /*aWindow*/, const TRect& /*aVideoExtent*/)
+    {
+    }
+/* Checks for error. If any errors exit the application! */
+bool COpenMaxPlayerUtility::CheckErr (XAresult res, char* /*aMsg*/)
+    return (res == XA_RESULT_SUCCESS);
+* Called by UI when user increases or decreases a band level.
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetBandLevel(XAint16 band, XAboolean increase)
+    XAuint16 numBands;
+    XAmillibel bandLevel;
+    XAmillibel minLevel;
+    XAmillibel maxLevel;
+    XAresult res;
+    res = (*m_equalizerItf)->GetNumberOfBands(m_equalizerItf, &numBands); 
+    CheckErr(res, "GetNumberOfBands");
+    res = (*m_equalizerItf)->GetBandLevelRange(m_equalizerItf, &minLevel, &maxLevel); 
+    CheckErr(res, "GetBandLevelRange");
+    if (band >= numBands)
+    {
+        /* Error. Insert debug print here. */
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    res = (*m_equalizerItf)->GetBandLevel(m_equalizerItf, band, &bandLevel); 
+    CheckErr(res, "GetBandLevel");
+    if (increase==XA_BOOLEAN_TRUE)
+    {
+        /* increase the level by 1 dB (100mB) if the max supported level
+        * is not exceeded */
+        bandLevel = bandLevel + 100;
+        if(bandLevel < maxLevel)
+        {
+            res = (*m_equalizerItf)->SetBandLevel(m_equalizerItf, band, bandLevel); 
+            CheckErr(res);
+            DrawEQDisplay();
+        }
+    }
+    else /* increase==false */
+    {
+        /* decrease the level by 1 dB (100mB) if the min supported level
+        * is not crossed */
+        bandLevel = bandLevel - 100;
+        if( bandLevel > minLevel )
+        {
+            res = (*m_equalizerItf)->SetBandLevel(m_equalizerItf, band, bandLevel); 
+            CheckErr(res);
+            DrawEQDisplay();
+        }
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::PlaySource(const XADataLocator_URI &source)
+    {
+    m_dataSource.pLocator = (void*) &source;
+    m_dataSource.pFormat = (void*) &m_mime;
+    // Create the music player //
+    XAresult res;
+    res = (*m_EngineItf)->CreateMediaPlayer ( m_EngineItf, &player, &m_dataSource, NULL, &m_audioSink, 
+            &m_videoSink, NULL, NULL, 1, m_iidArray, m_required); 
+    CheckErr(res, "CreateMediaPlayer");
+    // Realizing the player in synchronous mode. 
+    res = (*player)->Realize(player, XA_BOOLEAN_FALSE); 
+    CheckErr(res, "Realize(player)");
+    // Get the play interface 
+    res = (*player)->GetInterface(player, XA_IID_PLAY, (void**) &m_playItf); 
+    CheckErr(res, "GetInterface(player)");
+/*    XADynamicSourceItf sourceItf;
+    res = (*player)->GetInterface(player, XA_IID_DYNAMICSOURCE, (void**) &sourceItf); 
+    CheckErr(res, "GetDynamicSource");
+    res = (*sourceItf)->SetSource (sourceItf, &m_dataSource);
+    CheckErr(res, "SetSource");
+    // before Play, set volume 
+    res = (*m_volumeItf)->SetVolumeLevel(m_volumeItf, m_nVolume); 
+    CheckErr(res, "SetVolumeLevel");
+    XAmillisecond playDuration = 0;
+    res = (*m_playItf)->GetDuration(m_playItf, &playDuration); 
+    bool b = CheckErr(res, "GetDuration");
+    //if ( b && (playDuration != XA_DURATION_UNKNOWN) )
+        //SetDurationL ((playDuration/1000));
+    res = (*m_playItf)->SetCallbackEventsMask(m_playItf, XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND | XA_PLAYEVENT_HEADMOVING); 
+    CheckErr(res, "SetCallbackEventsMask");
+    res = (*m_playItf)->RegisterCallback(m_playItf, PlayCallbackFun, this);
+    CheckErr(res, "RegisterCallback");
+	//Do we need this here?
+    Play();
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::PlayPause(bool bChecked)
+    {
+    if (bChecked)
+        {
+        Pause();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        Play();
+        }
+    }
+void COpenMaxPlayerUtility::MuteChanged(bool bChecked)
+    {
+    XAresult res = (*m_volumeItf)->SetMute(m_volumeItf, (XAboolean)bChecked); 
+    CheckErr(res, "MuteChanged");
+    }
+TInt COpenMaxPlayerUtility::SetPlayVelocity( TInt aVelocity )
+    {
+    m_Velocity = aVelocity;
+    return 0;
+    }