changeset 1 e48454f237ca
child 2 49c70dcc3f17
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:89c329efa980 1:e48454f237ca
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 *  Version     : %version: 3 %
    17 */
    18 #include <e32debug.h>
    19 #include <QVariant>
    20 #include <HbIcon.h>
    21 #include <qpixmapdata_p.h>
    22 #include <hgwidgets/hgdataprovidermodel.h>
    23 #include <hgwidgets/hgcacheproxymodel.h>
    24 #include "hglogger.h"
    27 const int KQPixmapCacheEmergencyBuffer = 5;
    29 HgDataProviderModel::HgDataProviderModel(QObject *parent) : 
    30     QAbstractItemModel(parent),
    31     mCache(new QList<QMap<int, QVariant>*>()),
    32     mCacheSize(0),
    33     mUnallocatedPixmaps(0),
    34     mObserver(0)
    35 {
    36     TX_ENTRY
    37     TX_EXIT
    38 }
    40 HgDataProviderModel::~HgDataProviderModel()
    41 {
    42     TX_ENTRY    
    43     clearCache();
    44     delete mCache;
    45     qDeleteAll( mFreePixmaps.begin(), mFreePixmaps.end() );
    46     mFreePixmaps.clear();
    47     qDeleteAll( mUsedPixmaps.begin(), mUsedPixmaps.end() );
    48     mUsedPixmaps.clear();
    49     TX_EXIT    
    50 }
    52 void HgDataProviderModel::release(QList<int> list, bool silent)
    53 {
    54     TX_ENTRY    
    55     int i=0;
    56     int min = count();
    57     int max = 0;
    59     for ( int idx = 0; idx < list.count(); idx++){
    60         i = list[idx];
    61         if ( i >=0 && i<count()){
    62             if ( i < min)
    63                 min = i;
    64             if ( i > max)
    65                 max = i;
    66             resetIcon(i);
    67         }
    68     }
    70     doReleaseData(list, silent);
    72     if (min<max){ //min<max is true if at least one item is in range <0,count())
    73         emitDataChanged(min, max, silent);
    74     }
    75     TX_EXIT    
    76 }
    78 void HgDataProviderModel::request(QList<int> list, bool silent)
    79 {
    80     doRequestData(list, silent); 
    81 }
    83 void HgDataProviderModel::registerObserver(HgDataProviderModelObserver* obs)
    84 {
    85     TX_ENTRY
    86     mObserver = obs;
    87     TX_EXIT    
    88 }
    90 QModelIndex HgDataProviderModel::index(int row, int column,
    91                                      const QModelIndex &parent) const
    92 {   
    93     Q_UNUSED(parent);
    94     if (  row >= rowCount() ){
    95         row = -1;
    96     }
    97     if (  column >= columnCount() ){
    98         column = -1;
    99     }
   101     return QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(row, column); 
   102 }
   104 QModelIndex HgDataProviderModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
   105 {
   106     Q_UNUSED(child);
   107     return QModelIndex();   //returns always invalid model index
   108 }
   110 int HgDataProviderModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
   111 {
   112     Q_UNUSED(parent);
   113     return count();
   114 }
   116 int HgDataProviderModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
   117 {
   118     Q_UNUSED(parent);
   119     return 1;
   120 }
   122 QVariant HgDataProviderModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
   123 {
   124     return data(index.row(), role);
   125 }
   127 QVariant HgDataProviderModel::data(int idx, int role) const
   128 {
   129     QVariant res;
   130     if ( containsRole(idx, role)){
   131         res = mCache->at(idx)->value(role);
   132     } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole ){
   133         res = defaultIcon();
   134     }
   135     return res;
   136 }
   138 QMap<int, QVariant> HgDataProviderModel::itemData(const QModelIndex &index) const
   139 {
   140     QMap<int, QVariant> res;
   141     if ( index.row()>=0 && index.row()<count() ){
   142         res = QMap<int, QVariant>(*mCache->at(index.row()));
   143     }   
   144     return res;
   145 }
   147 void HgDataProviderModel::clearCache()
   148 {
   149     qDeleteAll( mCache->begin(), mCache->end() );
   150     mCache->clear();
   151 }
   153 int HgDataProviderModel::count() const
   154 {
   155     return mCache->count();
   156 }
   158 bool HgDataProviderModel::update(int pos, QList< QPair< QVariant, int > >* list, bool silent)
   159 {
   160     bool change(false);
   161     if (list && list->count() && pos >=0 && pos<count() && mCache->at(pos)) {
   162         while(list->count()){
   163             QPair< QVariant, int > pair = list->takeFirst();
   164             change = update(pos, pair.first, pair.second, true)|change;
   165         }
   166         if ( !silent && change ){
   167             emitDataChanged(pos, pos, false);
   168         }
   169     }
   170     return change;
   171 }
   173 bool HgDataProviderModel::update(int pos, QVariant obj, int role, bool silent)
   174 {
   175     bool change(false);
   177     if ( pos >=0 && pos<count() && mCache->at(pos)){
   178         mCache->at(pos)->insert(role, obj); //this will remove old one if needed
   179         change = true;
   180     }
   182     if ( !silent && change ){
   183         emitDataChanged(pos, pos, false);
   184     }
   185     return change;
   186 }
   188 bool HgDataProviderModel::updateIcon(int pos, QVariant obj, bool silent)
   189 {
   190     if (obj.isValid()==false)
   191         return false;
   193     bool change(false);
   194     if ( pos >=0 && pos<count() && mCache->at(pos)){
   195         mCache->at(pos)->insert(Qt::DecorationRole, obj); //will remove old if needed
   196         change = true;
   197     }
   199     if (!silent && change){
   200         TX_LOG
   201         if ( mObserver){
   202             mObserver->dataUpdated(pos,pos);
   203         } else {
   204             QModelIndex topLeft = index(pos, 0);
   205             QModelIndex bottomRight = index(pos, 0);
   206             emit dataChanged(topLeft,bottomRight);
   207         }
   208     }
   209     return change;
   210 }
   212 void HgDataProviderModel::resetIcon(int pos)
   213 {
   214     if ( containsRole(pos, Qt::DecorationRole)){
   215         mCache->at(pos)->remove(Qt::DecorationRole);
   216     }
   217 }
   219 void HgDataProviderModel::newItem(QList< QPair< QVariant, int > >* list, bool silent)
   220 {
   221     insertItem(mCache->count(), list, silent);
   222 }
   224 void HgDataProviderModel::newItem(QPair< QVariant, int > item, bool silent)
   225 {
   226     insertItem(mCache->count(), item, silent);
   227 }
   229 void HgDataProviderModel::insertItem(int pos, QList< QPair< QVariant, int > >* list, bool silent)
   230 {
   231     doInsertItem(pos, list, silent);
   232 }
   234 void HgDataProviderModel::insertItem(int pos, QPair< QVariant, int > item, bool silent)
   235 {
   236     QList< QPair< QVariant, int > > list;
   237     list.append(item);
   238     doInsertItem(pos, &list, silent);
   239 }
   241 void HgDataProviderModel::doInsertItem(int pos, QList< QPair< QVariant, int > >* list, bool silent)
   242 {
   243     if (pos >mCache->count()){
   244         pos = mCache->count();
   245     } else if (pos <0){
   246         pos = 0;
   247     }
   249     if ( !silent){
   250         beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), pos, pos);
   251     }
   253     mCache->insert(pos, new QMap<int, QVariant>());
   254     if (list && list->count()){
   255         update(pos, list, true);
   256     }
   258     if ( !silent){
   259         endInsertRows();
   260     } 
   261 }
   264 void HgDataProviderModel::removeItem(int pos)
   265 {
   266     removeItems(pos, 1);
   267 }
   269 void HgDataProviderModel::removeItems(int pos, int size)
   270 {
   271     if (pos >mCache->count())
   272         return;
   273     else if (pos <0){
   274         size = size + pos; //pos <0
   275         pos = 0;
   276     }
   278     if (size >mCache->count()){
   279         size = mCache->count();
   280     } else if (size <0){
   281         return;
   282     }
   284     beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(),pos, pos+size-1);
   285     for (int i=0; i<size && pos<mCache->count(); i++){
   286         mCache->removeAt(pos);
   287     }
   288     endRemoveRows();
   289 }
   291 void HgDataProviderModel::resetModel() 
   292 {
   293     beginResetModel();
   294     doResetModel();
   295     endResetModel();
   296 }
   298 void HgDataProviderModel::emitDataChanged(int from, int to, bool silent)
   299 {
   300     if ( !silent ){
   301         TX_LOG    
   302         QModelIndex topLeft = index(from, 0);
   303         QModelIndex bottomRight = index(to, 0);
   304         emit dataChanged(topLeft,bottomRight);
   305     }
   306 }
   308 void HgDataProviderModel::resizeQPixmapPool(int newSize)
   309 {
   310     mQPixmapsLock.lock();
   311     int currentSize = mFreePixmaps.count() + mUsedPixmaps.count();
   312     int diff = currentSize - newSize - KQPixmapCacheEmergencyBuffer;
   313     mUnallocatedPixmaps = 0;
   314     while (diff != 0){
   315         if (diff < 0){
   316             mUnallocatedPixmaps++;
   317             diff++;
   318         }else{
   319             if (mUnallocatedPixmaps>0){
   320                 mUnallocatedPixmaps--;
   321             } else if (mFreePixmaps.count()){
   322                 mFreePixmaps.removeLast();
   323             } //else will be deleted with releasePixmap;
   324             diff--;
   325         }
   326     }
   327     mQPixmapsLock.unlock();
   328     mCacheSize = newSize;
   329 }
   331 void HgDataProviderModel::releasePixmap(int idx)
   332 {
   333     mQPixmapsLock.lock();
   334     if (mUsedPixmaps.contains(idx)){
   335         QPixmap* pix = mUsedPixmaps.take(idx);
   336         if ( mFreePixmaps.count() + mUsedPixmaps.count() + mUnallocatedPixmaps> mCacheSize + KQPixmapCacheEmergencyBuffer){
   337             delete pix; //we have too many pixmaps
   338         }else{
   339             mFreePixmaps.append(pix);
   340         }
   341     }else{
   342         TX_LOG_ARGS( QString("can't release pixmap for idx=%0").arg(idx));
   343     }
   344     mQPixmapsLock.unlock();    
   345 }
   347 QVariant HgDataProviderModel::createIcon(int index, QPixmap aPixmap)
   348 {
   349 	QPixmap* pix = getPixmap(index);
   350 	if (pix){
   351 		if ( pix->pixmapData() ){
   352 			pix->pixmapData()->fromImage(aPixmap.toImage(), Qt::AutoColor );  
   353 		} else {
   354 			*pix = aPixmap;
   355 		}
   356 		mQPixmapsLock.lock();
   357 		mUsedPixmaps.insert(index, pix);
   358 		mQPixmapsLock.unlock();
   359 		return HbIcon(QIcon(*pix));	
   360 	}
   361 	TX_EXIT_ARGS( QString("No pixmap avilable"));
   362 	return QVariant();
   363 }
   365 QPixmap* HgDataProviderModel::getPixmap(int idx)
   366 {
   367     TX_ENTRY
   368     QPixmap* res = NULL;
   369     mQPixmapsLock.lock();
   370     if ( mUsedPixmaps.contains(idx)){
   371         res = mUsedPixmaps.take(idx);//let's just replace pixmapdata for that pixmap
   372     } else {
   373         if (!mFreePixmaps.isEmpty()){
   374             res = mFreePixmaps.takeFirst();
   375         }else if (mUnallocatedPixmaps){
   376             mUnallocatedPixmaps--;
   377             res = new QPixmap();
   378         } else {
   379             TX_LOG_ARGS(QString("no free pixmaps"));
   380         }        
   381     }
   382     mQPixmapsLock.unlock();
   383     TX_EXIT    
   384     return res;
   385 }
   387 //eof