--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ganeswidgets/src/HgContainer.cpp Mon Apr 19 14:40:06 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <QGesture>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <hbgridviewitem>
+#include <hbmainwindow>
+#include "hgcontainer.h"
+#include "hgmediawallrenderer.h"
+#include "hgquad.h"
+#include "hgvgquadrenderer.h"
+#include "hgvgimage.h"
+#include "hgwidgetitem.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include <hbgridviewitem>
+#include <hbgridview>
+#include <hbiconitem>
+#include <qabstractitemmodel>
+#include "hglongpressvisualizer.h"
+static const qreal KSpringKScrolling(50.0);
+static const qreal KSpringKScrollBar(10.0);
+static const qreal KSpringDampingScrolling(20.0);
+static const qreal KSpringDampingScrollBar(5.0);
+static const qreal KFramesToZeroVelocity(60.0);
+static const int KLongTapDuration(400);
+HgContainer::HgContainer(QGraphicsItem* parent) :
+ HbWidget(parent),
+ mQuadRenderer(0),
+ mRenderer(0),
+ mTapCount(0),
+ mAnimateUsingScrollBar(false),
+ mSelectionMode(HgWidget::NoSelection),
+ mSelectionModel(0),
+ mMarkImage(0),
+ mSpringVelAtDragStart(0),
+ mDragged(false),
+ mFramesDragged(0),
+ mHitItemView(NULL),
+ mLongPressVisualizer(NULL),
+ mLongPressTimer(NULL),
+ mHitItemIndex(NULL)
+ grabGesture(Qt::PanGesture);
+ grabGesture(Qt::TapGesture);
+ grabGesture(Qt::TapAndHoldGesture);
+ for (QList<HgWidgetItem*>::iterator i = mItems.begin(); i != mItems.end(); ++i) {
+ delete (*i);
+ }
+ mItems.clear();
+ delete mMarkImage;
+ delete mRenderer;
+void HgContainer::setItemCount(int itemCount)
+ mItems.clear();
+ for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
+ HgWidgetItem* item = new HgWidgetItem(mQuadRenderer);
+ mItems.append(item);
+ }
+int HgContainer::itemCount() const
+ return mItems.count();
+int HgContainer::rowCount() const
+ return mRenderer ? mRenderer->getRowCount() : 0;
+QList<HgWidgetItem*> HgContainer::items() const
+ return mItems;
+HgWidgetItem* HgContainer::itemByIndex(const QModelIndex& index) const
+ foreach (HgWidgetItem* item, mItems) {
+ if (item->modelIndex() == index)
+ return item;
+ }
+ return 0;
+HgWidgetItem* HgContainer::itemByIndex(const int& index) const
+ if (mItems.count() > index && index >= 0)
+ return mItems.at(index);
+ else
+ return 0;
+ Changes the selection model of the container.
+ Ownership is not transferred.
+ Widget is redrawn to make new selection visible.
+void HgContainer::setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel)
+ HANDLE_ERROR_NULL(selectionModel); // Parameter is always a valid QItemSelectionModel
+ if (mSelectionModel != selectionModel) {
+ if (mSelectionModel) { // mSelectionModel is 0 when called first time
+ mSelectionModel->disconnect(SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this);
+ if (mSelectionModel->currentIndex().isValid() &&
+ !(selectionModel->currentIndex().isValid())) {
+ selectionModel->setCurrentIndex(mSelectionModel->currentIndex(),
+ QItemSelectionModel::Current);
+ }
+ }
+ mSelectionModel = selectionModel;
+ connect(mSelectionModel, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)),
+ SLOT(updateByCurrentIndex(QModelIndex)));
+ update();
+ }
+ Returns the selection model of the container.
+ Ownership is not transferred.
+QItemSelectionModel *HgContainer::selectionModel() const
+ return mSelectionModel;
+ Changes the selection mode of the container (no selection/multiselection).
+void HgContainer::setSelectionMode(HgWidget::SelectionMode mode, bool resetSelection)
+ if (mSelectionMode != mode) {
+ mSelectionMode = mode;
+ if (mSelectionModel && resetSelection) {
+ mSelectionModel->clearSelection();
+ update();
+ }
+ }
+ Returns the selection mode of the container (no selection/multiselection).
+HgWidget::SelectionMode HgContainer::selectionMode() const
+ return mSelectionMode;
+void HgContainer::dimensions(qreal &screenSize, qreal &worldSize)
+ const QRectF containerRect(rect());
+ // TODO, fix logic
+ if (containerRect.height() > containerRect.width()) {
+ // assume we are in portrait mode, ofcource this might not be the case
+ screenSize = containerRect.height()/(mRenderer->getImageSize().height() + mRenderer->getSpacing().height());
+ worldSize = worldWidth();
+ }
+ else{
+ screenSize = containerRect.width()/(mRenderer->getImageSize().width() + mRenderer->getSpacing().width());
+ worldSize = worldWidth();
+ }
+Qt::Orientation HgContainer::orientation() const
+ return mRenderer->getOrientation();
+void HgContainer::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation, bool animate)
+ mRenderer->setOrientation(orientation, animate);
+void HgContainer::scrollToPosition(qreal value, bool animate)
+ scrollToPosition(QPointF(value*worldWidth(), 0), animate);
+void HgContainer::scrollToPosition(const QPointF& pos, bool animate)
+ mAnimateUsingScrollBar = animate;
+ initSpringForScrollBar();
+ if (animate)
+ mSpring.animateToPos(pos);
+ else
+ mSpring.gotoPos(pos);
+void HgContainer::scrollTo(const QModelIndex &index)
+ if (index.isValid()) {
+ scrollToPosition(QPointF(index.row(), index.column()), false);
+ }
+void HgContainer::itemDataChanged(const QModelIndex &firstIndex, const QModelIndex &lastIndex)
+ // TODO, fix this
+ int columns = firstIndex.model()->columnCount(QModelIndex());
+ // Check this!!
+ int index = columns*firstIndex.row()+firstIndex.column();
+ int index2 = columns*lastIndex.row()+lastIndex.column();
+ // convert indeces to match one dimensional item array
+ itemDataChanged( index, index2 );
+void HgContainer::addItems(int start, int end)
+ int first = qBound(0, start, mItems.count()-1);
+ int last = qBound(0, end, mItems.count()-1);
+ for (int i = 0; i <= end-start; i++) {
+ HgWidgetItem* item = new HgWidgetItem(mQuadRenderer);
+ mItems.insert(start, item);
+ }
+void HgContainer::removeItems(int start, int end)
+ int first = qBound(0, start, mItems.count()-1);
+ int last = qBound(0, end, mItems.count()-1);
+ for (int i = last; i >= first; i--) {
+ delete mItems.at(i);
+ mItems.removeAt(i);
+ }
+void HgContainer::moveItems(int start, int end, int destination)
+ int first = qBound(0, start, mItems.count()-1);
+ int last = qBound(0, end, mItems.count()-1);
+ int target = qBound(0, destination, mItems.count()-1);
+ if (target < first) {
+ for (int i = 0; i <= last-first; i++) {
+ mItems.move(first+i, target+i);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (target > last) {
+ for (int i = 0; i <= last-first; i++) {
+ mItems.move(last-i, target);
+ }
+ }
+ // else do nothing
+int HgContainer::imageCount() const
+ return mItems.count();
+const HgImage *HgContainer::image(int index) const
+ return mItems[index]->image();
+int HgContainer::flags(int index) const
+ if (index >= 0 && index < itemCount()) {
+ if (mSelectionModel && mSelectionModel->isSelected(mSelectionModel->model()->index(index, 0))) {
+ return 1; // TODO: Assign flag to mark indicator
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+const HgImage *HgContainer::indicator(int flags) const
+ if (flags & 1) {
+ return mMarkImage;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void HgContainer::updateBySpringPosition()
+ update();
+ // spring works always in one dimension, that is, x coord.
+ qreal pos = mSpring.pos().x();
+ onScrollPositionChanged(pos);
+ emit scrollPositionChanged(pos, mAnimateUsingScrollBar);
+void HgContainer::redraw()
+ update();
+void HgContainer::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
+ Q_UNUSED(option)
+ Q_UNUSED(widget)
+ if (mSpring.updatePositionIfNeeded())
+ {
+ // spring works always in one dimension, that is, x coord.
+ qreal pos = mSpring.pos().x();
+ onScrollPositionChanged(pos);
+ emit scrollPositionChanged(pos, mAnimateUsingScrollBar);
+ }
+ QRectF vp = painter->viewport();
+ QRectF rts = mapRectToScene(rect());
+ QRectF r;
+ // transform rectangle to vg space &
+ // rotate rendering according to orientation
+ if (mainWindow()->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
+ r = QRectF(vp.width()-(rts.height()+rts.top()), rts.left(), rts.height(), rts.width());
+ mRenderer->setCameraRotationZ(-90);
+ }
+ else {
+ r = QRectF(rts.left(), vp.height()-(rts.height()+rts.top()), rts.width(), rts.height());
+ mRenderer->setCameraRotationZ(0);
+ }
+ // interpolate spring velocity towards zero, this is done
+ // so that spring velocity for rendering doesn't drop directly to
+ // zero when dragging starts
+ qreal springVel = mSpring.velocity().x();
+ if (mDragged) {
+ qreal t = qBound(mFramesDragged / KFramesToZeroVelocity, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ springVel = mSpringVelAtDragStart * (1.0f - t);
+ mFramesDragged++;
+ }
+ // setup rendering and draw the current view
+ mRenderer->setCameraDistance(getCameraDistance(springVel));
+ mRenderer->setCameraRotationY(getCameraRotationY(springVel));
+ mRenderer->setRect(r);
+ mRenderer->draw(mSpring.startPos(), mSpring.pos(), mSpring.endPos(),
+ springVel, painter);
+void HgContainer::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event)
+ HbWidget::resizeEvent(event);
+// this needs to be implemented for gesture framework to work
+void HgContainer::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+ Q_UNUSED(event);
+void HgContainer::gestureEvent(QGestureEvent *event)
+ // Event may contain more than one gesture type
+ if (QGesture *gesture = event->gesture(Qt::TapAndHoldGesture)) {
+ QTapAndHoldGesture *tapAndHold = static_cast<QTapAndHoldGesture *>(gesture);
+ handleLongTap(tapAndHold->state(),
+ mapFromScene(event->mapToGraphicsScene(tapAndHold->position())));
+ }
+ else if (QGesture *gesture = event->gesture(Qt::TapGesture)) {
+ // Tap and hold is not working yet in HW, tap gesture is delivered instead
+ QTapGesture *tap = static_cast<QTapGesture *>(gesture);
+ handleTap(tap->state(),
+ mapFromScene(event->mapToGraphicsScene(tap->position())));
+ }
+ else if (QGesture *pan = event->gesture(Qt::PanGesture)) {
+ handlePanning(static_cast<QPanGesture*>(pan));
+ }
+void HgContainer::init(Qt::Orientation scrollDirection)
+ mRenderer = createRenderer();
+ if (mRenderer->coverflowModeEnabled())
+ mRenderer->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal, false);
+ else
+ mRenderer->setOrientation(scrollDirection, false);
+ mQuadRenderer = mRenderer->getRenderer();
+ QImage markImage(":/images/mark.svg");
+ if (markImage.isNull()) {
+ ERROR("Failed to load :/images/mark.svg");
+ }
+ mMarkImage = mQuadRenderer->createNativeImage();
+ if (mMarkImage) {
+ mMarkImage->setImage(markImage);
+ }
+ connect(&mSpring, SIGNAL(updated()), SLOT(updateBySpringPosition()));
+ connect(&mSpring, SIGNAL(ended()), SLOT(onScrollingEnded()));
+ connect(&mSpring, SIGNAL(ended()), SIGNAL(scrollingEnded()));
+ connect(&mSpring, SIGNAL(started()), SIGNAL(scrollingStarted()));
+ connect(mRenderer, SIGNAL(renderingNeeded()), SLOT(redraw()));
+qreal HgContainer::worldWidth() const
+ return (qreal)mRenderer->getWorldWidth();
+void HgContainer::initSpringForScrollBar()
+ mSpring.setDamping(KSpringDampingScrollBar);
+ mSpring.setK(KSpringKScrollBar);
+void HgContainer::initSpringForScrolling()
+ mSpring.setDamping(KSpringDampingScrolling);
+ mSpring.setK(KSpringKScrolling);
+void HgContainer::boundSpring()
+ qreal x = mSpring.endPos().x();
+ x = qBound(qreal(0), x, worldWidth());
+ if (mRenderer->coverflowModeEnabled()) {
+ qreal i = floorf(x);
+ x = (x - i > 0.5f) ? ceilf(x) : i;
+ mSpring.animateToPos(QPointF(x, 0));
+ }
+ mSpring.animateToPos(QPointF(x, 0));
+void HgContainer::handlePanning(QPanGesture *gesture)
+ mAnimateUsingScrollBar = false;
+ initSpringForScrolling();
+ qreal pos = mSpring.pos().x();
+ qreal delta(0);
+ qreal itemSide(0);
+ if (mRenderer->getOrientation() == mainWindow()->orientation()) {
+ delta = gesture->delta().y();
+ }
+ else {
+ delta = gesture->delta().x();
+ }
+ if (mRenderer->getOrientation() == Qt::Vertical)
+ itemSide = mRenderer->getImageSize().height()+mRenderer->getSpacing().height();
+ else
+ itemSide = mRenderer->getImageSize().width()+mRenderer->getSpacing().width();
+ if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureStarted) {
+ mOffsetAtDragStart = gesture->offset();
+ }
+ else if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureUpdated) {
+ QPointF offset = gesture->offset();
+ QPointF offsetDelta = offset - mOffsetAtDragStart;
+ if (!mDragged && (qAbs(offsetDelta.x()) > 8 ||
+ qAbs(offsetDelta.y()) > 8)) {
+ mDragged = true;
+ mDrag.reset(delta, mSpring.pos().x());
+ mDragged = true;
+ mSpringVelAtDragStart = mSpring.velocity().x();
+ mFramesDragged = 0;
+ }
+ if (mDragged)
+ {
+ emit scrollingStarted();
+ qreal newPosition = mDrag.update(delta, pos, itemSide);
+ if (qAbs(newPosition - mSpring.pos().x()) > 0.01f)
+ {
+ mSpring.gotoPos(QPointF(newPosition, 0));
+ update();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (mDragged && gesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished) {
+ mDrag.update(delta, pos, itemSide);
+ mDragged = false;
+ qreal newPos(0);
+ if (mDrag.finish(pos, mRenderer->coverflowModeEnabled(), newPos)) {
+ mSpring.animateToPos(QPointF(qBound(qreal(0), newPos, worldWidth()), 0));
+ HgWidgetItem* item = itemByIndex(newPos);
+ if (item && item->modelIndex() != mSelectionModel->currentIndex()) {
+ // mSelectionModel->setCurrentIndex(item->modelIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::Current);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boundSpring();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureCanceled) {
+ boundSpring();
+ }
+void HgContainer::handleTap(Qt::GestureState state, const QPointF &pos)
+ if (state == Qt::GestureStarted) {
+ mTapDuration.start();
+ startLongPressWatcher(pos);
+ }
+ else if (state == Qt::GestureCanceled)
+ {
+ stopLongPressWatcher();
+ }
+ else if (state == Qt::GestureFinished) {
+ stopLongPressWatcher();
+ handleItemAction(pos, mTapDuration.elapsed() > KLongTapDuration ? LongTap : NormalTap);
+ }
+void HgContainer::handleLongTap(Qt::GestureState state, const QPointF &pos)
+ mAnimateUsingScrollBar = false;
+ initSpringForScrolling();
+ if (state == Qt::GestureFinished) {
+ handleItemAction(pos, LongTap);
+ }
+ Handle tap, lang tap and double tap action.
+ Finds out the item in the tap position and sends out suitable signal,
+ Sets the item as the current item and in multiselection mode toggles the
+ item selection status.
+void HgContainer::handleItemAction(const QPointF &pos, ItemActionType action)
+ // If there is content, mSelectionModel must always exist - either default or client-provided
+ if (!mSelectionModel) return;
+ mHitItem = getItemAt(pos, mHitItemIndex);
+ if (mHitItem)
+ {
+ int index = mHitItemIndex;
+ HgWidgetItem* item = itemByIndex(index);
+ if (item && action != DoubleTap) {
+ mSelectionModel->setCurrentIndex(item->modelIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::Current);
+ if (action == LongTap) {
+ INFO("Long tap:" << item->modelIndex().row());
+ if (!mRenderer->coverflowModeEnabled())
+ selectItem();
+ emit longPressed(item->modelIndex(), pos);
+ }
+ else if (mSelectionMode == HgWidget::MultiSelection) {
+ INFO("Select:" << item->modelIndex().row());
+ mSelectionModel->select(item->modelIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::Toggle);
+ update(); // It would be enough to update the item
+ }
+ else if (mSelectionMode == HgWidget::SingleSelection) {
+ INFO("Select:" << item->modelIndex().row());
+ mSelectionModel->select(item->modelIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
+ update(); // It would be enough to update the item
+ }
+ else if (mSelectionMode == HgWidget::ContiguousSelection) {
+ QModelIndex newSelected = item->modelIndex();
+ QModelIndexList oldSelection = mSelectionModel->selectedIndexes();
+ INFO("Select:" << newSelected.row());
+ if (oldSelection.count() > 0 && !mSelectionModel->isSelected(newSelected)) {
+ if (newSelected.row() < oldSelection.front().row()) {
+ mSelectionModel->select(QItemSelection(newSelected, oldSelection.back()),
+ QItemSelectionModel::Select);
+ }
+ else { // newSelected.row() > oldSelection.back().row()
+ mSelectionModel->select(QItemSelection(oldSelection.front(), newSelected),
+ QItemSelectionModel::Select);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mSelectionModel->select(newSelected, QItemSelectionModel::Select);
+ }
+ update(); // It would be enough to update the item
+ }
+ else {
+ INFO("Tap:" << item->modelIndex().row());
+ if (mRenderer->coverflowModeEnabled())
+ {
+ if (qAbs(qreal(index) - mSpring.pos().x()) < 0.01f)
+ {
+ emit activated(item->modelIndex());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mSpring.animateToPos(QPointF(index, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ selectItem();
+ emit activated(item->modelIndex());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ INFO("No quad at pos:" << pos);
+ unselectItem();
+ }
+bool HgContainer::getItemPoints(int index, QPolygonF& points)
+ QPolygonF poly;
+ if (!mRenderer->getItemPoints(index, poly))
+ return false;
+ bool invertible;
+ QTransform t = qtToVgTransform().inverted(&invertible);
+ points = t.map(poly);
+ return true;
+QList<QModelIndex> HgContainer::getVisibleItemIndices() const
+ QList<HgQuad*> quads = mRenderer->getVisibleQuads();
+ QList<QModelIndex> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < quads.count(); i++) {
+ bool ok;
+ int index = quads.at(i)->userData().toInt(&ok);
+ result.append(itemByIndex(index)->modelIndex());
+ }
+ qSort(result);
+ return result;
+void HgContainer::itemDataChanged(const int &firstIndex, const int &lastIndex)
+ // TODO FIX THIS FUNCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ int firstItemOnScreen = 0, lastItemOnScreen = 0;
+ firstItemOnScreen = mSpring.pos().x();
+ firstItemOnScreen *= rowCount();
+ // This code doesnt take into count if there is some empty space at the
+ // beginning or at the end of the widget
+ int itemsOnScreen = 0;
+ if (mRenderer->getOrientation() == Qt::Vertical) {
+ itemsOnScreen = this->rect().height()/mRenderer->getImageSize().height();
+ itemsOnScreen += rowCount();
+ }
+ else {
+ // Doesnt work here. Use some magic for now.
+ itemsOnScreen = this->rect().width()/mRenderer->getImageSize().width();
+ itemsOnScreen += 4;
+ }
+ itemsOnScreen *= rowCount();
+ lastItemOnScreen = firstItemOnScreen+itemsOnScreen;
+ if ((firstIndex >= firstItemOnScreen && firstIndex <= lastItemOnScreen) ||
+ (lastIndex >= firstItemOnScreen && lastIndex <= lastItemOnScreen)) {
+ update( this->rect() );
+ }
+void HgContainer::selectItem()
+ // TODO: replace this with own selection implementation
+ if (mHitItemView)
+ {
+ delete mHitItemView;
+ mHitItemView = NULL;
+ }
+ mHitItemView = new HbGridViewItem(this);
+ mHitItemView->setVisible(false);
+ QModelIndex modelIndex = mItems[mHitItemIndex]->modelIndex();
+ const QAbstractItemModel* model = modelIndex.model();
+ mHitItemView->resize(mRenderer->getImageSize().width() + 10,
+ mRenderer->getImageSize().height() + 10);
+ QVariant iconVariant = model->data(modelIndex, Qt::DecorationRole);
+ mHitItemPixmap = iconVariant.value<QPixmap>();
+ HbIcon icon(mHitItemPixmap);
+ QGraphicsItem* item = mHitItemView->style()->createPrimitive(HbStyle::P_GridViewItem_icon, mHitItemView);
+ HbIconItem *iconItem = static_cast<HbIconItem*>(item);
+ iconItem->setIcon(icon);
+ iconItem->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
+ iconItem->setAspectRatioMode(Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
+ mHitItemView->setModelIndex(modelIndex);
+ mHitItemView->setPos(QPointF(-10,-10));
+ mHitItemView->setPressed(true, false);
+ mHitItemView->updatePrimitives();
+void HgContainer::updateSelectedItem()
+ if (!mHitItemView || mHitItemIndex == -1)
+ return;
+ QPolygonF points;
+ if (!getItemPoints(mHitItemIndex, points))
+ {
+ // the item was not rendered, we must hide
+ // our qt item
+ mHitItemView->setVisible(false);
+ }
+ if (mHitItemPixmap.isNull())
+ {
+ mHitItemView->setVisible(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ QPolygonF img;
+ img.append(QPointF(0,mHitItemPixmap.height()));
+ img.append(QPointF(mHitItemPixmap.width(),mHitItemPixmap.height()));
+ img.append(QPointF(mHitItemPixmap.width(),0));
+ img.append(QPointF(0,0));
+ QTransform t;
+ QTransform::quadToQuad(img, points, t);
+ mHitItemView->setTransform(t);
+ mHitItemView->setVisible(true);
+void HgContainer::unselectItem()
+ mHitItemIndex = -1;
+ if (mHitItemView)
+ {
+ mHitItemView->setPressed(false, false);
+ mHitItemView->setVisible(false);
+ }
+void HgContainer::updateLongPressVisualizer()
+ int elapsed = mLongTapDuration.elapsed();
+ if (elapsed > 80)
+ {
+ int frame = 100.0f * qreal(elapsed - 80) / qreal(KLongTapDuration - 80);
+ mLongPressVisualizer->setFrame(frame);
+ }
+void HgContainer::updateByCurrentIndex(const QModelIndex ¤t)
+ handleCurrentChanged(current);
+HgWidgetItem* HgContainer::getItemAt(const QPointF& pos, int& index)
+ QPointF p = mapQtToVg(pos);
+ HgQuad* quad = mRenderer->getQuadAt(p);
+ if (quad)
+ {
+ bool ok;
+ index = quad->userData().toInt(&ok);
+ HgWidgetItem* item = itemByIndex(index);
+ return item;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void HgContainer::startLongPressWatcher(const QPointF& pos)
+ if (!mLongPressVisualizer)
+ {
+ mLongPressVisualizer = new HgLongPressVisualizer(this);
+ mLongPressVisualizer->setZValue(zValue()+1);
+ }
+ mLongPressVisualizer->start(pos);
+ if (!mLongPressTimer)
+ {
+ mLongPressTimer = new QTimer(this);
+ QObject::connect(mLongPressTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateLongPressVisualizer()));
+ }
+ mLongPressTimer->start(20);
+ mLongTapDuration.start();
+void HgContainer::stopLongPressWatcher()
+ if (mLongPressTimer && mLongPressVisualizer)
+ {
+ mLongPressTimer->stop();
+ mLongPressVisualizer->stop();
+ }
+QTransform HgContainer::qtToVgTransform() const
+ QTransform t;
+ if (mainWindow()->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
+ {
+ t.translate(0, rect().height());
+ t.scale(1, -1);
+ }
+ else // horizontal
+ {
+ t.translate(rect().height(), 0);
+ t.scale(-1, 1);
+ t.translate(0, rect().width());
+ t.rotate(-90, Qt::ZAxis);
+ }
+ return t;
+QPointF HgContainer::mapQtToVg(const QPointF& p) const
+ QTransform t = qtToVgTransform();
+ return t.map(p);
+qreal HgContainer::getCameraDistance(qreal springVelocity)
+ Q_UNUSED(springVelocity)
+ return 0;
+qreal HgContainer::getCameraRotationY(qreal springVelocity)
+ Q_UNUSED(springVelocity)
+ return 0;
+void HgContainer::handleTapAction(const QPointF& pos, HgWidgetItem* hitItem, int hitItemIndex)
+ Q_UNUSED(pos)
+ Q_UNUSED(hitItem)
+ Q_UNUSED(hitItemIndex)
+void HgContainer::handleLongTapAction(const QPointF& pos, HgWidgetItem* hitItem, int hitItemIndex)
+ Q_UNUSED(pos)
+ Q_UNUSED(hitItem)
+ Q_UNUSED(hitItemIndex)
+void HgContainer::onScrollPositionChanged(qreal pos)
+ Q_UNUSED(pos)
+void HgContainer::handleCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex ¤t)
+ Q_UNUSED(current)
+ // By default do nothing
+void HgContainer::onScrollingEnded()
+/* int index;
+ HgWidgetItem* item = getItemAt(rect().center(), index);
+ if (item && item->modelIndex() != mSelectionModel->currentIndex()) {
+ mSelectionModel->setCurrentIndex(item->modelIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::Current);
+ }*/