changeset 113 0efa10d348c0
equal deleted inserted replaced
111:053c6c7c14f3 113:0efa10d348c0
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description:  ?Description
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include <badesca.h>
    19 #include "casrvnotifier.h"
    20 #include "cainnernotifierfilter.h"
    21 #include "cainnerentry.h"
    22 #include "casrvdef.h"
    23 #include "cautils.h"
    24 #include "caarraycleanup.inl"
    26 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    29 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 // 
    31 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 //
    33 CCaSrvNotifier::~CCaSrvNotifier()
    34     {
    35     Complete( KErrCancel );
    36     iBufArrayInfo.ResetAndDestroy();
    37     iArrayChangeType.Close();
    38     delete iFilter;
    39     }
    42 #pragma CTC SKIP
    43 #endif //COVERAGE_MEASUREMENT (only NewLC used in code)
    44 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 // 
    46 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 //
    48 CCaSrvNotifier* CCaSrvNotifier::NewL()
    49     {
    50     CCaSrvNotifier* self = CCaSrvNotifier::NewLC();
    51     CleanupStack::Pop();
    52     return self;
    53     }
    55 #pragma CTC ENDSKIP
    58 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 // 
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 CCaSrvNotifier* CCaSrvNotifier::NewLC()
    63     {
    64     CCaSrvNotifier* self = new ( ELeave ) CCaSrvNotifier();
    65     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    66     self->ConstructL();
    67     return self;
    68     }
    70 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // 
    72 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 //
    74 CCaSrvNotifier::CCaSrvNotifier()
    75     {
    76     }
    78 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // 
    80 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 //
    82 void CCaSrvNotifier::ConstructL()
    83     {
    84     iFilter = CCaInnerNotifierFilter::NewL(
    85             CCaInnerNotifierFilter::EEntryChangedWithId );
    86     }
    88 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 // 
    90 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 //
    92 void CCaSrvNotifier::NotifyL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
    93     {
    94     PanicIfPendingL( aMessage );
    95     SetPendingL( aMessage ); // No leaving after this!
    96     }
    99 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 // 
   101 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 //
   103 void CCaSrvNotifier::Cancel()
   104     {
   105     Complete( KErrCancel );
   106     }
   108 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 // 
   110 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 //
   112 void CCaSrvNotifier::SetPendingL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
   113     {
   114     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iPending, User::Invariant() );
   115     iMessage = aMessage;
   116     iPending = ETrue;
   117     if( iBufArrayInfo.Count() > 0 )
   118         {
   119         Complete();
   120         }
   121     else
   122         {
   123         MenuUtils::InternalizeObjectL( aMessage, *iFilter );
   124         }
   125     }
   127 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 // 
   129 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 //
   131 void CCaSrvNotifier::PanicIfPendingL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   132     {
   133     if( iPending )
   134         {
   135         // Another message is already being served.
   136         aMessage.Panic( KCaSrvName, KErrInUse );
   137         User::Leave( KErrInUse );
   138         }
   139     }
   141 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 // 
   143 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 //
   145 void CCaSrvNotifier::Complete( TInt aReason )
   146     {
   147     if( iPending )
   148         {
   149         if( aReason != KErrNone )
   150             {
   151             iMessage.Complete( aReason );
   152             iBufArrayInfo.ResetAndDestroy();
   153             iArrayChangeType.Close();
   154             }
   155         else
   156             {
   157             if( iBufArrayInfo.Count() > 0 )
   158                 {
   159                 TPckgBuf<TInt> sizeDes( iBufArrayInfo[0]->Size() );
   160                 iMessage.Write( KOutputPosition, sizeDes );
   161                 }
   162             iMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
   163             }
   164         iPending = EFalse;
   165         }
   166     }
   168 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   169 // 
   170 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   171 //
   172 void CCaSrvNotifier::EntryChangedL( const CCaInnerEntry* aEntry,
   173         TChangeType aChangeType, const RArray<TInt>& aParentIds )
   174     {
   175     if( iFilter && CheckFilterForEntry( aEntry, aParentIds ) )
   176         {
   177         if( iFilter->GetNotifierType()
   178                 == CCaInnerNotifierFilter::EEntryChangedWithEntry )
   179             {
   180             HBufC8* bufInfo = MenuUtils::MarshalDataL( 
   181                     *aEntry, KDefaultExpandSize );
   182             CleanupStack::PushL( bufInfo );
   183             iBufArrayInfo.AppendL( bufInfo );
   184             CleanupStack::Pop( bufInfo );
   185             iArrayChangeType.AppendL( aChangeType );
   186             Complete();
   187             }
   188         else if( iFilter->GetNotifierType()
   189                 == CCaInnerNotifierFilter::EEntryChangedWithId )
   190             {
   191             AddEntryWithIdL( aEntry->GetId() );
   192             iArrayChangeType.AppendL( aChangeType );
   193             Complete();
   194             }
   195         }
   196     }
   198 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   199 // 
   200 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 //
   202 void CCaSrvNotifier::EntryTouchedL( TInt aId )
   203     {
   204     if( iFilter && iFilter->GetNotifierType()
   205             == CCaInnerNotifierFilter::EEntryTouched && CheckIds(
   206             iFilter->GetIds(), aId ) )
   207         {
   208         AddEntryWithIdL( aId );
   209         Complete();
   210         }
   211     }
   213 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 // 
   215 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   216 //
   217 void CCaSrvNotifier::GroupContentChangedL( const RArray<TInt>& aParentIds )
   218     {
   219     if( iFilter && iFilter->GetNotifierType()
   220             == CCaInnerNotifierFilter::EGroupContentChanged )
   221         {
   222         if( iFilter->GetParentId() == 0 && aParentIds.Count() > 0 )
   223             {
   224             for( TInt i( 0 ); i < aParentIds.Count(); i++ )
   225                 {
   226                 AddEntryWithIdL( aParentIds[i] );
   227                 }
   228             Complete();
   229             }
   230         else if( aParentIds.Find( iFilter->GetParentId() ) != KErrNotFound )
   231             {
   232             AddEntryWithIdL( iFilter->GetParentId() );
   233             Complete();
   234             }
   235         }
   236     }
   238 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   239 // 
   240 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   241 //
   242 void CCaSrvNotifier::GetChangeInfoL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   243     {
   244     if( iBufArrayInfo.Count() > 0 )
   245         {
   246         aMessage.WriteL( KInputPosition1, iBufArrayInfo[0]->Des() );
   247         if( iArrayChangeType.Count() > 0 )
   248             {
   249             TPckg<TChangeType> changeTypePckg( iArrayChangeType[0] );
   250             aMessage.WriteL( KInputPosition2, changeTypePckg );
   251             iArrayChangeType.Remove( 0 );
   252             }
   253         delete iBufArrayInfo[0];
   254         iBufArrayInfo.Remove( 0 );
   255         }
   256     }
   258 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   259 // 
   260 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 //
   262 TBool CCaSrvNotifier::CheckFilterForEntry( const CCaInnerEntry* aEntry,
   263         const RArray<TInt>& aParentIds )
   264     {
   265     TBool filterCorrect = CheckIds( iFilter->GetIds(), aEntry->GetId() );
   266     if( filterCorrect )
   267         {
   268         filterCorrect = ( static_cast<TUint> ( iFilter->GetEntryRole() )
   269                 == ENoneEntryRole
   270                 || static_cast<TUint> ( iFilter->GetEntryRole() )
   271                         == aEntry->GetRole() );
   272         }
   273     if( filterCorrect )
   274         {
   275         filterCorrect = CheckTypeName( iFilter->GetTypeNames(),
   276                 aEntry->GetEntryTypeName() );
   277         }
   278     if( filterCorrect && iFilter->GetParentId() > 0 )
   279         {
   280         filterCorrect = ( iFilter->GetParentId() == aEntry->GetId()
   281                 || aParentIds.Find( iFilter->GetParentId() )
   282                         != KErrNotFound );
   283         }
   284     return filterCorrect;
   285     }
   287 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   288 // 
   289 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   290 //
   291 void CCaSrvNotifier::AddEntryWithIdL( TInt aId )
   292     {
   293     CCaInnerEntry* entry = CCaInnerEntry::NewLC();
   294     entry->SetId( aId );
   295     HBufC8* bufInfo = MenuUtils::MarshalDataL( *entry, KDefaultExpandSize );
   296     CleanupStack::PushL( bufInfo );
   297     iBufArrayInfo.AppendL( bufInfo );
   298     CleanupStack::Pop( bufInfo );
   299     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
   300     }
   302 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303 // 
   304 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   305 //
   306 TBool CCaSrvNotifier::CheckIds( const RArray<TInt>& aIds, TInt aId )
   307     {
   308     TBool result( ETrue );
   309     if( aIds.Count() > 0 && aIds.Find( aId ) == KErrNotFound )
   310         {
   311         result = EFalse;
   312         }
   313     return result;
   314     }
   316 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 // 
   318 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 //
   320 TBool CCaSrvNotifier::CheckTypeName( const CDesC16ArrayFlat* aTypeNames,
   321         const RBuf& aTypeName )
   322     {
   323     TBool result( ETrue );
   324     TInt position( 0 );
   325     if( aTypeNames->Count() > 0 && aTypeNames->Find( aTypeName, position )
   326             != KErrNone )
   327         {
   328         result = EFalse;
   329         }
   330     return result;
   331     }