changeset 0 79c6a41cd166
child 74 edd621764147
child 85 7feec50967db
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:79c6a41cd166
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  ?Description
    15  *
    16 */
    19 #include <liwcommon.h>
    21 #include "cpserverdef.h"
    22 #include "cpublisherregistrymap.h"
    23 #include "cpglobals.h"
    24 #include "cpdebug.h"
    25 #include "cpssqlcommands.h"
    26 #include "cpsecuritypolicy.h"
    28 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    29 // 
    30 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    31 //
    33 CPublisherRegistryMap::CPublisherRegistryMap()
    34     {
    36     }
    38 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 // 
    40 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    41 //
    42 void CPublisherRegistryMap::ConstructL()
    43     {
    44     CCPLiwMap::ConstructL( );
    45     }
    47 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 // 
    49 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 //
    51 EXPORT_C CPublisherRegistryMap* CPublisherRegistryMap::NewL( )
    52     {
    53     CPublisherRegistryMap* self = CPublisherRegistryMap::NewLC( );
    54     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    55     return self;
    56     }
    58 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 // 
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 EXPORT_C CPublisherRegistryMap* CPublisherRegistryMap::NewLC( )
    63     {
    64     CPublisherRegistryMap* self = new (ELeave) CPublisherRegistryMap();
    65     self->PushL();
    66     self->ConstructL( );
    67     return self;
    68     }
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // 
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 //
    74 CPublisherRegistryMap::~CPublisherRegistryMap()
    75     {
    76     }
    78 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // 
    80 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 //
    82 TInt32 CPublisherRegistryMap::AddL( RSqlDatabase aSqlDb, 
    83                                    CLiwDefaultList* aNotificationList ) const
    84     {
    85     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CPublisherRegistryMap::AddL") );
    86     TInt32 id( 0);
    87     if ( !GetProperty( KId, id ) )
    88         {
    89         FetchIdL( aSqlDb, KSQLFetchIdFromRegistry, id );
    90         }
    91     if ( id )
    92         {
    93         UpdateL( aSqlDb, id , aNotificationList );
    94         }
    95     else
    96         {
    97         id = AddToDbL( aSqlDb , aNotificationList );       
    98         }
    99     return id;
   101     }
   103 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   104 // 
   105 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 //
   107 TUint CPublisherRegistryMap::GetListL( RSqlDatabase aSqlDb,
   108     CLiwGenericParamList* aList, RArray<TInt32>& aItemsToDelete ) const
   109     {
   110     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CPublisherRegistryMap::GetListL") );
   111     aItemsToDelete.Reset( ); //no items to delete
   112     return CCPLiwMap::GetListL( aSqlDb, KSQLGetListFromRegistry, aList,
   113         aItemsToDelete );
   114     }
   116 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117 // 
   118 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119 //
   120 void CPublisherRegistryMap::RemoveL( RSqlDatabase aSqlDb, 
   121                                      CLiwDefaultList* aNotificationList ) const
   122     {
   123     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CContentMap::RemoveL") );
   124     //get ids of items to be deleted 
   125     GetIdsOfRemovedEntriesL( aSqlDb, KSQLGetIdsRegistry, aNotificationList );
   126     CCPLiwMap::RemoveL( aSqlDb, KSQLDeleteFromRegistry );
   127     }
   129 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 // 
   131 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 //  
   133 void CPublisherRegistryMap::SaveQueryResultsL( RSqlStatement& aStmt,
   134     CLiwGenericParamList& aList, RArray<TInt32>& /*aItemsToDelete*/) const
   135     {
   136     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CPublisherRegistryMap::SaveQueryResultsL") );
   137     TInt idIndex = ColumnIndexL( aStmt,  KColumnId );
   138     TInt publisherIndex = ColumnIndexL( aStmt,  KColumnPublisher );
   139     TInt contentIndex = ColumnIndexL( aStmt,  KColumnContent_type );
   140     TInt content_idIndex = ColumnIndexL( aStmt,  KColumnContent_id );
   141     TInt flagIndex = ColumnIndexL( aStmt,  KColumnFlag );
   142     TInt acl_Index = ColumnIndexL( aStmt,  KColumnAccessList );
   143     TInt data_Index = ColumnIndexL( aStmt,  KColumnData );
   144     TInt action_Index = ColumnIndexL( aStmt,  KColumnAction );
   146     TBool aclCheckFailed( EFalse );
   147     while ( aStmt.Next( ) == KSqlAtRow )
   148         {
   149         TBool securityOk(EFalse);
   150         if( iPolicy )
   151             {
   152             TPtrC8 acl;
   153             User::LeaveIfError( aStmt.ColumnBinary( acl_Index, acl ) );
   154             securityOk = iPolicy->CheckSecurityL( acl , 
   155                      		CCPSecurityPolicy::ERead );
   156             if ( !securityOk )
   157              	{
   158              	aclCheckFailed = ETrue;
   159              	}
   160             }            
   162         if( !iPolicy || securityOk ) 
   163            	{
   164 			TInt32 id = aStmt.ColumnInt( idIndex ) ;
   165 			TPtrC publisher;
   166 			User::LeaveIfError( aStmt.ColumnText( publisherIndex, 
   167 					publisher ) );
   168 			TPtrC content_type;
   169 			User::LeaveIfError( aStmt.ColumnText( contentIndex, 
   170 					content_type ) );
   171 			TPtrC content_id;
   172 			User::LeaveIfError( aStmt.ColumnText( content_idIndex,
   173 					content_id ));
   174 			TInt32 flag_db = aStmt.ColumnInt( flagIndex );
   175 			TInt32 flag_map(0);
   177 			TUint filter = GetFilterL();
   178 			GetProperty( KFlag, flag_map );
   180 			if (!(filter & EFlag) || ( (flag_db & flag_map)==flag_map))
   181 				{
   182 				CLiwDefaultMap* targetMap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
   183 				targetMap->InsertL( KId , TLiwVariant( id ) );
   184 				targetMap->InsertL( KPublisherId , TLiwVariant( publisher ) );
   185 				targetMap->InsertL( KContentType , TLiwVariant( content_type ) );
   186 				targetMap->InsertL( KContentId , TLiwVariant( content_id ) );
   187 				targetMap->InsertL( KFlag , TLiwVariant( flag_db ) );
   188 				TPtrC8 data;
   189 				User::LeaveIfError( aStmt.ColumnBinary( data_Index, data ) );
   190 				TPtrC8 action;
   191 				User::LeaveIfError( aStmt.ColumnBinary( action_Index, action ) );
   192 				if( data.Ptr() )
   193 					{
   194 					targetMap->InsertL( KDataMap , TLiwVariant( data ) );
   195 					}
   196 				if( action.Ptr() )
   197 					{
   198 					targetMap->InsertL( KActionMap , TLiwVariant( action ) );
   199 					}
   200 				TLiwGenericParam result( KListMap, TLiwVariant( targetMap ));
   201 				aList.AppendL( result );
   202 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( targetMap );                
   203 				}
   204             }//if
   205         }//while
   206     //leave only if ACL security check for all items failed
   207 	if ( aclCheckFailed && !aList.Count())
   208 		{
   209 		User::Leave( KErrPermissionDenied );
   210 		}    
   211     }
   214 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 // 
   216 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   217 //  
   218 TInt32 CPublisherRegistryMap::AddToDbL( RSqlDatabase aSqlDb, 
   219     CLiwDefaultList* aNotificationList ) const
   220     {
   221     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CPublisherRegistryMap::AddToDbL") );
   222     RSqlStatement stmt;
   223     CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
   224     PrepareStmtforAddL( aSqlDb, stmt, KSQLInsertToRegistry );
   226     TInt dataIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KSQLData );
   227     TInt actionIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KSQLAction );
   228     TInt aclIndex = stmt.ParameterIndex( KSQLAccessList );
   230     RBuf8 data;
   231     data.CleanupClosePushL();
   232     GetPropertyL( KDataMap, data ) ;
   233     BindBinaryL( stmt, dataIndex, data );
   234     RBuf8 action;
   235     action.CleanupClosePushL();
   236     GetPropertyL( KActionMap, action ) ;
   237     BindBinaryL( stmt, actionIndex, action );
   239     RBuf8 acl;
   240     acl.CleanupClosePushL();
   241     if( !GetPropertyL( KAccessList , acl ) )
   242         {
   243         iPolicy->GetDefaultSecurityL( acl );
   244         }
   245     BindBinaryL( stmt, aclIndex, acl );
   247     if ( stmt.Exec( ) <= 0 )
   248         {
   249         User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
   250         }
   252     TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery id_query(aSqlDb);
   253     TInt32 ret( 0);
   254     ret = id_query.SelectIntL( KSQLGetLastInsertId );
   256     if ( aNotificationList )
   257         {
   258         RBuf publisher;
   259         publisher.CleanupClosePushL();   
   260         RBuf contentType;
   261         contentType.CleanupClosePushL();   
   262         RBuf contentId;
   263         contentId.CleanupClosePushL(); 
   264         GetPropertyL( KPublisherId, publisher ) ;
   265         GetPropertyL( KContentType, contentType );
   266         GetPropertyL( KContentId, contentId );
   267         CLiwDefaultMap* changeInfoMap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
   268         changeInfoMap->InsertL( KId, TLiwVariant( ret ) );
   269         changeInfoMap->InsertL( KType, TLiwVariant( KPublisher ) );
   270         changeInfoMap->InsertL( KPublisherId, TLiwVariant( publisher ) );
   271         changeInfoMap->InsertL( KContentType, TLiwVariant( contentType ) );
   272         changeInfoMap->InsertL( KContentId, TLiwVariant( contentId ) );
   273         changeInfoMap->InsertL( KOperation, TLiwVariant( KOperationAdd ) );
   274         TInt32 flag( 0 );
   275         GetProperty( KFlag, flag );
   276         changeInfoMap->InsertL( KFlag, TLiwVariant( flag ) );
   277         aNotificationList->AppendL( TLiwVariant( changeInfoMap ) );
   278         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( changeInfoMap ) ;
   279         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &contentId ) ;
   280         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &contentType ) ;
   281         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &publisher ) ;
   282         }
   284     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &acl );  
   285     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &action );  
   286     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &data );  
   287     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt ) ;
   289     return ret;
   290     }
   292 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 // 
   294 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 // 
   296 void CPublisherRegistryMap::AppendFilterL( RBuf& aQuery, 
   297                                            TUint& aFilter ) const
   298     {
   299     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CPublisherRegistryMap::AppendFilterL") );
   300     if( aFilter & EFlag )
   301         {
   302         aQuery.ReAllocL( aQuery.Length() + KSQLGetFlag().Length() + 
   303         		KWhere().Length() );
   304         aQuery.Append( KWhere );
   305         aQuery.Append( KSQLGetFlag );
   306         }
   307     else
   308         {
   309         CCPLiwMap::AppendFilterL( aQuery, aFilter );
   310         }
   311 	} 
   313 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314 // 
   315 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 // 
   317 void CPublisherRegistryMap::AppendSortL( RBuf& aQuery,
   318     const TCPSortOrder& aSort ) const
   319     {
   320     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CPublisherRegistryMap::AppendSortL") );
   321     switch ( aSort )
   322         {
   323         case ECPContentId:
   324             aQuery.ReAllocL( aQuery.Length( ) + KSQLOrderContentId().Length( ) );
   325             aQuery.Append( KSQLOrderContentId );
   326             break;
   327         case ECPContent:
   328             aQuery.ReAllocL( aQuery.Length( ) + KSQLOrderContent().Length( ) );
   329             aQuery.Append( KSQLOrderContent );
   330             break;
   331         case ECPPublisher:
   332             aQuery.ReAllocL( aQuery.Length( ) + KSQLOrderPublisher().Length( ) );
   333             aQuery.Append( KSQLOrderPublisher );
   334             break;
   335         default:
   336             aQuery.ReAllocL( aQuery.Length( ) + KSQLOrderRecent().Length( ) );
   337             aQuery.Append( KSQLOrderRecent );
   338             break;
   339         }
   340     }
   342 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 // 
   344 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 //  
   346 void CPublisherRegistryMap::PrepareStmtforAddL( RSqlDatabase aSqlDb, 
   347 	                                  RSqlStatement& aStmt , 
   348                                       const TDesC& aQuery ) const
   349     {
   350     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CPublisherRegistryMap::PrepareStmtforAddL") );
   351     CCPLiwMap::PrepareStmtforAddL( aSqlDb,aStmt,aQuery);
   352     TInt32 flag( 0x00000000 );
   353     GetProperty( KFlag, flag );
   354     TInt flagIndex = aStmt.ParameterIndex( KSQLFlag );
   355     if (flagIndex != KErrNotFound)
   356         {
   357         BindIntL( aStmt, flagIndex , flag );	        
   358         }
   359     }
   361 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   362 // 
   363 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   364 //  
   365 void CPublisherRegistryMap::PrepareStmtforUpdateL( RSqlDatabase aSqlDb,
   366     RSqlStatement& aStmt, TInt32 aId ) const
   367     {
   368     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CPublisherRegistryMap::PrepareStmtforUpdateL") );
   369     TInt32 flag; 
   370     TBool isFlagInfo = GetProperty( KFlag, flag );    
   372     TBool isParameter(EFalse);
   373     RBuf query;
   374     query.CleanupClosePushL();
   375     query.CreateL( KSQLUpdateRegistry().Length( ) );
   376     query.Append( KSQLUpdateRegistry );
   377     RBuf8 data;
   378     data.CleanupClosePushL();
   379     if ( GetPropertyL( KDataMap, data ) )
   380         {
   381         query.ReAllocL( query.Length( ) + KSQLUpdateData().Length( ) );
   382         query.Append( KSQLUpdateData );
   383         isParameter = ETrue;
   384         }
   385     RBuf8 action;
   386     action.CleanupClosePushL();
   387     if ( GetPropertyL( KActionMap, action ) )
   388         {
   389         if ( isParameter )
   390             {
   391             query.ReAllocL( query.Length( ) + KComma().Length( ) );
   392             query.Append( KComma );
   393             }
   394         query.ReAllocL( query.Length( ) + KSQLUpdateAction().Length( ) );
   395         query.Append( KSQLUpdateAction );
   396         isParameter = ETrue;
   397         }
   398     if( isFlagInfo )
   399        {
   400        if(isParameter)
   401            {
   402            query.ReAllocL( query.Length() + KComma().Length());
   403            query.Append( KComma );
   404            }        
   405        query.ReAllocL( query.Length() + KSQLUpdateFlag().Length());
   406        query.Append( KSQLUpdateFlag );
   407        isParameter = ETrue;
   408        } 
   409     if( !isParameter ) User::Leave( KErrPathNotFound );
   410     query.ReAllocL( query.Length( ) + KSQLUpdateWhere().Length( ) );
   411     query.Append( KSQLUpdateWhere );
   412     User::LeaveIfError( aStmt.Prepare( aSqlDb, query ) );
   413     TInt dataId = aStmt.ParameterIndex( KSQLId );
   414     BindIntL( aStmt, dataId, aId );
   416     if ( data.Length( ) )
   417         {
   418         TInt dataIndex = aStmt.ParameterIndex( KSQLData );
   419         BindBinaryL( aStmt,dataIndex, data );
   420         }
   421     if ( action.Length( ) )
   422         {
   423         TInt actionIndex = aStmt.ParameterIndex( KSQLAction );
   424         BindBinaryL( aStmt, actionIndex, action );
   425         }
   426     if( isFlagInfo )
   427         {
   428         TInt flagIndex = aStmt.ParameterIndex( KSQLFlag );
   429         BindIntL( aStmt, flagIndex , flag );	        
   430         }
   431     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &action );
   432     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &data );
   433     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &query );
   434     }    	
   436 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   437 // 
   438 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   439 //  
   440 void CPublisherRegistryMap::UpdateL( RSqlDatabase aSqlDb, TInt32 aId,
   441     CLiwDefaultList* aNotificationList) const
   442     {
   443     CP_DEBUG( _L8("CPublisherRegistryMap::UpdateL") );
   444     RSqlStatement stmt;
   445     CleanupClosePushL( stmt );
   446     CLiwDefaultMap* changeInfoMap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
   447     FetchIdsL( aId, KSQLFetchIdsFromRegistry, changeInfoMap, aSqlDb );
   448     if ( aNotificationList )
   449         {
   450         changeInfoMap->InsertL( KType, TLiwVariant( KPublisher ) );
   451         TInt32 flag( 0 );
   452         GetProperty( KFlag, flag );
   453         changeInfoMap->InsertL( KFlag, TLiwVariant( flag ) );
   454         aNotificationList->AppendL( TLiwVariant( changeInfoMap ) );
   455         }
   456     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( changeInfoMap ) ;        
   457     PrepareStmtforUpdateL( aSqlDb, stmt, aId );
   458     if ( stmt.Exec( ) <= 0 )
   459         {
   460         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   461         }
   462     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stmt ) ;
   463     }
   465 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   466 // 
   467 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   468 //
   469 void CPublisherRegistryMap::IsValidForDeleteL() const
   470     {
   471     TInt err( KErrNone );
   472     TInt32 id( 0 );
   473     if( GetProperty( KId, id ) && ( id < 1 ) )
   474         {
   475         err = KErrArgument;
   476         }
   477     else if( !IsId() && PropertyExists( KId ) )
   478         {
   479         err = KErrBadName;
   480         }
   482     if( err == KErrNone && !IsFlag() && !IsId( ) && !( IsPublisherNameL( ) 
   483             || IsContentTypeL( ) || IsContentIdL() ) )
   484         {
   485         err = KErrPathNotFound;
   486         }
   488     if( err != KErrNone )
   489         {
   490         User::Leave( err );
   491         }
   492     }
   494 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   495 // 
   496 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   497 //
   498 void CPublisherRegistryMap::IsValidForGetListL() const
   499     {
   500     TInt err( KErrNone );
   501     TInt32 id( 0 );
   502     if( GetProperty( KId, id ) && ( id < 1 ) )
   503         {
   504         err = KErrArgument;
   505         }
   506     else if( !IsId() && PropertyExists( KId ) )
   507         {
   508         err = KErrBadName;
   509         }
   511     if( err != KErrNone )
   512         {
   513         User::Leave( err );
   514         }
   515     }
   516 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   517 // 
   518 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   519 //                  
   520 TBool CPublisherRegistryMap::ActivateActionSupport( ) const
   521     {
   522     return ETrue;
   523     }
   525 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   526 // 
   527 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 //                  
   529 TBool CPublisherRegistryMap::GetActivateInfo( ) const
   530     {
   531     TInt32 flag;
   532     GetProperty( KFlag, flag );
   533     TBool activate = flag & EActivate;    
   534     return activate;
   535     }    
   538 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   539 // 
   540 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   541 //                  
   542 void CPublisherRegistryMap::FillChangeInfoMapL( RSqlStatement& aStmt, 
   543 		CLiwDefaultMap* aMap )const
   544 	{
   545 	CCPLiwMap::FillChangeInfoMapL(aStmt, aMap);
   546     TInt flagIndex = ColumnIndexL( aStmt,  KColumnFlag );
   547 	TInt32 flag_db = aStmt.ColumnInt( flagIndex );
   548     aMap->InsertL( KFlag , TLiwVariant( flag_db ) ); 
   549 	}