changeset 85 7feec50967db
parent 4 1a2a00e78665
child 86 e492551a0d54
equal deleted inserted replaced
4:1a2a00e78665 85:7feec50967db
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *  
    16 *  ChspsMaintenanceHandler is a server-side implementation of MhspsMaintenanceService API-definition of
    17 *  HSPS Theme Management Services.
    18 *  Theme Maintenance Service is intended to serve HSPS applications as well as S60 legacy 
    19 *  applications - especially Personalisation Application - with Theme Maintenance Services. 
    20 *  Theme maintenance can take place after a set of themes are installed by HSPS Theme 
    21 *  Installation Service. Maintenance services includes theme listings, theme activation, 
    22 *  theme removal, and default theme restoring functionality.
    23 *
    24 *  Maintenance functions deploy Definition Repository and Symbian Central Repository. 
    25 *  Definition Repository keeps Application Themes in save place and Central Repository keeps the
    26 *  information about which theme is active for  what application. Information in Central Repository
    27 *  is stored in pairs of application UID and active theme UID.
    28 *  ChspsMaintenanceHandler utilizes ChspsODT class to exchange the information of Application Themes. 
    29 *  DOM-document member of ChspsODT is not attached in theme maintenance operations, only the theme 
    30 *  header. For more information, see HSPS Theme Management Service APIs documentation.
    31 *
    32 *
    33 */
    36 #ifndef __hspsMAINTENANCEHANDLER_H__
    37 #define __hspsMAINTENANCEHANDLER_H__
    39 #ifdef HSPS_LOG_ACTIVE
    40 class ChspsLogBus;
    41 #endif
    43 class MhspsMaintenanceService;
    44 class ChspsDefinitionRepository;
    45 class ChspsSecurityEnforcer;
    46 class ChspsODT;
    47 class CRepository;
    48 class ChspsThemeServer;
    49 class ChspsThemeServerSession;
    50 class ChspsResult;
    51 class ChspsDomNode;
    53 /**
    54 *  Class ChspsMaintenanceHandler.
    55 *  ChspsMaintenanceHandler performs all theme maintenance related functionality for hspsThemeServer. 
    56 *  Maintenance services includes theme listing, theme activation, theme removal and default theme 
    57 *  restoring operations.
    58 *  
    59 *  Class inheritance:
    60 *  ==================
    61 *  ChspsMaintenanceHandler derives CTimer for active timer functionality. It implements 
    62 *  MhspsMaintenanceService-interface from HSPS Theme Management Service APIs. 
    63 *  For more information, see HSPS Theme Management Service API documentation.
    64 *  
    65 *  Functionality:
    66 *  ==============
    67 *  Maintenance functions are presented in high-level and low-level parametrization mode. 
    68 *  This is the same approach that was introduced with HSPS Theme Installation Service 
    69 *  - to support user-intefaces with human-readable high-level elements and on the other hand, 
    70 *  machine-originated users with low-level data.
    71 *  Most of the maintenance functions are synchronous, only one is asynchronous; hspsGetNextHeader().
    72 *  Others functions are straightforward to use but hspsGetListHeaders(). This will be explained next; synchronous 
    73 *  call hspsGetListHeaders() initiates the theme header listing by passing search mask to HSPS 
    74 *  Theme Server's Maintenance Service. This search mask is called a query. It also passes a list 
    75 *  object in where maintenance service should append theme-header objects (type of ChspsODT-class 
    76 *  without DOM-document) when one is retrieved asychronously. Search mask should be filled with 
    77 *  proper parameters matching the need in hand. If no parameters are given, all headers of 
    78 *  Application Themes available in Definition Repository will be delivered, otherwise, 
    79 *  only sub-set of theme-headers will be delivered. 
    80 *  After the query-call hspsGetListHeaders(), the delivering of the theme-headers is asynchronous.
    81 *  Asynchronous service must be initiated by calling hspsGetNextHeader() after checking that any 
    82 *  theme matching on current query is found. This action is called a subscription. 
    83 *  To receive theme listing, the client application must implement 
    84 *  MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver-interface and start to listen call-back messages. 
    85 *  The headers matching on query will be delivered immediately. Query remains until 
    86 *  hspsCancelGetListHeaders() is called by client. If a new Application Theme exist in repository,
    87 *  it will be delivered. As mentioned, when hspsGetListHeaders() returns, the return value must 
    88 *  be checked. Return value could be one of the following:
    89 *  - EhspsGetListHeadersSuccess - there is at least one Application Theme available matching on 
    90 *                               query. Call first hspsGetNextHeader() to get the headers. Same call
    91 *                               will set the subscribtion of new ones possible coming available 
    92 *                               later on.
    93 *  - EhspsGetListHeadersEmpty   - there is no themes matching on the query available at the time, 
    94 *                               however, some might be exist later in due to installations. 
    95 *                               Client application should retain the subcription.
    96 *  - EhspsGetListHeadersFailed  - service request failed in some reason. Possible reasons are for 
    97 *                               e.g. the missing rights to list headers queried.  
    98 *   
    99 *  In the near future, there will be s.c. Additional Return Code Support feature available in 
   100 *  HSPS. This code will express for e.g. the number of headers to be delivered or possible system 
   101 *  error code in failed cases.
   102 *  
   103 *  By MhspsServiceObserver::HandlehspsServiceMessage() call-back function implementation, client 
   104 *  application must listen the following ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-messages:
   105 *  - EhspsGetListHeadersUpdate  - header list on the client side has a new object appended at the end
   106 *                               of the list,
   107 *  - EhspsGetListHeadersRestart - header list on server side has changed so much that the client must 
   108 *                               empty the list printed on screen. New list will be delivered 
   109 *                               immediately. The subscription stands.
   110 *  - EhspsGetListHeadersEmpty   - header list on server side is now empty. The client must empty 
   111 *                               the list on screen if printed. The subscription stands. 
   112 *  - EhspsGetListHeadersFailed  - operation has failed. Client should cancel request and restart, 
   113 *                               perhaps.
   114 *
   115 *  Maintenanace functions may also return one of the following codes:
   116 *  - EhspsServiceRequestSheduled, or
   117 *  - EhspsServiceRequestError.
   118 *
   119 *  For explanation of the meanings of these messages, see ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-documentation.
   120 *
   121 *  @ingroup group_hspsserversession
   122 *  @lib hspsThemeServer.exe
   123 *  @since S60 3.1
   124 */
   125 class ChspsMaintenanceHandler : public CTimer, public MhspsMaintenanceService, 
   126                                              public MhspsDefinitionRepositoryObserver
   127     {
   128     public:  // Constructors and destructor
   129         /**
   130         * NewL.
   131         * Two-phased constructor.
   132         * @since S60 5.0
   133         * @param aThemeServer Server instance
   134         * @param aSecureId Identifies the client application which uses the handler
   135         */
   136         static ChspsMaintenanceHandler* NewL( 
   137                 ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer, 
   138                 const TUint aSecureId = 0 );
   140         /**
   141         * NewLC.
   142         * Two-phased constructor.
   143         * @since S60 5.0
   144         * @param aThemeServer Server instance
   145         * @param aSecureId Identifies the client application which uses the handler
   146         */
   147         static ChspsMaintenanceHandler* NewLC( 
   148                 ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer, 
   149                 const TUint aSecureId = 0 );
   151         /**
   152         * Destructor.
   153         */
   154         virtual ~ChspsMaintenanceHandler();
   156     public: // New functions
   158         /**
   159         * ServiceGetListHeadersL
   160         * @since S60 3.1
   161         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   162         */
   163         void ServiceGetListHeadersL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   165         /**
   166         * ServiceGetNextHeaderL
   167         * @since S60 3.1
   168         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   169         */
   170         void ServiceGetNextHeaderL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   172         /**
   173         * ServiceSetActiveThemeL
   174         * @since S60 3.1
   175         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   176         */
   177         void ServiceSetActiveThemeL(const RMessage2& aMessage); 
   179         /**
   180         * ServiceRestoreDefaultL
   181         * @since S60 3.1
   182         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   183         */
   184         void ServiceRestoreDefaultL(const RMessage2& aMessage); 
   186         /**
   187         * ServiceRemoveThemeL
   188         * @since S60 3.1
   189         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   190         */
   191         void ServiceRemoveThemeL(const RMessage2& aMessage);  
   193         /**
   194         * ServiceAddPluginL
   195         * @since S60 5.0
   196         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   197         */
   198         void ServiceAddPluginL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   200         /**
   201         * ServiceRemovePluginL
   202         * @since S60 5.0
   203         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   204         */
   205         void ServiceRemovePluginL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
   207         /**
   208         * ServiceSetActivePluginL
   209         * @since S60 5.0
   210         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   211         */
   212         void ServiceSetActivePluginL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
   214         /**
   215         * ServiceReplacePluginL
   216         * @since S60 5.0
   217         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   218         */
   219         void ServiceReplacePluginL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
   221         /**
   222         * ServiceSetPluginSettingsL
   223         * @since S60 5.0
   224         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   225         */
   226         void ServiceSetPluginSettingsL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
   228         /* 
   229          * ServiceGetPluginOdtL
   230          * @since S60 5.0
   231          * @param aMessage contains
   232          */
   233         void ServiceGetPluginOdtL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
   235         /**  
   236         * ServiceMovePluginsL
   237         * @since S60 5.0
   238         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   239         */
   240         void ServiceMovePluginsL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
   242         /**  
   243         * ServiceSetConfStateL
   244         * @since S60 5.0
   245         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   246         */
   247         void ServiceSetConfStateL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
   249         /**  
   250         * ServiceRestoreActiveAppConfL
   251         * @since S60 5.0
   252         * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   253         */
   254         void ServiceRestoreActiveAppConfL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
   256 #ifdef HSPS_LOG_ACTIVE        
   257         /** 
   258         * Set log bus.
   259         */
   260         void SetLogBus( ChspsLogBus* aLogBus );
   261 #endif        
   263         /**
   264          * SetServerSession.
   265          * @since S60 5.0
   266          * @param @param aServerSession Pointer to owning server session
   267          */
   268         void SetServerSession( ChspsThemeServerSession* aServerSession );
   270         /**  
   271          * ServiceRestoreConfigurationsL
   272          * @since S60 5.2
   273          * @param aMessage contains the data received from the client
   274          */
   275         void ServiceRestoreConfigurationsL( const RMessage2& aMessage );                        
   277   public: // Functions from base classes
   279         /** 
   280         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsGetListHeaders
   281         * @since S60 3.1
   282         * @param aSearchMask is ChspsODT-object which attributes are filled to present search 
   283         *        parameters for theme set queried by client. This parametrisation follows 
   284         *        the high-level schema. 
   285         * @param aHeaderList is an list object able to carry ChspsODT-objects. 
   286         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
   287         */
   288         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetListHeaders(const TDesC8& aSearchMaskData, 
   289                 CArrayPtrSeg<HBufC8>& aHeaderDataList);
   291         /** 
   292         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsGetNextHeader
   293         * @since S60 3.1
   294         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
   295         */
   296         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetNextHeader();         
   298         /**
   299         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsCancelGetListHeaders
   300         * @since S60 3.1
   301         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
   302         */
   303         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsCancelGetListHeaders();  
   305         /**
   306         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsSetActiveTheme
   307         * @since S60 3.1
   308         * @param aSetMask represents parameters by which the new theme activation will be done.
   309                  There must be sufficient set of parameters presented, at least a theme UID.
   310         * @param aOdt is an empty ODT-object which will contain the ODT of activated 
   311         *        theme on the return of the call. This parametrisation follows the high-level 
   312         *        schema. There must be sufficient set of parameters presented, at least a theme UID.
   313         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
   314         */
   315         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetActiveTheme( const ChspsODT& aSetMask, ChspsODT& aOdt );
   317         /**
   318         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsRestoreDefault
   319         * @since S60 3.1
   320         * @param aSetMask is an ODT-header parametrized enough to express the theme to be made
   321         *        active.
   322         * @param aHeader is an empty ODT-header object that will contain the header of the theme
   323         *        actually made active if the request was successful.
   324         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
   325         */
   326         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRestoreDefault( const ChspsODT& aSetMask, ChspsODT& aHeader );
   328         /**
   329         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsRemoveThemeL
   330         * @since S60 3.1
   331         * @param aSetMask is an ODT-header parametrized enough to express the theme to be removed.
   332         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
   333         */        
   334         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRemoveThemeL( const ChspsODT& aSetMask );
   336         /**
   337         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsGetListHeaders
   338         * @since S60 3.1
   339         * @param aSearchMaskData is serialized ChspsODT-object. Before serializing, attributes 
   340         *        in ChspsODT-object were filled to present a search parameters for theme set queried.
   341         *        Serialized data parametrisation follows the low-level schema.  
   342         * @param aHeaderList is an list object able to carry serialized ChspsODT-objects. 
   343         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
   344         */
   345         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetListHeaders(const ChspsODT& /*aSearchMask*/
   346                                                          , CArrayPtrFlat<ChspsODT>& /*aHeaderList*/);
   348         /**
   349         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsSetActiveTheme
   350         * @since S60 3.1
   351         * @param aSetMaskData is externalized version of ChspsODT-object presenting parameters by 
   352         *        which the new theme activation will be done. There must be sufficient set of 
   353         *        parameters presented, at least a theme UID. This parametrisation follows the 
   354         *        low-level schema.
   355         * @param aHeaderData is an empty description for externalized ODT-object data. 
   356         *        When internalized, this object will contain the header of newly activated theme 
   357         *        as a result of the call.
   358         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
   359         */   
   360         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetActiveTheme(const TDesC8& /*aSetMaskData*/
   361                                                            , TDes8& /*aHeaderData*/);
   363         /**
   364         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsAddPlugin
   365         * Not used - see ServiceAddPluginL instead which has a diffrent input 
   366         * @since S60 5.0
   367         */
   368         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsAddPlugin(
   369             const TInt /*aAppUid*/,
   370             const TInt /*aParentPluginId*/,
   371             const TInt /*aPluginUid*/,
   372             const TInt /*aPosition*/,
   373             TInt& /*aAddedPluginId*/ );                
   375         /**          
   376         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsRemovePlugin
   377         * Not used - see ServiceRemovePluginL instead which has a diffrent input
   378         */
   379         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRemovePlugin(
   380                const TInt /*aAppUid*/,                
   381                const TInt /*aPluginId*/ );
   383         /**          
   384         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsSetActivePlugin
   385         * Not used - see ServiceRemovePluginL instead which has a diffrent input
   386         */        
   387         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetActivePlugin(
   388                 const TInt aAppUid,
   389                 const TInt aPluginId
   390                 );
   392         /**          
   393         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsReplacePlugin
   394         * Not used - see ServiceReplacePluginL instead which has a diffrent input
   395         */               
   396         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsReplacePlugin(
   397             const TInt /*aAppUid*/,
   398             const TInt /*aPluginId*/,             
   399             const TInt /*aConfUid*/ );
   401         /** 
   402         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsSetSettings
   403         * Not used - see ServiceRemovePluginL instead which has a diffrent input
   404         */
   405         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetPluginSettings(
   406                 const ChspsODT& /*aHeader*/,
   407                 const TInt /*aPluginId*/,
   408                 ChspsDomDocument& /*aDom*/,
   409                 const TBool /*aPluginStoringStatus*/);
   411         /**          
   412         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsMovePluginsL
   413         * Not used - see ServiceMovePluginsL instead which has a diffrent input
   414         */
   415         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsMovePluginsL(
   416                const TInt /*aAppUid*/,
   417                const TInt /*aConfId*/,               
   418                const CArrayFixFlat<TInt>& /*aPluginIdList*/ );
   420         TInt UpdatePluginListL(
   421             ChspsODT& aAppODT,
   422             const TInt aConfigurationId, 
   423             const CArrayFixFlat<TInt>& aPluginIdList );       
   425         /**          
   426         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsSetConfState
   427         * Not used - see ServiceSetConfStateL instead which has a diffrent input
   428         */
   429         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetConfState(
   430             const TInt /*aAppUid*/,
   431             const TInt /*aConfId*/,             
   432             const ThspsConfigurationState /*aState*/,
   433             const ThspsConfStateChangeFilter /*aFilter*/ );
   435         /**          
   436         * From MhspsMaintenanceService hspsRestoreActiveAppConf
   437         * Not used - see ServiceRestoreActiveAppConfL instead which has a diffrent input
   438         */
   439         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRestoreActiveAppConf(
   440             const TInt /*aAppUid*/,
   441             const TInt /*aConfUid*/ );
   443         /** 
   444          * Updates plugin configuration in all application configuration
   445          *  
   446          * @since S60 5.0
   447          * @param apluginUid identifies the plugin configuration                
   448          * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
   449          */
   450         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsPluginUpdateL(
   451                 const ChspsODT& aOdt );
   455     public: // from MhspsDefinitioRepositoryObserver
   457         TBool HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent( ThspsRepositoryInfo aRepositoryInfo );
   459     protected:  // Functions from base classes
   462         ChspsMaintenanceHandler( ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer, const TUint aSecureId );
   464         /**
   465         * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   466         */
   467         void ConstructL();
   469         /**
   470         * From CActive, RunL.
   471         * Callback function.
   472         * Invoked to handle responses from the server.
   473         */
   474         void RunL();
   476         /**
   477         * From CActive, DoCancel.
   478         * Cancels any outstanding operation.
   479         */
   480         void DoCancel();
   482         /**
   483         * From CActive Called when asynchronous request has failed
   484         * @since S60 3.1
   485         */
   486         TInt RunError( TInt aError );
   489     private:
   490         /**
   491         * C++ default constructor.
   492         */
   493         void GetHeaderListL( CArrayPtrSeg<HBufC8>& aHeaderDataList, const ChspsODT& aSearchMask );
   494         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage GetHeaderListUpdateL();
   495         void RestoredDefaultL( const ChspsODT& aSetMask, ChspsODT& aHeader );
   496         void RemoveThemeL( const ChspsODT& aSetMask );
   497         TBool CompareHeadersL(const TDesC8& aOldHeaderData, const TDesC8& aNewHeaderData);
   498         TBool ComparePaths(const ChspsODT& aOldHeader, const ChspsODT& aNewHeader);
   499         TBool FilterHeader(const ChspsODT& aMask, const ChspsODT& aHeader);
   500         // Completes the request message
   501         void CompleteRequest(const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage aReturnMessage, 
   502             RMessagePtr2& aMessagePtr, const TDesC8& aHeaderData = KNullDesC8 );
   504         /**
   505          * Finds last id value from the provided DOM.
   506          * @since S60 5.0
   507          * @param aDom is the application configuration in XML format
   508          * @param aLastUsedConfId is the largest used configurtion id
   509          * @param aLastUsedPluginId is the largest used plugin id
   510          */
   511         void GetUsedIdsL(
   512                 ChspsDomDocument& aDom,
   513                 TInt& aLastUsedConfId,
   514                 TInt& aLastUsedPluginId
   515                 );
   517         /**
   518          * Appends an application configuration with an instance of a plugin configuration.
   519          * @since S60 5.0
   520          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration
   521          * @param aPluginODT is an ODT instance of the plugin configuration
   522          * @param aConfigurationId is an id of the configuration being modified, identifies a plugins list
   523          * @param aNewPosition is an index of the new position in the plugins list
   524          * @param aLastConfId is a value of the last configuration id
   525          * @param aLastPluginId is a value of the last plugin id 
   526          * @return KErrNone if the operation succeeded
   527          */
   528         TInt AppendConfigurationL(
   529                 ChspsODT& aAppODT,
   530                 const ChspsODT& aPluginODT,      
   531                 const TInt aConfigurationId,    
   532                 const TInt aNewPosition, 
   533                 TInt& aLastConfId,
   534                 TInt& aLastPluginId
   535                 );
   537         /**
   538          * Finds the plugins node of the provided plugin node.
   539          * @since S60 5.0
   540          * @param aNode is the plugins node to be searched
   541          * @return plugins node or NULL if the node couldn't be found 
   542          */
   543         ChspsDomNode* FindPluginsNode(
   544                 ChspsDomNode& aNode 
   545                 );
   547         /**
   548          * Appends a plugins list with a new plugin configuration instance.
   549          * @since S60 5.0
   550          * @param aAppODT is the application configuration being modified
   551          * @param aPluginsNode is the plugins node where the new plugin instance should be added to
   552          * @param aPluginODT is an ODT instance of the plugin configuration to be added
   553          * @param aNewPosition is an index of the new position in the plugins list
   554          * @param aNewPluginId is an id of the new plugin instance 
   555          * @return KErrNone if the operation succeeded 
   556          */
   557         TInt AppendPluginConfigurationL(
   558                 ChspsODT& aAppODT,                
   559                 ChspsDomNode& aPluginsNode,                
   560                 const ChspsODT& aPluginODT,                
   561                 const TInt aNewPosition,
   562                 const TInt aNewPluginId
   563                 );
   566         /**
   567          * Finds plugin nodes from the plugin configuration being added,
   568          * appends referred configurations into the main plugin configuration,
   569          * and updates the plugin nodes with unique id attribute values. 
   570          * @since S60 5.0
   571          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration
   572          * @param aPluginODT is an instance of the plugin configuration being added
   573          * @param aLastConfId is a value of the last configuration id
   574          * @param aLastPluginId is a value of the last plugin id
   575          * @return KErrNone
   576          */
   577         TInt HandlePluginReferencesL(
   578                 ChspsODT& aAppODT,
   579                 ChspsODT& aPluginODT,
   580                 TInt& aLastConfId,
   581                 TInt& aLastPluginId 
   582                 );
   584         /**
   585          * Checks if the provided plugin configuration is a collection of plugin
   586          * configurations, e.g. view configuration.
   587          * Alternatively, we could check the type from header cache
   588          * @since S60 5.2
   589          * @param aPluginNode Plugin node
   590          * @return True if it is a view configuration
   591          */
   592         TBool IsViewConfiguration(
   593                 ChspsDomNode& aPluginNode );
   595         /**
   596          * Removes an plugin instance from the provided application configuration
   597          * @since S60 5.0
   598          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration         
   599          * @param aPluginId is an ID of the plugin instance to be removed
   600          * @return KErrNone if succeeded
   601          */
   602         TInt RemoveConfigurationL(
   603                 ChspsODT& aAppODT,
   604                 const TInt aPluginId );                
   606         /**
   607          * Removes an plugin instance from the provided application configuration
   608          * @since S60 5.0
   609          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration         
   610          * @param aPluginNode is a node of the plugin instance to be removed
   611          * @return KErrNone if succeeded
   612          */
   613         TInt RemoveConfigurationL(
   614                 ChspsODT& aAppODT,
   615                 ChspsDomNode& aPluginNode );
   617         /**
   618          * Finds a plugin node with the provided id which is also a children of 
   619          * the provided plugins node
   620          * @since S60 5.0
   621          * @param aPluginsNode is an instance of the plugins node
   622          * @param aPluginId is an ID of the plugin instance to be found within the plugins node
   623          * @return Pointer to the plugin node or NULL
   624          */
   625         ChspsDomNode* FindChildPluginNode(
   626                 ChspsDomNode& aPluginsNode,
   627                 const TInt aPluginId );
   629         /**
   630          * Returns a count of plugin instances.
   631          * @since S60 5.0
   632          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration         
   633          * @param aPluginUid is an UID of the plugin instances to be found
   634          * @param aInstanceCount is the return value         
   635          */
   636         void GetPluginInstanceCountL(
   637                 const ChspsODT& aAppODT,        
   638                 const TInt aPluginUid,
   639                 TInt& aInstanceCount );
   641         /**
   642          * Removes plugin resources from the provided ODT
   643          * @since S60 5.0
   644          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration         
   645          * @param aPluginUid is an UID of the plugin instance
   646          * @return KErrNone if succeeded
   647          */
   648         TInt RemovePluginResourcesL(
   649                 ChspsODT& aAppODT,
   650                 const TInt aPluginUid );
   652         /**
   653          * Adds plugin resouces to the provided ODT
   654          * @since S60 5.0
   655          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration         
   656          * @param aPluginUid is an UID of the plugin instance         
   657          */
   658         void AddPluginResourcesL(
   659                 ChspsODT& aAppODT,
   660                 const TInt aPluginUid );
   662         /**
   663          * Sets Plugin settings
   664          * @since S60 5.0
   665          * @param aOdt is an instance of the the application configuration         
   666          * @param aPluginId is an ID of the plugin instance to be found
   667          * @param aDom is a Dom Document of the settings that is going to set/update 
   668          * @return KErrNone if succeeded
   669          */
   670         TInt hspsSetPluginSettingsL(
   671                 ChspsODT& aOdt,
   673                 TInt aPluginId,
   674                 ChspsDomDocument& aDom);
   676         /**
   677          * Saves Plugin settings
   678          * @since S60 5.0
   679          * @param aODT is an instance of the the plugin configuration         
   680          * @param aDom is a Dom Document of the settings that is going to saved 
   681          * @return KErrNone if succeeded
   682          */
   683         TInt hspsSavePluginSettingsL(  
   684                         ChspsODT& aOdt,
   685                         ChspsDomDocument&  aDom );  
   686         /**
   687          * Finds a item node with the provided item id
   688          * @since S60 5.0
   689          * @param aNodeIdentifier An Tag.
   690          * @param aDomNode A Dom node where the target node is searched from.
   691          * @return Result node.
   692          */
   693         ChspsDomNode& FindNodeByTagL( 
   694                            const TDesC8& aNodeTag,
   695                            ChspsDomNode& aDomNode );
   697         /**
   698          * Gets configuration node with the provided plugin id
   699          * @since S60 5.0
   700          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration         
   701          * @param aPluginId is an ID of the plugin instance to be found
   702          * @param aPluginUid is an UID of the plugin instance
   703          * @param aPluginname is a name of the plugin instance
   704          * @return Error code
   705          */
   706         TInt GetConfigurationNodeDataL(
   707                         ChspsODT& aAppODT,      
   708                         const TInt aPluginId,
   709                         TInt&  aPluginUid,
   710                         TDes& aPluginName );
   712         /**
   713          * Set configuration node state attribute value
   714          * @since S60 5.0
   715          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration         
   716          * @param aConfId is an ID of the configuration node to be found
   717          * @param aState is a new value of the configuration node state attribute
   718          * @return void
   719          */
   720         void SetConfStateL(
   721             ChspsODT& aAppODT,      
   722             TInt aConfId,
   723             ThspsConfigurationState aState,
   724             ThspsConfStateChangeFilter aFilter );
   726         /**
   727          * Restores default configuration defined for the application
   728          * @since S60 5.0
   729          * @param aHeader ODT header which defines the restored configuration
   730          * @param aOdt restored application configuration
   731          */
   732         void RestoreDefaultAppConfL(
   733             ChspsODT*& aHeader,
   734             ChspsODT& aOdt );
   736         /**
   737         * HandleDefinitionRespositoryEventL
   738         *
   739         * @since S60 5.0
   740         */
   742         TBool HandleDefinitionRespositoryEventL( ThspsRepositoryInfo aRepositoryInfo );                 
   744         /**
   745         * RemovePluginFromAppConfs
   746         *
   747         * @since S60 5.0
   748         */
   749         void RemovePluginFromAppConfsL( 
   750                 const ChspsODT& aOdt,
   751                 RArray<ThspsRepositoryInfo>& aNotificationParams);
   753         /**
   754         * InvalidateUninstalledPluginInstancesL
   755         * Removes uninstalled plugin instances from an inactive
   756         * application configuration by changing them to error state.
   757         * @since S60 5.2
   758         * @param aAppODT application configuration to be updated
   759         * @param aPluginUid plugin to be uninstalled
   760         * @param aPluginIds an array on plugin ids to be processed
   761         * @return ETrue if the ODT was updated. 
   762         */
   763         TBool InvalidateUninstalledPluginInstancesL(
   764                 ChspsODT& aAppODT,        
   765                 const TInt aPluginUid,
   766                 const RArray<TInt>& aPluginIds );
   768         /**
   769          * UpdatePluginFromAppConfsL
   770          *
   771          * @since S60 5.0
   772          */
   773         void UpdatePluginFromAppConfsL( ChspsODT& aOdt, 
   774                  RArray<ThspsRepositoryInfo>& aNotificationParams );
   775         /**
   776          * UpdatePluginConfigurationL
   777          *
   778          * @since S60 5.0
   779          */
   781         TInt UpdatePluginConfigurationL(
   782                 ChspsODT& aOdt, 
   783                 ChspsODT& aPluginOdt,
   784                 RArray<TInt>& aPluginIds );
   786         /**
   787          * Replaces plugin configuration in the provided 
   788          * application configuration
   789          * @since S60 5.0
   790          * @param aAppODT is an instance of the the application configuration
   791          * @param aPluginId is an id of the plugin to be replaced
   792          * @param aPluginODT is an instance of the plugin configuration to be added
   793          */
   794         TInt ReplaceConfigurationL(
   795                 ChspsODT& aAppODT,
   796                 const TInt aPluginId,
   797                 const ChspsODT& aPluginODT );
   799         /**
   800          * Returns position of a plugin in the plugins list
   801          * @since S60 5.0         
   802          * @param aPluginNode is a plugin to be found
   803          * @return position of -1
   804          */
   805         TInt FindPluginPosition(                
   806                 ChspsDomNode& aPluginNode );
   808         /**
   809          * Copies logo icons to Homescreen's private folder
   810          * @since S60 5.1
   811          * @param aAppUid Identifies the client process         
   812          */
   813         void CopyIconsToHomescreenL(
   814                 const TUint aAppUid );
   816         /**
   817          * Appends missing plugin with a dummy configuration where status="Error"
   818          * @since S60 5.0
   819          * @param aAppDom is a DOM of an application configuration 
   820          * @param aMissingPluginNode is a plug-in node which was not found from the Plugin Repository
   821          * @param aPluginUid is an UID of the missing plugin
   822          */
   823         void AddErrorConfigurationL(
   824                 ChspsDomDocument& aAppDom,
   825                 ChspsDomNode& aMissingPluginNode,
   826                 const TInt aPluginUid );
   828         /**
   829          * Removes all plugins from the plugins node and related 
   830          * resources from the resource array.
   831          * @since S60 5.2
   832          * @param aAppODT Application configuration
   833          * @return error code
   834          */
   835         TInt RestoreActiveViewL(
   836                 ChspsODT& aAppODT );
   838         /**
   839          * Finds a plugin node which is the active view configuration.
   840          * @since S60 5.2
   841          * @param aAppODT Application configuration
   842          * @return Active plugin node or NULL
   843          */
   844         ChspsDomNode* FindActiveView(
   845                 ChspsODT& aAppODT );
   847         /**
   848          * Removes all plugin configurations from the provided
   849          * plugin node (view configuration).
   850          * @since S60 5.2         
   851          * @param aAppODT Application configuration
   852          * @param aActivePluginNode Plugin node to be modified
   853          * @return error code 
   854          */
   855         TInt RemovePluginConfigurationsL(
   856                 ChspsODT& aAppODT, 
   857                 ChspsDomNode& aActivePluginNode );
   859         /**
   860          * Removes all unlocked views and reset the active view.
   861          * Can leave if DOM is corrupted (objects are not found) or in OOM cases.
   862          * @since S60 5.2   
   863          * @param aAppODT Application configuration
   864          */
   865         void RemoveUnlockedViewsL(
   866                 ChspsODT& aAppODT );
   868         /**
   869          * Checks whether the plugin configuration was locked.
   870 		 * @since S60 5.2   
   871          * @param aConfNode Configuration node
   872 		 * @return True if it was locked
   873          */
   874         TBool IsConfigurationLocked(
   875                 ChspsDomNode& aConfNode );
   877     private:   // Data
   878         RMessagePtr2 iMessagePtr;
   879         ChspsResult* iResult;
   880         TBuf8<KMaxResultDataLength8> iResultData;
   881         ThspsServiceRequestMessage iRequestMessage;     
   882         ThspsServiceCompletedMessage iCompletedMessage;
   883         CArrayPtrSeg<HBufC8>* iHeaderDataList;
   884         TBool iSubscription;
   885         TInt iDeliveryCount;
   886         ChspsODT* iSearchMask;
   887         ChspsODT* iSetMask;
   888         TLanguage iLanguage;
   890         ChspsThemeServer& iThemeServer;
   891         // Identifies the client application
   892         TUint iSecureId;
   893         // Reference to central repository
   894         CRepository& iCentralRepository;
   895         // Reference to definition repository
   896         ChspsDefinitionRepository& iDefinitionRepository;
   897         // Reference to security enforcer
   898         ChspsSecurityEnforcer& iSecurityEnforcer;
   899         CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>& iHeaderListCache;        
   900         ChspsThemeServerSession* iServerSession;	// Not owned.
   901         CFileMan* iFileMan;
   902 #ifdef HSPS_LOG_ACTIVE
   903         /**
   904          * Log bus.
   905          */        
   906         ChspsLogBus* iLogBus;
   907 #endif        
   908     };
   911 #endif //__hspsMAINTENANCEHANDLER_H__
   912 // End of File