changeset 114 a5a39a295112
child 118 8baec10861af
equal deleted inserted replaced
113:0efa10d348c0 114:a5a39a295112
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    17 #include <mcsmenuutils.h>
    18 #include <e32property.h>
    19 #include <widgetregistryclient.h>
    20 #include "menusrvappscanner.h"
    21 #include "menusrvmmchistory.h"
    22 #include "menueng.h"
    23 #include "menuengobject.h"
    24 #include "pathinfo.h"
    25 #include "menulogger.h"
    26 #include "centralrepository.h"
    27 #include "mcssathandler.h"
    28 #include "menusrvengutils.h"
    29 #include "bautils.h"
    30 #include "menuutil.h"
    32 _LIT( KMenuOne, "1" );
    33 _LIT( KMenuAttrMmcId, "mmc_id" );
    34 _LIT( KMenuMassStorage, "mass_storage" );
    35 _LIT( KMenuMmcHistoryFname, "mmchistory" );
    37 // ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ====================
    39 /**
    40 * Identity function to search in an array of TMenuItems.
    41 * Identity is the ID.
    42 * @param aLeft Search term.
    43 * @param aRight Array item.
    44 * @return ETrue if ID-s match.
    45 */
    46 LOCAL_C TBool IdMatch( const TMenuItem& aLeft, const TMenuItem& aRight )
    47     {
    48     return aLeft.Id() == aRight.Id();
    49     }
    51 // ==================== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ====================
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    54 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::NewL
    55 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    56 //
    57 CMenuSrvAppScanner* CMenuSrvAppScanner::NewL(
    58         CMenuEng& aEng, CMenuSrvEngUtils& aSrvEngUtils  )
    59     {
    60     CMenuSrvAppScanner* scanner = new (ELeave) CMenuSrvAppScanner(
    61             aEng, aSrvEngUtils );
    62     CleanupStack::PushL( scanner );
    63     scanner->ConstructL();
    64     CleanupStack::Pop( scanner );
    65     return scanner;
    66     }
    68 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    69 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::~CMenuSrvAppScanner
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    71 //
    72 CMenuSrvAppScanner::~CMenuSrvAppScanner()
    73     {
    74     Cancel();
    75     delete iMcsSatNotifier;
    76     delete iNotifier;
    77     iEng.DequeueOperation( *this );
    78     delete iMmcHistory;
    79     iFs.Close();
    81     if( iCenRepNotifyHandlerHiddenApps )
    82         {
    83         iCenRepNotifyHandlerHiddenApps->StopListening();
    84         }
    85     delete iCenRepNotifyHandlerHiddenApps;
    87     if( iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenApps )
    88         {
    89         iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenApps->StopListening();
    90         }
    91     delete iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenApps;
    93     if( iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenFolders )
    94         {
    95         iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenFolders->StopListening();
    96         }
    97     delete iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenFolders;
    98   	delete iCenRepSession;
    99   	delete iFreeSpaceObserver;
   101     }
   103 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   104 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::CMenuSrvAppScanner
   105 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   106 //
   107 CMenuSrvAppScanner::CMenuSrvAppScanner(
   108         CMenuEng& aEng, CMenuSrvEngUtils& aSrvEngUtils )
   109 : CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ), iEng( aEng ),
   110   iSrvEngUtils( aSrvEngUtils )
   111     {
   112     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
   113     }
   115 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   116 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::ConstructL
   117 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   118 //
   119 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::ConstructL()
   120     {
   121     iOpStatus = EFalse;
   122     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
   123     TFileName path;
   124     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.PrivatePath( path ) );
   125     TUint attribute;
   126     if( iFs.Att( path, attribute) == KErrNotFound )
   127     	{
   128         TInt mdRes = iFs.MkDirAll( path );
   129         if ( mdRes != KErrNone )
   130         	{
   131         	User::Leave( mdRes );
   132         	}
   133     	}
   135     iMmcHistory = new (ELeave) CMenuSrvMmcHistory();
   136     iMmcHistory->LoadL( iFs, KMenuMmcHistoryFname() );
   137     // The notifier has its own session to apparc, instead of taking
   138     // it as argument... :(
   139     iNotifier = CApaAppListNotifier::NewL( this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   141    	iCenRepSession = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidMenu );
   143 	iCenRepNotifyHandlerHiddenApps = CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewL(
   144 	    *this, *iCenRepSession,
   145 		CCenRepNotifyHandler::EStringKey, KMenuHideApplication );
   146 	iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenApps = CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewL(
   147 	    *this, *iCenRepSession,
   148 		CCenRepNotifyHandler::EStringKey, KMenuHideCPApplication );
   150 	iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenFolders = CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewL(
   151 	    *this, *iCenRepSession,
   152 		CCenRepNotifyHandler::EStringKey, KMenuHideCPFolder );
   154 	iCenRepNotifyHandlerHiddenApps->StartListeningL();
   155 	iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenApps->StartListeningL();
   156 	iCenRepNotifyHandlerCPHiddenFolders->StartListeningL();
   158 	iMcsSatNotifier = CMcsSatNotifier::NewL(
   159 	                this, KCRUidMenu, KMenuShowSatUI );
   161 	iFreeSpaceObserver = CMcsFreeSpaceObserver::NewL( *this );
   163     //SetActive();
   164 	ScheduleScan();
   165     //iOpStatus = ETrue;
   166     }
   168 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   169 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::RunL
   170 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   171 //
   172 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::RunL()
   173     {
   174     User::LeaveIfError( iStatus.Int() ); // Handle errors in RunL.
   175     // AppArc app scan complete, we have the app list.
   176     // Now queue this operation to be executed by the Engine.
   177     if ( !MenuUtil::BackupInProgressL() )
   178         {
   179         iEng.QueueOperationL( *this );
   180         }
   181     else
   182         {
   183         iOpStatus = EFalse;
   184         }
   185     }
   187 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   188 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::DoCancel
   189 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   190 //
   191 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::DoCancel()
   192     {
   193     }
   195 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   196 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::RunError
   197 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   198 //
   199 TInt CMenuSrvAppScanner::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
   200     {
   201     // Ignore the error (what else could we do?).
   202     // When next AppArc update occurs, we will run again.
   203     return KErrNone;
   204     }
   206 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   207 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateApplicationWithHideIfInstalledItemsL
   208 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   209 //
   210 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateApplicationWithHideIfInstalledItemsL()
   211     {
   212     TInt root;
   213     iEng.RootFolderL( root );
   215     TMenuSrvAttrExistsFilter appFilter;
   216     appFilter.SetAttr( KMenuAttrHideIfInstalledUid() );
   218     RArray<TMenuItem> items;
   219     CleanupClosePushL( items );
   220     iEng.GetItemsL( items, root, &appFilter, ETrue );
   222     for (TInt i=0; i < items.Count(); i++)
   223         {
   224         TBool wasHidden;
   225         TPtrC uidTmp;
   227         GetHiddenFlagAndUidL( items[i].Id(), wasHidden, uidTmp );
   229         HideItemIfPresentL( root, items[i].Id(), uidTmp, wasHidden );
   230         }
   231     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &items );
   232     }
   234 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   235 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::GetHiddenFlagAndUidL
   236 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   237 //
   238 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::GetHiddenFlagAndUidL( TInt aId, TBool& aHidden, TPtrC& aUidStr )
   239     {
   240     const CMenuEngObject& object = iEng.ObjectL( aId );
   241     aHidden = (0 != (object.Flags() & TMenuItem::EHidden));
   243     TBool tmp;
   244     object.FindAttribute( KMenuAttrHideIfInstalledUid(), aUidStr, tmp);
   245     }
   247 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   248 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HideAppIfExists
   249 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   250 //
   251 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HideItemIfPresentL( TInt aFolder, TInt aId, const TDesC& aUid, TBool aWasHidden )
   252     {
   253     TBool hideItem = EFalse;
   254     TMenuSrvAttrFilter uidAppFilter;
   255     uidAppFilter.SetAttr( KMenuAttrUid(), aUid );
   257     RArray<TMenuItem> appItems;
   258     CleanupClosePushL( appItems );
   259     iEng.GetItemsL( appItems, aFolder, &uidAppFilter, ETrue );
   261     for (TInt i=0; i < appItems.Count(); i++)
   262         {
   263         if(appItems[i].Type() != KMenuTypeLink())
   264         	{
   265             const TMenuItem& item = appItems[i];
   267             TBool itemHidden = (0 != (item.Flags() & TMenuItem::EHidden));
   268             TBool itemMissing = (0 != (item.Flags() & TMenuItem::EMissing));
   269             if ( !itemHidden && !itemMissing )
   270                 {
   271                 hideItem = ETrue;
   272                 }
   273         	}
   274         }
   276     SetHiddenFlagL( aId, aWasHidden, hideItem );
   278     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &appItems );
   279     }
   281 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   282 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::SetHiddenFlagL
   283 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   284 //
   285 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::SetHiddenFlagL( TInt aId, TBool aWasHidden, TBool aHide )
   286     {
   287     if ( aWasHidden ^ aHide )
   288         {
   289         iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aId, RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved ).
   290             SetFlags( TMenuItem::EHidden, aHide );
   291         }
   292     }
   294 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::ValidateLinkUidL
   296 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   297 //
   298 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::ValidateLinkUidL( TInt aFolder, TInt aId, const TDesC& aUidStr )
   299     {
   300     TMenuSrvAttrFilter uidAppFilter;
   301     uidAppFilter.SetAttr( KMenuAttrUid(), aUidStr );
   303     RArray<TMenuItem> appItems;
   304     CleanupClosePushL( appItems );
   305     iEng.GetItemsL( appItems, aFolder, &uidAppFilter, ETrue );
   307     TBool showItem = EFalse;
   308     TBool exists = EFalse;
   309     TBool itemMissing = EFalse;
   310     for (TInt i=0; i < appItems.Count(); i++)
   311         {
   312         if(appItems[i].Id() != aId)
   313         	{
   314             exists = ETrue;
   315             const TMenuItem& item = appItems[i];
   317             TBool itemHidden = (0 != (item.Flags() & TMenuItem::EHidden));
   318             itemMissing = (0 != (item.Flags() & TMenuItem::EMissing));
   319             if ( !itemHidden && !itemMissing )
   320                 {
   321                 showItem = ETrue;
   322                 }
   323         	}
   324         }
   326     UpdateLinkL( aId, exists, showItem, itemMissing );
   328     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &appItems );
   329     }
   331 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   332 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateLinkL
   333 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   334 //
   335 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateLinkL(
   336     TInt aId,
   337     TBool aExists,
   338     TBool aShowItem,
   339     TBool aMissingItem )
   340     {
   341     if (!aExists)
   342         {
   343         iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aId ).SetFlags( TMenuItem::ELockDelete, EFalse );
   344         iEng.RemoveL( aId );
   345         }
   346     else if ( !aMissingItem )
   347         {
   348         const CMenuEngObject& object = iEng.ObjectL( aId );
   349         TBool itemHidden = (0 != (object.Flags() & TMenuItem::EHidden));
   350         TBool itemMissing = (0 != (object.Flags() & TMenuItem::EMissing));
   351         if ( itemHidden == aShowItem )
   352             {
   353             iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aId, RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved  ).
   354             SetFlags( TMenuItem::EHidden, !aShowItem );
   355             }
   356         if ( itemMissing != aMissingItem )
   357             {
   358             iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aId, RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved  ).
   359             SetFlags( TMenuItem::EMissing, aMissingItem );
   360             }
   361         }
   362     else
   363         {
   364         const CMenuEngObject& object = iEng.ObjectL( aId );
   365         TBool itemMissing = (0 != (object.Flags() & TMenuItem::EMissing));
   366         if ( itemMissing != aMissingItem )
   367             {
   368             iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aId, RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved  ).
   369             SetFlags( TMenuItem::EMissing, aMissingItem );
   370             }
   371         }
   372     }
   374 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   375 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::ValidateLinkRefIdL
   376 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   377 //
   378 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::ValidateLinkRefIdL( TInt aId, const TDesC& refIdStr )
   379     {
   380     TUint refItemId;
   381     MenuUtils::GetTUint( refIdStr, refItemId );
   383     TMenuItem refItem;
   385     TBool showItem = EFalse;
   386     TBool exists = EFalse;
   388     TRAPD( err, iEng.GetItemL( refItemId, refItem ) );
   390     if (err == KErrNone)
   391         {
   392         exists = ETrue;
   393         }
   395     TBool itemHidden = (0 != (refItem.Flags() & TMenuItem::EHidden));
   396     TBool itemMissing = (0 != (refItem.Flags() & TMenuItem::EMissing));
   397     if ( !itemHidden  && !itemMissing )
   398         {
   399         showItem = ETrue;
   400         }
   402     UpdateLinkL( aId, exists, showItem, itemMissing );
   403     }
   405 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   406 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::ValidateLinkL
   407 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   408 //
   409 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::ValidateLinkL( TInt aFolder, TInt aId )
   410     {
   411     const CMenuEngObject& object = iEng.ObjectL( aId );
   413     TBool tmp;
   414     TPtrC refIdStr;
   415     TPtrC uidStr;
   416     if ( object.FindAttribute( KMenuAttrRefId(), refIdStr, tmp) )
   417         {
   418         ValidateLinkRefIdL( aId, refIdStr );
   419         }
   420     else if ( object.FindAttribute( KMenuAttrUid(), uidStr, tmp) )
   421         {
   422         ValidateLinkUidL( aFolder, aId, uidStr );
   423         }
   424     else
   425         {
   426         UpdateLinkL( aId, EFalse, EFalse, EFalse );
   427         }
   428     }
   430 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   431 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateLinkItemsL
   432 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   433 //
   434 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateLinkItemsL()
   435     {
   436     TInt root;
   437     iEng.RootFolderL( root );
   439     TMenuSrvTypeFilter linkFilter;
   440     linkFilter.SetType( KMenuTypeLink() );
   442     RArray<TMenuItem> items;
   443     CleanupClosePushL( items );
   444     iEng.GetItemsL( items, root, &linkFilter, ETrue );
   446     for (TInt i=0; i < items.Count(); i++)
   447         {
   448         ValidateLinkL( root, items[i].Id() );
   449         }
   450     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &items );
   451     }
   453 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   454 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleFreeSpaceEventL
   455 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   456 //
   457 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleFreeSpaceEventL()
   458     {
   459     if ( !IsActive() && !iOpStatus )
   460         {
   461         iOpStatus = ETrue;
   462         TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
   463         *ownStatus = KRequestPending;
   464         SetActive();
   465         User::RequestComplete( ownStatus, KErrNone );
   466         }
   467     }
   468 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   469 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::RunMenuEngOperationL
   470 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   471 //
   472 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::RunMenuEngOperationL()
   473     {
   474     UpdateApplicationItemsL();
   475     UpdateApplicationWithHideIfInstalledItemsL();
   476     UpdateLinkItemsL();
   477     iOpStatus = EFalse;
   478     }
   481 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   482 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateApplicationItemL
   483 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   484 //
   485 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateApplicationItemL(
   486 		RArray<TMenuItem>& aMcsItems, const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem,
   487 		TUint aMmcId, TBool isLegacy)
   488     {
   489     RArray<TMenuItem> mcsUidItems;
   490     CleanupClosePushL( mcsUidItems );
   491     TUid appuid = aApaItem.GetUid();
   492     GetMcsAppItemsL( isLegacy, appuid.iUid, mcsUidItems );
   493     TBool isApaItemHidden( aApaItem.IsHidden() );
   495     // This app is not in the menu, add it now.
   496     // We don't add hidden items, there are too many of them!
   497     // do not display Menu app
   498     if ( !mcsUidItems.Count()
   499     		&& !isApaItemHidden
   500     		&& appuid !=  KMmUid3  )
   501         {
   502         if( appuid == KSatUid )
   503             {
   504             if( CMcsSatHandler::CheckVisibility() )
   505              	{
   506               	AddAppItemL( aApaItem, aMmcId );
   507                	}
   508             }
   509         else
   510           	{
   511           	AddAppItemL( aApaItem, aMmcId );
   512             GetMcsAppItemsL( isLegacy, appuid.iUid, mcsUidItems );
   513            	}
   514         }//if
   516     // if there are any items with legacy UID format
   517     // update them to new uid format
   518     else if ( mcsUidItems.Count() && isLegacy )
   519         {
   520         //for every item with matching UID
   521         for (TInt j=0; j < mcsUidItems.Count(); j++)
   522      		{
   523        		CMenuEngObject& object =
   524       		                iEng.ModifiableObjectL( mcsUidItems[j].Id() );
   525             TBuf<KUidChars> uidString;
   526             MenuSrvUtil::UidToStringL( appuid.iUid, uidString, EFalse, EHex );
   527        	    object.SetAttributeL( KMenuAttrUid(), uidString, EFalse );
   528        		}//for
   529         }//else if
   530     // "hidden", "missing" and "lock_delete"  flags update
   531     for ( TInt j = 0; j < mcsUidItems.Count(); j++ )
   532         {
   533         const TMenuItem& item = mcsUidItems[j];
   535         //we need to handle first run of appscanner,
   536         //there might be some incorrect data in content xml file
   537         //if this will have impact on performance we may run this methods only at start up
   538        	HandleMmcAttrUpdateL( item, aApaItem, aMmcId );
   539 		HandleNativeAttrUpdateL( item, aApaItem );
   541         // "hidden" flag handling.
   542         HandleHiddenFlagUpdateL( item, aApaItem );
   544         // "missing" flag handling
   545         HandleMissingFlagUpdateL( item );
   547         //"lock_delete" flag handling
   548         HandleLockDeleteFlagUpdateL(item, aApaItem );
   549         // if item was just added to MCS  it is not present in aMcsItems
   550         // so we cannot remove it
   551         TInt index = aMcsItems.Find( item, TIdentityRelation<TMenuItem>( IdMatch ) );
   552         if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   553         	{
   554         	aMcsItems.Remove( index );
   555         	}
   556         }//for
   557     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &mcsUidItems );
   558     }
   560 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   561 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleHiddenFlagUpdateL
   562 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   563 //
   564 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleHiddenFlagUpdateL( const TMenuItem & aItem,
   565         const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem )
   566 	{
   567 	TBool itemHidden = (0 != (aItem.Flags() & TMenuItem::EHidden));
   568 	if ( aApaItem.GetUid() == KSatUid )
   569 		{
   570 		if (itemHidden == CMcsSatHandler::CheckVisibility())
   571 			{
   572 			iEng.ModifiableObjectL(aItem.Id(), RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved).
   573 				SetFlags( TMenuItem::EHidden, !CMcsSatHandler::CheckVisibility());
   574 			}
   575 		}
   576 	else if ( itemHidden != aApaItem.IsHidden() )
   577 		{
   578 		iEng.ModifiableObjectL(aItem.Id(), RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved).
   579 			SetFlags( TMenuItem::EHidden, aApaItem.IsHidden() );
   580 		}
   581 	}
   583 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   584 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleNativeAttrUpdateL
   585 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   586 //
   587 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleNativeAttrUpdateL(
   588 		const TMenuItem& aItem, const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem )
   589 	{
   590     //we need this to delete uninstalled java app item
   591     if( aApaItem.GetAppType() != iEng.ObjectL( aItem.Id() ).GetAppType() )
   592     	{
   593     	iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aItem.Id(),
   594     			RMenuNotifier::EItemsNone ).SetAppType( aApaItem.GetAppType() );
   595     	}
   596 	}
   599 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   600 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleMmcAttrUpdateL
   601 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   602 //
   603 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleMmcAttrUpdateL(
   604 		const TMenuItem& aItem, const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem, TUint aMmcId )
   605 	{
   606     if ( IsInMmc( aApaItem ) )
   607     	{
   608     	//app is instaled on mmc - KMenuAttrMmcId attribute update
   609     	TBuf<KUidChars> uidString;
   610         uidString.Format( KHexFormat, aMmcId );
   611         iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aItem.Id(), RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved ).
   612 			SetAttributeL( KMenuAttrMmcId, uidString, EFalse );
   613     	}
   614     else if ( IsInMassStorage( aApaItem )
   615     		&& aApaItem.GetAppType() == CMenuEngObject::EWidgetApp )
   616     	{
   617     	//its java app installed on mass storage, we need to leave it in xml
   618     	//in case of connecting usb in mass storage mode
   619         iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aItem.Id(), RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved ).
   620 			SetAttributeL( KMenuAttrMmcId, KMenuMassStorage, EFalse );
   621     	}
   622     else
   623     	{
   624     	//its installed on c: drive - remove attribute
   625 		iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aItem.Id(), RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved ).
   626 			RemoveAttribute( KMenuAttrMmcId );
   627     	}
   628 	}
   629 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   630 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateApplicationItemsL
   631 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   632 //
   633 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateApplicationItemsL()
   634     {
   635     TUint currentMmcId = UpdateMmcHistoryL();
   636     // get all MCS items
   637     RArray<TMenuItem> mcsItems;
   638     CleanupClosePushL( mcsItems );
   639     GetMcsAppItemsL( mcsItems );
   640     iSrvEngUtils.ReloadApaItemsL();
   641     GetCrItemsL( iSrvEngUtils.GetAppItemsL() );
   642     TBool isLegacy = iEng.GetOnceLegacyFormat();
   645     //for every item in apaAndCrItems array
   646     for ( TInt i = ( iSrvEngUtils.GetAppItemsL().Count() - 1 ); i >= 0 ; i-- )
   647         {
   648         // if there was leave for any item we ignore it
   649         // and proceed to the next one
   650         TRAP_IGNORE(UpdateApplicationItemL(
   651         		mcsItems, *iSrvEngUtils.GetAppItemsL()[i], currentMmcId, isLegacy));
   652         }
   653     // Here the big list contains menu items that refer to missing apps.
   654     HandleMissingItemsL( mcsItems );
   655     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &mcsItems );
   656     }
   658 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   659 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleLockDeleteFlagUpdateL
   660 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   661 //
   662 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleLockDeleteFlagUpdateL(
   663 		const TMenuItem& aItem, const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem )
   664 	{
   665 	TBool isHidden = ( ( iEng.ObjectL( aItem.Id() )
   666 							.Flags() & TMenuItem::EHidden ) != 0 );
   667 	if ( !isHidden && IsInRomL( aApaItem ) )
   668 		{
   669 		if ( ( aItem.Flags() & TMenuItem::ELockDelete ) == 0 )
   670 			{
   671 			iEng.ModifiableObjectL(aItem.Id())
   672 					.SetFlags( TMenuItem::ELockDelete, ETrue );
   673 			}
   674 		}
   675 	else
   676 		{
   677 		if ( ( aItem.Flags() & TMenuItem::ELockDelete ) != 0 )
   678 			{
   679 			iEng.ModifiableObjectL(aItem.Id())
   680 					.SetFlags( TMenuItem::ELockDelete, EFalse );
   681 			}
   682 		}
   683 	}
   685 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   686 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleMissingFlagUpdateL
   687 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   688 //
   689 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleMissingFlagUpdateL( const TMenuItem& aItem )
   690 	{
   691 	if ( aItem.Flags() & TMenuItem::EMissing )
   692         {
   693         CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT8( "Unsetting flag EMissing on %d", item.Id() );
   694         //application found so we unset "missing" flag
   695         iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aItem.Id(), RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved ).
   696             SetFlags( TMenuItem::EMissing, EFalse );
   697         }
   698 	}
   700 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   701 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::GetCrItemsL
   702 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   703 //
   704 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::GetCrItemsL( RPointerArray<CMenuSrvAppAttributes>& aArray )
   705     {
   706  	TBuf<KCenRepBufferSize> buf;
   707 	iCenRepSession->Get( KMenuHideCPApplication, buf );
   708 	ParseUidsL( buf, aArray );// parses UIDs from buf and appends them to array
   709 	iCenRepSession->Get( KMenuHideApplication, buf );
   710 	ParseUidsL( buf, aArray );// parses UIDs from buf and appends them to array
   711     }
   713 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   714 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::ParseUidsL
   715 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   716 //
   717 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::ParseUidsL( const TDesC& aHiddenApplications,
   718                                         RPointerArray<CMenuSrvAppAttributes>& aArray )
   719     {
   720     TLex input( aHiddenApplications );
   721     TLexMark startMark;
   722     input.Mark( startMark );
   723     TBool notEmpty = EFalse;
   724     while ( !input.Eos() )
   725         {
   726         if( input.Peek() == ',')
   727             {
   728             SetHidden(input.MarkedToken( startMark ), aArray);
   729             input.Inc();
   730             input.Mark( startMark );
   731             }
   732         input.Inc();
   733         notEmpty = ETrue;
   734         }
   735 	if ( notEmpty )
   736 		{
   737 		SetHidden(input.MarkedToken( startMark ), aArray);
   738 		}
   741     }
   743 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   744 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::SetHidden
   745 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   746 //
   747 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::SetHidden(
   748         const TDesC& aHiddenAppUid, RPointerArray<CMenuSrvAppAttributes>& aArray )
   749     {
   750     TLex appUidDescriptor(aHiddenAppUid);
   751     TUint hiddenAppUid( 0 );
   752     appUidDescriptor.Val( hiddenAppUid, EHex );
   753     if ( hiddenAppUid )
   754         {
   755         TApaAppCapabilityBuf capability;
   756         TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   757         appInfo.iUid = TUid::Uid( hiddenAppUid );
   758         CMenuSrvAppAttributes* attribute = CMenuSrvAppAttributes::NewLC( capability, appInfo );
   759         TInt index = aArray.Find( attribute,
   760                 TIdentityRelation<CMenuSrvAppAttributes>( CMenuSrvAppAttributes::MatchItems ) );
   761         if( index >= 0 && !aArray[index]->IsHidden() )
   762             {
   763             aArray[index]->SetHidden( ETrue );
   764             }
   765         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( attribute );
   766         }
   767     }
   770 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   771 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::GetMcsItemsL
   772 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   773 //
   774 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::GetMcsAppItemsL( RArray<TMenuItem>& aArray )
   775     {
   776     TInt root;
   777     iEng.RootFolderL( root );
   778     TMenuSrvTypeFilter appFilter;
   779     appFilter.SetType( KMenuTypeApp() );
   780     iEng.GetItemsL( aArray, root, &appFilter, ETrue );
   781     }
   783 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   784 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::GetMcsItemsL
   785 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   786 //
   787 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::GetMcsAppItemsL( TBool aLegacy,
   788                        const TUint aUid, RArray<TMenuItem>& aArray )
   789     {
   790     TInt root;
   791     iEng.RootFolderL( root );
   792     TMenuSrvTypeAttrFilter appFilter;
   793     appFilter.SetType( KMenuTypeApp() );
   794     TBuf<KUidChars> uidString;
   795     MenuSrvUtil::UidToStringL( aUid, uidString, aLegacy, EHex );
   796     appFilter.SetAttr( KMenuAttrUid(), uidString );
   797     iEng.GetItemsL( aArray, root, &appFilter, ETrue );
   798     //if not found in mcs try with UID in decimal format
   799     if (!aArray.Count())
   800         {
   801         MenuSrvUtil::UidToStringL( aUid, uidString, aLegacy, EDecimal );
   802         appFilter.SetAttr( KMenuAttrUid(), uidString );
   803         iEng.GetItemsL( aArray, root, &appFilter, ETrue );
   804         }
   805     }
   808 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   809 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::CompletedMenuEngOperation
   810 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   811 //
   812 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::CompletedMenuEngOperation( TInt /*aErr*/ )
   813     {
   814     iOpStatus = EFalse;
   815     }
   817 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   818 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleAppListEvent
   819 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   820 //
   821 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleAppListEvent( TInt /*aEvent*/ )
   822     {
   823     // We only have one event, EAppListChanged.
   824     // Call back RunL async, to requeue and initiate rescan.
   825     if ( !IsActive()  && !iOpStatus)
   826         {
   827         iOpStatus = ETrue;
   828         TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
   829         *ownStatus = KRequestPending;
   830         SetActive();
   831         User::RequestComplete( ownStatus, KErrNone );
   832         }
   833     }
   835 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   836 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleNotifyString
   837 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   838 //
   839 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleNotifyString( TUint32 aKey,
   840         const TDesC16& /*aNewValue*/ )
   841     {
   842     if((aKey == KMenuHideApplication )||(aKey == KMenuHideCPApplication))
   843         {
   844         if ( !IsActive() && !iOpStatus )
   845             {
   846             iOpStatus = ETrue;
   847             TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
   848             *ownStatus = KRequestPending;
   849             SetActive();
   850             User::RequestComplete( ownStatus, KErrNone );
   851             }
   852         }
   853     }
   855 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   856 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::SATChangeL
   857 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   858 //
   859 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::SATChangeL()
   860     {
   861     ScheduleScan();
   862     }
   864 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   865 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::ScheduleScan
   866 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   867 //
   868 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::ScheduleScan()
   869 	{
   870 	if ( !IsActive() && !iOpStatus )
   871 		{
   872 		iOpStatus = ETrue;
   873 		TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
   874 		*ownStatus = KRequestPending;
   875 		SetActive();
   876 		User::RequestComplete( ownStatus, KErrNone );
   877 		}
   878 	}
   880 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   881 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::CreateInstallFolderL
   882 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   883 //
   884 TInt CMenuSrvAppScanner::CreateInstallFolderL( const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem )
   885 	{
   886     // Find a folder for this app.
   887     TInt folder(0);
   888     if ( aApaItem.GetGroupName().Length() )
   889         {
   890         // appgroup_name is defined for this app. Find or create folder.
   891         AppGroupFolderL( aApaItem.GetGroupName(), folder );
   892         }
   893     else
   894         {
   895         // No appgroup_name, use default folder, if any.
   896         DefaultFolderL( folder );
   897         }
   898     if ( !folder )
   899         {
   900         // Last resort: it goes to the root.
   901         iEng.RootFolderL( folder );
   902         }
   903     return folder;
   904 	}
   906 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   907 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::AddAppItemL
   908 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   909 //
   910 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::AddAppItemL(
   911         const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem,
   912         TUint aCurrentMmcId )
   913     {
   914     TInt folder = CreateInstallFolderL( aApaItem );
   915     // Now add the app item.
   916     CMenuEngObject* object = iEng.NewObjectL( KMenuTypeApp() );
   917     CleanupStack::PushL( object );
   918     TBuf<KUidChars> uidString;
   919     _LIT(KHexFormat, "0x%X");
   920     uidString.Format( KHexFormat, aApaItem.GetUid().iUid );
   922     object->SetAttributeL( KMenuAttrUid(), uidString, EFalse );
   923     if ( aCurrentMmcId && IsInMmc( aApaItem ) )
   924         {
   925         // This app is on the MMC, set the "mmc_id" attribute.
   926         uidString.Format( KHexFormat, aCurrentMmcId );
   927         object->SetAttributeL( KMenuAttrMmcId, uidString, EFalse );
   928         }
   929     if( aApaItem.GetAppType() == CMenuEngObject::EWidgetApp )
   930     	{
   931     	//we need this to delete uninstalled java or wrt widget app item
   932     	if ( !IsInMmc( aApaItem )
   933     			&& IsInMassStorage( aApaItem ) )
   934     		{
   935     		object->SetAttributeL( KMenuAttrMmcId, KMenuMassStorage, EFalse );
   936     		}
   937     	}
   938     object->SetAppType( aApaItem.GetAppType() );
   939     EnsureFolderWritableL( folder );
   940     iEng.AddL( *object, folder, 0 );
   941     CleanupStack::Pop( object );
   942     }
   944 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   945 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::AppGroupFolderL
   946 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   947 //
   948 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::AppGroupFolderL( const TDesC& aAppGroupName, TInt& aFolderId )
   949     {
   950     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aAppGroupName.Length(), User::Invariant() );
   952     TInt folder = 0;
   953     TInt defaultFolderId( 0 );
   954     iEng.RootFolderL( defaultFolderId );
   955     const CMenuEngObject& rootObject = iEng.ObjectL( defaultFolderId );
   956     TPtrC groupName;
   957     TBool localized;
   959     if ( rootObject.FindAttribute( KMenuAttrAppGroupName, groupName, localized ) &&
   960     	groupName.Compare( aAppGroupName )==0 )
   961         {
   962         folder = defaultFolderId;
   963         }
   964     else
   965     	{
   966         TMenuSrvTypeAttrFilter filter;
   967         filter.SetType( KMenuTypeFolder() );
   968         filter.SetAttr( KMenuAttrAppGroupName(), aAppGroupName );
   969         RArray<TMenuItem> items;
   970         CleanupClosePushL( items );
   972         iEng.GetItemsL( items, defaultFolderId, &filter, ETrue );
   973         if ( items.Count() )
   974             {
   975             folder = items[0].Id();
   976             }
   977         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &items );
   978     	}
   979     if ( !folder )
   980         {
   981         // No such folder, create it now.
   982         CMenuEngObject* object = iEng.NewObjectL( KMenuTypeFolder() );
   983         CleanupStack::PushL( object );
   984         object->SetAttributeL
   985             ( KMenuAttrAppGroupName(), aAppGroupName, EFalse );
   986         EnsureFolderWritableL( defaultFolderId );
   987         iEng.AddL( *object, defaultFolderId, 0 );
   989         CleanupStack::Pop( object );
   990         folder = object->Id();
   991         }
   992     __ASSERT_DEBUG( folder, User::Invariant() );
   993     aFolderId = folder;
   994     }
   996 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   997 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::DefaultFolderL
   998 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   999 //
  1000 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::DefaultFolderL( TInt& aFolderId )
  1001     {
  1002     TInt folder = 0;
  1003     TMenuSrvTypeAttrFilter filter;
  1004     filter.SetType( KMenuTypeFolder() );
  1005     filter.SetAttr( KMenuAttrDefault(), KMenuOne() );
  1006     RArray<TMenuItem> items;
  1007     CleanupClosePushL( items );
  1008     TInt rootId;
  1009     iEng.RootFolderL( rootId );
  1010     iEng.GetItemsL( items, rootId, &filter, ETrue );
  1011     if ( items.Count() )
  1012         {
  1013         folder = items[0].Id();
  1014         }
  1015     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &items );
  1016     aFolderId = folder;
  1017     }
  1019 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1020 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::EnsureFolderWritableL
  1021 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1022 //
  1023 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::EnsureFolderWritableL( TInt aFolder )
  1024     {
  1025     // This folder should not be read-only! Remove the protection.
  1026     // Otherwise we can't add the items to it.
  1027     if ( iEng.ObjectL( aFolder ).Flags() & TMenuItem::ELockMoveInto )
  1028         {
  1029         iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aFolder ).
  1030             SetFlags( TMenuItem::ELockMoveInto, EFalse );
  1031         }
  1032     }
  1034 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1035 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleMissingItemsL
  1036 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1037 //
  1038 TMenuItem::TFlags CMenuSrvAppScanner::GetProperFlagL( const TMenuItem& aItem )
  1039     {
  1040     TMenuItem::TFlags flags = TMenuItem::ENoFlag;
  1042     TUint mmcId = 0;
  1043     TPtrC val;
  1044     TBool dummy;
  1045     if( iEng.ObjectL( aItem.Id() ).FindAttribute( KMenuAttrMmcId(), val, dummy ) )
  1046         {
  1047         MenuUtils::GetTUint( val, mmcId );
  1048         if ( mmcId && KErrNotFound != iMmcHistory->Find( mmcId ) )
  1049             {
  1050             // This item is on an MMC which is currently in the MMC history.
  1051             // Set it "missing" but keep it.
  1052             flags = TMenuItem::EMissing;
  1053             }
  1054         else if ( val == KMenuMassStorage()
  1055                     && IsDriveInUse( DriveInfo::EDefaultMassStorage ) )
  1056             {
  1057             flags = TMenuItem::EMissing;
  1058             }
  1059         else if ( iEng.ObjectL( aItem.Id() ).FindAttribute(
  1060                 KMenuAttrPredefined(), val, dummy ) )
  1061             {
  1062             flags = TMenuItem::EMissing;
  1063             }
  1064         }
  1065     else if( iEng.ObjectL( aItem.Id() ).GetAppType()
  1066                 != CMenuEngObject::EWidgetApp
  1067             || iEng.ObjectL( aItem.Id() ).FindAttribute(
  1068             		KMenuAttrPredefined(), val, dummy ) )
  1069         {
  1070         flags = TMenuItem::EHidden;
  1071         }
  1072     return flags;
  1073     }
  1075 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1076 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleMissingItemsL
  1077 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1078 //
  1079 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::HandleMissingItemsL(
  1080         const RArray<TMenuItem>& aItems )
  1081     {
  1082     for ( TInt i = 0; i < aItems.Count(); i++ )
  1083         {
  1084         TMenuItem::TFlags flags = GetProperFlagL( aItems[i] );
  1085         if( flags == TMenuItem::ENoFlag )
  1086             {
  1087             iEng.RemoveL( aItems[i].Id() );
  1088             }
  1089         else
  1090             {
  1091             SetObjectFlagsL( ETrue, aItems[i], flags,
  1092                     RMenuNotifier::EItemsAddedRemoved );
  1093             }
  1094         }
  1095     }
  1097 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1098 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::SetObjectFlagsL
  1099 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1100 //
  1101 void CMenuSrvAppScanner::SetObjectFlagsL( TBool aFlagValue, const TMenuItem& aItem,
  1102 		const TMenuItem::TFlags& aFlag, const RMenuNotifier::TEvent& aEvent  )
  1103 	{
  1104 	TBool itemFlagPresent = (0 != (aItem.Flags() & aFlag));
  1105 	if( aFlagValue != itemFlagPresent )
  1106 		{
  1107 		iEng.ModifiableObjectL( aItem.Id(), aEvent ).
  1108 			 SetFlags( aFlag, aFlagValue );
  1109 		}
  1110 	}
  1112 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1113 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateMmcHistoryL
  1114 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1115 //
  1116 TUint CMenuSrvAppScanner::UpdateMmcHistoryL()
  1117     {
  1118     TUint mmcId = CurrentMmcId();
  1119     if( mmcId )
  1120     	{
  1121     	iMmcHistory->InsertL( mmcId );
  1122     	iMmcHistory->SaveL( iFs, KMenuMmcHistoryFname() );
  1123     	}
  1124     return mmcId;
  1125     }
  1127 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1128 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::CurrentMmcId
  1129 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1130 //
  1131 TUint CMenuSrvAppScanner::CurrentMmcId() const
  1132     {
  1133     // Get mmc id. Errors are ignored.
  1134     TUint mmcId = 0;
  1135     TInt mmcDrive;
  1136     TInt err;
  1137     err = DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive(
  1138     	    DriveInfo::EDefaultRemovableMassStorage, mmcDrive );
  1139     if ( !err )
  1140         {
  1141         TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
  1142         err = iFs.Volume( volumeInfo, mmcDrive );
  1143         if( !err )
  1144             {
  1145             mmcId = volumeInfo.iUniqueID;
  1146             }
  1147         }
  1148     return mmcId;
  1149     }
  1151 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1152 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsFileInDrive
  1153 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1154 //
  1155 TBool CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsFileInDrive(
  1156 			const TDesC& aFileName,
  1157 			const DriveInfo::TDefaultDrives& aDefaultDrive ) const
  1158     {
  1159     if ( aFileName.Length() )
  1160         {
  1161         TInt mmcDrive;
  1162         TInt err = DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive(
  1163 						aDefaultDrive, mmcDrive );
  1164         if ( !err )
  1165             {
  1166             TInt fileDrive;
  1167             err = RFs::CharToDrive( aFileName[0], fileDrive );
  1168             if ( !err && fileDrive == mmcDrive )
  1169                 {
  1170                 return ETrue;
  1171                 }
  1172             }
  1173         }
  1174     return EFalse;
  1175     }
  1177 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1178 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsAppInDrive
  1179 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1180 //
  1181 TBool CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsAppInDrive(
  1182         const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem,
  1183 		const DriveInfo::TDefaultDrives& aDefaultDrive ) const
  1184     {
  1185     TBool ret( EFalse );
  1186     if ( IsFileInDrive( aApaItem.GetFullName(), aDefaultDrive ) )
  1187     	{
  1188     	ret = ETrue;
  1189     	}
  1190     return ret;
  1191     }
  1193 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1194 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsInMmc
  1195 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1196 //
  1197 TBool CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsInMmc( const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem ) const
  1198     {
  1199     return IsAppInDrive( aApaItem, DriveInfo::EDefaultRemovableMassStorage );
  1200     }
  1202 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1203 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsInMassStorage
  1204 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1205 //
  1206 TBool CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsInMassStorage( const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem ) const
  1207     {
  1208     return IsAppInDrive( aApaItem, DriveInfo::EDefaultMassStorage );
  1209     }
  1211 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1212 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsInRomL
  1213 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1214 //
  1215 TBool CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsInRomL( const CMenuSrvAppAttributes& aApaItem ) const
  1216     {
  1217     return IsAppInDrive( aApaItem, DriveInfo::EDefaultRom );
  1218     }
  1220 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1221 // CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsDriveInUse
  1222 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1223 //
  1224 TBool CMenuSrvAppScanner::IsDriveInUse(
  1225 		const DriveInfo::TDefaultDrives& aDefaultDrive )
  1226     {
  1227     TBool inUse( EFalse );
  1228     TInt drive;
  1230     TInt err = DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( aDefaultDrive, drive );
  1231     if( err == KErrNone )
  1232 		{
  1233 		TUint status;
  1234 		err =  DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus(  iFs, drive, status );
  1235 		if( err == KErrNone
  1236 				&& ( status & DriveInfo::EDriveInUse ) )
  1237 			{
  1238 			inUse = ETrue;
  1239 			}
  1240 		}
  1242 	return inUse;
  1243     }
  1245 //  End of File