changeset 45 fd868a928992
parent 39 4e8bbb15b77a
equal deleted inserted replaced
43:690b4f151c12 45:fd868a928992
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Defines constant values for Avkon Skins.
    15 *
    16 */
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    26 #include <AknsPkgID.h>
    28 // CONSTANTS
    30 /**
    31 * Enumeration for the skin package locations.
    32 *
    33 * @since 2.0
    34 *
    35 */
    36 enum TAknSkinSrvSkinPackageLocation
    37     {
    38     /**
    39     * Location enum value for phone (drives C:\ and Z:\)
    40     */
    41     EAknsSrvPhone = 0,
    43     /**
    44     * Location enum value for MMC (E:\)
    45     */
    46     EAknsSrvMMC = 2,
    48     /**
    49     * Location enum value for all drives available.(d:\ ie. RAM disk excluded)
    50     */
    51     EAknsSrvAll = 4
    52     };
    54 /**
    55 * Enumeration for the skin protection type.
    56 *
    57 * @since 2.6
    58 *
    59 */
    60 enum TAknsSkinSrvSkinProtectionType
    61     {
    62     /**
    63     * The skin is not DRM protected
    64     */
    65     EAknsSrvNoProtection,
    67     /**
    68     * The skin is DRM protected
    69     */
    70     EAknsSrvProtected,
    72     /**
    73     * The rights object for has no rights for the skin
    74     */
    75     EAknsSrvNoRights,
    77     /**
    78     * The rights object for the skin is count based,
    79     * and should not be allowed to activated or 
    80     * edited. 
    81     * §qtn_drm_prev_rights_set§ should be displayed.
    82     */
    83     EAknsSrvCountBased,
    85     /**
    86     * The rights object is valid in the future,
    87     * should not be allowed to be actived or
    88     * edited.
    89     * §qtn_drm_prev_rights_set§ should be displayed.
    90     */
    91     EAknsSrvFutureRights,
    93     /**
    94     * The rights object has bee expired
    95     * §qtn_drm_mgr_det_exp§ from drmcommon should be displayed
    96     */
    97     EAknsSrvExpiredRights
    98     };
   102 struct TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg
   103 {
   104     public:
   105         TAknsPkgID iPID; // Package ID of the skin
   106         TAknsPkgID iColorSchemePID; // Package ID of the color scheme in the skin
   107         TFileName iSkinDirectoryBuf; // The directory of the skin package
   108         TFileName iSkinIniFileDirectoryBuf; // The directory containing the skin ini file
   109         TFileName iSkinNameBuf; // The name of the skin package.
   110         TFileName iIdleStateWallPaperImageName; // The name of the idle state wallpaper mbm file.
   111         TFileName iFullName; // The fully qualified skn-file name
   112         TBool iIsCopyable; // Boolean value specifying if the skin package copyable
   113         TBool iIsDeletable; // Boolean value specifying if the skin package is deletable
   114         TInt iIdleBgImageIndex; // The index of the idle state background image
   115         TAknsSkinSrvSkinProtectionType iProtectionType; // Specifies the DRM protection type in this skin
   116         TBool iCorrupted; // Specifies if the skin is somehow corrupted
   117         TBool iSupportAnimBg; // Specifies if the skin support animated background
   118 };
   120 /**
   121 * A storage class containing skin information.
   122 *
   123 * @since 2.0
   124 *
   125 **/
   126 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknsSrvSkinInformationPkg) : public CBase
   127     {
   128     public: // Construction and destruction
   130         static CAknsSrvSkinInformationPkg* NewL(
   131             const TAknsPkgID aPID, const TAknsPkgID aColorSchemePID,
   132             const TDesC& aDirectory, const TDesC& aInifileDir,
   133             const TDesC& aSkinName, 
   134             const TDesC& aIdleStateMbmFilename, 
   135             const TDesC& aPinboardWallPaperMbmFilename,
   136             const TDesC& aFullName,
   137             const TInt aIdleBgImageIndex,
   138             const TInt aPinboardBgImageIndex,
   139             const TBool aDeletable,
   140             const TBool aCopyable,
   141             const TBool aHasIconset,
   142             const TAknsSkinSrvSkinProtectionType aProtectionType,
   143             const TBool aCorrupted,
   144             const TBool aSupportAnimBg);
   146         virtual ~CAknsSrvSkinInformationPkg();
   148     public: // New methods
   150         /** 
   151         * Gets the package ID of the skin
   152         * 
   153         * @since 2.0
   154         *
   155         * @return The package ID of the skin
   156         */
   157         IMPORT_C TAknsPkgID PID() const;
   159         /**
   160         * Gets the skin package directory
   161         * 
   162         * @since 2.0
   163         *
   164         * @return The skin package directory
   165         */
   166         IMPORT_C TDesC& Directory() const;
   168         /**
   169         * Gets the skin package ini file directory
   170         * 
   171         * @since 2.0
   172         *
   173         * @return The skin package ini file directory
   174         */
   175         IMPORT_C TDesC& IniFileDirectory() const;
   177         /**
   178         * Gets the skin name. May or may not be empty.
   179         * 
   180         * @since 2.0
   181         *
   182         * @return The skin name, may also be empty
   183         */
   184         IMPORT_C TDesC& Name() const;
   186         /**
   187         * Gets the skin idle state wallpaper mbm file name. May or may not be empty.
   188         * The filename is fully qualified (incl. full file path)
   189         * 
   190         * @since 2.0
   191         *
   192         * @return The mbm filename of the skin wallpaper, may also be empty
   193         */
   194         IMPORT_C TDesC& IdleStateWallPaperImageFileName() const;
   196         /**
   197         * Gets the skin pinboard wallpaper mbm file name. May or may not be empty.
   198         * The filename is fully qualified (incl. full file path)
   199         * 
   200         * @since 2.0
   201         *
   202         * @return The mbm filename of the pinboard wallpaper, may also be empty
   203         */
   204         IMPORT_C TDesC& PinboarWallPaperImageFileName() const;
   206         /**
   207         * Gets the idle state background image index.
   208         * 
   209         * @since 2.0
   210         *
   211         * @return The idle state background image index.
   212         */
   213         IMPORT_C TInt IdleStateWallPaperImageIndex() const;
   215         /**
   216         * Gets the pinboard background image index.
   217         * 
   218         * @since 2.0
   219         *
   220         * @return The pinboard background image index.
   221         */
   222         IMPORT_C TInt PinboardWallPaperImageIndex() const;
   224         /**
   225         * Indicates if the skin package is deletable.
   226         * 
   227         * @since 2.0
   228         *
   229         * @return ETrue if the skin is deletable, EFalse otherwise.
   230         */
   231         IMPORT_C TBool IsDeletable() const;
   233         /**
   234         * Indicates if the skin package is copyable.
   235         * 
   236         * @since 2.0
   237         *
   238         * @return ETrue if the skin is deletable, EFalse otherwise.
   239         */
   240         IMPORT_C TBool IsCopyable() const;
   242         /**
   243         * Returns the color scheme package ID for this skin.
   244         *
   245         * @since 2.0
   246         *
   247         * @return Package ID value of the color scheme associated with this 
   248         *   skin, or @c KAknsNullPkgID if this skin has no preference over 
   249         *   color schemes.
   250         *
   251         */
   252         IMPORT_C TAknsPkgID ColorSchemePID() const;
   254         /**
   255         * Indicates whether the skin has an iconset.
   256         *
   257         * @since 2.0
   258         *
   259         * @return ETrue if the skin has an iconset, EFalse otherwise.
   260         */
   261         IMPORT_C TBool HasIconset() const;
   263         /**
   264         * Gets the protection type for this skin
   265         *
   266         * @since 2.6
   267         *
   268         * @return The protection type for this skin.
   269         */
   270         IMPORT_C TAknsSkinSrvSkinProtectionType ProtectionType() const;
   272         /**
   273         * Indicates whether the skin is corrupted.
   274         *
   275         * @since 2.6
   276         *
   277         * @return ETrue if the skin is corrupted, EFalse otherwise.
   278         */
   279         IMPORT_C TBool IsCorrupted() const;
   281         /**
   282         * Get the fully qualified skin skn-filename (incl. full path).
   283         *
   284         * @since 2.6
   285         *
   286         * @return The fully qualified skn-file name.
   287         */
   288         IMPORT_C TDesC& FullName() const;
   290 		/**
   291         * Indicates whether the skin support animation background.
   292         *
   293         * @since 5.2
   294         *
   295         * @return The fully qualified skn-file name.
   296         */
   297         IMPORT_C TBool IsSupportAnimBg() const;
   299     protected:
   300         CAknsSrvSkinInformationPkg( 
   301             const TAknsPkgID aPID, const TAknsPkgID aColorSchemePID,
   302             const TBool aDeletable, const TBool aCopyable,
   303             const TInt aIdleBgImageIndex,
   304             const TInt aPinboardBgImageIndex, const TBool aHasIconset,
   305             const TAknsSkinSrvSkinProtectionType aProtectionType,
   306             const TBool aCorrupted,
   307             const TBool aSupportAnimBg);
   309         void ConstructL( 
   310             const TDesC& aDirectory, const TDesC& aInifileDir,
   311             const TDesC& aSkinName, const TDesC& aIdleStateMbmFilename, 
   312             const TDesC& aPinboardWallPaperMbmFilename,
   313             const TDesC& aFullName);
   315     private:
   316         TAknsPkgID iPID; // Package ID of the skin
   317         TAknsPkgID iColorSchemePID; // Package ID of the color scheme in the skin
   318         HBufC* iSkinDirectoryBuf; // The directory of the skin package
   319         HBufC* iSkinIniFileDirectoryBuf; // The directory containing the skin ini file
   320         HBufC* iSkinNameBuf; // The name of the skin package.
   321         HBufC* iIdleStateWallPaperImageName; // The name of the idle state wallpaper mbm file.
   322         HBufC* iPinboardWallPaperImageName; // The name of the pinboard wallpaper mbm file 
   323         HBufC* iFullName; // The fully qualified skn-file name
   324         TBool iIsCopyable; // Boolean value specifying if the skin package copyable
   325         TBool iIsDeletable; // Boolean value specifying if the skin package is deletable
   326         TInt iIdleBgImageIndex; // The index of the idle state background image
   327         TInt iPinboardBgImageIndex; // The index of the pinboard backgound image
   328         TBool iHasIconset; // Boolean value indicating whether this skin has an iconset
   329         TAknsSkinSrvSkinProtectionType iProtectionType; // Specifies the DRM protection type in this skin
   330         TBool iCorrupted; // Specifies if the skin is somehow corrupted
   331         TBool iSupportAnimBg; // Specifies if the skin support Animated background
   332     };
   334 #endif AKNSSRVSKININFORMATIONPKG_H // AknsSrvSkinInformationPkg.h
   336 // End of file