--- a/homescreenpluginsrv/hspsmanager/src/hspsmaintenancehandler.cpp Mon Mar 15 12:41:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/homescreenpluginsrv/hspsmanager/src/hspsmaintenancehandler.cpp Wed Mar 31 22:04:35 2010 +0300
@@ -91,14 +91,15 @@
ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer,
const TUint aSecureId ):
- iLanguage ( aThemeServer.DeviceLanguage() ),
iThemeServer( aThemeServer ),
iSecureId( aSecureId ),
iCentralRepository( aThemeServer.CentralRepository() ),
iDefinitionRepository( aThemeServer.DefinitionRepository() ),
iSecurityEnforcer( aThemeServer.SecurityEnforcer() ),
iHeaderListCache( aThemeServer.HeaderListCache() ),
- iFileMan( NULL )
+ iServerSession( NULL ),
+ iFileMan( NULL ),
+ iMaintainLogoResources( EFalse )
iDeliveryCount = 0;
iSubscription = EFalse;
@@ -194,11 +195,11 @@
iSearchMask = ChspsODT::NewL();
- // check the device language
- iLanguage = iThemeServer.DeviceLanguage();
- iSearchMask->SetOdtLanguage( (TInt)iLanguage );
+ iMaintainLogoResources = EFalse;
+ TPckg<TInt> intPkg( iMaintainLogoResources );
+ messagePtr.ReadL(3, intPkg );
// now there is a subscription
iSubscription = ETrue;
// fetch the header list from repository
@@ -242,9 +243,6 @@
// is there headers to delivere left
if (iHeaderDataList->Count() > iDeliveryCount)
- // Handle copying of logo icon resources
- CopyIconsToHomescreenL( aMessage.SecureId().iId );
// at least one header on the list
TPtr8 bufPtr( iHeaderDataList->At(iDeliveryCount)->Des() );
iMessagePtr.WriteL(2, bufPtr, 0);
@@ -262,82 +260,6 @@
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ChspsMaintenanceHandler::CopyIconsToHomescreenL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ChspsMaintenanceHandler::CopyIconsToHomescreenL(
- const TUint aAppUid )
- {
- HBufC8* headerData = iHeaderDataList->At(iDeliveryCount);
- ChspsODT* header = ChspsODT::UnMarshalHeaderLC( headerData->Des() );
- if ( iServerSession && header )
- {
- if( header->LogoFile().Length() )
- {
- // If a file reference was found from the logo declaration
- TFileName filename;
- if ( hspsServerUtil::IsFile( header->LogoFile(), filename ) )
- {
- if ( !iFileMan )
- {
- iFileMan = CFileMan::NewL( iServerSession->FileSystem() );
- }
- // Get client's private directory:
- // We should use some common directory if there are more than one SAPI clients,
- // for now we can copy files to AI3's private folder
- _LIT( KPrivatePath, "c:\\private\\%X\\");
- TPath privatePath;
- privatePath.Format( KPrivatePath, aAppUid );
- // Append private path to the logo file reference
- TInt offset = header->LogoFile().FindF( filename );
- if ( offset >= 0 )
- {
- // Insert private path prior to the file reference
- HBufC* logoBuf = HBufC::NewLC(
- privatePath.Length() + header->LogoFile().Length() );
- logoBuf->Des().Copy( header->LogoFile() );
- logoBuf->Des().Insert( offset, privatePath );
- header->SetLogoFileL( logoBuf->Des() );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( logoBuf );
- // Replace the serialized header descriptor
- HBufC8* newHeaderData = header->MarshalHeaderL();
- CleanupStack::PushL( newHeaderData );
- iHeaderDataList->InsertL(
- iDeliveryCount,
- newHeaderData );
- CleanupStack::Pop( newHeaderData );
- delete headerData;
- headerData = 0;
- iHeaderDataList->Delete( iDeliveryCount + 1 );
- }
- // Set target directory for file copying
- TPath targetPath;
- targetPath.Copy( privatePath );
- targetPath.Append( filename );
- // Set source directory for file copying
- TFileName sourceFile;
- _LIT( KThemesFolder, "themes\\" );
- iServerSession->FileSystem().SessionPath( sourceFile );
- sourceFile.Append( KThemesFolder );
- sourceFile.Append( filename );
- // Create the target path and copy files when required
- hspsServerUtil::CopyResourceFileL(
- iServerSession->FileSystem(),
- *iFileMan,
- targetPath,
- sourceFile );
- }
- }
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( header );
- }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsMaintenanceHandler::SetServerSession
@@ -1859,14 +1781,20 @@
TBool isView = EFalse;
- ChspsDomNode* confNode =
- (ChspsDomNode*)aPluginNode.ChildNodes().FindByName( KConfigurationElement );
+ ChspsDomNode* confNode = static_cast<ChspsDomNode*>(
+ aPluginNode.ChildNodes().FindByName( KConfigurationElement ));
if( confNode )
- ChspsDomAttribute* typeAttr =
- (ChspsDomAttribute*)confNode->AttributeList().FindByName( KConfigurationAttrType );
- isView = ( typeAttr->Value().CompareF( KConfTypeView ) == 0 );
+ ChspsDomAttribute* typeAttr = static_cast<ChspsDomAttribute*>(
+ confNode->AttributeList().FindByName( KConfigurationAttrType ));
+ if( typeAttr )
+ {
+ isView = ( typeAttr->Value().CompareF( KConfTypeView ) == 0 );
+ }
return isView;
@@ -3841,8 +3769,10 @@
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsMaintenanceHandler::hspsGetListHeaders(const ChspsODT& /*aSearchMask*/,
- CArrayPtrFlat<ChspsODT>& /*aHeaderList*/)
+ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsMaintenanceHandler::hspsGetListHeaders(
+ const ChspsODT& /*aSearchMask*/,
+ const TBool /*aCopyLogos*/,
+ CArrayPtrFlat<ChspsODT>& /*aHeaderList*/)
return EhspsServiceNotSupported;
@@ -4052,6 +3982,18 @@
+ else if( aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsODTAdded
+ || aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsODTUpdated )
+ {
+ // If a widget has been installed or updated
+ if( iServerSession )
+ {
+ // Make sure all logos are copied when user retrieves the list
+ iServerSession->SetIconFileCopyRequired( ETrue );
+ }
+ }
return EFalse;
@@ -4315,37 +4257,78 @@
void ChspsMaintenanceHandler::GetHeaderListL(
CArrayPtrSeg<HBufC8>& aHeaderDataList,
const ChspsODT& aSearchMask )
- {
- HBufC8* headerBuf = aSearchMask.MarshalHeaderL();
- if ( !headerBuf )
- {
- User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
- }
- CleanupStack::PushL( headerBuf );
- ChspsODT* searchOdt = ChspsODT::UnMarshalHeaderLC( *headerBuf );
+ {
// Reset search results
+ if( !iFileMan )
+ {
+ iFileMan = CFileMan::NewL( iServerSession->FileSystem() );
+ }
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iHeaderListCache.Count(); i++ )
ChspsODT* header = iHeaderListCache.At( i );
- // Check whether the header matches the search criteria
- if ( FilterHeader( *searchOdt, *header ) )
+ // Check whether the header matches the search criteria (family etc)
+ if ( FilterHeader( aSearchMask, *header ) )
- // Append to the search results
- HBufC8* data = header->MarshalHeaderL();
+ // Update file paths into the existing logo declarations
+ if( header->LogoFile().Length() &&
+ iMaintainLogoResources &&
+ ( header->ConfigurationType() == EhspsWidgetConfiguration ||
+ header->ConfigurationType() == EhspsTemplateConfiguration ) )
+ {
+ RBuf targetFile;
+ CleanupClosePushL( targetFile );
+ targetFile.CreateL( KMaxFileName );
+ RBuf sourceFile;
+ CleanupClosePushL( sourceFile );
+ sourceFile.CreateL( KMaxFileName );
+ RBuf newDeclaration;
+ CleanupClosePushL( newDeclaration );
+ newDeclaration.CreateL( header->LogoFile().Length() + KMaxFileName );
+ // Find location of the logo file and location where it shold be copied
+ hspsServerUtil::PopulateLogoPathsL(
+ header->LogoFile(),
+ iSecureId,
+ targetFile,
+ sourceFile,
+ newDeclaration );
+ if( targetFile.Length()
+ && sourceFile.Length()
+ && newDeclaration.Length() )
+ {
+ // Update private path information to the logo declaration
+ header->SetLogoFileL( newDeclaration );
+ hspsServerUtil::CopyResourceFileL(
+ iServerSession->FileSystem(),
+ *iFileMan,
+ targetFile,
+ sourceFile );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, &targetFile ); // targetFile, sourceFile, newDeclaration
+ }
+ // Convert the header to a descriptor
+ HBufC8* data = header->MarshalHeaderL();
if ( data )
+ // Append to the search results
CleanupStack::PushL( data );
aHeaderDataList.AppendL( data );
CleanupStack::Pop( data );
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, headerBuf ); // searchOdt, headerBuf
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -4555,7 +4538,7 @@
- ( aMask.ConfigurationType() && aMask.ConfigurationType() == aHeader.ConfigurationType() )
+ ( aMask.ConfigurationType() && ( aHeader.ConfigurationType() == aMask.ConfigurationType() ) )
( !aMask.ConfigurationType() )
@@ -4723,10 +4706,7 @@
// Get active root configuration for the client application
ChspsODT* appODT = ChspsODT::NewL();
- CleanupStack::PushL( appODT );
- iThemeServer.GetActivateAppConfigurationL(
- params.appUid,
- *appODT );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( appODT );
if( iLogBus )
@@ -4741,12 +4721,20 @@
TInt err = KErrNone;
if ( !params.restoreAll )
- // Remove all widgets from the active view
- err = RestoreActiveViewL( *appODT );
- }
+ // reinstall all widgets
+ TRAP( err, iThemeServer.InstallWidgetsL();
+ iThemeServer.InstallUDAWidgetsL() );
+ // Force updating of the header cache
+ iThemeServer.UpdateHeaderListCacheL();
+ }
+ iThemeServer.GetActivateAppConfigurationL(
+ params.appUid,
+ *appODT );
// As a backup, if restoration of the active view fails,
- // or if all views but the locked view should be removed
+ // or if all views but the locked view should be removedc
if ( err || params.restoreAll )
// Remove all views but the locked one and reset active view